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synced 2025-03-13 07:53:51 +00:00

Directly copied stubs for php ext folder from PHP-8.1 branch Signed-off-by: Côme Chilliet <come.chilliet@nextcloud.com>
1386 lines
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1386 lines
40 KiB
/** @generate-function-entries */
class Imagick
#if MagickLibVersion > 0x628
public function optimizeImageLayers(): bool {}
public function compareImageLayers(int $metric): Imagick {}
public function pingImageBlob(string $image): bool {}
public function pingImageFile(resource $filehandle, ?string $filename = null): bool {}
public function transposeImage(): bool {}
public function transverseImage(): bool {}
public function trimImage(float $fuzz): bool {}
public function waveImage(float $amplitude, float $length): bool {}
public function vignetteImage(float $black_point, float $white_point, int $x, int $y): bool {}
public function uniqueImageColors(): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
// PHP_ME(imagick, getimagematte, imagick_zero_args, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_DEPRECATED)
/** @deprecated */
public function getImageMatte(): bool {}
// TODO - enabled?
public function setImageMatte(bool $matte): bool {}
public function adaptiveResizeImage(
int $columns,
int $rows,
bool $bestfit = false,
bool $legacy = false): bool {}
public function sketchImage(float $radius, float $sigma, float $angle): bool {}
public function shadeImage(bool $gray, float $azimuth, float $elevation): bool {}
public function getSizeOffset(): int {}
public function setSizeOffset(int $columns, int $rows, int $offset): bool {}
public function adaptiveBlurImage(
float $radius,
float $sigma,
int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool {}
public function contrastStretchImage(
float $black_point,
float $white_point,
int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool {}
public function adaptiveSharpenImage(
float $radius,
float $sigma,
int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool {}
public function randomThresholdImage(
float $low,
float $high,
int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
/** @deprecated */
public function roundCornersImage(
float $x_rounding,
float $y_rounding,
float $stroke_width = 10,
float $displace = 5,
float $size_correction = -6): bool {}
/* This alias is due to BWC */
* @deprecated
* @alias Imagick::roundCornersImage
public function roundCorners(
float $x_rounding,
float $y_rounding,
float $stroke_width = 10,
float $displace = 5,
float $size_correction = -6): bool {}
public function setIteratorIndex(int $index): bool {}
public function getIteratorIndex(): int {}
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
/** @deprecated */
public function transformImage(string $crop, string $geometry): Imagick {}
#if MagickLibVersion > 0x630
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
/** @deprecated */
public function setImageOpacity(float $opacity): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion >= 0x700
public function setImageAlpha(float $alpha): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
/** @deprecated */
public function orderedPosterizeImage(
string $threshold_map,
int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion > 0x631
// TODO - ImagickDraw ....
public function polaroidImage(ImagickDraw $settings, float $angle): bool {}
public function getImageProperty(string $name): string {}
public function setImageProperty(string $name, string $value): bool {}
public function deleteImageProperty(string $name): bool {}
// Replaces any embedded formatting characters with the appropriate
// image property and returns the interpreted text.
// See http://www.imagemagick.org/script/escape.php for escape sequences.
// -format "%m:%f %wx%h"
public function identifyFormat(string $format): string {}
public function setImageInterpolateMethod(int $method): bool {}
// why does this not need to be inside the 'if' for IM_HAVE_IMAGICK_SETIMAGEINTERPOLATEMETHOD ..?
public function getImageInterpolateMethod(): int {}
public function linearStretchImage(float $black_point, float $white_point): bool {}
public function getImageLength(): int {}
public function extentImage(int $width, int $height, int $x, int $y): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion > 0x633
public function getImageOrientation(): int {}
public function setImageOrientation(int $orientation): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion > 0x634
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
/** @deprecated */
public function paintFloodfillImage(
ImagickPixel|string $fill_color,
float $fuzz,
ImagickPixel|string $border_color,
int $x,
int $y,
int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion > 0x635
// TODO - Imagick
public function clutImage(Imagick $lookup_table, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool {}
public function getImageProperties(string $pattern = "*", bool $include_values = true): array {}
public function getImageProfiles(string $pattern = "*", bool $include_values = true): array {}
public function distortImage(int $distortion, array $arguments, bool $bestfit): bool {}
public function writeImageFile(resource $filehandle, ?string $format = null): bool {}
public function writeImagesFile(resource $filehandle, ?string $format = null): bool {}
public function resetImagePage(string $page): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
/** @deprecated */
public function setImageClipMask(imagick $clip_mask): bool {}
/** @deprecated */
public function getImageClipMask(): Imagick {}
// TODO - x server?
