
 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2024 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors
 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 ownCloud, Inc.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
namespace OC\DB\QueryBuilder;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryException;
use OC\DB\ConnectionAdapter;
use OC\DB\Exceptions\DbalException;
use OC\DB\QueryBuilder\ExpressionBuilder\MySqlExpressionBuilder;
use OC\DB\QueryBuilder\ExpressionBuilder\OCIExpressionBuilder;
use OC\DB\QueryBuilder\ExpressionBuilder\PgSqlExpressionBuilder;
use OC\DB\QueryBuilder\ExpressionBuilder\SqliteExpressionBuilder;
use OC\DB\QueryBuilder\FunctionBuilder\FunctionBuilder;
use OC\DB\QueryBuilder\FunctionBuilder\OCIFunctionBuilder;
use OC\DB\QueryBuilder\FunctionBuilder\PgSqlFunctionBuilder;
use OC\DB\QueryBuilder\FunctionBuilder\SqliteFunctionBuilder;
use OC\SystemConfig;
use OCP\DB\IResult;
use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\ICompositeExpression;
use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\ILiteral;
use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IParameter;
use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IQueryBuilder;
use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IQueryFunction;
use OCP\IDBConnection;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;

class QueryBuilder implements IQueryBuilder {
	/** @var ConnectionAdapter */
	private $connection;

	/** @var SystemConfig */
	private $systemConfig;

	private LoggerInterface $logger;

	/** @var \Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder */
	private $queryBuilder;

	/** @var QuoteHelper */
	private $helper;

	/** @var bool */
	private $automaticTablePrefix = true;
	private bool $nonEmptyWhere = false;

	/** @var string */
	protected $lastInsertedTable;
	private array $selectedColumns = [];

	 * Initializes a new QueryBuilder.
	 * @param ConnectionAdapter $connection
	 * @param SystemConfig $systemConfig
	public function __construct(ConnectionAdapter $connection, SystemConfig $systemConfig, LoggerInterface $logger) {
		$this->connection = $connection;
		$this->systemConfig = $systemConfig;
		$this->logger = $logger;
		$this->queryBuilder = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder($this->connection->getInner());
		$this->helper = new QuoteHelper();

	 * Enable/disable automatic prefixing of table names with the oc_ prefix
	 * @param bool $enabled If set to true table names will be prefixed with the
	 *                      owncloud database prefix automatically.
	 * @since 8.2.0
	public function automaticTablePrefix($enabled) {
		$this->automaticTablePrefix = (bool)$enabled;

	 * Gets an ExpressionBuilder used for object-oriented construction of query expressions.
	 * This producer method is intended for convenient inline usage. Example:
	 * <code>
	 *     $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder()
	 *         ->select('u')
	 *         ->from('users', 'u')
	 *         ->where($qb->expr()->eq('u.id', 1));
	 * </code>
	 * For more complex expression construction, consider storing the expression
	 * builder object in a local variable.
	 * @return \OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IExpressionBuilder
	public function expr() {
		return match($this->connection->getDatabaseProvider()) {
			IDBConnection::PLATFORM_ORACLE => new OCIExpressionBuilder($this->connection, $this, $this->logger),
			IDBConnection::PLATFORM_POSTGRES => new PgSqlExpressionBuilder($this->connection, $this, $this->logger),
			IDBConnection::PLATFORM_MYSQL => new MySqlExpressionBuilder($this->connection, $this, $this->logger),
			IDBConnection::PLATFORM_SQLITE => new SqliteExpressionBuilder($this->connection, $this, $this->logger),

	 * Gets an FunctionBuilder used for object-oriented construction of query functions.
	 * This producer method is intended for convenient inline usage. Example:
	 * <code>
	 *     $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder()
	 *         ->select('u')
	 *         ->from('users', 'u')
	 *         ->where($qb->fun()->md5('u.id'));
	 * </code>
	 * For more complex function construction, consider storing the function
	 * builder object in a local variable.
	 * @return \OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IFunctionBuilder
	public function func() {
		return match($this->connection->getDatabaseProvider()) {
			IDBConnection::PLATFORM_ORACLE => new OCIFunctionBuilder($this->connection, $this, $this->helper),
			IDBConnection::PLATFORM_POSTGRES => new PgSqlFunctionBuilder($this->connection, $this, $this->helper),
			IDBConnection::PLATFORM_MYSQL => new FunctionBuilder($this->connection, $this, $this->helper),
			IDBConnection::PLATFORM_SQLITE => new SqliteFunctionBuilder($this->connection, $this, $this->helper),

