Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/nextcloud/server.git synced 2025-03-14 00:13:56 +00:00
Louis Chemineau 4561a0a870 fix(files_versions): Do not expire versions newer than min age
The auto expire logic does not take into account the min retention age set by the admin. So versions were eagerly deleted.

Fix https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues/19791

Signed-off-by: Louis Chemineau <louis@chmn.me>
2025-02-19 12:25:09 +01:00

984 lines
33 KiB

* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 ownCloud, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
namespace OCA\Files_Versions;
use OC\Files\Filesystem;
use OC\Files\Search\SearchBinaryOperator;
use OC\Files\Search\SearchComparison;
use OC\Files\Search\SearchQuery;
use OC\Files\View;
use OC\User\NoUserException;
use OC_User;
use OCA\Files_Sharing\SharedMount;
use OCA\Files_Versions\AppInfo\Application;
use OCA\Files_Versions\Command\Expire;
use OCA\Files_Versions\Db\VersionsMapper;
use OCA\Files_Versions\Events\CreateVersionEvent;
use OCA\Files_Versions\Versions\IVersionManager;
use OCP\AppFramework\Db\DoesNotExistException;
use OCP\Command\IBus;
use OCP\EventDispatcher\IEventDispatcher;
use OCP\Files\FileInfo;
use OCP\Files\Folder;
use OCP\Files\IMimeTypeDetector;
use OCP\Files\IRootFolder;
use OCP\Files\Node;
use OCP\Files\NotFoundException;
use OCP\Files\NotPermittedException;
use OCP\Files\Search\ISearchBinaryOperator;
use OCP\Files\Search\ISearchComparison;
use OCP\Files\StorageInvalidException;
use OCP\Files\StorageNotAvailableException;
use OCP\IURLGenerator;
use OCP\IUser;
use OCP\IUserManager;
use OCP\Lock\ILockingProvider;
use OCP\Server;
use OCP\Util;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
class Storage {
public const DEFAULTENABLED = true;
public const DEFAULTMAXSIZE = 50; // unit: percentage; 50% of available disk space/quota
public const VERSIONS_ROOT = 'files_versions/';
// files for which we can remove the versions after the delete operation was successful
private static $deletedFiles = [];
private static $sourcePathAndUser = [];
private static $max_versions_per_interval = [
//first 10sec, one version every 2sec
1 => ['intervalEndsAfter' => 10, 'step' => 2],
//next minute, one version every 10sec
2 => ['intervalEndsAfter' => 60, 'step' => 10],
//next hour, one version every minute
3 => ['intervalEndsAfter' => 3600, 'step' => 60],
//next 24h, one version every hour
4 => ['intervalEndsAfter' => 86400, 'step' => 3600],
//next 30days, one version per day
5 => ['intervalEndsAfter' => 2592000, 'step' => 86400],
//until the end one version per week
6 => ['intervalEndsAfter' => -1, 'step' => 604800],
/** @var Application */
private static $application;
* get the UID of the owner of the file and the path to the file relative to
* owners files folder
* @param string $filename
* @return array
* @throws NoUserException
public static function getUidAndFilename($filename) {
$uid = Filesystem::getOwner($filename);
$userManager = Server::get(IUserManager::class);
// if the user with the UID doesn't exists, e.g. because the UID points
// to a remote user with a federated cloud ID we use the current logged-in
// user. We need a valid local user to create the versions
if (!$userManager->userExists($uid)) {
$uid = OC_User::getUser();
if ($uid !== OC_User::getUser()) {
$info = Filesystem::getFileInfo($filename);
$ownerView = new View('/' . $uid . '/files');
try {
$filename = $ownerView->getPath($info['fileid']);
// make sure that the file name doesn't end with a trailing slash
// can for example happen single files shared across servers
$filename = rtrim($filename, '/');
} catch (NotFoundException $e) {
$filename = null;
return [$uid, $filename];
* Remember the owner and the owner path of the source file
* @param string $source source path
public static function setSourcePathAndUser($source) {
[$uid, $path] = self::getUidAndFilename($source);
self::$sourcePathAndUser[$source] = ['uid' => $uid, 'path' => $path];
* Gets the owner and the owner path from the source path
* @param string $source source path
* @return array with user id and path
public static function getSourcePathAndUser($source) {
if (isset(self::$sourcePathAndUser[$source])) {
$uid = self::$sourcePathAndUser[$source]['uid'];
$path = self::$sourcePathAndUser[$source]['path'];
} else {
$uid = $path = false;
return [$uid, $path];
* get current size of all versions from a given user
* @param string $user user who owns the versions
* @return int versions size
private static function getVersionsSize($user) {
$view = new View('/' . $user);
$fileInfo = $view->getFileInfo('/files_versions');
return isset($fileInfo['size']) ? $fileInfo['size'] : 0;
* store a new version of a file.
