
173 lines
15 KiB

"cli": {
"added_tags": "Added tags <i>{tags}</i> to <b>{song}</b>.",
"added_tags_to_all": "Added tags <i>{tags}</i> to songs on the playlist.",
"admin_help": "<h3>Admin command</h3>\n<b>Bot</b>\n<ul>\n<li><b>!<u>k</u>ill </b> - kill the bot</li>\n<li><b>!update </b> - update the bot</li>\n<li><b>!userban </b> {user} - ban a user</li>\n<li><b>!userunban </b> {user} - unban a user</li>\n<li><b>!urlbanlist </b> - list banned url</li>\n<li><b>!urlban </b> [{url}] - ban {url} (or current item's url by default) and remove this url from the library.</li>\n<li><b>!urlunban </b> {url} - unban {url}</li>\n<li><b>!rescan </b> {url} - rebuild local music file cache</li>\n<li><b>!dropdatabase</b> - clear the entire database, you will lose all settings and music library.</li>\n</ul>\n<b>Web Interface</b>\n<ul>\n<li><b>!<u>webuserlist</u></b> - list all users that have the permission of accessing the web interface, if auth mode is 'password'.</li>\n<li><b>!<u>webuseradd</u> {nick name}</b> - grant the user with {nick name} the access to the web interface, if auth mode is 'password'.</li>\n<li><b>!<u>webuserdel</u> {nick name}</b> - revoke the access to the web interface of {nick name}, if auth mode is 'password'.</li>\n</ul>",
"auto_paused": "Use <i>!play</i> to resume music!",
"bad_command": "<i>{command}</i>: command not found.",
"bad_parameter": "<i>{command}</i>: invalid parameter.",
"bad_url": "Bad URL requested.",
"cache_refreshed": "Cache refreshed!",
"change_ducking_volume": "Volume on ducking set to {volume} by {user}.",
"change_max_volume": "Max volume set to {max} by {user}",
"change_mode": "Playback mode set to <i>{mode}</i> by {user}.",
"change_volume": "Volume set to {volume} by {user}.",
"cleared": "Playlist emptied.",
"cleared_tags": "Removed all tags from <b>{song}</b>.",
"cleared_tags_from_all": "Removed all tags from songs on the playlist.",
"command_disabled": "{command}: command disabled!",
"current_ducking_volume": "Volume on ducking: {volume}.",
"current_max_volume": "Current max volume: {max}.",
"current_mode": "Current playback mode is <i>{mode}</i>.",
"current_volume": "Current volume: {volume}.",
"database_dropped": "Database dropped. All records have gone.",
"download_in_progress": "Download of <b>{item}</b> in progress...",
"error_executing_command": "{command}: Command failed with error: {error}.",
"file": "File",
"file_added": "Added {item}. ",
"file_deleted": "Deleted {item} from the library.",
"file_item": "<b>{artist} - {title}</b> <i>added by</i> {user}",
"file_missed": "Music file '{file}' missed! This item has been removed from the playlist.",
"help": "<h3>Commands</h3>\n<b>Control</b>\n<ul>\n<li> <b>!<u>w</u>eb</b> - get the URL of the web interface, if enabled. </li>\n<li> <b>!play </b> (or <b>!p</b>) [{num}] [{start_from}] - resume from pausing / start to play (the num-th song is num if given) </li>\n<li> <b>!<u>pa</u>use </b> - pause </li>\n<li> <b>!<u>st</u>op </b> - stop playing </li>\n<li> <b>!<u>sk</u>ip </b> - jump to the next song </li>\n<li> <b>!<u>la</u>st </b> - jump to the last song </li>\n<li> <b>!<u>v</u>olume </b> {volume} - get or change the volume (from 0 to 100) </li>\n<li> <b>!<u>m</u>ode </b> [{mode}] - get or set the playback mode, {mode} should be one of <i>one-shot</i> (remove\nitem once played), <i>repeat</i> (looping through the playlist), <i>random</i> (randomize the playlist),\n<i>autoplay</i> (randomly grab something from the music library).