
100 lines
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import requests
from flask import current_app, jsonify, request
from flask_cors import cross_origin
from alerta.auth.utils import create_token, get_customers, not_authorized
from alerta.exceptions import ApiError
from alerta.models.permission import Permission
from alerta.models.user import User
from alerta.utils.audit import auth_audit_trail
from . import auth
@auth.route('/auth/github', methods=['OPTIONS', 'POST'])
def github():
if current_app.config['GITHUB_URL'] == '':
token_endpoint = ''
github_api_url = ''
token_endpoint = current_app.config['GITHUB_URL'] + '/login/oauth/access_token'
github_api_url = current_app.config['GITHUB_URL'] + '/api/v3'
client_lookup = dict(zip(
client_secret = client_lookup.get(request.json['clientId'], None)
data = {
'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
'code': request.json['code'],
'redirect_uri': request.json['redirectUri'],
'client_id': request.json['clientId'],
'client_secret': client_secret,
r =, data, headers={'Accept': 'application/json'})
token = r.json()
headers = {'Authorization': f"token {token['access_token']}"}
r = requests.get(github_api_url + '/user', headers=headers)
profile = r.json()
except Exception:
raise ApiError('No access token in OpenID Connect token response.')
r = requests.get(github_api_url + '/user/teams', headers=headers) # list public and private Github orgs
profile['teams'] = [f"{t['organization']['login']}/{t['slug']}" for t in r.json()]
r = requests.get(github_api_url + '/user/orgs', headers=headers) # list public and private Github orgs
profile['organizations'] = [o['login'] for o in r.json()]
subject = str(profile['id'])
name = profile['name']
username = '@' + profile['login']
email = profile['email']
email_verified = bool(email)
picture = profile['avatar_url']
role_claim = current_app.config['GITHUB_ROLE_CLAIM']
group_claim = current_app.config['GITHUB_GROUP_CLAIM']
custom_claims = {
role_claim: profile.get(role_claim, []),
group_claim: profile.get(group_claim, []),
login = username or email
if not login:
raise ApiError("Must allow access to GitHub user profile information: 'login' or 'email'", 400)
user = User.find_by_id(id=subject)
if not user:
user = User(id=subject, name=name, login=login, password='', email=email,
roles=current_app.config['USER_ROLES'], text='', email_verified=email_verified)
user.update(login=login, email=email)
roles = custom_claims[role_claim] + user.roles
groups = custom_claims[group_claim]
if user.status != 'active':
raise ApiError(f'User {login} is not active', 403)
if not_authorized('ALLOWED_GITHUB_ORGS', profile['organizations']) or not_authorized('ALLOWED_EMAIL_DOMAINS', groups=[user.domain]):
raise ApiError(f'User {login} is not authorized', 403)
scopes = Permission.lookup(login, roles=roles)
customers = get_customers(login, groups=groups + ([user.domain] if user.domain else []))
auth_audit_trail.send(current_app._get_current_object(), event='github-login', message='user login via GitHub',
user=login, customers=customers, scopes=scopes, roles=user.roles, **custom_claims,
resource_id=subject, type='user', request=request)
token = create_token(user_id=subject, name=name, login=login, provider='github',
customers=customers, scopes=scopes, roles=user.roles, groups=profile['teams'], orgs=profile['organizations'],
email=email, email_verified=email_verified, picture=picture)
return jsonify(token=token.tokenize())