import base64 import re from functools import wraps from typing import TYPE_CHECKING import mohawk from flask import current_app, g, request from jwt import DecodeError, ExpiredSignature, InvalidAudience from alerta.auth.hmac import HmacAuth from alerta.auth.utils import get_customers, not_authorized from alerta.exceptions import ApiError, BasicAuthError from alerta.models.enums import ADMIN_SCOPES from alerta.models.key import ApiKey from alerta.models.permission import Permission from alerta.models.token import Jwt from alerta.models.user import User if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing import List # noqa from alerta.models.enums import Scope # noqa def permission(scope=None): def decorated(f): @wraps(f) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): # API Key (Authorization: Key <key>) if 'Authorization' in request.headers and request.headers['Authorization'].startswith('Key '): auth_header = request.headers['Authorization'] m = re.match(r'Key (\S+)', auth_header) key = if m else None # API Key (X-API-Key: <key>) elif 'X-API-Key' in request.headers: key = request.headers['X-API-Key'] # API Key (/foo?api-key=<key>) else: key = request.args.get('api-key', None) if key: key_info = ApiKey.verify_key(key) if not key_info: raise ApiError("API key parameter '%s' is invalid" % key, 401) g.user_id = None g.login = key_info.user g.customers = [key_info.customer] if key_info.customer else [] g.scopes = key_info.scopes # type: List[Scope] if not Permission.is_in_scope(scope, have_scopes=g.scopes): raise ApiError('Missing required scope: %s' % scope.value, 403) else: return f(*args, **kwargs) # Hawk HMAC Signature (Authorization: Hawk mac=...) if request.headers.get('Authorization', '').startswith('Hawk'): try: receiver = HmacAuth.authenticate(request) except mohawk.exc.HawkFail as e: raise ApiError(str(e), 401) g.user_id = None g.login = receiver.parsed_header.get('id') g.customers = [] g.scopes = ADMIN_SCOPES # Bearer Token auth_header = request.headers.get('Authorization', '') m = re.match(r'Bearer (\S+)', auth_header) token = if m else None if token: try: jwt = Jwt.parse(token) except DecodeError: raise ApiError('Token is invalid', 401) except ExpiredSignature: raise ApiError('Token has expired', 401) except InvalidAudience: raise ApiError('Invalid audience', 401) g.user_id = jwt.subject g.login = jwt.preferred_username g.customers = jwt.customers g.scopes = jwt.scopes # type: List[Scope] if not Permission.is_in_scope(scope, have_scopes=g.scopes): raise ApiError('Missing required scope: %s' % scope.value, 403) else: return f(*args, **kwargs) # Basic Auth auth_header = request.headers.get('Authorization', '') m = re.match(r'Basic (\S+)', auth_header) credentials = if m else None if credentials: try: username, password = base64.b64decode(credentials).decode('utf-8').split(':') except Exception as e: raise BasicAuthError('Invalid credentials', 400, errors=[str(e)]) user = User.check_credentials(username, password) if not user: raise BasicAuthError('Authorization required', 401) if current_app.config['EMAIL_VERIFICATION'] and not user.email_verified: raise BasicAuthError('email not verified', 401) if not_authorized('ALLOWED_EMAIL_DOMAINS', groups=[user.domain]): raise BasicAuthError('Unauthorized domain', 403) g.user_id = g.login = g.customers = get_customers(, groups=[user.domain]) g.scopes = Permission.lookup(, roles=user.roles) # type: List[Scope] if not Permission.is_in_scope(scope, have_scopes=g.scopes): raise BasicAuthError('Missing required scope: %s' % scope.value, 403) else: return f(*args, **kwargs) if not current_app.config['AUTH_REQUIRED']: g.user_id = None g.login = None g.customers = [] g.scopes = [] # type: List[Scope] return f(*args, **kwargs) # Google App Engine Cron Service if request.headers.get('X-Appengine-Cron', False) and request.headers.get('X-Forwarded-For', '') == '': return f(*args, **kwargs) raise ApiError('Missing authorization API Key or Bearer Token', 401) return wrapped return decorated