</li>\n<li> <b>!duck </b> on/off - enable or disable ducking function </li>\n<li> <b>!duckv </b> {volume} - set the volume of the bot when ducking is activated </li>\n<li> <b>!<u>duckt</u>hres </b> - set the threshold of volume to activate ducking (3000 by default) </li>\n<li> <b>!<u>o</u>ust </b> - stop playing and go to default channel </li>\n</ul>\n<b>Playlist</b>\n<ul>\n<li> <b>!<u>n</u>ow </b> (or <b>!np</b>) - display the current song </li>\n<li> <b>!<u>q</u>ueue </b> - display items in the playlist </li>\n<li> <b>!<u>t</u>ag </b> {tags} - add all items with tags {tags}, tags separated by \",\". </li>\n<li> <b>!file </b>(or <b>!f</b>) {path/folder/keyword} - add a single file to the playlist by its path or keyword in its path. </li>\n<li> <b>!<u>filem</u>atch </b>(or <b>!fm</b>) {pattern} - add all files that match regex {pattern} </li>\n<li> <b>!<u>ur</u>l </b> {url} - add Youtube or SoundCloud music </li>\n<li> <b>!<u>playl</u>ist </b> {url} [{offset}] - add all items in a Youtube or SoundCloud playlist, and start with the {offset}-th item </li>\n<li> <b>!<u>rad</u>io </b> {url} - append a radio {url} to the playlist </li>\n<li> <b>!<u>rbq</u>uery </b> {keyword} - query for a radio station </li>\n<li> <b>!<u>rbp</u>lay </b> {id} - play a radio station with {id} (eg. !rbplay 96746) </li>\n<li> <b>!<u>ys</u>earch </b> {keywords} - query youtube. Use <i>!ysearch -n</i> to turn the page. </li>\n<li> <b>!<u>yp</u>lay </b> {keywords} - add the first search result of {keywords} into the playlist.</li>\n<li> <b>!<u>sh</u>ortlist </b> (or <b>!sl</b>) {indexes/*} - add {indexes}-th item (or all items if * is given) on the shortlist. </li>\n<li> <b>!rm </b> {num} - remove the num-th song on the playlist </li>\n<li> <b>!<u>rep</u>eat </b> [{num}] - repeat current song {num} (1 by default) times.</li>\n<li> <b>!<u>ran</u>dom </b> - randomize the playlist.</li>\n</ul>\n<b>Music Library</b>\n<ul>\n<li> <b>!<u>se</u>arch </b> {keywords} - find item with {keywords} in the music library, keywords separated by space.</li>\n<li> <b>!<u>li</u>stfile </b> [{pattern}] - display list of available files (whose paths match the regex pattern if {pattern} is given) </li>\n<li> <b>!<u>addt</u>ag </b> [{index}] {tags} - add {tags} to {index}-th(current song if {index} is omitted) item on the playlist, tags separated by \",\". </li>\n<li> <b>!<u>addt</u>ag </b> * {tags} - add {tags} to all items on the playlist. </li>\n<li> <b>!<u>un</u>tag </b> [{index/*}] {tags}/* - remove {tags}/all tags from {index}-th(current song if {index} is omitted) item on the playlist. </li>\n<li> <b>!<u>fin</u>dtagged </b> (or <b>!ft</b>) {tags} - find item with {tags} in the music library. </li>\n<li> <b>!<u>del</u>ete </b> {index} - delete {index}-th item on the shortlist from the music library. </li>\n</ul>\n<b>Other</b>\n<ul>\n<li> <b>!<u>j</u>oinme {token} </b> - join your own channel with {token}.</li>\n<li> <b>!<u>password</u> {password} </b> - change your password, used to access the web interface.</li>\n</ul>",
"invalid_index": "Invalid index <i>{index}</i>. Use <i>!queue</i> to see the playlist.",
"last_song_on_the_queue": "Last one on the queue.",
"max_volume": "Volume exceeds max volume of {max}. Setting volume to max.",
"multiple_file_added": "Multiple items added:",
"multiple_file_deleted": "Multiple items deleted from the library:",
"multiple_file_found": "Found:",
"multiple_matches": "File not found! Possible candidates:",
"new_version_found": "<h2>Update Available!</h2> Version {new_version} of botamusique is available! <hr />\n<h3>Changelog</h3> {changelog} <hr /> Send <i>!update</i> to update!",
