
399 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2010-2023 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
# that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the
# Mumble source tree or at <>.
# Simple Mac OS X Application Bundler for Mumble
# Loosely based on original bash-version by Sebastian Schlingmann (based, again, on a OSX application bundler
# by Thomas Keller).
import sys, os, string, shutil, plistlib, tempfile, glob
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from optparse import OptionParser
options = None
def gitrev():
'''Get git revision of the current Mumble build.'''
return os.popen('git describe').read()[:-1]
def certificate_subject_OU(identity):
'''Extract the subject OU from the certificate matching the identity parameter in the specified keychain.'''
findCert = Popen(('/usr/bin/security', 'find-certificate', '-c', identity, '-p', options.keychain), stdout=PIPE)
pem, _ = findCert.communicate()
openssl = Popen(('/usr/bin/openssl', 'x509', '-subject', '-noout'), stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE)
subject, _ = openssl.communicate(pem)
attr = '/OU='
begin = subject.index(attr) + len(attr)
tmp = subject[begin:]
end = tmp.index('/')
return tmp[:end]
def lookup_file_identifier(path):
d = plistlib.load(open(os.path.join(path, 'Contents', 'Info.plist'), "rb"))
return d['CFBundleIdentifier']
return os.path.basename(path)
def codesign(path):
'''Call the codesign executable on the signable object at path.'''
certname = 'Developer ID Application: %s' % options.developer_id
OU = certificate_subject_OU(certname)
if hasattr(path, 'isalpha'):
path = (path,)
for p in path:
identifier = lookup_file_identifier(p)
reqs = None
with open(os.path.join(options.source_dir, 'macx/scripts/codesign-requirements.tmpl'), 'r') as f:
tmplReqs =
reqs = string.Template(tmplReqs).substitute({
'identifier': identifier,
'subject_OU': OU,
p = Popen(('codesign', '--keychain', options.keychain, '-vvvv', '-i', identifier, '-r='+reqs, '-s', certname, p))
retval = p.wait()
if retval != 0:
return retval
return 0
def prodsign(inf, outf):
'''Call the prodsign executable.'''
certname = 'Developer ID Installer: %s' % options.developer_id
p = Popen(('productsign', '--keychain', options.keychain, '--sign', certname, inf, outf))
retval = p.wait()
if retval != 0:
return retval
return 0
def create_overlay_package():
print('* Creating overlay installer')
bundle = os.path.join(options.binary_dir, 'MumbleOverlay.osax')
overlaylib = os.path.join(options.binary_dir, 'libmumbleoverlay.dylib')
if options.developer_id:
# Used as background in the installer
shutil.copy(os.path.join(options.source_dir, 'icons/mumble.osx.installer.png'), os.path.join(options.binary_dir, 'bg.png'))
p = Popen(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(options.source_dir), 'macx/scripts/build-overlay-installer'), cwd=options.binary_dir)
retval = p.wait()
if retval != 0:
raise Exception('build-overlay-installer failed')
if options.developer_id:
os.rename(os.path.join(options.binary_dir, 'MumbleOverlay.pkg'), os.path.join(options.binary_dir, 'MumbleOverlayUnsigned.pkg'))
prodsign(os.path.join(options.binary_dir, 'MumbleOverlayUnsigned.pkg'), os.path.join(options.binary_dir, 'MumbleOverlay.pkg'))
class AppBundle(object):
def copy_helper(self, fn):
Copy a helper binary into the Mumble app bundle.
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.bundle, '..', fn)):
print(' * Copying helper binary: %s' % fn)
src = os.path.join(self.bundle, '..', fn)
dst = os.path.join(self.bundle, 'Contents', 'MacOS', fn)
shutil.copy(src, dst)
def copy_resources(self, rsrcs):
Copy needed resources into our bundle.
print(' * Copying needed resources')
rsrcpath = os.path.join(self.bundle, 'Contents', 'Resources')
if not os.path.exists(rsrcpath):
# Copy resources already in the bundle
for rsrc in rsrcs:
b = os.path.basename(rsrc)
if os.path.isdir(rsrc):
shutil.copytree(rsrc, os.path.join(rsrcpath, b), symlinks=True)
elif os.path.isfile(rsrc):
shutil.copy(rsrc, os.path.join(rsrcpath, b))
# Extras
shutil.copy(os.path.join(options.binary_dir, 'MumbleOverlay.pkg'), os.path.join(rsrcpath, 'MumbleOverlay.pkg'))
def copy_codecs(self):
Try to copy the dynamic audio codec libraries into the App Bundle.
