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448 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# alert-ganglia.py - Alert Ganglia module
import os
import sys
import urllib2
import json
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
import yaml
import stomp
import datetime
import time
import logging
import uuid
import re
__program__ = 'alert-ganglia'
__version__ = '1.8.9'
BROKER_LIST = [('localhost', 61613)] # list of brokers for failover
ALERT_QUEUE = '/queue/alerts'
EXPIRATION_TIME = 600 # seconds = 10 minutes
# API_SERVER = 'ganglia.guprod.gnl:8080'
API_SERVER = 'localhost:8080'
RULESFILE = '/opt/alerta/conf/alert-ganglia.yaml'
LOGFILE = '/var/log/alerta/alert-ganglia.log'
PIDFILE = '/var/run/alerta/alert-ganglia.pid'
# ITU RFC5674 -> Syslog RFC5424
'CRITICAL': 1, # Alert
'MAJOR': 2, # Crtical
'MINOR': 3, # Error
'WARNING': 4, # Warning
'NORMAL': 5, # Notice
'INFORM': 6, # Informational
'DEBUG': 7, # Debug
currentCount = dict()
currentState = dict()
previousSeverity = dict()
def get_metrics(filter):
url = "http://%s/ganglia/api/v1/metrics?%s" % (API_SERVER, filter)
logging.info('Metric request %s', url)
r = urllib2.urlopen(url, None, REQUEST_TIMEOUT)
except urllib2.URLError, e:
logging.error('Could not retrieve metric data from %s - %s', url, e)
return dict()
if r.getcode() is None:
logging.error('Error during connection or data transfer (timeout=%d)', REQUEST_TIMEOUT)
return dict()
response = json.loads(r.read())['response']
if response['status'] == 'error':
logging.error('No metrics retreived - %s', response['message'])
return dict()
logging.info('Retreived %s matching metrics in %ss', response['total'], response['time'])
return response['metrics']
class MessageHandler(object):
def on_error(self, headers, body):
logging.error('Received an error %s', body)
def on_disconnected(self):
global conn
logging.warning('Connection lost. Attempting auto-reconnect to %s', ALERT_QUEUE)
conn.subscribe(destination=ALERT_QUEUE, ack='auto')
def send_heartbeat():
global conn
heartbeatid = str(uuid.uuid4()) # random UUID
createTime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
headers = dict()
headers['type'] = "heartbeat"
headers['correlation-id'] = heartbeatid
heartbeat = dict()
heartbeat['id'] = heartbeatid
heartbeat['type'] = "heartbeat"
heartbeat['createTime'] = createTime.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() + ".%03dZ" % (createTime.microsecond//1000)
heartbeat['origin'] = "%s/%s" % (__program__,os.uname()[1])
heartbeat['version'] = __version__
conn.send(json.dumps(heartbeat), headers, destination=ALERT_QUEUE)
broker = conn.get_host_and_port()
logging.info('%s : Heartbeat sent to %s:%s', heartbeatid, broker[0], str(broker[1]))
except Exception, e:
logging.error('Failed to send heartbeat to broker %s', e)
def init_rules():
rules = list()
logging.info('Loading rules...')
rules = yaml.load(open(RULESFILE))
except Exception, e:
logging.error('Failed to load alert rules: %s', e)
return rules
logging.info('Loaded %d rules OK', len(rules))
return rules
def quote(s):
return int(s)
except TypeError:
return "%.1f" % float(s)
except ValueError:
return '"%s"' % s
def format_units(units):
if units in ['seconds','s']:
return 's'
if units in ['percent','%']:
return '%'
return ' '+units
def main():
global conn
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s alert-ganglia[%(process)d] %(levelname)s - %(message)s", filename=LOGFILE)
logging.info('Starting up Alert Ganglia version %s', __version__)
# Write pid file if not already running
if os.path.isfile(PIDFILE):
pid = open(PIDFILE).read()
os.kill(int(pid), 0)
logging.error('Process with pid %s already exists, exiting', pid)
except OSError:
file(PIDFILE, 'w').write(str(os.getpid()))
# Connect to message broker
logging.info('Connect to broker')
conn = stomp.Connection(
reconnect_sleep_increase = 5.0,
reconnect_sleep_max = 120.0,
reconnect_attempts_max = 20
conn.set_listener('', MessageHandler())
except Exception, e:
logging.error('Stomp connection error: %s', e)
# Initialiase alert rules
rules = init_rules()
rules_mod_time = os.path.getmtime(RULESFILE)
while True:
# Read (or re-read) rules as necessary
#if os.path.getmtime(RULESFILE) != rules_mod_time:
# rules = init_rules()
# rules_mod_time = os.path.getmtime(RULESFILE)
rules = init_rules() # re-read rule config each time
for rule in rules:
# Check rule is valid
if len(rule['thresholdInfo']) != len(rule['text']):
logging.error('Invalid rule for %s - must be an alert text for each threshold.', rule['event'])