"next_to_play": "Next song.",
"no_file": "File not found.",
"not_admin": "You are not an admin!",
"not_in_my_channel": "You're not in my channel!",
"not_playing": "Nothing is playing right now.",
"now_playing": "Playing {item}",
"page_instruction": "Page {current}/{total}. Use <i>!{command} {{page}}</i> to navigate.",
"paused": "Music paused.",
"playlist_fetching_failed": "Unable to fetch the playlist!",
"pm_not_allowed": "Private message aren't allowed.",
"position_in_the_queue": "Position: {position}",
"preconfigurated_radio": "Preconfigurated Radio available:",
"queue_contents": "Items on the playlist:",
"queue_empty": "Playlist is empty!",
"radio": "Radio",
"radio_item": "<a href=\"{url}\"><b>{title}</b></a> <i>from</i> {name} <i>added by</i> {user}",
"rb_play_empty": "Please specify a radio station ID!",
"rb_query_result": "This is the result of your query, send <i> !rbplay {ID} </i> to play a station:",
"records_omitted": "...",
"removed_tags": "Removed tags <i>{tags}</i> from <b>{song}</b>.",
"removed_tags_from_all": "Removed tags <i>{tags}</i> from songs on the playlist.",
"removing_item": "Removed entry {item} from playlist.",
"repeat": "Repeat {song} for {n} times.",
"report_version": "The current version of botamusique is <b>{version}</b>.",
"shortlist_instruction": "Use <i>!sl {indexes}</i> to play the item you want.",
"start_updating": "Start updating...",
"stopped": "Music stopped.",
"too_long": "<b>{song}</b> is too long ({duration} > {max_duration}), removed from playlist!",
"unable_download": "Unable to download <b>{item}</b>. Removed from the library.",
"unable_play": "Unable to play <b>{item}</b>. Removed from the library.",
"unknown_mode": "Unknown playback mode '{mode}'. It should be one of <i>one-shot</i>, <i>repeat</i>, <i>random</i>.",
"update_successful": "<h2>botamusique v{version} Installed!</h2><hr />\n<h3>Changelog</h3> {changelog} <hr /> Visit <a href=\"\">our github repo</a> for more details!",
"url": "URL",
"url_ban": "The URL {url} is banned! Removed from playlist!",
"url_ban_list": "List of banned URL: <br>{list}",
"url_ban_success": "The following URL is banned: {url}.",
"url_from_playlist": "URL",
"url_from_playlist_item": "<a href=\"{url}\"><b>{title}</b></a> <i>from playlist</i> <a href=\"{playlist_url}\">{playlist}</a> <i>added by</i> {user}",
"url_item": "<a href=\"{url}\"><b>{title}</b></a> <i>added by</i> {user}",
"url_unban_success": "The following URL is unbanned: {url}.",
"url_unwhitelist_success": "The following URL is un-whitelisted: {url}.",
"url_whitelist_list": "List of whitelisted URL: <br>{list}",
"url_whitelist_success": "The following URL is whitelisted: {url}.",
"user_ban": "You are banned, not allowed to do that!",
"user_ban_list": "List of banned user: <br>{list}",
"user_ban_success": "User {user} is banned.",
"user_password_set": "Your password has been updated.",
"user_unban_success": "User {user} is unbanned.",
"web_user_list": "Following users have the privilege to access the web interface: <br /> {users}",
"webpage_address": "Your own address to access the web interface is <a href=\"{address}\">{address}</a>",
"which_command": "Do you mean <br /> {commands}",
"wrong_pattern": "Invalid regex: {error}.",
"yt_no_more": "No more results!",
"yt_query_error": "Unable to query youtube!",
"yt_result": "Youtube query result: {result_table} Use <i>!sl {{indexes}}</i> to play the item you want. <br />\n<i>!ytquery -n</i> for the next page."
