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synced 2025-03-12 11:26:51 +00:00
113 lines
3.8 KiB
113 lines
3.8 KiB
* Common elements found throughout many areas of BookStack.
return [
// Buttons
'cancel' => 'Bekor qilsih',
'close' => 'Yopish',
'confirm' => 'Tasdiqlang',
'back' => 'Orqaga',
'save' => 'Saqlash',
'continue' => 'Davom etish',
'select' => 'Tanlang',
'toggle_all' => 'Hammasini almashtirish',
'more' => 'Ko‘proq',
// Form Labels
'name' => 'Nom',
'description' => 'Tavsif',
'role' => 'Rol',
'cover_image' => 'Muqova rasmi',
'cover_image_description' => 'This image should be approximately 440x250px although it will be flexibly scaled & cropped to fit the user interface in different scenarios as required, so actual dimensions for display will differ.',
// Actions
'actions' => 'Harakatlar',
'view' => 'Ko‘rinish',
'view_all' => 'Hammasini ko‘rish',
'new' => 'Yangi',
'create' => 'Yaratish',
'update' => 'Yangilash',
'edit' => 'Tahrirlash',
'sort' => 'Saralash',
'move' => 'Ko‘chirish',
'copy' => 'Nusxalash',
'reply' => 'Javob berish',
'delete' => 'Oʻchirish',
'delete_confirm' => 'Oʻchirishni tasdiqlang',
'search' => 'Qidirish',
'search_clear' => 'Qidiruvni tozalash',
'reset' => 'Qayta o‘rnatish',
'remove' => 'O‘chirish',
'add' => 'Qo‘shish',
'configure' => 'Sozlash',
'manage' => 'Boshqarish',
'fullscreen' => 'To‘liq ekran',
'favourite' => 'Sevimli',
'unfavourite' => 'Sevimli emas',
'next' => 'Keyingisi',
'previous' => 'Oldingi',
'filter_active' => 'Faol filtr:',
'filter_clear' => 'Filtrni tozalash',
'download' => 'Yuklab olish',
'open_in_tab' => 'Tabda ochish',
'open' => 'Open',
// Sort Options
'sort_options' => 'Saralash opsiyalari',
'sort_direction_toggle' => 'Saralash yoʻnalishini almashtirish',
'sort_ascending' => 'O‘sish bo‘yicha tartiblash',
'sort_descending' => 'Kamayish bo‘yicha tartiblash',
'sort_name' => 'Nomi',
'sort_default' => 'Standart',
'sort_created_at' => 'Yaratilgan sana',
'sort_updated_at' => 'Yangilangan sana',
// Misc
'deleted_user' => 'O‘chirilgan foydalanuvchi',
'no_activity' => 'Ko‘rsatiladigan faollik yo‘q',
'no_items' => 'Hech narsa mavjud emas',
'back_to_top' => 'Yuqoriga qaytish',
'skip_to_main_content' => 'Asosiy tarkibga o‘tish',
'toggle_details' => 'Tafsilotlarni almashtirish',
'toggle_thumbnails' => 'Eskizlarni almashtirish',
'details' => 'Tafsilotlar',
'grid_view' => 'To‘r ko‘rinishi',
'list_view' => 'Roʻyxat koʻrinishi',
'default' => 'Standart',
'breadcrumb' => 'Non bo‘laklari',
'status' => 'Holat',
'status_active' => 'Faol',
'status_inactive' => 'Faol emas',
'never' => 'Hech qachon',
'none' => 'Yo‘q',
// Header
'homepage' => 'Bosh sahifa',
'header_menu_expand' => 'Sarlavha menyusini kengaytirish',
'profile_menu' => 'Profil menyusi',
'view_profile' => 'Profilni ko‘rish',
'edit_profile' => 'Profilni tahrirlash',
'dark_mode' => 'Qorong‘i rejim',
'light_mode' => 'Nur rejimi',
'global_search' => 'Global qidiruv',
// Layout tabs
'tab_info' => 'Ma‘lumot',
'tab_info_label' => 'Yorliq: Ikkilamchi ma‘lumotni ko‘rsatish',
'tab_content' => 'Tarkib',
'tab_content_label' => 'Yorliq: Asosiy tarkibni ko‘rsatish',
// Email Content
'email_action_help' => 'Agar siz ":actionText" tugmasini bosishda muammoga duch kelsangiz, quyidagi URL manzilidan nusxa oling va veb-brauzeringizga joylashtiring:',
'email_rights' => 'Barcha huquqlar himoyalangan',
// Footer Link Options
// Not directly used but available for convenience to users.
'privacy_policy' => 'Maxfiylik siyosati',
'terms_of_service' => 'Xizmat ko‘rsatish shartlari',
// OpenSearch
'opensearch_description' => 'Search :appName',