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synced 2025-03-13 07:53:51 +00:00
Fix(l10n): Update translations from Transifex
Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <bot@nextcloud.com>
This commit is contained in:
104 changed files with 490 additions and 144 deletions
@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Description: %s" : "Deskripzioa: %s",
"Where: %s" : "Non: %s",
"%1$s via %2$s" : "%2$s bidez, %1$s",
"In a %1$s on %2$s for the entire day" : " %1$s batean %2$s(e)n egun osorako",
"In a %1$s on %2$s between %3$s - %4$s" : "%1$s batean %2$s(e)n %3$s eta %4$s artean",
"Every Day for the entire day" : "Egunero egun osoan",
"Every Day for the entire day until %1$s" : "Egunero egun osoan %1$s arte",
"Every Day between %1$s - %2$s" : "Egunero %1$setatik %2$setara",
@ -70,6 +70,8 @@
"Description: %s" : "Deskripzioa: %s",
"Where: %s" : "Non: %s",
"%1$s via %2$s" : "%2$s bidez, %1$s",
"In a %1$s on %2$s for the entire day" : " %1$s batean %2$s(e)n egun osorako",
"In a %1$s on %2$s between %3$s - %4$s" : "%1$s batean %2$s(e)n %3$s eta %4$s artean",
"Every Day for the entire day" : "Egunero egun osoan",
"Every Day for the entire day until %1$s" : "Egunero egun osoan %1$s arte",
"Every Day between %1$s - %2$s" : "Egunero %1$setatik %2$setara",
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Notifications are sent via background jobs, so these must occur often enough." : "As notificacións enviaranse mediante procesos en segundo plano, polo que estes teñen que suceder con frecuencia.",
"Send reminder notifications to calendar sharees as well" : "Enviar notificacións de lembrete tamén aos que comparten calendario",
"Reminders are always sent to organizers and attendees." : "Os lembretes envíanselle sempre aos organizadores e aos asistentes.",
"Enable notifications for events via push" : "Activar o envío de notificacións do automáticas para eventos",
"Enable notifications for events via push" : "Activar o envío de notificacións emerxentes para eventos",
"Also install the {calendarappstoreopen}Calendar app{linkclose}, or {calendardocopen}connect your desktop & mobile for syncing ↗{linkclose}." : "Instale tamén a {calendarappstoreopen}aplicación do Calendario{linkclose} ou {calendardocopen}conecte os seus escritorio e móbil para sincronizalos ↗{linkclose}.",
"Please make sure to properly set up {emailopen}the email server{linkclose}." : "Asegúrese de ter configurado correctamente {emailopen}o servidor de correo-e{linkclose}.",
"There was an error updating your attendance status." : "Produciuse un erro ao actualizar o seu estado de asistencia.",
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
"Notifications are sent via background jobs, so these must occur often enough." : "As notificacións enviaranse mediante procesos en segundo plano, polo que estes teñen que suceder con frecuencia.",
"Send reminder notifications to calendar sharees as well" : "Enviar notificacións de lembrete tamén aos que comparten calendario",
"Reminders are always sent to organizers and attendees." : "Os lembretes envíanselle sempre aos organizadores e aos asistentes.",
"Enable notifications for events via push" : "Activar o envío de notificacións do automáticas para eventos",
"Enable notifications for events via push" : "Activar o envío de notificacións emerxentes para eventos",
"Also install the {calendarappstoreopen}Calendar app{linkclose}, or {calendardocopen}connect your desktop & mobile for syncing ↗{linkclose}." : "Instale tamén a {calendarappstoreopen}aplicación do Calendario{linkclose} ou {calendardocopen}conecte os seus escritorio e móbil para sincronizalos ↗{linkclose}.",
"Please make sure to properly set up {emailopen}the email server{linkclose}." : "Asegúrese de ter configurado correctamente {emailopen}o servidor de correo-e{linkclose}.",
"There was an error updating your attendance status." : "Produciuse un erro ao actualizar o seu estado de asistencia.",
@ -33,9 +33,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unable to update federated files sharing config" : "Ezin da eguneratu fitxategi partekatze federatuaren konfigurazioa",
"Federated Cloud" : "Hodei Federatua",
"You can share with anyone who uses a Nextcloud server or other Open Cloud Mesh (OCM) compatible servers and services! Just put their Federated Cloud ID in the share dialog. It looks like person@cloud.example.com" : "Nextcloud zerbitzaria darabilen edo Open Cloud Mesh (OCM) zerbitzuarekin bateragarri den zerbitzua erabiltzen duen edonorekin partekatu dezakezu! Ipini beren Federatutako Hodei IDa partekatze leihoan. Horrelako zerbait izan ohi da: erabiltzailea@nextcloud.zerbitzaria.com",
"Your Federated Cloud ID" : "Zure federatutako hodei IDa",
"Share it so your friends can share files with you:" : "Bidali lagunei, zurekin fitxategiak parteka ditzaten:",
"Facebook" : "Facebook",
"X (formerly Twitter)" : "X (lehen Twitter)",
"formerly Twitter" : "lehen Twitter",
"Mastodon" : "Mastodon",
"Add to your website" : "Gehitu zure webgunera",
"Share with me via Nextcloud" : "Partekatu nirekin Nextcloud bidez",
@ -44,12 +46,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share with me through my #Nextcloud Federated Cloud ID" : "Partekatu nirekin, nire federatutako #Nextcloud hodei IDa erabiliz",
"Cloud ID copied to the clipboard" : "Hodei IDa arbelean kopiatu da",
"Copy to clipboard" : "Kopiatu arbelera",
"Clipboard not available. Please copy the cloud ID manually." : "Arbela ez dago eskuragarri, mesedez kopiatu hodei IDa eskuz.",
"Copied!" : "Kopiatuta!",
"Cancel" : "Ezeztatu",
"Add remote share" : "Gehitu urruneko partekatzea",
"Remote share" : "Urruneko partekatzea",
"Do you want to add the remote share {name} from {owner}@{remote}?" : "{owner}@{remote}(r)en {name} urruneko partekatzea gehitu nahi duzu?",
"Remote share password" : "Urruneko partekatzearen pasahitza",
"Incoming share could not be processed" : "Sarrerako partekatzea ezin izan da prozesatu",
"Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "%1$spartekatzeak huts egin du dagoeneko %2$serabiltzailearekin partekatuta dagoelako",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Ezin da erabiltzaile berarekin federatutako partekatzea sortu.",
"Adjust how people can share between servers. This includes shares between users on this server as well if they are using federated sharing." : "Doitu nola parteka dezakeen jendeak zerbitzarien artean. Horrek barne hartzen ditu zerbitzari honetako erabiltzaileen arteko partekatzeak, partekatze federatua erabiltzen ari badira.",
@ -31,9 +31,11 @@
"Unable to update federated files sharing config" : "Ezin da eguneratu fitxategi partekatze federatuaren konfigurazioa",
"Federated Cloud" : "Hodei Federatua",
"You can share with anyone who uses a Nextcloud server or other Open Cloud Mesh (OCM) compatible servers and services! Just put their Federated Cloud ID in the share dialog. It looks like person@cloud.example.com" : "Nextcloud zerbitzaria darabilen edo Open Cloud Mesh (OCM) zerbitzuarekin bateragarri den zerbitzua erabiltzen duen edonorekin partekatu dezakezu! Ipini beren Federatutako Hodei IDa partekatze leihoan. Horrelako zerbait izan ohi da: erabiltzailea@nextcloud.zerbitzaria.com",
"Your Federated Cloud ID" : "Zure federatutako hodei IDa",
"Share it so your friends can share files with you:" : "Bidali lagunei, zurekin fitxategiak parteka ditzaten:",
"Facebook" : "Facebook",
"X (formerly Twitter)" : "X (lehen Twitter)",
"formerly Twitter" : "lehen Twitter",
"Mastodon" : "Mastodon",
"Add to your website" : "Gehitu zure webgunera",
"Share with me via Nextcloud" : "Partekatu nirekin Nextcloud bidez",
@ -42,12 +44,14 @@
"Share with me through my #Nextcloud Federated Cloud ID" : "Partekatu nirekin, nire federatutako #Nextcloud hodei IDa erabiliz",
"Cloud ID copied to the clipboard" : "Hodei IDa arbelean kopiatu da",
"Copy to clipboard" : "Kopiatu arbelera",
"Clipboard not available. Please copy the cloud ID manually." : "Arbela ez dago eskuragarri, mesedez kopiatu hodei IDa eskuz.",
"Copied!" : "Kopiatuta!",
"Cancel" : "Ezeztatu",
"Add remote share" : "Gehitu urruneko partekatzea",
"Remote share" : "Urruneko partekatzea",
"Do you want to add the remote share {name} from {owner}@{remote}?" : "{owner}@{remote}(r)en {name} urruneko partekatzea gehitu nahi duzu?",
"Remote share password" : "Urruneko partekatzearen pasahitza",
"Incoming share could not be processed" : "Sarrerako partekatzea ezin izan da prozesatu",
"Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "%1$spartekatzeak huts egin du dagoeneko %2$serabiltzailearekin partekatuta dagoelako",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Ezin da erabiltzaile berarekin federatutako partekatzea sortu.",
"Adjust how people can share between servers. This includes shares between users on this server as well if they are using federated sharing." : "Doitu nola parteka dezakeen jendeak zerbitzarien artean. Horrek barne hartzen ditu zerbitzari honetako erabiltzaileen arteko partekatzeak, partekatze federatua erabiltzen ari badira.",
@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" ekintzak huts egin du",
"Toggle selection for file \"{displayName}\"" : "Ordeztu hautatutakoa \"{displayName}\" fitxategiarekin",
"Toggle selection for folder \"{displayName}\"" : "Ordeztu hautatutakoa \"{displayName}\" karpetarekin",
"File is loading" : "Fitxategia kargatzen ari da",
"Folder is loading" : "Karpeta kargatzen ari da",
"Rename file" : "Berrizendatu fitxategia",
"Filename" : "Fitxategi-izena",
"Folder name" : "Karpetaren izena",
@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Another entry with the same name already exists." : "Izen bereko beste sarrera bat badago jada.",
"Invalid filename." : "Fitxategi-izen baliogabea.",
"Renamed \"{oldName}\" to \"{newName}\"" : "\"{oldName}\" \"{newName}\"(e)ra berrizendatu da.",
"Unknown date" : "Data ezezaguna",
"Pending" : "Zain",
"Clear filter" : "Garbitu iragazkia",
"Modified" : "Aldatuta",
@ -200,9 +203,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Confirm deletion" : "Berretsi ezabaketa",
"Cancel" : "Utzi",
"Edit file locally" : "Editatu fitxategia lokalean",
"The file should now open on your device. If it doesn't, please check that you have the desktop app installed." : "Fitxategia orain zure gailuan ireki beharko litzateke. Hala ez bada, egiaztatu mahaigaineko aplikazioa instalatuta duzula.",
"Retry and close" : "Saiatu berriro eta itxi",
"Edit online" : "Editatu sarean",
"Failed to redirect to client" : "Bezerora birbideratzeak huts egin du",
"Edit locally" : "Editatu lokalean",
"Moving \"{source}\" to \"{destination}\" …" : "«{source}» «{destination}»(e)ra mugitzen",
"Copying \"{source}\" to \"{destination}\" …" : "«{source}» «{destination}»(e)ra mugitzen",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Ezin duzu fitxategi/karpeta bat berera edo bere azpikarpeta batera mugitu",
"(copy)" : "(kopiatu)",
"(copy %n)" : "(kopiatu %n)",
@ -235,6 +242,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"PDFs" : "PDFak",
"Folders" : "Karpetak",
"Audio" : "Audio",
"Photos and images" : "Argazkiak eta irudiak",
"Videos" : "Bideoak",
"New folder creation cancelled" : "Karpeta berrien sorrera bertan behera utzi da",
"Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "\"{name}\" karpeta berria sortu da",
@ -257,19 +265,28 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Files moved successfully" : "Fitxategiak behar bezala mugitu dira",
"Conflicts resolution skipped" : "Gatazkak konpontzea saihestu da",
"Upload cancelled" : "Igotzea bertan behera utzi da",
"Adding the file extension \"{new}\" may render the file unreadable." : "«{new}» fitxategiaren luzapena gehitzeak fitxategia irakurezin bihur dezake.",
"Removing the file extension \"{old}\" may render the file unreadable." : "«{old}» fitxategiaren luzapena kentzeak fitxategia irakurezin bihur dezake.",
"Changing the file extension from \"{old}\" to \"{new}\" may render the file unreadable." : "Fitxategiaren luzapena «{old}»(e)tik «{new}»(e)ra aldatzeak irakurezin bihur dezake.",
"Change file extension" : "Aldatu fitxategiaren luzapena",
"Keep {oldextension}" : "Mantendu {oldextension}",
"Use {newextension}" : "Erabili {newextension}",
"Remove extension" : "Kendu luzapena",
"This operation is forbidden" : "Eragiketa hau debekatuta dago",
"This directory is unavailable, please check the logs or contact the administrator" : "Direktorio hau ez dago erabilgarri, egiaztatu egunkariak edo jarri administratzailearekin harremanetan",
"Storage is temporarily not available" : "Biltegia ez dago erabilgarri aldi baterako",
"Unexpected error: {error}" : "Ustekabeko errorea: {error}",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["Karpeta {folderCount}","{folderCount} karpeta"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["Fitxategi {fileCount}","{fileCount} fitxategi"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["Fitxategi 1 eta karpeta {folderCount}","Fitxategi 1 eta {folderCount} karpeta"],
"_{fileCount} file and 1 folder_::_{fileCount} files and 1 folder_" : ["Fitxategi {fileCount} eta karpeta 1","{fileCount} fitxategi eta karpeta 1"],
"{fileCount} files and {folderCount} folders" : "{fileCount} fitxategi eta {folderCount} fitxategi",
"Filename must not be empty." : "Fitxategi-izenak ez du hutsik egon behar.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a filename." : "\"{char}\" ez da onartzen fitxategi-izen baten barruan..",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a filename." : "\"{char}\" ez da onartzen fitxategi-izen baten barruan.",
"\"{segment}\" is a reserved name and not allowed for filenames." : "\"{segment}\" izen erreserbatua da eta ez da onartzen fitxategi-izenetan.",
"\"{extension}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{extension}\" fitxategi mota ez dago baimenduta.",
"Filenames must not end with \"{extension}\"." : "Fitxategi-izenak ez dira \"{extension}\"rekin amaitu behar..",
"List of favorite files and folders." : "Gogoko fitxategi eta karpeten zerrenda.",
"No favorites yet" : "Gogokorik ez oraindik",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Gogokotzat markatutako fitxategi eta karpetak hemen agertuko dira",
"All files" : "Fitxategi guztiak",
@ -369,6 +386,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"An error occurred while trying to update the tags" : "Errore bat gertatu da etiketak eguneratzen saiatzean",
"\"remote user\"" : "\"urruneko erabiltzailea\"",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} badago aurretik.",
"\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a filename." : "«{segment}» ez da onartzen fitxategi-izen baten barruan.",
"\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name." : "«{segment}» debekatutako fitxategi edo karpeta-izen bat da.",
"\"{segment}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "«{segment}» fitxategi-mota ez da onartzen.",
"Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\"." : "Fitxategi-izenak ez dira «{segment}»(e)rekin amaitu behar.",
"Name cannot be empty" : "Izena ezin da hutsik egon",
"Another entry with the same name already exists" : "Badago izen hori duen beste sarrera bat",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Ezin izan da \"{oldName}\" berrizendatu, ez da existitzen dagoeneko",
@ -386,6 +407,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Text file" : "Testu-fitxategia",
"New text file.txt" : "Testu-fitxategi berria.txt",
"Direct link was copied (only works for people who have access to this file/folder)" : "Esteka zuzena kopiatu da (fitxategi/karpeta honetara sarbidea dutenentzat bakarrik balio du)",
"Copy direct link (only works for people who have access to this file/folder)" : "Kopiatu esteka zuzena (fitxategi/karpeta honetara sarbidea dutenentzat bakarrik balio du)"
"Copy direct link (only works for people who have access to this file/folder)" : "Kopiatu esteka zuzena (fitxategi/karpeta honetara sarbidea dutenentzat bakarrik balio du)",
"Favored" : "Mesedetua",
"Favor" : "Mesedea",
"Not favored" : "Mesedetu gabe"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
@ -77,6 +77,8 @@
"\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" ekintzak huts egin du",
"Toggle selection for file \"{displayName}\"" : "Ordeztu hautatutakoa \"{displayName}\" fitxategiarekin",
"Toggle selection for folder \"{displayName}\"" : "Ordeztu hautatutakoa \"{displayName}\" karpetarekin",
"File is loading" : "Fitxategia kargatzen ari da",
"Folder is loading" : "Karpeta kargatzen ari da",
"Rename file" : "Berrizendatu fitxategia",
"Filename" : "Fitxategi-izena",
"Folder name" : "Karpetaren izena",
@ -84,6 +86,7 @@
"Another entry with the same name already exists." : "Izen bereko beste sarrera bat badago jada.",
"Invalid filename." : "Fitxategi-izen baliogabea.",
"Renamed \"{oldName}\" to \"{newName}\"" : "\"{oldName}\" \"{newName}\"(e)ra berrizendatu da.",
"Unknown date" : "Data ezezaguna",
"Pending" : "Zain",
"Clear filter" : "Garbitu iragazkia",
"Modified" : "Aldatuta",
@ -198,9 +201,13 @@
"Confirm deletion" : "Berretsi ezabaketa",
"Cancel" : "Utzi",
"Edit file locally" : "Editatu fitxategia lokalean",
"The file should now open on your device. If it doesn't, please check that you have the desktop app installed." : "Fitxategia orain zure gailuan ireki beharko litzateke. Hala ez bada, egiaztatu mahaigaineko aplikazioa instalatuta duzula.",
"Retry and close" : "Saiatu berriro eta itxi",
"Edit online" : "Editatu sarean",
"Failed to redirect to client" : "Bezerora birbideratzeak huts egin du",
"Edit locally" : "Editatu lokalean",
"Moving \"{source}\" to \"{destination}\" …" : "«{source}» «{destination}»(e)ra mugitzen",
"Copying \"{source}\" to \"{destination}\" …" : "«{source}» «{destination}»(e)ra mugitzen",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "Ezin duzu fitxategi/karpeta bat berera edo bere azpikarpeta batera mugitu",
"(copy)" : "(kopiatu)",
"(copy %n)" : "(kopiatu %n)",
@ -233,6 +240,7 @@
"PDFs" : "PDFak",
"Folders" : "Karpetak",
"Audio" : "Audio",
"Photos and images" : "Argazkiak eta irudiak",
"Videos" : "Bideoak",
"New folder creation cancelled" : "Karpeta berrien sorrera bertan behera utzi da",
"Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "\"{name}\" karpeta berria sortu da",
@ -255,19 +263,28 @@
"Files moved successfully" : "Fitxategiak behar bezala mugitu dira",
"Conflicts resolution skipped" : "Gatazkak konpontzea saihestu da",
"Upload cancelled" : "Igotzea bertan behera utzi da",
"Adding the file extension \"{new}\" may render the file unreadable." : "«{new}» fitxategiaren luzapena gehitzeak fitxategia irakurezin bihur dezake.",
"Removing the file extension \"{old}\" may render the file unreadable." : "«{old}» fitxategiaren luzapena kentzeak fitxategia irakurezin bihur dezake.",
"Changing the file extension from \"{old}\" to \"{new}\" may render the file unreadable." : "Fitxategiaren luzapena «{old}»(e)tik «{new}»(e)ra aldatzeak irakurezin bihur dezake.",
"Change file extension" : "Aldatu fitxategiaren luzapena",
"Keep {oldextension}" : "Mantendu {oldextension}",
"Use {newextension}" : "Erabili {newextension}",
"Remove extension" : "Kendu luzapena",
"This operation is forbidden" : "Eragiketa hau debekatuta dago",
"This directory is unavailable, please check the logs or contact the administrator" : "Direktorio hau ez dago erabilgarri, egiaztatu egunkariak edo jarri administratzailearekin harremanetan",
"Storage is temporarily not available" : "Biltegia ez dago erabilgarri aldi baterako",
"Unexpected error: {error}" : "Ustekabeko errorea: {error}",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["Karpeta {folderCount}","{folderCount} karpeta"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["Fitxategi {fileCount}","{fileCount} fitxategi"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["Fitxategi 1 eta karpeta {folderCount}","Fitxategi 1 eta {folderCount} karpeta"],
"_{fileCount} file and 1 folder_::_{fileCount} files and 1 folder_" : ["Fitxategi {fileCount} eta karpeta 1","{fileCount} fitxategi eta karpeta 1"],
"{fileCount} files and {folderCount} folders" : "{fileCount} fitxategi eta {folderCount} fitxategi",