public static function store($filename) {
// if the file gets streamed we need to remove the .part extension
// to get the right target
$ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if ($ext === 'part') {
$filename = substr($filename, 0, -5);
// we only handle existing files
if (! Filesystem::file_exists($filename) || Filesystem::is_dir($filename)) {
return false;
// since hook paths are always relative to the "default filesystem view"
// we always use the owner from there to get the full node
$uid = Filesystem::getView()->getOwner('');
/** @var IRootFolder $rootFolder */
$rootFolder = Server::get(IRootFolder::class);
$userFolder = $rootFolder->getUserFolder($uid);
$eventDispatcher = Server::get(IEventDispatcher::class);
try {
$file = $userFolder->get($filename);
} catch (NotFoundException $e) {
return false;
$mount = $file->getMountPoint();
if ($mount instanceof SharedMount) {
$ownerFolder = $rootFolder->getUserFolder($mount->getShare()->getShareOwner());
$ownerNode = $ownerFolder->getFirstNodeById($file->getId());
if ($ownerNode) {
$file = $ownerNode;
$uid = $mount->getShare()->getShareOwner();
/** @var IUserManager $userManager */
$userManager = Server::get(IUserManager::class);
$user = $userManager->get($uid);
if (!$user) {
return false;
// no use making versions for empty files
if ($file->getSize() === 0) {
return false;
$event = new CreateVersionEvent($file);
$eventDispatcher->dispatch('OCA\Files_Versions::createVersion', $event);
if ($event->shouldCreateVersion() === false) {
return false;
/** @var IVersionManager $versionManager */
$versionManager = Server::get(IVersionManager::class);
$versionManager->createVersion($user, $file);
* mark file as deleted so that we can remove the versions if the file is gone
* @param string $path
public static function markDeletedFile($path) {
[$uid, $filename] = self::getUidAndFilename($path);
self::$deletedFiles[$path] = [
'uid' => $uid,
'filename' => $filename];
* delete the version from the storage and cache
* @param View $view
* @param string $path
protected static function deleteVersion($view, $path) {
* @var \OC\Files\Storage\Storage $storage
* @var string $internalPath
[$storage, $internalPath] = $view->resolvePath($path);
$cache = $storage->getCache($internalPath);
* Delete versions of a file
public static function delete($path) {
$deletedFile = self::$deletedFiles[$path];
$uid = $deletedFile['uid'];
$filename = $deletedFile['filename'];
if (!Filesystem::file_exists($path)) {
$view = new View('/' . $uid . '/files_versions');
$versions = self::getVersions($uid, $filename);
if (!empty($versions)) {
foreach ($versions as $v) {
\OC_Hook::emit('\OCP\Versions', 'preDelete', ['path' => $path . $v['version'], 'trigger' => self::DELETE_TRIGGER_MASTER_REMOVED]);
self::deleteVersion($view, $filename . '.v' . $v['version']);
\OC_Hook::emit('\OCP\Versions', 'delete', ['path' => $path . $v['version'], 'trigger' => self::DELETE_TRIGGER_MASTER_REMOVED]);
* Delete a version of a file
public static function deleteRevision(string $path, int $revision): void {
[$uid, $filename] = self::getUidAndFilename($path);
$view = new View('/' . $uid . '/files_versions');
\OC_Hook::emit('\OCP\Versions', 'preDelete', ['path' => $path . $revision, 'trigger' => self::DELETE_TRIGGER_MASTER_REMOVED]);
self::deleteVersion($view, $filename . '.v' . $revision);
\OC_Hook::emit('\OCP\Versions', 'delete', ['path' => $path . $revision, 'trigger' => self::DELETE_TRIGGER_MASTER_REMOVED]);
* Rename or copy versions of a file of the given paths
* @param string $sourcePath source path of the file to move, relative to
* the currently logged in user's "files" folder
