mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 00:13:56 +00:00
547 lines
17 KiB
547 lines
17 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2014
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3
* or later.
* See the COPYING-README file.
/* global getURLParameter */
* Utility class for file related operations
(function() {
var Files = {
// file space size sync
_updateStorageStatistics: function(currentDir) {
var state = Files.updateStorageStatistics;
if (state.dir){
if (state.dir === currentDir) {
// cancel previous call, as it was for another dir
state.dir = currentDir;
state.call = $.getJSON(OC.generateUrl('apps/files/api/v1/stats?dir={dir}', {
dir: currentDir,
}), function(response) {
state.dir = null;
state.call = null;
// update quota
updateStorageQuotas: function() {
_updateStorageQuotas: function() {
var state = Files.updateStorageQuotas;
state.call = $.getJSON(OC.generateUrl('apps/files/api/v1/stats'), function(response) {
* Update storage statistics such as free space, max upload,
* etc based on the given directory.
* Note this function is debounced to avoid making too
* many ajax calls in a row.
* @param dir directory
* @param force whether to force retrieving
updateStorageStatistics: function(dir, force) {
if (!OC.currentUser) {
if (force) {
else {
updateMaxUploadFilesize:function(response) {
if (response === undefined) {
if (response.data !== undefined && response.data.uploadMaxFilesize !== undefined) {
$('#upload.button').attr('title', response.data.maxHumanFilesize);
$('#usedSpacePercent').data('mount-type', response.data.mountType);
$('#usedSpacePercent').data('mount-point', response.data.mountPoint);
if (response[0] === undefined) {
if (response[0].uploadMaxFilesize !== undefined) {
$('#upload.button').attr('title', response[0].maxHumanFilesize);
updateQuota:function(response) {
if (response === undefined) {
if (response.data !== undefined
&& response.data.quota !== undefined
&& response.data.total !== undefined
&& response.data.used !== undefined
&& response.data.usedSpacePercent !== undefined) {
var humanUsed = OC.Util.humanFileSize(response.data.used, true, false);
var humanTotal = OC.Util.humanFileSize(response.data.total, true, false);
if (response.data.quota > 0) {
$('#quota').attr('title', t('files', '{used}%', {used: Math.round(response.data.usedSpacePercent)}));
$('#quota progress').val(response.data.usedSpacePercent);
$('#quotatext').html(t('files', '{used} of {quota} used', {used: humanUsed, quota: humanTotal}));
} else {
$('#quotatext').html(t('files', '{used} used', {used: humanUsed}));
if (response.data.usedSpacePercent > 80) {
$('#quota progress').addClass('warn');
} else {
$('#quota progress').removeClass('warn');
* Fix path name by removing double slash at the beginning, if any
fixPath: function(fileName) {
if (fileName.substr(0, 2) == '//') {
return fileName.substr(1);
return fileName;
* Checks whether the given file name is valid.
* @param name file name to check
* @return true if the file name is valid.
* Throws a string exception with an error message if
* the file name is not valid
* NOTE: This function is duplicated in the filepicker inside core/src/OC/dialogs.js
isFileNameValid: function (name) {
var trimmedName = name.trim();
if (trimmedName === '.' || trimmedName === '..')
throw t('files', '"{name}" is an invalid file name.', {name: name});
} else if (trimmedName.length === 0) {
throw t('files', 'File name cannot be empty.');
} else if (trimmedName.indexOf('/') !== -1) {
throw t('files', '"/" is not allowed inside a file name.');
} else if (!!(trimmedName.match(OC.config.blacklist_files_regex))) {
throw t('files', '"{name}" is not an allowed filetype', {name: name});
return true;
displayStorageWarnings: function() {
if (!OC.Notification.isHidden()) {
var usedSpacePercent = $('#usedSpacePercent').val(),
owner = $('#owner').val(),
ownerDisplayName = $('#ownerDisplayName').val(),
mountType = $('#usedSpacePercent').data('mount-type'),
mountPoint = $('#usedSpacePercent').data('mount-point');
if (usedSpacePercent > 98) {
if (owner !== OC.getCurrentUser().uid) {
OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Storage of {owner} is full, files cannot be updated or synced anymore!',
{owner: ownerDisplayName}), {type: 'error'}
} else if (mountType === 'group') {
'Group folder "{mountPoint}" is full, files cannot be updated or synced anymore!',
{mountPoint: mountPoint}),
{type: 'error'}
} else if (mountType === 'external') {
'External storage "{mountPoint}" is full, files cannot be updated or synced anymore!',
{mountPoint: mountPoint}),
{type : 'error'}
} else {
'Your storage is full, files cannot be updated or synced anymore!'),
{type: 'error'}
} else if (usedSpacePercent > 90) {
if (owner !== OC.getCurrentUser().uid) {
OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Storage of {owner} is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%).',
usedSpacePercent: usedSpacePercent,
owner: ownerDisplayName
type: 'error'
} else if (mountType === 'group') {
'Group folder "{mountPoint}" is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%).',
{mountPoint: mountPoint, usedSpacePercent: usedSpacePercent}),
{type : 'error'}
} else if (mountType === 'external') {
'External storage "{mountPoint}" is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%).',
{mountPoint: mountPoint, usedSpacePercent: usedSpacePercent}),
{type : 'error'}
} else {
OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%).',
{usedSpacePercent: usedSpacePercent}),
{type : 'error'}
* Returns the download URL of the given file(s)
* @param {string} filename string or array of file names to download
* @param {string} [dir] optional directory in which the file name is, defaults to the current directory
* @param {boolean} [isDir=false] whether the given filename is a directory and might need a special URL
getDownloadUrl: function(filename, dir, isDir) {
if (!_.isArray(filename) && !isDir) {
var pathSections = dir.split('/');
var encodedPath = '';
_.each(pathSections, function(section) {
if (section !== '') {
encodedPath += '/' + encodeURIComponent(section);
return OC.linkToRemoteBase('webdav') + encodedPath;
if (_.isArray(filename)) {
filename = JSON.stringify(filename);
var params = {
dir: dir,
files: filename
return this.getAjaxUrl('download', params);
* Returns the ajax URL for a given action
* @param action action string
* @param params optional params map
getAjaxUrl: function(action, params) {
var q = '';
if (params) {
q = '?' + OC.buildQueryString(params);
return OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', action + '.php') + q;
* Fetch the icon url for the mimetype
* @param {string} mime The mimetype
* @param {Files~mimeicon} ready Function to call when mimetype is retrieved
* @deprecated use OC.MimeType.getIconUrl(mime)
getMimeIcon: function(mime, ready) {
* Generates a preview URL based on the URL space.
* @param urlSpec attributes for the URL
* @param {number} urlSpec.x width
* @param {number} urlSpec.y height
* @param {String} urlSpec.file path to the file
* @return preview URL
* @deprecated used OCA.Files.FileList.generatePreviewUrl instead
generatePreviewUrl: function(urlSpec) {
OC.debug && console.warn('DEPRECATED: please use generatePreviewUrl() from an OCA.Files.FileList instance');
return OCA.Files.App.fileList.generatePreviewUrl(urlSpec);
* Lazy load preview
* @deprecated used OCA.Files.FileList.lazyLoadPreview instead
lazyLoadPreview : function(path, mime, ready, width, height, etag) {
OC.debug && console.warn('DEPRECATED: please use lazyLoadPreview() from an OCA.Files.FileList instance');
return FileList.lazyLoadPreview({
path: path,
mime: mime,
callback: ready,
width: width,
height: height,
etag: etag
* Initialize the files view
initialize: function() {
Files.bindKeyboardShortcuts(document, $);
// drag&drop support using jquery.fileupload
// TODO use OC.dialogs
$(document).bind('drop dragover', function (e) {
e.preventDefault(); // prevent browser from doing anything, if file isn't dropped in dropZone
// display storage warnings
setTimeout(Files.displayStorageWarnings, 100);
// only possible at the moment if user is logged in or the files app is loaded
if (OC.currentUser && OCA.Files.App && OC.config.session_keepalive) {
// start on load - we ask the server every 5 minutes
var func = _.bind(OCA.Files.App.fileList.updateStorageStatistics, OCA.Files.App.fileList);
var updateStorageStatisticsInterval = 5*60*1000;
var updateStorageStatisticsIntervalId = setInterval(func, updateStorageStatisticsInterval);
// TODO: this should also stop when switching to another view
// Use jquery-visibility to de-/re-activate file stats sync
if ($.support.pageVisibility) {
'show': function() {
if (!updateStorageStatisticsIntervalId) {
updateStorageStatisticsIntervalId = setInterval(func, updateStorageStatisticsInterval);
'hide': function() {
updateStorageStatisticsIntervalId = 0;
$('#webdavurl').on('click touchstart', function () {
this.setSelectionRange(0, this.value.length);
//FIXME scroll to and highlight preselected file
if (getURLParameter('scrollto')) {
* Handles the download and calls the callback function once the download has started
* - browser sends download request and adds parameter with a token
* - server notices this token and adds a set cookie to the download response
* - browser now adds this cookie for the domain
* - JS periodically checks for this cookie and then knows when the download has started to call the callback
* @param {string} url download URL
* @param {Function} callback function to call once the download has started
handleDownload: function(url, callback) {
var randomToken = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2),