"Filename must not be empty." : "Fitxategi-izenak ez du hutsik egon behar.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a filename." : "\"{char}\" ez da onartzen fitxategi-izen baten barruan..",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a filename." : "\"{char}\" ez da onartzen fitxategi-izen baten barruan.",
"\"{segment}\" is a reserved name and not allowed for filenames." : "\"{segment}\" izen erreserbatua da eta ez da onartzen fitxategi-izenetan.",
"\"{extension}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{extension}\" fitxategi mota ez dago baimenduta.",
"Filenames must not end with \"{extension}\"." : "Fitxategi-izenak ez dira \"{extension}\"rekin amaitu behar..",
"List of favorite files and folders." : "Gogoko fitxategi eta karpeten zerrenda.",
"No favorites yet" : "Gogokorik ez oraindik",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Gogokotzat markatutako fitxategi eta karpetak hemen agertuko dira",
"All files" : "Fitxategi guztiak",
@ -367,6 +384,10 @@
"An error occurred while trying to update the tags" : "Errore bat gertatu da etiketak eguneratzen saiatzean",
"\"remote user\"" : "\"urruneko erabiltzailea\"",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} badago aurretik.",
"\"{segment}\" is not allowed inside a filename." : "«{segment}» ez da onartzen fitxategi-izen baten barruan.",
"\"{segment}\" is a forbidden file or folder name." : "«{segment}» debekatutako fitxategi edo karpeta-izen bat da.",
"\"{segment}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "«{segment}» fitxategi-mota ez da onartzen.",
"Filenames must not end with \"{segment}\"." : "Fitxategi-izenak ez dira «{segment}»(e)rekin amaitu behar.",
"Name cannot be empty" : "Izena ezin da hutsik egon",
"Another entry with the same name already exists" : "Badago izen hori duen beste sarrera bat",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Ezin izan da \"{oldName}\" berrizendatu, ez da existitzen dagoeneko",
@ -384,6 +405,9 @@
"Text file" : "Testu-fitxategia",
"New text file.txt" : "Testu-fitxategi berria.txt",
"Direct link was copied (only works for people who have access to this file/folder)" : "Esteka zuzena kopiatu da (fitxategi/karpeta honetara sarbidea dutenentzat bakarrik balio du)",
"Copy direct link (only works for people who have access to this file/folder)" : "Kopiatu esteka zuzena (fitxategi/karpeta honetara sarbidea dutenentzat bakarrik balio du)"
"Copy direct link (only works for people who have access to this file/folder)" : "Kopiatu esteka zuzena (fitxategi/karpeta honetara sarbidea dutenentzat bakarrik balio du)",
"Favored" : "Mesedetua",
"Favor" : "Mesedea",
"Not favored" : "Mesedetu gabe"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
@ -95,6 +95,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"External storage support" : "Kanpoko biltegiratzearen euskarria",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Kanpoko biltegiratzearen oinarrizko euskarria gehitzen du",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administration can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for an account, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows people to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the administration with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Aplikazio honek aukera ematen die administratzaileei kanpoko biltegiratze hornitzaileetara konexioak konfiguratzeko, hala nola, FTP zerbitzariak, S3 edo SWIFT objektuen biltegiak, beste Nextcloud zerbitzariak, WebDAV zerbitzariak eta gehiago. Administratzaileak aukeratu dezake ze biltegiratze mota gaitu nahi dituen eta biltegiratze kokaleku horiek kontu, talde edo sistema osorako munta ditzake. Erabiltzaileek beren erroko Nextcloud direktorioan karpeta berri bat agertu dela ikusiko dute; bertara sarbidea izango dute eta Nextcloudeko beste edozein karpeta bezala erabil dezakete. Kanpoko biltegiratzeak kanpoko kokaleku horietan gordetako fitxategiak partekatzeko aukera ere ematen die erabiltzaileei. Kasu horietan, hartzaileak kanpoko biltegiratzeko fitxategira sarbidea eskatzen duenean fitxategiaren jabearen kredentzialak erabiltzen dira, modu horretan hartzaileak partekatutako fitxategia atzitu dezakeela ziurtatuz.\n\nKanpoko biltegiratzea GUI edo komando lerro bidez konfigura daiteke. Bigarren aukerak malgutasun handiagoa eskaintzen dio administratzaileari, kanpoko biltegiratzeen muntatzea multzoka konfiguratzeko eta muntatze lehentasunak ezartzeko. Eskuragarri dago informazio gehiago kanpoko biltegiratzeen GUIaren eta kanpoko biltegiratzearen konfigurazio fitxategiaren dokumentazioetan.",
"Storage credentials" : "Biltegiaren kredentzialak",
"To access the storage, you need to provide the authentication credentials." : "Biltegian sartzeko, autentifikazio-kredentzialak eman behar dituzu.",
"Enter the storage login" : "Sartu biltegiratze-saioa",
"Enter the storage password" : "Sartu biltegiratze pasahitza",
"Submit" : "Bidali",
"Unable to update this external storage config. {statusMessage}" : "Ezin izan da kanpoko biltegiaren konfigurazioa aldatu. {statusMessage}",
"New configuration successfully saved" : "Konfigurazio berria ondo gorde da",
@ -125,6 +129,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Once every direct access" : "Sarbide zuzen bakoitzean",
"Read only" : "Irakurtzeko soilik",
"Disconnect" : "Deskonektatu",
"Unknown backend: {backendName}" : "Backend ezezaguna: {backendName}",
"Admin defined" : "Administratzaileak definitua",
"Automatic status checking is disabled due to the large number of configured storages, click to check status" : "Egoeraren egiaztatze automatikoa desgaituta dago konfiguratutako biltegiratze kopuru handia dela eta, egin klik egoera egiaztatzeko",
"Are you sure you want to disconnect this external storage? It will make the storage unavailable in Nextcloud and will lead to a deletion of these files and folders on any sync client that is currently connected but will not delete any files and folders on the external storage itself." : "Ziur kanpoko biltegiratze hau deskonektatu nahi duzula? Biltegiratzea ez da erabilgarri egongo Nextclouden eta fitxategi eta karpeta hauek ezabatuko ditu une honetan konektatuta dagoen edozein sinkronizazio-bezerotan, baina ez du fitxategi edo karpetarik ezabatuko kanpoko biltegian.",
@ -156,6 +161,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Aplikazio honek aukera ematen die administratzaileei kanpoko biltegiratze hornitzaileetara konexioak konfiguratzeko, hala nola, FTP zerbitzariak, S3 edo SWIFT objektuen biltegiak, beste Nextcloud zerbitzariak, WebDAV zerbitzariak eta gehiago. Administratzaileak aukeratu dezake ze biltegiratze mota gaitu nahi dituen eta biltegiratze kokaleku horiek erabiltzaile batentzat, talde batentzat edo sistema osorako munta ditzake. Erabiltzaileek beren erroko Nextcloud direktorioan karpeta berri bat agertu dela ikusiko dute; bertara sarbidea izango dute eta Nextcloudeko beste edozein karpeta bezala erabil dezakete. Kanpoko biltegiratzeak kanpoko kokaleku horietan gordetako fitxategiak partekatzeko aukera ere ematen die erabiltzaileei. Kasu horietan, hartzaileak kanpoko biltegiratzeko fitxategira sarbidea eskatzen duenean fitxategiaren jabearen kredentzialak erabiltzen dira, modu horretan hartzaileak partekatutako fitxategia atzitu dezakeela ziurtatuz.\n\nKanpoko biltegiratzea GUI edo komando lerro bidez konfigura daiteke. Bigarren aukerak malgutasun handiagoa eskaintzen dio erabiltzaile aurreratuari, kanpoko biltegiratzeen muntatzea multzoka konfiguratzeko eta muntatze lehentasunak ezartzeko. Eskuragarri dago informazio gehiago kanpoko biltegiratzeen GUIaren eta kanpoko biltegiratzearen konfigurazio fitxategiaren dokumentazioetan.",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Kanpoko biltegiratzeak aukera ematen dizu kanpoko biltegiratze zerbitzuak eta gailuak erabiltzeko Nextlcloudeko bigarren mailako biltegiratze gailu bezala. Gainera, aukera eman diezaiekezu erabiltzaileei beren kanpoko biltegiratze zerbitzuak muntatzeko.",
"All users" : "Erabiltzaile guztiak",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Baimendu erabiltzaileek kanpoko biltegiratze zerbitzuak muntatzea"
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Baimendu erabiltzaileek kanpoko biltegiratze zerbitzuak muntatzea",
"To access the storage, you need to provide the authentification informations." : "Biltegian sartzeko, autentifikazio-informazioa eman behar duzu."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
@ -93,6 +93,10 @@
"External storage support" : "Kanpoko biltegiratzearen euskarria",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Kanpoko biltegiratzearen oinarrizko euskarria gehitzen du",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administration can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for an account, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows people to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the administration with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Aplikazio honek aukera ematen die administratzaileei kanpoko biltegiratze hornitzaileetara konexioak konfiguratzeko, hala nola, FTP zerbitzariak, S3 edo SWIFT objektuen biltegiak, beste Nextcloud zerbitzariak, WebDAV zerbitzariak eta gehiago. Administratzaileak aukeratu dezake ze biltegiratze mota gaitu nahi dituen eta biltegiratze kokaleku horiek kontu, talde edo sistema osorako munta ditzake. Erabiltzaileek beren erroko Nextcloud direktorioan karpeta berri bat agertu dela ikusiko dute; bertara sarbidea izango dute eta Nextcloudeko beste edozein karpeta bezala erabil dezakete. Kanpoko biltegiratzeak kanpoko kokaleku horietan gordetako fitxategiak partekatzeko aukera ere ematen die erabiltzaileei. Kasu horietan, hartzaileak kanpoko biltegiratzeko fitxategira sarbidea eskatzen duenean fitxategiaren jabearen kredentzialak erabiltzen dira, modu horretan hartzaileak partekatutako fitxategia atzitu dezakeela ziurtatuz.\n\nKanpoko biltegiratzea GUI edo komando lerro bidez konfigura daiteke. Bigarren aukerak malgutasun handiagoa eskaintzen dio administratzaileari, kanpoko biltegiratzeen muntatzea multzoka konfiguratzeko eta muntatze lehentasunak ezartzeko. Eskuragarri dago informazio gehiago kanpoko biltegiratzeen GUIaren eta kanpoko biltegiratzearen konfigurazio fitxategiaren dokumentazioetan.",
"Storage credentials" : "Biltegiaren kredentzialak",
"To access the storage, you need to provide the authentication credentials." : "Biltegian sartzeko, autentifikazio-kredentzialak eman behar dituzu.",
"Enter the storage login" : "Sartu biltegiratze-saioa",
"Enter the storage password" : "Sartu biltegiratze pasahitza",
"Submit" : "Bidali",
"Unable to update this external storage config. {statusMessage}" : "Ezin izan da kanpoko biltegiaren konfigurazioa aldatu. {statusMessage}",
"New configuration successfully saved" : "Konfigurazio berria ondo gorde da",
@ -123,6 +127,7 @@
"Once every direct access" : "Sarbide zuzen bakoitzean",
"Read only" : "Irakurtzeko soilik",
"Disconnect" : "Deskonektatu",
"Unknown backend: {backendName}" : "Backend ezezaguna: {backendName}",
"Admin defined" : "Administratzaileak definitua",
"Automatic status checking is disabled due to the large number of configured storages, click to check status" : "Egoeraren egiaztatze automatikoa desgaituta dago konfiguratutako biltegiratze kopuru handia dela eta, egin klik egoera egiaztatzeko",
"Are you sure you want to disconnect this external storage? It will make the storage unavailable in Nextcloud and will lead to a deletion of these files and folders on any sync client that is currently connected but will not delete any files and folders on the external storage itself." : "Ziur kanpoko biltegiratze hau deskonektatu nahi duzula? Biltegiratzea ez da erabilgarri egongo Nextclouden eta fitxategi eta karpeta hauek ezabatuko ditu une honetan konektatuta dagoen edozein sinkronizazio-bezerotan, baina ez du fitxategi edo karpetarik ezabatuko kanpoko biltegian.",
@ -154,6 +159,7 @@
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Aplikazio honek aukera ematen die administratzaileei kanpoko biltegiratze hornitzaileetara konexioak konfiguratzeko, hala nola, FTP zerbitzariak, S3 edo SWIFT objektuen biltegiak, beste Nextcloud zerbitzariak, WebDAV zerbitzariak eta gehiago. Administratzaileak aukeratu dezake ze biltegiratze mota gaitu nahi dituen eta biltegiratze kokaleku horiek erabiltzaile batentzat, talde batentzat edo sistema osorako munta ditzake. Erabiltzaileek beren erroko Nextcloud direktorioan karpeta berri bat agertu dela ikusiko dute; bertara sarbidea izango dute eta Nextcloudeko beste edozein karpeta bezala erabil dezakete. Kanpoko biltegiratzeak kanpoko kokaleku horietan gordetako fitxategiak partekatzeko aukera ere ematen die erabiltzaileei. Kasu horietan, hartzaileak kanpoko biltegiratzeko fitxategira sarbidea eskatzen duenean fitxategiaren jabearen kredentzialak erabiltzen dira, modu horretan hartzaileak partekatutako fitxategia atzitu dezakeela ziurtatuz.\n\nKanpoko biltegiratzea GUI edo komando lerro bidez konfigura daiteke. Bigarren aukerak malgutasun handiagoa eskaintzen dio erabiltzaile aurreratuari, kanpoko biltegiratzeen muntatzea multzoka konfiguratzeko eta muntatze lehentasunak ezartzeko. Eskuragarri dago informazio gehiago kanpoko biltegiratzeen GUIaren eta kanpoko biltegiratzearen konfigurazio fitxategiaren dokumentazioetan.",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Kanpoko biltegiratzeak aukera ematen dizu kanpoko biltegiratze zerbitzuak eta gailuak erabiltzeko Nextlcloudeko bigarren mailako biltegiratze gailu bezala. Gainera, aukera eman diezaiekezu erabiltzaileei beren kanpoko biltegiratze zerbitzuak muntatzeko.",
"All users" : "Erabiltzaile guztiak",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Baimendu erabiltzaileek kanpoko biltegiratze zerbitzuak muntatzea"
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Baimendu erabiltzaileek kanpoko biltegiratze zerbitzuak muntatzea",
"To access the storage, you need to provide the authentification informations." : "Biltegian sartzeko, autentifikazio-informazioa eman behar duzu."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
@ -94,6 +94,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"External storage" : "Archiviazione esterna",
"External storage support" : "Supporto archiviazioni esterne",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Aggiunge un supporto di base per archiviazioni esterne",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administration can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for an account, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows people to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the administration with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Questa applicazione consente agli amministratori di configurare connessioni a provider di archiviazione esterni, come server FTP, archivi di oggetti S3 o SWIFT, altri server Nextcloud, server WebDAV e altro ancora. L'amministrazione può scegliere quali tipi di archiviazione abilitare e montare queste posizioni di archiviazione per un account, un gruppo o l'intero sistema. Gli utenti vedranno apparire una nuova cartella nella loro directory principale di Nextcloud, a cui potranno accedere e utilizzare come qualsiasi altra cartella Nextcloud. L'archiviazione esterna consente inoltre alle persone di condividere file archiviati in queste posizioni esterne. In questi casi, le credenziali del proprietario del file vengono utilizzate quando il destinatario richiede il file da un archivio esterno, garantendo così che il destinatario possa accedere al file condiviso.\n\nL'archiviazione esterna può essere configurata utilizzando la GUI o dalla riga di comando. Questa seconda opzione offre all'amministrazione maggiore flessibilità per la configurazione dei montaggi di archiviazione esterni in blocco e l'impostazione delle priorità di montaggio. Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili nella documentazione della GUI dell'archiviazione esterna e nella documentazione del file di configurazione dell'archiviazione esterna.",
"Storage credentials" : "Credenziali dello spazio di archiviazione",
"To access the storage, you need to provide the authentication credentials." : "Per accedere allo spazio di archiviazione è necessario fornire le credenziali di autenticazione.",
"Enter the storage login" : "Inserisci le credenziali dello spazio di archiviazione",
"Enter the storage password" : "Inserisci la password dello spazio di archiviazione",
"Submit" : "Invia",
"Unable to update this external storage config. {statusMessage}" : "Impossibile aggiornare questa configurazione di archiviazione esterna. {statusMessage}",
"New configuration successfully saved" : "Nuova configurazione salvata correttamente",
@ -124,6 +129,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Once every direct access" : "Una volta per ogni accesso diretto",
"Read only" : "Sola lettura",
"Disconnect" : "Disconnetti",
"Unknown backend: {backendName}" : "Backend sconosciuto: {backendName}",
"Admin defined" : "Definito dall'amministratore",
"Automatic status checking is disabled due to the large number of configured storages, click to check status" : "Il controllo automatico dello stato è disabilitato a causa del numero elevato di archivi configurati, fai clic per controllare lo stato",
"Are you sure you want to disconnect this external storage? It will make the storage unavailable in Nextcloud and will lead to a deletion of these files and folders on any sync client that is currently connected but will not delete any files and folders on the external storage itself." : "Sei sicuro di voler disconnettere questo spazio di archiviazione esterno? Ciò renderà lo spazio di archiviazione non disponibile in Nextcloud e comporterà l'eliminazione di questi file e cartelle su qualsiasi client di sincronizzazione attualmente connesso, ma non eliminerà alcun file e cartella sullo spazio di archiviazione esterno stesso.",
@ -155,6 +161,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Questa applicazione consente agli amministratori di configurare connessioni a fornitori di archiviazione esterna, come server FTP, archivi di oggetti S3 o SWIFT, altri server Nextcloud, server WebDAV e altro. Gli amministratori possono scegliere quale tipo di archiviazione abilitare e possono montare queste posizioni di archiviazione per un utente, un gruppo o per l'intero sistema. Gli utenti vedranno una nuova cartella apparire nella loro cartella radice di Nextcloud, che possono accedere e utilizzare come qualsiasi altra cartella di Nextcloud. L'archiviazione esterna consente anche agli utenti di condividere file archiviati in queste posizioni esterne. In questi casi, le credenziali del proprietario del file sono utilizzate quando il destinatario richiede il file da archiviazione esterna, assicurando in tal modo che il destinatario possa accedere al file condiviso.\n\nL'archiviazione esterna può essere configurata utilizzando l'interfaccia grafica o la riga di comando. Questa seconda opzione fornisce maggiore flessibilità all'utente avanzato per una configurazione massiva dei punti di mount delle archiviazioni esterne e l'impostazione delle priorità dei punti di mount. Altre informazioni sono disponibili nella documentazione dell'interfaccia grafica dell'archiviazione esterna e nella documentazione del file di configurazione delle archiviazioni esterne.",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Archiviazioni esterne ti consente di montare servizi di archiviazione esterna e dispositivi come dispositivi di archiviazione secondari di Nextcloud. Puoi anche permettere agli utenti di montare i propri servizi di archiviazione esterna.",
"All users" : "Tutti gli utenti",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Consenti agli utenti di montare archiviazioni esterne"
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Consenti agli utenti di montare archiviazioni esterne",
"To access the storage, you need to provide the authentification informations." : "Per accedere allo spazio di archiviazione è necessario fornire le informazioni di autenticazione."