print(' * Attempting to copy audio codec libraries into App Bundle')
dst = os.path.join(self.bundle, 'Contents', 'Codecs')
if not os.path.exists(dst):
codecs = (os.path.join(options.binary_dir, 'libcelt0.0.7.0.dylib'), os.path.join(options.binary_dir, 'libopus.dylib'))
for codec in codecs:
if os.path.exists(codec):
shutil.copy(codec, dst)
def copy_plugins(self):
Copy over any built Mumble plugins.
print(' * Copying (positional audio) plugins')
dst = os.path.join(self.bundle, 'Contents', 'Plugins')
if not os.path.exists(dst):
for plugin in glob.glob(os.path.join(options.binary_dir, 'plugins') + '/*.dylib'):
shutil.copy(plugin, dst)
def update_plist(self):
Modify our bundle's Info.plist to make it ready for release.
if self.version is not None:
print(' * Changing version in Info.plist')
p = self.infoplist
p['CFBundleVersion'] = self.version
plistlib.dump(p, open(self.infopath, "wb"))
def set_min_macosx_version(self, version):
Set the minimum version of Mac OS X version that this App will run on.
print(' * Setting minimum Mac OS X version to: %s' % (version))
self.infoplist['LSMinimumSystemVersion'] = version
def done(self):
plistlib.dump(self.infoplist, open(self.infopath, "wb"))
print(' * Done!')
def __init__(self, bundle, version=None):
self.framework_path = ''
self.handled_libs = {}
self.bundle = bundle
self.version = version
self.infopath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(bundle), 'Contents', 'Info.plist')
self.infoplist = plistlib.load(open(self.infopath, "rb"))
self.binary = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(bundle), 'Contents', 'MacOS', self.infoplist['CFBundleExecutable'])
print(' * Preparing AppBundle')
class FolderObject(object):
class Exception(Exception):
def __init__(self):
self.tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp()
def copy(self, src, dst='/'):
Copy a file or directory into the folder.
asrc = os.path.abspath(src)
if dst[0] != '/':
raise self.Exception
# Determine destination
if dst[-1] == '/':
adst = os.path.abspath(self.tmp + '/' + dst + os.path.basename(src))
adst = os.path.abspath(self.tmp + '/' + dst)
if os.path.isdir(asrc):
print(' * Copying directory: %s' % os.path.basename(asrc))
shutil.copytree(asrc, adst, symlinks=True)
elif os.path.isfile(asrc):
print(' * Copying file: %s' % os.path.basename(asrc))
shutil.copy(asrc, adst)
def symlink(self, src, dst):
Create a symlink inside the folder.
asrc = os.path.abspath(src)
adst = self.tmp + '/' + dst
print(' * Creating symlink %s' % os.path.basename(asrc))
os.symlink(asrc, adst)
def mkdir(self, name):
Create a directory inside the folder.
print(' * Creating directory %s' % os.path.basename(name))
adst = self.tmp + '/' + name
class DiskImage(FolderObject):
def __init__(self, filename, volname):
print(' * Preparing to create diskimage')
self.filename = filename
self.volname = volname
def create(self):
Create the disk image itself.
print(' * Creating diskimage. Please wait...')
if os.path.exists(self.filename):
p = Popen(['hdiutil', 'create',
'-srcfolder', self.tmp,
'-format', 'UDBZ',
'-volname', self.volname,
'-megabytes', '130',
retval = p.wait()
assert retval == 0
print(' * Removing temporary directory.')
print(' * Done!')
def package_client():
if options.version is not None:
ver = options.version
ver = gitrev()
if options.universal:
fn = os.path.join(options.binary_dir, 'Mumble-Universal-%s.dmg') % ver
title = 'Mumble %s (Universal)' % ver
fn = os.path.join(options.binary_dir, 'Mumble-%s.dmg') % ver
title = 'Mumble %s' % ver
# Fix overlay installer package
if options.only_overlay:
# Do the finishing touches to our Application bundle before release
a = AppBundle(os.path.join(options.binary_dir, ''), ver)
a.copy_resources([os.path.join(options.source_dir, 'icons/mumble.icns')])
if not options.universal:
