# Installing Baserow with Traefik If you are using [Traefik](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/) the example below will show you how to configure Baserow to work with Traefik. ## Example Traefik compose file See below for an example docker-compose file that will enable Baserow with Traefik. ``` version: "3.4" services: baserow: image: baserow/baserow:1.28.0 container_name: baserow labels: # Explicitly tell Traefik to expose this container - "traefik.enable=true" # The domain the service will respond to - "traefik.http.routers.baserow.rule=Host(`domain.com`)" environment: - BASEROW_PUBLIC_URL=https://domain.com volumes: - baserow_data:/baserow/data volumes: baserow_data: ```