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{% set showUserColumn = showUserColumn ?? true %}
{% set showInternalRate = showInternalRate ?? false %}
{% set showRateColumn = showRateColumn ?? is_granted('view_rate_other_timesheet') %}
{% set showHourlyRateColumn = showRateColumn and (showHourlyRateColumn ?? false) %}
{% set showSummaryHourlyRate = showRateColumn and (showSummaryHourlyRate ?? false) %}
{% set showRateBudget = showRateBudget ?? false %}
{% set showTimeBudget = showTimeBudget ?? false %}
{% set showCustomerSummary = showCustomerSummary ?? true %}
{% set showTotalSummary = showTotalSummary ?? true %}
{% set showDateTimeShort = showDateTimeShort ?? false %}
{% set showPageBreak = showPageBreak ?? true %}
{% set now = create_date('now', app.user) %}
{% set decimal = decimal ?? false %}
{# this is only triggered, if a user exports from his personal timesheet screen #}
{% if query is defined and query.user is not null %}
{% set showUserColumn = false %}
{# if exporting via the admin screen, users without view_rate_own_timesheet might still see their own rates #}
{% set showRateColumn = is_granted('view_rate_own_timesheet') %}
{% endif %}
{% set summaryColumns = ['customer', 'project'] %}
{% if showTimeBudget %}
{% set summaryColumns = summaryColumns|merge(['timeBudget']) %}
{% endif %}
{% if showRateBudget %}
{% set summaryColumns = summaryColumns|merge(['budget']) %}
{% endif %}
{% if showSummaryHourlyRate %}
{% set summaryColumns = summaryColumns|merge(['hourlyRate']) %}
{% endif %}
{% set summaryColumns = summaryColumns|merge(['duration']) %}
{% if showRateColumn %}
{% if showInternalRate %}
{% set summaryColumns = summaryColumns|merge(['internalRate']) %}
{% endif %}
{% set summaryColumns = summaryColumns|merge(['rate']) %}
{% endif %}
<html{% if app.request is defined and app.request is not null %} lang="{{ app.request.locale }}"{% endif %}>
<title>{% block document_title %}{{ 'export'|trans }}{% endblock %}</title>
{% block styles %}
{{ encore_entry_css_source('export-pdf')|raw }}
{% endblock %}
{% block pdf_footer %}
<htmlpagefooter name="myfooter">
<table style="border-top: 1px solid #000000; font-size: 9pt; padding-top: 3mm; width: 100%">
<td align="left">
{{ 'export.page_of'|trans({'%page%': '{PAGENO}', '%pages%': '{nb}'}) }}
{% if not showUserColumn and query is defined and query.user %}
{{ 'user'|trans }}: {{ query.user.displayName }}
{% endif %}
<td align="right">
{% set company = config('theme.branding.company') %}
{% if company is not empty %}
{{ company }} &ndash; {{ now|date_time }}
{% else %}
{{ 'export.date_copyright'|trans({'%date%': now|date_time, '%kimai%': '<a href="' ~ constant('App\\Constants::HOMEPAGE') ~ '">' ~ constant('App\\Constants::SOFTWARE') ~ '</a>'})|raw }}
{% endif %}
<sethtmlpagefooter name="myfooter" value="on" />
{% endblock %}
{% block body_start %}{% endblock %}
{% block summary %}
{% block summary_header %}
<h2 style="margin-bottom: 4px; padding-bottom: 0">{% block title %}{{ 'export.document_title'|trans }}{% endblock %}</h2>
{% if query is defined %}
{{ 'export.period'|trans }}:
{{ query.begin|date_short }} - {{ query.end|date_short }}
{% endif %}
<h3>{{ 'export.summary'|trans }}</h3>
{% endblock %}
<table class="items">
{% block summary_head_row_start %}{% endblock %}
{% for summaryColumn in summaryColumns %}
{% if summaryColumn == 'customer' %}
<th>{{ 'customer'|trans }}</th>
{% elseif summaryColumn == 'project' %}
<th>{{ 'project'|trans }}</th>
{% else %}
<th class="center">{{ summaryColumn|trans }}</th>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% block summary_head_row_end %}{% endblock %}
{% set customer = null %}
{% set customerDuration = 0 %}
{% set customerRate = 0 %}
{% set customerInternalRate = 0 %}
{% set customerCurrency = null %}
{% set customerCount = 0 %}
{% set multiCurrency = false %}
{% set totalDuration = 0 %}
{% set totalInternalRate = 0 %}
{% set totalRate = 0 %}
{% for id, summary in summaries %}