public function animateImages(string $x_server): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
/** @deprecated */
public function recolorImage(array $matrix): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion > 0x636
public function setFont(string $font): bool {}
public function getFont(): string {}
public function setPointSize(float $point_size): bool {}
public function getPointSize(): float {}
public function mergeImageLayers(int $layermethod): Imagick {}
#if MagickLibVersion > 0x637
public function setImageAlphaChannel(int $alphachannel): bool {}
// TODO - ImagickPixel ugh
// TODO - ugh MagickBooleanType MagickFloodfillPaintImage(MagickWand *wand,
// const PixelWand *fill,const double fuzz,const PixelWand *bordercolor,
// const ssize_t x,const ssize_t y,const MagickBooleanType invert)
public function floodfillPaintImage(
ImagickPixel|string $fill_color,
float $fuzz,
ImagickPixel|string $border_color,
int $x,
int $y,
bool $invert,
?int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool{}
public function opaquePaintImage(
ImagickPixel|string $target_color,
ImagickPixel|string $fill_color,
float $fuzz,
bool $invert,
int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool {}
public function transparentPaintImage(
ImagickPixel|string $target_color,
float $alpha,
float $fuzz,
bool $invert
): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion > 0x638
public function liquidRescaleImage(int $width, int $height, float $delta_x, float $rigidity): bool {}
public function encipherImage(string $passphrase): bool {}
// PHP_ME(imagick, decipherimage, imagick_decipherimage_args, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
public function decipherImage(string $passphrase): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion > 0x639
public function setGravity(int $gravity): bool {}
public function getGravity(): int {}
public function getImageChannelRange(int $channel): array {}
public function getImageAlphaChannel(): int {}
#if MagickLibVersion > 0x642
public function getImageChannelDistortions(
Imagick $reference_image,
int $metric,
int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): float {}
#if MagickLibVersion > 0x643
public function setImageGravity(int $gravity): bool {}
public function getImageGravity(): int {}
#if MagickLibVersion > 0x645
* @param int $x
* @param int $y
* @param int $width
* @param int $height
* @param string $map
* @param int $pixelstorage // PIXELSTORAGE
* @param array $pixels
* @return bool
public function importImagePixels(
int $x,
int $y,
int $width,
int $height,
string $map,
int $pixelstorage,
array $pixels): bool {}
public function deskewImage(float $threshold): bool {}
* @param int $colorspace // COLORSPACE
* @param float $cluster_threshold
* @param float $smooth_threshold
* @param bool $verbose
* @return bool
public function segmentImage(
int $colorspace,
float $cluster_threshold,
float $smooth_threshold,
bool $verbose = false
): bool {}
public function sparseColorImage(
int $sparsecolormethod,
array $arguments,
int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool {}
public function remapImage(Imagick $replacement, int $dither_method): bool {}
public function houghLineImage(int $width, int $height, float $threshold): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion > 0x646
* @param int $x
* @param int $y
* @param int $width
* @param int $height
* @param string $map e.g. "RGB"
* @param int $pixelstorage // PIXELSTORAGE
* @return array
public function exportImagePixels(
int $x,
int $y,
int $width,
int $height,
string $map,
int $pixelstorage
): array {}
#if MagickLibVersion > 0x648
public function getImageChannelKurtosis(int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): array {}
public function functionImage(
int $function,
array $parameters,
int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion > 0x651
public function transformImageColorspace(int $colorspace): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion > 0x652
public function haldClutImage(Imagick $clut, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion > 0x655
public function autoLevelImage(int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool {}
public function blueShiftImage(float $factor = 1.5): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion > 0x656
* @param string $artifact example 'compose:args'
* @return string
public function getImageArtifact(string $artifact): string {}
* @param string $artifact example 'compose:args'
* @param string $value example "1,0,-0.5,0.5"
* @return bool
public function setImageArtifact(string $artifact, string $value): bool {}
public function deleteImageArtifact(string $artifact): bool {}
// Will return CHANNEL_*
public function getColorspace(): int {}
// PHP_ME(imagick, setcolorspace, imagick_setcolorspace_args, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
public function setColorspace(int $colorspace): bool {}
public function clampImage(int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion > 0x667
// stack By default, images are stacked left-to-right. Set stack to MagickTrue to stack them top-to-bottom.