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
@ -92,6 +92,11 @@
"External storage" : "Archiviazione esterna",
"External storage support" : "Supporto archiviazioni esterne",
"Adds basic external storage support" : "Aggiunge un supporto di base per archiviazioni esterne",
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administration can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for an account, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows people to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the administration with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Questa applicazione consente agli amministratori di configurare connessioni a provider di archiviazione esterni, come server FTP, archivi di oggetti S3 o SWIFT, altri server Nextcloud, server WebDAV e altro ancora. L'amministrazione può scegliere quali tipi di archiviazione abilitare e montare queste posizioni di archiviazione per un account, un gruppo o l'intero sistema. Gli utenti vedranno apparire una nuova cartella nella loro directory principale di Nextcloud, a cui potranno accedere e utilizzare come qualsiasi altra cartella Nextcloud. L'archiviazione esterna consente inoltre alle persone di condividere file archiviati in queste posizioni esterne. In questi casi, le credenziali del proprietario del file vengono utilizzate quando il destinatario richiede il file da un archivio esterno, garantendo così che il destinatario possa accedere al file condiviso.\n\nL'archiviazione esterna può essere configurata utilizzando la GUI o dalla riga di comando. Questa seconda opzione offre all'amministrazione maggiore flessibilità per la configurazione dei montaggi di archiviazione esterni in blocco e l'impostazione delle priorità di montaggio. Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili nella documentazione della GUI dell'archiviazione esterna e nella documentazione del file di configurazione dell'archiviazione esterna.",
"Storage credentials" : "Credenziali dello spazio di archiviazione",
"To access the storage, you need to provide the authentication credentials." : "Per accedere allo spazio di archiviazione è necessario fornire le credenziali di autenticazione.",
"Enter the storage login" : "Inserisci le credenziali dello spazio di archiviazione",
"Enter the storage password" : "Inserisci la password dello spazio di archiviazione",
"Submit" : "Invia",
"Unable to update this external storage config. {statusMessage}" : "Impossibile aggiornare questa configurazione di archiviazione esterna. {statusMessage}",
"New configuration successfully saved" : "Nuova configurazione salvata correttamente",
@ -122,6 +127,7 @@
"Once every direct access" : "Una volta per ogni accesso diretto",
"Read only" : "Sola lettura",
"Disconnect" : "Disconnetti",
"Unknown backend: {backendName}" : "Backend sconosciuto: {backendName}",
"Admin defined" : "Definito dall'amministratore",
"Automatic status checking is disabled due to the large number of configured storages, click to check status" : "Il controllo automatico dello stato è disabilitato a causa del numero elevato di archivi configurati, fai clic per controllare lo stato",
"Are you sure you want to disconnect this external storage? It will make the storage unavailable in Nextcloud and will lead to a deletion of these files and folders on any sync client that is currently connected but will not delete any files and folders on the external storage itself." : "Sei sicuro di voler disconnettere questo spazio di archiviazione esterno? Ciò renderà lo spazio di archiviazione non disponibile in Nextcloud e comporterà l'eliminazione di questi file e cartelle su qualsiasi client di sincronizzazione attualmente connesso, ma non eliminerà alcun file e cartella sullo spazio di archiviazione esterno stesso.",
@ -153,6 +159,7 @@
"This application enables administrators to configure connections to external storage providers, such as FTP servers, S3 or SWIFT object stores, other Nextcloud servers, WebDAV servers, and more. Administrators can choose which types of storage to enable and can mount these storage locations for a user, a group, or the entire system. Users will see a new folder appear in their root Nextcloud directory, which they can access and use like any other Nextcloud folder. External storage also allows users to share files stored in these external locations. In these cases, the credentials for the owner of the file are used when the recipient requests the file from external storage, thereby ensuring that the recipient can access the shared file.\n\nExternal storage can be configured using the GUI or at the command line. This second option provides the advanced user with more flexibility for configuring bulk external storage mounts and setting mount priorities. More information is available in the external storage GUI documentation and the external storage Configuration File documentation." : "Questa applicazione consente agli amministratori di configurare connessioni a fornitori di archiviazione esterna, come server FTP, archivi di oggetti S3 o SWIFT, altri server Nextcloud, server WebDAV e altro. Gli amministratori possono scegliere quale tipo di archiviazione abilitare e possono montare queste posizioni di archiviazione per un utente, un gruppo o per l'intero sistema. Gli utenti vedranno una nuova cartella apparire nella loro cartella radice di Nextcloud, che possono accedere e utilizzare come qualsiasi altra cartella di Nextcloud. L'archiviazione esterna consente anche agli utenti di condividere file archiviati in queste posizioni esterne. In questi casi, le credenziali del proprietario del file sono utilizzate quando il destinatario richiede il file da archiviazione esterna, assicurando in tal modo che il destinatario possa accedere al file condiviso.\n\nL'archiviazione esterna può essere configurata utilizzando l'interfaccia grafica o la riga di comando. Questa seconda opzione fornisce maggiore flessibilità all'utente avanzato per una configurazione massiva dei punti di mount delle archiviazioni esterne e l'impostazione delle priorità dei punti di mount. Altre informazioni sono disponibili nella documentazione dell'interfaccia grafica dell'archiviazione esterna e nella documentazione del file di configurazione delle archiviazioni esterne.",
"External storage enables you to mount external storage services and devices as secondary Nextcloud storage devices. You may also allow users to mount their own external storage services." : "Archiviazioni esterne ti consente di montare servizi di archiviazione esterna e dispositivi come dispositivi di archiviazione secondari di Nextcloud. Puoi anche permettere agli utenti di montare i propri servizi di archiviazione esterna.",
"All users" : "Tutti gli utenti",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Consenti agli utenti di montare archiviazioni esterne"
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Consenti agli utenti di montare archiviazioni esterne",
"To access the storage, you need to provide the authentification informations." : "Per accedere allo spazio di archiviazione è necessario fornire le informazioni di autenticazione."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "أعرُض الملف",
"View folder" : "أعرُض المجلد",
"Set file reminders" : "تعيين تذكيرات للملفات",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 تذكيرات الملفات File reminders**\n\nتعيين تذكيرات الملفات.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "سوف يتم تذكيرك بهذا الملف",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "من فضلك، إختَر وقتاً و تاريخاً صحيحين",
"Cancel" : "إلغاء",
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "نهاية هذا الأسبوع",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "عيّن التذكير لنهاية هذا الأسبوع",
"Next week" : "الأسبوع القادم",
"Set reminder for next week" : "عيّن التذكير للأسبوع القادم"
"Set reminder for next week" : "عيّن التذكير للأسبوع القادم",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 تذكيرات الملفات File reminders**\n\nتعيين تذكيرات الملفات."
"nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "أعرُض الملف",
"View folder" : "أعرُض المجلد",
"Set file reminders" : "تعيين تذكيرات للملفات",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 تذكيرات الملفات File reminders**\n\nتعيين تذكيرات الملفات.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "سوف يتم تذكيرك بهذا الملف",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "من فضلك، إختَر وقتاً و تاريخاً صحيحين",
"Cancel" : "إلغاء",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@
"This weekend" : "نهاية هذا الأسبوع",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "عيّن التذكير لنهاية هذا الأسبوع",
"Next week" : "الأسبوع القادم",
"Set reminder for next week" : "عيّن التذكير للأسبوع القادم"
"Set reminder for next week" : "عيّن التذكير للأسبوع القادم",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 تذكيرات الملفات File reminders**\n\nتعيين تذكيرات الملفات."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "Zobrazit soubor",
"View folder" : "Zobrazit složku",
"Set file reminders" : "Nastavit připomínky souborů",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Připomínky souborů**\n\nNastavte připomínky souborů.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Připomeneme vám tento soubor",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Zvolte platný datum a čas",
"Cancel" : "Storno",
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "Tento víkend",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Nastavit připomínku na tento víkend",
"Next week" : "Příští týden",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Nastavit připomínku pro příští týden"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Nastavit připomínku pro příští týden",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Připomínky souborů**\n\nNastavte připomínky souborů."
"nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n >= 2 && n <= 4 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 1 != 0 ) ? 2 : 3;");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "Zobrazit soubor",
"View folder" : "Zobrazit složku",
"Set file reminders" : "Nastavit připomínky souborů",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Připomínky souborů**\n\nNastavte připomínky souborů.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Připomeneme vám tento soubor",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Zvolte platný datum a čas",
"Cancel" : "Storno",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@
"This weekend" : "Tento víkend",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Nastavit připomínku na tento víkend",
"Next week" : "Příští týden",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Nastavit připomínku pro příští týden"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Nastavit připomínku pro příští týden",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Připomínky souborů**\n\nNastavte připomínky souborů."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n >= 2 && n <= 4 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 1 != 0 ) ? 2 : 3;"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "Datei anzeigen",
"View folder" : "Ordner anzeigen",
"Set file reminders" : "Dateierinnerungen setzen",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Dateierinnerungen**\n\nSetze Dateierinnerungen.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Du wirst an diese Datei erinnert",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Bitte gültiges Datum und Uhrzeit wählen",
"Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "Dieses Wochenende",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Erinnerung für dieses Wochenende erstellen",
"Next week" : "Nächste Woche",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Erinnerung für nächste Woche erstellen"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Erinnerung für nächste Woche erstellen",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Dateierinnerungen**\n\nSetze Dateierinnerungen."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "Datei anzeigen",
"View folder" : "Ordner anzeigen",
"Set file reminders" : "Dateierinnerungen setzen",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Dateierinnerungen**\n\nSetze Dateierinnerungen.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Du wirst an diese Datei erinnert",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Bitte gültiges Datum und Uhrzeit wählen",
"Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@
"This weekend" : "Dieses Wochenende",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Erinnerung für dieses Wochenende erstellen",
"Next week" : "Nächste Woche",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Erinnerung für nächste Woche erstellen"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Erinnerung für nächste Woche erstellen",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Dateierinnerungen**\n\nSetze Dateierinnerungen."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "Datei anzeigen",
"View folder" : "Ordner anzeigen",
"Set file reminders" : "Dateierinnerungen setzen",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Dateierinnerungen**\n\nSetze Dateierinnerungen.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Sie werden an diese Datei erinnert",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Bitte gültiges Datum und Uhrzeit wählen",
"Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "Dieses Wochenende",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Erinnerung für kommendes Wochenende erstellen",
"Next week" : "Nächste Woche",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Erinnerung für nächste Woche erstellen"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Erinnerung für nächste Woche erstellen",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Dateierinnerungen**\n\nSetze Dateierinnerungen."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "Datei anzeigen",
"View folder" : "Ordner anzeigen",
"Set file reminders" : "Dateierinnerungen setzen",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Dateierinnerungen**\n\nSetze Dateierinnerungen.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Sie werden an diese Datei erinnert",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Bitte gültiges Datum und Uhrzeit wählen",
"Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@
"This weekend" : "Dieses Wochenende",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Erinnerung für kommendes Wochenende erstellen",
"Next week" : "Nächste Woche",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Erinnerung für nächste Woche erstellen"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Erinnerung für nächste Woche erstellen",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Dateierinnerungen**\n\nSetze Dateierinnerungen."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "Προβολή αρχείου",
"View folder" : "Προβολή φακέλου",
"Set file reminders" : "Ορίστε υπενθυμίσεις αρχείων",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Υπενθυμίσεις αρχείων**\n\nΟρίστε υπενθυμίσεις αρχείων.",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Επιλέξτε μια έγκυρη ημερομηνία και ώρα",
"Cancel" : "Ακύρωση",
"Clear reminder" : "Εκκαθάριση υπενθύμισης",
@ -23,6 +22,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "Αυτό το Σαββατοκύριακο",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Ορίστε υπενθύμιση για αυτό το Σαββατοκύριακο",
"Next week" : "Επόμενη εβδομάδα",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Ορίστε υπενθύμιση για την επόμενη εβδομάδα"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Ορίστε υπενθύμιση για την επόμενη εβδομάδα",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Υπενθυμίσεις αρχείων**\n\nΟρίστε υπενθυμίσεις αρχείων."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "Προβολή αρχείου",
"View folder" : "Προβολή φακέλου",
"Set file reminders" : "Ορίστε υπενθυμίσεις αρχείων",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Υπενθυμίσεις αρχείων**\n\nΟρίστε υπενθυμίσεις αρχείων.",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Επιλέξτε μια έγκυρη ημερομηνία και ώρα",
"Cancel" : "Ακύρωση",
"Clear reminder" : "Εκκαθάριση υπενθύμισης",
@ -21,6 +20,7 @@
"This weekend" : "Αυτό το Σαββατοκύριακο",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Ορίστε υπενθύμιση για αυτό το Σαββατοκύριακο",
"Next week" : "Επόμενη εβδομάδα",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Ορίστε υπενθύμιση για την επόμενη εβδομάδα"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Ορίστε υπενθύμιση για την επόμενη εβδομάδα",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Υπενθυμίσεις αρχείων**\n\nΟρίστε υπενθυμίσεις αρχείων."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "View file",
"View folder" : "View folder",
"Set file reminders" : "Set file reminders",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "We will remind you of this file",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Please choose a valid date & time",
"Cancel" : "Cancel",
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "This weekend",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Set reminder for this weekend",
"Next week" : "Next week",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Set reminder for next week"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Set reminder for next week",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "View file",
"View folder" : "View folder",
"Set file reminders" : "Set file reminders",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "We will remind you of this file",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Please choose a valid date & time",
"Cancel" : "Cancel",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@
"This weekend" : "This weekend",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Set reminder for this weekend",
"Next week" : "Next week",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Set reminder for next week"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Set reminder for next week",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "Ver archivo",
"View folder" : "Ver carpeta",
"Set file reminders" : "Establecer recordatorios de archivo",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Recordatorios de archivo**\n\nEstablecer recordatorios de archivo.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Le recordaremos de este archivo",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Por favor, escoja una fecha y hora válidas",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "Este fin de semana",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Configurar recordatorio para este fin de semana",
"Next week" : "Semana siguiente",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Configurar recordatorio para la semana que viene"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Configurar recordatorio para la semana que viene",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Recordatorios de archivo**\n\nEstablecer recordatorios de archivo."
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "Ver archivo",
"View folder" : "Ver carpeta",
"Set file reminders" : "Establecer recordatorios de archivo",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Recordatorios de archivo**\n\nEstablecer recordatorios de archivo.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Le recordaremos de este archivo",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Por favor, escoja una fecha y hora válidas",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@
"This weekend" : "Este fin de semana",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Configurar recordatorio para este fin de semana",
"Next week" : "Semana siguiente",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Configurar recordatorio para la semana que viene"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Configurar recordatorio para la semana que viene",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Recordatorios de archivo**\n\nEstablecer recordatorios de archivo."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
"File reminders" : "Fitxategiaren gogorarazpenak",
"View file" : "Ikusi fitxategia",
"View folder" : "Ikusi karpeta",
"Cancel" : "Utzi",
"Clear reminder" : "Garbitu gogorarazpena",
"Set reminder" : "Ezarri gogorarazpena",
"Failed to clear reminder" : "Gogorarazpena garbitzeak huts egin du",
"Set custom reminder" : "Ezarri gogorarazpen pertsonalizatua",
"Later today" : "Beranduago gaur",
"Set reminder for later today" : "Ezarri gogorarazpena gaur beranduagorako",
"Tomorrow" : "Bihar",
"Set reminder for tomorrow" : "Ezarri gogorarazpena biharko",
"This weekend" : "Asteburu hau",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Ezarri gogorarazpena asteburu honetarako",
"Next week" : "Hurrengo astea",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Ezarri gogorarazpena hurrengo asterako"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
{ "translations": {
"File reminders" : "Fitxategiaren gogorarazpenak",
"View file" : "Ikusi fitxategia",
"View folder" : "Ikusi karpeta",
"Cancel" : "Utzi",
"Clear reminder" : "Garbitu gogorarazpena",
"Set reminder" : "Ezarri gogorarazpena",
"Failed to clear reminder" : "Gogorarazpena garbitzeak huts egin du",
"Set custom reminder" : "Ezarri gogorarazpen pertsonalizatua",
"Later today" : "Beranduago gaur",
"Set reminder for later today" : "Ezarri gogorarazpena gaur beranduagorako",
"Tomorrow" : "Bihar",
"Set reminder for tomorrow" : "Ezarri gogorarazpena biharko",
"This weekend" : "Asteburu hau",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Ezarri gogorarazpena asteburu honetarako",
"Next week" : "Hurrengo astea",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Ezarri gogorarazpena hurrengo asterako"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "Näytä tiedosto",
"View folder" : "Näytä kansio",
"Set file reminders" : "Aseta tiedostomuistutuksia",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Tiedostomuistutukset**\n\nAseta tiedostomuistutuksia.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Muistutamme sinua tästä tiedostosta",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Valitse kelvollinen päivä ja aika",
"Cancel" : "Peruuta",
@ -26,6 +25,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "Tämä viikonloppu",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Aseta muistutus tälle viikonlopulle",
"Next week" : "Seuraava viikko",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Aseta muistutus seuraavalle viikolle"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Aseta muistutus seuraavalle viikolle",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Tiedostomuistutukset**\n\nAseta tiedostomuistutuksia."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "Näytä tiedosto",
"View folder" : "Näytä kansio",
"Set file reminders" : "Aseta tiedostomuistutuksia",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Tiedostomuistutukset**\n\nAseta tiedostomuistutuksia.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Muistutamme sinua tästä tiedostosta",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Valitse kelvollinen päivä ja aika",
"Cancel" : "Peruuta",
@ -24,6 +23,7 @@
"This weekend" : "Tämä viikonloppu",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Aseta muistutus tälle viikonlopulle",
"Next week" : "Seuraava viikko",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Aseta muistutus seuraavalle viikolle"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Aseta muistutus seuraavalle viikolle",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Tiedostomuistutukset**\n\nAseta tiedostomuistutuksia."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "Voir le fichier",
"View folder" : "Voir le dossier",
"Set file reminders" : "Définir des rappels pour des fichiers",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Rappels de fichiers**\n\nDéfinissez des rappels de fichiers.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Nous vous rappellerons de ce fichier",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Veuillez choisir une date et une heure valables",
"Cancel" : "Annuler",
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "Ce week-end",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Définir un rappel pour ce week-end",
"Next week" : "Semaine suivante",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Définir un rappel pour la semaine prochaine"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Définir un rappel pour la semaine prochaine",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Rappels de fichiers**\n\nDéfinissez des rappels de fichiers."
"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "Voir le fichier",
"View folder" : "Voir le dossier",
"Set file reminders" : "Définir des rappels pour des fichiers",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Rappels de fichiers**\n\nDéfinissez des rappels de fichiers.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Nous vous rappellerons de ce fichier",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Veuillez choisir une date et une heure valables",
"Cancel" : "Annuler",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@
"This weekend" : "Ce week-end",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Définir un rappel pour ce week-end",
"Next week" : "Semaine suivante",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Définir un rappel pour la semaine prochaine"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Définir un rappel pour la semaine prochaine",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Rappels de fichiers**\n\nDéfinissez des rappels de fichiers."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "Féach ar chomhad",
"View folder" : "Féach ar fhillteán",
"Set file reminders" : "Socraigh meabhrúcháin comhaid",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Meabhrúcháin comhaid**\n\nSocraigh meabhrúcháin comhaid.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Cuirfimid an comhad seo i gcuimhne duit",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Roghnaigh dáta agus am bailí le do thoil",
"Cancel" : "Cealaigh",
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "An deireadh seachtaine seo",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Socraigh meabhrúchán don deireadh seachtaine seo",
"Next week" : "An tseachtain seo chugainn",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Socraigh meabhrúchán don tseachtain seo chugainn"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Socraigh meabhrúchán don tseachtain seo chugainn",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Meabhrúcháin comhaid**\n\nSocraigh meabhrúcháin comhaid."
"nplurals=5; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n==2 ? 1 : n<7 ? 2 : n<11 ? 3 : 4);");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "Féach ar chomhad",
"View folder" : "Féach ar fhillteán",
"Set file reminders" : "Socraigh meabhrúcháin comhaid",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Meabhrúcháin comhaid**\n\nSocraigh meabhrúcháin comhaid.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Cuirfimid an comhad seo i gcuimhne duit",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Roghnaigh dáta agus am bailí le do thoil",
"Cancel" : "Cealaigh",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@
"This weekend" : "An deireadh seachtaine seo",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Socraigh meabhrúchán don deireadh seachtaine seo",
"Next week" : "An tseachtain seo chugainn",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Socraigh meabhrúchán don tseachtain seo chugainn"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Socraigh meabhrúchán don tseachtain seo chugainn",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Meabhrúcháin comhaid**\n\nSocraigh meabhrúcháin comhaid."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=5; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n==2 ? 1 : n<7 ? 2 : n<11 ? 3 : 4);"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "Ver ficheiro",
"View folder" : "Ver cartafol",
"Set file reminders" : "Definir lembretes de ficheiros",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Lembretes de ficheiros**\n\nDefinir lembretes de ficheiros.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Lembrarémoslle este ficheiro",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Escolla unha data e hora válidas",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "Este fin de semana",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Definir un lembrete para este fin de semana",
"Next week" : "Semana seguinte",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Definir un lembrete para a semana seguinte"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Definir un lembrete para a semana seguinte",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Lembretes de ficheiros**\n\nDefinir lembretes de ficheiros."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "Ver ficheiro",
"View folder" : "Ver cartafol",
"Set file reminders" : "Definir lembretes de ficheiros",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Lembretes de ficheiros**\n\nDefinir lembretes de ficheiros.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Lembrarémoslle este ficheiro",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Escolla unha data e hora válidas",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@
"This weekend" : "Este fin de semana",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Definir un lembrete para este fin de semana",
"Next week" : "Semana seguinte",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Definir un lembrete para a semana seguinte"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Definir un lembrete para a semana seguinte",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Lembretes de ficheiros**\n\nDefinir lembretes de ficheiros."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "Fájl megtekintése",
"View folder" : "Mappa megtekintése",
"Set file reminders" : "Fájl emlékeztetők beállítása",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Fájl emlékeztetők**\n\nFájl emlékeztetők beállítása.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Emlékeztetni fogjuk Önt erre a fájlra",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Adjon meg egy érvényes dátumot és időt",
"Cancel" : "Mégse",
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "Ezen a héten",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Emlékeztető beállítása erre a hétvégére",
"Next week" : "Következő hét",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Emlékeztető beállítása a következő hétre"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Emlékeztető beállítása a következő hétre",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Fájl emlékeztetők**\n\nFájl emlékeztetők beállítása."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "Fájl megtekintése",
"View folder" : "Mappa megtekintése",
"Set file reminders" : "Fájl emlékeztetők beállítása",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Fájl emlékeztetők**\n\nFájl emlékeztetők beállítása.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Emlékeztetni fogjuk Önt erre a fájlra",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Adjon meg egy érvényes dátumot és időt",
"Cancel" : "Mégse",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@
"This weekend" : "Ezen a héten",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Emlékeztető beállítása erre a hétvégére",
"Next week" : "Következő hét",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Emlékeztető beállítása a következő hétre"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Emlékeztető beállítása a következő hétre",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Fájl emlékeztetők**\n\nFájl emlékeztetők beállítása."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "Visualizza file",
"View folder" : "Visualizza cartella",
"Set file reminders" : "Imposta promemoria per i file",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Promemoria file**\n\nImposta promemoria per i file.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Ti ricorderemo questo file",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Si prega di scegliere una data valida & ora",
"Cancel" : "Annulla",
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "Questo fine settimana",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Imposta promemoria per questo fine settimana",
"Next week" : "Settimana successiva",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Imposta promemoria per la prossima settimana"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Imposta promemoria per la prossima settimana",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Promemoria file**\n\nImposta promemoria per i file."
