
800 lines
24 KiB

# *-* coding: utf-8 *-*
# This file is part of butterfly
# butterfly Copyright (C) 2014 Florian Mounier
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
worker = new Worker('/static/javascripts/worker.js')
worker.addEventListener 'message', (e) ->
when 'refresh'
cols = rows = null
quit = false
$ = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document)
send = (data) ->
cmd: 'data'
data: data
ctl = (type, args...) ->
params = args.join(',')
if type == 'Resize'
worker.postMessage 'R' + params
# ws.send 'R' + params
addEventListener 'beforeunload', ->
if not quit
'This will exit the terminal session'
cancel = (ev) ->
ev.preventDefault() if ev.preventDefault
ev.stopPropagation() if ev.stopPropagation
ev.cancelBubble = true
class FrontTerminal
constructor: (@parent) ->
# Global elements
@context = @parent.ownerDocument.defaultView
@document = @parent.ownerDocument
@body = @document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]
# Main terminal element
@element = @document.createElement('div')
@element.className = 'terminal focus' = 'none'
@element.setAttribute 'tabindex', 0
# Adding one line to compute char size
div = @document.createElement('div')
div.className = 'line'
@children = [div]
@compute_char_size() = @char_size.height + 'px'
term_size = @parent.getBoundingClientRect()
@cols = Math.floor(term_size.width / @char_size.width) - 1 # ?
@rows = Math.floor(term_size.height / @char_size.height)
i = @rows - 1
while i--
div = @document.createElement('div') = @char_size.height + 'px'
div.className = 'line'
@visualBell = 100
@cursorHidden = false
@queue = ''
# stream
@defAttr = (0 << 18) | (257 << 9) | (256 << 0)
@skipNextKey = null
@cursorState = 0
# Draw screen
# @refresh 0, @rows - 1
addEventListener 'keydown', @keyDown.bind(@)
addEventListener 'keypress', @keyPress.bind(@)
addEventListener 'focus', @focus.bind(@)
addEventListener 'blur', @blur.bind(@)
addEventListener 'paste', @paste.bind(@)
addEventListener 'resize', @resize.bind(@)
# Horrible Firefox paste workaround
if typeof InstallTrigger isnt "undefined"
@element.contentEditable = 'true'
@element.addEventListener "mouseup", (ev) =>
sel = getSelection().getRangeAt(0)
if sel.startOffset is sel.endOffset
compute_char_size: ->
test_span = document.createElement('span')
test_span.textContent = '0123456789'
@char_size =
width: test_span.getBoundingClientRect().width / 10
height: @children[0].getBoundingClientRect().height
focus: ->
@send('\x1b[I') if @sendFocus
blur: ->
@cursorState = 1
# @refresh(@y, @y)
@send('\x1b[O') if @sendFocus
paste: (ev) ->
if ev.clipboardData
@send ev.clipboardData.getData('text/plain')
else if @context.clipboardData
@send @context.clipboardData.getData('Text')
# XTerm mouse events
# To better understand these
# the xterm code is very helpful:
# Relevant files:
# button.c, charproc.c, misc.c
# Relevant functions in xterm/button.c:
# BtnCode, EmitButtonCode, EditorButton, SendMousePosition
initmouse: ->
pressed = 32
# mouseup, mousedown, mousewheel
# left click: ^[[M 3<^[[M#3<
# mousewheel up: ^[[M`3>
sendButton = (ev) =>
# get the xterm-style button
button = getButton(ev)
# get mouse coordinates
pos = getCoords(ev)
return unless pos
sendEvent button, pos
switch ev.type
when "mousedown"
pressed = button
when "mouseup"