//offset minimum distance in pixels between images.
public function smushImages(bool $stack, int $offset): Imagick {}
// PHP_ME(imagick, __construct, imagick_construct_args, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC|ZEND_ACC_CTOR)
// TODO int|float? :spocks_eyebrow.gif:
public function __construct(string|array|int|float|null $files = null) {}
public function __toString(): string {}
#if PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50600
// This calls MagickGetNumberImages underneath
// mode is unused. Remove at next major release
// https://github.com/Imagick/imagick/commit/13302500c0ab0ce58e6502e68871187180f7987c
public function count(int $mode = 0): int {}
public function count(): int {}
public function getPixelIterator(): ImagickPixelIterator {}
public function getPixelRegionIterator(int $x, int $y, int $columns, int $rows): ImagickPixelIterator {}
public function readImage(string $filename): bool {}
public function readImages(array $filenames): bool {}
public function readImageBlob(string $image, ?string $filename = null): bool {}
public function setImageFormat(string $format): bool {}
public function scaleImage(int $columns, int $rows, bool $bestfit = false, bool $legacy = false): bool {}
public function writeImage(?string $filename = null): bool {}
public function writeImages(string $filename, bool $adjoin): bool {}
public function blurImage(float $radius, float $sigma, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool {}
public function thumbnailImage(
?int $columns,
?int $rows,
bool $bestfit = false,
bool $fill = false,
bool $legacy = false): bool {}
public function cropThumbnailImage(int $width, int $height, bool $legacy = false): bool {}
public function getImageFilename(): string {}
public function setImageFilename(string $filename): bool {}
public function getImageFormat(): string {}
public function getImageMimeType(): string {}
public function removeImage(): bool {}
/** @alias Imagick::clear */
public function destroy(): bool {}
public function clear(): bool {}
public function clone(): Imagick {}
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
/** @deprecated */
public function getImageSize(): int {}
public function getImageBlob(): string {}
public function getImagesBlob(): string {}
public function setFirstIterator(): bool {}
public function setLastIterator(): bool {}
public function resetIterator(): void {}
public function previousImage(): bool {}
public function nextImage(): bool {}
public function hasPreviousImage(): bool {}
public function hasNextImage(): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
/** @deprecated */
public function setImageIndex(int $index): bool {}
/** @deprecated */
public function getImageIndex(): int {}
public function commentImage(string $comment): bool {}
public function cropImage(int $width, int $height, int $x, int $y): bool {}
public function labelImage(string $label): bool {}
public function getImageGeometry(): array {}
public function drawImage(ImagickDraw $drawing): bool {}
public function setImageCompressionQuality(int $quality): bool {}
public function getImageCompressionQuality(): int {}
public function setImageCompression(int $compression): bool {}
public function getImageCompression(): int {}
public function annotateImage(
ImagickDraw $settings,
float $x,
float $y,
float $angle,
string $text
): bool {}
public function compositeImage(
Imagick $composite_image,
int $composite,
int $x,
int $y,
int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool{}
public function modulateImage(float $brightness, float $saturation, float $hue): bool {}
public function getImageColors(): int {}
* @param ImagickDraw $settings
* @param string $tile_geometry e.g. "3x2+0+0"
* @param string $thumbnail_geometry e.g. "200x160+3+3>"
* @param int $monatgemode // MONTAGEMODE_
* @param string $frame // "10x10+2+2"
* @return Imagick
public function montageImage(
ImagickDraw $settings,
string $tile_geometry,
string $thumbnail_geometry,
int $monatgemode,
string $frame
): Imagick {}
public function identifyImage(bool $append_raw_output = false): array {}
public function thresholdImage(float $threshold, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool {}
public function adaptiveThresholdImage(int $width, int $height, int $offset): bool {}
public function blackThresholdImage(ImagickPixel|string $threshold_color): bool {}
public function whiteThresholdImage(ImagickPixel|string $threshold_color): bool {}
public function appendImages(bool $stack): Imagick {}
public function charcoalImage(float $radius, float $sigma): bool {}
public function normalizeImage(int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool {}
public function oilPaintImage(float $radius): bool {}
public function posterizeImage(int $levels, bool $dither): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
/** @deprecated */
