Dan Brown db7b11fe93
HTML: Aligned and standardised DOMDocument usage
Adds a thin wrapper for DOMDocument to simplify and align usage within
all areas of BookStack.
Also means we move away from old depreacted mb_convert_encoding usage.

Closes #4638
2023-11-14 15:46:32 +00:00

258 lines
7.8 KiB

namespace BookStack\Search;
use BookStack\Activity\Models\Tag;
use BookStack\Entities\EntityProvider;
use BookStack\Entities\Models\Entity;
use BookStack\Entities\Models\Page;
use BookStack\Util\HtmlDocument;
use DOMNode;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
class SearchIndex
* A list of delimiter characters used to break-up parsed content into terms for indexing.
public static string $delimiters = " \n\t.,!?:;()[]{}<>`'\"";
public function __construct(
protected EntityProvider $entityProvider
) {
* Index the given entity.
public function indexEntity(Entity $entity): void
$terms = $this->entityToTermDataArray($entity);
* Index multiple Entities at once.
* @param Entity[] $entities
public function indexEntities(array $entities): void
$terms = [];
foreach ($entities as $entity) {
$entityTerms = $this->entityToTermDataArray($entity);
array_push($terms, ...$entityTerms);
$chunkedTerms = array_chunk($terms, 500);
foreach ($chunkedTerms as $termChunk) {
* Delete and re-index the terms for all entities in the system.
* Can take a callback which is used for reporting progress.
* Callback receives three arguments:
* - An instance of the model being processed
* - The number that have been processed so far.
* - The total number of that model to be processed.
* @param callable(Entity, int, int):void|null $progressCallback
public function indexAllEntities(?callable $progressCallback = null): void
foreach ($this->entityProvider->all() as $entityModel) {
$indexContentField = $entityModel instanceof Page ? 'html' : 'description';
$selectFields = ['id', 'name', $indexContentField];
/** @var Builder<Entity> $query */
$query = $entityModel->newQuery();
$total = $query->withTrashed()->count();
$chunkSize = 250;
$processed = 0;
$chunkCallback = function (Collection $entities) use ($progressCallback, &$processed, $total, $chunkSize, $entityModel) {
$processed = min($processed + $chunkSize, $total);
if (is_callable($progressCallback)) {
$progressCallback($entityModel, $processed, $total);
->chunk($chunkSize, $chunkCallback);
* Delete related Entity search terms.
public function deleteEntityTerms(Entity $entity): void
* Create a scored term array from the given text, where the keys are the terms
* and the values are their scores.
* @returns array<string, int>
protected function generateTermScoreMapFromText(string $text, float $scoreAdjustment = 1): array
$termMap = $this->textToTermCountMap($text);
foreach ($termMap as $term => $count) {
$termMap[$term] = floor($count * $scoreAdjustment);
return $termMap;
* Create a scored term array from the given HTML, where the keys are the terms
* and the values are their scores.
* @returns array<string, int>
protected function generateTermScoreMapFromHtml(string $html): array
if (empty($html)) {
return [];
$scoresByTerm = [];
$elementScoreAdjustmentMap = [
'h1' => 10,
'h2' => 5,
'h3' => 4,
'h4' => 3,
'h5' => 2,
'h6' => 1.5,
$html = str_ireplace(['<br>', '<br />', '<br/>'], "\n", $html);
$doc = new HtmlDocument($html);
/** @var DOMNode $child */
foreach ($doc->getBodyChildren() as $child) {
$nodeName = $child->nodeName;
$termCounts = $this->textToTermCountMap(trim($child->textContent));
foreach ($termCounts as $term => $count) {
$scoreChange = $count * ($elementScoreAdjustmentMap[$nodeName] ?? 1);
$scoresByTerm[$term] = ($scoresByTerm[$term] ?? 0) + $scoreChange;
return $scoresByTerm;
* Create a scored term map from the given set of entity tags.
* @param Tag[] $tags
* @returns array<string, int>
protected function generateTermScoreMapFromTags(array $tags): array
$names = [];
$values = [];
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$names[] = $tag->name;
$values[] = $tag->value;
$nameMap = $this->generateTermScoreMapFromText(implode(' ', $names), 3);
$valueMap = $this->generateTermScoreMapFromText(implode(' ', $values), 5);
return $this->mergeTermScoreMaps($nameMap, $valueMap);
* For the given text, return an array where the keys are the unique term words
* and the values are the frequency of that term.
* @returns array<string, int>
protected function textToTermCountMap(string $text): array
$tokenMap = []; // {TextToken => OccurrenceCount}
$splitChars = static::$delimiters;
$token = strtok($text, $splitChars);
while ($token !== false) {
if (!isset($tokenMap[$token])) {
$tokenMap[$token] = 0;
$token = strtok($splitChars);
return $tokenMap;
* For the given entity, Generate an array of term data details.
* Is the raw term data, not instances of SearchTerm models.
* @returns array{term: string, score: float, entity_id: int, entity_type: string}[]
protected function entityToTermDataArray(Entity $entity): array
$nameTermsMap = $this->generateTermScoreMapFromText($entity->name, 40 * $entity->searchFactor);
$tagTermsMap = $this->generateTermScoreMapFromTags($entity->tags->all());
if ($entity instanceof Page) {
$bodyTermsMap = $this->generateTermScoreMapFromHtml($entity->html);
} else {
$bodyTermsMap = $this->generateTermScoreMapFromText($entity->getAttribute('description') ?? '', $entity->searchFactor);
$mergedScoreMap = $this->mergeTermScoreMaps($nameTermsMap, $bodyTermsMap, $tagTermsMap);
$dataArray = [];
$entityId = $entity->id;
$entityType = $entity->getMorphClass();
foreach ($mergedScoreMap as $term => $score) {
$dataArray[] = [
'term' => $term,
'score' => $score,
'entity_type' => $entityType,
'entity_id' => $entityId,
return $dataArray;
* For the given term data arrays, Merge their contents by term
* while combining any scores.
* @param array<string, int>[] ...$scoreMaps
* @returns array<string, int>
protected function mergeTermScoreMaps(...$scoreMaps): array
$mergedMap = [];
foreach ($scoreMaps as $scoreMap) {
foreach ($scoreMap as $term => $score) {
$mergedMap[$term] = ($mergedMap[$term] ?? 0) + $score;
return $mergedMap;