* @param string $targetPath target path of the file to move, relative to
* the currently logged in user's "files" folder
* @param string $operation can be 'copy' or 'rename'
public static function renameOrCopy($sourcePath, $targetPath, $operation) {
[$sourceOwner, $sourcePath] = self::getSourcePathAndUser($sourcePath);
// it was a upload of a existing file if no old path exists
// in this case the pre-hook already called the store method and we can
// stop here
if ($sourcePath === false) {
return true;
[$targetOwner, $targetPath] = self::getUidAndFilename($targetPath);
$sourcePath = ltrim($sourcePath, '/');
$targetPath = ltrim($targetPath, '/');
$rootView = new View('');
// did we move a directory ?
if ($rootView->is_dir('/' . $targetOwner . '/files/' . $targetPath)) {
// does the directory exists for versions too ?
if ($rootView->is_dir('/' . $sourceOwner . '/files_versions/' . $sourcePath)) {
// create missing dirs if necessary
self::createMissingDirectories($targetPath, new View('/' . $targetOwner));
// move the directory containing the versions
'/' . $sourceOwner . '/files_versions/' . $sourcePath,
'/' . $targetOwner . '/files_versions/' . $targetPath
} elseif ($versions = Storage::getVersions($sourceOwner, '/' . $sourcePath)) {
// create missing dirs if necessary
self::createMissingDirectories($targetPath, new View('/' . $targetOwner));
foreach ($versions as $v) {
// move each version one by one to the target directory
'/' . $sourceOwner . '/files_versions/' . $sourcePath . '.v' . $v['version'],
'/' . $targetOwner . '/files_versions/' . $targetPath . '.v' . $v['version']
// if we moved versions directly for a file, schedule expiration check for that file
if (!$rootView->is_dir('/' . $targetOwner . '/files/' . $targetPath)) {
self::scheduleExpire($targetOwner, $targetPath);
* Rollback to an old version of a file.
* @param string $file file name
* @param int $revision revision timestamp
* @return bool
public static function rollback(string $file, int $revision, IUser $user) {
// add expected leading slash
$filename = '/' . ltrim($file, '/');
// Fetch the userfolder to trigger view hooks
$root = Server::get(IRootFolder::class);
$userFolder = $root->getUserFolder($user->getUID());
$users_view = new View('/' . $user->getUID());
$files_view = new View('/' . $user->getUID() . '/files');
$versionCreated = false;
$fileInfo = $files_view->getFileInfo($file);
// check if user has the permissions to revert a version
if (!$fileInfo->isUpdateable()) {
return false;
//first create a new version
$version = 'files_versions' . $filename . '.v' . $users_view->filemtime('files' . $filename);
if (!$users_view->file_exists($version)) {
$users_view->copy('files' . $filename, 'files_versions' . $filename . '.v' . $users_view->filemtime('files' . $filename));
$versionCreated = true;
$fileToRestore = 'files_versions' . $filename . '.v' . $revision;
// Restore encrypted version of the old file for the newly restored file
// This has to happen manually here since the file is manually copied below
$oldVersion = $users_view->getFileInfo($fileToRestore)->getEncryptedVersion();
$oldFileInfo = $users_view->getFileInfo($fileToRestore);
$cache = $fileInfo->getStorage()->getCache();
$fileInfo->getId(), [
'encrypted' => $oldVersion,
'encryptedVersion' => $oldVersion,
'size' => $oldFileInfo->getData()['size'],
'unencrypted_size' => $oldFileInfo->getData()['unencrypted_size'],
// rollback
if (self::copyFileContents($users_view, $fileToRestore, 'files' . $filename)) {
$files_view->touch($file, $revision);
Storage::scheduleExpire($user->getUID(), $file);
return true;
} elseif ($versionCreated) {
self::deleteVersion($users_view, $version);