public function radialBlurImage(float $angle, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool {}
public function raiseImage(int $width, int $height, int $x, int $y, bool $raise): bool {}
public function resampleImage(float $x_resolution, float $y_resolution, int $filter, float $blur): bool {}
public function resizeImage(
int $columns,
int $rows,
int $filter,
float $blur,
bool $bestfit = false,
bool $legacy = false): bool {}
public function rollImage(int $x, int $y): bool {}
public function rotateImage(ImagickPixel|string $background_color, float $degrees): bool {}
public function sampleImage(int $columns, int $rows): bool {}
public function solarizeImage(int $threshold): bool {}
public function shadowImage(float $opacity, float $sigma, int $x, int $y): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
/** @deprecated */
public function setImageAttribute(string $key, string $value): bool {}
public function setImageBackgroundColor(ImagickPixel|string $background_color): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion >= 0x700
public function setImageChannelMask(int $channel): int {}
public function setImageCompose(int $compose): bool {}
public function setImageDelay(int $delay): bool {}
public function setImageDepth(int $depth): bool {}
public function setImageGamma(float $gamma): bool {}
public function setImageIterations(int $iterations): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
/** @deprecated */
public function setImageMatteColor(ImagickPixel|string $matte_color): bool {}
public function setImagePage(int $width, int $height, int $x, int $y): bool {}
// TODO test this.
public function setImageProgressMonitor(string $filename): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion > 0x653
public function setProgressMonitor(callable $callback): bool {}
public function setImageResolution(float $x_resolution, float $y_resolution): bool {}
// I have no idea what scene does.
public function setImageScene(int $scene): bool {}
public function setImageTicksPerSecond(int $ticks_per_second): bool {}
public function setImageType(int $image_type): bool {}
public function setImageUnits(int $units): bool {}
public function sharpenImage(float $radius, float $sigma, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool {}
public function shaveImage(int $columns, int $rows): bool {}
public function shearImage(ImagickPixel|string $background_color, float $x_shear, float $y_shear): bool {}
public function spliceImage(int $width, int $height, int $x, int $y): bool {}
public function pingImage(string $filename): bool {}
public function readImageFile(resource $filehandle, ?string $filename = null): bool {}
public function displayImage(string $servername): bool {}
public function displayImages(string $servername): bool {}
public function spreadImage(float $radius): bool {}
public function swirlImage(float $degrees): bool {}
public function stripImage(): bool {}
public static function queryFormats(string $pattern = "*"): array {}
public static function queryFonts(string $pattern = "*"): array {}
/* TODO $multiline == null, means we should autodetect */
public function queryFontMetrics(ImagickDraw $settings, string $text, ?bool $multiline = null): array {}
public function steganoImage(Imagick $watermark, int $offset): Imagick {}
// NOISE_*
public function addNoiseImage(int $noise, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool {}
public function motionBlurImage(
float $radius,
float $sigma,
float $angle,
int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
):bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
/** @deprecated */
public function mosaicImages(): Imagick {}
public function morphImages(int $number_frames): Imagick {}
public function minifyImage(): bool {}
public function affineTransformImage(ImagickDraw $settings): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
/** @deprecated */
public function averageImages(): Imagick {}
public function borderImage(ImagickPixel|string $border_color, int $width, int $height): bool {}
public static function calculateCrop(
int $original_width,
int $original_height,
int $desired_width,
int $desired_height,
bool $legacy = false): array {}
public function chopImage(int $width, int $height, int $x, int $y): bool {}
public function clipImage(): bool {}
public function clipPathImage(string $pathname, bool $inside): bool {}
/* clippathimage has been deprecated. Create alias here and use the newer API function if present */
/** @alias Imagick::clipPathImage */
public function clipImagePath(string $pathname, bool $inside): void {}
public function coalesceImages(): Imagick {}
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
/** @deprecated */
public function colorFloodfillImage(
ImagickPixel|string $fill_color,
float $fuzz,
ImagickPixel|string $border_color,
int $x,
int $y
): bool {}
// TODO - opacity is actually float if legacy is true...
