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mirror of https://github.com/nextcloud/server.git synced 2025-03-13 07:53:51 +00:00

Fix(l10n): Update translations from Transifex

Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <bot@nextcloud.com>
This commit is contained in:
Nextcloud bot 2024-07-28 00:39:51 +00:00
parent 6ea2bd8863
commit 40e1d35526
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 130DAB86D3FB356C
112 changed files with 470 additions and 164 deletions

View file

@ -217,6 +217,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not refresh storage stats" : "تعذر تحديث حالة التخزين",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "مساحتك التخزينية ممتلئة, لا يمكن تحديث ملفاتك أو مزامنتها بعد الآن !",
"Create" : "إنشاء",
"This name is already in use." : "هذا الاسم سبق استعماله.",
"Fill template fields" : "قُم بملء حقول القالب",
"Submitting fields…" : "إرسال الحقول ...",
"Submit" : "إرسال ",
@ -275,16 +276,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "إنشاء ملف",
"Blank" : "فارغ",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "تعذر إنشاء الملف الجديد من القالب",
"Deletion cancelled" : "تمّ إلغاء الحذف",
"Delete permanently" : "حذف بشكل دائم",
"Delete and unshare" : "إحذِف و الغٍ المشاركات ",
"Leave these shares" : "مغادرة هاتين المشاركتين",
"Disconnect storages" : "فصل وحدات تخزين",
"Delete files" : "حذف الملفات",
"Delete folders" : "حذف مجلدين",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "أنت على وشك حذف {count} عنصر.",
"Confirm deletion" : "أكِّد على الحذف",
"Cancel" : "الغاء",
"Deletion cancelled" : "تمّ إلغاء الحذف",
"Destination is not a folder" : "المَقصَد ليس مُجلّداً",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "هذا الملف/المجلد موجود سلفاً في ذلك المجلد",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "لا يمكنك نقل ملف/مجلد إلى نفسه أو إلى مجلد فرعي منه",

View file

@ -215,6 +215,7 @@
"Could not refresh storage stats" : "تعذر تحديث حالة التخزين",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "مساحتك التخزينية ممتلئة, لا يمكن تحديث ملفاتك أو مزامنتها بعد الآن !",
"Create" : "إنشاء",
"This name is already in use." : "هذا الاسم سبق استعماله.",
"Fill template fields" : "قُم بملء حقول القالب",
"Submitting fields…" : "إرسال الحقول ...",
"Submit" : "إرسال ",
@ -273,16 +274,15 @@
"Creating file" : "إنشاء ملف",
"Blank" : "فارغ",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "تعذر إنشاء الملف الجديد من القالب",
"Deletion cancelled" : "تمّ إلغاء الحذف",
"Delete permanently" : "حذف بشكل دائم",
"Delete and unshare" : "إحذِف و الغٍ المشاركات ",
"Leave these shares" : "مغادرة هاتين المشاركتين",
"Disconnect storages" : "فصل وحدات تخزين",
"Delete files" : "حذف الملفات",
"Delete folders" : "حذف مجلدين",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "أنت على وشك حذف {count} عنصر.",
"Confirm deletion" : "أكِّد على الحذف",
"Cancel" : "الغاء",
"Deletion cancelled" : "تمّ إلغاء الحذف",
"Destination is not a folder" : "المَقصَد ليس مُجلّداً",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "هذا الملف/المجلد موجود سلفاً في ذلك المجلد",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "لا يمكنك نقل ملف/مجلد إلى نفسه أو إلى مجلد فرعي منه",

View file

@ -261,16 +261,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Creando'l ficheru",
"Blank" : "Baleru",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nun ye posible crear un ficheru dende una plantía",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Anulóse'l desaniciu",
"Delete permanently" : "Desaniciar permanentemente",
"Delete and unshare" : "Desaniciar y dexar de compartir",
"Leave these shares" : "Dexar estes comparticiones",
"Disconnect storages" : "Desconectar los almacenamientos",
"Delete files" : "Desaniciar los ficheros",
"Delete folders" : "Desaniciar les carpetes",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Tas a piques de desaniciar {count} elementos.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Confirmar el desaniciu",
"Cancel" : "Encaboxar",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Anulóse'l desaniciu",
"Destination is not a folder" : "El destín nun ye una carpeta",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Esti ficheru o esta carpeta yá ta nel direutoriu",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Nun pues mover un ficheru/carpeta a sigo mesma o la mesma socarpeta de la mesma carpeta",

View file

@ -259,16 +259,15 @@
"Creating file" : "Creando'l ficheru",
"Blank" : "Baleru",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nun ye posible crear un ficheru dende una plantía",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Anulóse'l desaniciu",
"Delete permanently" : "Desaniciar permanentemente",
"Delete and unshare" : "Desaniciar y dexar de compartir",
"Leave these shares" : "Dexar estes comparticiones",
"Disconnect storages" : "Desconectar los almacenamientos",
"Delete files" : "Desaniciar los ficheros",
"Delete folders" : "Desaniciar les carpetes",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Tas a piques de desaniciar {count} elementos.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Confirmar el desaniciu",
"Cancel" : "Encaboxar",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Anulóse'l desaniciu",
"Destination is not a folder" : "El destín nun ye una carpeta",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Esti ficheru o esta carpeta yá ta nel direutoriu",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Nun pues mover un ficheru/carpeta a sigo mesma o la mesma socarpeta de la mesma carpeta",

View file

@ -263,16 +263,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "S'està creant el fitxer",
"Blank" : "En blanc",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "No s'ha pogut crear el fitxer a partir de la plantilla",
"Deletion cancelled" : "S'ha cancel·lat la supressió",
"Delete permanently" : "Suprimeix permanentment",
"Delete and unshare" : "Suprimeix i deixa de compartir",
"Leave these shares" : "Abandona aquests elements compartits",
"Disconnect storages" : "Desconnecta els emmagatzematges",
"Delete files" : "Suprimeix els fitxers",
"Delete folders" : "Suprimeix les carpetes",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Esteu a punt de suprimir {count} elements.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Confirma la supressió",
"Cancel" : "Cancel·la",
"Deletion cancelled" : "S'ha cancel·lat la supressió",
"Destination is not a folder" : "La destinació no és una carpeta",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Aquest fitxer o carpeta ja existeix en aquesta carpeta",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "No podeu moure un fitxer o carpeta a la mateixa carpeta o a una subcarpeta de la mateixa carpeta",

View file

@ -261,16 +261,15 @@
"Creating file" : "S'està creant el fitxer",
"Blank" : "En blanc",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "No s'ha pogut crear el fitxer a partir de la plantilla",
"Deletion cancelled" : "S'ha cancel·lat la supressió",
"Delete permanently" : "Suprimeix permanentment",
"Delete and unshare" : "Suprimeix i deixa de compartir",
"Leave these shares" : "Abandona aquests elements compartits",
"Disconnect storages" : "Desconnecta els emmagatzematges",
"Delete files" : "Suprimeix els fitxers",
"Delete folders" : "Suprimeix les carpetes",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Esteu a punt de suprimir {count} elements.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Confirma la supressió",
"Cancel" : "Cancel·la",
"Deletion cancelled" : "S'ha cancel·lat la supressió",
"Destination is not a folder" : "La destinació no és una carpeta",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Aquest fitxer o carpeta ja existeix en aquesta carpeta",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "No podeu moure un fitxer o carpeta a la mateixa carpeta o a una subcarpeta de la mateixa carpeta",

View file

@ -157,10 +157,16 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"A file or folder has been <strong>changed</strong>" : "Soubor nebo složka byla <strong>změněna</strong>",
"A favorite file or folder has been <strong>changed</strong>" : "Oblíbený soubor nebo složka byla <strong>změněna</strong>",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Nahrát (max. %s)",
"Files compatibility" : "Kompatibilita souborů",
"Allow to restrict filenames to ensure files can be synced with all clients. By default all filenames valid on POSIX (e.g. Linux or macOS) are allowed." : "Umožňuje omezit názvy souborů aby bylo zajištěno, že soubory bude možné synchronizovat se všemi klienty. Ve výchozím stavu jsou povoleny veškeré názvy souborů, splňující standard POSIX (např. Linux nebo macOS).",
"Enforce Windows compatibility" : "Vynutit kompatibilitu s Windows",
"This will block filenames not valid on Windows systems, like using reserved names or special characters. But this will not enforce compatibility of case sensitivity." : "Toto bude blokovat použití názvů souborů, které nejsou platné na strojích s Windows, jako je použití vyhrazených názvů nebo speciálních znaků. Ale nevynutí kompatibilitu v případě rozlišování malých/VELKÝCH písmen.",
"Accept" : "Přijmout",
"Reject" : "Odmítnout",
"Incoming ownership transfer from {user}" : "Příchozí převedení vlastnictví od {user}",
"Do you want to accept {path}?\n\nNote: The transfer process after accepting may take up to 1 hour." : "Chcete přijmout {path}?\n\nPozn.: Proces převedení může trvat až hodinu po přijmutí.",
"Ownership transfer denied" : "Převedení vlastnictví odepřeno",
"Your ownership transfer of {path} was denied by {user}." : "Převedení vašeho vlastnictví {path} bylo odepřeno {user}.",
"Ownership transfer failed" : "Převedení vlastnictví se nezdařilo",
"Your ownership transfer of {path} to {user} failed." : "Převedení vlastnictví {path} od vás na {user} se nezdařilo.",
"The ownership transfer of {path} from {user} failed." : "Převedení vlastnictví {path} od {user} se nezdařilo.",
@ -168,6 +174,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Your ownership transfer of {path} to {user} has completed." : "Převedení vámi vlastněného {path} na {user} dokončeno.",
"The ownership transfer of {path} from {user} has completed." : "Převedení vlastnictví {path} od {user} dokončeno.",
"in %s" : "v %s",
"Transferred from %1$s on %2$s" : "Převedeno z %1$s na %2$s",
"File Management" : "Správa souboru",
"Current directory path" : "Stávající popis umístění složky",
"Reload current directory" : "Znovu načíst stávající složku",
@ -184,6 +191,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Folder name" : "Název složky",
"This node is unavailable" : "Tento uzel není k dispozici",
"Download file {name}" : "Stáhnout soubor {name}",
"Another entry with the same name already exists." : "Už existuje jiná položka se stejným názvem.",
"Invalid filename." : "Neplatný název souboru.",
"Renamed \"{oldName}\" to \"{newName}\"" : "Přejmenováno „{oldName}“ na „{newName}",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Není možné přejmenovat „{oldName}“ už neexistuje",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Název „{newtName}“ je už použitý ve složce „{dir}“. Zvolte jiný název.",
@ -201,11 +210,16 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Column headers with buttons are sortable." : "Podle těch sloupců, které mají v záhlaví tlačítko, je možné řadit.",
"This list is not fully rendered for performance reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Seznam není vykreslen celý z důvodu nároků na výkon. Soubory budou dokreslovány, jak se budete posouvat seznamem.",
"File not found" : "Soubor nenalezen",
"Storage information" : "Informace o úložišti",
"Storage quota" : "Kvóta úložiště",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} využito",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% využito",
"Could not refresh storage stats" : "Nedaří se znovu načíst statistiky úložiště",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "Vaše úložiště je plné soubory už proto nelze aktualizovat ani synchronizovat!",
"Create" : "Vytvořit",
"This name is already in use." : "Tento název už je využíván.",
"Fill template fields" : "Vyplňte kolonky šablony",
"Submitting fields…" : "Odesílání kolonek…",
"Submit" : "Odeslat",
"Transfer ownership of a file or folder" : "Převést vlastnictví souboru či složky",
"Choose file or folder to transfer" : "Zvolte soubor nebo složku k převedení",
@ -231,9 +245,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared" : "Sdíleno",
"Switch to list view" : "Přepnout do zobrazení v seznamu",
"Switch to grid view" : "Přepnout do zobrazení v mřížce",
"Upload was cancelled by user" : "Odeslání bylo zrušeno uživatelem",
"Error during upload: {message}" : "Chyba při nahrávání: {message}",
"Error during upload, status code {status}" : "Chyba při nahrávání stavový kód {status}",
"Unknown error during upload" : "Neznámá chyba při nahrávání",
"Filter filenames…" : "Filtrovat názvy souborů…",
"Views" : "Zobrazení",
"Files settings" : "Nastavení pro Soubory",
"File cannot be accessed" : "K souboru se nedaří přistoupit",
@ -260,16 +276,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Vytváření souboru",
"Blank" : "Prázdný",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nedaří se vytvořit soubor ze šablony",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Mazání zrušeno",
"Delete permanently" : "Nevratně smazat",
"Delete and unshare" : "Smazat a zrušit sdílení",
"Leave these shares" : "Ponechat tato sdílení",
"Disconnect storages" : "Odpojit úložiště",
"Delete files" : "Smazat soubory",
"Delete folders" : "Smazat složky",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Chystáte se smazat {count} položek.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Potvrdit smazání",
"Cancel" : "Storno",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Mazání zrušeno",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Cíl není složka",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "V oné složce se už daný soubor/složka nachází",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Není možné přesunout soubor/složku do sebe samé nebo do své vlastní podložky",
@ -290,8 +305,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Today" : "Dnes",
"Last 7 days" : "Uplynulých 7 dnů",
"Last 30 days" : "Uplynulých 30 dnů",
"This year ({year})" : "Tento rok ({year})",
"Last year ({year})" : "Minulý rok ({year})",
"Documents" : "Dokumenty",
"Spreadsheets" : "Tabulky",
"Presentations" : "Prezentace",
"PDFs" : "PDF dokumenty",
"Folders" : "Složky",
"Audio" : "Zvuk",
"Pictures and images" : "Fotky a obrázky",
"Videos" : "Videa",
"Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Vytvořena nová složka „{name}“",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Nepodařilo se vytvořit složku pro šablony",
@ -318,6 +340,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 soubor a {folderCount} složka","1 soubor a {folderCount} složky","1 soubor a {folderCount} složek","1 soubor a {folderCount} složky"],
"_{fileCount} file and 1 folder_::_{fileCount} files and 1 folder_" : ["{fileCount} soubor a 1 složka","{fileCount} soubory a 1 složka","{fileCount} souborů a 1 složka","{fileCount} soubory a 1 složka"],
"{fileCount} files and {folderCount} folders" : "{fileCount} souborů a {folderCount} složek",
"Filename must not be empty." : "Je třeba vyplnit název souboru.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a filename." : "„{char}“ není v názvu souboru možné použít.",
"\"{segment}\" is a reserved name and not allowed for filenames." : "„{segment}“ je vyhrazeným názvem a není povoleno k použití pro názvy souborů.",
"\"{extension}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "„{extension}“ není povoleným typem souboru.",
"Filenames must not end with \"{extension}\"." : "Je třeba, aby názvy souborů nekončily na „{extension}“.",
"List of favorites files and folders." : "Seznam oblíbených souborů a složek.",
"No favorites yet" : "Zatím nic oblíbeného",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Zde budou zobrazeny soubory a složky, které označíte jako oblíbené",

View file

@ -155,10 +155,16 @@
"A file or folder has been <strong>changed</strong>" : "Soubor nebo složka byla <strong>změněna</strong>",
"A favorite file or folder has been <strong>changed</strong>" : "Oblíbený soubor nebo složka byla <strong>změněna</strong>",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Nahrát (max. %s)",
"Files compatibility" : "Kompatibilita souborů",
"Allow to restrict filenames to ensure files can be synced with all clients. By default all filenames valid on POSIX (e.g. Linux or macOS) are allowed." : "Umožňuje omezit názvy souborů aby bylo zajištěno, že soubory bude možné synchronizovat se všemi klienty. Ve výchozím stavu jsou povoleny veškeré názvy souborů, splňující standard POSIX (např. Linux nebo macOS).",
"Enforce Windows compatibility" : "Vynutit kompatibilitu s Windows",
"This will block filenames not valid on Windows systems, like using reserved names or special characters. But this will not enforce compatibility of case sensitivity." : "Toto bude blokovat použití názvů souborů, které nejsou platné na strojích s Windows, jako je použití vyhrazených názvů nebo speciálních znaků. Ale nevynutí kompatibilitu v případě rozlišování malých/VELKÝCH písmen.",
"Accept" : "Přijmout",
"Reject" : "Odmítnout",
"Incoming ownership transfer from {user}" : "Příchozí převedení vlastnictví od {user}",
"Do you want to accept {path}?\n\nNote: The transfer process after accepting may take up to 1 hour." : "Chcete přijmout {path}?\n\nPozn.: Proces převedení může trvat až hodinu po přijmutí.",
"Ownership transfer denied" : "Převedení vlastnictví odepřeno",
"Your ownership transfer of {path} was denied by {user}." : "Převedení vašeho vlastnictví {path} bylo odepřeno {user}.",
"Ownership transfer failed" : "Převedení vlastnictví se nezdařilo",
"Your ownership transfer of {path} to {user} failed." : "Převedení vlastnictví {path} od vás na {user} se nezdařilo.",
"The ownership transfer of {path} from {user} failed." : "Převedení vlastnictví {path} od {user} se nezdařilo.",
@ -166,6 +172,7 @@
"Your ownership transfer of {path} to {user} has completed." : "Převedení vámi vlastněného {path} na {user} dokončeno.",
"The ownership transfer of {path} from {user} has completed." : "Převedení vlastnictví {path} od {user} dokončeno.",
"in %s" : "v %s",
"Transferred from %1$s on %2$s" : "Převedeno z %1$s na %2$s",
"File Management" : "Správa souboru",
"Current directory path" : "Stávající popis umístění složky",
"Reload current directory" : "Znovu načíst stávající složku",
@ -182,6 +189,8 @@
"Folder name" : "Název složky",
"This node is unavailable" : "Tento uzel není k dispozici",
"Download file {name}" : "Stáhnout soubor {name}",
"Another entry with the same name already exists." : "Už existuje jiná položka se stejným názvem.",
"Invalid filename." : "Neplatný název souboru.",
"Renamed \"{oldName}\" to \"{newName}\"" : "Přejmenováno „{oldName}“ na „{newName}",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Není možné přejmenovat „{oldName}“ už neexistuje",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Název „{newtName}“ je už použitý ve složce „{dir}“. Zvolte jiný název.",
@ -199,11 +208,16 @@
"Column headers with buttons are sortable." : "Podle těch sloupců, které mají v záhlaví tlačítko, je možné řadit.",
"This list is not fully rendered for performance reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Seznam není vykreslen celý z důvodu nároků na výkon. Soubory budou dokreslovány, jak se budete posouvat seznamem.",
"File not found" : "Soubor nenalezen",
"Storage information" : "Informace o úložišti",
"Storage quota" : "Kvóta úložiště",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} využito",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% využito",
"Could not refresh storage stats" : "Nedaří se znovu načíst statistiky úložiště",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "Vaše úložiště je plné soubory už proto nelze aktualizovat ani synchronizovat!",
"Create" : "Vytvořit",
"This name is already in use." : "Tento název už je využíván.",
"Fill template fields" : "Vyplňte kolonky šablony",
"Submitting fields…" : "Odesílání kolonek…",
"Submit" : "Odeslat",
"Transfer ownership of a file or folder" : "Převést vlastnictví souboru či složky",
"Choose file or folder to transfer" : "Zvolte soubor nebo složku k převedení",
@ -229,9 +243,11 @@
"Shared" : "Sdíleno",
"Switch to list view" : "Přepnout do zobrazení v seznamu",
"Switch to grid view" : "Přepnout do zobrazení v mřížce",
"Upload was cancelled by user" : "Odeslání bylo zrušeno uživatelem",
"Error during upload: {message}" : "Chyba při nahrávání: {message}",
"Error during upload, status code {status}" : "Chyba při nahrávání stavový kód {status}",
"Unknown error during upload" : "Neznámá chyba při nahrávání",
"Filter filenames…" : "Filtrovat názvy souborů…",
"Views" : "Zobrazení",
"Files settings" : "Nastavení pro Soubory",
"File cannot be accessed" : "K souboru se nedaří přistoupit",
@ -258,16 +274,15 @@
"Creating file" : "Vytváření souboru",
"Blank" : "Prázdný",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nedaří se vytvořit soubor ze šablony",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Mazání zrušeno",
"Delete permanently" : "Nevratně smazat",
"Delete and unshare" : "Smazat a zrušit sdílení",
"Leave these shares" : "Ponechat tato sdílení",
"Disconnect storages" : "Odpojit úložiště",
"Delete files" : "Smazat soubory",
"Delete folders" : "Smazat složky",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Chystáte se smazat {count} položek.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Potvrdit smazání",
"Cancel" : "Storno",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Mazání zrušeno",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Cíl není složka",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "V oné složce se už daný soubor/složka nachází",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Není možné přesunout soubor/složku do sebe samé nebo do své vlastní podložky",
@ -288,8 +303,15 @@
"Today" : "Dnes",
"Last 7 days" : "Uplynulých 7 dnů",
"Last 30 days" : "Uplynulých 30 dnů",
"This year ({year})" : "Tento rok ({year})",
"Last year ({year})" : "Minulý rok ({year})",
"Documents" : "Dokumenty",
"Spreadsheets" : "Tabulky",
"Presentations" : "Prezentace",
"PDFs" : "PDF dokumenty",
"Folders" : "Složky",
"Audio" : "Zvuk",
"Pictures and images" : "Fotky a obrázky",
"Videos" : "Videa",
"Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Vytvořena nová složka „{name}“",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Nepodařilo se vytvořit složku pro šablony",
@ -316,6 +338,11 @@
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 soubor a {folderCount} složka","1 soubor a {folderCount} složky","1 soubor a {folderCount} složek","1 soubor a {folderCount} složky"],
"_{fileCount} file and 1 folder_::_{fileCount} files and 1 folder_" : ["{fileCount} soubor a 1 složka","{fileCount} soubory a 1 složka","{fileCount} souborů a 1 složka","{fileCount} soubory a 1 složka"],
"{fileCount} files and {folderCount} folders" : "{fileCount} souborů a {folderCount} složek",
"Filename must not be empty." : "Je třeba vyplnit název souboru.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a filename." : "„{char}“ není v názvu souboru možné použít.",
"\"{segment}\" is a reserved name and not allowed for filenames." : "„{segment}“ je vyhrazeným názvem a není povoleno k použití pro názvy souborů.",
"\"{extension}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "„{extension}“ není povoleným typem souboru.",
"Filenames must not end with \"{extension}\"." : "Je třeba, aby názvy souborů nekončily na „{extension}“.",
"List of favorites files and folders." : "Seznam oblíbených souborů a složek.",
"No favorites yet" : "Zatím nic oblíbeného",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Zde budou zobrazeny soubory a složky, které označíte jako oblíbené",

