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mirror of https://github.com/nextcloud/server.git synced 2025-03-13 07:53:51 +00:00
Nextcloud bot 9a2360bd64
Fix(l10n): Update translations from Transifex
Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <bot@nextcloud.com>
2024-12-07 00:21:25 +00:00

47 lines
2.2 KiB

{ "translations": {
"Recent statuses" : "Azken egoerak",
"No recent status changes" : "Azken egoera-aldaketarik ez",
"In a meeting" : "Bilera batean",
"Commuting" : "Lanerako bidean",
"Out sick" : "Gaixorik",
"Vacationing" : "Oporretan",
"Out of office" : "Bulegotik kanpo",
"Working remotely" : "Urrutitik lanean",
"In a call" : "Dei batean",
"User status" : "Erabiltzaile-egoera",
"Clear status after" : "Garbitu egoera honen ondoren",
"Emoji for your status message" : "Zure egoera-mezurako emojia",
"What is your status?" : "Zein da zure egoera?",
"Predefined statuses" : "Aurrez definitutako egoerak",
"Previously set" : "Lehendik ezarrita",
"Reset status" : "Berrezarri egoera",
"Set status" : "Ezarri egoera",
"Online status" : "Lineako egoera",
"Status message" : "Egoera-mezua",
"Set absence period" : "Ezarri absentzia aldia",
"Set absence period and replacement" : "Ezarri absentzia aldia eta ordezkoa",
"Your status was set automatically" : "Zure egoera automatikoki ezarriko dira",
"Clear status message" : "Garbitu egoera-mezua",
"Set status message" : "Ezarri egoera-mezua",
"Reset status to \"{icon} {message}\"" : "Berrezarri egoera \"{icon} {message}\"(e)ra",
"Reset status to \"{message}\"" : "Berrezarri egoera \"{message}\"(e)ra",
"Reset status to \"{icon}\"" : "Berrezarri egoera \"{icon}\"(e)ra",
"There was an error saving the status" : "Errore bat gertatu da egoera gordetzean",
"There was an error clearing the status" : "Errore bat gertatu da egoera garbitzean",
"There was an error reverting the status" : "Errore bat gertatu da egoera berrezartzean",
"Don't clear" : "Ez garbitu",
"Today" : "Gaur",
"This week" : "Aste honetan",
"Online" : "Linean",
"Away" : "Kanpoan",
"Do not disturb" : "Ez molestatu",
"Invisible" : "Ikusezina",
"Offline" : "Lineaz kanpo",
"There was an error saving the new status" : "Errore bat gertatu da egoera berria gordetzean",
"30 minutes" : "30 minutu",
"1 hour" : "Ordu 1",
"4 hours" : "4 ordu",
"Mute all notifications" : "Mututu jakinarazpen guztiak",
"Appear offline" : "Lineaz kanpo agertu"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"