<?php /** * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, Robin Appelman <robin@icewind.nl> * * @author Lukas Reschke <lukas@statuscode.ch> * @author Robin Appelman <robin@icewind.nl> * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ namespace OC\Lockdown\Filesystem; use Icewind\Streams\IteratorDirectory; use OC\Files\FileInfo; use OC\Files\Storage\Common; use OCP\Files\Storage\IStorage; class NullStorage extends Common { public function __construct($parameters) { parent::__construct($parameters); } public function getId() { return 'null'; } public function mkdir($path) { throw new \OC\ForbiddenException('This request is not allowed to access the filesystem'); } public function rmdir($path) { throw new \OC\ForbiddenException('This request is not allowed to access the filesystem'); } public function opendir($path) { return new IteratorDirectory([]); } public function is_dir($path) { return $path === ''; } public function is_file($path) { return false; } public function stat($path) { throw new \OC\ForbiddenException('This request is not allowed to access the filesystem'); } public function filetype($path) { return ($path === '') ? 'dir' : false; } public function filesize($path): false|int|float { throw new \OC\ForbiddenException('This request is not allowed to access the filesystem'); } public function isCreatable($path) { return false; } public function isReadable($path) { return $path === ''; } public function isUpdatable($path) { return false; } public function isDeletable($path) { return false; } public function isSharable($path) { return false; } public function getPermissions($path) { return null; } public function file_exists($path) { return $path === ''; } public function filemtime($path) { return ($path === '') ? time() : false; } public function file_get_contents($path) { throw new \OC\ForbiddenException('This request is not allowed to access the filesystem'); } public function file_put_contents($path, $data) { throw new \OC\ForbiddenException('This request is not allowed to access the filesystem'); } public function unlink($path) { throw new \OC\ForbiddenException('This request is not allowed to access the filesystem'); } public function rename($source, $target) { throw new \OC\ForbiddenException('This request is not allowed to access the filesystem'); } public function copy($source, $target) { throw new \OC\ForbiddenException('This request is not allowed to access the filesystem'); } public function fopen($path, $mode) { throw new \OC\ForbiddenException('This request is not allowed to access the filesystem'); } public function getMimeType($path) { throw new \OC\ForbiddenException('This request is not allowed to access the filesystem'); } public function hash($type, $path, $raw = false) { throw new \OC\ForbiddenException('This request is not allowed to access the filesystem'); } public function free_space($path) { return FileInfo::SPACE_UNKNOWN; } public function touch($path, $mtime = null) { throw new \OC\ForbiddenException('This request is not allowed to access the filesystem'); } public function getLocalFile($path) { return false; } public function hasUpdated($path, $time) { return false; } public function getETag($path) { return ''; } public function isLocal() { return false; } public function getDirectDownload($path) { return false; } public function copyFromStorage(IStorage $sourceStorage, $sourceInternalPath, $targetInternalPath, $preserveMtime = false) { throw new \OC\ForbiddenException('This request is not allowed to access the filesystem'); } public function moveFromStorage(IStorage $sourceStorage, $sourceInternalPath, $targetInternalPath) { throw new \OC\ForbiddenException('This request is not allowed to access the filesystem'); } public function test() { return true; } public function getOwner($path) { return null; } public function getCache($path = '', $storage = null) { return new NullCache(); } }