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* This file is part of the Kimai time-tracking app.
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace App\Tests\API;
use App\DataFixtures\UserFixtures;
use App\Entity\User;
use App\Tests\Controller\AbstractControllerBaseTestCase;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\IsType;
use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelBrowser;
* Adds some useful functions for writing API integration tests.
abstract class APIControllerBaseTestCase extends AbstractControllerBaseTestCase
* @return array<string, string>
private function getAuthHeader(string $username, string $password): array
return [
'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' => 'Bearer ' . $password,
protected function getClientForAuthenticatedUser(string $role = User::ROLE_USER): HttpKernelBrowser
return match ($role) {
User::ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN => self::createClient([], $this->getAuthHeader(UserFixtures::USERNAME_SUPER_ADMIN, UserFixtures::DEFAULT_API_TOKEN . '_super')),
User::ROLE_ADMIN => self::createClient([], $this->getAuthHeader(UserFixtures::USERNAME_ADMIN, UserFixtures::DEFAULT_API_TOKEN . '_admin')),
User::ROLE_TEAMLEAD => self::createClient([], $this->getAuthHeader(UserFixtures::USERNAME_TEAMLEAD, UserFixtures::DEFAULT_API_TOKEN . '_teamlead')),
User::ROLE_USER => self::createClient([], $this->getAuthHeader(UserFixtures::USERNAME_USER, UserFixtures::DEFAULT_API_TOKEN . '_user')),
default => throw new \Exception(\sprintf('Unknown role "%s"', $role)),
protected function createUrl(string $url): string
return '/' . ltrim($url, '/');
protected function assertPagination(Response $response, int $page, int $pageSize, int $totalPages, int $totalResults): void
self::assertTrue($response->headers->has('X-Page'), 'Missing "X-Page" header');
self::assertTrue($response->headers->has('X-Total-Count'), 'Missing "X-Total-Count" header');
self::assertTrue($response->headers->has('X-Total-Pages'), 'Missing "X-Total-Pages" header');
self::assertTrue($response->headers->has('X-Per-Page'), 'Missing "X-Per-Page" header');
self::assertEquals($page, $response->headers->get('X-Page'));
self::assertEquals($totalResults, $response->headers->get('X-Total-Count'));
self::assertEquals($totalPages, $response->headers->get('X-Total-Pages'));
self::assertEquals($pageSize, $response->headers->get('X-Per-Page'));
protected function assertRequestIsSecured(HttpKernelBrowser $client, string $url, string $method = 'GET'): void
$this->request($client, $url, $method);
$response = $client->getResponse();
$data = [
'message' => 'Unauthorized',
'code' => 401
json_decode($response->getContent(), true),
\sprintf('The secure URL %s is not protected.', $url)
\sprintf('The secure URL %s has the wrong status code %s.', $url, $response->getStatusCode())
protected function assertUrlIsSecuredForRole(string $role, string $url, string $method = 'GET'): void
$client = $this->getClientForAuthenticatedUser($role);
$client->request($method, $this->createUrl($url));
\sprintf('The secure URL %s is not protected for role %s', $url, $role)
$this->assertApiException($client->getResponse(), [
'code' => Response::HTTP_FORBIDDEN,
'message' => 'Forbidden'
public function request(HttpKernelBrowser $client, string $url, string $method = 'GET', array $parameters = [], string $content = null): Crawler
$server = ['HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json', 'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json'];
return $client->request($method, $this->createUrl($url), $parameters, [], $server, $content);
protected function assertEntityNotFound(string $role, string $url): void
$client = $this->getClientForAuthenticatedUser($role);
$this->request($client, $url);
$this->assertApiException($client->getResponse(), [
'code' => Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND,
'message' => 'Not Found'
protected function assertNotFoundForDelete(HttpKernelBrowser $client, string $url): void
$this->assertExceptionForMethod($client, $url, 'DELETE', [], [
'code' => Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND,
'message' => 'Not Found'
protected function assertEntityNotFoundForPatch(string $role, string $url, array $data): void
$this->assertExceptionForPatchAction($role, $url, $data, [
'code' => Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND,