View file

@ -261,16 +261,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Opretter fil",
"Blank" : "Tom",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Kan ikke oprette ny fil fra skabelonen",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Sletning annulleret",
"Delete permanently" : "Slet permanent",
"Delete and unshare" : "Slet og fjern deling",
"Leave these shares" : "Forlad disse delinger",
"Disconnect storages" : "Frakobl lagerne",
"Delete files" : "Slet filer",
"Delete folders" : "Slet mapper",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Du er ved at slette {count} elementer.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Bekræft sletning",
"Cancel" : "annuller",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Sletning annulleret",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Destinationen er ikke en mappe",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Filen/mappen er allerede i denne mappe",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Du kan ikke flytte en fil/mappe ind i sig selv, eller til en mappe inden i sig selv",

View file

@ -259,16 +259,15 @@
"Creating file" : "Opretter fil",
"Blank" : "Tom",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Kan ikke oprette ny fil fra skabelonen",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Sletning annulleret",
"Delete permanently" : "Slet permanent",
"Delete and unshare" : "Slet og fjern deling",
"Leave these shares" : "Forlad disse delinger",
"Disconnect storages" : "Frakobl lagerne",
"Delete files" : "Slet filer",
"Delete folders" : "Slet mapper",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Du er ved at slette {count} elementer.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Bekræft sletning",
"Cancel" : "annuller",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Sletning annulleret",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Destinationen er ikke en mappe",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Filen/mappen er allerede i denne mappe",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Du kan ikke flytte en fil/mappe ind i sig selv, eller til en mappe inden i sig selv",

View file

@ -264,16 +264,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Datei erstellen",
"Blank" : "Leer",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Neue Datei konnte nicht aus Vorlage erstellt werden",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Löschen abgebrochen",
"Delete permanently" : "Endgültig löschen",
"Delete and unshare" : "Löschen und nicht mehr teilen",
"Leave these shares" : "Diese Freigaben verlassen",
"Disconnect storages" : "Speicher trennen",
"Delete files" : "Dateien löschen",
"Delete folders" : "Ordner löschen",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Du bist dabei, {count} Elemente zu löschen.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Löschen bestätigen",
"Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Löschen abgebrochen",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Ziel ist kein Ordner",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Diese Datei oder Ordner ist bereits in diesem Verzeichnis vorhanden",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Eine Datei oder ein Ordner kann nicht auf sich selbst oder in einen Unterordner von sich selbst verschoben werden.",

View file

@ -262,16 +262,15 @@
"Creating file" : "Datei erstellen",
"Blank" : "Leer",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Neue Datei konnte nicht aus Vorlage erstellt werden",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Löschen abgebrochen",
"Delete permanently" : "Endgültig löschen",
"Delete and unshare" : "Löschen und nicht mehr teilen",
"Leave these shares" : "Diese Freigaben verlassen",
"Disconnect storages" : "Speicher trennen",
"Delete files" : "Dateien löschen",
"Delete folders" : "Ordner löschen",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Du bist dabei, {count} Elemente zu löschen.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Löschen bestätigen",
"Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Löschen abgebrochen",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Ziel ist kein Ordner",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Diese Datei oder Ordner ist bereits in diesem Verzeichnis vorhanden",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Eine Datei oder ein Ordner kann nicht auf sich selbst oder in einen Unterordner von sich selbst verschoben werden.",

View file

@ -191,6 +191,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Folder name" : "Ordnername",
"This node is unavailable" : "Dieser Knoten ist nicht verfügbar",
"Download file {name}" : "Datei {name} herunterladen",
"Another entry with the same name already exists." : "Ein anderer Eintrag mit diesem Namen existiert bereits.",
"Invalid filename." : "Ungültiger Dateiname.",
"Renamed \"{oldName}\" to \"{newName}\"" : "\"{oldName}\" in \"{newName}\" umbenannt",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "\"{oldName}\" konnte nicht umbenannt werden, da es nicht mehr existiert",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Der Name \"{newName}“ wird bereits im Ordner \"{dir}“ verwendet. Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen.",
@ -208,11 +210,16 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Column headers with buttons are sortable." : "Spaltenüberschriften mit Schaltflächen sind sortierbar.",
"This list is not fully rendered for performance reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Diese Liste ist aus Performance-Gründen nicht vollständig gerendert. Die Dateien werden gerendert, wenn Sie durch die Liste navigieren.",
"File not found" : "Datei nicht gefunden",
"Storage information" : "Speicherinformation",
"Storage quota" : "Speicherkontingent",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} verwendet",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% verwendet",
"Could not refresh storage stats" : "Die Speicherstatistik konnte nicht aktualisiert werden",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "Ihr Speicher ist voll, daher können keine Dateien mehr aktualisiert oder synchronisiert werden!",
"Create" : "Erstellen",
"This name is already in use." : "Dieser Name wird bereits verwendet.",
"Fill template fields" : "Vorlagenfelder ausfüllen",
"Submitting fields…" : "Felder werden übermittelt…",
"Submit" : "Übermitteln",
"Transfer ownership of a file or folder" : "Besitz einer Datei oder eines Ordners übertragen",
"Choose file or folder to transfer" : "Datei oder Ordner zur Übertragung auswählen",
@ -242,6 +249,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error during upload: {message}" : "Fehler beim Hochladen: {message}",
"Error during upload, status code {status}" : "Fehler beim Hochladen, Statuscode {status}",
"Unknown error during upload" : "Unbekannter Fehler beim Hochladen",
"Filter filenames…" : "Dateinamen filtern…",
"Views" : "Ansichten",
"Files settings" : "Dateien-Einstellungen",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Auf die Datei kann nicht zugegriffen werden",
@ -268,16 +276,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Datei erstellen",
"Blank" : "Leer",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Neue Datei kann nicht aus Vorlage erstellt werden",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Löschen abgebrochen",
"Delete permanently" : "Endgültig löschen",
"Delete and unshare" : "Löschen und nicht mehr teilen",
"Leave these shares" : "Diese Freigaben verlassen",
"Disconnect storages" : "Speicher trennen",
"Delete files" : "Dateien löschen",
"Delete folders" : "Ordner löschen",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Sie sind dabei, {count} Elemente zu löschen.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Löschen bestätigen",
"Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Löschen abgebrochen",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Ziel ist kein Ordner",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Diese Datei oder Ordner ist bereits in diesem Verzeichnis vorhanden",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Eine Datei oder ein Ordner kann nicht auf sich selbst oder in einen Unterordner von sich selbst verschoben werden",
@ -298,9 +305,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Today" : "Heute",
"Last 7 days" : "Die letzten 7 Tage",
"Last 30 days" : "Die letzten 30 Tage",
"This year ({year})" : "Dieses Jahr ({year})",
"Last year ({year})" : "Letztes Jahr ({year})",
"Documents" : "Dokumente",
"Spreadsheets" : "Tabellenkalkulationen",
"Presentations" : "Präsentationen",
"PDFs" : "PDFs",
"Folders" : "Ordner",
"Audio" : "Audio",
"Pictures and images" : "Bilder und Abbildungen",
"Videos" : "Videos",
"Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Neuer Ordner \"{name}\" wurde erstellt",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Der Vorlagenordner kann nicht initialisiert werden",
@ -327,6 +340,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 Datei und {folderCount} Ordner","1 Datei und {folderCount} Ordner"],
"_{fileCount} file and 1 folder_::_{fileCount} files and 1 folder_" : ["{fileCount} Datei und 1 Ordner","{fileCount} Dateien und 1 Ordner"],
"{fileCount} files and {folderCount} folders" : "{fileCount} Dateien und {folderCount} Ordner",
"Filename must not be empty." : "Dateiname darf nicht leer sein.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a filename." : "\"{char}“ ist innerhalb eines Dateinamens nicht zulässig.",
"\"{segment}\" is a reserved name and not allowed for filenames." : "\"{segment}\" ist ein reservierter Name und für Dateinamen nicht zulässig.",
"\"{extension}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{extension}\" ist kein zulässiger Dateityp.",
"Filenames must not end with \"{extension}\"." : "Dateinamen dürfen nicht mit \"{extension}\" enden.",
"List of favorites files and folders." : "Liste der favorisierten Ordner und Dateien.",
"No favorites yet" : "Noch keine Favoriten vorhanden",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Dateien und Ordner, die Sie als Favoriten kennzeichnen, werden hier erscheinen",

View file

@ -189,6 +189,8 @@
"Folder name" : "Ordnername",
"This node is unavailable" : "Dieser Knoten ist nicht verfügbar",
"Download file {name}" : "Datei {name} herunterladen",
"Another entry with the same name already exists." : "Ein anderer Eintrag mit diesem Namen existiert bereits.",
"Invalid filename." : "Ungültiger Dateiname.",
"Renamed \"{oldName}\" to \"{newName}\"" : "\"{oldName}\" in \"{newName}\" umbenannt",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "\"{oldName}\" konnte nicht umbenannt werden, da es nicht mehr existiert",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Der Name \"{newName}“ wird bereits im Ordner \"{dir}“ verwendet. Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen.",
@ -206,11 +208,16 @@
"Column headers with buttons are sortable." : "Spaltenüberschriften mit Schaltflächen sind sortierbar.",
"This list is not fully rendered for performance reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Diese Liste ist aus Performance-Gründen nicht vollständig gerendert. Die Dateien werden gerendert, wenn Sie durch die Liste navigieren.",
"File not found" : "Datei nicht gefunden",
"Storage information" : "Speicherinformation",
"Storage quota" : "Speicherkontingent",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} verwendet",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% verwendet",
"Could not refresh storage stats" : "Die Speicherstatistik konnte nicht aktualisiert werden",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "Ihr Speicher ist voll, daher können keine Dateien mehr aktualisiert oder synchronisiert werden!",
"Create" : "Erstellen",
"This name is already in use." : "Dieser Name wird bereits verwendet.",
"Fill template fields" : "Vorlagenfelder ausfüllen",
"Submitting fields…" : "Felder werden übermittelt…",
"Submit" : "Übermitteln",
"Transfer ownership of a file or folder" : "Besitz einer Datei oder eines Ordners übertragen",
"Choose file or folder to transfer" : "Datei oder Ordner zur Übertragung auswählen",
@ -240,6 +247,7 @@
"Error during upload: {message}" : "Fehler beim Hochladen: {message}",
"Error during upload, status code {status}" : "Fehler beim Hochladen, Statuscode {status}",
"Unknown error during upload" : "Unbekannter Fehler beim Hochladen",
"Filter filenames…" : "Dateinamen filtern…",
"Views" : "Ansichten",
"Files settings" : "Dateien-Einstellungen",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Auf die Datei kann nicht zugegriffen werden",
@ -266,16 +274,15 @@
"Creating file" : "Datei erstellen",
"Blank" : "Leer",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Neue Datei kann nicht aus Vorlage erstellt werden",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Löschen abgebrochen",
"Delete permanently" : "Endgültig löschen",
"Delete and unshare" : "Löschen und nicht mehr teilen",
"Leave these shares" : "Diese Freigaben verlassen",
"Disconnect storages" : "Speicher trennen",
"Delete files" : "Dateien löschen",
"Delete folders" : "Ordner löschen",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Sie sind dabei, {count} Elemente zu löschen.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Löschen bestätigen",
"Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Löschen abgebrochen",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Ziel ist kein Ordner",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Diese Datei oder Ordner ist bereits in diesem Verzeichnis vorhanden",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Eine Datei oder ein Ordner kann nicht auf sich selbst oder in einen Unterordner von sich selbst verschoben werden",
@ -296,9 +303,15 @@
"Today" : "Heute",
"Last 7 days" : "Die letzten 7 Tage",
"Last 30 days" : "Die letzten 30 Tage",
"This year ({year})" : "Dieses Jahr ({year})",
"Last year ({year})" : "Letztes Jahr ({year})",
"Documents" : "Dokumente",
"Spreadsheets" : "Tabellenkalkulationen",
"Presentations" : "Präsentationen",
"PDFs" : "PDFs",
"Folders" : "Ordner",
"Audio" : "Audio",
"Pictures and images" : "Bilder und Abbildungen",
"Videos" : "Videos",
"Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Neuer Ordner \"{name}\" wurde erstellt",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Der Vorlagenordner kann nicht initialisiert werden",
@ -325,6 +338,11 @@
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 Datei und {folderCount} Ordner","1 Datei und {folderCount} Ordner"],
"_{fileCount} file and 1 folder_::_{fileCount} files and 1 folder_" : ["{fileCount} Datei und 1 Ordner","{fileCount} Dateien und 1 Ordner"],
"{fileCount} files and {folderCount} folders" : "{fileCount} Dateien und {folderCount} Ordner",
"Filename must not be empty." : "Dateiname darf nicht leer sein.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a filename." : "\"{char}“ ist innerhalb eines Dateinamens nicht zulässig.",
"\"{segment}\" is a reserved name and not allowed for filenames." : "\"{segment}\" ist ein reservierter Name und für Dateinamen nicht zulässig.",
"\"{extension}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{extension}\" ist kein zulässiger Dateityp.",
"Filenames must not end with \"{extension}\"." : "Dateinamen dürfen nicht mit \"{extension}\" enden.",
"List of favorites files and folders." : "Liste der favorisierten Ordner und Dateien.",
"No favorites yet" : "Noch keine Favoriten vorhanden",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Dateien und Ordner, die Sie als Favoriten kennzeichnen, werden hier erscheinen",

