mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 00:13:56 +00:00

When nesting is enabled, filterValidGroups is supposed to check for each groups if it actually exist, because it may not be visible to Nextcloud. So in this codepath we disable automapping of groups. Signed-off-by: Côme Chilliet <come.chilliet@nextcloud.com>
1422 lines
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1422 lines
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* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2024 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 ownCloud, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
namespace OCA\User_LDAP;
use Exception;
use OC\ServerNotAvailableException;
use OCA\User_LDAP\User\OfflineUser;
use OCP\Cache\CappedMemoryCache;
use OCP\Group\Backend\ABackend;
use OCP\Group\Backend\IDeleteGroupBackend;
use OCP\Group\Backend\IGetDisplayNameBackend;
use OCP\Group\Backend\IIsAdminBackend;
use OCP\GroupInterface;
use OCP\IConfig;
use OCP\IUserManager;
use OCP\Server;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use function json_decode;
class Group_LDAP extends ABackend implements GroupInterface, IGroupLDAP, IGetDisplayNameBackend, IDeleteGroupBackend, IIsAdminBackend {
protected bool $enabled = false;
/** @var CappedMemoryCache<string[]> $cachedGroupMembers array of user DN with gid as key */
protected CappedMemoryCache $cachedGroupMembers;
/** @var CappedMemoryCache<array[]> $cachedGroupsByMember array of groups with user DN as key */
protected CappedMemoryCache $cachedGroupsByMember;
/** @var CappedMemoryCache<string[]> $cachedNestedGroups array of groups with gid (DN) as key */
protected CappedMemoryCache $cachedNestedGroups;
protected LoggerInterface $logger;
* @var string $ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr contains the LDAP setting (in lower case) with the same name
protected string $ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr;
public function __construct(
protected Access $access,
protected GroupPluginManager $groupPluginManager,
private IConfig $config,
private IUserManager $ncUserManager,
) {
$filter = $this->access->connection->ldapGroupFilter;
$gAssoc = $this->access->connection->ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr;
if (!empty($filter) && !empty($gAssoc)) {
$this->enabled = true;
$this->cachedGroupMembers = new CappedMemoryCache();
$this->cachedGroupsByMember = new CappedMemoryCache();
$this->cachedNestedGroups = new CappedMemoryCache();
$this->logger = Server::get(LoggerInterface::class);
$this->ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr = strtolower((string)$gAssoc);
* Check if user is in group
* @param string $uid uid of the user
* @param string $gid gid of the group
* @throws Exception
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
public function inGroup($uid, $gid): bool {
if (!$this->enabled) {
return false;
$cacheKey = 'inGroup' . $uid . ':' . $gid;
$inGroup = $this->access->connection->getFromCache($cacheKey);
if (!is_null($inGroup)) {
return (bool)$inGroup;
$userDN = $this->access->username2dn($uid);
if (isset($this->cachedGroupMembers[$gid])) {
return in_array($userDN, $this->cachedGroupMembers[$gid]);
$cacheKeyMembers = 'inGroup-members:' . $gid;
$members = $this->access->connection->getFromCache($cacheKeyMembers);
if (!is_null($members)) {
$this->cachedGroupMembers[$gid] = $members;
$isInGroup = in_array($userDN, $members, true);
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, $isInGroup);
return $isInGroup;
$groupDN = $this->access->groupname2dn($gid);
// just in case
if (!$groupDN || !$userDN) {
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, false);
return false;
//check primary group first
if ($gid === $this->getUserPrimaryGroup($userDN)) {
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, true);
return true;
//usually, LDAP attributes are said to be case insensitive. But there are exceptions of course.
$members = $this->_groupMembers($groupDN);
//extra work if we don't get back user DNs
switch ($this->ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr) {
case 'memberuid':
case 'zimbramailforwardingaddress':
$requestAttributes = $this->access->userManager->getAttributes(true);
$users = [];
$filterParts = [];
$bytes = 0;
foreach ($members as $mid) {
if ($this->ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr === 'zimbramailforwardingaddress') {
$parts = explode('@', $mid); //making sure we get only the uid
$mid = $parts[0];
$filter = str_replace('%uid', $mid, $this->access->connection->ldapLoginFilter);
$filterParts[] = $filter;
$bytes += strlen($filter);
if ($bytes >= 9000000) {
// AD has a default input buffer of 10 MB, we do not want
// to take even the chance to exceed it
// so we fetch results with the filterParts we collected so far
$filter = $this->access->combineFilterWithOr($filterParts);
$search = $this->access->fetchListOfUsers($filter, $requestAttributes, count($filterParts));
$bytes = 0;
$filterParts = [];
$users = array_merge($users, $search);
if (count($filterParts) > 0) {
// if there are filterParts left we need to add their result
$filter = $this->access->combineFilterWithOr($filterParts);
$search = $this->access->fetchListOfUsers($filter, $requestAttributes, count($filterParts));
$users = array_merge($users, $search);
// now we cleanup the users array to get only dns
$dns = [];
foreach ($users as $record) {
$dns[$record['dn'][0]] = 1;
$members = array_keys($dns);
if (count($members) === 0) {
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, false);
return false;
$isInGroup = in_array($userDN, $members);
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, $isInGroup);
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKeyMembers, $members);
$this->cachedGroupMembers[$gid] = $members;
return $isInGroup;
* For a group that has user membership defined by an LDAP search url
* attribute returns the users that match the search url otherwise returns
* an empty array.