public function colorizeImage(
ImagickPixel|string $colorize_color,
ImagickPixel|string|false $opacity_color,
?bool $legacy = false ): bool {}
public function compareImageChannels(Imagick $reference, int $channel, int $metric): array {}
public function compareImages(Imagick $reference, int $metric): array {}
public function contrastImage(bool $sharpen): bool {}
public function combineImages(int $colorspace): Imagick {}
// kernel is a 2d array of float values
public function convolveImage(array $kernel, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool {}
public function cycleColormapImage(int $displace): bool {}
public function deconstructImages(): Imagick {}
public function despeckleImage(): bool {}
public function edgeImage(float $radius): bool {}
public function embossImage(float $radius, float $sigma): bool {}
public function enhanceImage(): bool {}
public function equalizeImage(): bool {}
public function evaluateImage(int $evaluate, float $constant, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion >= 0x687
// Merge multiple images of the same size together with the selected operator.
public function evaluateImages(int $evaluate): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
/** @deprecated */
public function flattenImages(): Imagick {}
public function flipImage(): bool {}
public function flopImage(): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion >= 0x655
public function forwardFourierTransformImage(bool $magnitude): bool {}
public function frameImage(
ImagickPixel|string $matte_color,
int $width,
int $height,
int $inner_bevel,
int $outer_bevel
): bool {}
public function fxImage(string $expression, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): Imagick {}
public function gammaImage(float $gamma, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool {}
public function gaussianBlurImage(float $radius, float $sigma, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
/** @deprecated */
public function getImageAttribute(string $key): string {}
public function getImageBackgroundColor(): ImagickPixel {}
public function getImageBluePrimary(): array {}
public function getImageBorderColor(): ImagickPixel {}
public function getImageChannelDepth(int $channel): int {}
public function getImageChannelDistortion(Imagick $reference, int $channel, int $metric): float {}
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
/** @deprecated */
public function getImageChannelExtrema(int $channel): array {}
public function getImageChannelMean(int $channel): array {}
public function getImageChannelStatistics(): array {}
// index - the offset into the image colormap. I have no idea.
public function getImageColormapColor(int $index): ImagickPixel {}
public function getImageColorspace(): int {}
public function getImageCompose(): int {}
public function getImageDelay(): int {}
public function getImageDepth(): int {}
public function getImageDistortion(Imagick $reference, int $metric): float {}
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
/** @deprecated */
public function getImageExtrema(): array {}
public function getImageDispose(): int {}
public function getImageGamma(): float {}
public function getImageGreenPrimary(): array {}
public function getImageHeight(): int {}
public function getImageHistogram(): array {}
public function getImageInterlaceScheme(): int {}
public function getImageIterations(): int {}
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
/** @deprecated */
public function getImageMatteColor(): ImagickPixel {}
public function getImagePage(): array {}
public function getImagePixelColor(int $x, int $y): ImagickPixel {}
// TODO - needs a test.
public function setImagePixelColor(int $x, int $y, ImagickPixel|string $color): ImagickPixel {}
public function getImageProfile(string $name): string {}
public function getImageRedPrimary(): array {}
public function getImageRenderingIntent(): int {}
public function getImageResolution(): array {}
public function getImageScene(): int {}
public function getImageSignature(): string {}
public function getImageTicksPerSecond(): int {}
public function getImageType(): int {}
public function getImageUnits(): int {}
public function getImageVirtualPixelMethod(): int {}
public function getImageWhitePoint(): array {}
public function getImageWidth(): int {}
public function getNumberImages(): int {}
public function getImageTotalInkDensity(): float {}
public function getImageRegion(int $width, int $height, int $x, int $y): Imagick {}
public function implodeImage(float $radius): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion >= 0x658
// TODO MagickWand *magnitude_wand,MagickWand *phase_wand,
public function inverseFourierTransformImage(Imagick $complement, bool $magnitude): bool {}
public function levelImage(
float $black_point,
float $gamma,
float $white_point,
int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool {}
public function magnifyImage(): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
