2023-11-14 15:57:32 +00:00
< ? php
declare ( strict_types = 1 );
2024-06-03 08:23:34 +00:00
* SPDX - FileCopyrightText : 2023 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors
* SPDX - License - Identifier : AGPL - 3.0 - or - later
2023-11-14 15:57:32 +00:00
namespace OCA\Settings\SetupChecks ;
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use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\BigIntType ;
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use OC\Core\Command\Db\ConvertFilecacheBigInt ;
use OC\DB\Connection ;
use OC\DB\SchemaWrapper ;
use OCP\EventDispatcher\IEventDispatcher ;
use OCP\IDBConnection ;
use OCP\IL10N ;
use OCP\IURLGenerator ;
use OCP\SetupCheck\ISetupCheck ;
use OCP\SetupCheck\SetupResult ;
class DatabasePendingBigIntConversions implements ISetupCheck {
public function __construct (
private IL10N $l10n ,
private IURLGenerator $urlGenerator ,
private Connection $db ,
private IEventDispatcher $dispatcher ,
private IDBConnection $connection ,
) {
public function getCategory () : string {
return 'database' ;
public function getName () : string {
return $this -> l10n -> t ( 'Database pending bigint migrations' );
protected function getBigIntConversionPendingColumns () : array {
$tables = ConvertFilecacheBigInt :: getColumnsByTable ();
$schema = new SchemaWrapper ( $this -> db );
$isSqlite = $this -> connection -> getDatabaseProvider () === IDBConnection :: PLATFORM_SQLITE ;
$pendingColumns = [];
foreach ( $tables as $tableName => $columns ) {
if ( ! $schema -> hasTable ( $tableName )) {
continue ;
$table = $schema -> getTable ( $tableName );
foreach ( $columns as $columnName ) {
$column = $table -> getColumn ( $columnName );
$isAutoIncrement = $column -> getAutoincrement ();
$isAutoIncrementOnSqlite = $isSqlite && $isAutoIncrement ;
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if ( ! ( $column -> getType () instanceof BigIntType ) && ! $isAutoIncrementOnSqlite ) {
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$pendingColumns [] = $tableName . '.' . $columnName ;
return $pendingColumns ;
public function run () : SetupResult {
$pendingColumns = $this -> getBigIntConversionPendingColumns ();
if ( empty ( $pendingColumns )) {
return SetupResult :: success ( 'None' );
} else {
$list = '' ;
foreach ( $pendingColumns as $pendingColumn ) {
$list .= " \n $pendingColumn " ;
$list .= " \n " ;
return SetupResult :: info (
$this -> l10n -> t ( 'Some columns in the database are missing a conversion to big int. Due to the fact that changing column types on big tables could take some time they were not changed automatically. By running "occ db:convert-filecache-bigint" those pending changes could be applied manually. This operation needs to be made while the instance is offline.' ) . $list ,
$this -> urlGenerator -> linkToDocs ( 'admin-bigint-conversion' )