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
public function getDynamicGroupMembers(string $dnGroup): array {
$dynamicGroupMemberURL = strtolower((string)$this->access->connection->ldapDynamicGroupMemberURL);
if (empty($dynamicGroupMemberURL)) {
return [];
$dynamicMembers = [];
$memberURLs = $this->access->readAttribute(
if ($memberURLs !== false) {
// this group has the 'memberURL' attribute so this is a dynamic group
// example 1: ldap:///cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=dcsubbase,dc=dcbase??one?(o=HeadOffice)
// example 2: ldap:///cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=dcsubbase,dc=dcbase??one?(&(o=HeadOffice)(uidNumber>=500))
$pos = strpos($memberURLs[0], '(');
if ($pos !== false) {
$memberUrlFilter = substr($memberURLs[0], $pos);
$foundMembers = $this->access->searchUsers($memberUrlFilter, ['dn']);
$dynamicMembers = [];
foreach ($foundMembers as $value) {
$dynamicMembers[$value['dn'][0]] = 1;
} else {
$this->logger->debug('No search filter found on member url of group {dn}',
'app' => 'user_ldap',
'dn' => $dnGroup,
return $dynamicMembers;
* Get group members from dn.
* @psalm-param array<string, bool> $seen List of DN that have already been processed.
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
private function _groupMembers(string $dnGroup, array $seen = [], bool &$recursive = false): array {
if (isset($seen[$dnGroup])) {
$recursive = true;
return [];
$seen[$dnGroup] = true;
// used extensively in cron job, caching makes sense for nested groups
$cacheKey = '_groupMembers' . $dnGroup;
$groupMembers = $this->access->connection->getFromCache($cacheKey);
if ($groupMembers !== null) {
return $groupMembers;
if ($this->access->connection->ldapNestedGroups
&& $this->access->connection->useMemberOfToDetectMembership
&& $this->access->connection->hasMemberOfFilterSupport
&& $this->access->connection->ldapMatchingRuleInChainState !== Configuration::LDAP_SERVER_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE
) {
$attemptedLdapMatchingRuleInChain = true;
// Use matching rule 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941 if available (LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_IN_CHAIN)
$filter = $this->access->combineFilterWithAnd([
$this->access->connection->ldapUserDisplayName . '=*',
'memberof:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=' . $dnGroup
$memberRecords = $this->access->fetchListOfUsers(
$result = array_reduce($memberRecords, function ($carry, $record) {
$carry[] = $record['dn'][0];
return $carry;
}, []);
if ($this->access->connection->ldapMatchingRuleInChainState === Configuration::LDAP_SERVER_FEATURE_AVAILABLE) {
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, $result);
return $result;
} elseif (!empty($memberRecords)) {
$this->access->connection->ldapMatchingRuleInChainState = Configuration::LDAP_SERVER_FEATURE_AVAILABLE;
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, $result);
return $result;
// when feature availability is unknown, and the result is empty, continue and test with original approach
$allMembers = [];
$members = $this->access->readAttribute($dnGroup, $this->access->connection->ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr);
if (is_array($members)) {
if ((int)$this->access->connection->ldapNestedGroups === 1) {
while ($recordDn = array_shift($members)) {
$nestedMembers = $this->_groupMembers($recordDn, $seen, $recursive);
if (!empty($nestedMembers)) {
// Group, queue its members for processing
$members = array_merge($members, $nestedMembers);
} else {
// User (or empty group, or previously seen group), add it to the member list
$allMembers[] = $recordDn;
} else {
$allMembers = $members;
$allMembers += $this->getDynamicGroupMembers($dnGroup);
$allMembers = array_unique($allMembers);
// A group cannot be a member of itself
$index = array_search($dnGroup, $allMembers, true);
if ($index !== false) {
if (!$recursive) {
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, $allMembers);
if (isset($attemptedLdapMatchingRuleInChain)
&& $this->access->connection->ldapMatchingRuleInChainState === Configuration::LDAP_SERVER_FEATURE_UNKNOWN
&& !empty($allMembers)
) {
$this->access->connection->ldapMatchingRuleInChainState = Configuration::LDAP_SERVER_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE;
return $allMembers;
* @return string[]
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
private function _getGroupDNsFromMemberOf(string $dn, array &$seen = []): array {
if (isset($seen[$dn])) {
return [];
$seen[$dn] = true;
if (isset($this->cachedNestedGroups[$dn])) {
return $this->cachedNestedGroups[$dn];
$allGroups = [];
$groups = $this->access->readAttribute($dn, 'memberOf');
if (is_array($groups)) {
if ((int)$this->access->connection->ldapNestedGroups === 1) {
while ($recordDn = array_shift($groups)) {
$nestedParents = $this->_getGroupDNsFromMemberOf($recordDn, $seen);
$groups = array_merge($groups, $nestedParents);
$allGroups[] = $recordDn;
} else {
$allGroups = $groups;
// We do not perform array_unique here at it is done in getUserGroups later
$this->cachedNestedGroups[$dn] = $allGroups;
return $this->filterValidGroups($allGroups);
* Translates a gidNumber into the Nextcloud internal name.