/** @deprecated */
public function mapImage(imagick $map, bool $dither): bool {}
/** @deprecated */
public function matteFloodfillImage(
float $alpha,
float $fuzz,
ImagickPixel|string $border_color,
int $x,
int $y
): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
/** @deprecated */
public function medianFilterImage(float $radius): bool {}
public function negateImage(bool $gray, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
/** @deprecated */
public function paintOpaqueImage(
ImagickPixel|string $target_color,
ImagickPixel|string $fill_color,
float $fuzz,
int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool {}
/** @deprecated */
public function paintTransparentImage(ImagickPixel|string $target_color, float $alpha, float $fuzz): bool {}
public function previewImages(int $preview): bool {}
public function profileImage(string $name, string $profile): bool {}
public function quantizeImage(
int $number_colors,
int $colorspace,
int $tree_depth,
bool $dither,
bool $measure_error
): bool {}
public function quantizeImages(
int $number_colors,
int $colorspace,
int $tree_depth,
bool $dither,
bool $measure_error): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
/** @deprecated */
public function reduceNoiseImage(float $radius): bool {}
public function removeImageProfile(string $name): string {}
public function separateImageChannel(int $channel): bool {}
public function sepiaToneImage(float $threshold): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
/** @deprecated */
public function setImageBias(float $bias): bool {}
/** @deprecated */
public function setImageBiasQuantum(string $bias): void {}
public function setImageBluePrimary(float $x, float $y): bool {}
/* {{{ proto bool Imagick::setImageBluePrimary(float x,float y)
For IM7 the prototype is
proto bool Imagick::setImageBluePrimary(float x, float y, float z) */
public function setImageBorderColor(ImagickPixel|string $border_color): bool {}
public function setImageChannelDepth(int $channel, int $depth): bool {}
public function setImageColormapColor(int $index, ImagickPixel|string $color): bool {}
public function setImageColorspace(int $colorspace): bool {}
public function setImageDispose(int $dispose): bool {}
public function setImageExtent(int $columns, int $rows): bool {}
public function setImageGreenPrimary(float $x, float $y): bool {}
public function setImageInterlaceScheme(int $interlace): bool {}
public function setImageProfile(string $name, string $profile): bool {}
public function setImageRedPrimary(float $x, float $y): bool {}
public function setImageRenderingIntent(int $rendering_intent): bool {}
public function setImageVirtualPixelMethod(int $method): bool {}
public function setImageWhitePoint(float $x, float $y): bool {}
public function sigmoidalContrastImage(
bool $sharpen,
float $alpha,
float $beta,
int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool{}
// TODO - MagickStereoImage() composites two images and produces a single
// image that is the composite of a left and right image of a stereo pair
public function stereoImage(Imagick $offset_image): bool {}
public function textureImage(Imagick $texture): Imagick {}
public function tintImage(
ImagickPixel|string $tint_color,
ImagickPixel|string $opacity_color,
bool $legacy = false
): bool {}
public function unsharpMaskImage(
float $radius,
float $sigma,
float $amount,
float $threshold,
int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool {}
public function getImage(): Imagick {}
public function addImage(Imagick $image): bool {}
public function setImage(Imagick $image): bool {}
public function newImage(
int $columns,
int $rows,
ImagickPixel|string $background_color,
string $format = null
): bool {}
// TODO - canvas? description
public function newPseudoImage(int $columns, int $rows, string $pseudo_format): bool {}
public function getCompression(): int {}
public function getCompressionQuality(): int {}
public static function getCopyright(): string {}
public static function getConfigureOptions(string $pattern = "*"): string {}
#if MagickLibVersion > 0x660
public static function getFeatures(): string {}
public function getFilename(): string {}
public function getFormat(): string {}
public static function getHomeURL(): string {}
public function getInterlaceScheme(): int {}
public function getOption(string $key): string {}
public static function getPackageName(): string {}
public function getPage(): array {}
public static function getQuantum(): int {}
public static function getHdriEnabled(): bool {}
public static function getQuantumDepth(): array {}
public static function getQuantumRange(): array {}
public static function getReleaseDate(): string {}
public static function getResource(int $type): int {}
public static function getResourceLimit(int $type): int {}
public function getSamplingFactors(): array {}
public function getSize(): array {}
public static function getVersion(): array {}
public function setBackgroundColor(ImagickPixel|string $background_color): bool {}
