<?php /** * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later */ namespace OCA\Theming\Tests\Themes; use OCA\Theming\ITheme; use OCA\Theming\Util; use Test\TestCase; class AccessibleThemeTestCase extends TestCase { protected ITheme $theme; protected Util $util; /** * Set to true to check for WCAG AAA level accessibility */ protected bool $WCAGaaa = false; public function dataAccessibilityPairs() { $textContrast = $this->WCAGaaa ? 7.0 : 4.5; $elementContrast = 3.0; return [ 'primary-element on background' => [ [ '--color-primary-element', '--color-primary-element-hover', ], [ '--color-main-background', '--color-background-hover', '--color-background-dark', '--color-background-darker', '--color-main-background-blur', ], $elementContrast, ], 'status color elements on background' => [ [ '--color-error', '--color-error-hover', '--color-warning', '--color-warning-hover', '--color-info', '--color-info-hover', '--color-success', '--color-success-hover', '--color-favorite', ], [ '--color-main-background', '--color-background-hover', '--color-background-dark', '--color-background-darker', '--color-main-background-blur', ], $elementContrast, ], 'border-colors' => [ [ '--color-border-maxcontrast', ], [ '--color-main-background', '--color-background-hover', '--color-background-dark', '--color-main-background-blur', ], $elementContrast, ], // Those two colors are used for borders which will be `color-main-text` on focussed state, thus need 3:1 contrast to it 'success-error-border-colors' => [ [ '--color-error', '--color-success', ], [ '--color-main-text', ], $elementContrast, ], 'primary-element-text' => [ [ '--color-primary-element-text', '--color-primary-element-text-dark', ], [ '--color-primary-element', '--color-primary-element-hover', ], $textContrast, ], 'primary-element-light-text' => [ ['--color-primary-element-light-text'], [ '--color-primary-element-light', '--color-primary-element-light-hover', ], $textContrast, ], 'main-text' => [ ['--color-main-text'], [ '--color-main-background', '--color-background-hover', '--color-background-dark', '--color-background-darker', '--color-main-background-blur', ], $textContrast, ], 'max-contrast-text' => [ ['--color-text-maxcontrast'], [ '--color-main-background', '--color-background-hover', '--color-background-dark', ], $textContrast, ], 'max-contrast text-on blur' => [ ['--color-text-maxcontrast-background-blur'], [ '--color-main-background-blur', ], $textContrast, ], 'status-text' => [ [ '--color-error-text', '--color-warning-text', '--color-success-text', '--color-info-text', ], [ '--color-main-background', '--color-background-hover', '--color-background-dark', '--color-main-background-blur', ], $textContrast, ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider dataAccessibilityPairs */ public function testAccessibilityOfVariables($mainColors, $backgroundColors, $minContrast): void { if (!isset($this->theme)) { $this->markTestSkipped('You need to setup $this->theme in your setUp function'); } elseif (!isset($this->util)) { $this->markTestSkipped('You need to setup $this->util in your setUp function'); } $variables = $this->theme->getCSSVariables(); // Blur effect does not work so we mockup the color - worst supported case is the default "clouds" background image (on dark themes the clouds with white color are bad on bright themes the primary color as sky is bad) $variables['--color-main-background-blur'] = $this->util->mix($variables['--color-main-background'], $this->util->isBrightColor($variables['--color-main-background']) ? '#000000' : '#ffffff', 75); foreach ($backgroundColors as $background) { $this->assertStringStartsWith('#', $variables[$background], 'Is not a plain color variable - consider to remove or fix this test'); foreach ($mainColors as $main) { $this->assertStringStartsWith('#', $variables[$main], 'Is not a plain color variable - consider to remove or fix this test'); $realContrast = $this->util->colorContrast($variables[$main], $variables[$background]); $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($minContrast, $realContrast, "Contrast is not high enough for $main (" . $variables[$main] . ") on $background (" . $variables[$background] . ')'); } } } }