Austin S. Hemmelgarn 4b7d920b44
Integrate Go plugin with build system. (#17005)
* Integrate Go plugin with build system.

* Fix Debian packaging rules.

* Add FreeBSD support to Go toolchain handling.

* Add Go ldflags handling.

* Fix version detection when GCCGO is used.

* Fix Go ldflags handling.

* Correctly fix Go toolchain version detection.

* Properly mark Go as a required dependency in CMake.

* Disable VCS stamping as it does not work correctly on some platforms.

* Autodetect minimum required Go version from go.mod files.

This allows us to avoid needing to update the CMakeLists.txt file when
the required version changes in a Go component’s go.mod file.

* Prefix GoTools module name with Netdata to ensure we get our local module.

* Update integrations code to use new Go plugin location.

* Remove old go packaging files.

* keep old logic for initial cleanup that is working

* Re-sync Go plugin sources.

* Fix search order for finding Go toolchain.

* update module name

* fix /usr/local/go overwrite condition


Co-authored-by: Fotis Voutsas <>
Co-authored-by: ilyam8 <>
2024-02-26 09:10:14 -05:00
.. Integrate Go plugin with build system. (#17005) 2024-02-26 09:10:14 -05:00