* @return string|false The nextcloud internal name.
* @throws Exception
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
public function gidNumber2Name(string $gid, string $dn) {
$cacheKey = 'gidNumberToName' . $gid;
$groupName = $this->access->connection->getFromCache($cacheKey);
if (!is_null($groupName) && isset($groupName)) {
return $groupName;
//we need to get the DN from LDAP
$filter = $this->access->combineFilterWithAnd([
$this->access->connection->ldapGidNumber . '=' . $gid
return $this->getNameOfGroup($filter, $cacheKey) ?? false;
* @return string|null|false The name of the group
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
* @throws Exception
private function getNameOfGroup(string $filter, string $cacheKey) {
$result = $this->access->searchGroups($filter, ['dn'], 1);
if (empty($result)) {
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, false);
return null;
$dn = $result[0]['dn'][0];
//and now the group name
//NOTE once we have separate Nextcloud group IDs and group names we can
//directly read the display name attribute instead of the DN
$name = $this->access->dn2groupname($dn);
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, $name);
return $name;
* @return string|bool The entry's gidNumber
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
private function getEntryGidNumber(string $dn, string $attribute) {
$value = $this->access->readAttribute($dn, $attribute);
if (is_array($value) && !empty($value)) {
return $value[0];
return false;
* @return string|bool The group's gidNumber
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
public function getGroupGidNumber(string $dn) {
return $this->getEntryGidNumber($dn, 'gidNumber');
* @return string|bool The user's gidNumber
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
public function getUserGidNumber(string $dn) {
$gidNumber = false;
if ($this->access->connection->hasGidNumber) {
// FIXME: when $dn does not exist on LDAP anymore, this will be set wrongly to false :/
$gidNumber = $this->getEntryGidNumber($dn, $this->access->connection->ldapGidNumber);
if ($gidNumber === false) {
$this->access->connection->hasGidNumber = false;
return $gidNumber;
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
* @throws Exception
private function prepareFilterForUsersHasGidNumber(string $groupDN, string $search = ''): string {
$groupID = $this->getGroupGidNumber($groupDN);
if ($groupID === false) {
throw new Exception('Not a valid group');
$filterParts = [];
$filterParts[] = $this->access->getFilterForUserCount();
if ($search !== '') {
$filterParts[] = $this->access->getFilterPartForUserSearch($search);
$filterParts[] = $this->access->connection->ldapGidNumber . '=' . $groupID;
return $this->access->combineFilterWithAnd($filterParts);
* @return array<int,string> A list of users that have the given group as gid number
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
public function getUsersInGidNumber(
string $groupDN,
string $search = '',
?int $limit = -1,
?int $offset = 0,
): array {
try {
$filter = $this->prepareFilterForUsersHasGidNumber($groupDN, $search);
$users = $this->access->fetchListOfUsers(
return $this->access->nextcloudUserNames($users);
} catch (ServerNotAvailableException $e) {
throw $e;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return [];
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
* @return false|string
public function getUserGroupByGid(string $dn) {
$groupID = $this->getUserGidNumber($dn);
if ($groupID !== false) {
$groupName = $this->gidNumber2Name($groupID, $dn);
if ($groupName !== false) {
return $groupName;
return false;
* Translates a primary group ID into an Nextcloud internal name
* @return string|false
* @throws Exception
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
public function primaryGroupID2Name(string $gid, string $dn) {
$cacheKey = 'primaryGroupIDtoName_' . $gid;
$groupName = $this->access->connection->getFromCache($cacheKey);
if (!is_null($groupName)) {
return $groupName;
$domainObjectSid = $this->access->getSID($dn);
if ($domainObjectSid === false) {
return false;
//we need to get the DN from LDAP
$filter = $this->access->combineFilterWithAnd([
'objectsid=' . $domainObjectSid . '-' . $gid
return $this->getNameOfGroup($filter, $cacheKey) ?? false;
* @return string|false The entry's group Id
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
private function getEntryGroupID(string $dn, string $attribute) {
$value = $this->access->readAttribute($dn, $attribute);
if (is_array($value) && !empty($value)) {
return $value[0];
return false;
* @return string|false The entry's primary group Id
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
public function getGroupPrimaryGroupID(string $dn) {
return $this->getEntryGroupID($dn, 'primaryGroupToken');
* @return string|false
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
public function getUserPrimaryGroupIDs(string $dn) {