return false;
* Stream copy file contents from $path1 to $path2
* @param View $view view to use for copying
* @param string $path1 source file to copy
* @param string $path2 target file
* @return bool true for success, false otherwise
private static function copyFileContents($view, $path1, $path2) {
/** @var \OC\Files\Storage\Storage $storage1 */
[$storage1, $internalPath1] = $view->resolvePath($path1);
/** @var \OC\Files\Storage\Storage $storage2 */
[$storage2, $internalPath2] = $view->resolvePath($path2);
$view->lockFile($path1, ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
$view->lockFile($path2, ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
try {
// TODO add a proper way of overwriting a file while maintaining file ids
if ($storage1->instanceOfStorage('\OC\Files\ObjectStore\ObjectStoreStorage') || $storage2->instanceOfStorage('\OC\Files\ObjectStore\ObjectStoreStorage')) {
$source = $storage1->fopen($internalPath1, 'r');
$target = $storage2->fopen($internalPath2, 'w');
[, $result] = \OC_Helper::streamCopy($source, $target);
if ($result !== false) {
} else {
$result = $storage2->moveFromStorage($storage1, $internalPath1, $internalPath2);
} finally {
$view->unlockFile($path1, ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
$view->unlockFile($path2, ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
return ($result !== false);
* get a list of all available versions of a file in descending chronological order
* @param string $uid user id from the owner of the file
* @param string $filename file to find versions of, relative to the user files dir
* @param string $userFullPath
* @return array versions newest version first
public static function getVersions($uid, $filename, $userFullPath = '') {
$versions = [];
if (empty($filename)) {
return $versions;
// fetch for old versions
$view = new View('/' . $uid . '/');
$pathinfo = pathinfo($filename);
$versionedFile = $pathinfo['basename'];
$dir = Filesystem::normalizePath(self::VERSIONS_ROOT . '/' . $pathinfo['dirname']);
$dirContent = false;
if ($view->is_dir($dir)) {
$dirContent = $view->opendir($dir);
if ($dirContent === false) {
return $versions;
if (is_resource($dirContent)) {
while (($entryName = readdir($dirContent)) !== false) {
if (!Filesystem::isIgnoredDir($entryName)) {
$pathparts = pathinfo($entryName);
$filename = $pathparts['filename'];
if ($filename === $versionedFile) {
$pathparts = pathinfo($entryName);
$timestamp = substr($pathparts['extension'] ?? '', 1);
if (!is_numeric($timestamp)) {
'Version file {path} has incorrect name format',
'path' => $entryName,
'app' => 'files_versions',
$filename = $pathparts['filename'];
$key = $timestamp . '#' . $filename;
$versions[$key]['version'] = $timestamp;
$versions[$key]['humanReadableTimestamp'] = self::getHumanReadableTimestamp((int)$timestamp);
if (empty($userFullPath)) {
$versions[$key]['preview'] = '';
} else {
/** @var IURLGenerator $urlGenerator */
$urlGenerator = Server::get(IURLGenerator::class);
$versions[$key]['preview'] = $urlGenerator->linkToRoute('files_version.Preview.getPreview',
['file' => $userFullPath, 'version' => $timestamp]);
$versions[$key]['path'] = Filesystem::normalizePath($pathinfo['dirname'] . '/' . $filename);
$versions[$key]['name'] = $versionedFile;
$versions[$key]['size'] = $view->filesize($dir . '/' . $entryName);
$versions[$key]['mimetype'] = Server::get(IMimeTypeDetector::class)->detectPath($versionedFile);
// sort with newest version first
return $versions;
* Expire versions that older than max version retention time
* @param string $uid
public static function expireOlderThanMaxForUser($uid) {
/** @var IRootFolder $root */
