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* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
namespace OCA\DAV\Tests\unit\CardDAV\Activity;
use OCA\DAV\CardDAV\Activity\Backend;
use OCA\DAV\CardDAV\Activity\Provider\Addressbook;
use OCA\DAV\CardDAV\Activity\Provider\Card;
use OCP\Activity\IEvent;
use OCP\Activity\IManager;
use OCP\App\IAppManager;
use OCP\IGroup;
use OCP\IGroupManager;
use OCP\IUser;
use OCP\IUserManager;
use OCP\IUserSession;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject;
use Test\TestCase;
class BackendTest extends TestCase {
/** @var IManager|MockObject */
protected $activityManager;
/** @var IGroupManager|MockObject */
protected $groupManager;
/** @var IUserSession|MockObject */
protected $userSession;
/** @var IAppManager|MockObject */
protected $appManager;
/** @var IUserManager|MockObject */
protected $userManager;
protected function setUp(): void {
$this->activityManager = $this->createMock(IManager::class);
$this->groupManager = $this->createMock(IGroupManager::class);
$this->userSession = $this->createMock(IUserSession::class);
$this->appManager = $this->createMock(IAppManager::class);
$this->userManager = $this->createMock(IUserManager::class);
* @param array $methods
* @return Backend|MockObject
protected function getBackend(array $methods = []) {
if (empty($methods)) {
return new Backend(
} else {
return $this->getMockBuilder(Backend::class)
public function dataCallTriggerAddressBookActivity(): array {
return [
['onAddressbookCreate', [['data']], Addressbook::SUBJECT_ADD, [['data'], [], []]],
['onAddressbookUpdate', [['data'], ['shares'], ['changed-properties']], Addressbook::SUBJECT_UPDATE, [['data'], ['shares'], ['changed-properties']]],
['onAddressbookDelete', [['data'], ['shares']], Addressbook::SUBJECT_DELETE, [['data'], ['shares'], []]],
* @dataProvider dataCallTriggerAddressBookActivity
public function testCallTriggerAddressBookActivity(string $method, array $payload, string $expectedSubject, array $expectedPayload): void {
$backend = $this->getBackend(['triggerAddressbookActivity']);
->willReturnCallback(function () use ($expectedPayload, $expectedSubject): void {
$arguments = func_get_args();
$this->assertSame($expectedSubject, array_shift($arguments));
$this->assertEquals($expectedPayload, $arguments);
call_user_func_array([$backend, $method], $payload);
public function dataTriggerAddressBookActivity(): array {
return [
// Add addressbook
[Addressbook::SUBJECT_ADD, [], [], [], '', '', null, []],
[Addressbook::SUBJECT_ADD, [
'principaluri' => 'principal/user/admin',
'id' => 42,
'uri' => 'this-uri',
'{DAV:}displayname' => 'Name of addressbook',
], [], [], '', 'admin', null, ['admin']],
[Addressbook::SUBJECT_ADD, [
'principaluri' => 'principal/user/admin',
'id' => 42,
'uri' => 'this-uri',
'{DAV:}displayname' => 'Name of addressbook',
], [], [], 'test2', 'test2', null, ['admin']],
// Update addressbook
[Addressbook::SUBJECT_UPDATE, [], [], [], '', '', null, []],
// No visible change - owner only
[Addressbook::SUBJECT_UPDATE, [
'principaluri' => 'principal/user/admin',
'id' => 42,
'uri' => 'this-uri',
'{DAV:}displayname' => 'Name of addressbook',
], ['shares'], [], '', 'admin', null, ['admin']],
// Visible change
[Addressbook::SUBJECT_UPDATE, [
'principaluri' => 'principal/user/admin',
'id' => 42,
'uri' => 'this-uri',
'{DAV:}displayname' => 'Name of addressbook',
], ['shares'], ['{DAV:}displayname' => 'Name'], '', 'admin', ['user1'], ['user1', 'admin']],
[Addressbook::SUBJECT_UPDATE, [
'principaluri' => 'principal/user/admin',
'id' => 42,
'uri' => 'this-uri',
'{DAV:}displayname' => 'Name of addressbook',
], ['shares'], ['{DAV:}displayname' => 'Name'], 'test2', 'test2', ['user1'], ['user1', 'admin']],
// Delete addressbook
