#!/bin/bash # Bash strict mode: http://redsymbol.net/articles/unofficial-bash-strict-mode/ set -eo pipefail tabname() { printf "\e]1;$1\a" } RED=$(tput setaf 1) GREEN=$(tput setaf 2) YELLOW=$(tput setaf 3) NC=$(tput sgr0) # No Color print_manual_instructions(){ COMMAND=$1 echo -e "\nTo inspect the now running dev environment open a new tab/terminal and run:" echo " $COMMAND" } DOCKER_COMPOSE="docker-compose" if docker compose version &> /dev/null; then DOCKER_COMPOSE="docker compose" fi PRINT_WARNING=true new_tab() { TAB_NAME=$1 COMMAND=$2 echo "Attempting to open tab with command $GREEN$COMMAND$NC" if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu"* ]]; then if [ -x "$(command -v gnome-terminal)" ]; then gnome-terminal \ --tab --title="$TAB_NAME" --working-directory="$(pwd)" -- /bin/bash -c "$COMMAND" elif [ -x "$(command -v konsole)" ]; then ktab=$(qdbus $KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE $KONSOLE_DBUS_WINDOW newSession) qdbus $KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE /Sessions/$(($ktab)) setTitle 1 "$TAB_NAME" qdbus $KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE /Sessions/$(($ktab)) runCommand "cd $(pwd); $COMMAND" qdbus $KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE $KONSOLE_DBUS_WINDOW prevSession else if $PRINT_WARNING; then echo -e "\n${YELLOW}./dev.sh WARNING${NC}: gnome-terminal is the only currently supported way of opening multiple tabs/terminals for linux by this script, add support for your setup!" PRINT_WARNING=false fi print_manual_instructions "$COMMAND" fi elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then osascript \ -e "tell application \"Terminal\"" \ -e "tell application \"System Events\" to keystroke \"t\" using {command down}" \ -e "do script \"printf '\\\e]1;$TAB_NAME\\\a'; $COMMAND\" in front window" \ -e "end tell" > /dev/null else if $PRINT_WARNING; then echo -e "\n${WARNING}./dev.sh WARNING${NC}: The OS '$OSTYPE' is not supported yet for creating tabs to setup baserow's dev environment, please add support!" PRINT_WARNING=false fi print_manual_instructions "$COMMAND" fi } launch_tab_and_attach(){ tab_name=$1 service_name=$2 container_name=$(docker inspect -f '{{.Name}}' "$($DOCKER_COMPOSE -f "$CORE_FILE" "${OVERRIDE_FILE[@]}" ps -q "$service_name")" | cut -c2-) command="docker logs $container_name && docker attach $container_name" if [[ $(docker inspect "$container_name" --format='{{.State.ExitCode}}') -eq 0 ]]; then new_tab "$tab_name" "$command" else echo -e "\n${RED}$service_name crashed on launch!${NC}" docker logs "$container_name" echo -e "\n${RED}$service_name crashed on launch, see above for logs!${NC}" fi } launch_tab_and_exec(){ tab_name=$1 service_name=$2 exec_command=$3 container_name=$(docker inspect -f '{{.Name}}' "$($DOCKER_COMPOSE -f "$CORE_FILE" "${OVERRIDE_FILE[@]}" ps -q "$service_name")" | cut -c2-) command="docker exec -it $container_name $exec_command" new_tab "$tab_name" "$command" } launch_e2e_tab(){ PWD=$(pwd) new_tab "e2e tests" "export BASEROW_E2E_STARTUP_MAX_WAIT_TIME_SECONDS=1200; cd $PWD/e2e-tests && bash --init-file <(echo 'history -s yarn run test-ci;./run-e2e-tests-locally.sh')" } show_help() { echo """ ./dev.sh starts the baserow development environment and by default attempts to open terminal tabs which are attached to the running dev containers. Usage: ./dev.sh [optional start dev commands] [optional docker-compose up commands] The ./dev.sh Commands are: dev (default) : Use the dev environment. local : Use the local environment (no source is mounted, non-dev images used). all_in_one : Use the all_in_one environment. heroku : Use the heroku environment. cloudron : Use the cloudron environment. restart : Stop the environment first before relaunching. restart_wipe : Stop the environment, delete all of the compose file named volumes. down : Down the environment and don't up after. kill : Kill the environment and don't up after. build_only : Build the environment and don't up after. dont_migrate : Disable automatic database migration on baserow startup. dont_sync : Disable automatic template sync on baserow startup. dont_attach : Don't attach to the running containers after starting them. ignore_ownership: Don't exit if there are files in the repo owned by a different user. attach_all : Attach to all launched containers. dont_build_deps : When building environments which require other environments to be built first dev.sh will build them automatically, disable this by passing this flag. no_e2e : Disabled the e2e testing tab. help : Show this message. """ } function ensure_only_one_env_selected_at_once() { if [ "$env_set" == true ]; then echo "${RED}You cannot select multiple different environments at once" exit 1 else env_set=true fi } dont_attach=false down=false kill=false build=false run=false up=true migrate=true sync_templates=true exit_if_other_owners_found=true delete_volumes=false attach_all=false # Dev.sh supported environments dev=true local=false all_in_one=false all_in_one_dev=false all_in_one_pgautoupgrade=false all_in_one_pg11=false cloudron=false heroku=false env_set=false build_deps=true build_dependencies=() e2e_tests=true if [[ -f ".local/pre_devsh_hook.sh" ]]; then source ".local/pre_devsh_hook.sh" fi while true; do case "${1:-noneleft}" in dont_migrate) echo "./dev.sh: Automatic migration on startup has been disabled." shift migrate=false ;; dont_sync) echo "./dev.sh: Automatic template syncing on startup has been disabled." shift sync_templates=false ;; dont_attach) echo "./dev.sh: Configured to not attach to running dev containers." shift dont_attach=true ;; restart) echo "./dev.sh: Restarting Dev Environment" shift down=true up=true ;; down) echo "./dev.sh: Stopping Dev Environment" shift up=false down=true ;; kill) echo "./dev.sh: Killing Dev Environment" shift up=false kill=true ;; run) echo "./dev.sh: docker-compose running the provided commands" shift up=false dont_attach=true run=true ;; build_only) echo "./dev.sh: Disabled docker-compose up at end" shift build=true up=false ;; all_in_one) echo "./dev.sh: Switching to all in one image" ensure_only_one_env_selected_at_once all_in_one=true dev=false build_dependencies=(local) shift ;; all_in_one_dev) echo "./dev.sh: Switching to all in one image" ensure_only_one_env_selected_at_once all_in_one_dev=true dev=false build_dependencies=(all_in_one) shift ;; all_in_one_pgautoupgrade) echo "./dev.sh: Switching to db upgrade image" ensure_only_one_env_selected_at_once all_in_one_pgautoupgrade=true dev=false shift ;; all_in_one_pg11) echo "./dev.sh: Switching to legacy db image" ensure_only_one_env_selected_at_once all_in_one_pg11=true dev=false build_dependencies=(local) shift ;; cloudron) echo "./dev.sh: Building cloudron image" ensure_only_one_env_selected_at_once cloudron=true dev=false build_dependencies=(local all_in_one) shift ;; heroku) echo "./dev.sh: Switching to heroku" ensure_only_one_env_selected_at_once heroku=true dev=false build_dependencies=(local all_in_one) shift ;; dev) echo "./dev.sh: Using dev env" ensure_only_one_env_selected_at_once dev=true shift ;; local) echo "./dev.sh: Using local instead of dev overrides" ensure_only_one_env_selected_at_once local=true dev=false shift ;; restart_wipe) echo "./dev.sh: Restarting Env and Wiping baserow_pgdata volume if