View file

@ -156,10 +156,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"A file or folder has been <strong>changed</strong>" : "Ένα αρχείο ή κατάλογος έχουν <strong>αλλάξει</strong>",
"A favorite file or folder has been <strong>changed</strong>" : "Ένα αγαπημένο αρχείο ή φάκελός σας έχει <strong>τροποποιηθεί</strong>.",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Μεταφόρτωση (max. %s)",
"Enforce Windows compatibility" : "Επιβολή συμβατότητας με Windows",
"This will block filenames not valid on Windows systems, like using reserved names or special characters. But this will not enforce compatibility of case sensitivity." : "Αυτό θα αποκλείσει ονόματα αρχείων που δεν είναι έγκυρα σε συστήματα Windows, όπως η χρήση δεσμευμένων ονομάτων ή ειδικών χαρακτήρων. Αλλά αυτό δεν θα επιβάλει τη συμμόρφωση ως προς την διάκριση πεζών-κεφαλαίων.",
"Accept" : "Αποδοχή",
"Reject" : "Απόρριψη",
"Incoming ownership transfer from {user}" : "Εισερχόμενη μεταβίβαση κυριότητας από τον {user}",
"Do you want to accept {path}?\n\nNote: The transfer process after accepting may take up to 1 hour." : "Δέχεστε την διαδρομή {path}?\n\nΣημείωση: Η διαδικασία μεταφοράς μπορεί να διαρκέσει πάνω από μία ώρα.",
"Ownership transfer denied" : "Η μεταφορά κυριότητας απορρίφθηκε",
"Your ownership transfer of {path} was denied by {user}." : "Η μεταφορά της κυριότητας του {path} απορρίφθηκε από τον χρήστη {user}.",
"Ownership transfer failed" : "Η μεταφορά κυριότητας απέτυχε",
"Your ownership transfer of {path} to {user} failed." : "Η μεταφορά κυριότητας σας του {path} στον {user} απέτυχε.",
"The ownership transfer of {path} from {user} failed." : "Η μεταφορά κυριότητας του {path} από {user} απέτυχε.",
@ -167,6 +171,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Your ownership transfer of {path} to {user} has completed." : "Η μεταφορά κυριότητας σας του {path} στον {user} ολοκληρώθηκε.",
"The ownership transfer of {path} from {user} has completed." : "Η μεταφορά κυριότητας του {path} στον {user} ολοκληρώθηκε.",
"in %s" : "σε %s",
"Transferred from %1$s on %2$s" : "Μεταβιβάστηκε από %1$s σε %2$s",
"File Management" : "Διαχείριση αρχείων",
"Current directory path" : "Τρέχουσα διαδρομή καταλόγου",
"Reload current directory" : "Επαναφόρτωση τρέχοντος καταλόγου",
@ -176,11 +181,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You dont have permission to upload or create files here" : "Δεν έχετε δικαιώματα μεταφόρτωσης ή δημιουργίας αρχείων εδώ",
"\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Η ενέργεια του/της \"{displayName}\" εκτελέστηκε επιτυχώς",
"\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Η ενέργεια του \"{displayName}\" απέτυχε",
"Toggle selection for file \"{displayName}\"" : "Εναλλαγή επιλογής για το αρχείο \"{displayName}\"",
"Toggle selection for folder \"{displayName}\"" : "Εναλλαγή επιλογής για τον φάκελο \"{displayName}\"",
"Rename file" : "Μετονομασία αρχείου",
"Filename" : "Όνομα αρχείου",
"Folder name" : "Όνομα φακέλου",
"This node is unavailable" : "Αυτός ο κόμβος δεν είναι διαθέσιμος",
"Download file {name}" : "Λήψη αρχείου {name}",
"Another entry with the same name already exists." : "Μια άλλη καταχώρηση με το ίδιο όνομα υπάρχει ήδη.",
"Invalid filename." : "Μη έγκυρο όνομα αρχείου",
"Renamed \"{oldName}\" to \"{newName}\"" : "Μετονομασία του \"{oldName}\" σε \"{newName}\"",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η μετονομασία του \"{oldName}\", δεν υπάρχει πλέον",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Το όνομα \"{newName}\" χρησιμοποιείται ήδη στον φάκελο \"{dir}\". Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε ένα διαφορετικό όνομα.",
@ -188,19 +197,23 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Clear filter" : "Εκκαθάριση φίλτρου",
"Type" : "Τύπος",
"Active filters" : "Ενεργά φίλτρα",
"Remove filter" : "Αφαίρεση φίλτρου",
"Total rows summary" : "Συνολική σύνοψη γραμμών",
"Toggle selection for all files and folders" : "Εναλλαγή επιλογής για όλα τα αρχεία και τους φακέλους",
"\"{displayName}\" failed on some elements " : "\"{displayName}\" απέτυχε σε ορισμένα στοιχεία",
"\"{displayName}\" batch action executed successfully" : "Η μαζική ενέργεια του/της \"{displayName}\" εκτελέστηκε επιτυχώς",
"{count} selected" : "{count} έχουν επιλεγεί",
"List of files and folders." : "Λίστα αρχείων και φακέλων.",
"Column headers with buttons are sortable." : "Οι επικεφαλίδες στηλών με κουμπιά είναι ταξινομήσιμες.",
"This list is not fully rendered for performance reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Η λίστα αυτή δεν εμφανίζεται πλήρως για λόγους απόδοσης. Τα αρχεία θα εμφανίζονται καθώς πλοηγείστε στη λίστα.",
"File not found" : "Δε βρέθηκε το αρχείο",
"Storage information" : "Πληροφορίες αποθήκευσης",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} χρησιμοποιείται",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% χρησιμοποιείται",
"Could not refresh storage stats" : "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η ανανέωση των στατιστικών αποθήκευσης",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "Ο αποθηκευτικός σας χώρος είναι γεμάτος, τα αρχεία δεν μπορούν να ενημερωθούν ή να συγχρονιστούν πια!",
"Create" : "Δημιουργία",
"This name is already in use." : "Αυτό το όνομα χρησιμοποιείται ήδη.",
"Submit" : "Υποβολή",
"Transfer ownership of a file or folder" : "Μεταβίβαση κυριότητας αρχείου ή φακέλου",
"Choose file or folder to transfer" : "Επιλέξτε αρχείο ή φάκελο για μεταφορά",
@ -226,9 +239,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared" : "Κοινόχρηστα",
"Switch to list view" : "Αλλαγή σε προβολή λίστας",
"Switch to grid view" : "Εναλλαγή σε προβολή πλέγματος",
"Upload was cancelled by user" : "Η μεταφόρτωση ακυρώθηκε από τον χρήστη",
"Error during upload: {message}" : "Σφάλμα κατά τη μεταφόρτωση: {message}",
"Error during upload, status code {status}" : "Σφάλμα κατά τη μεταφόρτωση, κωδικός κατάστασης {status}",
"Unknown error during upload" : "Άγνωστο σφάλμα κατά τη μεταφόρτωση",
"Filter filenames…" : "Φιλτράρετε τα ονόματα αρχείων...",
"Views" : "Προβολές",
"Files settings" : "Ρυθμίσεις αρχείων",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Δεν είναι δυνατή η πρόσβαση στο αρχείο",
@ -254,6 +269,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Δημιουργία αρχείου",
"Blank" : "Κενό",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Δεν είναι δυνατή η δημιουργία νέου αρχείου από το πρότυπο",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Διαγραφή ακυρώθηκε",
"Delete permanently" : "Διαγραφή οριστικά",
"Delete and unshare" : "Διαγραφή και κατάργηση κοινής χρήσης",
"Leave these shares" : "Αποχώρηση από αυτά τα κοινόχρηστα",
@ -261,7 +277,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Delete folders" : "Διαγραφή φακέλων",
"Confirm deletion" : "Επιβεβαίωση διαγραφής",
"Cancel" : "Ακύρωση",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Διαγραφή ακυρώθηκε",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Ο προορισμός δεν είναι φάκελος",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Αυτό το αρχείο/φάκελος βρίσκεται ήδη σε αυτόν τον κατάλογο",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Δεν μπορείτε να μετακινήσετε ένα αρχείο/φάκελο στον εαυτό του ή σε έναν υποφάκελο του ίδιου του φακέλου.",
@ -279,6 +294,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Άνοιγμα φακέλου {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Άνοιγμα στα Αρχεία",
"Open details" : "Άνοιγμα λεπτομερειών",
"Today" : "Σήμερα",
"Last 7 days" : "Τελευταίες 7 ημέρες",
"Last 30 days" : "Τελευταίες 30 ημέρες",
"This year ({year})" : "Αυτό το έτος ({year})",
"Last year ({year})" : "Το περασμένο έτος ({year})",
"Documents" : "Έγγραφα",
"Audio" : "Ήχος",
"Videos" : "Βίντεο",
@ -291,12 +311,22 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"One of the dropped files could not be processed" : "Ένα από τα αρχεία που ελήφθησαν δεν μπόρεσε να επεξεργαστεί",
"Some files could not be uploaded" : "Μερικά αρχεία δεν μπόρεσαν να μεταφορτωθούν",
"Files uploaded successfully" : "Τα αρχεία μεταφορτώθηκαν επιτυχώς",
"No files to process" : "Δεν υπάρχουν αρχεία προς επεξεργασία",
"Some files could not be copied" : "Ορισμένα αρχεία δεν μπόρεσαν να αντιγραφούν",
"Some files could not be moved" : "Αδυναμία μετακίνησης μερικών αρχείων",
"Files copied successfully" : "Τα αρχεία αντιγράφηκαν επιτυχώς",
"Files moved successfully" : "Τα αρχεία μετακινήθηκαν επιτυχώς",
"Upload cancelled" : "Η μεταφόρτωση ακυρώθηκε",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} φάκελος","{folderCount} φακέλοι"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} αρχείο","{fileCount} αρχεία"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 αρχείο και {folderCount} φάκελος","1 αρχείο και {folderCount} φακέλοι"],
"_{fileCount} file and 1 folder_::_{fileCount} files and 1 folder_" : ["{fileCount} αρχείο και 1 φάκελος","{fileCount} αρχεία και 1 φάκελος"],
"{fileCount} files and {folderCount} folders" : "{fileCount} αρχεία και {folderCount} φακέλοι",
"Filename must not be empty." : "Το όνομα αρχείου δεν πρέπει να είναι κενό.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a filename." : "\"{char}\" δεν επιτρέπεται μέσα σε όνομα αρχείου.",
"\"{segment}\" is a reserved name and not allowed for filenames." : "\"{segment}\" είναι δεσμευμένο όνομα και δεν επιτρέπεται για ονόματα αρχείων.",
"\"{extension}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{extension}\" δεν είναι επιτρεπτός τύπος αρχείου.",
"Filenames must not end with \"{extension}\"." : "Τα ονόματα αρχείων δεν πρέπει να τελειώνουν με \"{extension}\".",
"List of favorites files and folders." : "Λίστα αγαπημένων αρχείων και φακέλων.",
"No favorites yet" : "Κανένα αγαπημένο ακόμα",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Τα αρχεία και οι φάκελοι που σημειώνονται ως αγαπημένα θα εμφανιστούν εδώ",
@ -349,6 +379,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Name cannot be empty" : "Το όνομα δεν μπορεί να είναι κενό",
"Another entry with the same name already exists" : "Υπάρχει ήδη μια άλλη καταχώρηση με το ίδιο όνομα",
"A file or folder with that name already exists." : "Υπάρχει ήδη ένα αρχείο ή φάκελος με αυτό το όνομα.",
"Invalid file name" : "Μη έγκυρο όνομα αρχείου",
"The files is locked" : "Το αρχείο είναι κλειδωμένο"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

View file

@ -154,10 +154,14 @@
"A file or folder has been <strong>changed</strong>" : "Ένα αρχείο ή κατάλογος έχουν <strong>αλλάξει</strong>",
"A favorite file or folder has been <strong>changed</strong>" : "Ένα αγαπημένο αρχείο ή φάκελός σας έχει <strong>τροποποιηθεί</strong>.",
"Upload (max. %s)" : "Μεταφόρτωση (max. %s)",
"Enforce Windows compatibility" : "Επιβολή συμβατότητας με Windows",
"This will block filenames not valid on Windows systems, like using reserved names or special characters. But this will not enforce compatibility of case sensitivity." : "Αυτό θα αποκλείσει ονόματα αρχείων που δεν είναι έγκυρα σε συστήματα Windows, όπως η χρήση δεσμευμένων ονομάτων ή ειδικών χαρακτήρων. Αλλά αυτό δεν θα επιβάλει τη συμμόρφωση ως προς την διάκριση πεζών-κεφαλαίων.",
"Accept" : "Αποδοχή",
"Reject" : "Απόρριψη",
"Incoming ownership transfer from {user}" : "Εισερχόμενη μεταβίβαση κυριότητας από τον {user}",
"Do you want to accept {path}?\n\nNote: The transfer process after accepting may take up to 1 hour." : "Δέχεστε την διαδρομή {path}?\n\nΣημείωση: Η διαδικασία μεταφοράς μπορεί να διαρκέσει πάνω από μία ώρα.",
"Ownership transfer denied" : "Η μεταφορά κυριότητας απορρίφθηκε",
"Your ownership transfer of {path} was denied by {user}." : "Η μεταφορά της κυριότητας του {path} απορρίφθηκε από τον χρήστη {user}.",
"Ownership transfer failed" : "Η μεταφορά κυριότητας απέτυχε",
"Your ownership transfer of {path} to {user} failed." : "Η μεταφορά κυριότητας σας του {path} στον {user} απέτυχε.",
"The ownership transfer of {path} from {user} failed." : "Η μεταφορά κυριότητας του {path} από {user} απέτυχε.",
@ -165,6 +169,7 @@
"Your ownership transfer of {path} to {user} has completed." : "Η μεταφορά κυριότητας σας του {path} στον {user} ολοκληρώθηκε.",
"The ownership transfer of {path} from {user} has completed." : "Η μεταφορά κυριότητας του {path} στον {user} ολοκληρώθηκε.",
"in %s" : "σε %s",
"Transferred from %1$s on %2$s" : "Μεταβιβάστηκε από %1$s σε %2$s",
"File Management" : "Διαχείριση αρχείων",
"Current directory path" : "Τρέχουσα διαδρομή καταλόγου",
"Reload current directory" : "Επαναφόρτωση τρέχοντος καταλόγου",
@ -174,11 +179,15 @@
"You dont have permission to upload or create files here" : "Δεν έχετε δικαιώματα μεταφόρτωσης ή δημιουργίας αρχείων εδώ",
"\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Η ενέργεια του/της \"{displayName}\" εκτελέστηκε επιτυχώς",
"\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Η ενέργεια του \"{displayName}\" απέτυχε",
"Toggle selection for file \"{displayName}\"" : "Εναλλαγή επιλογής για το αρχείο \"{displayName}\"",
"Toggle selection for folder \"{displayName}\"" : "Εναλλαγή επιλογής για τον φάκελο \"{displayName}\"",
"Rename file" : "Μετονομασία αρχείου",
"Filename" : "Όνομα αρχείου",
"Folder name" : "Όνομα φακέλου",
"This node is unavailable" : "Αυτός ο κόμβος δεν είναι διαθέσιμος",
"Download file {name}" : "Λήψη αρχείου {name}",
"Another entry with the same name already exists." : "Μια άλλη καταχώρηση με το ίδιο όνομα υπάρχει ήδη.",
"Invalid filename." : "Μη έγκυρο όνομα αρχείου",
"Renamed \"{oldName}\" to \"{newName}\"" : "Μετονομασία του \"{oldName}\" σε \"{newName}\"",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η μετονομασία του \"{oldName}\", δεν υπάρχει πλέον",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Το όνομα \"{newName}\" χρησιμοποιείται ήδη στον φάκελο \"{dir}\". Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε ένα διαφορετικό όνομα.",
@ -186,19 +195,23 @@
"Clear filter" : "Εκκαθάριση φίλτρου",
"Type" : "Τύπος",
"Active filters" : "Ενεργά φίλτρα",
"Remove filter" : "Αφαίρεση φίλτρου",
"Total rows summary" : "Συνολική σύνοψη γραμμών",
"Toggle selection for all files and folders" : "Εναλλαγή επιλογής για όλα τα αρχεία και τους φακέλους",
"\"{displayName}\" failed on some elements " : "\"{displayName}\" απέτυχε σε ορισμένα στοιχεία",
"\"{displayName}\" batch action executed successfully" : "Η μαζική ενέργεια του/της \"{displayName}\" εκτελέστηκε επιτυχώς",
"{count} selected" : "{count} έχουν επιλεγεί",
"List of files and folders." : "Λίστα αρχείων και φακέλων.",
"Column headers with buttons are sortable." : "Οι επικεφαλίδες στηλών με κουμπιά είναι ταξινομήσιμες.",
"This list is not fully rendered for performance reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Η λίστα αυτή δεν εμφανίζεται πλήρως για λόγους απόδοσης. Τα αρχεία θα εμφανίζονται καθώς πλοηγείστε στη λίστα.",
"File not found" : "Δε βρέθηκε το αρχείο",
"Storage information" : "Πληροφορίες αποθήκευσης",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} χρησιμοποιείται",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% χρησιμοποιείται",
"Could not refresh storage stats" : "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η ανανέωση των στατιστικών αποθήκευσης",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "Ο αποθηκευτικός σας χώρος είναι γεμάτος, τα αρχεία δεν μπορούν να ενημερωθούν ή να συγχρονιστούν πια!",
"Create" : "Δημιουργία",
"This name is already in use." : "Αυτό το όνομα χρησιμοποιείται ήδη.",
"Submit" : "Υποβολή",
"Transfer ownership of a file or folder" : "Μεταβίβαση κυριότητας αρχείου ή φακέλου",
"Choose file or folder to transfer" : "Επιλέξτε αρχείο ή φάκελο για μεταφορά",
@ -224,9 +237,11 @@
"Shared" : "Κοινόχρηστα",
"Switch to list view" : "Αλλαγή σε προβολή λίστας",
"Switch to grid view" : "Εναλλαγή σε προβολή πλέγματος",
"Upload was cancelled by user" : "Η μεταφόρτωση ακυρώθηκε από τον χρήστη",
"Error during upload: {message}" : "Σφάλμα κατά τη μεταφόρτωση: {message}",
"Error during upload, status code {status}" : "Σφάλμα κατά τη μεταφόρτωση, κωδικός κατάστασης {status}",
"Unknown error during upload" : "Άγνωστο σφάλμα κατά τη μεταφόρτωση",
"Filter filenames…" : "Φιλτράρετε τα ονόματα αρχείων...",
"Views" : "Προβολές",
"Files settings" : "Ρυθμίσεις αρχείων",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Δεν είναι δυνατή η πρόσβαση στο αρχείο",
@ -252,6 +267,7 @@
"Creating file" : "Δημιουργία αρχείου",
"Blank" : "Κενό",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Δεν είναι δυνατή η δημιουργία νέου αρχείου από το πρότυπο",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Διαγραφή ακυρώθηκε",
"Delete permanently" : "Διαγραφή οριστικά",
"Delete and unshare" : "Διαγραφή και κατάργηση κοινής χρήσης",
"Leave these shares" : "Αποχώρηση από αυτά τα κοινόχρηστα",
@ -259,7 +275,6 @@
"Delete folders" : "Διαγραφή φακέλων",
"Confirm deletion" : "Επιβεβαίωση διαγραφής",
"Cancel" : "Ακύρωση",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Διαγραφή ακυρώθηκε",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Ο προορισμός δεν είναι φάκελος",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Αυτό το αρχείο/φάκελος βρίσκεται ήδη σε αυτόν τον κατάλογο",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Δεν μπορείτε να μετακινήσετε ένα αρχείο/φάκελο στον εαυτό του ή σε έναν υποφάκελο του ίδιου του φακέλου.",
@ -277,6 +292,11 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Άνοιγμα φακέλου {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Άνοιγμα στα Αρχεία",
"Open details" : "Άνοιγμα λεπτομερειών",
"Today" : "Σήμερα",
"Last 7 days" : "Τελευταίες 7 ημέρες",
"Last 30 days" : "Τελευταίες 30 ημέρες",
"This year ({year})" : "Αυτό το έτος ({year})",
"Last year ({year})" : "Το περασμένο έτος ({year})",
"Documents" : "Έγγραφα",
"Audio" : "Ήχος",
"Videos" : "Βίντεο",
@ -289,12 +309,22 @@
"One of the dropped files could not be processed" : "Ένα από τα αρχεία που ελήφθησαν δεν μπόρεσε να επεξεργαστεί",
"Some files could not be uploaded" : "Μερικά αρχεία δεν μπόρεσαν να μεταφορτωθούν",
"Files uploaded successfully" : "Τα αρχεία μεταφορτώθηκαν επιτυχώς",
"No files to process" : "Δεν υπάρχουν αρχεία προς επεξεργασία",
"Some files could not be copied" : "Ορισμένα αρχεία δεν μπόρεσαν να αντιγραφούν",
"Some files could not be moved" : "Αδυναμία μετακίνησης μερικών αρχείων",
"Files copied successfully" : "Τα αρχεία αντιγράφηκαν επιτυχώς",
"Files moved successfully" : "Τα αρχεία μετακινήθηκαν επιτυχώς",
"Upload cancelled" : "Η μεταφόρτωση ακυρώθηκε",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} φάκελος","{folderCount} φακέλοι"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} αρχείο","{fileCount} αρχεία"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 αρχείο και {folderCount} φάκελος","1 αρχείο και {folderCount} φακέλοι"],
"_{fileCount} file and 1 folder_::_{fileCount} files and 1 folder_" : ["{fileCount} αρχείο και 1 φάκελος","{fileCount} αρχεία και 1 φάκελος"],
"{fileCount} files and {folderCount} folders" : "{fileCount} αρχεία και {folderCount} φακέλοι",
"Filename must not be empty." : "Το όνομα αρχείου δεν πρέπει να είναι κενό.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a filename." : "\"{char}\" δεν επιτρέπεται μέσα σε όνομα αρχείου.",
"\"{segment}\" is a reserved name and not allowed for filenames." : "\"{segment}\" είναι δεσμευμένο όνομα και δεν επιτρέπεται για ονόματα αρχείων.",
"\"{extension}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{extension}\" δεν είναι επιτρεπτός τύπος αρχείου.",
"Filenames must not end with \"{extension}\"." : "Τα ονόματα αρχείων δεν πρέπει να τελειώνουν με \"{extension}\".",
"List of favorites files and folders." : "Λίστα αγαπημένων αρχείων και φακέλων.",
"No favorites yet" : "Κανένα αγαπημένο ακόμα",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Τα αρχεία και οι φάκελοι που σημειώνονται ως αγαπημένα θα εμφανιστούν εδώ",
@ -347,6 +377,7 @@
"Name cannot be empty" : "Το όνομα δεν μπορεί να είναι κενό",
"Another entry with the same name already exists" : "Υπάρχει ήδη μια άλλη καταχώρηση με το ίδιο όνομα",
"A file or folder with that name already exists." : "Υπάρχει ήδη ένα αρχείο ή φάκελος με αυτό το όνομα.",
"Invalid file name" : "Μη έγκυρο όνομα αρχείου",
"The files is locked" : "Το αρχείο είναι κλειδωμένο"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