$primaryGroupID = false;
if ($this->access->connection->hasPrimaryGroups) {
$primaryGroupID = $this->getEntryGroupID($dn, 'primaryGroupID');
if ($primaryGroupID === false) {
$this->access->connection->hasPrimaryGroups = false;
return $primaryGroupID;
* @throws Exception
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
private function prepareFilterForUsersInPrimaryGroup(string $groupDN, string $search = ''): string {
$groupID = $this->getGroupPrimaryGroupID($groupDN);
if ($groupID === false) {
throw new Exception('Not a valid group');
$filterParts = [];
$filterParts[] = $this->access->getFilterForUserCount();
if ($search !== '') {
$filterParts[] = $this->access->getFilterPartForUserSearch($search);
$filterParts[] = 'primaryGroupID=' . $groupID;
return $this->access->combineFilterWithAnd($filterParts);
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
* @return array<int,string>
public function getUsersInPrimaryGroup(
string $groupDN,
string $search = '',
?int $limit = -1,
?int $offset = 0,
): array {
try {
$filter = $this->prepareFilterForUsersInPrimaryGroup($groupDN, $search);
$users = $this->access->fetchListOfUsers(
return $this->access->nextcloudUserNames($users);
} catch (ServerNotAvailableException $e) {
throw $e;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return [];
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
public function countUsersInPrimaryGroup(
string $groupDN,
string $search = '',
int $limit = -1,
int $offset = 0,
): int {
try {
$filter = $this->prepareFilterForUsersInPrimaryGroup($groupDN, $search);
$users = $this->access->countUsers($filter, ['dn'], $limit, $offset);
return (int)$users;
} catch (ServerNotAvailableException $e) {
throw $e;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return 0;
* @return string|false
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
public function getUserPrimaryGroup(string $dn) {
$groupID = $this->getUserPrimaryGroupIDs($dn);
if ($groupID !== false) {
$groupName = $this->primaryGroupID2Name($groupID, $dn);
if ($groupName !== false) {
return $groupName;
return false;
private function isUserOnLDAP(string $uid): bool {
// forces a user exists check - but does not help if a positive result is cached, while group info is not
$ncUser = $this->ncUserManager->get($uid);
if ($ncUser === null) {
return false;
$backend = $ncUser->getBackend();
if ($backend instanceof User_Proxy) {
// ignoring cache as safeguard (and we are behind the group cache check anyway)
return $backend->userExistsOnLDAP($uid, true);
return false;
* @param string $uid
* @return list<string>
protected function getCachedGroupsForUserId(string $uid): array {
$groupStr = $this->config->getUserValue($uid, 'user_ldap', 'cached-group-memberships-' . $this->access->connection->getConfigPrefix(), '[]');
return json_decode($groupStr, true) ?? [];
* This function fetches all groups a user belongs to. It does not check
* if the user exists at all.
* This function includes groups based on dynamic group membership.
* @param string $uid Name of the user
* @return list<string> Group names
* @throws Exception
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
public function getUserGroups($uid): array {
if (!$this->enabled) {
return [];
$ncUid = $uid;
$cacheKey = 'getUserGroups' . $uid;
$userGroups = $this->access->connection->getFromCache($cacheKey);
if (!is_null($userGroups)) {
return $userGroups;
$user = $this->access->userManager->get($uid);
if ($user instanceof OfflineUser) {
// We load known group memberships from configuration for remnants,
// because LDAP server does not contain them anymore
return $this->getCachedGroupsForUserId($uid);
$userDN = $this->access->username2dn($uid);
if (!$userDN) {
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, []);
return [];
$groups = [];
$primaryGroup = $this->getUserPrimaryGroup($userDN);
$gidGroupName = $this->getUserGroupByGid($userDN);
$dynamicGroupMemberURL = strtolower($this->access->connection->ldapDynamicGroupMemberURL);
if (!empty($dynamicGroupMemberURL)) {
// look through dynamic groups to add them to the result array if needed
$groupsToMatch = $this->access->fetchListOfGroups(
$this->access->connection->ldapGroupFilter, ['dn', $dynamicGroupMemberURL]);
foreach ($groupsToMatch as $dynamicGroup) {
if (!isset($dynamicGroup[$dynamicGroupMemberURL][0])) {
$pos = strpos($dynamicGroup[$dynamicGroupMemberURL][0], '(');
if ($pos !== false) {
$memberUrlFilter = substr($dynamicGroup[$dynamicGroupMemberURL][0], $pos);
// apply filter via ldap search to see if this user is in this
// dynamic group
$userMatch = $this->access->readAttribute(
if ($userMatch !== false) {
// match found so this user is in this group
$groupName = $this->access->dn2groupname($dynamicGroup['dn'][0]);
if (is_string($groupName)) {
// be sure to never return false if the dn could not be
// resolved to a name, for whatever reason.
