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synced 2025-02-23 21:08:26 +00:00
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59 lines
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{% extends 'datatable.html.twig' %}
{% import "macros/widgets.html.twig" as widgets %}
{% import "customer/actions.html.twig" as actions %}
{% block datatable_row_attr %} {{ widgets.customer_row_attr(entry, now) }}{% endblock %}
{% block datatable_column_value %}
{% if column == 'name' %}
{{ widgets.label_name(entry.name, entry.color|colorize(entry.name)) }}
{% elseif column == 'comment' %}
{{ entry.comment|comment1line }}
{% elseif column == 'number' %}
{{ entry.number }}
{% elseif column == 'company' %}
{{ entry.company }}
{% elseif column == 'vat_id' %}
{{ entry.vatId }}
{% elseif column == 'contact' %}
{{ entry.contact }}
{% elseif column == 'address' %}
{{ entry.address }}
{% elseif column == 'country' %}
{{ entry.country|country_name }}
{% elseif column == 'currency' %}
{{ entry.currency|currency_name }}
{% elseif column == 'phone' %}
{{ entry.phone }}
{% elseif column == 'fax' %}
{{ entry.fax }}
{% elseif column == 'mobile' %}
{{ entry.mobile }}
{% elseif column == 'email' %}
{{ entry.email }}
{% elseif column == 'homepage' %}
{{ entry.homepage }}
{% elseif column == 'budget' %}
{% if entry.hasBudget() and is_granted('budget', entry) %}
{{ entry.budget|money(entry.currency) }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% elseif column == 'timeBudget' %}
{% if entry.hasTimeBudget() and is_granted('time', entry) %}
{{ entry.timeBudget|duration }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% elseif column == 'billable' %}
{{ widgets.label_boolean(entry.billable) }}
{% elseif column == 'team' %}
{{ widgets.badge_team_access(entry.teams) }}
{% elseif column == 'visible' %}
{{ widgets.label_visible(entry.visible) }}
{% elseif column == 'actions' %}
{{ actions.customer(entry, 'index') }}
{% elseif column starts with 'mf_' %}
{{ widgets.meta_field_value(entry, data) }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}