{ "translations": {
    "Unknown address" : "Alamat tidak diketahui",
    "No result." : "Tidak ada hasil.",
    "Malformed JSON data." : "Data JSON tidak terbentuk dengan benar.",
    "Error" : "Galat",
    "Weather status" : "Status cuaca",
    "Weather status in your dashboard" : "Status cuaca di dasbor Anda",
    "{temperature} {unit} clear sky later today" : "{temperature} {unit} langit cerah nanti pada hari ini",
    "{temperature} {unit} clear sky" : "{temperature} {unit} langit cerah",
    "{temperature} {unit} cloudy later today" : "{temperature} {unit} berawan nanti pada hari ini",
    "{temperature} {unit} cloudy" : "{temperature} {unit} berawan",
    "{temperature} {unit} fair weather later today" : "{temperature} {unit} cuaca cerah nanti pada hari ini",
    "{temperature} {unit} fair weather" : "{temperature} {unit} cuaca cerah",
    "{temperature} {unit} partly cloudy later today" : "{temperature} {unit} sebagian berawan nanti pada hari ini",
    "{temperature} {unit} partly cloudy" : "{temperature} {unit} sebagian berawan",
    "{temperature} {unit} foggy later today" : "{temperature} {unit} berkabut nanti pada hari ini",
    "{temperature} {unit} foggy" : "{temperature} {unit} berkabut",
    "{temperature} {unit} light rainfall later today" : "{temperature} {unit} hujan ringan nanti pada hari ini",
    "{temperature} {unit} light rainfall" : "{temperature} {unit} hujan ringan",
    "{temperature} {unit} rainfall later today" : "{temperature} {unit} hujan nanti pada hari ini",
    "{temperature} {unit} rainfall" : "{temperature} {unit} hujan",
    "{temperature} {unit} heavy rainfall later today" : "{temperature} {unit} hujan deras nanti pada hari ini",
    "{temperature} {unit} heavy rainfall" : "{temperature} {unit} hujan deras",
    "{temperature} {unit} rainfall showers later today" : "{temperature} {unit} rintik hujan nanti pada hari ini",
    "{temperature} {unit} rainfall showers" : "{temperature} {unit} rintik hujan",
    "{temperature} {unit} light rainfall showers later today" : "{temperature} {unit} rintik hujan ringan nanti pada hari ini",
    "{temperature} {unit} light rainfall showers" : "{temperature} {unit} rintik hujan ringan",
    "{temperature} {unit} heavy rainfall showers later today" : "{temperature} {unit} rintik hujan deras nanti pada hari ini",
    "{temperature} {unit} heavy rainfall showers" : "{temperature} {unit} rintik hujan deras",
    "More weather for {adr}" : "Lebih banyak cuaca untuk {adr}",
    "Loading weather" : "Memuat cuaca",
    "Set location for weather" : "Atur lokasi untuk cuaca",
    "Remove from favorites" : "Remove from favorites",
    "Add as favorite" : "Tambahkan sebagai favorit",
    "You are not logged in." : "Anda belum masuk.",
    "There was an error getting the weather status information." : "Ada kesalahan mendapatkan informasi status cuaca.",
    "No weather information found" : "Tidak ada informasi cuaca yang ditemukan",
    "Location not found" : "Lokasi tidak ditemukan",
    "There was an error setting the location address." : "Ada kesalahan menetapkan alamat lokasi.",
    "There was an error setting the location." : "Ada kesalahan menetapkan lokasi.",
    "There was an error saving the mode." : "Ada kesalahan menyimpan mode.",
    "There was an error using personal address." : "Ada kesalahan menggunakan alamat pribadi.",
    "Detect location" : "Deteksi lokasi",
    "Set custom address" : "Tetapkan alamat kustom",
    "Favorites" : "Disukai"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"