$groups[] = $groupName;
} else {
$this->logger->debug('No search filter found on member url of group {dn}',
'app' => 'user_ldap',
'dn' => $dynamicGroup,
// if possible, read out membership via memberOf. It's far faster than
// performing a search, which still is a fallback later.
// memberof doesn't support memberuid, so skip it here.
if ((int)$this->access->connection->hasMemberOfFilterSupport === 1
&& (int)$this->access->connection->useMemberOfToDetectMembership === 1
&& $this->ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr !== 'memberuid'
&& $this->ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr !== 'zimbramailforwardingaddress') {
$groupDNs = $this->_getGroupDNsFromMemberOf($userDN);
foreach ($groupDNs as $dn) {
$groupName = $this->access->dn2groupname($dn);
if (is_string($groupName)) {
// be sure to never return false if the dn could not be
// resolved to a name, for whatever reason.
$groups[] = $groupName;
} else {
// uniqueMember takes DN, memberuid the uid, so we need to distinguish
switch ($this->ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr) {
case 'uniquemember':
case 'member':
$uid = $userDN;
case 'memberuid':
case 'zimbramailforwardingaddress':
$result = $this->access->readAttribute($userDN, 'uid');
if ($result === false) {
$this->logger->debug('No uid attribute found for DN {dn} on {host}',
'app' => 'user_ldap',
'dn' => $userDN,
'host' => $this->access->connection->ldapHost,
$uid = false;
} else {
$uid = $result[0];
// just in case
$uid = $userDN;
if ($uid !== false) {
$groupsByMember = array_values($this->getGroupsByMember($uid));
$groupsByMember = $this->access->nextcloudGroupNames($groupsByMember);
$groups = array_merge($groups, $groupsByMember);
if ($primaryGroup !== false) {
$groups[] = $primaryGroup;
if ($gidGroupName !== false) {
$groups[] = $gidGroupName;
if (empty($groups) && !$this->isUserOnLDAP($ncUid)) {
// Groups are enabled, but you user has none? Potentially suspicious:
// it could be that the user was deleted from LDAP, but we are not
// aware of it yet.
$groups = $this->getCachedGroupsForUserId($ncUid);
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, $groups);
return $groups;
$groups = array_values(array_unique($groups, SORT_LOCALE_STRING));
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, $groups);
$groupStr = \json_encode($groups);
$this->config->setUserValue($ncUid, 'user_ldap', 'cached-group-memberships-' . $this->access->connection->getConfigPrefix(), $groupStr);
return $groups;
* @return array[]
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
private function getGroupsByMember(string $dn, array &$seen = []): array {
if (isset($seen[$dn])) {
return [];
$seen[$dn] = true;
if (isset($this->cachedGroupsByMember[$dn])) {
return $this->cachedGroupsByMember[$dn];
$filter = $this->access->connection->ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr . '=' . $dn;
if ($this->ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr === 'zimbramailforwardingaddress') {
//in this case the member entries are email addresses
$filter .= '@*';
$nesting = (int)$this->access->connection->ldapNestedGroups;
if ($nesting === 0) {
$filter = $this->access->combineFilterWithAnd([$filter, $this->access->connection->ldapGroupFilter]);
$allGroups = [];
$groups = $this->access->fetchListOfGroups($filter,
[strtolower($this->access->connection->ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr), $this->access->connection->ldapGroupDisplayName, 'dn']);
if ($nesting === 1) {
while ($record = array_shift($groups)) {
// Note: this has no effect when ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr is uid based
$nestedParents = $this->getGroupsByMember($record['dn'][0], $seen);
$groups = array_merge($groups, $nestedParents);
$allGroups[] = $record;
} else {
$allGroups = $groups;
$visibleGroups = $this->filterValidGroups($allGroups);
$this->cachedGroupsByMember[$dn] = $visibleGroups;
return $visibleGroups;
* get a list of all users in a group
* @param string $gid
* @param string $search
* @param int $limit
* @param int $offset
* @return array<int,string> user ids
* @throws Exception
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
public function usersInGroup($gid, $search = '', $limit = -1, $offset = 0) {
if (!$this->enabled) {
return [];
if (!$this->groupExists($gid)) {
return [];
$search = $this->access->escapeFilterPart($search, true);
$cacheKey = 'usersInGroup-' . $gid . '-' . $search . '-' . $limit . '-' . $offset;
// check for cache of the exact query
$groupUsers = $this->access->connection->getFromCache($cacheKey);
if (!is_null($groupUsers)) {
return $groupUsers;