public function setCompression(int $compression): bool {}
public function setCompressionQuality(int $quality): bool {}
public function setFilename(string $filename): bool {}
public function setFormat(string $format): bool {}
public function setInterlaceScheme(int $interlace): bool {}
public function setOption(string $key, string $value): bool {}
public function setPage(int $width, int $height, int $x, int $y): bool {}
public static function setResourceLimit(int $type, int $limit): bool {}
public function setResolution(float $x_resolution, float $y_resolution): bool {}
public function setSamplingFactors(array $factors): bool {}
public function setSize(int $columns, int $rows): bool {}
public function setType(int $imgtype): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion > 0x628
/** @alias Imagick::getIteratorIndex */
public function key(): int {}
//# error "MAGICKCORE_EXCLUDE_DEPRECATED should not be defined with ImageMagick version below 6.2.8"
//# else
//// PHP_MALIAS(imagick, key, getimageindex, imagick_zero_args, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
// /** @alias Imagick::getImageIndex */
// public function key(): int {}
//# endif
/** @alias Imagick::nextImage
* @tentative-return-type
public function next(): void {}
/** @alias Imagick::setFirstIterator
* @tentative-return-type
public function rewind(): void {}
public function valid(): bool {}
public function current(): Imagick {}
#if MagickLibVersion >= 0x659
public function brightnessContrastImage(
float $brightness,
float $contrast,
int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion > 0x661
public function colorMatrixImage(array $color_matrix): bool {}
public function selectiveBlurImage(
float $radius,
float $sigma,
float $threshold,
int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion >= 0x689
public function rotationalBlurImage(float $angle, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion >= 0x683
public function statisticImage(
int $type,
int $width,
int $height,
int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion >= 0x652
public function subimageMatch(Imagick $image, ?array &$offset = null, ?float &$similarity = null, float $threshold = 0.0, int $metric = 0): Imagick {}
/** @alias Imagick::subimageMatch */
public function similarityimage(Imagick $image, ?array &$offset = null, ?float &$similarity = null, float $threshold = 0.0, int $metric = 0): Imagick {}
public static function setRegistry(string $key, string $value): bool {}
public static function getRegistry(string $key): string {}
public static function listRegistry(): array {}
#if MagickLibVersion >= 0x680
* @param int $morphology MORPHOLOGY_*
* @param int $iterations
* @param ImagickKernel $kernel
* @param int $channel
* @return bool
public function morphology(
int $morphology,
int $iterations,
ImagickKernel $kernel,
int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion < 0x700
/** @deprecated */
public function filter(ImagickKernel $kernel, int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_UNDEFINED): bool {}
public function setAntialias(bool $antialias): void {}
public function getAntialias(): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion > 0x676
* @param string $color_correction_collection
* <ColorCorrectionCollection xmlns="urn:ASC:CDL:v1.2">
* <ColorCorrection id="cc03345">
* <SOPNode>
* <Slope> 0.9 1.2 0.5 </Slope>
* <Offset> 0.4 -0.5 0.6 </Offset>
* <Power> 1.0 0.8 1.5 </Power>
* </SOPNode>
* <SATNode>
* <Saturation> 0.85 </Saturation>
* </SATNode>
* </ColorCorrection>
* </ColorCorrectionCollection>
* @return bool
public function colorDecisionListImage(string $color_correction_collection): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion >= 0x687
public function optimizeImageTransparency(): void {}
#if MagickLibVersion >= 0x660
public function autoGammaImage(?int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_ALL): void {}
#if MagickLibVersion >= 0x692
public function autoOrient(): void {}
/** @alias Imagick::autoOrient */
public function autoOrientate(): void {}
public function compositeImageGravity(Imagick $image, int $composite_constant, int $gravity): bool {}
#if MagickLibVersion >= 0x693
public function localContrastImage(float $radius, float $strength): void {}
#if MagickLibVersion >= 0x700
// Identifies the potential image type, returns one of the Imagick::IMGTYPE_* constants
public function identifyImageType(): int {}
public function getImageMask(int $pixelmask): ?Imagick {}
public function setImageMask(Imagick $clip_mask, int $pixelmask): void {}
// TODO - needs deleting from docs.
// public function getImageMagickLicense(): string {}
// TODO - needs deleting from docs.
// public function render(): bool {}
// public function floodfillPaintImage(
// ImagickPixel|string $fill,
// float $fuzz,
// ImagickPixel|string $bordercolor,
// int $x,
// int $y,
// bool $invert,
// int $channel = Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): null {}