$root = Server::get(IRootFolder::class);
try {
/** @var Folder $versionsRoot */
$versionsRoot = $root->get('/' . $uid . '/files_versions');
} catch (NotFoundException $e) {
$expiration = self::getExpiration();
$threshold = $expiration->getMaxAgeAsTimestamp();
if (!$threshold) {
$allVersions = $versionsRoot->search(new SearchQuery(
new SearchBinaryOperator(ISearchBinaryOperator::OPERATOR_NOT, [
new SearchComparison(ISearchComparison::COMPARE_EQUAL, 'mimetype', FileInfo::MIMETYPE_FOLDER),
/** @var VersionsMapper $versionsMapper */
$versionsMapper = Server::get(VersionsMapper::class);
$userFolder = $root->getUserFolder($uid);
$versionEntities = [];
/** @var Node[] $versions */
$versions = array_filter($allVersions, function (Node $info) use ($threshold, $userFolder, $versionsMapper, $versionsRoot, &$versionEntities) {
// Check that the file match '*.v*'
$versionsBegin = strrpos($info->getName(), '.v');
if ($versionsBegin === false) {
return false;
$version = (int)substr($info->getName(), $versionsBegin + 2);
// Check that the version does not have a label.
$path = $versionsRoot->getRelativePath($info->getPath());
if ($path === null) {
throw new DoesNotExistException('Could not find relative path of (' . $info->getPath() . ')');
try {
$node = $userFolder->get(substr($path, 0, -strlen('.v' . $version)));
$versionEntity = $versionsMapper->findVersionForFileId($node->getId(), $version);
$versionEntities[$info->getId()] = $versionEntity;
if ($versionEntity->getMetadataValue('label') !== null && $versionEntity->getMetadataValue('label') !== '') {
return false;
} catch (NotFoundException $e) {
// Original node not found, delete the version
return true;
} catch (StorageNotAvailableException|StorageInvalidException $e) {
// Storage can't be used, but it might only be temporary so we can't always delete the version
// since we can't determine if the version is named we take the safe route and don't expire
return false;
} catch (DoesNotExistException $ex) {
// Version on FS can have no equivalent in the DB if they were created before the version naming feature.
// So we ignore DoesNotExistException.
// Check that the version's timestamp is lower than $threshold
return $version < $threshold;
foreach ($versions as $version) {
$internalPath = $version->getInternalPath();
\OC_Hook::emit('\OCP\Versions', 'preDelete', ['path' => $internalPath, 'trigger' => self::DELETE_TRIGGER_RETENTION_CONSTRAINT]);
$versionEntity = isset($versionEntities[$version->getId()]) ? $versionEntities[$version->getId()] : null;
if (!is_null($versionEntity)) {
try {
\OC_Hook::emit('\OCP\Versions', 'delete', ['path' => $internalPath, 'trigger' => self::DELETE_TRIGGER_RETENTION_CONSTRAINT]);
} catch (NotPermittedException $e) {
Server::get(LoggerInterface::class)->error("Missing permissions to delete version: {$internalPath}", ['app' => 'files_versions', 'exception' => $e]);
* translate a timestamp into a string like "5 days ago"
* @param int $timestamp
* @return string for example "5 days ago"
private static function getHumanReadableTimestamp(int $timestamp): string {
$diff = time() - $timestamp;
if ($diff < 60) { // first minute
return $diff . ' seconds ago';
} elseif ($diff < 3600) { //first hour
return round($diff / 60) . ' minutes ago';
} elseif ($diff < 86400) { // first day
return round($diff / 3600) . ' hours ago';
} elseif ($diff < 604800) { //first week
return round($diff / 86400) . ' days ago';
} elseif ($diff < 2419200) { //first month
return round($diff / 604800) . ' weeks ago';
} elseif ($diff < 29030400) { // first year
return round($diff / 2419200) . ' months ago';
} else {
return round($diff / 29030400) . ' years ago';