# Get list of metrics required to evaluate each rule
params = dict()
if 'filter' in rule and rule['filter'] is not None:
params[rule['filter']] = 1
for s in (' '.join(rule['text']), ' '.join(rule['thresholdInfo']), rule['value']):
matches = re.findall('\$([a-z0-9A-Z_]+)', s)
for m in matches:
if m != 'now':
params['metric='+m] = 1
filter = '&'.join(params)
# Get metric data for each rule
response = get_metrics(filter)
# Make non-metric substitutions
now = int(time.time())
rule['value'] = re.sub('\$now', str(now), rule['value'])
idx = 0
for threshold in rule['thresholdInfo']:
rule['thresholdInfo'][idx] = re.sub('\$now', str(now), threshold)
idx += 1
idx = 0
for text in rule['text']:
rule['text'][idx] = re.sub('\$now', time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(now)), text)
idx += 1
metric = dict()
for m in response:
resource = re.sub('\$instance', m.get('instance','__NA__'), rule['resource'])
resource = re.sub('\$host', m.get('host','__NA__'), resource)
resource = re.sub('\$cluster', m.get('cluster','__NA__'), resource)
if '__NA__' in resource: continue
# Dont generate cluster alerts from host-based metrics
if 'host' in m and not '$host' in rule['resource']:
if resource not in metric:
metric[resource] = dict()
if 'thresholdInfo' not in metric[resource]:
metric[resource]['thresholdInfo'] = list(rule['thresholdInfo'])
if 'text' not in metric[resource]:
metric[resource]['text'] = list(rule['text'])
if m['metric'] in rule['value']:
if 'environment' not in rule:
metric[resource]['environment'] = [m['environment']]
metric[resource]['environment'] = [rule['environment']]
if 'service' not in rule:
metric[resource]['service'] = [m['service']]
metric[resource]['service'] = [rule['service']]
if 'value' in m:
v = quote(m['value'])
elif rule['value'].endswith('.sum'):
v = quote(m['sum'])
v = "%.1f" % (float(m['sum']) / float(m['num']))
except ZeroDivisionError:
v = 0.0
if 'value' not in metric[resource]:
metric[resource]['value'] = rule['value']
metric[resource]['value'] = re.sub('\$%s(\.sum)?' % m['metric'], str(v), metric[resource]['value'])
metric[resource]['units'] = m['units']
metric[resource]['tags'] = list()
metric[resource]['tags'].append('cluster:%s' % m['cluster'])
if 'tags' in m and m['tags'] is not None:
if 'graphUrl' not in metric[resource]:
metric[resource]['graphUrl'] = list()
if 'graphUrl' in m:
for g in rule['graphs']:
if '$host' in rule['resource'] and 'graphUrl' in m:
metric[resource]['graphUrl'].append('/'.join(m['graphUrl'].rsplit('/',2)[0:2])+'/graph.php?c=%s&h=%s&m=%s&r=1day&v=0&z=default' % (m['cluster'], m['host'], g))
if '$cluster' in rule['resource'] and 'graphUrl' in m:
metric[resource]['graphUrl'].append('/'.join(m['graphUrl'].rsplit('/',2)[0:2])+'/graph.php?c=%s&m=%s&r=1day&v=0&z=default' % (m['cluster'], g))
metric[resource]['moreInfo'] = ''
if '$host' in rule['resource'] and 'graphUrl' in m:
metric[resource]['moreInfo'] = '/'.join(m['graphUrl'].rsplit('/',2)[0:2])+'/?c=%s&h=%s' % (m['cluster'], m['host'])
if '$cluster' in rule['resource'] and 'graphUrl' in m:
metric[resource]['moreInfo'] = '/'.join(m['graphUrl'].rsplit('/',2)[0:2])+'/?c=%s' % m['cluster']
if m['metric'] in ''.join(rule['thresholdInfo']):
if 'value' in m:
v = quote(m['value'])
elif rule['value'].endswith('.sum'):
v = quote(m['sum'])
v = "%.1f" % (float(m['sum']) / float(m['num']))
except ZeroDivisionError:
v = 0.0
idx = 0
for threshold in metric[resource]['thresholdInfo']:
metric[resource]['thresholdInfo'][idx] = re.sub('\$%s(\.sum)?' % m['metric'], str(v), threshold)
idx += 1
if m['metric'] in ''.join(rule['text']):
if 'value' in m:
v = quote(m['value'])
elif rule['value'].endswith('.sum'):
v = quote(m['sum'])
v = "%.1f" % (float(m['sum']) / float(m['num']))
except ZeroDivisionError:
v = 0.0
if m['type'] == 'timestamp' or m['units'] == 'timestamp':
v = time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(float(v)))
idx = 0
for text in metric[resource]['text']:
metric[resource]['text'][idx] = re.sub('\$%s(\.sum)?' % m['metric'], str(v), text)
idx += 1
for resource in metric:
index = 0
calculated_value = eval(metric[resource]['value'])
except KeyError:
logging.warning('Could not calculate %s value for %s because %s is not being reported', rule['event'], resource, rule['value'])
except (SyntaxError,NameError):
logging.error('Could not calculate %s value for %s => eval(%s)', rule['event'], resource, metric[resource]['value'])
except ZeroDivisionError:
