
22 lines
792 B
Executable File

# wraps `gotestfmt`, hiding output from successful packages unless
# all tests passed.
set -o pipefail
set -e
# tee the test results to a log, whilst also piping them into gotestfmt,
# telling it to hide successful results, so that we can clearly see
# unsuccessful results.
tee complement.log | gotestfmt -hide successful-packages
# gotestfmt will exit non-zero if there were any failures, so if we got to this
# point, we must have had a successful result.
echo "All tests successful; showing all test results"
# Pipe the test results back through gotestfmt, showing all results.
# The log file consists of JSON lines giving the test results, interspersed
# with regular stdout lines (including reports of downloaded packages).
grep '^{"Time":' complement.log | gotestfmt