{% set totalDuration = totalDuration + summary.duration %}
{% set totalInternalRate = totalInternalRate + summary.rate_internal %}
{% set totalRate = totalRate + summary.rate %}
{% if customerCurrency is not null and customerCurrency is not same as(summary.currency) %}
{% set multiCurrency = true %}
{% endif %}
{% if customer is same as(null) %}
{% set customer = summary.customer %}
{% set customerCurrency = summary.currency %}
{% endif %}
{% if customer is not same as(summary.customer) %}
<tr class="summary">
{% block summary_customer_row_start %}{% endblock %}
{% for summaryColumn in summaryColumns %}
{% if summaryColumn == 'duration' %}
<td class="totals duration">{{ customerDuration|duration(decimal) }}</td>
{% elseif summaryColumn == 'internalRate' %}
<td class="totals cost">{{ customerInternalRate|money(customerCurrency) }}</td>
{% elseif summaryColumn == 'rate' %}
<td class="totals cost">{{ customerRate|money(customerCurrency) }}</td>
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% block summary_customer_row_end %}{% endblock %}
{% set customerCurrency = summary.currency %}
{% set customer = summary.customer %}
{% set customerDuration = 0 %}
{% set customerRate = 0 %}
{% set customerInternalRate = 0 %}
{% set customerCount = 0 %}
{% endif %}
<tr class="{{ cycle(['odd', 'even'], customerCount) }}">
{% block summary_project_row_start %}{% endblock %}
{% for summaryColumn in summaryColumns %}
{% if summaryColumn == 'customer' %}
<td>{{ summary.customer }}</td>
{% elseif summaryColumn == 'project' %}
<td>{{ summary.project }}</td>
{% elseif summaryColumn == 'timeBudget' %}
<td class="center">
{% if budgets[id] is defined and budgets[id].time_left > 0 %}
{{ budgets[id].time_left|duration(decimal) }}
{% endif %}
{% elseif summaryColumn == 'budget' %}
<td class="center">
{% if budgets[id] is defined and budgets[id].money_left > 0 %}
{{ budgets[id].money_left|money(summary.currency) }}
{% endif %}
{% elseif summaryColumn == 'hourlyRate' %}
{% set summaryHourlyRate = summary.duration/3600 %}
<td class="cost">{{ summaryHourlyRate > 0 ? (summary.rate/summaryHourlyRate)|money(summary.currency) : '' }}</td>
{% elseif summaryColumn == 'duration' %}
<td class="duration">{{ summary.duration|duration(decimal) }}</td>
{% elseif summaryColumn == 'internalRate' %}
<td class="cost">{{ summary.rate_internal|money(summary.currency) }}</td>
{% elseif summaryColumn == 'rate' %}
<td class="cost">{{ summary.rate|money(summary.currency) }}</td>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% block summary_project_row_end %}{% endblock %}
{% set customerDuration = customerDuration + summary.duration %}
{% set customerRate = customerRate + summary.rate %}
{% set customerInternalRate = customerInternalRate + summary.rate_internal %}
{% set customerCount = customerCount + 1 %}
{% endfor %}
{% if showCustomerSummary and customer is not same as(null) %}
<tr class="summary">
{% block summary_customer_summary_row_start %}{% endblock %}
{% for summaryColumn in summaryColumns %}
{% if summaryColumn == 'duration' %}
<td class="totals duration">{{ customerDuration|duration(decimal) }}</td>
{% elseif summaryColumn == 'internalRate' %}
<td class="totals cost">{{ customerInternalRate|money(customerCurrency) }}</td>
{% elseif summaryColumn == 'rate' %}
<td class="totals cost">{{ customerRate|money(customerCurrency) }}</td>
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% block summary_customer_summary_row_end %}{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
{% if showTotalSummary and not multiCurrency %}
<tr class="{% if not showCustomerSummary %}summary{% else %}summary-total{% endif %}">
{% block summary_summary_row_start %}{% endblock %}
<td class="totals" colspan="2">
{{ 'sum.total'|trans }}
{% for summaryColumn in summaryColumns %}
{% if summaryColumn == 'duration' %}
<td class="totals duration">{{ totalDuration|duration(decimal) }}</td>
{% elseif summaryColumn == 'internalRate' %}