logging.debug('Could not calculate %s value for %s => eval(%s) (division by zero). Setting to 0 instead.', rule['event'], resource, metric[resource]['value'])
calculated_value = 0
logging.error('Could not calculate %s value for %s => eval(%s) (threw unknown exception)', rule['event'], resource, metric[resource]['value'])
logging.debug('For resource %s got calculated_value %s ', resource, calculated_value)
for ti in metric[resource]['thresholdInfo']:
sev,op,threshold = ti.split(':')
rule_eval = '%s %s %s' % (quote(calculated_value),op,threshold)
result = eval(rule_eval)
except SyntaxError:
logging.error('Could not evaluate %s threshold for %s => eval(%s)', rule['event'], resource, rule_eval)
result = False
if result:
# Set necessary state variables if currentState is unknown
if (resource, rule['event']) not in currentState:
currentState[(resource, rule['event'])] = sev
currentCount[(resource, rule['event'], sev)] = 0
previousSeverity[(resource, rule['event'])] = sev
if currentState[(resource, rule['event'])] != sev: # Change of threshold state
currentCount[(resource, rule['event'], sev)] = currentCount.get((resource, rule['event'], sev), 0) + 1
currentCount[(resource, rule['event'], currentState[(resource, rule['event'])])] = 0 # zero-out previous sev counter
currentState[(resource, rule['event'])] = sev
elif currentState[(resource, rule['event'])] == sev: # Threshold state has not changed
currentCount[(resource, rule['event'], sev)] += 1
logging.debug('calculated_value = %s, currentState = %s, currentCount = %d', calculated_value, currentState[(resource, rule['event'])], currentCount[(resource, rule['event'], sev)])
# Determine if should send a repeat alert
repeat = (currentCount[(resource, rule['event'], sev)] - rule.get('count', 1)) % rule.get('repeat', 1) == 0
repeat = False
logging.debug('Send alert if prevSev %s != %s AND thresh %d == %s', previousSeverity[(resource, rule['event'])], sev, currentCount[(resource, rule['event'], sev)], rule.get('count', 1))
logging.debug('Repeat? %s (%d - %d %% %d)', repeat, currentCount[(resource, rule['event'], sev)], rule.get('count', 1), rule.get('repeat', 1))
# Determine if current threshold count requires an alert
if ((previousSeverity[(resource, rule['event'])] != sev and currentCount[(resource, rule['event'], sev)] == rule.get('count', 1))
or (previousSeverity[(resource, rule['event'])] == sev and repeat)):
logging.debug('%s %s %s %s rule fired %s %s %s %s', ','.join(metric[resource]['environment']), ','.join(metric[resource]['service']), sev,rule['event'],resource,ti, rule['text'][index], calculated_value)
alertid = str(uuid.uuid4()) # random UUID
createTime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
headers = dict()
headers['type'] = "gangliaAlert"
headers['correlation-id'] = alertid
# standard alert info
alert = dict()
alert['id'] = alertid
alert['resource'] = resource
alert['event'] = rule['event']
alert['group'] = rule['group']
alert['value'] = "%s%s" % (calculated_value, format_units(metric[resource]['units']))
alert['severity'] = sev
alert['severityCode'] = SEVERITY_CODE[sev]
alert['environment'] = metric[resource]['environment']
alert['service'] = metric[resource]['service']
alert['text'] = metric[resource]['text'][index]
alert['type'] = 'gangliaAlert'
alert['tags'] = metric[resource]['tags']
alert['summary'] = '%s - %s %s is %s on %s %s' % (','.join(metric[resource]['environment']), sev, rule['event'], alert['value'], ','.join(metric[resource]['service']), resource)
alert['createTime'] = createTime.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() + ".%03dZ" % (createTime.microsecond//1000)
alert['origin'] = "%s/%s" % (__program__, os.uname()[1])
alert['thresholdInfo'] = ','.join(rule['thresholdInfo'])
alert['timeout'] = 86400 # expire alerts after 1 day
alert['moreInfo'] = metric[resource]['moreInfo']
alert['graphs'] = metric[resource]['graphUrl']
logging.info('%s : %s', alertid, json.dumps(alert))
while not conn.is_connected():
logging.warning('Waiting for message broker to become available')
conn.send(json.dumps(alert), headers, destination=ALERT_QUEUE)
broker = conn.get_host_and_port()
logging.info('%s : Alert sent to %s:%s', alertid, broker[0], str(broker[1]))
except Exception, e:
logging.error('Failed to send alert to broker %s', e)
# Keep track of previous severity
previousSeverity[(resource, rule['event'])] = sev
break # First match wins
index += 1
logging.info('Rule check is sleeping %d seconds', WAIT_SECONDS)
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
if __name__ == '__main__':