'message' => 'Not Found',
protected function assertEntityNotFoundForPost(HttpKernelBrowser $client, string $url, array $data = []): void
$this->assertExceptionForMethod($client, $url, 'POST', $data, [
'code' => Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND,
'message' => 'Not Found',
protected function assertExceptionForDeleteAction(string $role, string $url, array $data, array $expectedErrors): void
$this->assertExceptionForRole($role, $url, 'DELETE', $data, $expectedErrors);
protected function assertExceptionForPatchAction(string $role, string $url, array $data, array $expectedErrors): void
$this->assertExceptionForRole($role, $url, 'PATCH', $data, $expectedErrors);
protected function assertExceptionForPostAction(string $role, string $url, array $data, array $expectedErrors): void
$this->assertExceptionForRole($role, $url, 'POST', $data, $expectedErrors);
protected function assertExceptionForMethod(HttpKernelBrowser $client, string $url, string $method, array $data, array $expectedErrors): void
$this->request($client, $url, $method, [], json_encode($data));
$this->assertApiException($client->getResponse(), $expectedErrors);
protected function assertApiException(Response $response, array $expectedErrors): void
self::assertEquals($expectedErrors['code'], $response->getStatusCode());
self::assertEquals($expectedErrors, json_decode($response->getContent(), true));
protected function assertExceptionForRole(string $role, string $url, string $method, array $data, array $expectedErrors): void
$client = $this->getClientForAuthenticatedUser($role);
$this->assertExceptionForMethod($client, $url, $method, $data, $expectedErrors);
protected function assertApi500Exception(Response $response, string $message): void
$this->assertApiException($response, ['code' => Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, 'message' => $message]);
protected function assertBadRequest(HttpKernelBrowser $client, string $url, string $method): void
$this->assertExceptionForMethod($client, $url, $method, [], [
'code' => Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST,
'message' => 'Bad Request'
protected function assertBadRequestResponse(Response $response): void
$this->assertApiException($response, [
'code' => Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST,
'message' => 'Bad Request'
protected function assertApiAccessDenied(HttpKernelBrowser $client, string $url, string $message = 'Forbidden'): void
$this->request($client, $url);
$this->assertApiResponseAccessDenied($client->getResponse(), $message);
protected function assertApiResponseAccessDenied(Response $response, string $message = 'Forbidden'): void
// APP_DEBUG = 1 means "real exception messages" - it is always overwritten
$message = 'Forbidden';
$this->assertApiException($response, [
'code' => Response::HTTP_FORBIDDEN,
'message' => $message
* @param Response $response
* @param array<int, string>|array<string, mixed> $failedFields
* @param bool $extraFields test for the error "This form should not contain extra fields"
* @param array<int, string>|array<string, mixed> $globalError
protected function assertApiCallValidationError(Response $response, array $failedFields, bool $extraFields = false, array $globalError = [], array $expectedFields = [], array $missingFields = []): void
$result = json_decode($response->getContent(), true);
self::assertArrayHasKey('errors', $result);
if ($extraFields) {
self::assertArrayHasKey('errors', $result['errors']);
self::assertEquals('This form should not contain extra fields.', $result['errors']['errors'][0]);
if (\count($globalError) > 0) {
self::assertArrayHasKey('errors', $result['errors']);
foreach ($globalError as $err) {
self::assertTrue(\in_array($err, $result['errors']['errors']), 'Missing global validation error: ' . $err); // @phpstan-ignore binaryOp.invalid
self::assertArrayHasKey('children', $result['errors']);
$data = $result['errors']['children'];
if (\count($expectedFields) > 0) {
foreach ($expectedFields as $expectedField) {
self::assertArrayHasKey($expectedField, $data, 'Expected field is missing: ' . $expectedField);
if (\count($missingFields) > 0) {
foreach ($missingFields as $missingField) {
$this->assertArrayNotHasKey($missingField, $data, 'Expected missing field is available: ' . $missingField);
$foundErrors = [];
foreach ($failedFields as $key => $value) {
$messages = [];
$fieldName = $value;