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "Visualizza file",
"View folder" : "Visualizza cartella",
"Set file reminders" : "Imposta promemoria per i file",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Promemoria file**\n\nImposta promemoria per i file.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Ti ricorderemo questo file",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Si prega di scegliere una data valida & ora",
"Cancel" : "Annulla",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@
"This weekend" : "Questo fine settimana",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Imposta promemoria per questo fine settimana",
"Next week" : "Settimana successiva",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Imposta promemoria per la prossima settimana"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Imposta promemoria per la prossima settimana",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Promemoria file**\n\nImposta promemoria per i file."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "ファイルを表示",
"View folder" : "フォルダーを表示",
"Set file reminders" : "ファイルのリマインダーを設定する",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣ファイル リマインダー**\n\nファイルのリマインダーを設定する。",
"We will remind you of this file" : "このファイルをリマインドします",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "有効な日付と時間を選択してください。",
"Cancel" : "キャンセル",
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "この週末",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "今週末のリマインダーを設定する",
"Next week" : "来週",
"Set reminder for next week" : "来週のリマインダーを設定する"
"Set reminder for next week" : "来週のリマインダーを設定する",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣ファイル リマインダー**\n\nファイルのリマインダーを設定する。"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "ファイルを表示",
"View folder" : "フォルダーを表示",
"Set file reminders" : "ファイルのリマインダーを設定する",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣ファイル リマインダー**\n\nファイルのリマインダーを設定する。",
"We will remind you of this file" : "このファイルをリマインドします",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "有効な日付と時間を選択してください。",
"Cancel" : "キャンセル",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@
"This weekend" : "この週末",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "今週末のリマインダーを設定する",
"Next week" : "来週",
"Set reminder for next week" : "来週のリマインダーを設定する"
"Set reminder for next week" : "来週のリマインダーを設定する",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣ファイル リマインダー**\n\nファイルのリマインダーを設定する。"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "파일 보기",
"View folder" : "폴더 보기",
"Set file reminders" : "파일 알림 설정",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 파일 알림**\n\n파일 알림을 설정하세요.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "이 파일에 대해 알림을 드립니다",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "유효한 날짜와 시간을 지정하십시오",
"Cancel" : "취소",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "이번 주말",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "알림을 주말로 설정",
"Next week" : "다음주",
"Set reminder for next week" : "알림을 다음주로 설정"
"Set reminder for next week" : "알림을 다음주로 설정",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 파일 알림**\n\n파일 알림을 설정하세요."
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "파일 보기",
"View folder" : "폴더 보기",
"Set file reminders" : "파일 알림 설정",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 파일 알림**\n\n파일 알림을 설정하세요.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "이 파일에 대해 알림을 드립니다",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "유효한 날짜와 시간을 지정하십시오",
"Cancel" : "취소",
@ -23,6 +22,7 @@
"This weekend" : "이번 주말",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "알림을 주말로 설정",
"Next week" : "다음주",
"Set reminder for next week" : "알림을 다음주로 설정"
"Set reminder for next week" : "알림을 다음주로 설정",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 파일 알림**\n\n파일 알림을 설정하세요."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "Rodyti failą",
"View folder" : "Rodyti aplanką",
"Set file reminders" : "Nustatyti priminimus apie failus",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Priminimai apie failus**\n\nNustatyti priminimus apie failus.",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Pasirinkite tinkamą datą ir laiką",
"Cancel" : "Atsisakyti",
"Clear reminder" : "Panaikinti priminimą",
@ -23,6 +22,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "Šį savaitgalį",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Nustatyti priminimą šį savaitgalį",
"Next week" : "Kitą savaitę",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Nustatyti priminimą kitą savaitę"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Nustatyti priminimą kitą savaitę",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Priminimai apie failus**\n\nNustatyti priminimus apie failus."
"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 0 : (n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <=9) && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "Rodyti failą",
"View folder" : "Rodyti aplanką",
"Set file reminders" : "Nustatyti priminimus apie failus",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Priminimai apie failus**\n\nNustatyti priminimus apie failus.",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Pasirinkite tinkamą datą ir laiką",
"Cancel" : "Atsisakyti",
"Clear reminder" : "Panaikinti priminimą",
@ -21,6 +20,7 @@
"This weekend" : "Šį savaitgalį",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Nustatyti priminimą šį savaitgalį",
"Next week" : "Kitą savaitę",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Nustatyti priminimą kitą savaitę"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Nustatyti priminimą kitą savaitę",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Priminimai apie failus**\n\nNustatyti priminimus apie failus."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 0 : (n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <=9) && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "Види датотека",
"View folder" : "Види папка",
"Set file reminders" : "Постави потсетник на датотека",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Потсетник на датотеки**\n\nПостави потсетник на датотека.",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Внесете валиден датум & време",
"Cancel" : "Откажи",
"Clear reminder" : "Острани потсетник",
@ -24,6 +23,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "Овој викенд",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Постави потсетник за овој викенд",
"Next week" : "Следна недела",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Постави потсетник за наредната недела"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Постави потсетник за наредната недела",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Потсетник на датотеки**\n\nПостави потсетник на датотека."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11) ? 0 : 1;");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "Види датотека",
"View folder" : "Види папка",
"Set file reminders" : "Постави потсетник на датотека",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Потсетник на датотеки**\n\nПостави потсетник на датотека.",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Внесете валиден датум & време",
"Cancel" : "Откажи",
"Clear reminder" : "Острани потсетник",
@ -22,6 +21,7 @@
"This weekend" : "Овој викенд",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Постави потсетник за овој викенд",
"Next week" : "Следна недела",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Постави потсетник за наредната недела"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Постави потсетник за наредната недела",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Потсетник на датотеки**\n\nПостави потсетник на датотека."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11) ? 0 : 1;"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "Vis fil",
"View folder" : "Vis mappe",
"Set file reminders" : "Angi filpåminnelser",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Filpåminnelser**\n\nAngi filpåminnelser.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Vi minner deg på denne filen",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Vennligst velg en gyldig dato og tid",
"Cancel" : "Avbryt",
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "Denne helgen",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Sett påminnelse for denne helgen",
"Next week" : "Neste uke",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Sett påminnelse for neste uke"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Sett påminnelse for neste uke",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Filpåminnelser**\n\nAngi filpåminnelser."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "Vis fil",
"View folder" : "Vis mappe",
"Set file reminders" : "Angi filpåminnelser",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Filpåminnelser**\n\nAngi filpåminnelser.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Vi minner deg på denne filen",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Vennligst velg en gyldig dato og tid",
"Cancel" : "Avbryt",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@
"This weekend" : "Denne helgen",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Sett påminnelse for denne helgen",
"Next week" : "Neste uke",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Sett påminnelse for neste uke"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Sett påminnelse for neste uke",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Filpåminnelser**\n\nAngi filpåminnelser."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "Zobacz plik",
"View folder" : "Wyświetl katalog",
"Set file reminders" : "Ustaw przypomnienia o plikach",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Przypomnienia o plikach**\n\nUstaw przypomnienia o plikach.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Przypomnimy Tobie o tym pliku",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Wybierz prawidłową datę i godzinę",
"Cancel" : "Anuluj",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "W ten weekend",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Ustaw przypomnienie na ten weekend",
"Next week" : "Następny tydzień",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Ustaw przypomnienie na przyszły tydzień"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Ustaw przypomnienie na przyszły tydzień",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Przypomnienia o plikach**\n\nUstaw przypomnienia o plikach."
"nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "Zobacz plik",
"View folder" : "Wyświetl katalog",
"Set file reminders" : "Ustaw przypomnienia o plikach",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Przypomnienia o plikach**\n\nUstaw przypomnienia o plikach.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Przypomnimy Tobie o tym pliku",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Wybierz prawidłową datę i godzinę",
"Cancel" : "Anuluj",
@ -23,6 +22,7 @@
"This weekend" : "W ten weekend",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Ustaw przypomnienie na ten weekend",
"Next week" : "Następny tydzień",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Ustaw przypomnienie na przyszły tydzień"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Ustaw przypomnienie na przyszły tydzień",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Przypomnienia o plikach**\n\nUstaw przypomnienia o plikach."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "Ver arquivo",
"View folder" : "Ver pasta",
"Set file reminders" : "Define lembrete em arquivo",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Lembrete em Arquivo**\n\nDefine lembrete em arquivo.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Vamos lembrá-lo deste arquivo",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Por favor escolha uma data e hora válida.",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "Este fim de semana",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Definir lembrete para este fim de semana",
"Next week" : "Próxima semana",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Definir lembrete para a próxima semana"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Definir lembrete para a próxima semana",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Lembrete em Arquivo**\n\nDefine lembrete em arquivo."
"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "Ver arquivo",
"View folder" : "Ver pasta",
"Set file reminders" : "Define lembrete em arquivo",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Lembrete em Arquivo**\n\nDefine lembrete em arquivo.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Vamos lembrá-lo deste arquivo",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Por favor escolha uma data e hora válida.",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@
"This weekend" : "Este fim de semana",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Definir lembrete para este fim de semana",
"Next week" : "Próxima semana",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Definir lembrete para a próxima semana"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Definir lembrete para a próxima semana",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Lembrete em Arquivo**\n\nDefine lembrete em arquivo."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "Vezi fișierul",
"View folder" : "Vezi dosarul",
"Set file reminders" : "Setează memo pentru fișier",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Mementouri fișier**\n\nSetează mementorui fișier.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Vă vom reaminti despre acest fișier",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Selectați o dată și o oră valide",
"Cancel" : "Anulare",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "În acest weekend",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Setează memo pentru acest weekend",
"Next week" : "Saptămâna următoare",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Setează memo pentru săptămâna viitoare"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Setează memo pentru săptămâna viitoare",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Mementouri fișier**\n\nSetează mementorui fișier."
"nplurals=3; plural=(n==1?0:(((n%100>19)||((n%100==0)&&(n!=0)))?2:1));");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "Vezi fișierul",
"View folder" : "Vezi dosarul",
"Set file reminders" : "Setează memo pentru fișier",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Mementouri fișier**\n\nSetează mementorui fișier.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Vă vom reaminti despre acest fișier",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Selectați o dată și o oră valide",
"Cancel" : "Anulare",
@ -23,6 +22,7 @@
"This weekend" : "În acest weekend",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Setează memo pentru acest weekend",
"Next week" : "Saptămâna următoare",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Setează memo pentru săptămâna viitoare"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Setează memo pentru săptămâna viitoare",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Mementouri fișier**\n\nSetează mementorui fișier."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n==1?0:(((n%100>19)||((n%100==0)&&(n!=0)))?2:1));"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "Просмотреть файл",
"View folder" : "Просмотреть папку",
"Set file reminders" : "Установить напоминания о файлах",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Напоминания о файлах**\n\nУстановить напоминания о файлах.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Мы напомним вам об этом файле",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Пожалуйста, выберите правильную дату и время",
"Cancel" : "Отмена",
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "Эта неделя",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Установить напоминание на эти выходные",
"Next week" : "Следующая неделя",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Установить напоминание на следующую неделю"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Установить напоминание на следующую неделю",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Напоминания о файлах**\n\nУстановить напоминания о файлах."
"nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "Просмотреть файл",
"View folder" : "Просмотреть папку",
"Set file reminders" : "Установить напоминания о файлах",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Напоминания о файлах**\n\nУстановить напоминания о файлах.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Мы напомним вам об этом файле",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Пожалуйста, выберите правильную дату и время",
"Cancel" : "Отмена",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@
"This weekend" : "Эта неделя",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Установить напоминание на эти выходные",
"Next week" : "Следующая неделя",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Установить напоминание на следующую неделю"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Установить напоминание на следующую неделю",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Напоминания о файлах**\n\nУстановить напоминания о файлах."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);"
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Set file reminders" : "Cunfigura apuntos de archìviu",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Apuntos de archìviu**\n\nCunfigura apuntos de archìviu.",
"Cancel" : "Annulla",
"Set reminder" : "Cunfigura un'apuntu",
"Set reminder for \"{fileName}\"" : "Cunfigura un'apuntu pro \"{fileName}\"",
@ -15,6 +14,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Set reminder for tomorrow" : "Cunfigura un'apuntu pro cras",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Cunfigura un'apuntu pro custu fine de chida",
"Next week" : "Sa chida chi benit",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Cunfigura un'apuntu pro chida chi benit"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Cunfigura un'apuntu pro chida chi benit",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Apuntos de archìviu**\n\nCunfigura apuntos de archìviu."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
{ "translations": {
"Set file reminders" : "Cunfigura apuntos de archìviu",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Apuntos de archìviu**\n\nCunfigura apuntos de archìviu.",
"Cancel" : "Annulla",
"Set reminder" : "Cunfigura un'apuntu",
"Set reminder for \"{fileName}\"" : "Cunfigura un'apuntu pro \"{fileName}\"",
@ -13,6 +12,7 @@
"Set reminder for tomorrow" : "Cunfigura un'apuntu pro cras",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Cunfigura un'apuntu pro custu fine de chida",
"Next week" : "Sa chida chi benit",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Cunfigura un'apuntu pro chida chi benit"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Cunfigura un'apuntu pro chida chi benit",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Apuntos de archìviu**\n\nCunfigura apuntos de archìviu."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "Погледај фајл",
"View folder" : "Погледај фолдер",
"Set file reminders" : "Постави подсетнике о фајлу",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Подсетници о фајлу**\n\nПостављање подсетника о фајлу.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Подсетићемо вас на овај фајл",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Молимо вас да изаберете исправни датум и време",
"Cancel" : "Откажи",
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "Овог викенда",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Поставља подсетник за овај викенд",
"Next week" : "Наредне недеље",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Поставља подсетник за наредну недељу"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Поставља подсетник за наредну недељу",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Подсетници о фајлу**\n\nПостављање подсетника о фајлу."
"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "Погледај фајл",
"View folder" : "Погледај фолдер",
"Set file reminders" : "Постави подсетнике о фајлу",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Подсетници о фајлу**\n\nПостављање подсетника о фајлу.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Подсетићемо вас на овај фајл",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Молимо вас да изаберете исправни датум и време",
"Cancel" : "Откажи",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@
"This weekend" : "Овог викенда",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Поставља подсетник за овај викенд",
"Next week" : "Наредне недеље",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Поставља подсетник за наредну недељу"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Поставља подсетник за наредну недељу",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Подсетници о фајлу**\n\nПостављање подсетника о фајлу."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "Visa fil",
"View folder" : "Visa mapp",
"Set file reminders" : "Ställ in filpåminnelser",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Filpåminnelser**\n\nStäll in filpåminnelser.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Vi kommer att påminna dig om denna fil",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Välj ett giltigt datum och tid",
"Cancel" : "Avbryt",
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "Denna helgen",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Ställ in påminnelse för denna helg",
"Next week" : "Nästa vecka",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Ställ in påminnelse för nästa vecka"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Ställ in påminnelse för nästa vecka",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Filpåminnelser**\n\nStäll in filpåminnelser."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "Visa fil",
"View folder" : "Visa mapp",
"Set file reminders" : "Ställ in filpåminnelser",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Filpåminnelser**\n\nStäll in filpåminnelser.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Vi kommer att påminna dig om denna fil",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Välj ett giltigt datum och tid",
"Cancel" : "Avbryt",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@
"This weekend" : "Denna helgen",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Ställ in påminnelse för denna helg",
"Next week" : "Nästa vecka",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Ställ in påminnelse för nästa vecka"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Ställ in påminnelse för nästa vecka",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Filpåminnelser**\n\nStäll in filpåminnelser."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "Dosyayı görüntüle",
"View folder" : "Klasörü görüntüle",
"Set file reminders" : "Dosya anımsatıcıları ayarla",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Dosya anımsatıcıları**\n\nDosya anımsatıcıları ayarla.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Size bu dosyayı anımsatacağız",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Lütfen geçerli bir tarih ve saat seçin",
"Cancel" : "İptal",
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "Bu hafta sonu",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Bu hafta sonu için anımsatıcı ayarla",
"Next week" : "Sonraki hafta",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Gelecek hafta için anımsatıcı ayarla"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Gelecek hafta için anımsatıcı ayarla",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Dosya anımsatıcıları**\n\nDosya anımsatıcıları ayarla."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "Dosyayı görüntüle",
"View folder" : "Klasörü görüntüle",
"Set file reminders" : "Dosya anımsatıcıları ayarla",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Dosya anımsatıcıları**\n\nDosya anımsatıcıları ayarla.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Size bu dosyayı anımsatacağız",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Lütfen geçerli bir tarih ve saat seçin",
"Cancel" : "İptal",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@
"This weekend" : "Bu hafta sonu",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Bu hafta sonu için anımsatıcı ayarla",
"Next week" : "Sonraki hafta",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Gelecek hafta için anımsatıcı ayarla"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Gelecek hafta için anımsatıcı ayarla",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Dosya anımsatıcıları**\n\nDosya anımsatıcıları ayarla."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "ھۆججەتنى كۆرۈش",
"View folder" : "ھۆججەت قىسقۇچنى كۆرۈش",
"Set file reminders" : "ھۆججەت ئەسكەرتىشلىرىنى بەلگىلەڭ",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "** 📣 ھۆججەت ئەسكەرتىشلىرى **\n\nھۆججەت ئەسكەرتىشلىرىنى بەلگىلەڭ.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "بۇ ھۆججەتنى ئەسكەرتىمىز",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "ئىناۋەتلىك چېسلا ۋە ۋاقىتنى تاللاڭ",
"Cancel" : "بىكار قىلىش",
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "بۇ ھەپتە ئاخىرى",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "بۇ ھەپتە ئاخىرىدا ئەسكەرتىش بەلگىلەڭ",
"Next week" : "كېلەر ھەپتە",
"Set reminder for next week" : "كېلەر ھەپتە ئەسكەرتىش بەلگىلەڭ"
"Set reminder for next week" : "كېلەر ھەپتە ئەسكەرتىش بەلگىلەڭ",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "** 📣 ھۆججەت ئەسكەرتىشلىرى **\n\nھۆججەت ئەسكەرتىشلىرىنى بەلگىلەڭ."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "ھۆججەتنى كۆرۈش",
"View folder" : "ھۆججەت قىسقۇچنى كۆرۈش",
"Set file reminders" : "ھۆججەت ئەسكەرتىشلىرىنى بەلگىلەڭ",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "** 📣 ھۆججەت ئەسكەرتىشلىرى **\n\nھۆججەت ئەسكەرتىشلىرىنى بەلگىلەڭ.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "بۇ ھۆججەتنى ئەسكەرتىمىز",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "ئىناۋەتلىك چېسلا ۋە ۋاقىتنى تاللاڭ",
"Cancel" : "بىكار قىلىش",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@
"This weekend" : "بۇ ھەپتە ئاخىرى",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "بۇ ھەپتە ئاخىرىدا ئەسكەرتىش بەلگىلەڭ",
"Next week" : "كېلەر ھەپتە",
"Set reminder for next week" : "كېلەر ھەپتە ئەسكەرتىش بەلگىلەڭ"
"Set reminder for next week" : "كېلەر ھەپتە ئەسكەرتىش بەلگىلەڭ",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "** 📣 ھۆججەت ئەسكەرتىشلىرى **\n\nھۆججەت ئەسكەرتىشلىرىنى بەلگىلەڭ."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "Переглянути файл",
"View folder" : "Переглянути каталог",
"Set file reminders" : "Встановити нагадування для файлу",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Нагадування для файлів**\n\nВстановити нагадування для файлу.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Ми нагадаємо вам про цей файл.",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Виберіть дійсні дату та час",
"Cancel" : "Скасувати",
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "Цими вихідними",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Встановити нагадування на ці вихідні",
"Next week" : "Наступний тиждень",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Встановити нагадування на наступний тиждень"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Встановити нагадування на наступний тиждень",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Нагадування для файлів**\n\nВстановити нагадування для файлу."