View file

@ -217,6 +217,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not refresh storage stats" : "Could not refresh storage stats",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!",
"Create" : "Create",
"This name is already in use." : "This name is already in use.",
"Fill template fields" : "Fill template fields",
"Submitting fields…" : "Submitting fields…",
"Submit" : "Submit",
@ -275,16 +276,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Creating file",
"Blank" : "Blank",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Unable to create new file from template",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Deletion cancelled",
"Delete permanently" : "Delete permanently",
"Delete and unshare" : "Delete and unshare",
"Leave these shares" : "Leave these shares",
"Disconnect storages" : "Disconnect storages",
"Delete files" : "Delete files",
"Delete folders" : "Delete folders",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "You are about to delete {count} items.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Confirm deletion",
"Cancel" : "Cancel",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Deletion cancelled",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Destination is not a folder",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "This file/folder is already in that directory",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself",

View file

@ -215,6 +215,7 @@
"Could not refresh storage stats" : "Could not refresh storage stats",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!",
"Create" : "Create",
"This name is already in use." : "This name is already in use.",
"Fill template fields" : "Fill template fields",
"Submitting fields…" : "Submitting fields…",
"Submit" : "Submit",
@ -273,16 +274,15 @@
"Creating file" : "Creating file",
"Blank" : "Blank",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Unable to create new file from template",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Deletion cancelled",
"Delete permanently" : "Delete permanently",
"Delete and unshare" : "Delete and unshare",
"Leave these shares" : "Leave these shares",
"Disconnect storages" : "Disconnect storages",
"Delete files" : "Delete files",
"Delete folders" : "Delete folders",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "You are about to delete {count} items.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Confirm deletion",
"Cancel" : "Cancel",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Deletion cancelled",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Destination is not a folder",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "This file/folder is already in that directory",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself",

View file

@ -261,16 +261,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Creando el archivo",
"Blank" : "Vacío",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "No se ha podido crear un nuevo archivo desde la plantilla",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Eliminación cancelada",
"Delete permanently" : "Eliminar de forma permanente",
"Delete and unshare" : "Eliminar y dejar de compartir",
"Leave these shares" : "Abandonar estos recursos compartidos",
"Disconnect storages" : "Desconectar almacenamientos",
"Delete files" : "Eliminar archivos",
"Delete folders" : "Eliminar carpetas",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Está a punto de eliminar {count} ítems.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Confirmar eliminación",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Eliminación cancelada",
"Destination is not a folder" : "El destino no es una carpeta",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Este archivo/carpeta ya está en ese directorio",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "No puede mover un archivo/carpeta a sí mismo o a una sub-carpeta de sí mismo",

View file

@ -259,16 +259,15 @@
"Creating file" : "Creando el archivo",
"Blank" : "Vacío",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "No se ha podido crear un nuevo archivo desde la plantilla",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Eliminación cancelada",
"Delete permanently" : "Eliminar de forma permanente",
"Delete and unshare" : "Eliminar y dejar de compartir",
"Leave these shares" : "Abandonar estos recursos compartidos",
"Disconnect storages" : "Desconectar almacenamientos",
"Delete files" : "Eliminar archivos",
"Delete folders" : "Eliminar carpetas",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Está a punto de eliminar {count} ítems.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Confirmar eliminación",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Eliminación cancelada",
"Destination is not a folder" : "El destino no es una carpeta",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Este archivo/carpeta ya está en ese directorio",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "No puede mover un archivo/carpeta a sí mismo o a una sub-carpeta de sí mismo",

View file

@ -264,16 +264,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Creando el archivo",
"Blank" : "Vacío",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "No se ha podido crear un nuevo archivo desde la plantilla",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Eliminación cancelada",
"Delete permanently" : "Borrar permanentemente",
"Delete and unshare" : "Eliminar y dejar de compartir",
"Leave these shares" : "Dejar estos recursos compartidos",
"Disconnect storages" : "Desconectar almacenamientos",
"Delete files" : "Eliminar archivos",
"Delete folders" : "Eliminar carpetas",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Está a punto de eliminar {count} ítems.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Confirmar eliminación",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Eliminación cancelada",
"Destination is not a folder" : "El destino no es una carpeta",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Este archivo/carpeta ya está en ese directorio",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "No puede mover un archivo/carpeta a sí mismo o a una subcarpeta de sí mismo",

View file

@ -262,16 +262,15 @@
"Creating file" : "Creando el archivo",
"Blank" : "Vacío",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "No se ha podido crear un nuevo archivo desde la plantilla",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Eliminación cancelada",
"Delete permanently" : "Borrar permanentemente",
"Delete and unshare" : "Eliminar y dejar de compartir",
"Leave these shares" : "Dejar estos recursos compartidos",
"Disconnect storages" : "Desconectar almacenamientos",
"Delete files" : "Eliminar archivos",
"Delete folders" : "Eliminar carpetas",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Está a punto de eliminar {count} ítems.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Confirmar eliminación",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Eliminación cancelada",
"Destination is not a folder" : "El destino no es una carpeta",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Este archivo/carpeta ya está en ese directorio",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "No puede mover un archivo/carpeta a sí mismo o a una subcarpeta de sí mismo",

View file

@ -264,16 +264,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Fitxategia sortzen",
"Blank" : "Hutsik",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Ezin da fitxategi berria sortu txantiloitik",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Ezabatzea bertan behera utzi da",
"Delete permanently" : "Ezabatu betirako",
"Delete and unshare" : "Ezabatu eta kendu partekatzea",
"Leave these shares" : "Utzi partekatze hauek",
"Disconnect storages" : "Deskonektatu biltegiak",
"Delete files" : "Ezabatu fitxategiak",
"Delete folders" : "Ezabatu karpetak",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "{count} elementu ezabatzera zoaz.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Berretsi ezabaketa",
"Cancel" : "Utzi",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Ezabatzea bertan behera utzi da",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Helburua ez da karpeta bat",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Fitxategi/karpeta hau dagoeneko karpeta horretan dago",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Ezin duzu fitxategi/karpeta bat berera edo bere azpikarpeta batera mugitu",

View file

@ -262,16 +262,15 @@
"Creating file" : "Fitxategia sortzen",
"Blank" : "Hutsik",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Ezin da fitxategi berria sortu txantiloitik",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Ezabatzea bertan behera utzi da",
"Delete permanently" : "Ezabatu betirako",
"Delete and unshare" : "Ezabatu eta kendu partekatzea",
"Leave these shares" : "Utzi partekatze hauek",
"Disconnect storages" : "Deskonektatu biltegiak",
"Delete files" : "Ezabatu fitxategiak",
"Delete folders" : "Ezabatu karpetak",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "{count} elementu ezabatzera zoaz.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Berretsi ezabaketa",
"Cancel" : "Utzi",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Ezabatzea bertan behera utzi da",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Helburua ez da karpeta bat",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Fitxategi/karpeta hau dagoeneko karpeta horretan dago",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Ezin duzu fitxategi/karpeta bat berera edo bere azpikarpeta batera mugitu",

View file

@ -250,14 +250,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Luodaan tiedostoa",
"Blank" : "Tyhjä",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Uutta tiedostoa mallipohjasta ei voi luoda",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Poistaminen peruttu",
"Delete permanently" : "Poista pysyvästi",
"Delete and unshare" : "Poista ja lopeta jakaminen",
"Delete files" : "Poista tiedostot",
"Delete folders" : "Poista kansio",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Olet aikeissa poistaa {count} kohdetta.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Vahvista poistaminen",
"Cancel" : "Peruuta",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Poistaminen peruttu",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Kohde ei ole kansio",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Tämä tiedosto/kansio on jo kyseisessä kansiossa",
"(copy)" : "(kopioi)",

View file

@ -248,14 +248,13 @@
"Creating file" : "Luodaan tiedostoa",
"Blank" : "Tyhjä",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Uutta tiedostoa mallipohjasta ei voi luoda",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Poistaminen peruttu",
"Delete permanently" : "Poista pysyvästi",
"Delete and unshare" : "Poista ja lopeta jakaminen",
"Delete files" : "Poista tiedostot",
"Delete folders" : "Poista kansio",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Olet aikeissa poistaa {count} kohdetta.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Vahvista poistaminen",
"Cancel" : "Peruuta",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Poistaminen peruttu",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Kohde ei ole kansio",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Tämä tiedosto/kansio on jo kyseisessä kansiossa",
"(copy)" : "(kopioi)",

View file

@ -264,16 +264,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Créer un fichier",
"Blank" : "Vide",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Impossible de créer un nouveau fichier à partir du modèle",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Suppression annulée",
"Delete permanently" : "Supprimer définitivement",
"Delete and unshare" : "Supprimer et ne plus partager",
"Leave these shares" : "Quitter ces partages",
"Disconnect storages" : "Déconnecter les supports de stockage",
"Delete files" : "Supprimer les fichiers",
"Delete folders" : "Supprimer les dossiers",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer {count} éléments.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Confirmer la suppression",
"Cancel" : "Annuler",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Suppression annulée",
"Destination is not a folder" : "La destination n'est pas un dossier",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Ce fichier/dossier se trouve déjà dans ce dossier",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Vous ne pouvez pas déplacer un fichier/dossier sur lui-même ou dans un sous-dossier de celui-ci",

View file

@ -262,16 +262,15 @@
"Creating file" : "Créer un fichier",
"Blank" : "Vide",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Impossible de créer un nouveau fichier à partir du modèle",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Suppression annulée",
"Delete permanently" : "Supprimer définitivement",
"Delete and unshare" : "Supprimer et ne plus partager",
"Leave these shares" : "Quitter ces partages",
"Disconnect storages" : "Déconnecter les supports de stockage",
"Delete files" : "Supprimer les fichiers",
"Delete folders" : "Supprimer les dossiers",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer {count} éléments.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Confirmer la suppression",
"Cancel" : "Annuler",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Suppression annulée",
"Destination is not a folder" : "La destination n'est pas un dossier",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Ce fichier/dossier se trouve déjà dans ce dossier",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Vous ne pouvez pas déplacer un fichier/dossier sur lui-même ou dans un sous-dossier de celui-ci",

View file

@ -191,6 +191,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Folder name" : "Ainm fillteáin",
"This node is unavailable" : "Níl an nód seo ar fáil",
"Download file {name}" : "Íoslódáil an comhad {name}",
"Another entry with the same name already exists." : "Tá iontráil eile leis an ainm céanna ann cheana féin.",
"Invalid filename." : "Ainm comhaid neamhbhailí.",
"Renamed \"{oldName}\" to \"{newName}\"" : "Athainmnithe \"{oldName}\" go \"{newName}\"",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Níorbh fhéidir \"{oldName}\" a athainmniú, níl sé ann a thuilleadh",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Tá an t-ainm \"{newName}\" in úsáid cheana féin san fhillteán \"{dir}\". Roghnaigh ainm eile le do thoil.",
@ -208,11 +210,16 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Column headers with buttons are sortable." : "Is féidir ceanntásca colún le cnaipí a shórtáil.",
"This list is not fully rendered for performance reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Níl an liosta seo le fáil go hiomlán ar chúiseanna feidhmíochta. Déanfar na comhaid a rindreáil agus tú ag dul tríd an liosta.",
"File not found" : "Comhad gan aimsiú",
"Storage information" : "Faisnéis stórála",
"Storage quota" : "Cuóta stórála",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} úsáidte",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% in úsáid",
"Could not refresh storage stats" : "Níorbh fhéidir na staitisticí stórála a athnuachan",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "Tá do stóras lán, ní féidir comhaid a nuashonrú ná a shioncronú a thuilleadh!",
"Create" : "Cruthaigh",
"This name is already in use." : "Tá an t-ainm seo in úsáid cheana féin.",
"Fill template fields" : "Líon réimsí teimpléid",
"Submitting fields…" : "Réimsí á gcur isteach…",
"Submit" : "Cuir isteach",
"Transfer ownership of a file or folder" : "Aistrigh úinéireacht comhaid nó fillteáin",
"Choose file or folder to transfer" : "Roghnaigh comhad nó fillteán le haistriú",
@ -242,6 +249,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error during upload: {message}" : "Earráid le linn uaslódála: {message}",
"Error during upload, status code {status}" : "Earráid le linn uaslódála, cód stádais {status}",
"Unknown error during upload" : "Earráid anaithnid le linn uaslódála",
"Filter filenames…" : "Scag ainmneacha comhaid…",
"Views" : "Radhairc",
"Files settings" : "Socruithe comhaid",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Ní féidir an comhad a rochtain",
@ -268,16 +276,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Comhad a chruthú",
"Blank" : "Bán",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Ní féidir comhad nua a chruthú ón teimpléad",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Scriosadh cealaithe",
"Delete permanently" : "Scrios go buan",
"Delete and unshare" : "Scrios agus díroinnte",
"Leave these shares" : "Fág na scaireanna seo",
"Disconnect storages" : "Déan stórais a dhícheangal",
"Delete files" : "Scrios comhaid",
"Delete folders" : "Scrios fillteáin",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Tá tú ar tí {count} mír a scriosadh.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Deimhnigh scriosadh",
"Cancel" : "Cealaigh",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Scriosadh cealaithe",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Ní fillteán é ceann scríbe",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Tá an comhad/fillteán seo san eolaire sin cheana féin",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Ní féidir leat comhad/fillteán a bhogadh isteach ann féin nó isteach i bhfofhillteán de féin",
@ -298,9 +305,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Today" : "Inniu",
"Last 7 days" : "7 lá seo caite",
"Last 30 days" : "30 lá anuas",
"This year ({year})" : "i mbliana ({year})",
"Last year ({year})" : "An bhliain seo caite {year}",
"Documents" : "Doiciméid",
"Spreadsheets" : "Scarbhileoga",
"Presentations" : "Cur i láthair",
"PDFs" : "PDFs",
"Folders" : "Fillteáin",
"Audio" : "Fuaime",
"Pictures and images" : "Pictiúir agus íomhánna",
"Videos" : "Físeáin",
"Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Cruthaíodh fillteán nua \"{name}\"",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Ní féidir eolaire na dteimpléad a thúsú",
@ -327,6 +340,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 chomhad agus {folderCount} fillteán","1 chomhad agus {folderCount} fillteáin","1 chomhad agus {folderCount} fillteáin","1 chomhad agus {folderCount} fillteáin","1 chomhad agus {folderCount} fillteáin"],
"_{fileCount} file and 1 folder_::_{fileCount} files and 1 folder_" : ["{fileCount} comhad agus 1 fillteán","{fileCount} comhaid agus 1 fillteán","{fileCount} comhaid agus 1 fillteán","{fileCount} comhaid agus 1 fillteán","{fileCount} comhaid agus 1 fillteán"],
"{fileCount} files and {folderCount} folders" : "comhaid {fileCount} agus fillteáin {folderCount}",
"Filename must not be empty." : "Ní ceadmhach ainm an chomhaid a bheith folamh.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a filename." : "Ní cheadaítear \"{char}\" taobh istigh d'ainm comhaid.",
"\"{segment}\" is a reserved name and not allowed for filenames." : "Is ainm forchoimeádta é \"{segment}\" agus ní cheadaítear é d'ainmneacha comhaid.",
"\"{extension}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "Ní cineál comhaid ceadaithe é \"{extension}\".",
"Filenames must not end with \"{extension}\"." : "Níor cheart go gcríochnaíonn comhaid chomhad le \"{extension}\".",
"List of favorites files and folders." : "Liosta de na comhaid is ansa leat agus fillteáin.",
"No favorites yet" : "Níl aon cheanáin go fóill",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Taispeánfar comhaid agus fillteáin a mharcálann tú mar is fearr leat anseo",

