2024-05-27 10:08:53 +02:00
< ? php
* SPDX - FileCopyrightText : 2017 - 2024 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors
* SPDX - FileCopyrightText : 2016 ownCloud , Inc .
* SPDX - License - Identifier : AGPL - 3.0 - only
2022-07-18 17:58:05 +02:00
< div class = " guest-box update " data - productname = " <?php p( $_['productName'] ) ?> " data - version = " <?php p( $_['version'] ) ?> " >
2016-04-11 16:58:08 +02:00
< div class = " updateOverview " >
< h2 class = " title " >< ? php p ( $l -> t ( 'Update needed' )) ?> </h2>
2022-07-18 17:58:05 +02:00
< div class = " text-left " >
2016-04-11 16:58:08 +02:00
< ? php if ( $_ [ 'tooBig' ]) {
2022-09-21 17:44:32 +02:00
p ( $l -> t ( 'Please use the command line updater because you have a big instance with more than 50 accounts.' ));
2023-01-20 11:45:08 +01:00
} else {
2023-06-10 09:47:04 +02:00
p ( $l -> t ( 'Please use the command line updater because updating via browser is disabled in your config.php.' ));
2023-01-20 11:45:08 +01:00
} ?> <br><br>
2023-06-10 09:47:04 +02:00
< ? php if ( is_string ( $_ [ 'cliUpgradeLink' ]) && $_ [ 'cliUpgradeLink' ] !== '' ) {
$cliUpgradeLink = $_ [ 'cliUpgradeLink' ];
} else {
$cliUpgradeLink = link_to_docs ( 'admin-cli-upgrade' );
2024-03-28 16:13:19 +01:00
print_unescaped ( $l -> t ( 'For help, see the <a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href="%s">documentation</a>.' , [ $cliUpgradeLink ])); ?>
2016-04-11 16:58:08 +02:00
</ div >
</ div >
2017-05-10 22:26:51 -05:00
< ? php if ( $_ [ 'tooBig' ]) { ?>
2022-07-18 17:58:05 +02:00
< div class = " notecard warning " >
2020-04-09 16:07:47 +02:00
< p >< ? php p ( $l -> t ( 'I know that if I continue doing the update via web UI has the risk, that the request runs into a timeout and could cause data loss, but I have a backup and know how to restore my instance in case of a failure.' )); ?> </p>
2022-07-18 17:58:05 +02:00
< a class = " button error margin-top " href = " ?IKnowThatThisIsABigInstanceAndTheUpdateRequestCouldRunIntoATimeoutAndHowToRestoreABackup=IAmSuperSureToDoThis " >< ? php p ( $l -> t ( 'Upgrade via web on my own risk' )); ?> </a>
2017-05-10 22:26:51 -05:00
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
2016-04-11 16:58:08 +02:00
</ div >