"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 12 || n % 100 > 14) ? 1 : n % 1 == 0 && (n % 10 ==0 || (n % 10 >=5 && n % 10 <=9) || (n % 100 >=11 && n % 100 <=14 )) ? 2: 3);");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "Переглянути файл",
"View folder" : "Переглянути каталог",
"Set file reminders" : "Встановити нагадування для файлу",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Нагадування для файлів**\n\nВстановити нагадування для файлу.",
"We will remind you of this file" : "Ми нагадаємо вам про цей файл.",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "Виберіть дійсні дату та час",
"Cancel" : "Скасувати",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@
"This weekend" : "Цими вихідними",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Встановити нагадування на ці вихідні",
"Next week" : "Наступний тиждень",
"Set reminder for next week" : "Встановити нагадування на наступний тиждень"
"Set reminder for next week" : "Встановити нагадування на наступний тиждень",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 Нагадування для файлів**\n\nВстановити нагадування для файлу."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 12 || n % 100 > 14) ? 1 : n % 1 == 0 && (n % 10 ==0 || (n % 10 >=5 && n % 10 <=9) || (n % 100 >=11 && n % 100 <=14 )) ? 2: 3);"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "查看文件",
"View folder" : "查看文件夹",
"Set file reminders" : "设置文件提醒",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 文件提醒**\n\n设置文件提醒。",
"We will remind you of this file" : "我们将会提醒你该文件",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "请选择一个有效的日期&时间",
"Cancel" : "取消",
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "本周末",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "本周末提醒",
"Next week" : "下周",
"Set reminder for next week" : "下周提醒"
"Set reminder for next week" : "下周提醒",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 文件提醒**\n\n设置文件提醒。"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "查看文件",
"View folder" : "查看文件夹",
"Set file reminders" : "设置文件提醒",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 文件提醒**\n\n设置文件提醒。",
"We will remind you of this file" : "我们将会提醒你该文件",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "请选择一个有效的日期&时间",
"Cancel" : "取消",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@
"This weekend" : "本周末",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "本周末提醒",
"Next week" : "下周",
"Set reminder for next week" : "下周提醒"
"Set reminder for next week" : "下周提醒",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 文件提醒**\n\n设置文件提醒。"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "檢視檔案",
"View folder" : "檢視資料夾",
"Set file reminders" : "設定檔案提醒",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 檔案提醒**\n\n設定檔案提醒。",
"We will remind you of this file" : "我們會提醒您該檔案",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "請選擇有效的日期與時間",
"Cancel" : "取消",
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "本週末",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "設定本週末的提醒",
"Next week" : "下星期",
"Set reminder for next week" : "設定下星期的提醒"
"Set reminder for next week" : "設定下星期的提醒",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 檔案提醒**\n\n設定檔案提醒。"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "檢視檔案",
"View folder" : "檢視資料夾",
"Set file reminders" : "設定檔案提醒",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 檔案提醒**\n\n設定檔案提醒。",
"We will remind you of this file" : "我們會提醒您該檔案",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "請選擇有效的日期與時間",
"Cancel" : "取消",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@
"This weekend" : "本週末",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "設定本週末的提醒",
"Next week" : "下星期",
"Set reminder for next week" : "設定下星期的提醒"
"Set reminder for next week" : "設定下星期的提醒",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 檔案提醒**\n\n設定檔案提醒。"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View file" : "檢視檔案",
"View folder" : "檢視資料夾",
"Set file reminders" : "設定檔案提醒",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 檔案提醒**\n\n設定檔案提醒。",
"We will remind you of this file" : "我們會提醒您該檔案",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "請選擇有效的日期與時間",
"Cancel" : "取消",
@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "本週末",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "設定本週末的提醒",
"Next week" : "下週",
"Set reminder for next week" : "設定下週的提醒"
"Set reminder for next week" : "設定下週的提醒",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 檔案提醒**\n\n設定檔案提醒。"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"View file" : "檢視檔案",
"View folder" : "檢視資料夾",
"Set file reminders" : "設定檔案提醒",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 檔案提醒**\n\n設定檔案提醒。",
"We will remind you of this file" : "我們會提醒您該檔案",
"Please choose a valid date & time" : "請選擇有效的日期與時間",
"Cancel" : "取消",
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@
"This weekend" : "本週末",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "設定本週末的提醒",
"Next week" : "下週",
"Set reminder for next week" : "設定下週的提醒"
"Set reminder for next week" : "設定下週的提醒",
"**📣 File reminders**\n\nSet file reminders." : "**📣 檔案提醒**\n\n設定檔案提醒。"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
@ -138,6 +138,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Link copied to clipboard" : "Arbelara kopiatutako esteka",
"Email already added" : "Helbide elektronikoa dagoeneko gehituta dago",
"Invalid email address" : "Baliogabeko helbide elektronikoa",
"_{count} email address already added_::_{count} email addresses already added_" : ["Helbide elektroniko {count} gehitu da dagoeneko","{count} helbide elektroniko gehitu dira dagoeneko"],
"_{count} email address added_::_{count} email addresses added_" : ["Helbide elektroniko {count} gehitu da","{count} helbide elektroniko gehitu dira"],
"What are you requesting?" : "Zer eskatu nahi duzu?",
"Request subject" : "Eskaeraren gaia",
"Birthday party photos, History assignment…" : "Urtebetetze festako argazkiak, Historiako apunteak...",
@ -136,6 +136,8 @@
"Link copied to clipboard" : "Arbelara kopiatutako esteka",
"Email already added" : "Helbide elektronikoa dagoeneko gehituta dago",
"Invalid email address" : "Baliogabeko helbide elektronikoa",
"_{count} email address already added_::_{count} email addresses already added_" : ["Helbide elektroniko {count} gehitu da dagoeneko","{count} helbide elektroniko gehitu dira dagoeneko"],
"_{count} email address added_::_{count} email addresses added_" : ["Helbide elektroniko {count} gehitu da","{count} helbide elektroniko gehitu dira"],
"What are you requesting?" : "Zer eskatu nahi duzu?",
"Request subject" : "Eskaeraren gaia",
"Birthday party photos, History assignment…" : "Urtebetetze festako argazkiak, Historiako apunteak...",
@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"remote" : "remota",
"remote group" : "gruppo remoto",
"guest" : "ospite",
"by {initiator}" : "da {initiator}",
"Shared with the group {user} by {owner}" : "Condiviso con il gruppo {user} da {owner}",
"Shared with the conversation {user} by {owner}" : "Condiviso con la conversazione {user} da {owner}",
"Shared with {user} by {owner}" : "Condiviso con {user} da {owner}",
@ -204,6 +205,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password protection (enforced)" : "Protezione con password (applicata)",
"Password protection" : "Protezione con password",
"Enter a password" : "Digita una password",
"Enable link expiration (enforced)" : "Abilita scadenza link (imposta)",
"Enable link expiration" : "Abilita scadenza link",
"Enter expiration date (enforced)" : "Inserisci la data di scadenza (imposta)",
"Enter expiration date" : "Inserisci la data di scadenza",
"Create share" : "Crea condivisione",
"Customize link" : "Personalizza il collegamento",
"Generate QR code" : "Genera codice QR",
@ -284,6 +289,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share with guest" : "Condividi con ospite",
"Update share" : "Aggiorna condivisione",
"Save share" : "Salva condivisione",
"Replace current password" : "Sostituisci la password attuale",
"Others with access" : "Altri con accesso",
"No other accounts with access found" : "Nessun altro account trovato con accesso",
"Toggle list of others with access to this directory" : "Attiva l'elenco degli altri utenti con accesso a questa cartella ",
@ -348,6 +354,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Folder \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "La condivisione della cartella \"{path}\" è stata rimossa",
"Could not update share" : "Impossibile aggiornare la condivisione",
"Share saved" : "Condivisione salvata",
"Share expiry date saved" : "Data di scadenza della condivisione salvata",
"Share hide-download state saved" : "Stato nascondi-download della condivisione salvato",
"Share label saved" : "Condividi etichetta salvata",
"Share note for recipient saved" : "Condividi nota salvata per il destinatario",
"Share password saved" : "Condividi la password salvata",
@ -400,6 +408,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Circle" : "Cerchia",
"Allow download" : "Consenti scaricamento",
"No other users with access found" : "Nessun altro utente con accesso trovato",
"Share expire date saved" : "Data di scadenza della condivisione salvata",
"No entries found in this folder" : "Nessuna voce trovata in questa cartella",
"Name" : "Nome",
"Share time" : "Tempo di condivisione",
@ -186,6 +186,7 @@
"remote" : "remota",
"remote group" : "gruppo remoto",
"guest" : "ospite",
"by {initiator}" : "da {initiator}",
"Shared with the group {user} by {owner}" : "Condiviso con il gruppo {user} da {owner}",
"Shared with the conversation {user} by {owner}" : "Condiviso con la conversazione {user} da {owner}",
"Shared with {user} by {owner}" : "Condiviso con {user} da {owner}",
@ -202,6 +203,10 @@
"Password protection (enforced)" : "Protezione con password (applicata)",
"Password protection" : "Protezione con password",
"Enter a password" : "Digita una password",
"Enable link expiration (enforced)" : "Abilita scadenza link (imposta)",
"Enable link expiration" : "Abilita scadenza link",
"Enter expiration date (enforced)" : "Inserisci la data di scadenza (imposta)",
"Enter expiration date" : "Inserisci la data di scadenza",
"Create share" : "Crea condivisione",
"Customize link" : "Personalizza il collegamento",
"Generate QR code" : "Genera codice QR",
@ -282,6 +287,7 @@
"Share with guest" : "Condividi con ospite",
"Update share" : "Aggiorna condivisione",
"Save share" : "Salva condivisione",
"Replace current password" : "Sostituisci la password attuale",
"Others with access" : "Altri con accesso",
"No other accounts with access found" : "Nessun altro account trovato con accesso",
"Toggle list of others with access to this directory" : "Attiva l'elenco degli altri utenti con accesso a questa cartella ",
@ -346,6 +352,8 @@
"Folder \"{path}\" has been unshared" : "La condivisione della cartella \"{path}\" è stata rimossa",
"Could not update share" : "Impossibile aggiornare la condivisione",
"Share saved" : "Condivisione salvata",
"Share expiry date saved" : "Data di scadenza della condivisione salvata",
"Share hide-download state saved" : "Stato nascondi-download della condivisione salvato",
"Share label saved" : "Condividi etichetta salvata",
"Share note for recipient saved" : "Condividi nota salvata per il destinatario",
"Share password saved" : "Condividi la password salvata",
@ -398,6 +406,7 @@
"Circle" : "Cerchia",
"Allow download" : "Consenti scaricamento",
"No other users with access found" : "Nessun altro utente con accesso trovato",
"Share expire date saved" : "Data di scadenza della condivisione salvata",
"No entries found in this folder" : "Nessuna voce trovata in questa cartella",
"Name" : "Nome",
"Share time" : "Tempo di condivisione",
@ -211,6 +211,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the wrong PHP module (\"memcache\") is installed. Please install the PHP module \"memcached\"." : "تم تكوين Memcached كذاكرة تخزين مؤقت موزعة، ولكن تمّ تثبيت وحدة PHP الخاطئة (\"memcache\"). الرجاء تثبيت وحدة PHP \"memcached\".",
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the PHP module \"memcached\" is not installed. Please install the PHP module \"memcached\"." : "تم تكوين Memcached كذاكرة تخزين مؤقت موزعة، ولكن لم يتم تثبيت وحدة PHP \"memcached\". الرجاء تثبيت وحدة PHP \"memcached\".",
"No memory cache has been configured. To enhance performance, please configure a memcache, if available." : "لم يتم تكوين ذاكرة تخزين مؤقت memcache. لتحسين الأداء، يرجى تكوين ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت، إذا كانت متوفرة.",
"Failed to write and read a value from local cache." : "تعذّرت كتابة قيمة إلى أو قراءتها من ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت المحلية.",
"Failed to write and read a value from distributed cache." : "تعذّرت كتابة قيمة إلى أو قراءتها من ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت الموزعة.",
"Configured" : "تمّ تكوينها",
"Mimetype migrations available" : "تتوفر عمليات ترحيل \"أنواع الوسائط\" Mimetype",
"One or more mimetype migrations are available. Occasionally new mimetypes are added to better handle certain file types. Migrating the mimetypes take a long time on larger instances so this is not done automatically during upgrades. Use the command `occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive` to perform the migrations." : "تتوفر واحدة أو أكثر من عمليات ترحيل لـ\"أنواع الوسائط\" mimetype. في بعض الأحيان تتم إضافة أنواع وسائط mimetypes جديدة للتعامل بشكل أفضل مع أنواع معينة من الملفات. يستغرق ترحيل أنواع الوسائط mimetypes وقتاً طويلاً في حالة الخوادم الكبيرة؛ لذا لا يتم ذلك تلقائياً أثناء عمليات الترقية. لإجراء عمليات الترحيل، استعمل الأمر السطري: \n`occ Maintenance:repair --include-expensive` ",
@ -209,6 +209,8 @@
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the wrong PHP module (\"memcache\") is installed. Please install the PHP module \"memcached\"." : "تم تكوين Memcached كذاكرة تخزين مؤقت موزعة، ولكن تمّ تثبيت وحدة PHP الخاطئة (\"memcache\"). الرجاء تثبيت وحدة PHP \"memcached\".",
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the PHP module \"memcached\" is not installed. Please install the PHP module \"memcached\"." : "تم تكوين Memcached كذاكرة تخزين مؤقت موزعة، ولكن لم يتم تثبيت وحدة PHP \"memcached\". الرجاء تثبيت وحدة PHP \"memcached\".",
"No memory cache has been configured. To enhance performance, please configure a memcache, if available." : "لم يتم تكوين ذاكرة تخزين مؤقت memcache. لتحسين الأداء، يرجى تكوين ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت، إذا كانت متوفرة.",
"Failed to write and read a value from local cache." : "تعذّرت كتابة قيمة إلى أو قراءتها من ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت المحلية.",
"Failed to write and read a value from distributed cache." : "تعذّرت كتابة قيمة إلى أو قراءتها من ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت الموزعة.",
"Configured" : "تمّ تكوينها",
"Mimetype migrations available" : "تتوفر عمليات ترحيل \"أنواع الوسائط\" Mimetype",
"One or more mimetype migrations are available. Occasionally new mimetypes are added to better handle certain file types. Migrating the mimetypes take a long time on larger instances so this is not done automatically during upgrades. Use the command `occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive` to perform the migrations." : "تتوفر واحدة أو أكثر من عمليات ترحيل لـ\"أنواع الوسائط\" mimetype. في بعض الأحيان تتم إضافة أنواع وسائط mimetypes جديدة للتعامل بشكل أفضل مع أنواع معينة من الملفات. يستغرق ترحيل أنواع الوسائط mimetypes وقتاً طويلاً في حالة الخوادم الكبيرة؛ لذا لا يتم ذلك تلقائياً أثناء عمليات الترقية. لإجراء عمليات الترحيل، استعمل الأمر السطري: \n`occ Maintenance:repair --include-expensive` ",
@ -211,6 +211,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the wrong PHP module (\"memcache\") is installed. Please install the PHP module \"memcached\"." : "Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the wrong PHP module (\"memcache\") is installed. Please install the PHP module \"memcached\".",
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the PHP module \"memcached\" is not installed. Please install the PHP module \"memcached\"." : "Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the PHP module \"memcached\" is not installed. Please install the PHP module \"memcached\".",
"No memory cache has been configured. To enhance performance, please configure a memcache, if available." : "No memory cache has been configured. To enhance performance, please configure a memcache, if available.",
"Failed to write and read a value from local cache." : "Failed to write and read a value from local cache.",
"Failed to write and read a value from distributed cache." : "Failed to write and read a value from distributed cache.",
"Configured" : "Configured",
"Mimetype migrations available" : "Mimetype migrations available",
"One or more mimetype migrations are available. Occasionally new mimetypes are added to better handle certain file types. Migrating the mimetypes take a long time on larger instances so this is not done automatically during upgrades. Use the command `occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive` to perform the migrations." : "One or more mimetype migrations are available. Occasionally new mimetypes are added to better handle certain file types. Migrating the mimetypes take a long time on larger instances so this is not done automatically during upgrades. Use the command `occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive` to perform the migrations.",
@ -209,6 +209,8 @@
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the wrong PHP module (\"memcache\") is installed. Please install the PHP module \"memcached\"." : "Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the wrong PHP module (\"memcache\") is installed. Please install the PHP module \"memcached\".",
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the PHP module \"memcached\" is not installed. Please install the PHP module \"memcached\"." : "Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the PHP module \"memcached\" is not installed. Please install the PHP module \"memcached\".",
"No memory cache has been configured. To enhance performance, please configure a memcache, if available." : "No memory cache has been configured. To enhance performance, please configure a memcache, if available.",
"Failed to write and read a value from local cache." : "Failed to write and read a value from local cache.",
"Failed to write and read a value from distributed cache." : "Failed to write and read a value from distributed cache.",
"Configured" : "Configured",
"Mimetype migrations available" : "Mimetype migrations available",
"One or more mimetype migrations are available. Occasionally new mimetypes are added to better handle certain file types. Migrating the mimetypes take a long time on larger instances so this is not done automatically during upgrades. Use the command `occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive` to perform the migrations." : "One or more mimetype migrations are available. Occasionally new mimetypes are added to better handle certain file types. Migrating the mimetypes take a long time on larger instances so this is not done automatically during upgrades. Use the command `occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive` to perform the migrations.",
@ -405,14 +405,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Choose slide to display" : "Aukeratu erakusteko diapositiba",
"{index} of {total}" : "{total}(e)tik {index}",
"Daemon" : "Daemona",
"Deploy Daemon" : "Zabaldu daimona",
"Type" : "Mota",
"Display Name" : "Izena erakutsi",
"GPUs support" : "GPUen bateragarritasuna",
"Compute device" : "Konputazio gailua",
"Description" : "Deskripzioa",
"Details" : "Xehetasunak",
"All" : "Denak",
"Limit app usage to groups" : "Mugatu aplikazioaren erabilera taldeei",
"No results" : "Emaitzarik ez",
"Update to {version}" : "Eguneratu {version} bertsiora",
"Default Deploy daemon is not accessible" : "Zabalpen lehenetsia ez dago eskuragarri",
"Delete data on remove" : "Ezabatu datuak kentzean",
"This app has no minimum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future." : "This app has no minimum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future.",
"This app has no maximum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future." : "This app has no maximum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future.",
"This app cannot be installed because the following dependencies are not fulfilled:" : "Aplikazioa ezin da instalatu hurrengo menpekotasunak betetzen ez direlako:",
@ -568,6 +573,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unable to update profile enabled state" : "Ezin izan da profila gaitutako egoerara eguneratu",
"The more restrictive setting of either visibility or scope is respected on your Profile. For example, if visibility is set to \"Show to everyone\" and scope is set to \"Private\", \"Private\" is respected." : "Ikusgarritasunaren edo esparruaren ezarpen murriztaileena zure profilean errespetatzen da. Esaterako, ikusgarritasuna \"Erakutsi guztiei\" eta esparrua \"Pribatua\" gisa ezarrita badago, \"Pribatua\" errespetatzen da.",
"Unable to update visibility of {displayId}" : "Ezin izan da {displayId}(r)en ikusgarritasuna eguneratu",
"she/her" : "♀",
"he/him" : "♂",
"they/them" : "⚥/☿",
"Your role" : "Zure rola",
"Your X (formerly Twitter) handle" : "Zure X (lehen Twitter) erabiltzailea",
"Your website" : "Zure web orria",
@ -705,6 +713,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Headline" : "Izenburua",
"Organisation" : "Erakundea",
"Phone number" : "Telefono zenbakia",
"Pronouns" : "Izenordainak",
"Role" : "Zeregina",
"X (formerly Twitter)" : "X (lehen Twitter)",
"Website" : "Webgunea",
@ -725,6 +734,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Show to everyone" : "Erakutsi denei",
"Show to logged in accounts only" : "Erakutsi saioa hasi duten kontuei soilik",
"Hide" : "Ezkutatu",
"manual-install apps cannot be updated" : "eskuz instalatutako aplikazioak ezin dira eguneratu",
"Deploy and Enable" : "Zabaldu eta gaitu",
"Download and enable" : "Deskargatu eta gaitu",
"Disable" : "Ez-gaitu",
"Allow untested app" : "Baimendu probatu gabeko aplikazioa",
@ -735,6 +746,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not register device: Probably already registered" : "Ezin izan da gailua erregistratu: ziurrenik dagoeneko erregistratuta",
"Could not register device" : "Ezin izan da gailua erregistratu",
"An error occurred during the request. Unable to proceed." : "Errorea gertatu da eskaeran. Ezin da jarraitu.",
"The app has been enabled but needs to be updated." : "Aplikazioa gaitu da baina eguneratzea behar du.",
"Error: This app cannot be enabled because it makes the server unstable" : "Errorea: aplikazio hau ezin da gaitu zerbitzaria ezegonkorra izatea eragiten duelako",
"The app has been enabled but needs to be updated. You will be redirected to the update page in 5 seconds." : "Aplikazioa gaitu da baina eguneratu behar da. Eguneratze orrira joango zara 5 segundotan.",
"Do you really want to wipe your data from this device?" : "Ziur zaude gailu honetatik zure datu guztiak ezabatu nahi dituzula?",
@ -403,14 +403,19 @@
"Choose slide to display" : "Aukeratu erakusteko diapositiba",
"{index} of {total}" : "{total}(e)tik {index}",
"Daemon" : "Daemona",
"Deploy Daemon" : "Zabaldu daimona",
"Type" : "Mota",
"Display Name" : "Izena erakutsi",
"GPUs support" : "GPUen bateragarritasuna",
"Compute device" : "Konputazio gailua",
"Description" : "Deskripzioa",
"Details" : "Xehetasunak",
"All" : "Denak",
"Limit app usage to groups" : "Mugatu aplikazioaren erabilera taldeei",
"No results" : "Emaitzarik ez",
"Update to {version}" : "Eguneratu {version} bertsiora",