View file

@ -189,6 +189,8 @@
"Folder name" : "Ainm fillteáin",
"This node is unavailable" : "Níl an nód seo ar fáil",
"Download file {name}" : "Íoslódáil an comhad {name}",
"Another entry with the same name already exists." : "Tá iontráil eile leis an ainm céanna ann cheana féin.",
"Invalid filename." : "Ainm comhaid neamhbhailí.",
"Renamed \"{oldName}\" to \"{newName}\"" : "Athainmnithe \"{oldName}\" go \"{newName}\"",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Níorbh fhéidir \"{oldName}\" a athainmniú, níl sé ann a thuilleadh",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Tá an t-ainm \"{newName}\" in úsáid cheana féin san fhillteán \"{dir}\". Roghnaigh ainm eile le do thoil.",
@ -206,11 +208,16 @@
"Column headers with buttons are sortable." : "Is féidir ceanntásca colún le cnaipí a shórtáil.",
"This list is not fully rendered for performance reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Níl an liosta seo le fáil go hiomlán ar chúiseanna feidhmíochta. Déanfar na comhaid a rindreáil agus tú ag dul tríd an liosta.",
"File not found" : "Comhad gan aimsiú",
"Storage information" : "Faisnéis stórála",
"Storage quota" : "Cuóta stórála",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} úsáidte",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% in úsáid",
"Could not refresh storage stats" : "Níorbh fhéidir na staitisticí stórála a athnuachan",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "Tá do stóras lán, ní féidir comhaid a nuashonrú ná a shioncronú a thuilleadh!",
"Create" : "Cruthaigh",
"This name is already in use." : "Tá an t-ainm seo in úsáid cheana féin.",
"Fill template fields" : "Líon réimsí teimpléid",
"Submitting fields…" : "Réimsí á gcur isteach…",
"Submit" : "Cuir isteach",
"Transfer ownership of a file or folder" : "Aistrigh úinéireacht comhaid nó fillteáin",
"Choose file or folder to transfer" : "Roghnaigh comhad nó fillteán le haistriú",
@ -240,6 +247,7 @@
"Error during upload: {message}" : "Earráid le linn uaslódála: {message}",
"Error during upload, status code {status}" : "Earráid le linn uaslódála, cód stádais {status}",
"Unknown error during upload" : "Earráid anaithnid le linn uaslódála",
"Filter filenames…" : "Scag ainmneacha comhaid…",
"Views" : "Radhairc",
"Files settings" : "Socruithe comhaid",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Ní féidir an comhad a rochtain",
@ -266,16 +274,15 @@
"Creating file" : "Comhad a chruthú",
"Blank" : "Bán",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Ní féidir comhad nua a chruthú ón teimpléad",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Scriosadh cealaithe",
"Delete permanently" : "Scrios go buan",
"Delete and unshare" : "Scrios agus díroinnte",
"Leave these shares" : "Fág na scaireanna seo",
"Disconnect storages" : "Déan stórais a dhícheangal",
"Delete files" : "Scrios comhaid",
"Delete folders" : "Scrios fillteáin",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Tá tú ar tí {count} mír a scriosadh.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Deimhnigh scriosadh",
"Cancel" : "Cealaigh",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Scriosadh cealaithe",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Ní fillteán é ceann scríbe",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Tá an comhad/fillteán seo san eolaire sin cheana féin",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Ní féidir leat comhad/fillteán a bhogadh isteach ann féin nó isteach i bhfofhillteán de féin",
@ -296,9 +303,15 @@
"Today" : "Inniu",
"Last 7 days" : "7 lá seo caite",
"Last 30 days" : "30 lá anuas",
"This year ({year})" : "i mbliana ({year})",
"Last year ({year})" : "An bhliain seo caite {year}",
"Documents" : "Doiciméid",
"Spreadsheets" : "Scarbhileoga",
"Presentations" : "Cur i láthair",
"PDFs" : "PDFs",
"Folders" : "Fillteáin",
"Audio" : "Fuaime",
"Pictures and images" : "Pictiúir agus íomhánna",
"Videos" : "Físeáin",
"Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Cruthaíodh fillteán nua \"{name}\"",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Ní féidir eolaire na dteimpléad a thúsú",
@ -325,6 +338,11 @@
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 chomhad agus {folderCount} fillteán","1 chomhad agus {folderCount} fillteáin","1 chomhad agus {folderCount} fillteáin","1 chomhad agus {folderCount} fillteáin","1 chomhad agus {folderCount} fillteáin"],
"_{fileCount} file and 1 folder_::_{fileCount} files and 1 folder_" : ["{fileCount} comhad agus 1 fillteán","{fileCount} comhaid agus 1 fillteán","{fileCount} comhaid agus 1 fillteán","{fileCount} comhaid agus 1 fillteán","{fileCount} comhaid agus 1 fillteán"],
"{fileCount} files and {folderCount} folders" : "comhaid {fileCount} agus fillteáin {folderCount}",
"Filename must not be empty." : "Ní ceadmhach ainm an chomhaid a bheith folamh.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a filename." : "Ní cheadaítear \"{char}\" taobh istigh d'ainm comhaid.",
"\"{segment}\" is a reserved name and not allowed for filenames." : "Is ainm forchoimeádta é \"{segment}\" agus ní cheadaítear é d'ainmneacha comhaid.",
"\"{extension}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "Ní cineál comhaid ceadaithe é \"{extension}\".",
"Filenames must not end with \"{extension}\"." : "Níor cheart go gcríochnaíonn comhaid chomhad le \"{extension}\".",
"List of favorites files and folders." : "Liosta de na comhaid is ansa leat agus fillteáin.",
"No favorites yet" : "Níl aon cheanáin go fóill",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Taispeánfar comhaid agus fillteáin a mharcálann tú mar is fearr leat anseo",

View file

@ -217,6 +217,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not refresh storage stats" : "Non foi posíbel actualizar as estatísticas de almacenamento",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "O seu espazo de almacenamento está cheo, xa non se poden actualizar nin sincronizar os ficheiros.",
"Create" : "Crear",
"This name is already in use." : "Este nome xa está a ser usado",
"Fill template fields" : "Encher os campos do modelo",
"Submitting fields…" : "Enviando os campos...",
"Submit" : "Enviar",
@ -275,16 +276,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Creando o ficheiro",
"Blank" : "Baleiro",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Non é posíbel crear un novo ficheiro a partir do modelo",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Cancelouse a eliminación",
"Delete permanently" : "Eliminar definitivamente",
"Delete and unshare" : "Eliminar e deixar de compartir",
"Leave these shares" : "Deixar estas comparticións",
"Disconnect storages" : "Desconectar os almacenamentos",
"Delete files" : "Eliminar ficheiros",
"Delete folders" : "Eliminar cartafoles",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Está a piques de eliminar {count} elementos.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Confirmar a eliminación",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Cancelouse a eliminación",
"Destination is not a folder" : "O destino non é un cartafol",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Este ficheiro/cartafol xa está nese directorio",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Non é posíbel mover un ficheiro/cartafol sobre si mesmo ou a un subcartafol de si mesmo",

View file

@ -215,6 +215,7 @@
"Could not refresh storage stats" : "Non foi posíbel actualizar as estatísticas de almacenamento",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "O seu espazo de almacenamento está cheo, xa non se poden actualizar nin sincronizar os ficheiros.",
"Create" : "Crear",
"This name is already in use." : "Este nome xa está a ser usado",
"Fill template fields" : "Encher os campos do modelo",
"Submitting fields…" : "Enviando os campos...",
"Submit" : "Enviar",
@ -273,16 +274,15 @@
"Creating file" : "Creando o ficheiro",
"Blank" : "Baleiro",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Non é posíbel crear un novo ficheiro a partir do modelo",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Cancelouse a eliminación",
"Delete permanently" : "Eliminar definitivamente",
"Delete and unshare" : "Eliminar e deixar de compartir",
"Leave these shares" : "Deixar estas comparticións",
"Disconnect storages" : "Desconectar os almacenamentos",
"Delete files" : "Eliminar ficheiros",
"Delete folders" : "Eliminar cartafoles",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Está a piques de eliminar {count} elementos.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Confirmar a eliminación",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Cancelouse a eliminación",
"Destination is not a folder" : "O destino non é un cartafol",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Este ficheiro/cartafol xa está nese directorio",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Non é posíbel mover un ficheiro/cartafol sobre si mesmo ou a un subcartafol de si mesmo",

View file

@ -264,16 +264,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Creazione del file",
"Blank" : "Vuoto",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Impossibile creare un nuovo file dal modello",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Eliminazione annullata",
"Delete permanently" : "Elimina permanentemente",
"Delete and unshare" : "Elimina e annulla la condivisione",
"Leave these shares" : "Abbandona queste condivisioni",
"Disconnect storages" : "Disconnetti il supporto di archiviazione",
"Delete files" : "Elimina i file",
"Delete folders" : "Elimina la cartella",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Stai per eliminare {count} elementi.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Conferma l'eliminazione",
"Cancel" : "Annulla",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Eliminazione annullata",
"Destination is not a folder" : "La destinazione non è una cartella",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Questo file/cartella è già in quella cartella",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Non puoi spostare un file/cartella in se stesso o in una sottocartella di se stesso",

View file

@ -262,16 +262,15 @@
"Creating file" : "Creazione del file",
"Blank" : "Vuoto",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Impossibile creare un nuovo file dal modello",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Eliminazione annullata",
"Delete permanently" : "Elimina permanentemente",
"Delete and unshare" : "Elimina e annulla la condivisione",
"Leave these shares" : "Abbandona queste condivisioni",
"Disconnect storages" : "Disconnetti il supporto di archiviazione",
"Delete files" : "Elimina i file",
"Delete folders" : "Elimina la cartella",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Stai per eliminare {count} elementi.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Conferma l'eliminazione",
"Cancel" : "Annulla",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Eliminazione annullata",
"Destination is not a folder" : "La destinazione non è una cartella",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Questo file/cartella è già in quella cartella",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Non puoi spostare un file/cartella in se stesso o in una sottocartella di se stesso",

View file

@ -275,16 +275,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "ファイル作成",
"Blank" : "ブランク",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "テンプレートから新しいファイルを作成できません",
"Deletion cancelled" : "削除はキャンセルされました",
"Delete permanently" : "完全に削除する",
"Delete and unshare" : "削除して共有を解除",
"Leave these shares" : "これらの共有から抜ける",
"Disconnect storages" : "ストレージを切断する",
"Delete files" : "ファイルの削除",
"Delete folders" : "フォルダを削除",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "あなたは {count} 個のアイテムを削除しようとしています。",
"Confirm deletion" : "削除の確認",
"Cancel" : "キャンセル",
"Deletion cancelled" : "削除はキャンセルされました",
"Destination is not a folder" : "宛先がフォルダではありません",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "このファイル/フォルダはすでにそのディレクトリにあります",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "ファイル/フォルダをそれ自身の上に移動したり、それ自身のサブフォルダに移動したりすることはできません。",

View file

@ -273,16 +273,15 @@
"Creating file" : "ファイル作成",
"Blank" : "ブランク",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "テンプレートから新しいファイルを作成できません",
"Deletion cancelled" : "削除はキャンセルされました",
"Delete permanently" : "完全に削除する",
"Delete and unshare" : "削除して共有を解除",
"Leave these shares" : "これらの共有から抜ける",
"Disconnect storages" : "ストレージを切断する",
"Delete files" : "ファイルの削除",
"Delete folders" : "フォルダを削除",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "あなたは {count} 個のアイテムを削除しようとしています。",
"Confirm deletion" : "削除の確認",
"Cancel" : "キャンセル",
"Deletion cancelled" : "削除はキャンセルされました",
"Destination is not a folder" : "宛先がフォルダではありません",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "このファイル/フォルダはすでにそのディレクトリにあります",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "ファイル/フォルダをそれ自身の上に移動したり、それ自身のサブフォルダに移動したりすることはできません。",

View file

@ -260,16 +260,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "파일 만들기",
"Blank" : "여백",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "템플릿으로 새 파일을 만들 수 없음",
"Deletion cancelled" : "삭제가 취소됨",
"Delete permanently" : "영구히 삭제",
"Delete and unshare" : "삭제 및 공유 해제",
"Leave these shares" : "이 공유에서 떠나기",
"Disconnect storages" : "저장소 연결 끊기",
"Delete files" : "파일 삭제",
"Delete folders" : "폴더 삭제",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "{count}개 항목을 삭제합니다.",
"Confirm deletion" : "삭제 확인",
"Cancel" : "취소",
"Deletion cancelled" : "삭제가 취소됨",
"Destination is not a folder" : "대상이 폴더가 아닙니다.",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "이 파일/폴더가 이미 그 경로에 있습니다.",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "파일/폴더를 그 안이나 그 안의 폴더로 이동할 수 없습니다.",

View file

@ -258,16 +258,15 @@
"Creating file" : "파일 만들기",
"Blank" : "여백",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "템플릿으로 새 파일을 만들 수 없음",
"Deletion cancelled" : "삭제가 취소됨",
"Delete permanently" : "영구히 삭제",
"Delete and unshare" : "삭제 및 공유 해제",
"Leave these shares" : "이 공유에서 떠나기",
"Disconnect storages" : "저장소 연결 끊기",
"Delete files" : "파일 삭제",
"Delete folders" : "폴더 삭제",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "{count}개 항목을 삭제합니다.",
"Confirm deletion" : "삭제 확인",
"Cancel" : "취소",
"Deletion cancelled" : "삭제가 취소됨",
"Destination is not a folder" : "대상이 폴더가 아닙니다.",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "이 파일/폴더가 이미 그 경로에 있습니다.",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "파일/폴더를 그 안이나 그 안의 폴더로 이동할 수 없습니다.",

View file

@ -268,16 +268,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Oppretter fil",
"Blank" : "Tom",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Kan ikke opprette ny fil fra malen",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Sletting avbrutt",
"Delete permanently" : "Slett for godt",
"Delete and unshare" : "Slett og opphev deling",
"Leave these shares" : "Forlat disse delingene",
"Disconnect storages" : "Koble fra lagringer",
"Delete files" : "Slett filer",
"Delete folders" : "Slett mapper",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Du er i ferd med å slette {count} elementer.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Bekreft sletting",
"Cancel" : "Avbryt",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Sletting avbrutt",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Målplassering er ikke en mappe",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Denne filen/mappen er allerede i den katalogen",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Du kan ikke flytte en fil/mappe til seg selv eller til en undermappe av seg selv",

View file

@ -266,16 +266,15 @@
"Creating file" : "Oppretter fil",
"Blank" : "Tom",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Kan ikke opprette ny fil fra malen",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Sletting avbrutt",
"Delete permanently" : "Slett for godt",
"Delete and unshare" : "Slett og opphev deling",
"Leave these shares" : "Forlat disse delingene",
"Disconnect storages" : "Koble fra lagringer",
"Delete files" : "Slett filer",
"Delete folders" : "Slett mapper",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Du er i ferd med å slette {count} elementer.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Bekreft sletting",
"Cancel" : "Avbryt",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Sletting avbrutt",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Målplassering er ikke en mappe",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Denne filen/mappen er allerede i den katalogen",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Du kan ikke flytte en fil/mappe til seg selv eller til en undermappe av seg selv",

View file

@ -260,16 +260,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Tworzenie pliku",
"Blank" : "Pusty",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nie można utworzyć nowego pliku z szablonu",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Usuwanie anulowane",
"Delete permanently" : "Usuń bezpowrotnie",
"Delete and unshare" : "Usuń i przestań udostępniać",
"Leave these shares" : "Opuść udostępnienia",
"Disconnect storages" : "Odłącz magazyny",
"Delete files" : "Usuń pliki",
"Delete folders" : "Usuń katalogi",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Zamierzasz usunąć {count} elementów.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Potwierdź usunięcie",
"Cancel" : "Anuluj",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Usuwanie anulowane",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Miejsce docelowe nie jest katalogiem",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Ten plik/katalog znajduje się już w tym katalogu",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Nie można przenieść pliku/katalogu do tego samego katalogu lub do własnego podkatalogu",

View file

@ -258,16 +258,15 @@
"Creating file" : "Tworzenie pliku",
"Blank" : "Pusty",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nie można utworzyć nowego pliku z szablonu",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Usuwanie anulowane",
"Delete permanently" : "Usuń bezpowrotnie",
"Delete and unshare" : "Usuń i przestań udostępniać",
"Leave these shares" : "Opuść udostępnienia",
"Disconnect storages" : "Odłącz magazyny",
"Delete files" : "Usuń pliki",
"Delete folders" : "Usuń katalogi",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Zamierzasz usunąć {count} elementów.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Potwierdź usunięcie",
"Cancel" : "Anuluj",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Usuwanie anulowane",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Miejsce docelowe nie jest katalogiem",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Ten plik/katalog znajduje się już w tym katalogu",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Nie można przenieść pliku/katalogu do tego samego katalogu lub do własnego podkatalogu",

View file

@ -191,6 +191,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Folder name" : "Nome da pasta",
"This node is unavailable" : "Este nó está indisponível",
"Download file {name}" : "Baixe o arquivo {name}",
"Another entry with the same name already exists." : "Outra entrada com o mesmo nome já existe.",
"Invalid filename." : "Nome de arquivo inválido.",
"Renamed \"{oldName}\" to \"{newName}\"" : "Renomeado de \"{oldName}\" para \"{newName}\"",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Não foi possível renomear \"{oldName}\", ele não existe mais",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "O nome \"{newName}\" já é utilizado na pasta \"{dir}\". Escolha um nome diferente.",
@ -208,11 +210,16 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Column headers with buttons are sortable." : "Os cabeçalhos das colunas com botões são classificáveis.",
"This list is not fully rendered for performance reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Essa lista não é totalmente renderizada por motivos de desempenho. Os arquivos serão renderizados conforme você navega pela lista.",
"File not found" : "Arquivo não encontrado",
"Storage information" : "Informações do armazenamento",
"Storage quota" : "Quantidade de armazenamento",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} usado",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% usado",
"Could not refresh storage stats" : "Não foi possível atualizar as estatísticas de armazenamento",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "Seu armazenamento está cheio e arquivos não podem mais ser atualizados ou sincronizados!",
"Create" : "Criar",
"This name is already in use." : "Este nome já está em uso.",
"Fill template fields" : "Preencher campos do template",
"Submitting fields…" : "Enviando arquivos…",
"Submit" : "Enviar",
"Transfer ownership of a file or folder" : "Transferir a propriedade de um arquivo ou pasta",
"Choose file or folder to transfer" : "Escolha o arquivo ou pasta a transferir",
@ -242,6 +249,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error during upload: {message}" : "Erro durante o upload: {message}",
"Error during upload, status code {status}" : "Erro durante o upload, código de status {status}",
"Unknown error during upload" : "Erro desconhecido durante o upload",
"Filter filenames…" : "Filtrar nomes de arquivos...",
"Views" : "Visualizações",
"Files settings" : "Configurações de arquivos",
"File cannot be accessed" : "File cannot be accessed",
@ -268,16 +276,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Criando arquivo",
"Blank" : "Em branco",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Incapaz de criar novo arquivo a partir do modelo",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Operação de exclusão cancelada",
"Delete permanently" : "Remover permanentemente",
"Delete and unshare" : "Excluir e descompartilhar",
"Leave these shares" : "Deixe esses compartilhamentos",
"Disconnect storages" : "Desconectar armazenamentos",
"Delete files" : "Deletar arquivos",
"Delete folders" : "Excluir pastas",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Você está prestes a excluir {count} itens.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Confirmar exclusão",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Operação de exclusão cancelada",
"Destination is not a folder" : "O destino não é uma pasta",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Este arquivo/pasta já está nesse diretório",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Você não pode mover um arquivo/pasta para si mesmo ou para uma subpasta dele mesmo",
@ -298,9 +305,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Today" : "Hoje",
"Last 7 days" : "Últimos 7 dias",
"Last 30 days" : "Últimos 30 dias",
"This year ({year})" : "Este ano ({year})",
"Last year ({year})" : "Ano passado ({year})",
"Documents" : "Documentos",
"Spreadsheets" : "Planilhas",
"Presentations" : "Apresentações",
"PDFs" : "PDFs",
"Folders" : "Pastas",
"Audio" : "Áudio",
"Pictures and images" : "Fotos e imagens",
"Videos" : "Vídeos",
"Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Nova pasta criada \"{name}\"",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Não foi possível inicializar o diretório de modelos",
@ -327,6 +340,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 arquivo e {folderCount} pastas","1 arquivo e {folderCount} pastas","1 arquivo e {folderCount} pastas"],
"_{fileCount} file and 1 folder_::_{fileCount} files and 1 folder_" : ["{fileCount} arquivos e 1 pasta","{fileCount} arquivos e 1 pasta","{fileCount} arquivos e 1 pasta"],
"{fileCount} files and {folderCount} folders" : "{fileCount} arquivos e {folderCount} pastas",
"Filename must not be empty." : "O nome do arquivo não pode estar vazio.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a filename." : "\"{char}\" não é permitido dentro de um nome de arquivo.",
"\"{segment}\" is a reserved name and not allowed for filenames." : "\"{segment}\" é um nome reservado e não é permitido para nomes de arquivos.",
"\"{extension}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{extension}\" não é um tipo de arquivo permitido.",
"Filenames must not end with \"{extension}\"." : "Os nomes de arquivos não podem terminar com \"{extension}\".",
"List of favorites files and folders." : "Lista de arquivos e pastas favoritos.",
"No favorites yet" : "Você não possui favoritos!",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Suas pastas e arquivos favoritos serão exibidos aqui.",