	 * Gets the type of the currently built query.
	 * @return integer
	public function getType() {
		return $this->queryBuilder->getType();

	 * Gets the associated DBAL Connection for this query builder.
	 * @return \OCP\IDBConnection
	public function getConnection() {
		return $this->connection;

	 * Gets the state of this query builder instance.
	 * @return int Always returns 0 which is former `QueryBuilder::STATE_DIRTY`
	 * @deprecated 30.0.0 This function is going to be removed with the next Doctrine/DBAL update
	 *    and we can not fix this in our wrapper.
	public function getState() {
		$this->logger->debug(IQueryBuilder::class . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . ' is deprecated and will be removed soon.', ['exception' => new \Exception('Deprecated call to ' . __METHOD__)]);
		return $this->queryBuilder->getState();

	private function prepareForExecute() {
		if ($this->systemConfig->getValue('log_query', false)) {
			try {
				$params = [];
				foreach ($this->getParameters() as $placeholder => $value) {
					if ($value instanceof \DateTime) {
						$params[] = $placeholder . ' => DateTime:\'' . $value->format('c') . '\'';
					} elseif (is_array($value)) {
						$params[] = $placeholder . ' => (\'' . implode('\', \'', $value) . '\')';
					} else {
						$params[] = $placeholder . ' => \'' . $value . '\'';
				if (empty($params)) {
					$this->logger->debug('DB QueryBuilder: \'{query}\'', [
						'query' => $this->getSQL(),
						'app' => 'core',
				} else {
					$this->logger->debug('DB QueryBuilder: \'{query}\' with parameters: {params}', [
						'query' => $this->getSQL(),
						'params' => implode(', ', $params),
						'app' => 'core',
			} catch (\Error $e) {
				// likely an error during conversion of $value to string
				$this->logger->error('DB QueryBuilder: error trying to log SQL query', ['exception' => $e]);

		// if (!empty($this->getQueryPart('select'))) {
		// $select = $this->getQueryPart('select');
		// $hasSelectAll = array_filter($select, static function ($s) {
		// return $s === '*';
		// });
		// $hasSelectSpecific = array_filter($select, static function ($s) {
		// return $s !== '*';
		// });

		// if (empty($hasSelectAll) === empty($hasSelectSpecific)) {
		// $exception = new QueryException('Query is selecting * and specific values in the same query. This is not supported in Oracle.');
		// $this->logger->error($exception->getMessage(), [
		// 'query' => $this->getSQL(),
		// 'app' => 'core',
		// 'exception' => $exception,
		// ]);
		// }
		// }

		$tooLongOutputColumns = [];
		foreach ($this->getOutputColumns() as $column) {
			if (strlen($column) > 30) {
				$tooLongOutputColumns[] = $column;

		if (!empty($tooLongOutputColumns)) {
			$exception = new QueryException('More than 30 characters for an output column name are not allowed on Oracle.');
			$this->logger->error($exception->getMessage(), [
				'query' => $this->getSQL(),
				'columns' => $tooLongOutputColumns,
				'app' => 'core',
				'exception' => $exception,

		$numberOfParameters = 0;
		$hasTooLargeArrayParameter = false;
		foreach ($this->getParameters() as $parameter) {
			if (is_array($parameter)) {
				$count = count($parameter);
				$numberOfParameters += $count;
				$hasTooLargeArrayParameter = $hasTooLargeArrayParameter || ($count > 1000);

		if ($hasTooLargeArrayParameter) {
			$exception = new QueryException('More than 1000 expressions in a list are not allowed on Oracle.');
			$this->logger->error($exception->getMessage(), [
				'query' => $this->getSQL(),
				'app' => 'core',
				'exception' => $exception,

		if ($numberOfParameters > 65535) {
			$exception = new QueryException('The number of parameters must not exceed 65535. Restriction by PostgreSQL.');
			$this->logger->error($exception->getMessage(), [
				'query' => $this->getSQL(),
				'app' => 'core',
				'exception' => $exception,