* returns all stored file versions from a given user
* @param string $uid id of the user
* @return array with contains two arrays 'all' which contains all versions sorted by age and 'by_file' which contains all versions sorted by filename
private static function getAllVersions($uid) {
$view = new View('/' . $uid . '/');
$dirs = [self::VERSIONS_ROOT];
$versions = [];
while (!empty($dirs)) {
$dir = array_pop($dirs);
$files = $view->getDirectoryContent($dir);
foreach ($files as $file) {
$fileData = $file->getData();
$filePath = $dir . '/' . $fileData['name'];
if ($file['type'] === 'dir') {
$dirs[] = $filePath;
} else {
$versionsBegin = strrpos($filePath, '.v');
$relPathStart = strlen(self::VERSIONS_ROOT);
$version = substr($filePath, $versionsBegin + 2);
$relpath = substr($filePath, $relPathStart, $versionsBegin - $relPathStart);
$key = $version . '#' . $relpath;
$versions[$key] = ['path' => $relpath, 'timestamp' => $version];
// newest version first
$result = [
'all' => [],
'by_file' => [],
foreach ($versions as $key => $value) {
$size = $view->filesize(self::VERSIONS_ROOT . '/' . $value['path'] . '.v' . $value['timestamp']);
$filename = $value['path'];
$result['all'][$key]['version'] = $value['timestamp'];
$result['all'][$key]['path'] = $filename;
$result['all'][$key]['size'] = $size;
$result['by_file'][$filename][$key]['version'] = $value['timestamp'];
$result['by_file'][$filename][$key]['path'] = $filename;
$result['by_file'][$filename][$key]['size'] = $size;
return $result;
* get list of files we want to expire
* @param array $versions list of versions
* @param integer $time
* @param bool $quotaExceeded is versions storage limit reached
* @return array containing the list of to deleted versions and the size of them
protected static function getExpireList($time, $versions, $quotaExceeded = false) {
$expiration = self::getExpiration();
if ($expiration->shouldAutoExpire()) {
// Exclude versions that are newer than the minimum age from the auto expiration logic.
$minAge = $expiration->getMinAgeAsTimestamp();
if ($minAge !== false) {
$versionsToAutoExpire = array_filter($versions, fn ($version) => $version['version'] < $minAge);
} else {
$versionsToAutoExpire = $versions;
[$toDelete, $size] = self::getAutoExpireList($time, $versionsToAutoExpire);
} else {
$size = 0;
$toDelete = []; // versions we want to delete
foreach ($versions as $key => $version) {
if (!is_numeric($version['version'])) {
'Found a non-numeric timestamp version: ' . json_encode($version),
['app' => 'files_versions']);
if ($expiration->isExpired((int)($version['version']), $quotaExceeded) && !isset($toDelete[$key])) {
$size += $version['size'];
$toDelete[$key] = $version['path'] . '.v' . $version['version'];
return [$toDelete, $size];
* get list of files we want to expire
* @param array $versions list of versions
* @param integer $time
* @return array containing the list of to deleted versions and the size of them
protected static function getAutoExpireList($time, $versions) {
$size = 0;
$toDelete = []; // versions we want to delete
$interval = 1;
$step = Storage::$max_versions_per_interval[$interval]['step'];
if (Storage::$max_versions_per_interval[$interval]['intervalEndsAfter'] === -1) {
$nextInterval = -1;
} else {
$nextInterval = $time - Storage::$max_versions_per_interval[$interval]['intervalEndsAfter'];
$firstVersion = reset($versions);
if ($firstVersion === false) {
return [$toDelete, $size];
$firstKey = key($versions);
$prevTimestamp = $firstVersion['version'];
$nextVersion = $firstVersion['version'] - $step;
foreach ($versions as $key => $version) {
$newInterval = true;
while ($newInterval) {
if ($nextInterval === -1 || $prevTimestamp > $nextInterval) {