View file

@ -189,6 +189,8 @@
"Folder name" : "Nome da pasta",
"This node is unavailable" : "Este nó está indisponível",
"Download file {name}" : "Baixe o arquivo {name}",
"Another entry with the same name already exists." : "Outra entrada com o mesmo nome já existe.",
"Invalid filename." : "Nome de arquivo inválido.",
"Renamed \"{oldName}\" to \"{newName}\"" : "Renomeado de \"{oldName}\" para \"{newName}\"",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Não foi possível renomear \"{oldName}\", ele não existe mais",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "O nome \"{newName}\" já é utilizado na pasta \"{dir}\". Escolha um nome diferente.",
@ -206,11 +208,16 @@
"Column headers with buttons are sortable." : "Os cabeçalhos das colunas com botões são classificáveis.",
"This list is not fully rendered for performance reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Essa lista não é totalmente renderizada por motivos de desempenho. Os arquivos serão renderizados conforme você navega pela lista.",
"File not found" : "Arquivo não encontrado",
"Storage information" : "Informações do armazenamento",
"Storage quota" : "Quantidade de armazenamento",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} usado",
"{relative}% used" : "{relative}% usado",
"Could not refresh storage stats" : "Não foi possível atualizar as estatísticas de armazenamento",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "Seu armazenamento está cheio e arquivos não podem mais ser atualizados ou sincronizados!",
"Create" : "Criar",
"This name is already in use." : "Este nome já está em uso.",
"Fill template fields" : "Preencher campos do template",
"Submitting fields…" : "Enviando arquivos…",
"Submit" : "Enviar",
"Transfer ownership of a file or folder" : "Transferir a propriedade de um arquivo ou pasta",
"Choose file or folder to transfer" : "Escolha o arquivo ou pasta a transferir",
@ -240,6 +247,7 @@
"Error during upload: {message}" : "Erro durante o upload: {message}",
"Error during upload, status code {status}" : "Erro durante o upload, código de status {status}",
"Unknown error during upload" : "Erro desconhecido durante o upload",
"Filter filenames…" : "Filtrar nomes de arquivos...",
"Views" : "Visualizações",
"Files settings" : "Configurações de arquivos",
"File cannot be accessed" : "File cannot be accessed",
@ -266,16 +274,15 @@
"Creating file" : "Criando arquivo",
"Blank" : "Em branco",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Incapaz de criar novo arquivo a partir do modelo",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Operação de exclusão cancelada",
"Delete permanently" : "Remover permanentemente",
"Delete and unshare" : "Excluir e descompartilhar",
"Leave these shares" : "Deixe esses compartilhamentos",
"Disconnect storages" : "Desconectar armazenamentos",
"Delete files" : "Deletar arquivos",
"Delete folders" : "Excluir pastas",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Você está prestes a excluir {count} itens.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Confirmar exclusão",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Operação de exclusão cancelada",
"Destination is not a folder" : "O destino não é uma pasta",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Este arquivo/pasta já está nesse diretório",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Você não pode mover um arquivo/pasta para si mesmo ou para uma subpasta dele mesmo",
@ -296,9 +303,15 @@
"Today" : "Hoje",
"Last 7 days" : "Últimos 7 dias",
"Last 30 days" : "Últimos 30 dias",
"This year ({year})" : "Este ano ({year})",
"Last year ({year})" : "Ano passado ({year})",
"Documents" : "Documentos",
"Spreadsheets" : "Planilhas",
"Presentations" : "Apresentações",
"PDFs" : "PDFs",
"Folders" : "Pastas",
"Audio" : "Áudio",
"Pictures and images" : "Fotos e imagens",
"Videos" : "Vídeos",
"Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Nova pasta criada \"{name}\"",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Não foi possível inicializar o diretório de modelos",
@ -325,6 +338,11 @@
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 arquivo e {folderCount} pastas","1 arquivo e {folderCount} pastas","1 arquivo e {folderCount} pastas"],
"_{fileCount} file and 1 folder_::_{fileCount} files and 1 folder_" : ["{fileCount} arquivos e 1 pasta","{fileCount} arquivos e 1 pasta","{fileCount} arquivos e 1 pasta"],
"{fileCount} files and {folderCount} folders" : "{fileCount} arquivos e {folderCount} pastas",
"Filename must not be empty." : "O nome do arquivo não pode estar vazio.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a filename." : "\"{char}\" não é permitido dentro de um nome de arquivo.",
"\"{segment}\" is a reserved name and not allowed for filenames." : "\"{segment}\" é um nome reservado e não é permitido para nomes de arquivos.",
"\"{extension}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{extension}\" não é um tipo de arquivo permitido.",
"Filenames must not end with \"{extension}\"." : "Os nomes de arquivos não podem terminar com \"{extension}\".",
"List of favorites files and folders." : "Lista de arquivos e pastas favoritos.",
"No favorites yet" : "Você não possui favoritos!",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Suas pastas e arquivos favoritos serão exibidos aqui.",

View file

@ -268,16 +268,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Создание файла",
"Blank" : "Пустой",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Не удалось создать файл на основе шаблона",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Удаление отменено",
"Delete permanently" : "Удалить навсегда",
"Delete and unshare" : "Удалить и закрыть общий доступ",
"Leave these shares" : "Отказаться от доступа к общим ресурсам",
"Disconnect storages" : "Отключить хранилища",
"Delete files" : "Удалить файлы",
"Delete folders" : "Удалить папки",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Подтвердите удаление {count} объекта (-ов).",
"Confirm deletion" : "Подтвердить удаление",
"Cancel" : "Отменить",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Удаление отменено",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Указанное назначение не является папкой",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Файл или папка уже расположены в этой папке",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Папка или файл не могут быть перемещены во вложенную папку или в себя",

View file

@ -266,16 +266,15 @@
"Creating file" : "Создание файла",
"Blank" : "Пустой",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Не удалось создать файл на основе шаблона",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Удаление отменено",
"Delete permanently" : "Удалить навсегда",
"Delete and unshare" : "Удалить и закрыть общий доступ",
"Leave these shares" : "Отказаться от доступа к общим ресурсам",
"Disconnect storages" : "Отключить хранилища",
"Delete files" : "Удалить файлы",
"Delete folders" : "Удалить папки",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Подтвердите удаление {count} объекта (-ов).",
"Confirm deletion" : "Подтвердить удаление",
"Cancel" : "Отменить",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Удаление отменено",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Указанное назначение не является папкой",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Файл или папка уже расположены в этой папке",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Папка или файл не могут быть перемещены во вложенную папку или в себя",

View file

@ -261,16 +261,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Vytvára sa súbor",
"Blank" : "Prázdne",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nemôžem vytvoriť nový súbor zo šablóny",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Zmazanie zrušené",
"Delete permanently" : "Zmazať natrvalo",
"Delete and unshare" : "Vymazať a zrušiť zdieľanie",
"Leave these shares" : "Opustiť tieto zdieľania.",
"Disconnect storages" : "Odpojiť úložiská",
"Delete files" : "Zmazať súbory",
"Delete folders" : "Zmazať priečinky",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Chystáte sa vymazať {count} položiek.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Potvrdiť vymazanie",
"Cancel" : "Zrušiť",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Zmazanie zrušené",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Cieľ nie je priečinok",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Tento súbor/priečinok sa už v danom adresári nachádza",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Nemôžete presunúť súbor/priečinok do seba alebo do jeho podpriečinka.",

View file

@ -259,16 +259,15 @@
"Creating file" : "Vytvára sa súbor",
"Blank" : "Prázdne",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nemôžem vytvoriť nový súbor zo šablóny",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Zmazanie zrušené",
"Delete permanently" : "Zmazať natrvalo",
"Delete and unshare" : "Vymazať a zrušiť zdieľanie",
"Leave these shares" : "Opustiť tieto zdieľania.",
"Disconnect storages" : "Odpojiť úložiská",
"Delete files" : "Zmazať súbory",
"Delete folders" : "Zmazať priečinky",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Chystáte sa vymazať {count} položiek.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Potvrdiť vymazanie",
"Cancel" : "Zrušiť",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Zmazanie zrušené",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Cieľ nie je priečinok",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Tento súbor/priečinok sa už v danom adresári nachádza",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Nemôžete presunúť súbor/priečinok do seba alebo do jeho podpriečinka.",

View file

@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Poteka ustvarjanje datoteke",
"Blank" : "Prazno",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nove datoteke iz predloge ni mogoče ustvariti",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Brisanje je bilo preklicano",
"Delete permanently" : "Izbriši trajno",
"Delete and unshare" : "Izbriši in prekini souporabo",
"Leave these shares" : "Prekini to souporabo",
@ -261,7 +262,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Delete folders" : "Izbriši mape",
"Confirm deletion" : "Potrdi brisanje",
"Cancel" : "Prekliči",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Brisanje je bilo preklicano",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Ciljno mesto ni mapa",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Ta datoteka oziroma mapa je že v določeni mapi",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Mape ali datoteke ni mogoče premakniti samo vase oziroma v podmapo same sebe",

View file

@ -251,6 +251,7 @@
"Creating file" : "Poteka ustvarjanje datoteke",
"Blank" : "Prazno",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nove datoteke iz predloge ni mogoče ustvariti",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Brisanje je bilo preklicano",
"Delete permanently" : "Izbriši trajno",
"Delete and unshare" : "Izbriši in prekini souporabo",
"Leave these shares" : "Prekini to souporabo",
@ -259,7 +260,6 @@
"Delete folders" : "Izbriši mape",
"Confirm deletion" : "Potrdi brisanje",
"Cancel" : "Prekliči",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Brisanje je bilo preklicano",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Ciljno mesto ni mapa",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Ta datoteka oziroma mapa je že v določeni mapi",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Mape ali datoteke ni mogoče premakniti samo vase oziroma v podmapo same sebe",

View file

@ -264,16 +264,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Креирање фајла",
"Blank" : "Празно",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Из шаблона није могао да се креира нови фајл",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Брисање је отказано",
"Delete permanently" : "Обриши заувек",
"Delete and unshare" : "Обриши и прекини дељење",
"Leave these shares" : "Напусти ова дељења",
"Disconnect storages" : "Искључи складишта",
"Delete files" : "Обриши фајлове",
"Delete folders" : "Обриши фолдере",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Управо ћете обрисати {count} ставки.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Потврди брисање",
"Cancel" : "Поништи",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Брисање је отказано",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Одредиште није фолдер",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Овај фајл/фолдер се већ налази у том директоријуму",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Фајл/фолдер не можете да преместите у самог себе или у његов подфолдер",

View file

@ -262,16 +262,15 @@
"Creating file" : "Креирање фајла",
"Blank" : "Празно",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Из шаблона није могао да се креира нови фајл",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Брисање је отказано",
"Delete permanently" : "Обриши заувек",
"Delete and unshare" : "Обриши и прекини дељење",
"Leave these shares" : "Напусти ова дељења",
"Disconnect storages" : "Искључи складишта",
"Delete files" : "Обриши фајлове",
"Delete folders" : "Обриши фолдере",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Управо ћете обрисати {count} ставки.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Потврди брисање",
"Cancel" : "Поништи",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Брисање је отказано",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Одредиште није фолдер",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Овај фајл/фолдер се већ налази у том директоријуму",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Фајл/фолдер не можете да преместите у самог себе или у његов подфолдер",

View file

@ -217,6 +217,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not refresh storage stats" : "Det gick inte att uppdatera lagringsstatistiken",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "Ditt lagringsutrymme är fullt, filer kan inte längre uppdateras eller synkroniseras!",
"Create" : "Skapa",
"This name is already in use." : "Namnet används redan.",
"Fill template fields" : "Fyll mallfält",
"Submitting fields…" : "Skickar fält...",
"Submit" : "Skicka",
@ -275,16 +276,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Skapar fil",
"Blank" : "Tom",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Kunde inte skapa fil från mall",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Radering avbruten",
"Delete permanently" : "Ta bort permanent",
"Delete and unshare" : "Radera och sluta dela",
"Leave these shares" : "Lämna dessa delningar",
"Disconnect storages" : "Koppla bort lagringar",
"Delete files" : "Radera filer",
"Delete folders" : "Radera mappar",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Du är på väg att ta bort {count} objekt.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Bekräfta radering",
"Cancel" : "Avbryt",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Radering avbruten",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Destinationen är inte en mapp",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Den här filen/mappen finns redan i den katalogen",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Du kan inte flytta en fil/mapp till sig själv eller till en undermapp till sig själv",

View file

@ -215,6 +215,7 @@
"Could not refresh storage stats" : "Det gick inte att uppdatera lagringsstatistiken",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "Ditt lagringsutrymme är fullt, filer kan inte längre uppdateras eller synkroniseras!",
"Create" : "Skapa",
"This name is already in use." : "Namnet används redan.",
"Fill template fields" : "Fyll mallfält",
"Submitting fields…" : "Skickar fält...",
"Submit" : "Skicka",
@ -273,16 +274,15 @@
"Creating file" : "Skapar fil",
"Blank" : "Tom",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Kunde inte skapa fil från mall",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Radering avbruten",
"Delete permanently" : "Ta bort permanent",
"Delete and unshare" : "Radera och sluta dela",
"Leave these shares" : "Lämna dessa delningar",
"Disconnect storages" : "Koppla bort lagringar",
"Delete files" : "Radera filer",
"Delete folders" : "Radera mappar",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Du är på väg att ta bort {count} objekt.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Bekräfta radering",
"Cancel" : "Avbryt",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Radering avbruten",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Destinationen är inte en mapp",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Den här filen/mappen finns redan i den katalogen",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Du kan inte flytta en fil/mapp till sig själv eller till en undermapp till sig själv",

View file

@ -262,16 +262,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Dosya ekleniyor",
"Blank" : "Boş",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Kalıptan yeni dosya eklenemedi",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Silme iptal edildi",
"Delete permanently" : "Kalıcı olarak sil",
"Delete and unshare" : "Sil ve paylaşımdan kaldır",
"Leave these shares" : "Bu paylaşımlardan ayrıl",
"Disconnect storages" : "Depolama alanlarının bağlantısını kes",
"Delete files" : "Dosyaları sil",
"Delete folders" : "Klasörleri sil",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "{count} ögeyi silmek üzeresiniz.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Silmeyi onaylayın",
"Cancel" : "İptal",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Silme iptal edildi",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Hedef bir klasör değil",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Dosya ya da klasör bu klasörde zaten var",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Bir dosyayı ya da klasörü kendi üzerine veya kendisinin alt klasörüne taşıyamazsınız",

View file

@ -260,16 +260,15 @@
"Creating file" : "Dosya ekleniyor",
"Blank" : "Boş",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Kalıptan yeni dosya eklenemedi",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Silme iptal edildi",
"Delete permanently" : "Kalıcı olarak sil",
"Delete and unshare" : "Sil ve paylaşımdan kaldır",
"Leave these shares" : "Bu paylaşımlardan ayrıl",
"Disconnect storages" : "Depolama alanlarının bağlantısını kes",
"Delete files" : "Dosyaları sil",
"Delete folders" : "Klasörleri sil",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "{count} ögeyi silmek üzeresiniz.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Silmeyi onaylayın",
"Cancel" : "İptal",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Silme iptal edildi",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Hedef bir klasör değil",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Dosya ya da klasör bu klasörde zaten var",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Bir dosyayı ya da klasörü kendi üzerine veya kendisinin alt klasörüne taşıyamazsınız",

View file

@ -263,16 +263,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Створення файлу",
"Blank" : "Порожньо",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Неможливо створити новий файл з шаблону",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Вилучення скасовано",
"Delete permanently" : "Вилучити назавжди",
"Delete and unshare" : "Вилучити та прибрати спільний доступ",
"Leave these shares" : "Вийти зі спільного доступу",
"Disconnect storages" : "Від'єднати сховища",
"Delete files" : "Вилучити файли",
"Delete folders" : "Вилучити каталоги",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Ви намагаєтеся вилучити {count} ресурсів.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Підтвердіть вилучення",
"Cancel" : "Скасувати",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Вилучення скасовано",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Місце призначення не є каталогом",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Такий файл чи каталог вже присутні в цьому каталозі",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Неможливо перемістити файл чи каталог до самого себе або у цей саме підкаталог",

View file

@ -261,16 +261,15 @@
"Creating file" : "Створення файлу",
"Blank" : "Порожньо",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Неможливо створити новий файл з шаблону",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Вилучення скасовано",
"Delete permanently" : "Вилучити назавжди",
"Delete and unshare" : "Вилучити та прибрати спільний доступ",
"Leave these shares" : "Вийти зі спільного доступу",
"Disconnect storages" : "Від'єднати сховища",
"Delete files" : "Вилучити файли",
"Delete folders" : "Вилучити каталоги",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "Ви намагаєтеся вилучити {count} ресурсів.",
"Confirm deletion" : "Підтвердіть вилучення",
"Cancel" : "Скасувати",
"Deletion cancelled" : "Вилучення скасовано",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Місце призначення не є каталогом",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Такий файл чи каталог вже присутні в цьому каталозі",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Неможливо перемістити файл чи каталог до самого себе або у цей саме підкаталог",

View file

@ -263,16 +263,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "正在创建文件",
"Blank" : "空白",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "无法从模板创建新文件",
"Deletion cancelled" : "已取消删除",
"Delete permanently" : "彻底删除",
"Delete and unshare" : "删除并取消分享",
"Leave these shares" : "离开此分享",
"Disconnect storages" : "断开与存储空间的连接",
"Delete files" : "删除文件",
"Delete folders" : "删除文件夹",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "您将删除 {count} 个项目",
"Confirm deletion" : "确认删除",
"Cancel" : "取消",
"Deletion cancelled" : "已取消删除",
"Destination is not a folder" : "目标不是一个文件夹",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "该文件/文件夹已经存在与该目录中",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "你无法将文件/文件夹移动至其自身或子文件夹中",

View file

@ -261,16 +261,15 @@
"Creating file" : "正在创建文件",
"Blank" : "空白",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "无法从模板创建新文件",
"Deletion cancelled" : "已取消删除",
"Delete permanently" : "彻底删除",
"Delete and unshare" : "删除并取消分享",
"Leave these shares" : "离开此分享",
"Disconnect storages" : "断开与存储空间的连接",
"Delete files" : "删除文件",
"Delete folders" : "删除文件夹",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "您将删除 {count} 个项目",
"Confirm deletion" : "确认删除",
"Cancel" : "取消",
"Deletion cancelled" : "已取消删除",
"Destination is not a folder" : "目标不是一个文件夹",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "该文件/文件夹已经存在与该目录中",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "你无法将文件/文件夹移动至其自身或子文件夹中",