	 * Executes this query using the bound parameters and their types.
	 * Uses {@see Connection::executeQuery} for select statements and {@see Connection::executeUpdate}
	 * for insert, update and delete statements.
	 * @return IResult|int
	public function execute(?IDBConnection $connection = null) {
		try {
			if ($this->getType() === \Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder::SELECT) {
				return $this->executeQuery($connection);
			} else {
				return $this->executeStatement($connection);
		} catch (DBALException $e) {
			// `IQueryBuilder->execute` never wrapped the exception, but `executeQuery` and `executeStatement` do
			/** @var \Doctrine\DBAL\Exception $previous */
			$previous = $e->getPrevious();

			throw $previous;

	public function executeQuery(?IDBConnection $connection = null): IResult {
		if ($this->getType() !== \Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder::SELECT) {
			throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid query type, expected SELECT query');

		if (!$connection) {
			$connection = $this->connection;

		return $connection->executeQuery(

	public function executeStatement(?IDBConnection $connection = null): int {
		if ($this->getType() === \Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder::SELECT) {
			throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid query type, expected INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE statement');

		if (!$connection) {
			$connection = $this->connection;

		return $connection->executeStatement(

	 * Gets the complete SQL string formed by the current specifications of this QueryBuilder.
	 * <code>
	 *     $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder()
	 *         ->select('u')
	 *         ->from('User', 'u')
	 *     echo $qb->getSQL(); // SELECT u FROM User u
	 * </code>
	 * @return string The SQL query string.
	public function getSQL() {
		return $this->queryBuilder->getSQL();

	 * Sets a query parameter for the query being constructed.
	 * <code>
	 *     $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder()
	 *         ->select('u')
	 *         ->from('users', 'u')
	 *         ->where('u.id = :user_id')
	 *         ->setParameter(':user_id', 1);
	 * </code>
	 * @param string|integer $key The parameter position or name.
	 * @param mixed $value The parameter value.
	 * @param string|null|int $type One of the IQueryBuilder::PARAM_* constants.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	public function setParameter($key, $value, $type = null) {
		$this->queryBuilder->setParameter($key, $value, $type);

		return $this;

	 * Sets a collection of query parameters for the query being constructed.
	 * <code>
	 *     $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder()
	 *         ->select('u')
	 *         ->from('users', 'u')
	 *         ->where('u.id = :user_id1 OR u.id = :user_id2')
	 *         ->setParameters(array(
	 *             ':user_id1' => 1,
	 *             ':user_id2' => 2
	 *         ));
	 * </code>
	 * @param array $params The query parameters to set.
	 * @param array $types The query parameters types to set.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	public function setParameters(array $params, array $types = []) {
		$this->queryBuilder->setParameters($params, $types);

		return $this;

	 * Gets all defined query parameters for the query being constructed indexed by parameter index or name.
	 * @return array The currently defined query parameters indexed by parameter index or name.
	public function getParameters() {
		return $this->queryBuilder->getParameters();

	 * Gets a (previously set) query parameter of the query being constructed.
	 * @param mixed $key The key (index or name) of the bound parameter.
	 * @return mixed The value of the bound parameter.
	public function getParameter($key) {
		return $this->queryBuilder->getParameter($key);

	 * Gets all defined query parameter types for the query being constructed indexed by parameter index or name.
	 * @return array The currently defined query parameter types indexed by parameter index or name.
	public function getParameterTypes() {
		return $this->queryBuilder->getParameterTypes();

	 * Gets a (previously set) query parameter type of the query being constructed.
	 * @param mixed $key The key (index or name) of the bound parameter type.
	 * @return mixed The value of the bound parameter type.
	public function getParameterType($key) {
		return $this->queryBuilder->getParameterType($key);

	 * Sets the position of the first result to retrieve (the "offset").
	 * @param int $firstResult The first result to return.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	public function setFirstResult($firstResult) {

		return $this;

	 * Gets the position of the first result the query object was set to retrieve (the "offset").
	 * Returns 0 if {@link setFirstResult} was not applied to this QueryBuilder.
	 * @return int The position of the first result.
	public function getFirstResult() {
		return $this->queryBuilder->getFirstResult();

