
377 lines
9.3 KiB

export const en = {
// topnav
Search: 'Search',
FullScreen: 'Full screen',
Refresh: 'Refresh',
selected: 'selected',
LogIn: 'Log In',
LogOut: 'Log Out',
SignUp: 'Sign Up',
SignIn: 'Sign In',
// sidenav
Alerts: 'Alerts',
Heartbeats: 'Heartbeats',
Users: 'Users',
Groups: 'Groups',
Customers: 'Customers',
Blackouts: 'Blackouts',
Permissions: 'Permissions',
APIKeys: 'API Keys',
Labels: 'Labels',
Searches: 'Searches',
Reports: 'Reports',
More: 'More',
Settings: 'Settings',
Help: 'Help',
About: 'About',
// more
ChooseDisplayDensity: 'Choose a display density',
DisplayDensity: 'Display density',
Comfortable: 'Comfortable',
Compact: 'Compact',
Panel: 'Panel',
Hide: 'Hide',
Show: 'Show',
DownloadAsCsv: 'Download as CSV',
// Groups store
UserAddedGroup: 'User added to group.',
UserRemovedGroup: 'User removed from group.',
// Preferences store
SettingsSaved: 'Settings saved.',
SettingsReset: 'Settings reset to defaults.',
SettingsError: 'Could not retrieve user preferences.',
// Users store
UserStatusSaved: 'User status saved.',
EmailSaved: 'Email verified saved.',
// statuses
Open: 'Open',
Assign: 'Assign',
Ack: 'Ack',
Shelved: 'Shelved',
Blackout: 'Blackout',
Closed: 'Closed',
Expired: 'Expired',
Unknown: 'Unknown',
NotValid: 'Not Valid',
// operator actions
Open: 'Open',
Assign: 'Assign',
Ack: 'Ack',
Unack: 'Unack',
Shelve: 'Shelve',
Unshelve: 'Unshelve',
Close: 'Close',
Watch: 'Watch',
Unwatch: 'Unwatch',
AddNote: 'Add note',
Delete: 'Delete',
// Alert actions
TextIsRequired: 'Text is required',
TextMustBeLessThan: 'Text must be less than',
characters: 'characters',
// Alert detail
AlertId: 'Alert ID',
AlertOrNoteId: 'Alert/Note ID',
LastReceiveAlertId: 'Last Receive Alert ID',
CreateTime: 'Create Time',
ReceiveTime: 'Receive Time',
LastReceiveTime: 'Last Receive Time',
Customer: 'Customer',
Service: 'Service',
Environment: 'Environment',
Resource: 'Resource',
Event: 'Event',
Correlate: 'Correlate',
Group: 'Group',
Severity: 'Severity',
Status: 'Status',
Value: 'Value',
Text: 'Text',
TrendIndication: 'Trend Indication',
Timeout: 'Timeout',
Type: 'Type',
DuplicateCount: 'Duplicate count',
Repeat: 'Repeat',
Origin: 'Origin',
Tags: 'Tags',
Attributes: 'Attributes',
History: 'History',
Data: 'Data',
Details: 'Details',
addedNoteOn: 'added note on',
by: 'by',
// Alert history
UpdateTime: 'Update Time',
Updated: 'Updated',
User: 'User',
// Alert list
Loading: 'Loading',
NoDataAvailable: 'No data available',
Description: 'Description',
Attribute: 'Attribute',
TimeoutLeft: 'Timeout',
Dupl: 'Dupl.',
PrevSeverity: 'Prev. Severity',
Duration: 'Duration',
LastReceiveId: 'Last Receive ID',
LastNote: 'Last Note',
// Alert list filter
Filters: 'Filters',
FilterDescription: 'Filter results by text search',
AllEnvironments: 'All environments',
EnvironmentDescription: 'Choose one or more environment',
AllSeverities: 'All severities',
SeverityDescription: 'Choose one or more severity',
AllStatuses: 'All statuses',
StatusDescription: 'Choose one or more status',
AllCustomers: 'All customers',
CustomerDescription: 'Choose one or more customer',
AllServices: 'All services',
ServiceDescription: 'Choose one or more service',
AllGroups: 'All groups',
GroupDescription: 'Choose one or more group',
Latest: 'Latest',
Hour: '1 hour',
SixHours: '6 hours',
TwelveHours: '12 hours',
SelectRange: 'Select Range',
DateTime: 'Date/Time',
StartDate: 'Start Date',
EndDate: 'End Date',
Time: 'Time',
Apply: 'Apply',
Reset: 'Reset',
// API keys
APIKey: 'API Key',
Search: 'Search',
Customer: 'Customer',
Scopes: 'Scopes',
Expires: 'Expires',
Active: 'Active',
Expired: 'Expired',
Slow: 'Slow',
User: 'User',
LastUsed: 'Last Used',
Actions: 'Actions',
Copy: 'Copy',
Copied: 'Copied!',
NewApiKey: 'New API Key',
EditApiKey: 'Edit API Key',
// Blackouts
ChooseService: 'Choose one or more service',
Start: 'Start',
End: 'End',
Created: 'Created',
Reason: 'Reason',
NewBlackout: 'New Blackout',
EditBlackout: 'Edit Blackout',
Active: 'Active',
Pending: 'Pending',
Expired: 'Expired',
WholeEnvironment: 'Whole Environment',
AllOrigin: 'All from Origin',
// Customers
LookUp: 'Look Up',
LookUpDescription: 'Use login, Keycloak role, GitHub org, GitLab group or email domain',
NewCustomer: 'New Customer',
EditCustomer: 'Edit Customer',
// Groups
AddRemoveUsers: 'Add/Remove Users',
Addusers: 'Add users',
UsersInGroup: 'Users in group',
NumberUsers: 'Number of Users',
NewGroup: 'New Group',
EditGroup: 'Edit Group',