if (\is_string($key)) {
$fieldName = $key;
$messages = $value;
if (!\is_array($messages)) {
$messages = [$value];
while (stripos($fieldName, '.') !== false) {
$parts = explode('.', $fieldName);
$tmp = array_shift($parts);
self::assertArrayHasKey($tmp, $data, \sprintf('Could not find field "%s" in result', $tmp));
$data = $data[$tmp];
if (\count($data) === 1 && \array_key_exists('children', $data)) {
$data = $data['children'];
$fieldName = implode('.', $parts);
self::assertArrayHasKey($fieldName, $data, \sprintf('Could not find validation error for field "%s" in list: %s', $fieldName, implode(', ', $failedFields)));
self::assertArrayHasKey('errors', $data[$fieldName], \sprintf('Field %s has no validation problem', $fieldName));
foreach ($messages as $i => $message) {
self::assertEquals($message, $data[$fieldName]['errors'][$i]);
if (\array_key_exists('errors', (array) $data[$fieldName]) && \count($data[$fieldName]['errors']) > 0) {
$foundErrors[$fieldName] = \count($data[$fieldName]['errors']);
self::assertEquals(\count($failedFields), \count($foundErrors), 'Expected and actual validation error amount differs');
protected static function getExpectedResponseStructure(string $type): array
switch ($type) {
case 'Invoice':
case 'InvoiceCollection':
return [
'id' => 'int',
'comment' => '@string',
'createdAt' => 'datetime',
'currency' => 'string',
'customer' => ['result' => 'object', 'type' => '@Customer'],
'user' => ['result' => 'object', 'type' => '@User'],
'dueDays' => 'int',
'invoiceNumber' => 'string',
'metaFields' => 'array',
'paymentDate' => '@datetime',
'status' => 'string',
'tax' => 'float',
'total' => 'float',
'vat' => 'float',
case 'PageActionItem':
return [
'id' => 'string',
'title' => '@string',
'url' => '@string',
'class' => '@string',
'attr' => 'array',
'divider' => 'bool'
case 'TagEntity':
return [
'id' => 'int',
'name' => 'string',
'color' => '@string',
'color-safe' => 'string',
'visible' => 'bool',
// embedded meta data
case 'UserPreference':
return [
'name' => 'string',
'value' => '@string',
case 'CustomerMeta':
case 'ProjectMeta':
case 'ActivityMeta':
case 'TimesheetMeta':
return [
'name' => 'string',
'value' => 'string',
// if a user is embedded in other objects
case 'User':
// if a list of users is loaded
case 'UserCollection':
return [
'id' => 'int',
'username' => 'string',
'enabled' => 'bool',
'apiToken' => 'bool',
'color' => '@string',
'alias' => '@string',
'accountNumber' => '@string',
'initials' => '@string',
'title' => '@string',
// if a user is loaded explicitly
case 'UserEntity':
return [
'id' => 'int',
'username' => 'string',
'enabled' => 'bool',
'apiToken' => 'bool',
'alias' => '@string',
'title' => '@string',
'supervisor' => ['result' => 'object', 'type' => '@UserEntity'],
'avatar' => '@string',
'color' => '@string',
'teams' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => 'Team'],
'roles' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => 'string'],
'initials' => 'string',
'language' => 'string',
'locale' => 'string',
'timezone' => 'string',
'accountNumber' => '@string',
'memberships' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => 'TeamMembership'],
'preferences' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => 'UserPreference'],
// if a team is embedded
case 'Team':
// if a collection of teams is requested
case 'TeamCollection':
return [
'id' => 'int',
'name' => 'string',
'color' => '@string',
// explicitly requested team
case 'TeamEntity':
return [
'id' => 'int',
'name' => 'string',
'color' => '@string',
'members' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => 'TeamMember'],
'customers' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => '@Customer'],
'projects' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => '@Project'],
'activities' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => '@Activity'],
// if the team is used inside the team context
case 'TeamMember':
return [
'user' => ['result' => 'object', 'type' => 'User'],
'teamlead' => 'bool',
// if the team is used inside the user context
case 'TeamMembership':
return [
'team' => ['result' => 'object', 'type' => 'Team'],
'teamlead' => 'bool',
// if a customer is embedded in other objects
case 'Customer':
return [
'id' => 'int',
'name' => 'string',
'visible' => 'bool',
'billable' => 'bool',
'color' => '@string',
'number' => '@string',
'comment' => '@string',