View file

@ -217,6 +217,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not refresh storage stats" : "無法更新儲存統計數據",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "您的儲存空間已滿,沒有辦法再更新或是同步檔案!",
"Create" : "創建",
"This name is already in use." : "這個用戶名稱已經有人使用了。",
"Fill template fields" : "填寫模板欄位",
"Submitting fields…" : "正在遞交欄位 …",
"Submit" : "遞交",
@ -275,16 +276,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "創建檔案中",
"Blank" : "空白",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "無法從模板創建新檔案",
"Deletion cancelled" : "刪除已取消",
"Delete permanently" : "永久刪除",
"Delete and unshare" : "刪除並取消分享",
"Leave these shares" : "保留這些分享",
"Disconnect storages" : "解除連結儲存空間",
"Delete files" : "刪除檔案",
"Delete folders" : "刪除資料夾",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "您即將刪除 {count} 項。",
"Confirm deletion" : "確認刪除",
"Cancel" : "取消",
"Deletion cancelled" : "刪除已取消",
"Destination is not a folder" : "目標地不是資料夾",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "此檔案/資料夾已在該目錄中",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "您無法將檔案/資料夾移動到其自身或子資料夾中",

View file

@ -215,6 +215,7 @@
"Could not refresh storage stats" : "無法更新儲存統計數據",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "您的儲存空間已滿,沒有辦法再更新或是同步檔案!",
"Create" : "創建",
"This name is already in use." : "這個用戶名稱已經有人使用了。",
"Fill template fields" : "填寫模板欄位",
"Submitting fields…" : "正在遞交欄位 …",
"Submit" : "遞交",
@ -273,16 +274,15 @@
"Creating file" : "創建檔案中",
"Blank" : "空白",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "無法從模板創建新檔案",
"Deletion cancelled" : "刪除已取消",
"Delete permanently" : "永久刪除",
"Delete and unshare" : "刪除並取消分享",
"Leave these shares" : "保留這些分享",
"Disconnect storages" : "解除連結儲存空間",
"Delete files" : "刪除檔案",
"Delete folders" : "刪除資料夾",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "您即將刪除 {count} 項。",
"Confirm deletion" : "確認刪除",
"Cancel" : "取消",
"Deletion cancelled" : "刪除已取消",
"Destination is not a folder" : "目標地不是資料夾",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "此檔案/資料夾已在該目錄中",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "您無法將檔案/資料夾移動到其自身或子資料夾中",

View file

@ -275,16 +275,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "正在建立檔案",
"Blank" : "空白",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "無法從範本建立新檔案",
"Deletion cancelled" : "刪除已取消",
"Delete permanently" : "永久刪除",
"Delete and unshare" : "刪除並取消分享",
"Leave these shares" : "離開這些分享",
"Disconnect storages" : "解除連結儲存空間",
"Delete files" : "刪除檔案",
"Delete folders" : "刪除資料夾",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "您將要移除 {count} 個項目。",
"Confirm deletion" : "確認刪除",
"Cancel" : "取消",
"Deletion cancelled" : "刪除已取消",
"Destination is not a folder" : "目的地不是資料夾",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "此檔案/資料夾已在該目錄中",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "您無法將檔案/資料夾移動到其自身或子資料夾中",

View file

@ -273,16 +273,15 @@
"Creating file" : "正在建立檔案",
"Blank" : "空白",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "無法從範本建立新檔案",
"Deletion cancelled" : "刪除已取消",
"Delete permanently" : "永久刪除",
"Delete and unshare" : "刪除並取消分享",
"Leave these shares" : "離開這些分享",
"Disconnect storages" : "解除連結儲存空間",
"Delete files" : "刪除檔案",
"Delete folders" : "刪除資料夾",
"You are about to delete {count} items." : "您將要移除 {count} 個項目。",
"Confirm deletion" : "確認刪除",
"Cancel" : "取消",
"Deletion cancelled" : "刪除已取消",
"Destination is not a folder" : "目的地不是資料夾",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "此檔案/資料夾已在該目錄中",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "您無法將檔案/資料夾移動到其自身或子資料夾中",

View file

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Λάβατε το {share} ομάδας {group} ως κοινή χρήση από τον {user}",
"Accept" : "Αποδοχή",
"Decline" : "Απόρριψη",
"Accounts" : "Λογαριασμοί",
"Expiration date" : "Ημερομηνία λήξης",
"Set a password" : "Ορισμός συνθηματικού",
"Password" : "Συνθηματικό",

View file

@ -108,6 +108,7 @@
"You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Λάβατε το {share} ομάδας {group} ως κοινή χρήση από τον {user}",
"Accept" : "Αποδοχή",
"Decline" : "Απόρριψη",
"Accounts" : "Λογαριασμοί",
"Expiration date" : "Ημερομηνία λήξης",
"Set a password" : "Ορισμός συνθηματικού",
"Password" : "Συνθηματικό",

View file

@ -3,11 +3,22 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Versions" : "Εκδόσεις",
"This application automatically maintains older versions of files that are changed." : "Η εφαρμογή διατηρεί αυτόματα παλαιότερες εκδόσεις των αρχείων που έχουν αλλάξει.",
"Version" : "Έκδοση",
"This application automatically maintains older versions of files that are changed. When enabled, a hidden versions folder is provisioned in every users directory and is used to store old file versions. A user can revert to an older version through the web interface at any time, with the replaced file becoming a version. The app automatically manages the versions folder to ensure the user doesnt run out of Quota because of versions.\n\t\tIn addition to the expiry of versions, the versions app makes certain never to use more than 50% of the users currently available free space. If stored versions exceed this limit, the app will delete the oldest versions first until it meets this limit. More information is available in the Versions documentation." : "Αυτή η εφαρμογή διατηρεί αυτόματα παλαιότερες εκδόσεις αρχείων που έχουν αλλάξει. Όταν είναι ενεργοποιημένη, ένας κρυφός φάκελος παλιών εκδόσεων δημιουργείται στον κατάλογο όλων των χρηστών και χρησιμοποιείται για την αποθήκευση παλιών εκδόσεων αρχείων. Ένας χρήστης μπορεί να επαναφέρει παλαιότερη έκδοση μέσω περιηγητή ανά πάσα στιγμή, με το αρχείο αντικατάστασης να γίνει μια έκδοση. Η εφαρμογή διαχειρίζεται αυτόματα τον φάκελο για να διασφαλίσει ότι ο χρήστης δεν εξαντλεί το όριο του λόγω των εκδόσεων.\n\t\tΕκτός από τη λήξη των εκδόσεων, η εφαρμογή για εκδόσεις δεν χρησιμοποιεί ποτέ περισσότερο από το 50% του ελεύθερου χώρου που διαθέτει ο χρήστης. Εάν υπερβεί αυτό το όριο, θα διαγράψει πρώτα τις παλαιότερες εκδόσεις έως ότου ικανοποιήσει το όριο. Περισσότερες πληροφορίες διατίθενται στην τεκμηρίωση εκδόσεων.",
"Failed to revert {file} to revision {timestamp}." : "Αποτυχία επαναφοράς του {file} στην αναθεώρηση {timestamp}.",
"_%n byte_::_%n bytes_" : ["%n bytes","%n bytes"],
"Restore" : "Επαναφορά",
"No other versions available" : "Δεν υπάρχουν άλλες εκδόσεις διαθέσιμες"
"Name this version" : "Ονομασία αυτής της έκδοσης",
"Edit version name" : "Επεξεργασία ονόματος έκδοσης",
"Compare to current version" : "Σύγκριση με την τρέχουσα έκδοση",
"Restore version" : "Επαναφορά έκδοσης",
"Download version" : "Λήψη έκδοσης",
"Delete version" : "Διαγραφή έκδοσης",
"Current version" : "Τρέχουσα έκδοση",
"Initial version" : "Αρχική έκδοση",
"Version name" : "Όνομα έκδοσης",
"Remove version name" : "Αφαίρεση ονόματος έκδοσης",
"Save version name" : "Αποθήκευση ονόματος έκδοσης",
"Initial version restored" : "Η αρχική έκδοση επαναφέρθηκε",
"Version restored" : "Η έκδοση επαναφέρθηκε",
"Could not restore version" : "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η επαναφορά της έκδοσης",
"Could not delete version" : "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η διαγραφή της έκδοσης",
"${version.label} restored" : "${version.label} έχουν επαναφερθεί",
"Could not set version name" : "Δεν μπόρεσε να οριστεί όνομα έκδοσης"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

View file

@ -1,11 +1,22 @@
{ "translations": {
"Versions" : "Εκδόσεις",
"This application automatically maintains older versions of files that are changed." : "Η εφαρμογή διατηρεί αυτόματα παλαιότερες εκδόσεις των αρχείων που έχουν αλλάξει.",
"Version" : "Έκδοση",
"This application automatically maintains older versions of files that are changed. When enabled, a hidden versions folder is provisioned in every users directory and is used to store old file versions. A user can revert to an older version through the web interface at any time, with the replaced file becoming a version. The app automatically manages the versions folder to ensure the user doesnt run out of Quota because of versions.\n\t\tIn addition to the expiry of versions, the versions app makes certain never to use more than 50% of the users currently available free space. If stored versions exceed this limit, the app will delete the oldest versions first until it meets this limit. More information is available in the Versions documentation." : "Αυτή η εφαρμογή διατηρεί αυτόματα παλαιότερες εκδόσεις αρχείων που έχουν αλλάξει. Όταν είναι ενεργοποιημένη, ένας κρυφός φάκελος παλιών εκδόσεων δημιουργείται στον κατάλογο όλων των χρηστών και χρησιμοποιείται για την αποθήκευση παλιών εκδόσεων αρχείων. Ένας χρήστης μπορεί να επαναφέρει παλαιότερη έκδοση μέσω περιηγητή ανά πάσα στιγμή, με το αρχείο αντικατάστασης να γίνει μια έκδοση. Η εφαρμογή διαχειρίζεται αυτόματα τον φάκελο για να διασφαλίσει ότι ο χρήστης δεν εξαντλεί το όριο του λόγω των εκδόσεων.\n\t\tΕκτός από τη λήξη των εκδόσεων, η εφαρμογή για εκδόσεις δεν χρησιμοποιεί ποτέ περισσότερο από το 50% του ελεύθερου χώρου που διαθέτει ο χρήστης. Εάν υπερβεί αυτό το όριο, θα διαγράψει πρώτα τις παλαιότερες εκδόσεις έως ότου ικανοποιήσει το όριο. Περισσότερες πληροφορίες διατίθενται στην τεκμηρίωση εκδόσεων.",
"Failed to revert {file} to revision {timestamp}." : "Αποτυχία επαναφοράς του {file} στην αναθεώρηση {timestamp}.",
"_%n byte_::_%n bytes_" : ["%n bytes","%n bytes"],
"Restore" : "Επαναφορά",
"No other versions available" : "Δεν υπάρχουν άλλες εκδόσεις διαθέσιμες"
"Name this version" : "Ονομασία αυτής της έκδοσης",
"Edit version name" : "Επεξεργασία ονόματος έκδοσης",
"Compare to current version" : "Σύγκριση με την τρέχουσα έκδοση",
"Restore version" : "Επαναφορά έκδοσης",
"Download version" : "Λήψη έκδοσης",
"Delete version" : "Διαγραφή έκδοσης",
"Current version" : "Τρέχουσα έκδοση",
"Initial version" : "Αρχική έκδοση",
"Version name" : "Όνομα έκδοσης",
"Remove version name" : "Αφαίρεση ονόματος έκδοσης",
"Save version name" : "Αποθήκευση ονόματος έκδοσης",
"Initial version restored" : "Η αρχική έκδοση επαναφέρθηκε",
"Version restored" : "Η έκδοση επαναφέρθηκε",
"Could not restore version" : "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η επαναφορά της έκδοσης",
"Could not delete version" : "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η διαγραφή της έκδοσης",
"${version.label} restored" : "${version.label} έχουν επαναφερθεί",
"Could not set version name" : "Δεν μπόρεσε να οριστεί όνομα έκδοσης"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

View file

@ -915,7 +915,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"MySQL unicode support" : "دعم نظام المحارف unicode في قاعدة البيانات MySQL",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "استبدال عنوان cli URL",
"You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "إصدار PHP الذي تقوم بتشغيله الآن هو %s. النسخة 8.0 من PHP لم تعد مدعومة منذ الإصدار 27 لنكست كلاود. الإصدار 28 من نكست كلاود يتطلب استعمال الإصدار 8.1 من PHP على الأقل. رجاءً، قم بترقية إصدارPHP إلى إحدى الإصدارات المدعومة من نكست كلاود في أسرع وقت.",
"You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive" : "لديك أكثر من 500,000 صف في جدول كائنات الجدولة. الرجاء تشغيل مهام الإصلاح التي قد تؤثر على أداء النظام عبر أمر الصيانة السطري: repair --include-expensive",
"Rating: {score}/10" : "التقييم: {score}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "أنت على وشك حذف المجموعة \"{group}\"؛ لكن المستخدمين لن يتم حذفهم.",
"No users" : "لا يوجد مستخدِمون",

View file

@ -913,7 +913,6 @@
"MySQL unicode support" : "دعم نظام المحارف unicode في قاعدة البيانات MySQL",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "استبدال عنوان cli URL",
"You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "إصدار PHP الذي تقوم بتشغيله الآن هو %s. النسخة 8.0 من PHP لم تعد مدعومة منذ الإصدار 27 لنكست كلاود. الإصدار 28 من نكست كلاود يتطلب استعمال الإصدار 8.1 من PHP على الأقل. رجاءً، قم بترقية إصدارPHP إلى إحدى الإصدارات المدعومة من نكست كلاود في أسرع وقت.",
"You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive" : "لديك أكثر من 500,000 صف في جدول كائنات الجدولة. الرجاء تشغيل مهام الإصلاح التي قد تؤثر على أداء النظام عبر أمر الصيانة السطري: repair --include-expensive",
"Rating: {score}/10" : "التقييم: {score}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "أنت على وشك حذف المجموعة \"{group}\"؛ لكن المستخدمين لن يتم حذفهم.",
"No users" : "لا يوجد مستخدِمون",

View file

@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log" : "E-mail se nepodařilo odeslat. Podívejte se do záznamu událostí (log) svého e-mailového serveru.",
"A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "Při odesílání e-mailu nastala chyba překontrolujte nastavení. (Chyba: %s)",
"You need to set your account email before being able to send test emails. Go to %s for that." : "Aby bylo možné odesílat zkušební e-maily je třeba, abyste si nejprve u svého účtu nastavili svou e-mailovou adresu. To učiníte v %s.",
"Recently active" : "Nedávno aktivní",
"Disabled accounts" : "Zakázané účty",
"Invalid account" : "Neplatný účet",
"Invalid mail address" : "Neplatná e-mailová adresa",
"Settings saved" : "Nastavení uložena",
@ -123,6 +125,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Background jobs" : "Úlohy na pozadí",
"Unlimited" : "Neomezeně",
"Verifying" : "Ověřuje se",
"Allowed admin IP ranges" : "Rozsahy IP adres, ze kterých je možné provádět správu",
"Admin IP filtering isnt applied." : "Filtrování IP adres pro správu není uplatněno.",
"App directories owner" : "Vlastník adresářů aplikace",
"Some app directories are owned by a different user than the web server one. This may be the case if apps have been installed manually. Check the permissions of the following app directories:\n%s" : "Složky některých aplikací jsou vlastněny jiným uživatelem, než je ten webového serveru. To může být případ pokud aplikace byly nainstalované ručně. Zkontrolujte oprávnění následujících složek aplikací:\n%s",
"App directories have the correct owner \"%s\"" : "Složky aplikací mají správného vlastníka „%s“",

View file

@ -70,6 +70,8 @@
"Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log" : "E-mail se nepodařilo odeslat. Podívejte se do záznamu událostí (log) svého e-mailového serveru.",
"A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "Při odesílání e-mailu nastala chyba překontrolujte nastavení. (Chyba: %s)",
"You need to set your account email before being able to send test emails. Go to %s for that." : "Aby bylo možné odesílat zkušební e-maily je třeba, abyste si nejprve u svého účtu nastavili svou e-mailovou adresu. To učiníte v %s.",
"Recently active" : "Nedávno aktivní",
"Disabled accounts" : "Zakázané účty",
"Invalid account" : "Neplatný účet",
"Invalid mail address" : "Neplatná e-mailová adresa",
"Settings saved" : "Nastavení uložena",
@ -121,6 +123,8 @@
"Background jobs" : "Úlohy na pozadí",
"Unlimited" : "Neomezeně",
"Verifying" : "Ověřuje se",
"Allowed admin IP ranges" : "Rozsahy IP adres, ze kterých je možné provádět správu",
"Admin IP filtering isnt applied." : "Filtrování IP adres pro správu není uplatněno.",
"App directories owner" : "Vlastník adresářů aplikace",
"Some app directories are owned by a different user than the web server one. This may be the case if apps have been installed manually. Check the permissions of the following app directories:\n%s" : "Složky některých aplikací jsou vlastněny jiným uživatelem, než je ten webového serveru. To může být případ pokud aplikace byly nainstalované ručně. Zkontrolujte oprávnění následujících složek aplikací:\n%s",
"App directories have the correct owner \"%s\"" : "Složky aplikací mají správného vlastníka „%s“",

View file

@ -560,6 +560,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unable to delete additional email address" : "Zusätzliche E-Mail-Adresse konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
"No email address set" : "Keine E-Mail-Adresse angegeben",
"Your handle" : "Dein Online-Name",
"Day to use as the first day of week" : "Tag, der als erster Tag der Woche verwendet werden soll",
"Derived from your locale ({weekDayName})" : "Abgeleitet von Ihrem Gebietsschema ({weekDayName})",
"Unable to update first day of week" : "Der erste Tag der Woche kann nicht aktualisiert werden",
"Your headline" : "Ihre Überschrift",
@ -914,7 +915,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"MySQL unicode support" : "MySQL Unicode-Unterstützung",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "CLI-URL überschreiben",
"You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "Sie verwenden derzeit PHP %s. PHP 8.0 ist ab Nextcloud 27 veraltet. Nextcloud 28 erfordert möglicherweise mindestens PHP 8.1. Bitte aktualisieren Sie so schnell wie möglich auf eine der offiziell unterstützten PHP-Versionen der PHP Gruppe.",
"You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive" : "Sie haben mehr als 500.000 Zeilen in der Tabelle der Planungsobjekte. Bitte führen Sie aufwändige Reparaturaufträge über occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive aus.",
"Rating: {score}/10" : "Bewertung: {score}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "Sie sind im Begriff, die Gruppe \"{group}\" zu löschen. Die Konten werden NICHT gelöscht.",
"No users" : "Keine Konten",

View file

@ -558,6 +558,7 @@
"Unable to delete additional email address" : "Zusätzliche E-Mail-Adresse konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
"No email address set" : "Keine E-Mail-Adresse angegeben",
"Your handle" : "Dein Online-Name",
"Day to use as the first day of week" : "Tag, der als erster Tag der Woche verwendet werden soll",
"Derived from your locale ({weekDayName})" : "Abgeleitet von Ihrem Gebietsschema ({weekDayName})",
"Unable to update first day of week" : "Der erste Tag der Woche kann nicht aktualisiert werden",
"Your headline" : "Ihre Überschrift",
@ -912,7 +913,6 @@
"MySQL unicode support" : "MySQL Unicode-Unterstützung",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "CLI-URL überschreiben",
"You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "Sie verwenden derzeit PHP %s. PHP 8.0 ist ab Nextcloud 27 veraltet. Nextcloud 28 erfordert möglicherweise mindestens PHP 8.1. Bitte aktualisieren Sie so schnell wie möglich auf eine der offiziell unterstützten PHP-Versionen der PHP Gruppe.",
"You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive" : "Sie haben mehr als 500.000 Zeilen in der Tabelle der Planungsobjekte. Bitte führen Sie aufwändige Reparaturaufträge über occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive aus.",
"Rating: {score}/10" : "Bewertung: {score}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "Sie sind im Begriff, die Gruppe \"{group}\" zu löschen. Die Konten werden NICHT gelöscht.",
"No users" : "Keine Konten",

