
351 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright 2007-2023 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the
// Mumble source tree or at <>.
#include "ACL.h"
#include "Channel.h"
#include "Group.h"
#include "User.h"
#ifdef MURMUR
# include "ServerUser.h"
# include <QtCore/QStack>
ChanACL::ChanACL(Channel *chan) : QObject(chan) {
bApplyHere = true;
bApplySubs = true;
bInherited = false;
iUserId = -1;
c = chan;
if (c)
c->qlACL << this;
ChanACL::operator QString() const {
QString aclString;
bool isFirstEntry = true;
// Iterate over all flags and assume none of the important ones (all other than Cached and All)
// have a value > 2^32
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
int currentPermInt = 1 << i;
// If we have a name for the permission, we know it exists.
// Note that we won't reach 0 with this tactic but we don't care about the None
// permission anyways.
QString name = permName(static_cast< Perm >(currentPermInt));
if (!name.isEmpty()) {
if (!((pAllow & currentPermInt) || (pDeny & currentPermInt))) {
// The current permission is left unchanged by this ACL -> Don't include it in the
// string representation
if (!isFirstEntry) {
aclString += QLatin1String(", ");
isFirstEntry = false;
aclString += QString::fromLatin1("\"%1\": ").arg(name);
if ((pAllow & currentPermInt) && (pDeny & currentPermInt)) {
// The permissions is allowed and denied. In the current implementation this should
// result in i tbeing denied, but for printing purposes we don't make assumptions about
// the handling of this in the implementation.
aclString += QLatin1String("Allowed && Denied");
} else {
if (pAllow & currentPermInt) {
aclString += QLatin1String("Allowed");
} else {
aclString += QLatin1String("Denied");
if (!aclString.isEmpty()) {
// Also include info about affected user and/or group
if (!qsGroup.isEmpty() && iUserId >= 0) {
// both group and user-id are set
return QString::fromLatin1("ACL for group \"%1\" and user with ID %2: %3")
} else if (!qsGroup.isEmpty()) {
return QString::fromLatin1("ACL for group \"%1\": %2").arg(qsGroup).arg(aclString);
} else if (iUserId >= 0) {
return QString::fromLatin1("ACL for user with ID %1: %2").arg(iUserId).arg(qsGroup);
return aclString;
// Check permissions.
// This will always return true for the superuser,
// and will return false if a user isn't allowed to
// traverse to the channel. (Need "read" in all preceding channels)
#ifdef MURMUR
bool ChanACL::hasPermission(ServerUser *p, Channel *chan, QFlags< Perm > perm, ACLCache *cache) {
Permissions granted = effectivePermissions(p, chan, cache);
return ((granted & perm) != None);
// Return effective permissions.
QFlags< ChanACL::Perm > ChanACL::effectivePermissions(ServerUser *p, Channel *chan, ACLCache *cache) {
// Superuser
if (p->iId == 0) {
return static_cast< Permissions >(All & ~(Speak | Whisper));
// Qt 5.15 introduced a default constructor that initializes the flags to be set to no flags
Permissions granted;
# else
// Before Qt 5.15 we have emulate the default constructor by assigning a literal zero
Permissions granted = 0;
# endif
if (cache) {
QHash< Channel *, Permissions > *h = cache->value(p);
if (h)
granted = h->value(chan);
if (granted & Cached) {
return granted;
QStack< Channel * > chanstack;
Channel *ch = chan;
while (ch) {
ch = ch->cParent;
// Default permissions
Permissions def = Traverse | Enter | Speak | Whisper | TextMessage | Listen;
granted = def;
bool traverse = true;
bool write = false;
ChanACL *acl;
while (!chanstack.isEmpty()) {
ch = chanstack.pop();
if (!ch->bInheritACL)
granted = def;
foreach (acl, ch->qlACL) {
bool matchUser = (acl->iUserId != -1) && (acl->iUserId == p->iId);
bool matchGroup = Group::appliesToUser(*chan, *ch, acl->qsGroup, *p);
if (matchUser || matchGroup) {
if (acl->pAllow & Traverse)
traverse = true;
if (acl->pDeny & Traverse)
traverse = false;
if (acl->pAllow & Write)
write = true;
if (acl->pDeny & Write)
write = false;
if (ch->iId == 0 && chan == ch && acl->bApplyHere) {
if (acl->pAllow & Kick)
granted |= Kick;
if (acl->pAllow & Ban)
granted |= Ban;
if (acl->pAllow & ResetUserContent)
granted |= ResetUserContent;
if (acl->pAllow & Register)
granted |= Register;
if (acl->pAllow & SelfRegister)
granted |= SelfRegister;
if ((ch == chan && acl->bApplyHere) || (ch != chan && acl->bApplySubs)) {
granted |= (acl->pAllow & ~(Kick | Ban | ResetUserContent | Register | SelfRegister | Cached));
granted &= ~acl->pDeny;
if (!traverse && !write) {
granted = None;
if (granted & Write) {
granted |=
Traverse | Enter | MuteDeafen | Move | MakeChannel | LinkChannel | TextMessage | MakeTempChannel | Listen;
if (chan->iId == 0)
granted |= Kick | Ban | ResetUserContent | Register | SelfRegister;
if (cache) {
if (!cache->contains(p))
cache->insert(p, new QHash< Channel *, Permissions >);
cache->value(p)->insert(chan, granted | Cached);
return granted;
QString ChanACL::whatsThis(Perm p) {
switch (p) {
case None:
return tr("This represents no privileges.");
case Write:
return tr("This represents total access to the channel, including the ability to change group and ACL "