// if a list of customers is loaded
case 'CustomerCollection':
return [
'id' => 'int',
'name' => 'string',
'visible' => 'boolean',
'billable' => 'bool',
'color' => '@string',
'number' => '@string',
'comment' => '@string',
'metaFields' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => 'CustomerMeta'],
'teams' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => 'Team'],
'currency' => 'string', // since 1.10
// if a customer is loaded explicitly
case 'CustomerEntity':
return [
'id' => 'int',
'name' => 'string',
'visible' => 'bool',
'billable' => 'bool',
'color' => '@string',
'metaFields' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => 'CustomerMeta'],
'teams' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => 'Team'],
'homepage' => '@string',
'number' => '@string',
'comment' => '@string',
'company' => '@string',
'contact' => '@string',
'address' => '@string',
'country' => 'string',
'currency' => 'string',
'phone' => '@string',
'fax' => '@string',
'mobile' => '@string',
'email' => '@string',
'timezone' => 'string',
'budget' => 'float',
'timeBudget' => 'int',
'vatId' => '@string', // since 1.10
'budgetType' => '@string', // since 1.15
// if a project is embedded
case 'Project':
return [
'id' => 'int',
'name' => 'string',
'visible' => 'bool',
'billable' => 'bool',
'color' => '@string',
'customer' => 'int',
'number' => '@int',
'globalActivities' => 'bool',
'comment' => '@string',
// if a project is embedded in an expanded collection (here timesheet)
case 'ProjectExpanded':
return [
'id' => 'int',
'name' => 'string',
'visible' => 'bool',
'billable' => 'bool',
'color' => '@string',
'customer' => ['result' => 'object', 'type' => 'Customer'],
'number' => '@int',
'globalActivities' => 'bool',
'comment' => '@string',
// if a collection of projects is loaded
case 'ProjectCollection':
return [
'id' => 'int',
'name' => 'string',
'visible' => 'bool',
'billable' => 'bool',
'customer' => 'int',
'number' => '@int',
'color' => '@string',
'metaFields' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => 'ProjectMeta'],
'parentTitle' => 'string',
'start' => '@datetime',
'end' => '@datetime',
'globalActivities' => 'bool',
'teams' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => 'Team'],
'comment' => '@string',
// if a project is explicitly loaded
case 'ProjectEntity':
return [
'id' => 'int',
'name' => 'string',
'visible' => 'bool',
'billable' => 'bool',
'customer' => 'int',
'number' => '@int',
'color' => '@string',
'metaFields' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => 'ProjectMeta'],
'parentTitle' => 'string',
'start' => '@date',
'end' => '@date',
'globalActivities' => 'bool',
'teams' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => 'Team'],
'comment' => '@string',
'budget' => 'float',
'timeBudget' => 'int',
'orderNumber' => '@string',
'orderDate' => '@date',
'budgetType' => '@string', // since 1.15
// embedded activities
case 'Activity':
return [
'id' => 'int',
'name' => 'string',
'visible' => 'bool',
'billable' => 'bool',
'project' => '@int',
'number' => '@int',
'color' => '@string',
'comment' => '@string',
case 'ActivityExpanded':
return [
'id' => 'int',
'name' => 'string',
'visible' => 'bool',
'billable' => 'bool',
'project' => ['result' => 'object', 'type' => '@ProjectExpanded'],
'number' => '@int',
'color' => '@string',
'comment' => '@string',
// collection of activities
case 'ActivityCollection':
return [
'id' => 'int',
'name' => 'string',
'visible' => 'bool',
'billable' => 'bool',
'project' => '@int',
'number' => '@int',
'color' => '@string',
'metaFields' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => 'ProjectMeta'],
'parentTitle' => '@string',
'comment' => '@string',
'teams' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => 'Team'],
// if a activity is explicitly loaded
case 'ActivityEntity':
return [
'id' => 'int',
'name' => 'string',
'visible' => 'bool',
'billable' => 'bool',
'project' => '@int',
'number' => '@int',
'color' => '@string',
'metaFields' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => 'ProjectMeta'],
'parentTitle' => '@string',
'comment' => '@string',
'budget' => 'float',
'timeBudget' => 'int',
'teams' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => 'Team'],
'budgetType' => '@string', // since 1.15
case 'TimesheetEntity':
return [
'id' => 'int',
'begin' => 'DateTime',
'end' => '@DateTime',
'duration' => '@int',
'description' => '@string',