exists" shift down=true up=true delete_volumes=true ;; ignore_ownership) echo "./dev.sh: Continuing if files in repo are not owned by $USER." shift exit_if_other_owners_found=false ;; attach_all) shift attach_all=true ;; dont_build_deps) build_deps=false shift ;; no_e2e) e2e_tests=false shift ;; help) echo "Command given was $*" show_help exit 0 ;; *) break ;; esac done OWNERS=$(find . ! -user "$USER") if [[ $OWNERS ]]; then if [[ "$exit_if_other_owners_found" = true ]]; then echo "${RED}./dev.sh ERROR${NC}: Files not owned by your current user: $USER found in this repo. This will cause file permission errors when Baserow starts up. They are probably build files created by the old Baserow Docker images owned by root. Run the following command to show which files are causing this: find . ! -user $USER Please run the following command to fix file permissions in this repository before using ./dev.sh: ${GREEN}sudo chown $USER -R .${NC} OR you can ignore this check by running with the ignore_ownership arg: ${YELLOW}./dev.sh ignore_ownership ...${NC}" exit; else echo "${YELLOW}./dev.sh WARNING${NC}: Files not owned by your current user: $USER found in this repo. Continuing as 'ignore_ownership' argument provided." fi fi # Set various env variables to sensible defaults if they have not already been set by # the user. if [[ -z "$UID" ]]; then UID=$(id -u) fi export UID if [[ -z "$GID" ]]; then GID=$(id -g) fi export GID if [[ -z "${MIGRATE_ON_STARTUP:-}" ]]; then if [ "$migrate" = true ] ; then export MIGRATE_ON_STARTUP="true" else # Because of the defaults set in the docker-compose file we need to explicitly turn # this off as just not setting it will get the default "true" value. export MIGRATE_ON_STARTUP="false" fi else echo "./dev.sh Using the already set value for the env variable MIGRATE_ON_STARTUP = $MIGRATE_ON_STARTUP" fi if [[ -z "${BASEROW_TRIGGER_SYNC_TEMPLATES_AFTER_MIGRATION:-}" ]]; then if [ "$sync_templates" = true ] ; then export BASEROW_TRIGGER_SYNC_TEMPLATES_AFTER_MIGRATION="true" else # Because of the defaults set in the docker-compose file we need to explicitly turn # this off as just not setting it will get the default "true" value. export BASEROW_TRIGGER_SYNC_TEMPLATES_AFTER_MIGRATION="false" fi else echo "./dev.sh Using the already set value for the env variable BASEROW_TRIGGER_SYNC_TEMPLATES_AFTER_MIGRATION = $BASEROW_TRIGGER_SYNC_TEMPLATES_AFTER_MIGRATION" fi # Enable buildkit for faster builds with better caching. export COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD=1 export DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 export REDIS_PASSWORD=baserow export DATABASE_PASSWORD=baserow export SECRET_KEY=baserow if [[ "$dev" = true ]]; then # Caddy will just be the media server so change its port to match the MEDIA_URL export WEB_FRONTEND_PORT=4000 export WEB_FRONTEND_SSL_PORT=4443 export BASEROW_PUBLIC_URL= export PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL=${PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL:-http://localhost:8000} export PUBLIC_WEB_FRONTEND_URL=${PUBLIC_WEB_FRONTEND_URL:-http://localhost:3000} export MEDIA_URL=http://localhost:4000/media/ export BASEROW_DEPLOYMENT_ENV="development-$USER" fi echo "./dev.sh running docker-compose commands: ------------------------------------------------ " CORE_FILE=docker-compose.yml if [ "$local" = true ] ; then OVERRIDE_FILE=(-f deploy/local_testing/docker-compose.local.yml) else OVERRIDE_FILE=(-f docker-compose.dev.yml) # Detect and use gitignored dev specific docker-compose override file if [[ -f ".local/docker-compose.dev.local.yml" ]]; then OVERRIDE_FILE=(-f docker-compose.dev.yml -f .local/docker-compose.dev.local.yml) fi fi if [ "$all_in_one" = true ] ; then CORE_FILE=deploy/all-in-one/"$CORE_FILE" OVERRIDE_FILE=() fi if [ "$all_in_one_pgautoupgrade" = true ] ; then CORE_FILE=deploy/all-in-one/docker-compose.pgautoupgrade.yml OVERRIDE_FILE=() fi if [ "$all_in_one_pg11" = true ] ; then CORE_FILE=deploy/all-in-one/docker-compose.pg11.yml OVERRIDE_FILE=() fi if [ "$all_in_one_dev" = true ] ; then CORE_FILE=deploy/all-in-one/docker-compose.dev.yml OVERRIDE_FILE=() fi if [ "$cloudron" = true ] ; then CORE_FILE=deploy/cloudron/"$CORE_FILE" OVERRIDE_FILE=() fi if [ "$heroku" = true ] ; then CORE_FILE=deploy/heroku/"$CORE_FILE" OVERRIDE_FILE=() fi set -x if [ "$down" = true ] ; then # Remove the containers and remove the anonymous volumes for cleanliness sake. $DOCKER_COMPOSE -f "$CORE_FILE" "${OVERRIDE_FILE[@]}" rm -s -v -f $DOCKER_COMPOSE -f "$CORE_FILE" "${OVERRIDE_FILE[@]}" down --remove-orphans fi if [ "$kill" = true ] ; then $DOCKER_COMPOSE -f "$CORE_FILE" "${OVERRIDE_FILE[@]}" kill fi if [ "$build" = true ] ; then if [ "$build_deps" = true ]; then for dep in "${build_dependencies[@]}" do ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} "$dep" build_only done fi $DOCKER_COMPOSE -f "$CORE_FILE" "${OVERRIDE_FILE[@]}" build "$@" fi if [ "$delete_volumes" = true ] ; then $DOCKER_COMPOSE -f "$CORE_FILE" "${OVERRIDE_FILE[@]}" down -v fi if [ "$up" = true ] ; then $DOCKER_COMPOSE -f "$CORE_FILE" "${OVERRIDE_FILE[@]}" up -d "$@" fi if [ "$run" = true ] ; then $DOCKER_COMPOSE -f "$CORE_FILE" "${OVERRIDE_FILE[@]}" run "$@" fi set +x if [ "$dont_attach" != true ] && [ "$up" = true ] ; then if [ "$all_in_one" = true ]; then launch_tab_and_attach "baserow_all_in_one" "baserow_all_in_one" launch_tab_and_attach "mailhog" "mailhog" fi if [ "$all_in_one_dev" = true ]; then launch_tab_and_attach "baserow_all_in_one_dev" "baserow_all_in_one_dev" launch_tab_and_exec "web frontend lint" \ "baserow_all_in_one_dev" \ "/bin/bash /baserow.sh web-frontend-cmd lint-fix" launch_tab_and_exec "backend lint" \ "baserow_all_in_one_dev" \ "/bin/bash /baserow.sh backend-cmd lint-shell" launch_tab_and_attach "mailhog" "mailhog" fi if [ "$cloudron" = true ]; then launch_tab_and_attach "baserow_cloudron" "baserow_cloudron" if [ "$attach_all" = true ] ; then launch_tab_and_attach "db" "db" launch_tab_and_attach "mailhog" "mailhog" fi fi if [ "$heroku" = true ]; then launch_tab_and_attach "baserow_heroku" "baserow_heroku" if [ "$attach_all" = true ] ; then launch_tab_and_attach "db" "db" launch_tab_and_attach "redis" "redis" launch_tab_and_attach "mailhog" "mailhog" fi fi if [ "$local" = true ] || [ "$dev" = true ]; then launch_tab_and_attach "backend" "backend" launch_tab_and_attach "web frontend" "web-frontend" launch_tab_and_attach "celery" "celery" launch_tab_and_attach "export worker" "celery-export-worker" launch_tab_and_attach "beat worker" "celery-beat-worker" if [ "$dev" = true ] ; then launch_tab_and_exec "web frontend lint" \ "web-frontend" \ "/bin/bash /baserow/web-frontend/docker/docker-entrypoint.sh lint-fix" launch_tab_and_exec "backend lint" \ "backend" \ "/bin/bash /baserow/backend/docker/docker-entrypoint.sh lint-shell" if [ "$e2e_tests" = true ]; then launch_e2e_tab fi fi if [ "$attach_all" = true ] ; then launch_tab_and_attach "caddy" "caddy" launch_tab_and_attach "db" "db" launch_tab_and_attach "redis" "redis" launch_tab_and_attach "mailhog" "mailhog" launch_tab_and_attach "otel-collector" "otel-collector" if [ "$dev" = true ] ; then launch_tab_and_attach "mjml compiler" "mjml-email-compiler" fi fi fi fi if [[ -f ".local/post_devsh_hook.sh" ]]; then source ".local/post_devsh_hook.sh" fi