	 * Sets the maximum number of results to retrieve (the "limit").
	 * NOTE: Setting max results to "0" will cause mixed behaviour. While most
	 * of the databases will just return an empty result set, Oracle will return
	 * all entries.
	 * @param int|null $maxResults The maximum number of results to retrieve.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	public function setMaxResults($maxResults) {
		if ($maxResults === null) {
		} else {

		return $this;

	 * Gets the maximum number of results the query object was set to retrieve (the "limit").
	 * Returns NULL if {@link setMaxResults} was not applied to this query builder.
	 * @return int|null The maximum number of results.
	public function getMaxResults() {
		return $this->queryBuilder->getMaxResults();

	 * Specifies an item that is to be returned in the query result.
	 * Replaces any previously specified selections, if any.
	 * <code>
	 *     $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder()
	 *         ->select('u.id', 'p.id')
	 *         ->from('users', 'u')
	 *         ->leftJoin('u', 'phonenumbers', 'p', 'u.id = p.user_id');
	 * </code>
	 * @param mixed ...$selects The selection expressions.
	 * '@return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	public function select(...$selects) {
		if (count($selects) === 1 && is_array($selects[0])) {
			$selects = $selects[0];


		return $this;

	 * Specifies an item that is to be returned with a different name in the query result.
	 * <code>
	 *     $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder()
	 *         ->selectAlias('u.id', 'user_id')
	 *         ->from('users', 'u')
	 *         ->leftJoin('u', 'phonenumbers', 'p', 'u.id = p.user_id');
	 * </code>
	 * @param mixed $select The selection expressions.
	 * @param string $alias The column alias used in the constructed query.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	public function selectAlias($select, $alias) {
			$this->helper->quoteColumnName($select) . ' AS ' . $this->helper->quoteColumnName($alias)

		return $this;

	 * Specifies an item that is to be returned uniquely in the query result.
	 * <code>
	 *     $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder()
	 *         ->selectDistinct('type')
	 *         ->from('users');
	 * </code>
	 * @param mixed $select The selection expressions.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	public function selectDistinct($select) {
		if (!is_array($select)) {
			$select = [$select];

		$quotedSelect = $this->helper->quoteColumnNames($select);

			'DISTINCT ' . implode(', ', $quotedSelect)

		return $this;

	 * Adds an item that is to be returned in the query result.
	 * <code>
	 *     $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder()
	 *         ->select('u.id')
	 *         ->addSelect('p.id')
	 *         ->from('users', 'u')
	 *         ->leftJoin('u', 'phonenumbers', 'u.id = p.user_id');
	 * </code>
	 * @param mixed ...$selects The selection expression.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	public function addSelect(...$selects) {
		if (count($selects) === 1 && is_array($selects[0])) {
			$selects = $selects[0];


		return $this;

	private function addOutputColumns(array $columns): void {
		foreach ($columns as $column) {
			if (is_array($column)) {
			} elseif (is_string($column) && !str_contains($column, '*')) {
				if (str_contains(strtolower($column), ' as ')) {
					[, $column] = preg_split('/ as /i', $column);
				if (str_contains($column, '.')) {
					[, $column] = explode('.', $column);
				$this->selectedColumns[] = $column;

	public function getOutputColumns(): array {
		return array_unique($this->selectedColumns);

	 * Turns the query being built into a bulk delete query that ranges over
	 * a certain table.
	 * <code>
	 *     $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder()
	 *         ->delete('users', 'u')
	 *         ->where('u.id = :user_id');
	 *         ->setParameter(':user_id', 1);
	 * </code>
	 * @param string $delete The table whose rows are subject to the deletion.
	 * @param string $alias The table alias used in the constructed query.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	 * @since 30.0.0 Alias is deprecated and will no longer be used with the next Doctrine/DBAL update
	public function delete($delete = null, $alias = null) {
		if ($alias !== null) {
			$this->logger->debug('DELETE queries with alias are no longer supported and the provided alias is ignored', ['exception' => new \InvalidArgumentException('Table alias provided for DELETE query')]);


		return $this;

