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synced 2025-03-14 05:22:44 +00:00

* pyupgrade fixes. https://github.com/asottile/pyupgrade#oserror-aliases https://github.com/asottile/pyupgrade#encode-to-bytes-literals * Fix exception related flake8 issues. * Run pre-commit on code in travis
101 lines
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101 lines
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import os
from typing import Any, Dict, List # noqa
from flask import current_app, g, jsonify, request
from alerta.models.alert import Alert
from alerta.models.blackout import Blackout
from alerta.utils.audit import write_audit_trail
from . import WebhookBase
JSON = Dict[str, Any]
def send_message_reply(alert: Alert, action: str, user: str, data: JSON) -> None:
import telepot # type: ignore
except ImportError:
current_app.logger.warning("You have configured Telegram but 'telepot' client is not installed", exc_info=True)
bot_id = os.environ.get('TELEGRAM_TOKEN') or current_app.config.get('TELEGRAM_TOKEN')
dashboard_url = os.environ.get('DASHBOARD_URL') or current_app.config.get('DASHBOARD_URL')
chat_id = os.environ.get('TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID') or current_app.config.get('TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID')
bot = telepot.Bot(bot_id)
# message info
message_id = data['callback_query']['message']['message_id']
message_log = '\n'.join(data['callback_query']['message']['text'].split('\n')[1:])
# process buttons for reply text
inline_keyboard, reply = [], 'The status of alert {alert} is *{status}* now!' # type: List[List[JSON]], str
actions = ['watch', 'unwatch']
if action in actions:
reply = 'User `{user}` is _{status}ing_ alert {alert}'
next_action = actions[(actions.index(action) + 1) % len(actions)]
inline_keyboard = [
{'text': next_action.capitalize(), 'callback_data': '/{} {}'.format(next_action, alert.id)},
{'text': 'Ack', 'callback_data': '{} {}'.format('/ack', alert.id)},
{'text': 'Close', 'callback_data': '{} {}'.format('/close', alert.id)}
# format message response
alert_short_id = alert.get_id(short=True)
alert_url = '{}/#/alert/{}'.format(dashboard_url, alert.id)
reply = reply.format(alert=alert_short_id, status=action, user=user)
message = '{alert} *{level} - {event} on {resouce}*\n{log}\n{reply}'.format(
alert='[{}]({})'.format(alert_short_id, alert_url), level=alert.severity.capitalize(),
event=alert.event, resouce=alert.resource, log=message_log, reply=reply)
# send message
msg_identifier=(chat_id, message_id), text=message,
parse_mode='Markdown', reply_markup={'inline_keyboard': inline_keyboard}
except Exception:
current_app.logger.warning('Error sending reply message', exc_info=True)
class TelegramWebhook(WebhookBase):
Telegram Bot API
See https://core.telegram.org/bots/api
def incoming(self, query_string, payload):
if 'callback_query' in payload:
author = payload['callback_query']['from']
user = '{} {}'.format(author.get('first_name'), author.get('last_name'))
command, alert_id = payload['callback_query']['data'].split(' ', 1)
customers = g.get('customers', None)
alert = Alert.find_by_id(alert_id, customers=customers)
action = command.lstrip('/')
if not alert and action != 'blackout':
return jsonify(status='error', message='alert not found for Telegram message')
if action in ['open', 'ack', 'close']:
alert.set_status(status=action, text='status change via Telegram')
elif action in ['watch', 'unwatch']:
alert.untag(tags=['{}:{}'.format(action, user)])
elif action == 'blackout':
environment, resource, event = command.split('|', 2)
blackout = Blackout(environment, resource=resource, event=event)
send_message_reply(alert, action, user, payload)
text = 'alert updated via telegram webhook'
write_audit_trail.send(current_app._get_current_object(), event='webhook-updated', message=text,
user=g.login, customers=g.customers, scopes=g.scopes, resource_id=alert.id,
type='alert', request=request)
return jsonify(status='ok')
return jsonify(status='ok', message='no callback_query in Telegram message')