if ($limit === -1) {
$limit = null;
// check for cache of the query without limit and offset
$groupUsers = $this->access->connection->getFromCache('usersInGroup-' . $gid . '-' . $search);
if (!is_null($groupUsers)) {
$groupUsers = array_slice($groupUsers, $offset, $limit);
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, $groupUsers);
return $groupUsers;
$groupDN = $this->access->groupname2dn($gid);
if (!$groupDN) {
// group couldn't be found, return empty result-set
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, []);
return [];
$primaryUsers = $this->getUsersInPrimaryGroup($groupDN, $search, $limit, $offset);
$posixGroupUsers = $this->getUsersInGidNumber($groupDN, $search, $limit, $offset);
$members = $this->_groupMembers($groupDN);
if (!$members && empty($posixGroupUsers) && empty($primaryUsers)) {
//in case users could not be retrieved, return empty result set
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, []);
return [];
$groupUsers = [];
$attrs = $this->access->userManager->getAttributes(true);
foreach ($members as $member) {
switch ($this->ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr) {
/** @noinspection PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection */
case 'zimbramailforwardingaddress':
//we get email addresses and need to convert them to uids
$parts = explode('@', $member);
$member = $parts[0];
//no break needed because we just needed to remove the email part and now we have uids
case 'memberuid':
//we got uids, need to get their DNs to 'translate' them to user names
$filter = $this->access->combineFilterWithAnd([
str_replace('%uid', trim($member), $this->access->connection->ldapLoginFilter),
$ldap_users = $this->access->fetchListOfUsers($filter, $attrs, 1);
if (empty($ldap_users)) {
$uid = $this->access->dn2username($ldap_users[0]['dn'][0]);
if (!$uid) {
$groupUsers[] = $uid;
//we got DNs, check if we need to filter by search or we can give back all of them
$uid = $this->access->dn2username($member);
if (!$uid) {
$cacheKey = 'userExistsOnLDAP' . $uid;
$userExists = $this->access->connection->getFromCache($cacheKey);
if ($userExists === false) {
if ($userExists === null || $search !== '') {
if (!$this->access->readAttribute($member,
]))) {
if ($search === '') {
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, false);
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, true);
$groupUsers[] = $uid;
$groupUsers = array_unique(array_merge($groupUsers, $primaryUsers, $posixGroupUsers));
$this->access->connection->writeToCache('usersInGroup-' . $gid . '-' . $search, $groupUsers);
$groupUsers = array_slice($groupUsers, $offset, $limit);
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, $groupUsers);
return $groupUsers;
* returns the number of users in a group, who match the search term
* @param string $gid the internal group name
* @param string $search optional, a search string
* @return int|bool
* @throws Exception
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
public function countUsersInGroup($gid, $search = '') {
if ($this->groupPluginManager->implementsActions(GroupInterface::COUNT_USERS)) {
return $this->groupPluginManager->countUsersInGroup($gid, $search);
$cacheKey = 'countUsersInGroup-' . $gid . '-' . $search;
if (!$this->enabled || !$this->groupExists($gid)) {
return false;
$groupUsers = $this->access->connection->getFromCache($cacheKey);
if (!is_null($groupUsers)) {
return $groupUsers;
$groupDN = $this->access->groupname2dn($gid);
if (!$groupDN) {
// group couldn't be found, return empty result set
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, false);
return false;
$members = $this->_groupMembers($groupDN);
$primaryUserCount = $this->countUsersInPrimaryGroup($groupDN, '');
if (!$members && $primaryUserCount === 0) {
//in case users could not be retrieved, return empty result set
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, false);
return false;
if ($search === '') {
$groupUsers = count($members) + $primaryUserCount;
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, $groupUsers);
return $groupUsers;
$search = $this->access->escapeFilterPart($search, true);
$isMemberUid =
($this->ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr === 'memberuid' ||
$this->ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr === 'zimbramailforwardingaddress');
//we need to apply the search filter
//alternatives that need to be checked:
//a) get all users by search filter and array_intersect them
//b) a, but only when less than 1k 10k ?k users like it is
//c) put all DNs|uids in a LDAP filter, combine with the search string
// and let it count.
