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mirror of https://github.com/nextcloud/server.git synced 2025-03-04 03:57:28 +00:00
Nextcloud bot 62aa5a8214
Fix(l10n): Update translations from Transifex
Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <bot@nextcloud.com>
2025-02-27 00:22:41 +00:00

58 lines
6 KiB

"Invalid Federated Cloud ID" : "La ID de nube federada ye inválida",
"Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "La compartición de sirvidor a sirvidor nun ta activada nesti sirvidor",
"Couldn't establish a federated share." : "Nun se pudo configurar la compartición federada.",
"Couldn't establish a federated share, maybe the password was wrong." : "Nun se pudo configurar la compartición federada, quiciabes la contraseña yera incorrueta.",
"Federated Share request sent, you will receive an invitation. Check your notifications." : "Unvióse la solicitú de compartición federada, vas recibir una invitación. Comprueba los avisos.",
"Couldn't establish a federated share, it looks like the server to federate with is too old (Nextcloud <= 9)." : "Nun se pudo configurar la compartición federada, paez que'l sirvidor a federar ye mui antiguu (Nexcloud <= 9).",
"It is not allowed to send federated group shares from this server." : "Nun se permite unviar elementos compartíos en grupos federaos d'esti sirvidor.",
"Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %2$s" : "La compartición de «%1$s» falló porque esti elementu yá ta compartíu cola cuenta «%2$s»",
"Not allowed to create a federated share to the same account" : "Nun se permite crear una compartición federada cola mesma cuenta",
"Federated shares require read permissions" : "Les comparticiones riquen los permisos de llectura",
"File is already shared with %s" : "El ficheru xá se comparte con %s",
"Sharing %1$s failed, could not find %2$s, maybe the server is currently unreachable or uses a self-signed certificate." : "La compartición de «%1$s» falló, nun se pudo atopar «%2$s», quiciabes el sirvidor nun tea al algame o use un certificáu autofirmáu.",
"Could not find share" : "Nun se pudo atopar la compartición",
"Federated sharing" : "Compartición federada",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user} (on behalf of {behalf})" : "Recibiesti «{share}» como compartición remota de {user} (en nome de {behalf}).",
"You received {share} as a remote share from {user}" : "Recibiesti «{share}» como compartición remota de {user}",
"Accept" : "Aceptar",
"Decline" : "Refugar",
"Federated Cloud Sharing" : "Compartición na nube federada",
"Sharing" : "Compartición",
"Federated file sharing" : "Compartición de ficheros federada",
"Provide federated file sharing across servers" : "Forne compartición de ficheros federada ente sirvidores",
"Unable to update federated files sharing config" : "Nun ye posible anovar la configuración de la compartición de ficheros federaos",
"Adjust how people can share between servers. This includes shares between people on this server as well if they are using federated sharing." : "Axusta cómo les persones pue compartir ente sirvidores. Esto tamién inclúi les comparticiones ente les persiones d'esti sirvidor si usen la compartición federada.",
"Allow people on this server to send shares to other servers (this option also allows WebDAV access to public shares)" : "Permitir que les persones d'esti sirvidor unvien comparticiones a otros sirvidores (esta opción tamién permite l'accesu WebDAV a les comparticiones públiques)",
"Allow people on this server to receive shares from other servers" : "Permitir que les persones d'esti sirvidor reciban comparticiones d'otros sirvidores",
"Allow people on this server to send shares to groups on other servers" : "Permitir que les persones d'esti sirvidor unvien comparticiones a grupos d'otros sirvidores",
"Allow people on this server to receive group shares from other servers" : "Permitir que les persones d'esti sirvidor reciban elementos compartíos de grupos d'otros sirvidores",
"Search global and public address book for people" : "Busca persones na llibreta de direiciones global y pública",
"Allow people to publish their data to a global and public address book" : "Permitir que les persones espublicen los sos datos nuna llibreta de direiciones global y pública",
"Share with me through my #Nextcloud Federated Cloud ID, see {url}" : "Compartir conmigo pente la mio ID de nube federada de #Nextcloud, mira {url}",
"Share with me through my #Nextcloud Federated Cloud ID" : "Compartir conmigo pente la mio ID de nube federada de #Nextcloud",
"Cloud ID copied to the clipboard" : "La ID de la nube copióse nel cartafueyu",
"Copy to clipboard" : "Copiar nel cartafueyu",
"Copied!" : "¡Copióse!",
"Federated Cloud" : "Nube federada",
"You can share with anyone who uses a Nextcloud server or other Open Cloud Mesh (OCM) compatible servers and services! Just put their Federated Cloud ID in the share dialog. It looks like person@cloud.example.com" : "Pues compartir conteníu con cualesquier persona qu'use un sirvidor de Nextcloud o otros sirvidores y servicios compatibles con Open Cloud Mesh (OCM). Namás indica la ID de na nube federada nel cuadru de diálogu d'usu compartíu. Aseméyase a persona@nube.exemplu.com",
"Share it so your friends can share files with you:" : "Compártilu pa que los tos amigos puedan compartir ficheros contigo:",
"Facebook" : "Facebook",
"X (formerly Twitter)" : "X (anteriormente Twitter)",
"Mastodon" : "Mastodon",
"Add to your website" : "Amestar al to sitiu web",
"Share with me via Nextcloud" : "Compartir conmigo per Nextcloud",
"HTML Code:" : "Códigu HTML:",
"Cancel" : "Encaboxar",
"Add remote share" : "Amestar un elementu compartíu remotu",
"Remote share" : "Compartición remota",
"Do you want to add the remote share {name} from {owner}@{remote}?" : "¿Quies amestar la compartición remota «{name}» de {owner}@{remote}?",
"Remote share password" : "Contraseña de la compartición remota",
"Clipboard is not available" : "El cartafueyu nun ta disponible",
"Your Federated Cloud ID:" : "La to ID de nube federada:",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Diaspora" : "Diaspora"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");