'rate' => 'float',
'activity' => 'int',
'project' => 'int',
'tags' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => 'string'],
'user' => 'int',
'metaFields' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => 'TimesheetMeta'],
'internalRate' => 'float',
'exported' => 'bool',
'billable' => 'bool',
'fixedRate' => '@float',
'hourlyRate' => '@float',
// TODO new fields: category
case 'TimesheetExpanded':
return [
'id' => 'int',
'begin' => 'DateTime',
'end' => '@DateTime',
'duration' => '@int',
'description' => '@string',
'rate' => 'float',
'activity' => ['result' => 'object', 'type' => 'ActivityExpanded'],
'project' => ['result' => 'object', 'type' => 'ProjectExpanded'],
'tags' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => 'string'],
'user' => ['result' => 'object', 'type' => 'User'],
'metaFields' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => 'TimesheetMeta'],
'internalRate' => 'float',
'exported' => 'bool',
'billable' => 'bool',
'fixedRate' => '@float',
'hourlyRate' => '@float',
// TODO new fields: category
case 'TimesheetCollection':
return [
'id' => 'int',
'begin' => 'DateTime',
'end' => '@DateTime',
'duration' => '@int',
'description' => '@string',
'rate' => 'float',
'activity' => 'int',
'project' => 'int',
'tags' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => 'string'],
'user' => 'int',
'metaFields' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => 'TimesheetMeta'],
'internalRate' => 'float',
'exported' => 'bool',
'billable' => 'bool',
case 'TimesheetCollectionFull':
return [
'id' => 'int',
'begin' => 'DateTime',
'end' => '@DateTime',
'duration' => '@int',
'description' => '@string',
'rate' => 'float',
'activity' => ['result' => 'object', 'type' => 'Activity'],
'project' => ['result' => 'object', 'type' => 'ProjectExpanded'],
'tags' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => 'string'],
'user' => ['result' => 'object', 'type' => 'User'],
'metaFields' => ['result' => 'array', 'type' => 'TimesheetMeta'],
'internalRate' => 'float',
'exported' => 'bool',
'billable' => 'bool',
throw new \Exception(\sprintf('Unknown API response type: %s', $type));
* The $type is either one of the types configured in config/packages/nelmio_api_doc.yaml or the class name.
* @param string $type
* @param array $result
* @throws \Exception
protected function assertApiResponseTypeStructure(string $type, array $result): void
$expected = self::getExpectedResponseStructure($type);
$expectedKeys = array_keys($expected);
$actual = array_keys($result);
self::assertEquals($expectedKeys, $actual, \sprintf('Structure for API response type "%s" does not match', $type));
\sprintf('Mismatch between expected and result keys for API response type "%s". Expected %s keys but found %s.', $type, \count($expected), \count($actual))
foreach ($expected as $key => $value) {
if (\is_array($value)) {
switch ($value['result']) {
case 'array':
foreach ($result[$key] as $subResult) {
if ($value['type'] === 'string') {
} else {
if ($value['type'][0] === '@') {
if (empty($result[$key])) {
$value['type'] = substr($value['type'], 1);
self::assertApiResponseTypeStructure($value['type'], $subResult);
case 'object':
if ($value['type'][0] === '@') {
if (empty($result[$key])) {
$value['type'] = substr($value['type'], 1);
self::assertIsArray($result[$key], \sprintf('Key "%s" in type "%s" is not an array', $key, $type));
self::assertApiResponseTypeStructure($value['type'], $result[$key]);
throw new \Exception(\sprintf('Invalid result type "%s" for subresource given', $value['result']));
if ($value[0] === '@') {
if (\is_null($result[$key])) {
$value = substr($value, 1);
if (strtolower($value) === 'datetime') {
$date = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d\TH:i:sO', $result[$key]);
self::assertInstanceOf(\DateTime::class, $date, \sprintf('Field "%s" was expected to be a Date with the format "Y-m-dTH:i:sO", but found: %s', $key, $result[$key]));
$value = 'string';
} elseif (strtolower($value) === 'date') {
$date = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $result[$key]);
self::assertInstanceOf(\DateTime::class, $date, \sprintf('Field "%s" was expected to be a Date with the format "Y-m-d", but found: %s', $key, $result[$key]));
$value = 'string';
new IsType($value),
\sprintf('Found type mismatch in structure for API response type %s. Expected type "%s" for key "%s".', $type, $value, $key)