"Default Deploy daemon is not accessible" : "Zabalpen lehenetsia ez dago eskuragarri",
"Delete data on remove" : "Ezabatu datuak kentzean",
"This app has no minimum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future." : "This app has no minimum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future.",
"This app has no maximum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future." : "This app has no maximum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future.",
"This app cannot be installed because the following dependencies are not fulfilled:" : "Aplikazioa ezin da instalatu hurrengo menpekotasunak betetzen ez direlako:",
@ -566,6 +571,9 @@
"Unable to update profile enabled state" : "Ezin izan da profila gaitutako egoerara eguneratu",
"The more restrictive setting of either visibility or scope is respected on your Profile. For example, if visibility is set to \"Show to everyone\" and scope is set to \"Private\", \"Private\" is respected." : "Ikusgarritasunaren edo esparruaren ezarpen murriztaileena zure profilean errespetatzen da. Esaterako, ikusgarritasuna \"Erakutsi guztiei\" eta esparrua \"Pribatua\" gisa ezarrita badago, \"Pribatua\" errespetatzen da.",
"Unable to update visibility of {displayId}" : "Ezin izan da {displayId}(r)en ikusgarritasuna eguneratu",
"she/her" : "♀",
"he/him" : "♂",
"they/them" : "⚥/☿",
"Your role" : "Zure rola",
"Your X (formerly Twitter) handle" : "Zure X (lehen Twitter) erabiltzailea",
"Your website" : "Zure web orria",
@ -703,6 +711,7 @@
"Headline" : "Izenburua",
"Organisation" : "Erakundea",
"Phone number" : "Telefono zenbakia",
"Pronouns" : "Izenordainak",
"Role" : "Zeregina",
"X (formerly Twitter)" : "X (lehen Twitter)",
"Website" : "Webgunea",
@ -723,6 +732,8 @@
"Show to everyone" : "Erakutsi denei",
"Show to logged in accounts only" : "Erakutsi saioa hasi duten kontuei soilik",
"Hide" : "Ezkutatu",
"manual-install apps cannot be updated" : "eskuz instalatutako aplikazioak ezin dira eguneratu",
"Deploy and Enable" : "Zabaldu eta gaitu",
"Download and enable" : "Deskargatu eta gaitu",
"Disable" : "Ez-gaitu",
"Allow untested app" : "Baimendu probatu gabeko aplikazioa",
@ -733,6 +744,7 @@
"Could not register device: Probably already registered" : "Ezin izan da gailua erregistratu: ziurrenik dagoeneko erregistratuta",
"Could not register device" : "Ezin izan da gailua erregistratu",
"An error occurred during the request. Unable to proceed." : "Errorea gertatu da eskaeran. Ezin da jarraitu.",
"The app has been enabled but needs to be updated." : "Aplikazioa gaitu da baina eguneratzea behar du.",
"Error: This app cannot be enabled because it makes the server unstable" : "Errorea: aplikazio hau ezin da gaitu zerbitzaria ezegonkorra izatea eragiten duelako",
"The app has been enabled but needs to be updated. You will be redirected to the update page in 5 seconds." : "Aplikazioa gaitu da baina eguneratu behar da. Eguneratze orrira joango zara 5 segundotan.",
"Do you really want to wipe your data from this device?" : "Ziur zaude gailu honetatik zure datu guztiak ezabatu nahi dituzula?",
@ -211,6 +211,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the wrong PHP module (\"memcache\") is installed. Please install the PHP module \"memcached\"." : "Memcached está configurado como memoria tobo distribuída, mais está instalado o módulo PHP incorrecto («memcache»). Instale o módulo PHP «memcached».",
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the PHP module \"memcached\" is not installed. Please install the PHP module \"memcached\"." : "Memcached está configurado como memoria tobo distribuída, mais o módulo PHP «memcached» non está instalado. Instale o módulo PHP «memcached».",
"No memory cache has been configured. To enhance performance, please configure a memcache, if available." : "Non se configurou ningunha memoria tobo de memoria. Para mellorar o rendemento, configure Memcache, se está dispoñíbel.",
"Failed to write and read a value from local cache." : "Produciuse un erro ao escribir e ler un valor da memoria tobo local.",
"Failed to write and read a value from distributed cache." : "Produciuse un erro ao escribir e ler un valor da memoria tobo distribuída.",
"Configured" : "Configurado",
"Mimetype migrations available" : "Migracións de tipo MIME dispoñíbeis",
"One or more mimetype migrations are available. Occasionally new mimetypes are added to better handle certain file types. Migrating the mimetypes take a long time on larger instances so this is not done automatically during upgrades. Use the command `occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive` to perform the migrations." : "Están dispoñíbeis unha ou máis migracións de tipo mime. Ocasionalmente engádense novos tipos MIME para xestionar mellor certos tipos de ficheiros. A migración dos tipos MIME leva moito tempo en instancias grandes, polo que non se fai automaticamente durante as actualizacións. Use a orde «occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive» para realizar as migracións.",
@ -274,10 +276,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You are currently running PHP %s." : "Actualmente está a executar PHP %s.",
"PHP \"output_buffering\" option" : "Opción de PHP «output_buffering»",
"PHP configuration option \"output_buffering\" must be disabled" : "A opción de configuración de PHP «output_buffering» debe estar desactivada",
"Push service" : "Servizo de notificacións automáticas",
"Push service" : "Servizo de notificacións emerxentes",
"Valid enterprise license" : "Licenza empresarial válida",
"Free push service" : "Servizo de notificacións automáticas de balde",
"This is the unsupported community build of Nextcloud. Given the size of this instance, performance, reliability and scalability cannot be guaranteed. Push notifications are limited to avoid overloading our free service. Learn more about the benefits of Nextcloud Enterprise at {link}." : "Esta é a compilación da comunidade sen asistencia de Nextcloud. Por mor do tamaño desta instancia, o rendemento, a fiabilidade e a escalabilidade non se poden garantir. As notificacións automáticas son limitadas para evitar a sobrecarga do noso servizo de balde. Obteña máis información sobre os beneficios de Nextcloud Enterprise en {link}.",
"Free push service" : "Servizo de notificacións emerxentes de balde",
"This is the unsupported community build of Nextcloud. Given the size of this instance, performance, reliability and scalability cannot be guaranteed. Push notifications are limited to avoid overloading our free service. Learn more about the benefits of Nextcloud Enterprise at {link}." : "Esta é a compilación da comunidade sen asistencia de Nextcloud. Por mor do tamaño desta instancia, o rendemento, a fiabilidade e a escalabilidade non se poden garantir. As notificacións emerxentes son limitadas para evitar a sobrecarga do noso servizo de balde. Obteña máis información sobre os beneficios de Nextcloud Enterprise en {link}.",
"Random generator" : "Xerador ao chou",
"No suitable source for randomness found by PHP which is highly discouraged for security reasons." : "PHP non atopou ningunha fonte axeitada para a aleatoriedade, o que é moi desaconsellábel por razóns de seguridade.",
"Secure" : "Seguro",
@ -209,6 +209,8 @@
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the wrong PHP module (\"memcache\") is installed. Please install the PHP module \"memcached\"." : "Memcached está configurado como memoria tobo distribuída, mais está instalado o módulo PHP incorrecto («memcache»). Instale o módulo PHP «memcached».",
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the PHP module \"memcached\" is not installed. Please install the PHP module \"memcached\"." : "Memcached está configurado como memoria tobo distribuída, mais o módulo PHP «memcached» non está instalado. Instale o módulo PHP «memcached».",
"No memory cache has been configured. To enhance performance, please configure a memcache, if available." : "Non se configurou ningunha memoria tobo de memoria. Para mellorar o rendemento, configure Memcache, se está dispoñíbel.",
"Failed to write and read a value from local cache." : "Produciuse un erro ao escribir e ler un valor da memoria tobo local.",
"Failed to write and read a value from distributed cache." : "Produciuse un erro ao escribir e ler un valor da memoria tobo distribuída.",
"Configured" : "Configurado",
"Mimetype migrations available" : "Migracións de tipo MIME dispoñíbeis",
"One or more mimetype migrations are available. Occasionally new mimetypes are added to better handle certain file types. Migrating the mimetypes take a long time on larger instances so this is not done automatically during upgrades. Use the command `occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive` to perform the migrations." : "Están dispoñíbeis unha ou máis migracións de tipo mime. Ocasionalmente engádense novos tipos MIME para xestionar mellor certos tipos de ficheiros. A migración dos tipos MIME leva moito tempo en instancias grandes, polo que non se fai automaticamente durante as actualizacións. Use a orde «occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive» para realizar as migracións.",
@ -272,10 +274,10 @@
"You are currently running PHP %s." : "Actualmente está a executar PHP %s.",
"PHP \"output_buffering\" option" : "Opción de PHP «output_buffering»",
"PHP configuration option \"output_buffering\" must be disabled" : "A opción de configuración de PHP «output_buffering» debe estar desactivada",
"Push service" : "Servizo de notificacións automáticas",
"Push service" : "Servizo de notificacións emerxentes",
"Valid enterprise license" : "Licenza empresarial válida",
"Free push service" : "Servizo de notificacións automáticas de balde",
"This is the unsupported community build of Nextcloud. Given the size of this instance, performance, reliability and scalability cannot be guaranteed. Push notifications are limited to avoid overloading our free service. Learn more about the benefits of Nextcloud Enterprise at {link}." : "Esta é a compilación da comunidade sen asistencia de Nextcloud. Por mor do tamaño desta instancia, o rendemento, a fiabilidade e a escalabilidade non se poden garantir. As notificacións automáticas son limitadas para evitar a sobrecarga do noso servizo de balde. Obteña máis información sobre os beneficios de Nextcloud Enterprise en {link}.",
"Free push service" : "Servizo de notificacións emerxentes de balde",
"This is the unsupported community build of Nextcloud. Given the size of this instance, performance, reliability and scalability cannot be guaranteed. Push notifications are limited to avoid overloading our free service. Learn more about the benefits of Nextcloud Enterprise at {link}." : "Esta é a compilación da comunidade sen asistencia de Nextcloud. Por mor do tamaño desta instancia, o rendemento, a fiabilidade e a escalabilidade non se poden garantir. As notificacións emerxentes son limitadas para evitar a sobrecarga do noso servizo de balde. Obteña máis información sobre os beneficios de Nextcloud Enterprise en {link}.",
"Random generator" : "Xerador ao chou",
"No suitable source for randomness found by PHP which is highly discouraged for security reasons." : "PHP non atopou ningunha fonte axeitada para a aleatoriedade, o que é moi desaconsellábel por razóns de seguridade.",
"Secure" : "Seguro",
@ -121,6 +121,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Personal info" : "Informazioni personali",
"Mobile & desktop" : "Mobile e desktop",
"Email server" : "Server di posta",
"Mail Providers" : "Provider di Posta Elettronica",
"Mail provider enables sending emails directly through the user's personal email account. At present, this functionality is limited to calendar invitations. It requires Nextcloud Mail 4.1 and an email account in Nextcloud Mail that matches the user's email address in Nextcloud." : "Il provider di posta elettronica consente l'invio di e-mail direttamente tramite l'account e-mail personale dell'utente. Al momento, questa funzionalità è limitata agli inviti del calendario. Richiede Nextcloud Mail 4.1 e un account e-mail in Nextcloud Mail che corrisponda all'indirizzo e-mail dell'utente in Nextcloud.",
"Send emails using" : "Invia email usando",
"User's email account" : "Account email degli utenti",
"System email account" : "Account email di sistema",
"Security & setup checks" : "Controlli di configurazione e sicurezza",
"Background jobs" : "Operazioni in background",
"Unlimited" : "Illimitata",
"Verifying" : "Verifica",
@ -172,23 +178,61 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Email test" : "Prova email",
"Email test was successfully sent" : "Il messaggio di prova è stato inviato correttamente",
"You have not set or verified your email server configuration, yet. Please head over to the \"Basic settings\" in order to set them. Afterwards, use the \"Send email\" button below the form to verify your settings." : "Non hai ancora impostato o verificato la configurazione del tuo server email. Vai alle \"Impostazioni di base\" per configurarle. Successivamente, utilizza il pulsante \"Invia email\" sotto il modulo per verificare le tue impostazioni.",
"Transactional File Locking" : "Blocco transazionale dei file",
"Transactional File Locking is disabled. This is not a a supported configuraton. It may lead to difficult to isolate problems including file corruption. Please remove the `'filelocking.enabled' => false` configuration entry from your `config.php` to avoid these problems." : "Il blocco transizionale dei file è disabilitato. Questa non è una configurazione supportata. Potrebbe risultare difficile isolare i problemi, inclusa la corruzione dei file. Per favore rimuovi la voce di configurazione `'filelocking.enabled' => false` dal tuo `config.php` per evitare questi problemi.",
"The database is used for transactional file locking. To enhance performance, please configure memcache, if available." : "Il database viene usato per il blocco di file transazionale. Per migliorare le prestazioni, configura memcache, se disponibile.",
"Forwarded for headers" : "Inoltrato per intestazioni",
"Your \"trusted_proxies\" setting is not correctly set, it should be an array." : "La tua impostazione \"trusted_proxies\" non è corretta, dovrebbe essere un array.",
"Your \"trusted_proxies\" setting is not correctly set, it should be an array of IP addresses - optionally with range in CIDR notation." : "L'impostazione \"trusted_proxies\" non è impostata correttamente, dovrebbe essere un array di indirizzi IP, facoltativamente con intervallo nella notazione CIDR.",
"The reverse proxy header configuration is incorrect. This is a security issue and can allow an attacker to spoof their IP address as visible to the Nextcloud." : "La configurazione dell'intestazione del reverse proxy è errata. Questo è un problema di sicurezza e può consentire a un aggressore di falsificare il proprio indirizzo IP come visto da Nextcloud.",
"Your IP address was resolved as %s" : "Il tuo indirizzo IP è stato risolto come %s",
"The reverse proxy header configuration is incorrect, or you are accessing Nextcloud from a trusted proxy. If not, this is a security issue and can allow an attacker to spoof their IP address as visible to the Nextcloud." : "La configurazione dell'intestazione del reverse proxy è errata o stai accedendo a Nextcloud da un proxy fidato. Se non è così, si tratta di un problema di sicurezza e può consentire a un aggressore di falsificare il proprio indirizzo IP come visto da Nextcloud.",
"HTTPS access and URLs" : "Accesso HTTPS e URL",
"Accessing site insecurely via HTTP. You are strongly advised to set up your server to require HTTPS instead. Without it some important web functionality like \"copy to clipboard\" or \"service workers\" will not work!" : "Accesso al sito non sicuro tramite HTTP. Ti consigliamo vivamente di configurare il tuo server per gestire le richieste HTTPS. Senza di esse alcune importanti funzionalità web come \"copia negli appunti\" o \"operatori di servizio\" non funzioneranno!",
"Accessing site insecurely via HTTP." : "Accesso non sicuro al sito tramite HTTP.",
"You are accessing your instance over a secure connection, however your instance is generating insecure URLs. This likely means that your instance is behind a reverse proxy and the Nextcloud `overwrite*` config values are not set correctly." : "Stai accedendo alla tua istanza tramite una connessione protetta, tuttavia la tua istanza sta generando URL non sicuri. Ciò probabilmente significa che la tua istanza è protetta da un proxy inverso e che i valori di configurazione `overwrite*` di Nextcloud non sono impostati correttamente.",
"Your instance is generating insecure URLs. If you access your instance over HTTPS, this likely means that your instance is behind a reverse proxy and the Nextcloud `overwrite*` config values are not set correctly." : "La tua istanza sta generando URL non sicuri. Se accedi alla tua istanza tramite HTTPS, probabilmente significa che la tua istanza si trova dietro un proxy inverso e che i valori di configurazione `overwrite*` di Nextcloud non sono impostati correttamente.",
"You are accessing your instance over a secure connection, and your instance is generating secure URLs." : "Stai accedendo alla tua istanza tramite una connessione protetta e l'istanza sta generando URL protetti.",
"Internet connectivity" : "Connessione internet",
"Internet connectivity is disabled in configuration file." : "La connessione internet è disattivata nel file di configurazione.",
"This server has no working internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the internet to enjoy all features." : "Questo server non ha una connessione a Internet funzionante: diversi dispositivi finali non sono raggiungibili. Ciò significa che alcune delle funzionalità come il montaggio di archivi esterni, le notifiche degli aggiornamenti o l'installazione di applicazioni di terze parti non funzioneranno. Anche l'accesso remoto ai file e l'invio di email di notifica potrebbero non funzionare. Attiva la connessione a Internet del server se desideri disporre di tutte le funzionalità.",
"JavaScript modules support" : "Supporto dei moduli JavaScript ",
"Unable to run check for JavaScript support. Please remedy or confirm manually if your webserver serves `.mjs` files using the JavaScript MIME type." : "Impossibile eseguire la verifica del supporto JavaScript. Rimedio o conferma manualmente se il tuo server web gestisce file `.mjs` utilizzando il tipo MIME JavaScript.",
"Your webserver does not serve `.mjs` files using the JavaScript MIME type. This will break some apps by preventing browsers from executing the JavaScript files. You should configure your webserver to serve `.mjs` files with either the `text/javascript` or `application/javascript` MIME type." : "Il tuo server web non gestisce i file `.mjs` utilizzando il tipo MIME JavaScript. Ciò corromperà alcune app impedendo ai browser di eseguire i file JavaScript. Dovresti configurare il tuo server web per gestire i file `.mjs` con il tipo MIME `text/javascript` o `application/javascript`.",
"JavaScript source map support" : "Supporto della mappa sorgente JavaScript",
"Your webserver is not set up to serve `.js.map` files. Without these files, JavaScript Source Maps won't function properly, making it more challenging to troubleshoot and debug any issues that may arise." : "Il tuo server web non è configurato per gestire i file `.js.map`. Senza questi file, le mappe sorgente JavaScript non funzioneranno correttamente, rendendo più difficile la risoluzione dei problemi e il debug di eventuali problemi che potrebbero verificarsi.",
"Old server-side-encryption" : "Vecchia crittografia lato server",
"Disabled" : "Disabilitata",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "Il vecchio formato di cifratura lato server è abilitato. Ti consigliamo di disabilitarlo.",
"Maintenance window start" : "Inizio della finestra di manutenzione",
"Server has no maintenance window start time configured. This means resource intensive daily background jobs will also be executed during your main usage time. We recommend to set it to a time of low usage, so users are less impacted by the load caused from these heavy tasks." : "Per il server non è configurata l'ora di inizio della finestra di manutenzione. Ciò significa che i lavori in background giornalieri ad uso intensivo di risorse verranno eseguiti anche durante l'orario di utilizzo principale. Ti consigliamo di impostarla su un orario di utilizzo ridotto, in modo che gli utenti siano meno interessati dal carico causato da questa attività pesante.",
"Maintenance window to execute heavy background jobs is between {start}:00 UTC and {end}:00 UTC" : "La finestra di manutenzione per eseguire lavori pesanti in background inizia alle {start}:00 UTC e finisce alle {end}:00 UTC",
"Memcache" : "Memcache",
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the wrong PHP module (\"memcache\") is installed. Please install the PHP module \"memcached\"." : "Memcached è configurato come cache distribuita, ma è installato il modulo PHP sbagliato (\"memcache\"). Installa il modulo PHP \"memcached\".",
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the PHP module \"memcached\" is not installed. Please install the PHP module \"memcached\"." : "Memcached è configurata come cache distribuita, ma il modulo PHP \"memcached\" non è installato. Installa il modulo PHP \"memcached\".",
"No memory cache has been configured. To enhance performance, please configure a memcache, if available." : "Nessuna cache di memoria è stata configurata. Per migliorare le prestazioni, si prega di configurare una memcache, se disponibile.",
"Failed to write and read a value from local cache." : "Impossibile scrivere e leggere un valore dalla cache locale.",
"Failed to write and read a value from distributed cache." : "Impossibile scrivere e leggere un valore dalla cache distribuita.",
"Configured" : "Configurato",
"Mimetype migrations available" : "Migrazioni di tipi MIME disponibili",
"One or more mimetype migrations are available. Occasionally new mimetypes are added to better handle certain file types. Migrating the mimetypes take a long time on larger instances so this is not done automatically during upgrades. Use the command `occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive` to perform the migrations." : "Sono disponibili una o più migrazioni di tipi MIME. Occasionalmente vengono aggiunti nuovi tipi MIME per gestire meglio determinati tipi di file. La migrazione dei tipi MIME richiede molto tempo su istanze più grandi, quindi questa operazione non viene eseguita automaticamente durante gli aggiornamenti. Utilizza il comando \"occ Maintenance:repair --include-expensive\" per eseguire le migrazioni.",
"MySQL row format" : "Formato di riga MySQL",
"You are not using MySQL" : "Non stai utilizzando MySQL",
"None of your tables use ROW_FORMAT=Compressed" : "Nessuna delle tue tabelle utilizza ROW_FORMAT=Compressed",
"Incorrect row format found in your database. ROW_FORMAT=Dynamic offers the best database performances for Nextcloud. Please update row format on the following list: %s." : "Formato di riga errato trovato nel database. ROW_FORMAT=Dynamic offre le migliori prestazioni del database per Nextcloud. Aggiorna il formato della riga nel seguente elenco: %s.",
"MySQL Unicode support" : "Supporto Unicode MySQL",
"MySQL is used as database and does support 4-byte characters" : "MySQL viene utilizzato come database e supporta caratteri a 4 byte",
"MySQL is used as database but does not support 4-byte characters. To be able to handle 4-byte characters (like emojis) without issues in filenames or comments for example it is recommended to enable the 4-byte support in MySQL." : "MySQL viene utilizzato come database ma non supporta caratteri a 4 byte. Per poter gestire caratteri a 4 byte (come gli emoji) senza problemi nei nomi dei file o nei commenti, ad esempio, si consiglia di abilitare il supporto a 4 byte in MySQL.",