// Heartbeats
Latency: 'Latency',
Since: 'Since',
// Manifest
OpenGitHub: 'Open in GitHub',
WebUI: 'Web UI',
Build: 'Build',
Date: 'Date',
GitRevision: 'Git Revision',
APIEndpoint: 'API Endpoint',
// Perms
Role: 'Role',
Scope: 'Scope',
SystemRole: 'System role',
NewPermission: 'New permission',
EditPermission: 'Edit permission',
// Preferences
ApplicationSettings: 'Application Settings',
DarkTheme: 'Dark Theme',
PlaySounds: 'Play notification sounds',
LanguageSettings: 'Language settings',
Languages: 'Languages',
English: 'English',
French: 'French',
German: 'German',
Turkish: 'Turkish',
DateTimeSettings: 'Date and time settings',
LongDate: 'Long date format',
MediumDate: 'Medium date format',
ShortTime: 'Short time format',
DisplayMode: 'Display mode',
UseLocal: 'Use local date & time',
UseUTC: 'Use Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)',
AlertSettings: 'Alert summary settings',
ShowAllowedEnvs: 'Always show allowed environments',
ShowNotesIcon: 'Show notes icon',
ShowNotesHint: 'Show icon next to alert status to indicate an operator note',
Font: 'Font',
FontSize: 'Font Size',
FontWeight: 'Font Weight',
PageRows: 'Rows per page',
rows: 'rows',
ValueWidth: 'Value Width',
DescriptionWidth: 'Description Text Width',
RefreshInterval: 'Refresh interval',
seconds: 'seconds',
minutes: 'minutes',
AckTimeout: 'Ack Timeout',
ShelveTimeout: 'Shelve timeout',
BlackoutSettings: 'Blackout period settings',
BlackoutStartNow: 'Start blackout periods immediately',
BlackoutPeriod: 'Blackout Period',
hours: 'hours',
// Profile
Profile: 'Profile',
UserID: 'User ID',
PrimaryUserID: 'Primary User ID',
Provider: 'Provider',
EmailVerified: 'Email verified',
EmailNotVerified: 'Email not verified',
Customers: 'Customers',
Organizations: 'Organizations',
Groups: 'Groups',
Roles: 'Roles',
Scopes: 'Scopes',
others: 'others',
// Status
LastUpdate: 'Last Update',
Uptime: 'Uptime',
Metric: 'Metric',
Type: 'Type',
Name: 'Name',
Value: 'Value',
AvgTime: 'Avg. Time',
// Users
Active: 'Active',
Inactive: 'Inactive',
Login: 'Login',
Email: 'Email',
Verified: 'Verified',
Comment: 'Comment',
VerifiedOrNot: 'Verified?',
LastLogin: 'Last Login',
NewUser: 'New user',
EditUser: 'Edit user',
// Reports
Top: 'Top',
Flapping: 'Flapping',
Offenders: 'Offenders',
Standing: 'Standing',
TopFlappingDescription: 'Chattering and fleeting alert sources that have generated the most number of alert severity changes.',
TopOffendersDescription: 'Frequently occurring alert sources that have generated the most number of alerts and alert duplicates.',
TopStandingDescription: 'Stale alert sources that have active alerts for a prolonged duration.',
Count: 'Count',
DuplCount: 'Dupl. Count',
Services: 'Services',
Resources: 'Resources',
// User Confirm
Thanks: 'Thanks!',
YouCanNowLogin1: 'You can now',
YouCanNowLogin2: 'login.',
EmailConfirmFailed: 'Sorry, there was a problem confirming your email address',
TryAgain: 'Please try again',
// User Forgot
ResetLink: 'Enter your email and we\'ll send you a reset link',
AlreadyHaveAccount: 'Already have an account?',
CheckEmail: 'Check your email for a reset link...',
ReturnSignIn: 'Return to Sign In',
ResetEmailSent: 'Reset email sent successfully!',
// User Login
LoginToContinue: 'Log in to Alerta to continue',
Username: 'Username',
Password: 'Password',
CreateAccount: 'Create Account',
ForgotPassword: 'Forgot Password?',
UnspecifiedProblem: 'Sorry, there was a problem',
AuthWith: 'Authenticating with',
AuthInProgress: 'Authenticating...',
AuthNotPossible: 'Sorry, it is not possible to authenticate',
AuthProviderUnknown: 'Unknown authentication provider',
// User Logout
LoggedOut: 'You have been logged out.',
// User Reset
ChooseNewPassword: 'Choose a new password',
ConfirmPassword: 'Confirm Password',
ResetPassword: 'Reset Password',
// User Signup
CreateAlertaAccount: 'Create your Alerta account',
SignUpNotAvailable: 'Sorry, sign up is not currently available',
FullName: 'Full Name',
Min6Char: 'Min 6 characters',
PasswordNotMatch: 'Passwords entered don\'t match',
// Labels
scope: 'scope',
role: 'role',
customer: 'customer',
group: 'group',
// General
ConfirmDelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete this item?',
Error: 'Error',
Send: 'Send',
Required: 'Required',
Cancel: 'Cancel',
Save: 'Save',
NoDisplay: 'Sorry, nothing to display here :(',
SearchNoResult1: 'Your search for ',
SearchNoResult2: 'found no results.',
OK: 'OK',
// ENDS.