	 * Turns the query being built into a bulk update query that ranges over
	 * a certain table
	 * <code>
	 *     $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder()
	 *         ->update('users', 'u')
	 *         ->set('u.password', md5('password'))
	 *         ->where('u.id = ?');
	 * </code>
	 * @param string $update The table whose rows are subject to the update.
	 * @param string $alias The table alias used in the constructed query.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	 * @since 30.0.0 Alias is deprecated and will no longer be used with the next Doctrine/DBAL update
	public function update($update = null, $alias = null) {
		if ($alias !== null) {
			$this->logger->debug('UPDATE queries with alias are no longer supported and the provided alias is ignored', ['exception' => new \InvalidArgumentException('Table alias provided for UPDATE query')]);


		return $this;

	 * Turns the query being built into an insert query that inserts into
	 * a certain table
	 * <code>
	 *     $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder()
	 *         ->insert('users')
	 *         ->values(
	 *             array(
	 *                 'name' => '?',
	 *                 'password' => '?'
	 *             )
	 *         );
	 * </code>
	 * @param string $insert The table into which the rows should be inserted.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	public function insert($insert = null) {

		$this->lastInsertedTable = $insert;

		return $this;

	 * Creates and adds a query root corresponding to the table identified by the
	 * given alias, forming a cartesian product with any existing query roots.
	 * <code>
	 *     $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder()
	 *         ->select('u.id')
	 *         ->from('users', 'u')
	 * </code>
	 * @param string|IQueryFunction $from The table.
	 * @param string|null $alias The alias of the table.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	public function from($from, $alias = null) {

		return $this;

	 * Creates and adds a join to the query.
	 * <code>
	 *     $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder()
	 *         ->select('u.name')
	 *         ->from('users', 'u')
	 *         ->join('u', 'phonenumbers', 'p', 'p.is_primary = 1');
	 * </code>
	 * @param string $fromAlias The alias that points to a from clause.
	 * @param string $join The table name to join.
	 * @param string $alias The alias of the join table.
	 * @param string|ICompositeExpression|null $condition The condition for the join.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	public function join($fromAlias, $join, $alias, $condition = null) {

		return $this;

	 * Creates and adds a join to the query.
	 * <code>
	 *     $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder()
	 *         ->select('u.name')
	 *         ->from('users', 'u')
	 *         ->innerJoin('u', 'phonenumbers', 'p', 'p.is_primary = 1');
	 * </code>
	 * @param string $fromAlias The alias that points to a from clause.
	 * @param string $join The table name to join.
	 * @param string $alias The alias of the join table.
	 * @param string|ICompositeExpression|null $condition The condition for the join.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	public function innerJoin($fromAlias, $join, $alias, $condition = null) {

		return $this;

	 * Creates and adds a left join to the query.
	 * <code>
	 *     $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder()
	 *         ->select('u.name')
	 *         ->from('users', 'u')
	 *         ->leftJoin('u', 'phonenumbers', 'p', 'p.is_primary = 1');
	 * </code>
	 * @param string $fromAlias The alias that points to a from clause.
	 * @param string|IQueryFunction $join The table name or sub-query to join.
	 * @param string $alias The alias of the join table.
	 * @param string|ICompositeExpression|null $condition The condition for the join.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	public function leftJoin($fromAlias, $join, $alias, $condition = null) {

		return $this;

	 * Creates and adds a right join to the query.
	 * <code>
	 *     $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder()
	 *         ->select('u.name')
	 *         ->from('users', 'u')
	 *         ->rightJoin('u', 'phonenumbers', 'p', 'p.is_primary = 1');
	 * </code>
	 * @param string $fromAlias The alias that points to a from clause.
	 * @param string $join The table name to join.
	 * @param string $alias The alias of the join table.
	 * @param string|ICompositeExpression|null $condition The condition for the join.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	public function rightJoin($fromAlias, $join, $alias, $condition = null) {

		return $this;

	 * Sets a new value for a column in a bulk update query.
	 * <code>
	 *     $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder()
	 *         ->update('users', 'u')
	 *         ->set('u.password', md5('password'))
	 *         ->where('u.id = ?');
	 * </code>
	 * @param string $key The column to set.
	 * @param ILiteral|IParameter|IQueryFunction|string $value The value, expression, placeholder, etc.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	public function set($key, $value) {

		return $this;