"OCS provider resolving" : "Risoluzione del provider OCS",
"Could not check if your web server properly resolves the OCM and OCS provider URLs." : "Impossibile verificare se il tuo server web risolve correttamente gli URL del provider OCM e OCS.",
"Your web server is not properly set up to resolve %1$s.\nThis is most likely related to a web server configuration that was not updated to deliver this folder directly.\nPlease compare your configuration against the shipped rewrite rules in \".htaccess\" for Apache or the provided one in the documentation for Nginx.\nOn Nginx those are typically the lines starting with \"location ~\" that need an update." : "Il tuo server web non è configurato correttamente per risolvere %1$s.\nCiò è molto probabilmente correlato alla configurazione di un server Web che non è stata aggiornata per fornire direttamente questa cartella.\nConfronta la tua configurazione con le regole di riscrittura fornite in \".htaccess\" per Apache o con quella fornita nella documentazione per Nginx.\nSu Nginx queste sono in genere le righe che iniziano con \"location ~\" che necessitano di un aggiornamento.",
"Overwrite CLI URL" : "Sovrascrivi URL CLI",
"The \"overwrite.cli.url\" option in your config.php is correctly set to \"%s\"." : "L'opzione \"overwrite.cli.url\" nel tuo config.php è impostata correttamente su \"%s\".",
"The \"overwrite.cli.url\" option in your config.php is set to \"%s\" which is a correct URL. Suggested URL is \"%s\"." : "L'opzione \"overwrite.cli.url\" nel tuo config.php è impostata su \"%s\" che è un URL corretto. L'URL suggerito è \"%s\".",
"Please make sure to set the \"overwrite.cli.url\" option in your config.php file to the URL that your users mainly use to access this Nextcloud. Suggestion: \"%s\". Otherwise there might be problems with the URL generation via cron. (It is possible though that the suggested URL is not the URL that your users mainly use to access this Nextcloud. Best is to double check this in any case.)" : "Assicurati di impostare l'opzione \"overwrite.cli.url\" nel tuo file config.php sull'URL che i tuoi utenti utilizzano principalmente per accedere a questo Nextcloud. Suggerimento: \"%s\". Altrimenti potrebbero esserci problemi con la generazione dell'URL tramite cron. (È possibile tuttavia che l'URL suggerito non sia l'URL utilizzato principalmente dai tuoi utenti per accedere a Nextcloud. La cosa migliore in ogni caso è di ricontrollarlo.)\n ",
"PHP APCu configuration" : "Configurazione PHP APCu",
"Your APCu cache has been running full, consider increasing the apc.shm_size php setting." : "La tua cache APCu è piena, valuta la possibilità di aumentare l'impostazione php apc.shm_size.",
"Your APCu cache is almost full at %s%%, consider increasing the apc.shm_size php setting." : "La tua cache APCu è quasi piena al %s%%, prendi in considerazione l'aumento dell'impostazione php apc.shm_size.",
"PHP default charset" : "Set di caratteri PHP predefinito",
"PHP configuration option \"default_charset\" should be UTF-8" : "L'opzione di configurazione PHP \"default_charset\" dovrebbe essere UTF-8",
"PHP set_time_limit" : "PHP set_time_limit",
@ -199,12 +243,23 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Your PHP does not have FreeType support, resulting in breakage of profile pictures and the settings interface." : "La tua versione di PHP non supporta FreeType. Ciò causerà problemi con le immagini dei profili e con l'interfaccia delle impostazioni.",
"PHP getenv" : "getenv PHP",
"PHP does not seem to be setup properly to query system environment variables. The test with getenv(\"PATH\") only returns an empty response." : "PHP non sembra essere configurato correttamente per interrogare le variabili d'ambiente di sistema. Il test con getenv(\"PATH\") restituisce solo una risposta vuota.",
"PHP file size upload limit" : "Limite dimensione caricamento file PHP",
"The PHP upload_max_filesize is too low. A size of at least %1$s is recommended. Current value: %2$s." : "Il valore PHP upload_max_filesize è troppo basso. Ti suggeriamo un valore di almeno %1$s. Valore attuale: %2$s.",
"The PHP post_max_size is too low. A size of at least %1$s is recommended. Current value: %2$s." : "Il valore PHP post_max_size è troppo basso. Ti suggeriamo un valore di almeno %1$s. Valore attuale: %2$s.",
"The PHP max_input_time is too low. A time of at least %1$s is recommended. Current value: %2$s." : "Il valore PHP max_input_time è troppo basso. Raccomandiamo un valore di almeno %1$s. Valore attuale: %2$s.",
"The PHP max_execution_time is too low. A time of at least %1$s is recommended. Current value: %2$s." : "Il valore PHP max_execution_time è troppo basso. Raccomandiamo un valore di almeno %1$s. Valore attuale: %2$s.",
"PHP memory limit" : "Limite di memoria PHP",
"The PHP memory limit is below the recommended value of %s." : "Il limite di memoria di PHP è inferiore al valore consigliato di %s.",
"PHP modules" : "Moduli PHP",
"This instance is missing some required PHP modules. It is required to install them: %s." : "Questa istanza manca di alcuni moduli PHP richiesti. È necessario installarli: %s.",
"This instance is missing some recommended PHP modules. For improved performance and better compatibility it is highly recommended to install them:\n%s" : "In questa istanza mancano alcuni moduli PHP consigliati. Ti consigliamo vivamente di installari per garantire prestazioni migliori e una migliore compatibilità:\n%s",
"PHP opcache" : "PHP opcache",
"The PHP OPcache module is not loaded. For better performance it is recommended to load it into your PHP installation." : "Il modulo PHP OPcache non è caricato. Per prestazioni migliori consigliamo di caricarlo nella tua installazione di PHP.",
"OPcache is disabled. For better performance, it is recommended to apply \"opcache.enable=1\" to your PHP configuration." : "OPcache è disabilitata. Per prestazioni migliori, si consiglia di applicare \"opcache.enable=1\" alla configurazione PHP.",
"The shared memory based OPcache is disabled. For better performance, it is recommended to apply \"opcache.file_cache_only=0\" to your PHP configuration and use the file cache as second level cache only." : "L'OPcache basata sulla memoria condivisa è disabilitata. Per prestazioni migliori, si consiglia di applicare \"opcache.file_cache_only=0\" alla configurazione PHP e utilizzare la cache dei file esclusivamente come cache di secondo livello.",
"OPcache is not working as it should, opcache_get_status() returns false, please check configuration." : "OPcache non funziona come dovrebbe, opcache_get_status() restituisce false, controlla la configurazione.",
"The maximum number of OPcache keys is nearly exceeded. To assure that all scripts can be kept in the cache, it is recommended to apply \"opcache.max_accelerated_files\" to your PHP configuration with a value higher than \"%s\"." : "Il numero massimo di chiavi OPcache è stato quasi superato. Per garantire che tutti gli script possano essere mantenuti nella cache, si consiglia di applicare \"opcache.max_accelerated_files\" alla configurazione PHP con un valore superiore a \"%s\".",
"The OPcache buffer is nearly full. To assure that all scripts can be hold in cache, it is recommended to apply \"opcache.memory_consumption\" to your PHP configuration with a value higher than \"%s\"." : "Il buffer OPcache è quasi pieno. Per garantire che tutti gli script possano essere conservati nella cache, si consiglia di applicare \"opcache.memory_consumption\" alla configurazione PHP con un valore superiore a \"%s\".",
"Correctly configured" : "Configurato correttamente",
"PHP version" : "Versione PHP",
"You are currently running PHP %s." : "Attualmente stai usando PHP %s.",
@ -119,6 +119,12 @@
"Personal info" : "Informazioni personali",
"Mobile & desktop" : "Mobile e desktop",
"Email server" : "Server di posta",
"Mail Providers" : "Provider di Posta Elettronica",
"Mail provider enables sending emails directly through the user's personal email account. At present, this functionality is limited to calendar invitations. It requires Nextcloud Mail 4.1 and an email account in Nextcloud Mail that matches the user's email address in Nextcloud." : "Il provider di posta elettronica consente l'invio di e-mail direttamente tramite l'account e-mail personale dell'utente. Al momento, questa funzionalità è limitata agli inviti del calendario. Richiede Nextcloud Mail 4.1 e un account e-mail in Nextcloud Mail che corrisponda all'indirizzo e-mail dell'utente in Nextcloud.",
"Send emails using" : "Invia email usando",
"User's email account" : "Account email degli utenti",
"System email account" : "Account email di sistema",
"Security & setup checks" : "Controlli di configurazione e sicurezza",
"Background jobs" : "Operazioni in background",
"Unlimited" : "Illimitata",
"Verifying" : "Verifica",
@ -170,23 +176,61 @@
"Email test" : "Prova email",
"Email test was successfully sent" : "Il messaggio di prova è stato inviato correttamente",
"You have not set or verified your email server configuration, yet. Please head over to the \"Basic settings\" in order to set them. Afterwards, use the \"Send email\" button below the form to verify your settings." : "Non hai ancora impostato o verificato la configurazione del tuo server email. Vai alle \"Impostazioni di base\" per configurarle. Successivamente, utilizza il pulsante \"Invia email\" sotto il modulo per verificare le tue impostazioni.",
"Transactional File Locking" : "Blocco transazionale dei file",
"Transactional File Locking is disabled. This is not a a supported configuraton. It may lead to difficult to isolate problems including file corruption. Please remove the `'filelocking.enabled' => false` configuration entry from your `config.php` to avoid these problems." : "Il blocco transizionale dei file è disabilitato. Questa non è una configurazione supportata. Potrebbe risultare difficile isolare i problemi, inclusa la corruzione dei file. Per favore rimuovi la voce di configurazione `'filelocking.enabled' => false` dal tuo `config.php` per evitare questi problemi.",
"The database is used for transactional file locking. To enhance performance, please configure memcache, if available." : "Il database viene usato per il blocco di file transazionale. Per migliorare le prestazioni, configura memcache, se disponibile.",
"Forwarded for headers" : "Inoltrato per intestazioni",
"Your \"trusted_proxies\" setting is not correctly set, it should be an array." : "La tua impostazione \"trusted_proxies\" non è corretta, dovrebbe essere un array.",
"Your \"trusted_proxies\" setting is not correctly set, it should be an array of IP addresses - optionally with range in CIDR notation." : "L'impostazione \"trusted_proxies\" non è impostata correttamente, dovrebbe essere un array di indirizzi IP, facoltativamente con intervallo nella notazione CIDR.",
"The reverse proxy header configuration is incorrect. This is a security issue and can allow an attacker to spoof their IP address as visible to the Nextcloud." : "La configurazione dell'intestazione del reverse proxy è errata. Questo è un problema di sicurezza e può consentire a un aggressore di falsificare il proprio indirizzo IP come visto da Nextcloud.",
"Your IP address was resolved as %s" : "Il tuo indirizzo IP è stato risolto come %s",
"The reverse proxy header configuration is incorrect, or you are accessing Nextcloud from a trusted proxy. If not, this is a security issue and can allow an attacker to spoof their IP address as visible to the Nextcloud." : "La configurazione dell'intestazione del reverse proxy è errata o stai accedendo a Nextcloud da un proxy fidato. Se non è così, si tratta di un problema di sicurezza e può consentire a un aggressore di falsificare il proprio indirizzo IP come visto da Nextcloud.",
"HTTPS access and URLs" : "Accesso HTTPS e URL",
"Accessing site insecurely via HTTP. You are strongly advised to set up your server to require HTTPS instead. Without it some important web functionality like \"copy to clipboard\" or \"service workers\" will not work!" : "Accesso al sito non sicuro tramite HTTP. Ti consigliamo vivamente di configurare il tuo server per gestire le richieste HTTPS. Senza di esse alcune importanti funzionalità web come \"copia negli appunti\" o \"operatori di servizio\" non funzioneranno!",
"Accessing site insecurely via HTTP." : "Accesso non sicuro al sito tramite HTTP.",
"You are accessing your instance over a secure connection, however your instance is generating insecure URLs. This likely means that your instance is behind a reverse proxy and the Nextcloud `overwrite*` config values are not set correctly." : "Stai accedendo alla tua istanza tramite una connessione protetta, tuttavia la tua istanza sta generando URL non sicuri. Ciò probabilmente significa che la tua istanza è protetta da un proxy inverso e che i valori di configurazione `overwrite*` di Nextcloud non sono impostati correttamente.",
"Your instance is generating insecure URLs. If you access your instance over HTTPS, this likely means that your instance is behind a reverse proxy and the Nextcloud `overwrite*` config values are not set correctly." : "La tua istanza sta generando URL non sicuri. Se accedi alla tua istanza tramite HTTPS, probabilmente significa che la tua istanza si trova dietro un proxy inverso e che i valori di configurazione `overwrite*` di Nextcloud non sono impostati correttamente.",
"You are accessing your instance over a secure connection, and your instance is generating secure URLs." : "Stai accedendo alla tua istanza tramite una connessione protetta e l'istanza sta generando URL protetti.",
"Internet connectivity" : "Connessione internet",
"Internet connectivity is disabled in configuration file." : "La connessione internet è disattivata nel file di configurazione.",
"This server has no working internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the internet to enjoy all features." : "Questo server non ha una connessione a Internet funzionante: diversi dispositivi finali non sono raggiungibili. Ciò significa che alcune delle funzionalità come il montaggio di archivi esterni, le notifiche degli aggiornamenti o l'installazione di applicazioni di terze parti non funzioneranno. Anche l'accesso remoto ai file e l'invio di email di notifica potrebbero non funzionare. Attiva la connessione a Internet del server se desideri disporre di tutte le funzionalità.",
"JavaScript modules support" : "Supporto dei moduli JavaScript ",
"Unable to run check for JavaScript support. Please remedy or confirm manually if your webserver serves `.mjs` files using the JavaScript MIME type." : "Impossibile eseguire la verifica del supporto JavaScript. Rimedio o conferma manualmente se il tuo server web gestisce file `.mjs` utilizzando il tipo MIME JavaScript.",
"Your webserver does not serve `.mjs` files using the JavaScript MIME type. This will break some apps by preventing browsers from executing the JavaScript files. You should configure your webserver to serve `.mjs` files with either the `text/javascript` or `application/javascript` MIME type." : "Il tuo server web non gestisce i file `.mjs` utilizzando il tipo MIME JavaScript. Ciò corromperà alcune app impedendo ai browser di eseguire i file JavaScript. Dovresti configurare il tuo server web per gestire i file `.mjs` con il tipo MIME `text/javascript` o `application/javascript`.",
"JavaScript source map support" : "Supporto della mappa sorgente JavaScript",
"Your webserver is not set up to serve `.js.map` files. Without these files, JavaScript Source Maps won't function properly, making it more challenging to troubleshoot and debug any issues that may arise." : "Il tuo server web non è configurato per gestire i file `.js.map`. Senza questi file, le mappe sorgente JavaScript non funzioneranno correttamente, rendendo più difficile la risoluzione dei problemi e il debug di eventuali problemi che potrebbero verificarsi.",
"Old server-side-encryption" : "Vecchia crittografia lato server",
"Disabled" : "Disabilitata",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "Il vecchio formato di cifratura lato server è abilitato. Ti consigliamo di disabilitarlo.",
"Maintenance window start" : "Inizio della finestra di manutenzione",
"Server has no maintenance window start time configured. This means resource intensive daily background jobs will also be executed during your main usage time. We recommend to set it to a time of low usage, so users are less impacted by the load caused from these heavy tasks." : "Per il server non è configurata l'ora di inizio della finestra di manutenzione. Ciò significa che i lavori in background giornalieri ad uso intensivo di risorse verranno eseguiti anche durante l'orario di utilizzo principale. Ti consigliamo di impostarla su un orario di utilizzo ridotto, in modo che gli utenti siano meno interessati dal carico causato da questa attività pesante.",
"Maintenance window to execute heavy background jobs is between {start}:00 UTC and {end}:00 UTC" : "La finestra di manutenzione per eseguire lavori pesanti in background inizia alle {start}:00 UTC e finisce alle {end}:00 UTC",
"Memcache" : "Memcache",
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the wrong PHP module (\"memcache\") is installed. Please install the PHP module \"memcached\"." : "Memcached è configurato come cache distribuita, ma è installato il modulo PHP sbagliato (\"memcache\"). Installa il modulo PHP \"memcached\".",
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the PHP module \"memcached\" is not installed. Please install the PHP module \"memcached\"." : "Memcached è configurata come cache distribuita, ma il modulo PHP \"memcached\" non è installato. Installa il modulo PHP \"memcached\".",
"No memory cache has been configured. To enhance performance, please configure a memcache, if available." : "Nessuna cache di memoria è stata configurata. Per migliorare le prestazioni, si prega di configurare una memcache, se disponibile.",
"Failed to write and read a value from local cache." : "Impossibile scrivere e leggere un valore dalla cache locale.",
"Failed to write and read a value from distributed cache." : "Impossibile scrivere e leggere un valore dalla cache distribuita.",
"Configured" : "Configurato",
"Mimetype migrations available" : "Migrazioni di tipi MIME disponibili",
"One or more mimetype migrations are available. Occasionally new mimetypes are added to better handle certain file types. Migrating the mimetypes take a long time on larger instances so this is not done automatically during upgrades. Use the command `occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive` to perform the migrations." : "Sono disponibili una o più migrazioni di tipi MIME. Occasionalmente vengono aggiunti nuovi tipi MIME per gestire meglio determinati tipi di file. La migrazione dei tipi MIME richiede molto tempo su istanze più grandi, quindi questa operazione non viene eseguita automaticamente durante gli aggiornamenti. Utilizza il comando \"occ Maintenance:repair --include-expensive\" per eseguire le migrazioni.",
"MySQL row format" : "Formato di riga MySQL",
"You are not using MySQL" : "Non stai utilizzando MySQL",
"None of your tables use ROW_FORMAT=Compressed" : "Nessuna delle tue tabelle utilizza ROW_FORMAT=Compressed",
"Incorrect row format found in your database. ROW_FORMAT=Dynamic offers the best database performances for Nextcloud. Please update row format on the following list: %s." : "Formato di riga errato trovato nel database. ROW_FORMAT=Dynamic offre le migliori prestazioni del database per Nextcloud. Aggiorna il formato della riga nel seguente elenco: %s.",
"MySQL Unicode support" : "Supporto Unicode MySQL",
"MySQL is used as database and does support 4-byte characters" : "MySQL viene utilizzato come database e supporta caratteri a 4 byte",
"MySQL is used as database but does not support 4-byte characters. To be able to handle 4-byte characters (like emojis) without issues in filenames or comments for example it is recommended to enable the 4-byte support in MySQL." : "MySQL viene utilizzato come database ma non supporta caratteri a 4 byte. Per poter gestire caratteri a 4 byte (come gli emoji) senza problemi nei nomi dei file o nei commenti, ad esempio, si consiglia di abilitare il supporto a 4 byte in MySQL.",
"OCS provider resolving" : "Risoluzione del provider OCS",
"Could not check if your web server properly resolves the OCM and OCS provider URLs." : "Impossibile verificare se il tuo server web risolve correttamente gli URL del provider OCM e OCS.",
"Your web server is not properly set up to resolve %1$s.\nThis is most likely related to a web server configuration that was not updated to deliver this folder directly.\nPlease compare your configuration against the shipped rewrite rules in \".htaccess\" for Apache or the provided one in the documentation for Nginx.\nOn Nginx those are typically the lines starting with \"location ~\" that need an update." : "Il tuo server web non è configurato correttamente per risolvere %1$s.\nCiò è molto probabilmente correlato alla configurazione di un server Web che non è stata aggiornata per fornire direttamente questa cartella.\nConfronta la tua configurazione con le regole di riscrittura fornite in \".htaccess\" per Apache o con quella fornita nella documentazione per Nginx.\nSu Nginx queste sono in genere le righe che iniziano con \"location ~\" che necessitano di un aggiornamento.",
"Overwrite CLI URL" : "Sovrascrivi URL CLI",
"The \"overwrite.cli.url\" option in your config.php is correctly set to \"%s\"." : "L'opzione \"overwrite.cli.url\" nel tuo config.php è impostata correttamente su \"%s\".",
"The \"overwrite.cli.url\" option in your config.php is set to \"%s\" which is a correct URL. Suggested URL is \"%s\"." : "L'opzione \"overwrite.cli.url\" nel tuo config.php è impostata su \"%s\" che è un URL corretto. L'URL suggerito è \"%s\".",
"Please make sure to set the \"overwrite.cli.url\" option in your config.php file to the URL that your users mainly use to access this Nextcloud. Suggestion: \"%s\". Otherwise there might be problems with the URL generation via cron. (It is possible though that the suggested URL is not the URL that your users mainly use to access this Nextcloud. Best is to double check this in any case.)" : "Assicurati di impostare l'opzione \"overwrite.cli.url\" nel tuo file config.php sull'URL che i tuoi utenti utilizzano principalmente per accedere a questo Nextcloud. Suggerimento: \"%s\". Altrimenti potrebbero esserci problemi con la generazione dell'URL tramite cron. (È possibile tuttavia che l'URL suggerito non sia l'URL utilizzato principalmente dai tuoi utenti per accedere a Nextcloud. La cosa migliore in ogni caso è di ricontrollarlo.)\n ",
"PHP APCu configuration" : "Configurazione PHP APCu",
"Your APCu cache has been running full, consider increasing the apc.shm_size php setting." : "La tua cache APCu è piena, valuta la possibilità di aumentare l'impostazione php apc.shm_size.",
"Your APCu cache is almost full at %s%%, consider increasing the apc.shm_size php setting." : "La tua cache APCu è quasi piena al %s%%, prendi in considerazione l'aumento dell'impostazione php apc.shm_size.",
"PHP default charset" : "Set di caratteri PHP predefinito",
"PHP configuration option \"default_charset\" should be UTF-8" : "L'opzione di configurazione PHP \"default_charset\" dovrebbe essere UTF-8",
"PHP set_time_limit" : "PHP set_time_limit",
@ -197,12 +241,23 @@