checkForDownloadCookie = function() {
if (!OC.Util.isCookieSetToValue('ocDownloadStarted', randomToken)){
return false;
} else {
return true;
if (url.indexOf('?') >= 0) {
url += '&';
} else {
url += '?';
OC.redirect(url + 'downloadStartSecret=' + randomToken);
OC.Util.waitFor(checkForDownloadCookie, 500);
Files._updateStorageStatisticsDebounced = _.debounce(Files._updateStorageStatistics, 250);
Files._updateStorageQuotasThrottled = _.throttle(Files._updateStorageQuotas, 30000);
OCA.Files.Files = Files;
// TODO: move to FileList
var createDragShadow = function(event) {
// FIXME: inject file list instance somehow
/* global FileList, Files */
//select dragged file
var isDragSelected = $(event.target).parents('tr').find('td input:first').prop('checked');
if (!isDragSelected) {
//select dragged file
FileList._selectFileEl($(event.target).parents('tr:first'), true, false);
// do not show drag shadow for too many files
var selectedFiles = _.first(FileList.getSelectedFiles(), FileList.pageSize());
selectedFiles = _.sortBy(selectedFiles, FileList._fileInfoCompare);
if (!isDragSelected && selectedFiles.length === 1) {
//revert the selection
FileList._selectFileEl($(event.target).parents('tr:first'), false, false);
// build dragshadow
var dragshadow = $('<table class="dragshadow"></table>');
var tbody = $('<tbody></tbody>');
var dir = FileList.getCurrentDirectory();
$(selectedFiles).each(function(i,elem) {
// TODO: refactor this with the table row creation code
var newtr = $('<tr></tr>')
.attr('data-dir', dir)
.attr('data-file', elem.name)
.attr('data-origin', elem.origin);
newtr.append($('<td class="filename"></td>').text(elem.name).css('background-size', 32));
newtr.append($('<td class="size"></td>').text(OC.Util.humanFileSize(elem.size, false, false)));
if (elem.type === 'dir') {
.css('background-image', 'url(' + OC.MimeType.getIconUrl('folder') + ')');
} else {
var path = dir + '/' + elem.name;
Files.lazyLoadPreview(path, elem.mimetype, function(previewpath) {
.css('background-image', 'url(' + previewpath + ')');
}, null, null, elem.etag);
return dragshadow;
//options for file drag/drop
//start&stop handlers needs some cleaning up
// TODO: move to FileList class
var dragOptions={
revert: 'invalid',
revertDuration: 300,
opacity: 0.7,
cursorAt: { left: 24, top: 18 },
helper: createDragShadow,
cursor: 'move',
start: function(event, ui){
var $selectedFiles = $('td.filename input:checkbox:checked');
if (!$selectedFiles.length) {
$selectedFiles = $(this);
$selectedFiles.closest('tr').addClass('animate-opacity dragging');
$selectedFiles.closest('tr').filter('.ui-droppable').droppable( 'disable' );
// Show breadcrumbs menu
stop: function(event, ui) {
var $selectedFiles = $('td.filename input:checkbox:checked');
if (!$selectedFiles.length) {
$selectedFiles = $(this);
var $tr = $selectedFiles.closest('tr');
$tr.filter('.ui-droppable').droppable( 'enable' );
setTimeout(function() {
}, 300);
// Hide breadcrumbs menu
drag: function(event, ui) {
// Prevent scrolling when hovering .files-controls
if ($(event.originalEvent.target).parents('.files-controls').length > 0) {
/** @type {JQuery<HTMLDivElement>} */
const scrollingArea = FileList.$container;
// Get the top and bottom scroll trigger y positions
const containerHeight = scrollingArea.innerHeight() ?? 0
const scrollTriggerArea = Math.min(Math.floor(containerHeight / 2), 100);
const bottomTriggerY = containerHeight - scrollTriggerArea;
const topTriggerY = scrollTriggerArea;
// Get the cursor position relative to the container
const containerOffset = scrollingArea.offset() ?? {left: 0, top: 0}
const cursorPositionY = event.pageY - containerOffset.top
const currentScrollTop = scrollingArea.scrollTop() ?? 0
if (cursorPositionY < topTriggerY) {
scrollingArea.scrollTop(currentScrollTop - 10)
} else if (cursorPositionY > bottomTriggerY) {
scrollingArea.scrollTop(currentScrollTop + 10)
// sane browsers support using the distance option
if ( $('html.ie').length === 0) {
dragOptions['distance'] = 20;
// TODO: move to FileList class
var folderDropOptions = {
hoverClass: "canDrop",
drop: function( event, ui ) {
// don't allow moving a file into a selected folder
/* global FileList */
if ($(event.target).parents('tr').find('td input:first').prop('checked') === true) {
return false;
var $tr = $(this).closest('tr');
if (($tr.data('permissions') & OC.PERMISSION_CREATE) === 0) {
return false;
var targetPath = FileList.getCurrentDirectory() + '/' + $tr.data('file');
var files = FileList.getSelectedFiles();
if (files.length === 0) {
// single one selected without checkbox?
files = _.map(ui.helper.find('tr'), function(el) {
return FileList.elementToFile($(el));
FileList.move(_.pluck(files, 'name'), targetPath);
tolerance: 'pointer'
// for backward compatibility
window.Files = OCA.Files.Files;