View file

@ -308,6 +308,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Language" : "Γλώσσα",
"Total rows summary" : "Συνολική σύνοψη γραμμών",
"Avatar" : "Εικόνα προφίλ",
"Account name" : "Όνομα λογαριασμού",
"Group admin for" : "Ομαδα διαχειριστή για",
"Storage location" : "Τοποθεσία αποθηκευτικού χώρου",
"Last login" : "Τελευταία είσοδος",

View file

@ -306,6 +306,7 @@
"Language" : "Γλώσσα",
"Total rows summary" : "Συνολική σύνοψη γραμμών",
"Avatar" : "Εικόνα προφίλ",
"Account name" : "Όνομα λογαριασμού",
"Group admin for" : "Ομαδα διαχειριστή για",
"Storage location" : "Τοποθεσία αποθηκευτικού χώρου",
"Last login" : "Τελευταία είσοδος",

View file

@ -915,7 +915,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"MySQL unicode support" : "MySQL unicode support",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "Overwrite CLI URL",
"You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible.",
"You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive" : "You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive",
"Rating: {score}/10" : "Rating: {score}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted.",
"No users" : "No users",

View file

@ -913,7 +913,6 @@
"MySQL unicode support" : "MySQL unicode support",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "Overwrite CLI URL",
"You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible.",
"You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive" : "You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive",
"Rating: {score}/10" : "Rating: {score}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted.",
"No users" : "No users",

View file

@ -898,7 +898,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"MySQL unicode support" : "MySQL unicode euskarria",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "Gainidatzi cli URLa",
"You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "PHP %s exekutatzen ari zara. PHP 8.0 Nextcloud 27-n zaharkituta dago. Nextcloud 28k gutxienez PHP 8.1 behar ahal izango du. Mesedez, eguneratu PHP Group-ek ofizialki onartzen dituen PHP bertsioatara ahalik eta lasterren.",
"You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive" : "500.000 errenkada baino gehiago dituzu anolatze-objektuen taulan. Exekutatu konponketa-lan garestiak occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive bidez",
"Rating: {score}/10" : "Balorazioa: {score}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "\"{group}\"taldea ezabatzera zoaz. Erabiltzaileak EZ dira ezabatuko.",
"No users" : "Erabiltzailerik ez",

View file

@ -896,7 +896,6 @@
"MySQL unicode support" : "MySQL unicode euskarria",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "Gainidatzi cli URLa",
"You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "PHP %s exekutatzen ari zara. PHP 8.0 Nextcloud 27-n zaharkituta dago. Nextcloud 28k gutxienez PHP 8.1 behar ahal izango du. Mesedez, eguneratu PHP Group-ek ofizialki onartzen dituen PHP bertsioatara ahalik eta lasterren.",
"You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive" : "500.000 errenkada baino gehiago dituzu anolatze-objektuen taulan. Exekutatu konponketa-lan garestiak occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive bidez",
"Rating: {score}/10" : "Balorazioa: {score}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "\"{group}\"taldea ezabatzera zoaz. Erabiltzaileak EZ dira ezabatuko.",
"No users" : "Erabiltzailerik ez",

View file

@ -560,6 +560,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unable to delete additional email address" : "Ní féidir seoladh ríomhphoist breise a scriosadh",
"No email address set" : "Níl seoladh ríomhphoist socraithe",
"Your handle" : "Do láimhseáil",
"Day to use as the first day of week" : "Lá a úsáid mar an chéad lá den tseachtain",
"Derived from your locale ({weekDayName})" : "Díorthaithe ó do logán ({weekDayName})",
"Unable to update first day of week" : "Ní féidir an chéad lá den tseachtain a nuashonrú",
"Your headline" : "Do cheannlíne",
@ -914,7 +915,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"MySQL unicode support" : "Tacaíocht Unicode MySQL",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "Forscríobh cli URL",
"You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "Tá PHP %s á rith agat faoi láthair. Tá PHP 8.0 dímheasta anois i Nextcloud 27. D'fhéadfadh go mbeadh PHP 8.1 ar a laghad ag teastáil ó Nextcloud 28. Uasghrádaigh go dtí ceann de na leaganacha PHP a fhaigheann tacaíocht oifigiúil ón nGrúpa PHP chomh luath agus is féidir le do thoil.",
"You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive" : "Tá níos mó ná 500 000 sraith agat sa tábla réada sceidealaithe. Déan na jabanna deisiúcháin costasacha le do thoil trí chothabháil occ: deisiúchán --áirítear-daor",
"Rating: {score}/10" : "Rátáil: {scór}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "Tá tú ar tí an grúpa \"{group}\" a bhaint. NÍ scriosfar na húsáideoirí.",
"No users" : "Uimh úsáideoirí",

View file

@ -558,6 +558,7 @@
"Unable to delete additional email address" : "Ní féidir seoladh ríomhphoist breise a scriosadh",
"No email address set" : "Níl seoladh ríomhphoist socraithe",
"Your handle" : "Do láimhseáil",
"Day to use as the first day of week" : "Lá a úsáid mar an chéad lá den tseachtain",
"Derived from your locale ({weekDayName})" : "Díorthaithe ó do logán ({weekDayName})",
"Unable to update first day of week" : "Ní féidir an chéad lá den tseachtain a nuashonrú",
"Your headline" : "Do cheannlíne",
@ -912,7 +913,6 @@
"MySQL unicode support" : "Tacaíocht Unicode MySQL",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "Forscríobh cli URL",
"You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "Tá PHP %s á rith agat faoi láthair. Tá PHP 8.0 dímheasta anois i Nextcloud 27. D'fhéadfadh go mbeadh PHP 8.1 ar a laghad ag teastáil ó Nextcloud 28. Uasghrádaigh go dtí ceann de na leaganacha PHP a fhaigheann tacaíocht oifigiúil ón nGrúpa PHP chomh luath agus is féidir le do thoil.",
"You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive" : "Tá níos mó ná 500 000 sraith agat sa tábla réada sceidealaithe. Déan na jabanna deisiúcháin costasacha le do thoil trí chothabháil occ: deisiúchán --áirítear-daor",
"Rating: {score}/10" : "Rátáil: {scór}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "Tá tú ar tí an grúpa \"{group}\" a bhaint. NÍ scriosfar na húsáideoirí.",
"No users" : "Uimh úsáideoirí",

View file

@ -915,7 +915,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"MySQL unicode support" : "Compatibilidade con MySQL Unicode",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "Sobrescribir o URL da interface da liña de ordes",
"You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "Actualmente está a executar PHP %s. PHP 8.0 é obsoleto en Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 pode precisar polo menos PHP 8.1. Actualice a unha das versións de PHP oficialmente compatíbeis fornecidas polo Grupo PHP o antes posíbel.",
"You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive" : "Ten máis de 500 000 filas na táboa de obxectos de planificación. Execute os custosos traballos de reparación mediante occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive",
"Rating: {score}/10" : "Valoración: {score}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "Está a piques de retirar o grupo «{group}». Os usuarios NON van ser eliminados.",
"No users" : "Non hai usuarios",

View file

@ -913,7 +913,6 @@
"MySQL unicode support" : "Compatibilidade con MySQL Unicode",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "Sobrescribir o URL da interface da liña de ordes",
"You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "Actualmente está a executar PHP %s. PHP 8.0 é obsoleto en Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 pode precisar polo menos PHP 8.1. Actualice a unha das versións de PHP oficialmente compatíbeis fornecidas polo Grupo PHP o antes posíbel.",
"You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive" : "Ten máis de 500 000 filas na táboa de obxectos de planificación. Execute os custosos traballos de reparación mediante occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive",
"Rating: {score}/10" : "Valoración: {score}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "Está a piques de retirar o grupo «{group}». Os usuarios NON van ser eliminados.",
"No users" : "Non hai usuarios",

View file

@ -901,7 +901,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"MySQL unicode support" : "MySQL unicodeサポート",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "Overwrite cli URL",
"You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "PHP %s を実行しています。PHP 8.0 は Nextcloud 27 では非推奨です。Nextcloud 28 では、少なくとも PHP 8.1 が必要になる可能性があります。PHP グループが公式にサポートする PHP のいずれかのバージョンにできるだけ早くアップグレードしてください。",
"You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive" : "スケジューリング・オブジェクト・テーブルに500,000行以上あります。大規模な修復ジョブは、occ maintenance:repair --include-expensiveで実行してください。",
"Rating: {score}/10" : "評価: {score}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "グループ \"{group}\" を削除しようとしています。ユーザーは削除されません。",
"No users" : "No users",

View file

@ -899,7 +899,6 @@
"MySQL unicode support" : "MySQL unicodeサポート",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "Overwrite cli URL",
"You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "PHP %s を実行しています。PHP 8.0 は Nextcloud 27 では非推奨です。Nextcloud 28 では、少なくとも PHP 8.1 が必要になる可能性があります。PHP グループが公式にサポートする PHP のいずれかのバージョンにできるだけ早くアップグレードしてください。",
"You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive" : "スケジューリング・オブジェクト・テーブルに500,000行以上あります。大規模な修復ジョブは、occ maintenance:repair --include-expensiveで実行してください。",
"Rating: {score}/10" : "評価: {score}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "グループ \"{group}\" を削除しようとしています。ユーザーは削除されません。",
"No users" : "No users",

View file

@ -914,7 +914,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"MySQL unicode support" : "MySQL unicode-støtte",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "Overwrite cli URL",
"You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "Du kjører for øyeblikket PHP %s. PHP 8.0 er nå avviklet i Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 kan kreve minst PHP 8.1. Oppgrader til en av de offisielt støttede PHP-versjonene levert av PHP Group så snart som mulig.",
"You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive" : "Du har mer enn 500 000 rader i tabellen 'scheduling objects'. Kjør reparasjonsjobbene 'expensive' via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive",
"Rating: {score}/10" : "Vurdering: {score}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "Du er i ferd med å fjerne gruppen \"{group}\". Brukerne vil IKKE bli slettet.",
"No users" : "Ingen brukere",

View file

@ -912,7 +912,6 @@
"MySQL unicode support" : "MySQL unicode-støtte",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "Overwrite cli URL",
"You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "Du kjører for øyeblikket PHP %s. PHP 8.0 er nå avviklet i Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 kan kreve minst PHP 8.1. Oppgrader til en av de offisielt støttede PHP-versjonene levert av PHP Group så snart som mulig.",
"You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive" : "Du har mer enn 500 000 rader i tabellen 'scheduling objects'. Kjør reparasjonsjobbene 'expensive' via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive",
"Rating: {score}/10" : "Vurdering: {score}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "Du er i ferd med å fjerne gruppen \"{group}\". Brukerne vil IKKE bli slettet.",
"No users" : "Ingen brukere",

View file

@ -914,7 +914,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"MySQL unicode support" : "Suporte Unicode MySQL",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "Sobrescrever URL cli",
"You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "Você está executando PHP no momento %s.PHP 8.0 agora está obsoleto no Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 pode exigir pelo menos PHP 8.1. Atualize para uma das versões PHP com suporte oficial fornecidas pelo PHP Group o mais rápido possível.",
"You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive" : "Você tem mais de 500.000 linhas na tabela de objetos de agendamento. Execute os trabalhos de reparo caros por meio de manutenção occ:repair --include-expensive",
"Rating: {score}/10" : "Avaliação: {score}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "Você está prestes a remover o grupo \"{group}\". Os usuários NÃO serão excluídos.",
"No users" : "Nenhum usuário",

View file

@ -912,7 +912,6 @@
"MySQL unicode support" : "Suporte Unicode MySQL",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "Sobrescrever URL cli",
"You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "Você está executando PHP no momento %s.PHP 8.0 agora está obsoleto no Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 pode exigir pelo menos PHP 8.1. Atualize para uma das versões PHP com suporte oficial fornecidas pelo PHP Group o mais rápido possível.",
"You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive" : "Você tem mais de 500.000 linhas na tabela de objetos de agendamento. Execute os trabalhos de reparo caros por meio de manutenção occ:repair --include-expensive",
"Rating: {score}/10" : "Avaliação: {score}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "Você está prestes a remover o grupo \"{group}\". Os usuários NÃO serão excluídos.",
"No users" : "Nenhum usuário",

View file

@ -906,7 +906,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"MySQL unicode support" : "MySQL уникод подршка",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "Overwrite cli URL",
"You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "Тренутно изврешавате %s. PHP 8.0 је сада застарео у Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 може да захтева барем PHP 8.1. Молимо вас да што је пре могуће извршите ажурирање на једну од званично подржаних PHP верзија које обезбеђује PHP Група.",
"You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive" : "У табели за распоред објеката имате више од 500 000 редова. Молимо вас да покренете скупе послове поправке са occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive",
"Rating: {score}/10" : "Оцена: {score}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "Управо ћете уклонити групу „{group}”. Корисници НЕЋЕ бити избрисани.",
"No users" : "Нема корисника",

View file

@ -904,7 +904,6 @@
"MySQL unicode support" : "MySQL уникод подршка",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "Overwrite cli URL",
"You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "Тренутно изврешавате %s. PHP 8.0 је сада застарео у Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 може да захтева барем PHP 8.1. Молимо вас да што је пре могуће извршите ажурирање на једну од званично подржаних PHP верзија које обезбеђује PHP Група.",
"You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive" : "У табели за распоред објеката имате више од 500 000 редова. Молимо вас да покренете скупе послове поправке са occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive",
"Rating: {score}/10" : "Оцена: {score}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "Управо ћете уклонити групу „{group}”. Корисници НЕЋЕ бити избрисани.",
"No users" : "Нема корисника",

View file

@ -890,7 +890,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"MySQL unicode support" : "MySQL unikod desteği",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "CLI adresi değişikliği",
"You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "Şu anda PHP %s kullanıyorsunuz. PHP 8.0 son olarak Nextcloud 27 sürümünde destekleniyor. Nextcloud 28 için en az PHP 8.1 gerekebilir. Lütfen olabilecek en kısa sürede PHP Group tarafından sağlanan resmi olarak desteklenen PHP sürümlerinden birine yükseltin.",
"You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive" : "Zamanlama nesneleri tablosunda 500.000 üzerinde satır var. Lütfen büyük onarım işlerini occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive komutu ile yapın",
"Rating: {score}/10" : "Değerlendirme: {score}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "\"{group}\" grubunu silmek üzeresiniz. Kullanıcılar SİLİNMEYECEK.",
"No users" : "Herhangi bir kullanıcı yok",

View file

@ -888,7 +888,6 @@
"MySQL unicode support" : "MySQL unikod desteği",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "CLI adresi değişikliği",
"You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "Şu anda PHP %s kullanıyorsunuz. PHP 8.0 son olarak Nextcloud 27 sürümünde destekleniyor. Nextcloud 28 için en az PHP 8.1 gerekebilir. Lütfen olabilecek en kısa sürede PHP Group tarafından sağlanan resmi olarak desteklenen PHP sürümlerinden birine yükseltin.",
"You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive" : "Zamanlama nesneleri tablosunda 500.000 üzerinde satır var. Lütfen büyük onarım işlerini occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive komutu ile yapın",
"Rating: {score}/10" : "Değerlendirme: {score}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "\"{group}\" grubunu silmek üzeresiniz. Kullanıcılar SİLİNMEYECEK.",
"No users" : "Herhangi bir kullanıcı yok",

View file

@ -915,7 +915,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"MySQL unicode support" : "MySQL Unicode 支援",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "覆寫 CLI URL",
"You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "您目前正在運行 PHP %s。Nextcloud 27 已棄用 PHP 8.0。Nextcloud 28 需要 PHP 8.1 或更新版本。請盡快升級至 PHP Group 提供官方支援的其中一個版本。",
"You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive" : "調度物件數據庫表中超過五十萬列。請透過 occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive 執行昂貴的修復作業",
"Rating: {score}/10" : "評分:{score}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "您將要移除群組「{group}」。用戶將不會被刪除。",
"No users" : "沒有用戶",

View file

@ -913,7 +913,6 @@
"MySQL unicode support" : "MySQL Unicode 支援",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "覆寫 CLI URL",
"You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "您目前正在運行 PHP %s。Nextcloud 27 已棄用 PHP 8.0。Nextcloud 28 需要 PHP 8.1 或更新版本。請盡快升級至 PHP Group 提供官方支援的其中一個版本。",
"You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive" : "調度物件數據庫表中超過五十萬列。請透過 occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive 執行昂貴的修復作業",
"Rating: {score}/10" : "評分:{score}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "您將要移除群組「{group}」。用戶將不會被刪除。",
"No users" : "沒有用戶",

View file

@ -915,7 +915,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"MySQL unicode support" : "MySQL Unicode 支援",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "覆寫 CLI URL",
"You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "您正在執行 PHP %s。Nextcloud 27 已棄用 PHP 8.0。Nextcloud 28 需要 PHP 8.1 或更新版本。請盡快升級至 PHP Group 提供官方支援的其中一個版本。",
"You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive" : "調度物件資料表中超過五十萬列。請透過 occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive 執行昂貴的修復作業",
"Rating: {score}/10" : "評分:{score}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "您將要移除群組「{group}」。使用者將不會被刪除。",
"No users" : "無使用者",

View file

@ -913,7 +913,6 @@
"MySQL unicode support" : "MySQL Unicode 支援",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "覆寫 CLI URL",
"You are currently running PHP %s. PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group as soon as possible." : "您正在執行 PHP %s。Nextcloud 27 已棄用 PHP 8.0。Nextcloud 28 需要 PHP 8.1 或更新版本。請盡快升級至 PHP Group 提供官方支援的其中一個版本。",
"You have more than 500 000 rows in the scheduling objects table. Please run the expensive repair jobs via occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive" : "調度物件資料表中超過五十萬列。請透過 occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive 執行昂貴的修復作業",
"Rating: {score}/10" : "評分:{score}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "您將要移除群組「{group}」。使用者將不會被刪除。",
"No users" : "無使用者",

View file

@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Nextcloud workflow engine" : "Σύστημα ροής εργασιών Nextcloud",
"Select a filter" : "Επιλογή φίλτρου",
"Select a comparator" : "Επιλέξτε για σύγκριση",
"Remove filter" : "Αφαίρεση φίλτρου",
"Select a file type" : "Επιλέξτε τύπο αρχείου",
"e.g. httpd/unix-directory" : "π.χ. httpd/unix-directory",
"Folder" : "Φάκελος",

View file

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
"Nextcloud workflow engine" : "Σύστημα ροής εργασιών Nextcloud",
"Select a filter" : "Επιλογή φίλτρου",
"Select a comparator" : "Επιλέξτε για σύγκριση",
"Remove filter" : "Αφαίρεση φίλτρου",
"Select a file type" : "Επιλέξτε τύπο αρχείου",
"e.g. httpd/unix-directory" : "π.χ. httpd/unix-directory",
"Folder" : "Φάκελος",

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more