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synced 2025-02-06 06:20:03 +00:00
165 lines
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165 lines
5.9 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env python
# alerta-treemap.py - Alerter Treemap API
import os, sys
import time
import re
import json
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
import datetime
import copy
import pymongo
import cgi, cgitb
import logging
__version__ = '1.2.1'
LOGFILE = '/var/log/alerta/alert-treemap.log'
# Extend JSON Encoder to support ISO 8601 format dates
class DateEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, (datetime.date, datetime.datetime)):
return obj.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() + ".%03dZ" % (obj.microsecond//1000)
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
def main():
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(asctime)s alert-treemap[%(process)d] %(levelname)s - %(message)s", filename=LOGFILE)
form = dict()
callback = None
# Connection to MongoDB
mongo = pymongo.Connection()
db = mongo.monitoring
alerts = db.alerts
mgmt = db.status
for e in os.environ:
logging.info('%s: %s', e, os.environ[e])
if 'REQUEST_URI' in os.environ:
path = os.environ['REQUEST_URI']
if path.endswith('/alerta/management/status'):
status = dict()
status['metrics'] = list()
status['application'] = "alert-cgi"
for m in mgmt.find({}, {"_id": 0}):
status['time'] = int(time.time())
# elif path.startswith('/alerta/v1/alert-data'):
if os.environ['REQUEST_URI'].find('?') > -1:
queryStr = os.environ['REQUEST_URI'].split('?')[1]
form = dict([queryParam.split('=') for queryParam in queryStr.split('&')])
if 'callback' in form:
callback = form['callback']
del form['callback']
if '_' in form:
del form['_']
logging.info('%s', json.dumps(form))
total = 0
status = dict()
start = time.time()
status['response'] = dict()
status['response']['treemap'] = dict()
status['response']['treemap']['name'] = 'alerts'
status['response']['treemap']['children'] = list()
envChildren = dict()
svcChildren = dict()
sevChildren = dict()
envloop = dict()
svcloop = dict()
sevCounts = dict()
logging.debug('MongoDB -> alerts.find(%s, {"_id": 0})', form)
for alert in alerts.find(form, {"_id": 0}):
host = alert['resource']
env = alert['environment']
svc = alert['service']
sev = alert['severity']
evt = alert['event']
# print "env = %s , svc = %s" % (env,svc)
if (env,svc) not in sevCounts:
sevCounts[(env,svc)] = dict()
sevCounts[(env,svc)][sev] = 1
elif sev not in sevCounts[(env,svc)]:
sevCounts[(env,svc)][sev] = dict()
sevCounts[(env,svc)][sev] = 1
sevCounts[(env,svc)][sev] += 1
total += 1
if env not in envChildren:
envloop[env] = 1
if svc not in svcChildren:
svcloop[svc] = 1
if (env,svc) not in svcChildren:
svcChildren[(env,svc)] = list()
envtree = dict()
for env in envloop:
envtree[env] = dict()
envtree[env]['name'] = env
envtree[env]['children'] = list()
for svc in svcloop:
if (env,svc) in svcChildren:
# logging.debug('env %s, svc %s', env, svc)
sev = [
{ 'name': 'critical', 'description': env+' '+svc, 'size': sevCounts[(env,svc)].get(('CRITICAL'), 0), },
{ 'name': 'major', 'description': env+' '+svc, 'size': sevCounts[(env,svc)].get(('MAJOR'), 0), },
{ 'name': 'minor', 'description': env+' '+svc, 'size': sevCounts[(env,svc)].get(('MINOR'), 0), },
{ 'name': 'warning', 'description': env+' '+svc, 'size': sevCounts[(env,svc)].get(('WARNING'), 0), },
{ 'name': 'normal', 'description': env+' '+svc, 'size': sevCounts[(env,svc)].get(('NORMAL'), 0) }
envtree[env]['children'].append({ 'name': svc, 'children': [ { 'name': 'severity', 'children': list(sev) } ] })
diff = time.time() - start
status['response']['status'] = 'ok'
status['response']['time'] = "%.3f" % diff
status['response']['total'] = total
status['response']['localTime'] = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
diff = int(diff * 1000) # XXX - management status needs time in milliseconds
{ "group": "requests", "name": "treemap", "type": "counter", "title": "Treemap requests", "description": "Requests to the alert treemap API" },
{ '$inc': { "count": 1, "totalTime": diff}},
content = json.dumps(status, cls=DateEncoder)
if callback is not None:
content = '%s(%s);' % (callback, content)
# logging.debug('API >>> %s', content)
print "Content-Type: application/javascript; charset=utf-8"
print "Content-Length: %s" % len(content)
print "Expires: -1"
print "Cache-Control: no-cache"
print "Pragma: no-cache"
print ""
print content
if __name__ == '__main__':