	 * Specifies one or more restrictions to the query result.
	 * Replaces any previously specified restrictions, if any.
	 * <code>
	 *     $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder()
	 *         ->select('u.name')
	 *         ->from('users', 'u')
	 *         ->where('u.id = ?');
	 *     // You can optionally programmatically build and/or expressions
	 *     $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder();
	 *     $or = $qb->expr()->orx(
	 *         $qb->expr()->eq('u.id', 1),
	 *         $qb->expr()->eq('u.id', 2),
	 *     );
	 *     $qb->update('users', 'u')
	 *         ->set('u.password', md5('password'))
	 *         ->where($or);
	 * </code>
	 * @param mixed ...$predicates The restriction predicates.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	public function where(...$predicates) {
		if ($this->nonEmptyWhere && $this->systemConfig->getValue('debug', false)) {
			// Only logging a warning, not throwing for now.
			$e = new QueryException('Using where() on non-empty WHERE part, please verify it is intentional to not call andWhere() or orWhere() instead. Otherwise consider creating a new query builder object or call resetQueryPart(\'where\') first.');
			$this->logger->warning($e->getMessage(), ['exception' => $e]);

		$this->nonEmptyWhere = true;

			[$this->queryBuilder, 'where'],

		return $this;

	 * Adds one or more restrictions to the query results, forming a logical
	 * conjunction with any previously specified restrictions.
	 * <code>
	 *     $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder()
	 *         ->select('u')
	 *         ->from('users', 'u')
	 *         ->where('u.username LIKE ?')
	 *         ->andWhere('u.is_active = 1');
	 * </code>
	 * @param mixed ...$where The query restrictions.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	 * @see where()
	public function andWhere(...$where) {
		$this->nonEmptyWhere = true;
			[$this->queryBuilder, 'andWhere'],

		return $this;

	 * Adds one or more restrictions to the query results, forming a logical
	 * disjunction with any previously specified restrictions.
	 * <code>
	 *     $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder()
	 *         ->select('u.name')
	 *         ->from('users', 'u')
	 *         ->where('u.id = 1')
	 *         ->orWhere('u.id = 2');
	 * </code>
	 * @param mixed ...$where The WHERE statement.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	 * @see where()
	public function orWhere(...$where) {
		$this->nonEmptyWhere = true;
			[$this->queryBuilder, 'orWhere'],

		return $this;

	 * Specifies a grouping over the results of the query.
	 * Replaces any previously specified groupings, if any.
	 * <code>
	 *     $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder()
	 *         ->select('u.name')
	 *         ->from('users', 'u')
	 *         ->groupBy('u.id');
	 * </code>
	 * @param mixed ...$groupBys The grouping expression.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	public function groupBy(...$groupBys) {
		if (count($groupBys) === 1 && is_array($groupBys[0])) {
			$groupBys = $groupBys[0];

			[$this->queryBuilder, 'groupBy'],

		return $this;

	 * Adds a grouping expression to the query.
	 * <code>
	 *     $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder()
	 *         ->select('u.name')
	 *         ->from('users', 'u')
	 *         ->groupBy('u.lastLogin');
	 *         ->addGroupBy('u.createdAt')
	 * </code>
	 * @param mixed ...$groupBy The grouping expression.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	public function addGroupBy(...$groupBy) {
			[$this->queryBuilder, 'addGroupBy'],

		return $this;

	 * Sets a value for a column in an insert query.
	 * <code>
	 *     $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder()
	 *         ->insert('users')
	 *         ->values(
	 *             array(
	 *                 'name' => '?'
	 *             )
	 *         )
	 *         ->setValue('password', '?');
	 * </code>
	 * @param string $column The column into which the value should be inserted.
	 * @param IParameter|string $value The value that should be inserted into the column.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	public function setValue($column, $value) {

		return $this;

	 * Specifies values for an insert query indexed by column names.
	 * Replaces any previous values, if any.
	 * <code>
	 *     $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder()
	 *         ->insert('users')
	 *         ->values(
	 *             array(
	 *                 'name' => '?',
	 *                 'password' => '?'
	 *             )
	 *         );
	 * </code>
	 * @param array $values The values to specify for the insert query indexed by column names.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	public function values(array $values) {
		$quotedValues = [];
		foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
			$quotedValues[$this->helper->quoteColumnName($key)] = $value;


		return $this;