if ($version['version'] > $nextVersion) {
//distance between two version too small, mark to delete
$toDelete[$key] = $version['path'] . '.v' . $version['version'];
$size += $version['size'];
Server::get(LoggerInterface::class)->info('Mark to expire ' . $version['path'] . ' next version should be ' . $nextVersion . ' or smaller. (prevTimestamp: ' . $prevTimestamp . '; step: ' . $step, ['app' => 'files_versions']);
} else {
$nextVersion = $version['version'] - $step;
$prevTimestamp = $version['version'];
$newInterval = false; // version checked so we can move to the next one
} else { // time to move on to the next interval
$step = Storage::$max_versions_per_interval[$interval]['step'];
$nextVersion = $prevTimestamp - $step;
if (Storage::$max_versions_per_interval[$interval]['intervalEndsAfter'] === -1) {
$nextInterval = -1;
} else {
$nextInterval = $time - Storage::$max_versions_per_interval[$interval]['intervalEndsAfter'];
$newInterval = true; // we changed the interval -> check same version with new interval
return [$toDelete, $size];
* Schedule versions expiration for the given file
* @param string $uid owner of the file
* @param string $fileName file/folder for which to schedule expiration
public static function scheduleExpire($uid, $fileName) {
// let the admin disable auto expire
$expiration = self::getExpiration();
if ($expiration->isEnabled()) {
$command = new Expire($uid, $fileName);
/** @var IBus $bus */
$bus = Server::get(IBus::class);
* Expire versions which exceed the quota.
* This will setup the filesystem for the given user but will not
* tear it down afterwards.
* @param string $filename path to file to expire
* @param string $uid user for which to expire the version
* @return bool|int|null
public static function expire($filename, $uid) {
$expiration = self::getExpiration();
/** @var LoggerInterface $logger */
$logger = Server::get(LoggerInterface::class);
if ($expiration->isEnabled()) {
// get available disk space for user
$user = Server::get(IUserManager::class)->get($uid);
if (is_null($user)) {
$logger->error('Backends provided no user object for ' . $uid, ['app' => 'files_versions']);
throw new NoUserException('Backends provided no user object for ' . $uid);
try {
if (!Filesystem::file_exists($filename)) {
return false;
} catch (StorageNotAvailableException $e) {
// if we can't check that the file hasn't been deleted we can only assume that it hasn't
// note that this `StorageNotAvailableException` is about the file the versions originate from,
// not the storage that the versions are stored on
if (empty($filename)) {
// file maybe renamed or deleted
return false;
$versionsFileview = new View('/' . $uid . '/files_versions');
$softQuota = true;
$quota = $user->getQuota();
if ($quota === null || $quota === 'none') {
$quota = Filesystem::free_space('/');
$softQuota = false;
} else {
$quota = Util::computerFileSize($quota);
// make sure that we have the current size of the version history
$versionsSize = self::getVersionsSize($uid);
// calculate available space for version history
// subtract size of files and current versions size from quota
if ($quota >= 0) {
if ($softQuota) {
$root = Server::get(IRootFolder::class);
$userFolder = $root->getUserFolder($uid);
if (is_null($userFolder)) {
$availableSpace = 0;
} else {
$free = $quota - $userFolder->getSize(false); // remaining free space for user
if ($free > 0) {
$availableSpace = ($free * self::DEFAULTMAXSIZE / 100) - $versionsSize; // how much space can be used for versions
} else {
$availableSpace = $free - $versionsSize;
} else {
$availableSpace = $quota;
} else {
$availableSpace = PHP_INT_MAX;