[Addressbook::SUBJECT_DELETE, [], [], [], '', '', null, []],
[Addressbook::SUBJECT_DELETE, [
'principaluri' => 'principal/user/admin',
'id' => 42,
'uri' => 'this-uri',
'{DAV:}displayname' => 'Name of addressbook',
], ['shares'], [], '', 'admin', [], ['admin']],
[Addressbook::SUBJECT_DELETE, [
'principaluri' => 'principal/user/admin',
'id' => 42,
'uri' => 'this-uri',
'{DAV:}displayname' => 'Name of addressbook',
], ['shares'], [], '', 'admin', ['user1'], ['user1', 'admin']],
[Addressbook::SUBJECT_DELETE, [
'principaluri' => 'principal/user/admin',
'id' => 42,
'uri' => 'this-uri',
'{DAV:}displayname' => 'Name of addressbook',
], ['shares'], [], 'test2', 'test2', ['user1'], ['user1', 'admin']],
* @dataProvider dataTriggerAddressBookActivity
* @param string $action
* @param array $data
* @param array $shares
* @param array $changedProperties
* @param string $currentUser
* @param string $author
* @param string[]|null $shareUsers
* @param string[] $users
public function testTriggerAddressBookActivity(string $action, array $data, array $shares, array $changedProperties, string $currentUser, string $author, ?array $shareUsers, array $users): void {
$backend = $this->getBackend(['getUsersForShares']);
if ($shareUsers === null) {
} else {
if ($author !== '') {
if ($currentUser !== '') {
} else {
$event = $this->createMock(IEvent::class);
->with('addressbook', $data['id'])
$this->userManager->expects($action === Addressbook::SUBJECT_DELETE ? $this->exactly(sizeof($users)) : $this->never())
} else {
$this->invokePrivate($backend, 'triggerAddressbookActivity', [$action, $data, $shares, $changedProperties]);
public function testNoAddressbookActivityCreatedForSystemAddressbook(): void {
$backend = $this->getBackend();
$this->assertEmpty($this->invokePrivate($backend, 'triggerAddressbookActivity', [Addressbook::SUBJECT_ADD, ['principaluri' => 'principals/system/system'], [], [], '', '', null, []]));
public function testUserDeletionDoesNotCreateActivity(): void {
$backend = $this->getBackend();
$this->invokePrivate($backend, 'triggerAddressbookActivity', [Addressbook::SUBJECT_DELETE, [
'principaluri' => 'principal/user/admin',
'id' => 42,
'uri' => 'this-uri',
'{DAV:}displayname' => 'Name of addressbook',
], [], []]);
public function dataTriggerCardActivity(): array {
$cardData = "BEGIN:VCARD\r\nVERSION:3.0\r\nPRODID:-//Sabre//Sabre VObject 3.4.8//EN\r\nUID:test-user\r\nFN:test-user\r\nN:test-user;;;;\r\nEND:VCARD\r\n\r\n";
return [
// Add card
[Card::SUBJECT_ADD, [], [], [], '', '', null, []],
'principaluri' => 'principal/user/admin',
'id' => 42,
'uri' => 'this-uri',
'{DAV:}displayname' => 'Name of addressbook',
], [], [
'carddata' => $cardData
], '', 'admin', [], ['admin']],
'principaluri' => 'principal/user/admin',
'id' => 42,
'uri' => 'this-uri',
'{DAV:}displayname' => 'Name of addressbook',
], [], ['carddata' => $cardData], 'test2', 'test2', [], ['admin']],
// Update card
[Card::SUBJECT_UPDATE, [], [], [], '', '', null, []],
// No visible change - owner only
'principaluri' => 'principal/user/admin',
'id' => 42,
'uri' => 'this-uri',
'{DAV:}displayname' => 'Name of addressbook',
], ['shares'], ['carddata' => $cardData], '', 'admin', [], ['admin']],
// Visible change
'principaluri' => 'principal/user/admin',
'id' => 42,
'uri' => 'this-uri',
'{DAV:}displayname' => 'Name of addressbook',
], ['shares'], ['carddata' => $cardData], '', 'admin', ['user1'], ['user1', 'admin']],
'principaluri' => 'principal/user/admin',
'id' => 42,
'uri' => 'this-uri',
'{DAV:}displayname' => 'Name of addressbook',
], ['shares'], ['carddata' => $cardData], 'test2', 'test2', ['user1'], ['user1', 'admin']],
// Delete card
[Card::SUBJECT_DELETE, [], [], ['carddata' => $cardData], '', '', null, []],
'principaluri' => 'principal/user/admin',
'id' => 42,
'uri' => 'this-uri',