<td class="totals cost">{{ totalInternalRate|money(customerCurrency) }}</td>
{% elseif summaryColumn == 'rate' %}
<td class="totals cost">{{ totalRate|money(customerCurrency) }}</td>
{% elseif summaryColumn not in ['customer', 'project'] %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% block summary_summary_row_end %}{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
{% if showPageBreak %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block items %}
{% block items_header %}
<h3>{{ 'export.full_list'|trans }}</h3>
{% endblock %}
{% set duration = 0 %}
{% set rate = 0 %}
{% set rateInternal = 0 %}
{% set currency = false %}
<table class="items">
{% block items_head_row_start %}{% endblock %}
<th>{{ 'date'|trans }}</th>
{% if showUserColumn %}
<th>{{ 'user'|trans }}</th>
{% endif %}
<th>{{ 'description'|trans }}</th>
{% if showHourlyRateColumn %}
<th class="center">{{ 'hourlyRate'|trans }}</th>
{% endif %}
<th class="center">{{ 'duration'|trans }}</th>
{% if showRateColumn %}
{% if showInternalRate %}
<th class="center">{{ 'internalRate'|trans }}</th>
{% endif %}
<th class="center">{{ 'rate'|trans }}</th>
{% endif %}
{% block items_head_row_end %}{% endblock %}
{% for entry in entries %}
{% set duration = duration + entry.duration %}
{% set entryCurrency = entry.project.customer.currency %}
{% if currency is same as(false) %}
{% set currency = entryCurrency %}
{% endif %}
{% if currency is not same as(entryCurrency) %}
{% set currency = null %}
{% endif %}
<tr class="{{ cycle(['odd', 'even'], loop.index0) }}">
{% block items_entry_row_start %}{% endblock %}
<td class="text-nowrap">
{% block date_begin %}{% if not showDateTimeShort %}{{ entry.begin|date_time }}{% else %}{{ entry.begin|date_short }}{% endif %}{% endblock %}
{% if entry.end %}
{% block date_end %}{% if not showDateTimeShort %}<br>{{ entry.end|date_time }}{% endif %}{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
{% if showUserColumn %}
<td>{{ entry.user.displayName }}</td>
{% endif %}
{% block description %}
{{ entry.project.customer.name }} - {{ entry.project.name }}{% if entry.activity is not null %} - {{ entry.activity.name }}{% endif %}
{% if entry.description is not empty %}
<i>{{ entry.description|desc2html }}</i>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% if showHourlyRateColumn %}
<td class="cost">
{% if entry.fixedRate %}
{% else %}
{{ entry.hourlyRate|money(entryCurrency) }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<td class="duration">
{% if entry.duration == 0 %}
{% else %}
{{ entry.duration|duration(decimal) }}
{% endif %}
{% if showRateColumn %}
{# no check for is_granted('view_rate', entry) because it is only available for timesheets,
but maybe missing for other potential export repositories #}
{% set rate = rate + entry.rate %}
{% set rateInternal = rateInternal + entry.internalRate %}
{% set entryRate = entry.rate|money(entryCurrency) %}
{% set entryRateInternal = entry.internalRate|money(entryCurrency) %}
{% if showInternalRate %}
<td class="cost">{{ entryRateInternal }}</td>
{% endif %}
<td class="cost">{{ entryRate }}</td>
{% endif %}
{% block items_entry_row_end %}{% endblock %}
{% endfor %}
{% block items_summary %}
<tr class="summary">
{% block items_summary_row_start %}{% endblock %}
{% if showUserColumn %}
<td colspan="3">{{ 'sum.total'|trans }}</td>
{% else %}
<td colspan="2">{{ 'sum.total'|trans }}</td>
{% endif %}
{% if showHourlyRateColumn %}
<td class="totals cost"></td>
{% endif %}
<td class="totals duration">{{ duration|duration(decimal) }}</td>
{% if showRateColumn %}
{% if showInternalRate %}
<td class="totals cost">{% if currency is not null %}{{ rateInternal|money(currency) }}{% endif %}</td>
{% endif %}
<td class="totals cost">{% if currency is not null %}{{ rate|money(currency) }}{% endif %}</td>
{% endif %}
{% block items_summary_row_end %}{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
{% block body_end %}{% endblock %}