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// Copyright 2009-2023 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the
// Mumble source tree or at <>.
#include <QtCore/QAbstractItemModel>
#include <QtCore/QHash>
#include <QtCore/QObject>
#include <QtCore/QSet>
#include <QtGui/QIcon>
class User;
class ClientUser;
class Channel;
struct ModelItem Q_DECL_FINAL {
friend class UserModel;
Channel *cChan;
ClientUser *pUser;
bool isListener;
bool bCommentSeen;
ModelItem *parent;
QList< ModelItem * > qlChildren;
QList< ModelItem * > qlHiddenChildren;
/// Number of users in this channel (recursive)
int iUsers;
static QHash< const Channel *, ModelItem * > c_qhChannels;
static QHash< const ClientUser *, ModelItem * > c_qhUsers;
static QHash< const ClientUser *, QList< ModelItem * > > s_userProxies;
static bool bUsersTop;
ModelItem(Channel *c);
ModelItem(ClientUser *p, bool isListener = false);
ModelItem(ModelItem *);
ModelItem *child(int idx) const;
bool validRow(int idx) const;
ClientUser *userAt(int idx) const;
Channel *channelAt(int idx) const;
int rowOf(Channel *c) const;
int rowOf(ClientUser *p, const bool isListener) const;
int rowOfSelf() const;
int rows() const;
int insertIndex(Channel *c) const;
int insertIndex(ClientUser *p, bool isListener = false) const;
QString hash() const;
void wipe();
class UserModel : public QAbstractItemModel {
friend struct ModelItem;
friend class UserView;
QIcon qiTalkingOn, qiTalkingMuted, qiTalkingWhisper, qiTalkingShout, qiTalkingOff;
QIcon qiMutedPushToMute, qiMutedSelf, qiMutedServer, qiMutedLocal, qiIgnoredLocal, qiMutedSuppressed;
QIcon qiPrioritySpeaker;
QIcon qiRecording;
QIcon qiDeafenedSelf, qiDeafenedServer;
QIcon qiAuthenticated, qiChannel, qiLinkedChannel, qiActiveChannel;
QIcon qiFriend;
QIcon qiComment, qiCommentSeen, qiFilter, qiPin;
QIcon qiLock_locked, qiLock_unlocked;
QIcon qiEar;
ModelItem *miRoot;
QSet< Channel * > qsLinked;
QMap< QString, ClientUser * > qmHashes;
bool bClicked;
void recursiveClone(const ModelItem *old, ModelItem *item, QModelIndexList &from, QModelIndexList &to);
ModelItem *moveItem(ModelItem *oldparent, ModelItem *newparent, ModelItem *item);
QString stringIndex(const QModelIndex &index) const;
/// @returns The QModelIndex that is currently selected. If there is no selection, the returned index
/// is invalid.
QModelIndex getSelectedIndex() const;
/// Removes the given user as a listener to the given channel
/// @param item A pointer to the listener's ModelItem that shall be removed
/// @param citem A pointer to the ModelItem that represents the channel the listener
/// is in. The listener has to be a direct child of this item. If this is nullptr,
/// the parent of the provided item is used directly.
void removeChannelListener(ModelItem *item, ModelItem *citem = nullptr);
UserModel(QObject *parent = 0);
QModelIndex index(ClientUser *, int column = 0) const;
QModelIndex index(Channel *, int column = 0) const;
QModelIndex index(ModelItem *) const;
QModelIndex channelListenerIndex(const ClientUser *, const Channel *, int column = 0) const;
QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &index) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &index) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
Qt::DropActions supportedDropActions() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
QStringList mimeTypes() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
QMimeData *mimeData(const QModelIndexList &idx) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
bool dropMimeData(const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column,
const QModelIndex &parent) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
ClientUser *addUser(unsigned int id, const QString &name);
ClientUser *getUser(const QModelIndex &idx) const;
ClientUser *getUser(const QString &hash) const;
/// @returns A pointer to the currently selected User or nullptr if there is none
ClientUser *getSelectedUser() const;
/// Sets the selection to the User with the given session
/// @param session The session ID of the respective User
void setSelectedUser(unsigned int session);
Channel *addChannel(unsigned int id, Channel *p, const QString &name);
Channel *getChannel(const QModelIndex &idx) const;
/// @returns A pointer to the currently selected Channel or nullptr if there is none
Channel *getSelectedChannel() const;
/// Sets the selection to the Channel with the given ID
/// @param session The ID of the respective Channel
void setSelectedChannel(unsigned int id);
/// Adds the guven user as a listener to the given channel
/// @param p A pointer to the user
/// @param c A pointer to the channel
void addChannelListener(ClientUser *p, Channel *c);
/// Removes the guven user as a listener to the given channel
/// @param p A pointer to the user
/// @param c A pointer to the channel. If this is nullptr, then all listeners
/// for the given user are removed (from all channels).
