FROM openjdk:17.0.2 ARG UID ENV UID=${UID:-1000} ARG GID ENV GID=${GID:-1000} # We might be running as a user which already exists in this image. In that situation # Everything is OK and we should just continue on. RUN groupadd -g $GID baserow_docker_group || exit 0 RUN useradd -l --shell /bin/bash -u $UID -g $GID -o -c "" -m baserow_docker_user || exit 0 RUN mkdir -p /workspace/src && chown -R $UID:$GID /workspace USER $UID:$GID WORKDIR /workspace ENV ANTLR_VERSION 4.9 ENV CLASSPATH .:/workspace/antlr-${ANTLR_VERSION}-complete.jar:$CLASSPATH RUN curl -O${ANTLR_VERSION}-complete.jar \ && mv antlr-${ANTLR_VERSION}-complete.jar antlr.jar \ && chmod +x antlr.jar