//For now this is not important, because the only use of this method
//does not supply a search string
$groupUsers = [];
foreach ($members as $member) {
if ($isMemberUid) {
if ($this->ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr === 'zimbramailforwardingaddress') {
//we get email addresses and need to convert them to uids
$parts = explode('@', $member);
$member = $parts[0];
//we got uids, need to get their DNs to 'translate' them to user names
$filter = $this->access->combineFilterWithAnd([
str_replace('%uid', $member, $this->access->connection->ldapLoginFilter),
$ldap_users = $this->access->fetchListOfUsers($filter, ['dn'], 1);
if (count($ldap_users) < 1) {
$groupUsers[] = $this->access->dn2username($ldap_users[0]);
} else {
//we need to apply the search filter now
if (!$this->access->readAttribute($member,
$this->access->getFilterPartForUserSearch($search))) {
// dn2username will also check if the users belong to the allowed base
if ($ncGroupId = $this->access->dn2username($member)) {
$groupUsers[] = $ncGroupId;
//and get users that have the group as primary
$primaryUsers = $this->countUsersInPrimaryGroup($groupDN, $search);
return count($groupUsers) + $primaryUsers;
* get a list of all groups using a paged search
* @param string $search
* @param int $limit
* @param int $offset
* @return array with group names
* Returns a list with all groups
* Uses a paged search if available to override a
* server side search limit.
* (active directory has a limit of 1000 by default)
* @throws Exception
public function getGroups($search = '', $limit = -1, $offset = 0) {
if (!$this->enabled) {
return [];
$search = $this->access->escapeFilterPart($search, true);
$cacheKey = 'getGroups-' . $search . '-' . $limit . '-' . $offset;
//Check cache before driving unnecessary searches
$ldap_groups = $this->access->connection->getFromCache($cacheKey);
if (!is_null($ldap_groups)) {
return $ldap_groups;
// if we'd pass -1 to LDAP search, we'd end up in a Protocol
// error. With a limit of 0, we get 0 results. So we pass null.
if ($limit <= 0) {
$limit = null;
$filter = $this->access->combineFilterWithAnd([
$ldap_groups = $this->access->fetchListOfGroups($filter,
[$this->access->connection->ldapGroupDisplayName, 'dn'],
$ldap_groups = $this->access->nextcloudGroupNames($ldap_groups);
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, $ldap_groups);
return $ldap_groups;
* check if a group exists
* @param string $gid
* @return bool
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
public function groupExists($gid) {
return $this->groupExistsOnLDAP($gid, false);
* Check if a group exists
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
public function groupExistsOnLDAP(string $gid, bool $ignoreCache = false): bool {
$cacheKey = 'groupExists' . $gid;
if (!$ignoreCache) {
$groupExists = $this->access->connection->getFromCache($cacheKey);
if (!is_null($groupExists)) {
return (bool)$groupExists;
//getting dn, if false the group does not exist. If dn, it may be mapped
//only, requires more checking.
$dn = $this->access->groupname2dn($gid);
if (!$dn) {
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, false);
return false;
if (!$this->access->isDNPartOfBase($dn, $this->access->connection->ldapBaseGroups)) {
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, false);
return false;
//if group really still exists, we will be able to read its objectClass
if (!is_array($this->access->readAttribute($dn, '', $this->access->connection->ldapGroupFilter))) {
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, false);
return false;
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, true);
return true;
* @template T
* @param array<array-key, T> $listOfGroups
* @return array<array-key, T>
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
* @throws Exception
protected function filterValidGroups(array $listOfGroups): array {
$validGroupDNs = [];
foreach ($listOfGroups as $key => $item) {
$dn = is_string($item) ? $item : $item['dn'][0];
if (is_array($item) && !isset($item[$this->access->connection->ldapGroupDisplayName][0])) {
$name = $item[$this->access->connection->ldapGroupDisplayName][0] ?? null;
$gid = $this->access->dn2groupname($dn, $name, false);
if (!$gid) {
if ($this->groupExists($gid)) {
$validGroupDNs[$key] = $item;
return $validGroupDNs;
* Check if backend implements actions
* @param int $actions bitwise-or'ed actions
* @return boolean
* Returns the supported actions as int to be
* compared with GroupInterface::CREATE_GROUP etc.
public function implementsActions($actions): bool {
return (bool)((GroupInterface::COUNT_USERS |
GroupInterface::DELETE_GROUP |
GroupInterface::IS_ADMIN |
$this->groupPluginManager->getImplementedActions()) & $actions);
* Return access for LDAP interaction.