void removeChannelListener(const ClientUser *p, const Channel *c = nullptr);
/// @param idx The QModelIndex to check
/// @returns Whether the ModelItem associated with the given index is a listener-proxy
bool isChannelListener(const QModelIndex &idx) const;
/// Sets the selection to the ChannelListener of the given user in the given channel
/// @param userSession The session ID of the respective User
/// @param channelID The ID of the respective Channel
void setSelectedChannelListener(unsigned int userSession, unsigned int channelID);
Channel *getSubChannel(Channel *p, int idx) const;
void renameUser(ClientUser *p, const QString &name);
void renameChannel(Channel *c, const QString &name);
void repositionChannel(Channel *c, const int position);
void setUserId(ClientUser *p, int id);
void setHash(ClientUser *p, const QString &hash);
void setFriendName(ClientUser *p, const QString &name);
void setComment(ClientUser *p, const QString &comment);
void setCommentHash(ClientUser *p, const QByteArray &hash);
void seenComment(const QModelIndex &idx);
void moveUser(ClientUser *p, Channel *c);
void moveChannel(Channel *c, Channel *p);
void setComment(Channel *c, const QString &comment);
void setCommentHash(Channel *c, const QByteArray &hash);
void removeUser(ClientUser *p);
bool removeChannel(Channel *c, const bool onlyIfUnoccupied = false);
void linkChannels(Channel *c, QList< Channel * > links);
void unlinkChannels(Channel *c, QList< Channel * > links);
void unlinkAll(Channel *c);
void removeAll();
void expandAll(Channel *c);
void collapseEmpty(Channel *c);
QVariant otherRoles(const QModelIndex &idx, int role) const;
unsigned int uiSessionComment;
int iChannelDescription;
/// Creates the display string for the given user/listener
/// @param user The user to create the string for
/// @param isChannelListener Whether the display String is in fact for a listener of the given user
/// @param parentChannel The channel in which the listener resides. May be nullptr, if isChannelListener is false
/// @return The created display string
static QString createDisplayString(const ClientUser &user, bool isChannelListener, const Channel *parentChannel);
public slots:
/// Invalidates the model data of the ClientUser triggering this slot.
void userStateChanged();
void on_channelListenerLocalVolumeAdjustmentChanged(unsigned int channelID, float oldValue, float newValue);
void ensureSelfVisible();
void recheckLinks();
void updateOverlay() const;
void forceVisualUpdate(Channel *c = nullptr);
/// A signal emitted whenever a user is added to the model.
/// @param userSessionID The ID of that user's session
void userAdded(unsigned int userSessionID);
/// A signal emitted whenever a user is removed from the model.
/// @param userSessionID The ID of that user's session
void userRemoved(unsigned int userSessionID);
/// A signal that emitted whenever a channel is added to the model.
/// @param channelID The ID of the channel
void channelAdded(unsigned int channelID);
/// A signal that emitted whenever a channel is removed from the model.
/// @param channelID The ID of the channel
void channelRemoved(unsigned int channelID);
/// A signal that emitted whenever a channel is renamed.
/// @param channelID The ID of the channel
void channelRenamed(unsigned int channelID);