"web": {
"action": "Action",
"add": "Add",
"add_all": "Add All",
"add_radio": "Add Radio",
"add_radio_url": "Add Radio URL",
"add_to_bottom": "Add to bottom",
"add_to_bottom_of_current_playlist": "Add to bottom of current playlist",
"add_to_playlist_next": "Add to playlist right after current song",
"add_url": "Add URL",
"add_youtube_or_soundcloud_url": "Add Youtube or Soundcloud URL",
"are_you_really_sure": "Are you really sure?",
"aria_botamusique_logo": "Botamusique Logo: a fox with two headphones, enjoying the music",
"aria_default_cover": "A black square with two eighth notes beamed together.",
"aria_empty_box": "A drawing of an empty box.",
"aria_remove_this_song": "Remove this song from the current playlist",
"aria_skip_current_song": "Skip current song and play this song right now",
"aria_skip_to_next_track": "Skip to next track",
"aria_spinner": "A loading spinner",
"aria_warning_of_deletion": "Warning about deletion of files.",
"autoplay": "Autoplay",
"browse_music_file": "Browse Music file",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"cancel_upload_warning": "<strong>Are you really sure?</strong> <br /> Click again to abort uploading.",
"change_playback_mode": "Change Playback Mode",
"choose_file": "Choose file",
"clear_playlist": "Clear Playlist",
"close": "Close",
"delete_all": "Delete All",
"delete_all_files": "Delete All Listed Files",
"delete_file_warning": "All files listed here, include files on other pages, will be deleted from your hard-drive.\n Is that what you want?",
"directory": "Directory",
"download_all": "Download All",
"download_song_from_library": "Download song from library",
"edit_submit": "Edit!",
"edit_tags_for": "Edit tags for",
"expand_playlist": "See item <span\n class=\"playlist-expand-item-range\"></span> on the playlist.",
"file": "File",
"filters": "Filters",
"index": "#",
"keywords": "Keywords",
"keywords_placeholder": "Keywords...",
"mini_player_title": "Now Playing...",
"music_library": "Music Library",
"next_to_play": "Next to play",
"no_tag": "No tag",
"oneshot": "One-shot",
"open_volume_controls": "Open Volume Controls",
"page_title": "botamusique Web Interface",
"pause": "Pause",
"play": "Play",
"playlist_controls": "Playlist controls",
"radio": "Radio",
"radio_url_placeholder": "Radio URL...",
"random": "Random",
"remove_song_from_library": "Remove song from library",
"repeat": "Repeat",
"rescan_files": "Rescan Files",
"skip_track": "Skip Track",
"submit": "Submit",
"tags": "Tags",
"tags_to_add": "Tags to add",
"title": "Title",
"token": "Token",
"token_required": "Token Required",
"token_required_message": "You are accessing the web interface of {{ name }}.\nA token is needed to grant you access.<br />\nPlease send \"{{ command }}\" to the bot in mumble to acquire one.",
"type": "Type",
"upload_file": "Upload File",
"upload_submit": "Upload!",
"upload_to": "Upload To",
"uploaded_finished": "Uploaded finished!",
"uploading_files": "Uploading files...",
"url": "URL",
"url_path": "Url/Path",
"url_placeholder": "URL...",
"volume_slider": "Volume Slider"