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mirror of https://github.com/alerta/alerta.git synced 2025-01-30 11:36:20 +00:00
2014-03-22 10:03:13 +00:00

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import sys
import json
import requests
import requests.exceptions
from alerta.common import config
from alerta.common import log as logging
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CONF = config.CONF
class PagerDutyClient(object):
def __init__(self):
if not CONF.pagerduty_subdomain:
LOG.error('Must specify PagerDuty subdomain')
self.REST_API = 'https://%s.pagerduty.com/api/v1' % CONF.pagerduty_subdomain
self.INCIDENT_API = 'https://events.pagerduty.com/generic/2010-04-15/create_event.json'
self.services = dict()
def get_services(self):
response = self._query('/services')
services = response['services']
self.services = dict([(s['name'], {'id': s['id'], 'key': s['service_key']}) for s in services
if s['type'] == 'generic_events_api'])
for service, key in self.services.iteritems():
LOG.info('Discovered PagerDuty service %s [id:%s] with API key %s',
service, self.services[service]['id'], self.services[service]['key'])
def get_service_status(self, service):
response = self._query('/services')
services = response['services']
for s in services:
if s['name'] == service:
return s['status']
return None
def get_incident_counts(self, service):
response = self._query('/services')
services = response['services']
for s in services:
if s['name'] == service:
return s['incident_counts']
return {}
def _query(self, path):
url = self.REST_API + path
headers = {'Authorization': 'Token token=%s' % CONF.pagerduty_api_key}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
except requests.ConnectionError, e:
LOG.error('PagerDuty API request %s failed due to an ambiguous error - %s', url, e)
response = response.json()
except ValueError:
LOG.error('PagerDuty API request %s failed - %s', url, response.text)
if 'error' in response:
LOG.error('PagerDuty API request %s failed - %s', url, response['error']['message'])
LOG.debug('PagerDuty %s query: %s', path, response)
return response
def trigger_event(self, alert, service, incident_key):
if service not in self.services:
LOG.error('Failed to send trigger event to PagerDuty - unknown service "%s"', service)
current_status = self.get_service_status(service)
if current_status != 'active':
LOG.warn('Status for PagerDuty service %s is %s', service, current_status)
event = {
"service_key": self.services[service]['key'],
"event_type": "trigger",
"description": '%s: %s %s on %s %s' % (alert.environment, alert.severity, alert.event,
','.join(alert.service), alert.resource),
"incident_key": incident_key,
"client": "alerta",
"client_url": "http://monitoring.guprod.gnm/alerta/widgets/v2/details?id=%s" % alert.get_id(),
"details": {
"severity": '%s -> %s' % (alert.previous_severity, alert.severity),
"status": alert.status,
"lastReceiveTime": alert.get_date('last_receive_time', 'iso'),
"environment": alert.environment,
"service": ",".join(alert.service),
"resource": alert.resource,
"event": alert.event,
"value": alert.value,
"text": alert.text,
"id": alert.get_id(),
"tags": ", ".join(alert.tags)
LOG.debug('PagerDuty TRIGGER event for %s => %s', service, event)
counts = self.get_incident_counts(service)
LOG.info('PagerDuty %s incident counts: triggered=%s, acknowledged=%s, resolved=%s, total=%s',
service, counts['triggered'], counts['acknowledged'], counts['resolved'], counts['total'])
def acknowledge_event(self, alert, service, incident_key):
if service not in self.services:
LOG.error('Failed to send acknowledge event to PagerDuty - unknown service "%s"', service)
current_status = self.get_service_status(service)
if current_status != 'active':
LOG.warn('Status for PagerDuty service %s is %s', service, current_status)
event = {
"service_key": self.services[service]['key'],
"event_type": "acknowledge",
"description": '%s: %s %s on %s %s' % (alert.environment, alert.severity, alert.event,
','.join(alert.service), alert.resource),
"incident_key": incident_key,
"client": "alerta",
"client_url": "http://monitoring.guprod.gnm/alerta/widgets/v2/details?id=%s" % alert.get_id(),
"details": {
"severity": '%s -> %s' % (alert.previous_severity, alert.severity),
"status": alert.status,
"lastReceiveTime": alert.get_date('last_receive_time', 'iso'),
"environment": alert.environment,
"service": ",".join(alert.service),
"resource": alert.resource,
"event": alert.event,
"value": alert.value,
"text": alert.text,
"id": alert.get_id(),
"tags": ", ".join(alert.tags)
LOG.debug('PagerDuty ACK event for %s => %s', service, event)
counts = self.get_incident_counts(service)
LOG.info('PagerDuty %s incident counts: triggered=%s, acknowledged=%s, resolved=%s, total=%s',
service, counts['triggered'], counts['acknowledged'], counts['resolved'], counts['total'])
def resolve_event(self, alert, service, incident_key):
if service not in self.services:
LOG.error('Failed to send resolve event to PagerDuty - unknown service "%s"', service)
current_status = self.get_service_status(service)
if current_status != 'active':
LOG.warn('Status for PagerDuty service %s is %s', service, current_status)
event = {
"service_key": self.services[service]['key'],
"event_type": "resolve",
"description": '%s: %s %s on %s %s' % (alert.environment, alert.severity, alert.event,
','.join(alert.service), alert.resource),
"incident_key": incident_key,
"client": "alerta",
"client_url": "http://monitoring.guprod.gnm/alerta/widgets/v2/details?id=%s" % alert.get_id(),
"details": {
"severity": '%s -> %s' % (alert.previous_severity, alert.severity),
"status": alert.status,
"lastReceiveTime": alert.get_date('last_receive_time', 'iso'),
"environment": alert.environment,
"service": ",".join(alert.service),
"resource": alert.resource,
"event": alert.event,
"value": alert.value,
"text": alert.text,
"id": alert.get_id(),
"tags": ", ".join(alert.tags)
LOG.debug('PagerDuty RESOLVE event for %s => %s', service, event)
counts = self.get_incident_counts(service)
LOG.info('PagerDuty %s incident counts: triggered=%s, acknowledged=%s, resolved=%s, total=%s',
service, counts['triggered'], counts['acknowledged'], counts['resolved'], counts['total'])
def _submit_event(self, event):
url = self.INCIDENT_API
data = json.dumps(event)
response = requests.post(url, data=data).json()
except requests.ConnectionError, e:
LOG.error('PagerDuty incident request failed %s - %s', url, e)
LOG.debug('PagerDuty Integration API response: %s', response)
if 'status' in response and response["status"] == "success":
LOG.info('PagerDuty event triggered successfully by alert with incident_key=%s', event['incident_key'])
LOG.error('PagerDuty server REJECTED alert %s: %s', event['details']['id'], response)