	 * Specifies a restriction over the groups of the query.
	 * Replaces any previous having restrictions, if any.
	 * @param mixed ...$having The restriction over the groups.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	public function having(...$having) {
			[$this->queryBuilder, 'having'],

		return $this;

	 * Adds a restriction over the groups of the query, forming a logical
	 * conjunction with any existing having restrictions.
	 * @param mixed ...$having The restriction to append.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	public function andHaving(...$having) {
			[$this->queryBuilder, 'andHaving'],

		return $this;

	 * Adds a restriction over the groups of the query, forming a logical
	 * disjunction with any existing having restrictions.
	 * @param mixed ...$having The restriction to add.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	public function orHaving(...$having) {
			[$this->queryBuilder, 'orHaving'],

		return $this;

	 * Specifies an ordering for the query results.
	 * Replaces any previously specified orderings, if any.
	 * @param string|IQueryFunction|ILiteral|IParameter $sort The ordering expression.
	 * @param string $order The ordering direction.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	public function orderBy($sort, $order = null) {

		return $this;

	 * Adds an ordering to the query results.
	 * @param string|ILiteral|IParameter|IQueryFunction $sort The ordering expression.
	 * @param string $order The ordering direction.
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	public function addOrderBy($sort, $order = null) {

		return $this;

	 * Gets a query part by its name.
	 * @param string $queryPartName
	 * @return mixed
	 * @deprecated 30.0.0 This function is going to be removed with the next Doctrine/DBAL update
	 *   and we can not fix this in our wrapper. Please track the details you need, outside the object.
	public function getQueryPart($queryPartName) {
		$this->logger->debug(IQueryBuilder::class . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . ' is deprecated and will be removed soon.', ['exception' => new \Exception('Deprecated call to ' . __METHOD__)]);
		return $this->queryBuilder->getQueryPart($queryPartName);

	 * Gets all query parts.
	 * @return array
	 * @deprecated 30.0.0 This function is going to be removed with the next Doctrine/DBAL update
	 *   and we can not fix this in our wrapper. Please track the details you need, outside the object.
	public function getQueryParts() {
		$this->logger->debug(IQueryBuilder::class . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . ' is deprecated and will be removed soon.', ['exception' => new \Exception('Deprecated call to ' . __METHOD__)]);
		return $this->queryBuilder->getQueryParts();

	 * Resets SQL parts.
	 * @param array|null $queryPartNames
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	 * @deprecated 30.0.0 This function is going to be removed with the next Doctrine/DBAL update
	 *  and we can not fix this in our wrapper. Please create a new IQueryBuilder instead.
	public function resetQueryParts($queryPartNames = null) {
		$this->logger->debug(IQueryBuilder::class . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . ' is deprecated and will be removed soon.', ['exception' => new \Exception('Deprecated call to ' . __METHOD__)]);

		return $this;

	 * Resets a single SQL part.
	 * @param string $queryPartName
	 * @return $this This QueryBuilder instance.
	 * @deprecated 30.0.0 This function is going to be removed with the next Doctrine/DBAL update
	 *  and we can not fix this in our wrapper. Please create a new IQueryBuilder instead.
	public function resetQueryPart($queryPartName) {
		$this->logger->debug(IQueryBuilder::class . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . ' is deprecated and will be removed soon.', ['exception' => new \Exception('Deprecated call to ' . __METHOD__)]);

		return $this;

	 * Creates a new named parameter and bind the value $value to it.
	 * This method provides a shortcut for PDOStatement::bindValue
	 * when using prepared statements.
	 * The parameter $value specifies the value that you want to bind. If
	 * $placeholder is not provided bindValue() will automatically create a
	 * placeholder for you. An automatic placeholder will be of the name
	 * ':dcValue1', ':dcValue2' etc.
	 * For more information see {@link https://www.php.net/pdostatement-bindparam}
	 * Example:
	 * <code>
	 * $value = 2;
	 * $q->eq( 'id', $q->bindValue( $value ) );
	 * $stmt = $q->executeQuery(); // executed with 'id = 2'
	 * </code>
	 * @license New BSD License
	 * @link http://www.zetacomponents.org
	 * @param mixed $value
	 * @param IQueryBuilder::PARAM_* $type
	 * @param string $placeHolder The name to bind with. The string must start with a colon ':'.
	 * @return IParameter the placeholder name used.
	public function createNamedParameter($value, $type = IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR, $placeHolder = null) {
		return new Parameter($this->queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($value, $type, $placeHolder));

