
68 lines
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import http from "k6/http";
import { log, check, group, sleep } from "k6";
import { Rate } from "k6/metrics";
// A custom metric to track failure rates
var failureRate = new Rate("check_failure_rate");
// Options
export let options = {
stages: [
// Linearly ramp up from 1 to 20 VUs during first 30s
{ target: 20, duration: "30s" },
// Hold at 50 VUs for the next 1 minute
{ target: 20, duration: "1m" },
// Linearly ramp down from 50 to 0 VUs over the last 10 seconds
{ target: 0, duration: "10s" }
thresholds: {
// We want the 95th percentile of all HTTP request durations to be less than 500ms
"http_req_duration": ["p(95)<500"],
// Requests with the fast tag should finish even faster
"http_req_duration{fast:yes}": ["p(99)<250"],
// Thresholds based on the custom metric we defined and use to track application failures
"check_failure_rate": [
// Global failure rate should be less than 1%
// Abort the test early if it climbs over 5%
{ threshold: "rate<=0.05", abortOnFail: true },
function rnd(min, max) {
min = Math.ceil(min);
max = Math.floor(max);
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; //The maximum is exclusive and the minimum is inclusive
// Main function
export default function () {
// Control what the data request asks for
let charts = [ "example.random" ]
let chartmin = 0;
let chartmax = charts.length - 1;
let aftermin = 60;
let aftermax = 3600;
let beforemin = 3503600;
let beforemax = 3590000;
let pointsmin = 300;
let pointsmax = 3600;
group("Requests", function () {
// Execute multiple requests in parallel like a browser, to fetch data for the charts. The one taking the longes is the data request.
let resps = http.batch([
["GET", "http://localhost:19999/api/v1/info", { tags: { fast: "yes" } }],
["GET", "http://localhost:19999/api/v1/charts", { tags: { fast: "yes" } }],
["GET", "http://localhost:19999/api/v1/data?chart="+charts[rnd(chartmin,chartmax)]+"&before=-"+rnd(beforemin,beforemax)+"&after=-"+rnd(aftermin,aftermax)+"&points="+rnd(pointsmin,pointsmax)+"&format=json&group=average&gtime=0&options=ms%7Cflip%7Cjsonwrap%7Cnonzero&_="+rnd(1,1000000000000), { }],
["GET", "http://localhost:19999/api/v1/alarms", { tags: { fast: "yes" } }]
// Combine check() call with failure tracking
failureRate.add(!check(resps, {
"status is 200": (r) => r[0].status === 200 && r[1].status === 200
sleep(Math.random() * 2 + 1); // Random sleep between 1s and 3s