* @return Access instance of Access for LDAP interaction
public function getLDAPAccess($gid) {
return $this->access;
* create a group
* @param string $gid
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
public function createGroup($gid) {
if ($this->groupPluginManager->implementsActions(GroupInterface::CREATE_GROUP)) {
if ($dn = $this->groupPluginManager->createGroup($gid)) {
//updates group mapping
$uuid = $this->access->getUUID($dn, false);
if (is_string($uuid)) {
return $dn != null;
throw new Exception('Could not create group in LDAP backend.');
* delete a group
* @param string $gid gid of the group to delete
* @throws Exception
public function deleteGroup(string $gid): bool {
if ($this->groupPluginManager->canDeleteGroup()) {
if ($ret = $this->groupPluginManager->deleteGroup($gid)) {
// Delete group in nextcloud internal db
$this->access->connection->writeToCache('groupExists' . $gid, false);
return $ret;
// Getting dn, if false the group is not mapped
$dn = $this->access->groupname2dn($gid);
if (!$dn) {
throw new Exception('Could not delete unknown group ' . $gid . ' in LDAP backend.');
if (!$this->groupExists($gid)) {
// The group does not exist in the LDAP, remove the mapping
$this->access->connection->writeToCache('groupExists' . $gid, false);
return true;
throw new Exception('Could not delete existing group ' . $gid . ' in LDAP backend.');
* Add a user to a group
* @param string $uid Name of the user to add to group
* @param string $gid Name of the group in which add the user
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
public function addToGroup($uid, $gid) {
if ($this->groupPluginManager->implementsActions(GroupInterface::ADD_TO_GROUP)) {
if ($ret = $this->groupPluginManager->addToGroup($uid, $gid)) {
return $ret;
throw new Exception('Could not add user to group in LDAP backend.');
* Removes a user from a group
* @param string $uid Name of the user to remove from group
* @param string $gid Name of the group from which remove the user
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
public function removeFromGroup($uid, $gid) {
if ($this->groupPluginManager->implementsActions(GroupInterface::REMOVE_FROM_GROUP)) {
if ($ret = $this->groupPluginManager->removeFromGroup($uid, $gid)) {
return $ret;
throw new Exception('Could not remove user from group in LDAP backend.');
* Gets group details
* @param string $gid Name of the group
* @return array|false
* @throws Exception
public function getGroupDetails($gid) {
if ($this->groupPluginManager->implementsActions(GroupInterface::GROUP_DETAILS)) {
return $this->groupPluginManager->getGroupDetails($gid);
throw new Exception('Could not get group details in LDAP backend.');
* Return LDAP connection resource from a cloned connection.
* The cloned connection needs to be closed manually.
* of the current access.
* @param string $gid
* @return \LDAP\Connection The LDAP connection
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
public function getNewLDAPConnection($gid): \LDAP\Connection {
$connection = clone $this->access->getConnection();
return $connection->getConnectionResource();
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
public function getDisplayName(string $gid): string {
if ($this->groupPluginManager instanceof IGetDisplayNameBackend) {
return $this->groupPluginManager->getDisplayName($gid);
$cacheKey = 'group_getDisplayName' . $gid;
if (!is_null($displayName = $this->access->connection->getFromCache($cacheKey))) {
return $displayName;
$displayName = $this->access->readAttribute(
if (($displayName !== false) && (count($displayName) > 0)) {
$displayName = $displayName[0];
} else {
$displayName = '';
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, $displayName);
return $displayName;
* returns the groupname for the given LDAP DN, if available
public function dn2GroupName(string $dn): string|false {
return $this->access->dn2groupname($dn);
public function addRelationshipToCaches(string $uid, ?string $dnUser, string $gid): void {
$dnGroup = $this->access->groupname2dn($gid);
$dnUser ??= $this->access->username2dn($uid);
if ($dnUser === false || $dnGroup === false) {
if (isset($this->cachedGroupMembers[$gid])) {
$this->cachedGroupMembers[$gid] = array_merge($this->cachedGroupMembers[$gid], [$dnUser]);
$cacheKey = 'inGroup' . $uid . ':' . $gid;
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, true);
$cacheKeyMembers = 'inGroup-members:' . $gid;
if (!is_null($data = $this->access->connection->getFromCache($cacheKeyMembers))) {
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKeyMembers, array_merge($data, [$dnUser]));
$cacheKey = '_groupMembers' . $dnGroup;
if (!is_null($data = $this->access->connection->getFromCache($cacheKey))) {
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, array_merge($data, [$dnUser]));
$cacheKey = 'getUserGroups' . $uid;
if (!is_null($data = $this->access->connection->getFromCache($cacheKey))) {
$this->access->connection->writeToCache($cacheKey, array_merge($data, [$gid]));
// These cache keys cannot be easily updated:
// $cacheKey = 'usersInGroup-' . $gid . '-' . $search . '-' . $limit . '-' . $offset;
// $cacheKey = 'usersInGroup-' . $gid . '-' . $search;
// $cacheKey = 'countUsersInGroup-' . $gid . '-' . $search;
* @throws ServerNotAvailableException
public function isAdmin(string $uid): bool {
if (!$this->enabled) {
return false;
$ldapAdminGroup = $this->access->connection->ldapAdminGroup;
if ($ldapAdminGroup === '') {
return false;
return $this->inGroup($uid, $ldapAdminGroup);