"information. "
"This privilege implies all other privileges.");
case Traverse:
return tr(
"This represents the permission to traverse the channel. If a user is denied this privilege, he will "
"be "
"unable to access this channel and any sub-channels in any way, regardless of other permissions in the "
case Enter:
return tr(
"This represents the permission to join the channel. If you have a hierarchical channel structure, you "
"might want to give everyone Traverse, but restrict Enter in the root of your hierarchy.");
case Speak:
return tr(
"This represents the permission to speak in a channel. Users without this privilege will be suppressed "
"by "
"the server (seen as muted), and will be unable to speak until they are unmuted by someone with the "
"appropriate privileges.");
case Whisper:
return tr("This represents the permission to whisper to this channel from the outside. This works exactly "
"like the <i>speak</i> "
"privilege, but applies to packets spoken with the Whisper key held down. This may be used to "
"broadcast to a hierarchy "
"of channels without linking.");
case MuteDeafen:
return tr(
"This represents the permission to mute and deafen other users. Once muted, a user will stay muted "
"until he is unmuted by another privileged user or reconnects to the server.");
case Move:
return tr(
"This represents the permission to move a user to another channel or kick him from the server. To "
"actually "
"move the user, either the moving user must have Move privileges in the destination channel, or "
"the user must normally be allowed to enter the channel. Users with this privilege can move users "
"into channels the target user normally wouldn't have permission to enter.");
case MakeChannel:
return tr("This represents the permission to make sub-channels. The user making the sub-channel will be "
"added to the "
"admin group of the sub-channel.");
case MakeTempChannel:
return tr("This represents the permission to make a temporary subchannel. The user making the sub-channel "
"will be added to the "
"admin group of the sub-channel. Temporary channels are not stored and disappear when the last "
"user leaves.");
case LinkChannel:
return tr(
"This represents the permission to link channels. Users in linked channels hear each other, as long as "
"the speaking user has the <i>speak</i> privilege in the channel of the listener. You need the link "
"privilege in both channels to create a link, but just in either channel to remove it.");
case TextMessage:
return tr("This represents the permission to write text messages to other users in this channel.");
case Kick:
return tr("This represents the permission to forcibly remove users from the server.");
case Ban:
return tr("This represents the permission to permanently remove users from the server.");
case ResetUserContent:
return tr("This represents the permission to reset the comment or avatar of a user.");
case Register:
return tr("This represents the permission to register and unregister users on the server.");
case SelfRegister:
return tr("This represents the permission to register oneself on the server.");
case Listen:
return tr("This represents the permission to use the listen-feature allowing to listen to a channel "
"without being in it.");
return QString();
QString ChanACL::permName(QFlags< Perm > p) {
QStringList qsl;
for (int i = 0; i <= 31; ++i) {
if (p & (1 << i))
qsl << permName(static_cast< Perm >(1 << i));
return qsl.join(QLatin1String(", "));
QString ChanACL::permName(Perm p) {
switch (p) {
case None:
return tr("None");
case Write:
return tr("Write ACL");
case Traverse:
return tr("Traverse");
case Enter:
return tr("Enter");
case Speak:
return tr("Speak");
case Whisper:
return tr("Whisper");
case MuteDeafen:
return tr("Mute/Deafen");
case Move:
return tr("Move");
case MakeChannel:
return tr("Make channel");
case MakeTempChannel:
return tr("Make temporary");
case LinkChannel:
return tr("Link channel");
case TextMessage:
return tr("Text message");
case Kick:
return tr("Kick");
case Ban:
return tr("Ban");
case ResetUserContent:
return tr("Reset User Content");
case Register:
return tr("Register User");
case SelfRegister:
return tr("Register Self");
case Listen:
return tr("Listen");
return QString();
bool ChanACL::isPassword() const {
// A password is an ACL that applies to a group of the form '#<something>'
// AND grants 'Enter'
// AND grants 'Speak', 'Whisper', 'TextMessage', 'LinkChannel' and potentially Traverse but NOTHING else
// AND does not deny anything.
// Furthermore the ACL must apply directly to the channel and may not be inherited.
return this->qsGroup.startsWith(QLatin1Char('#')) && this->bApplyHere && !this->bInherited
&& (this->pAllow & ChanACL::Enter)
&& (this->pAllow
== (ChanACL::Enter | ChanACL::Speak | ChanACL::Whisper | ChanACL::TextMessage | ChanACL::LinkChannel)
|| // Backwards compat with old behaviour that didn't deny traverse
== (ChanACL::Enter | ChanACL::Speak | ChanACL::Whisper | ChanACL::TextMessage | ChanACL::LinkChannel
| ChanACL::Traverse))
&& this->pDeny == ChanACL::None;