# Sign our binaries, etc.
if options.developer_id:
print(' * Signing binaries with Developer ID `%s\'' % options.developer_id)
binaries = (
os.path.join(options.binary_dir, ''),
os.path.join(options.binary_dir, ''),
os.path.join(options.binary_dir, ''),
os.path.join(options.binary_dir, ''),
os.path.join(options.binary_dir, ''),
os.path.join(options.binary_dir, ''),
availableBinaries = [bin for bin in binaries if os.path.exists(bin)]
if options.only_appbundle:
# Create diskimage
d = DiskImage(fn, title)
d.copy(os.path.join(options.source_dir, 'macx/scripts/DS_Store'), '/.DS_Store')
d.symlink('/Applications', '/Applications')
d.copy(os.path.join(options.binary_dir, ''))
def package_server():
if options.version is not None:
ver = options.version
ver = gitrev()
name = 'Murmur-OSX-Static-%s' % ver
# Fix .ini files
p = Popen(('bash', ''), cwd=os.path.join(options.source_dir, 'scripts'))
retval = p.wait()
if retval != 0:
raise Exception(' failed')
destdir = os.path.join(options.binary_dir, name)
if os.path.exists(destdir):
shutil.copy(os.path.join(options.binary_dir, 'installer/gpl.txt'), os.path.join(destdir, 'LICENSE'))
shutil.copy(os.path.join(options.binary_dir, 'docs/additional-readmes/README.static.osx'), os.path.join(destdir, 'README'))
shutil.copy(os.path.join(options.binary_dir, 'CHANGES'), os.path.join(destdir, 'CHANGES'))
shutil.copy(os.path.join(options.binary_dir, 'scripts/'), os.path.join(destdir, ''))
shutil.copy(os.path.join(options.binary_dir, 'scripts/'), os.path.join(destdir, ''))
shutil.copy(os.path.join(options.binary_dir, 'scripts/icedemo.php'), os.path.join(destdir, 'icedemo.php'))
shutil.copy(os.path.join(options.binary_dir, 'scripts/weblist.php'), os.path.join(destdir, 'weblist.php'))
shutil.copy(os.path.join(options.binary_dir, 'scripts/murmur.ini.osx'), os.path.join(destdir, 'murmur.ini'))
shutil.copy(os.path.join(options.binary_dir, 'src/murmur/'), os.path.join(destdir, ''))
shutil.copy(os.path.join(options.binary_dir, 'murmurd'), os.path.join(destdir, 'murmurd'))
codesign(os.path.join(destdir, 'murmurd'))
certname = 'Developer ID Installer: %s' % options.developer_id
p = Popen(('xip', '--keychain', options.keychain, '-s', certname, '--timestamp', destdir, os.path.join(options.binary_dir, name+'.xip')))
retval = p.wait()
if retval != 0:
print('Failed to build Murmur XIP package')
absrelease = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'options.binary_dir')
p = Popen(('tar', '-cjpf', name+'.tar.bz2', name), cwd=absrelease)
retval = p.wait()
if retval != 0:
print('Failed to build Murmur tar.bz2 package')
p = Popen(('gpg', '--detach-sign', '--armor', '-u', options.developer_id, '-o', name+'.tar.bz2.sig', name+'.tar.bz2'), cwd=absrelease)
retval = p.wait()
if retval != 0:
print('Failed to sign Murmur tar.bz2 package')
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option('', '--source-dir', dest='source_dir', help='This sets the path to the repository. (Defaults to ".")', default='.')
parser.add_option('', '--binary-dir', dest='binary_dir', help='This sets the path to the folder containing binaries. It will also be used as output directory. (Defaults to "build")', default='build')
parser.add_option('', '--version', dest='version', help='This overrides the version number of the build.')
parser.add_option('', '--universal', dest='universal', help='Build an universal snapshot.', action='store_true', default=False)
parser.add_option('', '--only-appbundle', dest='only_appbundle', help='Only prepare the appbundle. Do not package.', action='store_true', default=False)
parser.add_option('', '--only-overlay', dest='only_overlay', help='Only create the overlay installer.', action='store_true', default=False)
parser.add_option('', '--developer-id', dest='developer_id', help='Identity (Developer ID) to use for code signing. The name is also used for GPG signing. (If not set, no code signing will occur)')
parser.add_option('', '--keychain', dest='keychain', help='The keychain to use when invoking code signing utilities. (Defaults to "login.keychain")', default='login.keychain')
parser.add_option('', '--server', dest='server', help='Build a Murmur package.', action='store_true', default=False)
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if not os.path.exists(options.source_dir):
print('Please specify a source directory that exists!')
if not os.path.exists(options.binary_dir):
print('Please specify a binary directory that exists!')
if not options.server: