2022-10-04 20:45:28 +02:00

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import math
from micropython import const
from utime import sleep_ms
from .htu21d_configuration import HTU21DConfiguration
class HTU21D:
"""This class represents the HTU21D Digital Relative Humidity sensor
The datasheet can be found here: https://www.te.com/usa-en/product-CAT-HSC0004.html.
# Constants used for dew point temperature calculation:
A = const(8.1332)
B = const(1762.39)
C = const(235.66)
def __init__(self, address, i2c, configuration=HTU21DConfiguration()):
self._address = address
self._i2c = i2c
self.configuration = configuration
def reset(self):
"""Reset the HTU21D."""
self._i2c.writeto(self._address, b'\xFE')
def configuration(self):
"""Get configuration."""
return self._configuration
def configuration(self, configuration):
"""Set configuration.
Keyword arguments:
configuration -- the configuration
self._configuration = configuration
data = bytearray(1)
data[0] = configuration.measurement_resolution | 1 << 2 if configuration.heater_enabled else 0
def _temperature(self) -> tuple[int, float, bool | None]:
"""Calculate temperature."""
rxdata = bytearray(3)
self._i2c.readfrom_mem_into(self._address, 0xE3, rxdata)
crc_ok = None
if self._configuration.crc_enabled:
crc_ok = self._crc_check("{0:b}".format(rxdata[0] << 8 | rxdata[1]), "{0:08b}".format(rxdata[2]))
s_temp = rxdata[0] << 8 | ((rxdata[1] >> 2) << 2)
temp = -46.85 + (175.72 * (s_temp / 65536)) # see datasheet page 15, 'Temperature conversion'.
return s_temp, temp, crc_ok
def _humidity(self) -> tuple[int, float, bool | None]:
"""Calculate humidity."""
rxdata = bytearray(3)
self._i2c.readfrom_mem_into(self._address, 0xE5, rxdata)
crc_ok = None
if self._configuration.crc_enabled:
crc_ok = self._crc_check("{0:b}".format(rxdata[0] << 8 | rxdata[1]), "{0:08b}".format(rxdata[2]))
s_rh = rxdata[0] << 8 | ((rxdata[1] >> 2) << 2)
rh = -6 + (125 * (s_rh / 65536)) # see datasheet page 15, 'Relative Humidity conversion'.
return s_rh, rh, crc_ok
def _partial_pressure(self, temperature) -> float:
"""Calculate partial pressure."""
return 10 ** (HTU21D.A - (HTU21D.B / (temperature + HTU21D.C)))
def _dew_point(self, temperature, humidity) -> float:
"""Calculate dew point."""
# See datasheet page 15, 'application: dew point temperature measurement'.
return -1 * ((HTU21D.B / (math.log10(humidity * (self._partial_pressure(temperature) / 100)) - HTU21D.A)) + HTU21D.C)
def measurements(self) -> dict:
"""Get measurements."""
temperature = self._temperature()
humidity = self._humidity()
# see datasheet page 4, 'Temperature coefficient compensation equation'.
humidity_compensated = humidity[1] + (-0.15 * (25 - temperature[1]))
dew_point = self._dew_point(temperature[1], humidity_compensated)
return {
't': temperature[1],
't_dew_point': dew_point,
't_crc_ok': temperature[2],
't_adc': temperature[0],
'h': humidity_compensated,
'h_crc_ok': humidity[2],
'h_adc': humidity[0]
def user_register(self):
"""Get user_register."""
rxdata = bytearray(1)
self._i2c.readfrom_mem_into(self._address, 0xE7, rxdata)
return rxdata[0]
def _write_user_register(self, data: bytearray):
"""Write configuration to the user register.
Keyword arguments:
data -- the data to be written to the user register
# Read the current configuration: (see datasheet page 12, 'User register')
current_config = self.user_register
# Gather the reserved bits:
reserved_bits = ((current_config >> 3) & 7) << 3
# Create the new configuration with the original values of the reserved bits:
rxdata = bytearray(1)
rxdata[0] = ((data[0] >> 6) << 6) | reserved_bits | ((data[0] << 6) >> 6)
self._i2c.writeto_mem(self._address, 0xE6, rxdata)
def _crc_check(self, input_bitstring: str, check_value: str) -> bool:
"""Calculate the CRC check of a string of bits using a fixed polynomial.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclic_redundancy_check
Keyword arguments:
input_bitstring -- the data to verify
check_value -- the CRC received with the data
polynomial_bitstring = "100110001" # See datasheet page 14, 'CRC for HTU21D(F) sensors using I²C Protocol'.
len_input = len(input_bitstring)
initial_padding = check_value
input_padded_array = list(input_bitstring + initial_padding)
while '1' in input_padded_array[:len_input]:
cur_shift = input_padded_array.index('1')
for i in range(len(polynomial_bitstring)):
input_padded_array[cur_shift + i] = \
str(int(polynomial_bitstring[i] != input_padded_array[cur_shift + i]))
return '1' not in ''.join(input_padded_array)[len_input:]