'{DAV:}displayname' => 'Name of addressbook',
], ['shares'], ['carddata' => $cardData], '', 'admin', [], ['admin']],
'principaluri' => 'principal/user/admin',
'id' => 42,
'uri' => 'this-uri',
'{DAV:}displayname' => 'Name of addressbook',
], ['shares'], ['carddata' => $cardData], '', 'admin', ['user1'], ['user1', 'admin']],
'principaluri' => 'principal/user/admin',
'id' => 42,
'uri' => 'this-uri',
'{DAV:}displayname' => 'Name of addressbook',
], ['shares'], ['carddata' => $cardData], 'test2', 'test2', ['user1'], ['user1', 'admin']],
* @dataProvider dataTriggerCardActivity
* @param string $action
* @param array $addressBookData
* @param array $shares
* @param array $cardData
* @param string $currentUser
* @param string $author
* @param string[]|null $shareUsers
* @param string[] $users
public function testTriggerCardActivity(string $action, array $addressBookData, array $shares, array $cardData, string $currentUser, string $author, ?array $shareUsers, array $users): void {
$backend = $this->getBackend(['getUsersForShares']);
if ($shareUsers === null) {
} else {
if ($author !== '') {
if ($currentUser !== '') {
} else {
$event = $this->createMock(IEvent::class);
->with('addressbook', $addressBookData['id'])
} else {
$this->invokePrivate($backend, 'triggerCardActivity', [$action, $addressBookData, $shares, $cardData]);
public function testNoCardActivityCreatedForSystemAddressbook(): void {
$backend = $this->getBackend();
$this->assertEmpty($this->invokePrivate($backend, 'triggerCardActivity', [Card::SUBJECT_UPDATE, ['principaluri' => 'principals/system/system'], [], []]));
public function dataGetUsersForShares(): array {
return [
['{http://owncloud.org/ns}principal' => 'principal/users/user1'],
['{http://owncloud.org/ns}principal' => 'principal/users/user2'],
['{http://owncloud.org/ns}principal' => 'principal/users/user2'],
['{http://owncloud.org/ns}principal' => 'principal/users/user2'],
['{http://owncloud.org/ns}principal' => 'principal/users/user3'],
['user1', 'user2', 'user3'],
['{http://owncloud.org/ns}principal' => 'principal/users/user1'],
['{http://owncloud.org/ns}principal' => 'principal/users/user2'],
['{http://owncloud.org/ns}principal' => 'principal/users/user2'],
['{http://owncloud.org/ns}principal' => 'principal/groups/group2'],
['{http://owncloud.org/ns}principal' => 'principal/groups/group3'],
['group2' => null, 'group3' => null],
['user1', 'user2'],
['{http://owncloud.org/ns}principal' => 'principal/users/user1'],
['{http://owncloud.org/ns}principal' => 'principal/users/user2'],
['{http://owncloud.org/ns}principal' => 'principal/users/user2'],
['{http://owncloud.org/ns}principal' => 'principal/groups/group2'],
['{http://owncloud.org/ns}principal' => 'principal/groups/group3'],
['group2' => ['user1', 'user2', 'user3'], 'group3' => ['user2', 'user3', 'user4']],
['user1', 'user2', 'user3', 'user4'],
* @dataProvider dataGetUsersForShares
* @param array $shares
* @param array $groups
* @param array $expected
public function testGetUsersForShares(array $shares, array $groups, array $expected): void {
$backend = $this->getBackend();
$getGroups = [];
foreach ($groups as $gid => $members) {
if ($members === null) {
$getGroups[] = [$gid, null];
$group = $this->createMock(IGroup::class);
$getGroups[] = [$gid, $group];
$users = $this->invokePrivate($backend, 'getUsersForShares', [$shares]);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $users);
* @param string[] $users
* @return IUser[]|MockObject[]
protected function getUsers(array $users): array {
$list = [];
foreach ($users as $user) {
$list[] = $this->getUserMock($user);
return $list;
* @param string $uid
* @return IUser|MockObject
protected function getUserMock(string $uid) {
$user = $this->createMock(IUser::class);
return $user;