import time import datetime import threading from alerta.common import config from alerta.common import log as logging from alerta.common.daemon import Daemon from alerta.common.api import ApiClient from alerta.common.amqp import Messaging, FanoutConsumer from alerta.common.alert import AlertDocument from alerta.common.heartbeat import Heartbeat from alerta.common import severity_code, status_code from alerta.mailer.sendmail import Mailer from alerta.common.tokens import LeakyBucket __version__ = '3.0.5' LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF = config.CONF _EMAIL_HOLD_TIME = 30 # hold emails before sending class MailerMessage(FanoutConsumer, threading.Thread): def __init__(self, onhold, tokens): mq = Messaging() self.connection = mq.connection FanoutConsumer.__init__(self, self.connection) threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.onhold = onhold self.tokens = tokens def on_message(self, body, message): LOG.debug("Received: %s", body) try: mailAlert = AlertDocument.parse_alert(body) except ValueError: return alertid = mailAlert.get_id() severity = mailAlert.severity previous_severity = mailAlert.previous_severity status = mailAlert.status if status not in [status_code.OPEN, status_code.CLOSED]:'%s : Do not email alerts with "%s" status', alertid, status) return if severity in [severity_code.CRITICAL, severity_code.MAJOR]:'%s : Queue email because alert severity is important', alertid) elif previous_severity in [severity_code.CRITICAL, severity_code.MAJOR]:'%s : Queue email because alert severity was important', alertid) else:'%s : Do not queue email, not important enough', alertid) return hold_time = time.time() + _EMAIL_HOLD_TIME if alertid in self.onhold: if severity == severity_code.NORMAL:'%s : De-queue alert because it has been cleared', alertid) del self.onhold[alertid] else:'%s : Extend queue on-hold time to %s', alertid, datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(hold_time).strftime("%c")) self.onhold[alertid] = (mailAlert, hold_time) else:'%s : Queued alert on hold until %s', alertid, datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(hold_time).strftime("%c")) self.onhold[alertid] = (mailAlert, hold_time) class MailSender(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, onhold, tokens): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.onhold = onhold self.tokens = tokens def run(self): while True: LOG.debug('Send email messages...') for alertid in self.onhold.keys(): try: (mailAlert, hold_time) = self.onhold[alertid] except KeyError: continue if time.time() > hold_time: if not self.tokens.get_token(): LOG.warning('%s : No tokens left, rate limiting this alert', alertid) continue email = Mailer(mailAlert) mail_to = CONF.mail_list.split(',') for tag in mailAlert.tags: if tag.startswith('email'): mail_to.append(tag.split(':')[1])'%s : Hold time expired, send alert', alertid) email.send(mail_to=mail_to) try: del self.onhold[alertid] except KeyError: continue time.sleep(2) class MailerDaemon(Daemon): def run(self): onhold = dict() # Start token bucket thread tokens = LeakyBucket(tokens=20, rate=30) tokens.start() mailer = MailerMessage(onhold, tokens) mailer.start() sender = MailSender(onhold, tokens) sender.start() self.api = ApiClient() try: while True: LOG.debug('Send heartbeat...') heartbeat = Heartbeat(tags=[__version__]) try: self.api.send(heartbeat) except Exception, e: LOG.warning('Failed to send heartbeat: %s', e) time.sleep(CONF.loop_every) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): mailer.should_stop = True