	 * Creates a new positional parameter and bind the given value to it.
	 * Attention: If you are using positional parameters with the query builder you have
	 * to be very careful to bind all parameters in the order they appear in the SQL
	 * statement , otherwise they get bound in the wrong order which can lead to serious
	 * bugs in your code.
	 * Example:
	 * <code>
	 *  $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder();
	 *  $qb->select('u.*')
	 *     ->from('users', 'u')
	 *     ->where('u.username = ' . $qb->createPositionalParameter('Foo', IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR))
	 *     ->orWhere('u.username = ' . $qb->createPositionalParameter('Bar', IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR))
	 * </code>
	 * @param mixed $value
	 * @param IQueryBuilder::PARAM_* $type
	 * @return IParameter
	public function createPositionalParameter($value, $type = IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR) {
		return new Parameter($this->queryBuilder->createPositionalParameter($value, $type));

	 * Creates a new parameter
	 * Example:
	 * <code>
	 *  $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder();
	 *  $qb->select('u.*')
	 *     ->from('users', 'u')
	 *     ->where('u.username = ' . $qb->createParameter('name'))
	 *     ->setParameter('name', 'Bar', IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR))
	 * </code>
	 * @param string $name
	 * @return IParameter
	public function createParameter($name) {
		return new Parameter(':' . $name);

	 * Creates a new function
	 * Attention: Column names inside the call have to be quoted before hand
	 * Example:
	 * <code>
	 *  $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder();
	 *  $qb->select($qb->createFunction('COUNT(*)'))
	 *     ->from('users', 'u')
	 *  echo $qb->getSQL(); // SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `users` u
	 * </code>
	 * <code>
	 *  $qb = $conn->getQueryBuilder();
	 *  $qb->select($qb->createFunction('COUNT(`column`)'))
	 *     ->from('users', 'u')
	 *  echo $qb->getSQL(); // SELECT COUNT(`column`) FROM `users` u
	 * </code>
	 * @param string $call
	 * @return IQueryFunction
	public function createFunction($call) {
		return new QueryFunction($call);

	 * Used to get the id of the last inserted element
	 * @return int
	 * @throws \BadMethodCallException When being called before an insert query has been run.
	public function getLastInsertId(): int {
		if ($this->getType() === \Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder::INSERT && $this->lastInsertedTable) {
			// lastInsertId() needs the prefix but no quotes
			$table = $this->prefixTableName($this->lastInsertedTable);
			return $this->connection->lastInsertId($table);

		throw new \BadMethodCallException('Invalid call to getLastInsertId without using insert() before.');

	 * Returns the table name quoted and with database prefix as needed by the implementation
	 * @param string|IQueryFunction $table
	 * @return string
	public function getTableName($table) {
		if ($table instanceof IQueryFunction) {
			return (string)$table;

		$table = $this->prefixTableName($table);
		return $this->helper->quoteColumnName($table);

	 * Returns the table name with database prefix as needed by the implementation
	 * @param string $table
	 * @return string
	public function prefixTableName(string $table): string {
		if ($this->automaticTablePrefix === false || str_starts_with($table, '*PREFIX*')) {
			return $table;

		return '*PREFIX*' . $table;

	 * Returns the column name quoted and with table alias prefix as needed by the implementation
	 * @param string $column
	 * @param string $tableAlias
	 * @return string
	public function getColumnName($column, $tableAlias = '') {
		if ($tableAlias !== '') {
			$tableAlias .= '.';

		return $this->helper->quoteColumnName($tableAlias . $column);

	 * Returns the column name quoted and with table alias prefix as needed by the implementation
	 * @param string $alias
	 * @return string
	public function quoteAlias($alias) {
		if ($alias === '' || $alias === null) {
			return $alias;

		return $this->helper->quoteColumnName($alias);

	public function escapeLikeParameter(string $parameter): string {
		return $this->connection->escapeLikeParameter($parameter);

	public function hintShardKey(string $column, mixed $value, bool $overwrite = false): self {
		return $this;

	public function runAcrossAllShards(): self {
		// noop
		return $this;