"Your PHP does not have FreeType support, resulting in breakage of profile pictures and the settings interface." : "La tua versione di PHP non supporta FreeType. Ciò causerà problemi con le immagini dei profili e con l'interfaccia delle impostazioni.",
"PHP getenv" : "getenv PHP",
"PHP does not seem to be setup properly to query system environment variables. The test with getenv(\"PATH\") only returns an empty response." : "PHP non sembra essere configurato correttamente per interrogare le variabili d'ambiente di sistema. Il test con getenv(\"PATH\") restituisce solo una risposta vuota.",
"PHP file size upload limit" : "Limite dimensione caricamento file PHP",
"The PHP upload_max_filesize is too low. A size of at least %1$s is recommended. Current value: %2$s." : "Il valore PHP upload_max_filesize è troppo basso. Ti suggeriamo un valore di almeno %1$s. Valore attuale: %2$s.",
"The PHP post_max_size is too low. A size of at least %1$s is recommended. Current value: %2$s." : "Il valore PHP post_max_size è troppo basso. Ti suggeriamo un valore di almeno %1$s. Valore attuale: %2$s.",
"The PHP max_input_time is too low. A time of at least %1$s is recommended. Current value: %2$s." : "Il valore PHP max_input_time è troppo basso. Raccomandiamo un valore di almeno %1$s. Valore attuale: %2$s.",
"The PHP max_execution_time is too low. A time of at least %1$s is recommended. Current value: %2$s." : "Il valore PHP max_execution_time è troppo basso. Raccomandiamo un valore di almeno %1$s. Valore attuale: %2$s.",
"PHP memory limit" : "Limite di memoria PHP",
"The PHP memory limit is below the recommended value of %s." : "Il limite di memoria di PHP è inferiore al valore consigliato di %s.",
"PHP modules" : "Moduli PHP",
"This instance is missing some required PHP modules. It is required to install them: %s." : "Questa istanza manca di alcuni moduli PHP richiesti. È necessario installarli: %s.",
"This instance is missing some recommended PHP modules. For improved performance and better compatibility it is highly recommended to install them:\n%s" : "In questa istanza mancano alcuni moduli PHP consigliati. Ti consigliamo vivamente di installari per garantire prestazioni migliori e una migliore compatibilità:\n%s",
"PHP opcache" : "PHP opcache",
"The PHP OPcache module is not loaded. For better performance it is recommended to load it into your PHP installation." : "Il modulo PHP OPcache non è caricato. Per prestazioni migliori consigliamo di caricarlo nella tua installazione di PHP.",
"OPcache is disabled. For better performance, it is recommended to apply \"opcache.enable=1\" to your PHP configuration." : "OPcache è disabilitata. Per prestazioni migliori, si consiglia di applicare \"opcache.enable=1\" alla configurazione PHP.",
"The shared memory based OPcache is disabled. For better performance, it is recommended to apply \"opcache.file_cache_only=0\" to your PHP configuration and use the file cache as second level cache only." : "L'OPcache basata sulla memoria condivisa è disabilitata. Per prestazioni migliori, si consiglia di applicare \"opcache.file_cache_only=0\" alla configurazione PHP e utilizzare la cache dei file esclusivamente come cache di secondo livello.",
"OPcache is not working as it should, opcache_get_status() returns false, please check configuration." : "OPcache non funziona come dovrebbe, opcache_get_status() restituisce false, controlla la configurazione.",
"The maximum number of OPcache keys is nearly exceeded. To assure that all scripts can be kept in the cache, it is recommended to apply \"opcache.max_accelerated_files\" to your PHP configuration with a value higher than \"%s\"." : "Il numero massimo di chiavi OPcache è stato quasi superato. Per garantire che tutti gli script possano essere mantenuti nella cache, si consiglia di applicare \"opcache.max_accelerated_files\" alla configurazione PHP con un valore superiore a \"%s\".",
"The OPcache buffer is nearly full. To assure that all scripts can be hold in cache, it is recommended to apply \"opcache.memory_consumption\" to your PHP configuration with a value higher than \"%s\"." : "Il buffer OPcache è quasi pieno. Per garantire che tutti gli script possano essere conservati nella cache, si consiglia di applicare \"opcache.memory_consumption\" alla configurazione PHP con un valore superiore a \"%s\".",
"Correctly configured" : "Configurato correttamente",
"PHP version" : "Versione PHP",
"You are currently running PHP %s." : "Attualmente stai usando PHP %s.",
@ -211,6 +211,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the wrong PHP module (\"memcache\") is installed. Please install the PHP module \"memcached\"." : "已設定 Memcached 為分散式快取,但安裝了錯誤的 PHP 模組「memcache」。請安裝 PHP 模組「memcached」。",
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the PHP module \"memcached\" is not installed. Please install the PHP module \"memcached\"." : "已設定 Memcached 為分散式快取,但未安裝 PHP 模組「memcached」。請安裝 PHP 模組「memcached」。",
"No memory cache has been configured. To enhance performance, please configure a memcache, if available." : "尚未配置內存緩存。為提升性能,請配置內存緩存(如果可用)。",
"Failed to write and read a value from local cache." : "無法從近端緩存寫入或讀取數值。",
"Failed to write and read a value from distributed cache." : "無法從分佈式緩存寫入或讀取數值。",
"Configured" : "已配置",
"Mimetype migrations available" : "有可用的 MIME 類型遷移",
"One or more mimetype migrations are available. Occasionally new mimetypes are added to better handle certain file types. Migrating the mimetypes take a long time on larger instances so this is not done automatically during upgrades. Use the command `occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive` to perform the migrations." : "有一個或多個 MIME 類型的遷移可用。有時會添加新的 MIME 類型以更好地處理某些檔案類型。在較大的實例上遷移 MIME 類型需要很長時間,因此在升級過程中不會自動執行。請使用命令 `occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive` 來執行遷移。",
@ -209,6 +209,8 @@
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the wrong PHP module (\"memcache\") is installed. Please install the PHP module \"memcached\"." : "已設定 Memcached 為分散式快取,但安裝了錯誤的 PHP 模組「memcache」。請安裝 PHP 模組「memcached」。",
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the PHP module \"memcached\" is not installed. Please install the PHP module \"memcached\"." : "已設定 Memcached 為分散式快取,但未安裝 PHP 模組「memcached」。請安裝 PHP 模組「memcached」。",
"No memory cache has been configured. To enhance performance, please configure a memcache, if available." : "尚未配置內存緩存。為提升性能,請配置內存緩存(如果可用)。",
"Failed to write and read a value from local cache." : "無法從近端緩存寫入或讀取數值。",
"Failed to write and read a value from distributed cache." : "無法從分佈式緩存寫入或讀取數值。",
"Configured" : "已配置",
"Mimetype migrations available" : "有可用的 MIME 類型遷移",
"One or more mimetype migrations are available. Occasionally new mimetypes are added to better handle certain file types. Migrating the mimetypes take a long time on larger instances so this is not done automatically during upgrades. Use the command `occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive` to perform the migrations." : "有一個或多個 MIME 類型的遷移可用。有時會添加新的 MIME 類型以更好地處理某些檔案類型。在較大的實例上遷移 MIME 類型需要很長時間,因此在升級過程中不會自動執行。請使用命令 `occ maintenance:repair --include-expensive` 來執行遷移。",
@ -66,7 +66,16 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted tag" : "Etichetta eliminata",
"Failed to delete tag" : "Eliminazione etichetta fallita",
"Manage tags" : "Gestisci etichette",
"Applying tags changes…" : "Applico le modifiche ai tag...",
"Search or create tag" : "Cerca o crea tag",
"Create new tag" : "Crea un nuovo tag",
"Select or create tags to apply to all selected files" : "Seleziona o crea i tag da applicare a tutti i file selezionati",
"Cancel" : "Annulla",
"Apply changes" : "Applica modifiche",
"{displayName} (hidden)" : "{displayName} (nascosto)",
"{displayName} (restricted)" : "{displayName} (limitato)",
"Failed to apply tags changes" : "Impossibile applicare le modifiche ai tag",
"File tags modification canceled" : "Modifiche ai tag dei file annullate",
"Loading collaborative tags …" : "Caricamento etichette collaborative …",
"Search or create collaborative tags" : "Cerca o crea etichette collaborative",
"No tags to select, type to create a new tag" : "Nessuna etichetta da selezionare, digita per crearne una nuova",
@ -79,8 +88,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"List of tags and their associated files and folders." : "Lista di etichette e dei loro file e cartelle associati.",
"No tags found" : "Nessuna etichetta trovata",
"Tags you have created will show up here." : "Le etichette che hai creato saranno mostrate qui.",
"Failed to load tag" : "Impossibile caricare i tag",
"Failed to load last used tags" : "Caricamento ultime etichette usate fallito",
"Missing \"Content-Location\" header" : "Intestazione \"Content-Location\" mancante",
"A tag with the same name already exists" : "Esiste già un tag con lo stesso nome",
"Failed to load tags for file" : "Caricamento delle etichette per il file fallito",
"Failed to set tag for file" : "Impostazione dell'etichetta per il file fallita",
"Failed to delete tag for file" : "Eliminazione dell'etichetta per il file fallita",
@ -64,7 +64,16 @@
"Deleted tag" : "Etichetta eliminata",
"Failed to delete tag" : "Eliminazione etichetta fallita",
"Manage tags" : "Gestisci etichette",
"Applying tags changes…" : "Applico le modifiche ai tag...",
"Search or create tag" : "Cerca o crea tag",
"Create new tag" : "Crea un nuovo tag",
"Select or create tags to apply to all selected files" : "Seleziona o crea i tag da applicare a tutti i file selezionati",
"Cancel" : "Annulla",
"Apply changes" : "Applica modifiche",
"{displayName} (hidden)" : "{displayName} (nascosto)",
"{displayName} (restricted)" : "{displayName} (limitato)",
"Failed to apply tags changes" : "Impossibile applicare le modifiche ai tag",
"File tags modification canceled" : "Modifiche ai tag dei file annullate",
"Loading collaborative tags …" : "Caricamento etichette collaborative …",
"Search or create collaborative tags" : "Cerca o crea etichette collaborative",
"No tags to select, type to create a new tag" : "Nessuna etichetta da selezionare, digita per crearne una nuova",
@ -77,8 +86,10 @@
"List of tags and their associated files and folders." : "Lista di etichette e dei loro file e cartelle associati.",
"No tags found" : "Nessuna etichetta trovata",
"Tags you have created will show up here." : "Le etichette che hai creato saranno mostrate qui.",
"Failed to load tag" : "Impossibile caricare i tag",
"Failed to load last used tags" : "Caricamento ultime etichette usate fallito",
"Missing \"Content-Location\" header" : "Intestazione \"Content-Location\" mancante",
"A tag with the same name already exists" : "Esiste già un tag con lo stesso nome",
"Failed to load tags for file" : "Caricamento delle etichette per il file fallito",
"Failed to set tag for file" : "Impostazione dell'etichetta per il file fallita",
"Failed to delete tag for file" : "Eliminazione dell'etichetta per il file fallita",
@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deleted tag" : "删除标签",
"Failed to delete tag" : "删除标签失败",
"Manage tags" : "管理标签",
"Create new tag" : "创建新标签",
"Cancel" : "取消",
"Loading collaborative tags …" : "正在加载协作标签 ...",
"Search or create collaborative tags" : "搜索或创建协作标签",
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
"Deleted tag" : "删除标签",
"Failed to delete tag" : "删除标签失败",
"Manage tags" : "管理标签",
"Create new tag" : "创建新标签",
"Cancel" : "取消",
"Loading collaborative tags …" : "正在加载协作标签 ...",
"Search or create collaborative tags" : "搜索或创建协作标签",
@ -62,8 +62,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_Your password will expire within %n day._::_Your password will expire within %n days._" : ["La tua password scadrà tra %n giorno.","La tua password scadrà oggi tra %n giorni.","La tua password scadrà oggi tra %n giorni."],
"LDAP/AD integration" : "Integrazione LDAP/AD",
"LDAP Connection" : "Connessione LDAP",
"_Binding failed for this LDAP configuration: %s_::_Binding failed for %n LDAP configurations: %s_" : ["Associazione non riuscita per questa configurazione LDAP: %s","Associazione non riuscita per %n configurazioni LDAP: %s","Associazione non riuscita per %n configurazioni LDAP: %s"],
"_Searching failed for this LDAP configuration: %s_::_Searching failed for %n LDAP configurations: %s_" : ["Ricerca fallita per questa configurazione LDAP: %s","Ricerca fallita per %n configurazioni LDAP: %s","Ricerca fallita per %n configurazioni LDAP: %s"],
"_There is an inactive LDAP configuration: %s_::_There are %n inactive LDAP configurations: %s_" : ["C'è una configurazione LDAP inattiva: %s","Ci sono %n configurazioni LDAP inattive: %s","Ci sono %n configurazioni LDAP inattive: %s"],
"_Binding and searching works on the configured LDAP connection (%s)_::_Binding and searching works on all of the %n configured LDAP connections (%s)_" : ["L'associazione e la ricerca funzionano sulla connessione LDAP configurata (%s)","L'associazione e la ricerca funzionano sulle %n connessioni LDAP configurate (%s)","L'associazione e la ricerca funzionano sulle %n connessioni LDAP configurate (%s)"],
"Invalid LDAP UUIDs" : "UUID LDAP non validi",
"None found" : "Nessuno trovato",
"Invalid UUIDs of LDAP accounts or groups have been found. Please review your \"Override UUID detection\" settings in the Expert part of the LDAP configuration and use \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" to update them." : "Sono stati trovati UUID non validi di account o gruppi LDAP. Controlla le impostazioni \"Ignora rilevamento UUID\" nella parte Esperto della configurazione LDAP e utilizza \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" per aggiornarle.",
"_%n group found_::_%n groups found_" : ["%n gruppo trovato","%n gruppi trovati","%n gruppi trovati"],
"> 1000 groups found" : "> 1000 gruppi trovati",
"> 1000 users found" : "> 1000 utenti trovati",
@ -207,6 +212,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"User profile Headline will be set from the specified attribute" : "Il titolo del profilo utente verrà impostato dall'attributo specificato",
"Biography Field" : "Campo biografia",
"User profile Biography will be set from the specified attribute" : "La biografia del profilo utente verrà impostata dall'attributo specificato",
"Birthdate Field" : "Campo Data di Nascita",
"User profile Date of birth will be set from the specified attribute" : "La data di nascita del Profilo Utente verrà impostata dall'attributo specificato",
"Pronouns Field" : "Campo Pronome",
"User profile Pronouns will be set from the specified attribute" : "Il pronome del Profilo Utente verrà impostato dall'attributo specificato",
"Internal Username" : "Nome utente interno",
"By default the internal username will be created from the UUID attribute. It makes sure that the username is unique and characters do not need to be converted. The internal username has the restriction that only these characters are allowed: [a-zA-Z0-9_.@-]. Other characters are replaced with their ASCII correspondence or simply omitted. On collisions a number will be added/increased. The internal username is used to identify a user internally. It is also the default name for the user home folder. It is also a part of remote URLs, for instance for all DAV services. With this setting, the default behavior can be overridden. Changes will have effect only on newly mapped (added) LDAP users. Leave it empty for default behavior." : "In modo predefinito, il nome utente interno sarà creato dall'attributo UUID. Ciò assicura che il nome utente sia univoco e che non sia necessario convertire i caratteri. Il nome utente interno consente l'uso solo di determinati caratteri: [ a-zA-Z0-9_.@- ]. Altri caratteri sono sostituiti con il corrispondente ASCII o semplicemente omessi. In caso di conflitto, sarà aggiunto/incrementato un numero. Il nome utente interno è usato per identificare un utente internamente. È anche il nome predefinito per la cartella home dell'utente. Costituisce anche una parte di URL remoti, ad esempio per tutti i servizi DAV. Con questa impostazione, il comportamento predefinito può essere scavalcato. Le modifiche avranno effetto solo sui nuovo utenti LDAP associati (aggiunti). Lascialo vuoto per ottenere il comportamento predefinito.",
"Internal Username Attribute:" : "Attributo nome utente interno:",
@ -60,8 +60,13 @@
"_Your password will expire within %n day._::_Your password will expire within %n days._" : ["La tua password scadrà tra %n giorno.","La tua password scadrà oggi tra %n giorni.","La tua password scadrà oggi tra %n giorni."],
"LDAP/AD integration" : "Integrazione LDAP/AD",
"LDAP Connection" : "Connessione LDAP",
"_Binding failed for this LDAP configuration: %s_::_Binding failed for %n LDAP configurations: %s_" : ["Associazione non riuscita per questa configurazione LDAP: %s","Associazione non riuscita per %n configurazioni LDAP: %s","Associazione non riuscita per %n configurazioni LDAP: %s"],
"_Searching failed for this LDAP configuration: %s_::_Searching failed for %n LDAP configurations: %s_" : ["Ricerca fallita per questa configurazione LDAP: %s","Ricerca fallita per %n configurazioni LDAP: %s","Ricerca fallita per %n configurazioni LDAP: %s"],
"_There is an inactive LDAP configuration: %s_::_There are %n inactive LDAP configurations: %s_" : ["C'è una configurazione LDAP inattiva: %s","Ci sono %n configurazioni LDAP inattive: %s","Ci sono %n configurazioni LDAP inattive: %s"],
"_Binding and searching works on the configured LDAP connection (%s)_::_Binding and searching works on all of the %n configured LDAP connections (%s)_" : ["L'associazione e la ricerca funzionano sulla connessione LDAP configurata (%s)","L'associazione e la ricerca funzionano sulle %n connessioni LDAP configurate (%s)","L'associazione e la ricerca funzionano sulle %n connessioni LDAP configurate (%s)"],
"Invalid LDAP UUIDs" : "UUID LDAP non validi",
"None found" : "Nessuno trovato",
"Invalid UUIDs of LDAP accounts or groups have been found. Please review your \"Override UUID detection\" settings in the Expert part of the LDAP configuration and use \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" to update them." : "Sono stati trovati UUID non validi di account o gruppi LDAP. Controlla le impostazioni \"Ignora rilevamento UUID\" nella parte Esperto della configurazione LDAP e utilizza \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" per aggiornarle.",
"_%n group found_::_%n groups found_" : ["%n gruppo trovato","%n gruppi trovati","%n gruppi trovati"],
"> 1000 groups found" : "> 1000 gruppi trovati",
"> 1000 users found" : "> 1000 utenti trovati",
@ -205,6 +210,10 @@
"User profile Headline will be set from the specified attribute" : "Il titolo del profilo utente verrà impostato dall'attributo specificato",
"Biography Field" : "Campo biografia",
"User profile Biography will be set from the specified attribute" : "La biografia del profilo utente verrà impostata dall'attributo specificato",
"Birthdate Field" : "Campo Data di Nascita",
"User profile Date of birth will be set from the specified attribute" : "La data di nascita del Profilo Utente verrà impostata dall'attributo specificato",
"Pronouns Field" : "Campo Pronome",
"User profile Pronouns will be set from the specified attribute" : "Il pronome del Profilo Utente verrà impostato dall'attributo specificato",
"Internal Username" : "Nome utente interno",
"By default the internal username will be created from the UUID attribute. It makes sure that the username is unique and characters do not need to be converted. The internal username has the restriction that only these characters are allowed: [a-zA-Z0-9_.@-]. Other characters are replaced with their ASCII correspondence or simply omitted. On collisions a number will be added/increased. The internal username is used to identify a user internally. It is also the default name for the user home folder. It is also a part of remote URLs, for instance for all DAV services. With this setting, the default behavior can be overridden. Changes will have effect only on newly mapped (added) LDAP users. Leave it empty for default behavior." : "In modo predefinito, il nome utente interno sarà creato dall'attributo UUID. Ciò assicura che il nome utente sia univoco e che non sia necessario convertire i caratteri. Il nome utente interno consente l'uso solo di determinati caratteri: [ a-zA-Z0-9_.@- ]. Altri caratteri sono sostituiti con il corrispondente ASCII o semplicemente omessi. In caso di conflitto, sarà aggiunto/incrementato un numero. Il nome utente interno è usato per identificare un utente internamente. È anche il nome predefinito per la cartella home dell'utente. Costituisce anche una parte di URL remoti, ad esempio per tutti i servizi DAV. Con questa impostazione, il comportamento predefinito può essere scavalcato. Le modifiche avranno effetto solo sui nuovo utenti LDAP associati (aggiunti). Lascialo vuoto per ottenere il comportamento predefinito.",
"Internal Username Attribute:" : "Attributo nome utente interno:",
@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Schedule work & meetings, synced with all your devices." : "Antolatu lana eta bilerak, zure gailu guztiekin sinkronizatuta.",
"Keep your colleagues and friends in one place without leaking their private info." : "Eduki zure lankide eta lagun guztiak leku bakarrean, beren informazioa pribatu mantenduz.",
"Simple email app nicely integrated with Files, Contacts and Calendar." : "Fitxategiak, Kontaktuak eta Egutegiarekin integratutako posta elektronikoko aplikazio soila.",
"Chatting, video calls, screen sharing, online meetings and web conferencing – in your browser and with mobile apps." : "Txata, bideo-deiak, pantaila partekatzea, lineako bilerak eta web konferentziak - zure nabigatzailean eta mugikorrerako aplikazioekin.",
"Collaborative documents, spreadsheets and presentations, built on Collabora Online." : "Dokumentu, kalkulu-orri eta aurkezpen kolaboratiboak, Collabora Online-en sortuak.",
"Distraction free note taking app." : "Distrakziorik gabeko oharrak hartzeko aplikazioa.",
"Settings menu" : "Ezarpenen menua",
@ -262,6 +263,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Rename" : "Berrizendatu",
"Collaborative tags" : "Elkarlaneko etiketak",
"No tags found" : "Ez da etiketarik aurkitu",
"Clipboard not available, please copy manually" : "Arbela ez dago eskuragarri, mesedez kopiatu eskuz",
"Personal" : "Pertsonala",
"Accounts" : "Kontuak",
"Admin" : "Admin",
@ -178,6 +178,7 @@
"Schedule work & meetings, synced with all your devices." : "Antolatu lana eta bilerak, zure gailu guztiekin sinkronizatuta.",
"Keep your colleagues and friends in one place without leaking their private info." : "Eduki zure lankide eta lagun guztiak leku bakarrean, beren informazioa pribatu mantenduz.",
"Simple email app nicely integrated with Files, Contacts and Calendar." : "Fitxategiak, Kontaktuak eta Egutegiarekin integratutako posta elektronikoko aplikazio soila.",
"Chatting, video calls, screen sharing, online meetings and web conferencing – in your browser and with mobile apps." : "Txata, bideo-deiak, pantaila partekatzea, lineako bilerak eta web konferentziak - zure nabigatzailean eta mugikorrerako aplikazioekin.",
"Collaborative documents, spreadsheets and presentations, built on Collabora Online." : "Dokumentu, kalkulu-orri eta aurkezpen kolaboratiboak, Collabora Online-en sortuak.",
"Distraction free note taking app." : "Distrakziorik gabeko oharrak hartzeko aplikazioa.",
"Settings menu" : "Ezarpenen menua",
@ -260,6 +261,7 @@
"Rename" : "Berrizendatu",
"Collaborative tags" : "Elkarlaneko etiketak",
"No tags found" : "Ez da etiketarik aurkitu",
"Clipboard not available, please copy manually" : "Arbela ez dago eskuragarri, mesedez kopiatu eskuz",
"Personal" : "Pertsonala",
"Accounts" : "Kontuak",
"Admin" : "Admin",
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more
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