$allVersions = Storage::getVersions($uid, $filename);
$time = time();
[$toDelete, $sizeOfDeletedVersions] = self::getExpireList($time, $allVersions, $availableSpace <= 0);
$availableSpace = $availableSpace + $sizeOfDeletedVersions;
$versionsSize = $versionsSize - $sizeOfDeletedVersions;
// if still not enough free space we rearrange the versions from all files
if ($availableSpace <= 0) {
$result = self::getAllVersions($uid);
$allVersions = $result['all'];
foreach ($result['by_file'] as $versions) {
[$toDeleteNew, $size] = self::getExpireList($time, $versions, $availableSpace <= 0);
$toDelete = array_merge($toDelete, $toDeleteNew);
$sizeOfDeletedVersions += $size;
$availableSpace = $availableSpace + $sizeOfDeletedVersions;
$versionsSize = $versionsSize - $sizeOfDeletedVersions;
foreach ($toDelete as $key => $path) {
// Make sure to cleanup version table relations as expire does not pass deleteVersion
try {
/** @var VersionsMapper $versionsMapper */
$versionsMapper = Server::get(VersionsMapper::class);
$file = Server::get(IRootFolder::class)->getUserFolder($uid)->get($filename);
$pathparts = pathinfo($path);
$timestamp = (int)substr($pathparts['extension'] ?? '', 1);
$versionEntity = $versionsMapper->findVersionForFileId($file->getId(), $timestamp);
if ($versionEntity->getMetadataValue('label') !== null && $versionEntity->getMetadataValue('label') !== '') {
} catch (DoesNotExistException $e) {
\OC_Hook::emit('\OCP\Versions', 'preDelete', ['path' => $path, 'trigger' => self::DELETE_TRIGGER_QUOTA_EXCEEDED]);
self::deleteVersion($versionsFileview, $path);
\OC_Hook::emit('\OCP\Versions', 'delete', ['path' => $path, 'trigger' => self::DELETE_TRIGGER_QUOTA_EXCEEDED]);
unset($allVersions[$key]); // update array with the versions we keep
$logger->info('Expire: ' . $path, ['app' => 'files_versions']);
// Check if enough space is available after versions are rearranged.
// If not we delete the oldest versions until we meet the size limit for versions,
// but always keep the two latest versions
$numOfVersions = count($allVersions) - 2 ;
$i = 0;
// sort oldest first and make sure that we start at the first element
while ($availableSpace < 0 && $i < $numOfVersions) {
$version = current($allVersions);
\OC_Hook::emit('\OCP\Versions', 'preDelete', ['path' => $version['path'] . '.v' . $version['version'], 'trigger' => self::DELETE_TRIGGER_QUOTA_EXCEEDED]);
self::deleteVersion($versionsFileview, $version['path'] . '.v' . $version['version']);
\OC_Hook::emit('\OCP\Versions', 'delete', ['path' => $version['path'] . '.v' . $version['version'], 'trigger' => self::DELETE_TRIGGER_QUOTA_EXCEEDED]);
$logger->info('running out of space! Delete oldest version: ' . $version['path'] . '.v' . $version['version'], ['app' => 'files_versions']);
$versionsSize -= $version['size'];
$availableSpace += $version['size'];
return $versionsSize; // finally return the new size of the version history
return false;
* Create recursively missing directories inside of files_versions
* that match the given path to a file.
* @param string $filename $path to a file, relative to the user's
* "files" folder
* @param View $view view on data/user/
public static function createMissingDirectories($filename, $view) {
$dirname = Filesystem::normalizePath(dirname($filename));
$dirParts = explode('/', $dirname);
$dir = '/files_versions';
foreach ($dirParts as $part) {
$dir = $dir . '/' . $part;
if (!$view->file_exists($dir)) {
* Static workaround
* @return Expiration
protected static function getExpiration() {
if (self::$application === null) {
self::$application = Server::get(Application::class);
return self::$application->getContainer()->get(Expiration::class);