# keep it at the left
# button, just in case.
pressed = 32
# motion example of a left click:
# ^[[M 3<^[[M@4<^[[M@5<^[[M@6<^[[M@7<^[[M#7<
sendMove = (ev) =>
button = pressed
pos = getCoords(ev)
return unless pos
# buttons marked as motions
# are incremented by 32
button += 32
sendEvent button, pos
# encode button and
# position to characters
encode = (data, ch) =>
unless @utfMouse
return data.push(0) if ch is 255
ch = 127 if ch > 127
data.push ch
return data.push(0) if ch is 2047
if ch < 127
data.push ch
ch = 2047 if ch > 2047
data.push 0xC0 | (ch >> 6)
data.push 0x80 | (ch & 0x3F)
# send a mouse event:
# regular/utf8: ^[[M Cb Cx Cy
# urxvt: ^[[ Cb ; Cx ; Cy M
# sgr: ^[[ Cb ; Cx ; Cy M/m
# vt300: ^[[ 24(1/3/5)~ [ Cx , Cy ] \r
# locator: CSI P e ; P b ; P r ; P c ; P p & w
sendEvent = (button, pos) =>
if @urxvtMouse
pos.x -= 32
pos.y -= 32
@send "\x1b[" + button + ";" + pos.x + ";" + pos.y + "M"
if @sgrMouse
pos.x -= 32
pos.y -= 32
@send "\x1b[<" + (if (button & 3) is 3 then button & ~3 else button) + ";" + pos.x + ";" + pos.y + (if (button & 3) is 3 then "m" else "M")
data = []
encode data, button
encode data, pos.x
encode data, pos.y
@send "\x1b[M" + String.fromCharCode.apply(String, data)
getButton = (ev) =>
# two low bits:
# 0 = left
# 1 = middle
# 2 = right
# 3 = release
# wheel up/down:
# 1, and 2 - with 64 added
switch ev.type
when "mousedown"
button = if ev.button? then +ev.button else (if ev.which? then ev.which - 1 else null)
when "mouseup"
button = 3
when "wheel"
button = if ev.deltaY < 0 then 64 else 65
# next three bits are the modifiers:
# 4 = shift, 8 = meta, 16 = control
shift = if ev.shiftKey then 4 else 0
meta = if ev.metaKey then 8 else 0
ctrl = if ev.ctrlKey then 16 else 0
mod = shift | meta | ctrl
# no mods
if @vt200Mouse
# ctrl only
mod &= ctrl
mod = 0 unless @normalMouse
# increment to SP
(32 + (mod << 2)) + button
# mouse coordinates measured in cols/rows
getCoords = (ev) =>
x = ev.pageX
y = ev.pageY
# should probably check offsetParent
# but this is more portable
el = @element
while el and el isnt @document.documentElement
x -= el.offsetLeft
y -= el.offsetTop
el = if "offsetParent" of el then el.offsetParent else el.parentNode
# convert to cols/rows
w = @element.clientWidth
h = @element.clientHeight
x = Math.ceil((x / w) * @cols)
y = Math.ceil((y / h) * @rows)
# be sure to avoid sending
# bad positions to the program
x = 0 if x < 0
x = @cols if x > @cols
y = 0 if y < 0
y = @rows if y > @rows
# xterm sends raw bytes and
# starts at 32 (SP) for each.
x += 32
y += 32
x: x
y: y
type: ev.type
addEventListener "mousedown", (ev) =>
return unless @mouseEvents
# send the button
sendButton ev
# fix for odd bug
#if (@vt200Mouse && !@normalMouse) {
if @vt200Mouse
__proto__: ev
type: "mouseup"
return cancel(ev)
addEventListener "mousemove", sendMove.bind(this) if @normalMouse
# x10 compatibility mode can't send button releases
unless @x10Mouse
addEventListener "mouseup", up = (ev) =>
sendButton ev
removeEventListener "mousemove", sendMove if @normalMouse
removeEventListener "mouseup", up
cancel ev
cancel ev
addEventListener "wheel", (ev) =>
if @mouseEvents
return if @x10Mouse
sendButton ev
return if @applicationKeypad
@scrollDisp if ev.deltaY > 0 then 5 else -5
cancel ev
refresh: (lines, start, end) ->
if end - start >= @rows / 3
parent = @element.parentNode
parent?.removeChild @element
width = @cols
y = start
if end >= lines.length
end = lines.length - 1
while y <= end
row = y
line = lines[row]
out = ""
if y is @y and (@ydisp is @ybase or @selectMode) and not @cursorHidden
x = @x
x = -Infinity
attr = @defAttr
i = 0
while i < width
data = line[i][0]
ch = line[i][1]
if data isnt attr
out += "</span>" if attr isnt @defAttr
if data isnt @defAttr
classes = []
out += "<span "
bg = data & 0x1ff
fg = (data >> 9) & 0x1ff
flags = data >> 18
# bold
classes.push "bold" if flags & 1
# underline
classes.push "underline" if flags & 2
# blink
classes.push "blink" if flags & 4
# inverse
classes.push "reverse-video" if flags & 8
# invisible
classes.push "invisible" if flags & 16
fg += 8 if flags & 1 and fg < 8
classes.push "bg-color-" + bg
classes.push "fg-color-" + fg
out += "class=\""
out += classes.join(" ")
out += "\">"
out += "<span class=\"" + (if @cursorState then "reverse-video " else "") + "cursor\">" if i is x
# This is a temporary dirty hack for raw html insertion
if ch.length > 1
out += ch
switch ch
when "&"
out += "&amp;"
when "<"
out += "&lt;"
when ">"
out += "&gt;"
if ch <= " "
out += "&nbsp;"
i++ if "\uff00" < ch < "\uffef"
out += ch
out += "</span>" if i is x
attr = data
out += "</span>" if attr isnt @defAttr
@children[y].innerHTML = out
parent?.appendChild @element
_cursorBlink: ->
@cursorState ^= 1
cursor = @element.querySelector(".cursor")
return unless cursor
if cursor.classList.contains("reverse-video")
cursor.classList.remove "reverse-video"
cursor.classList.add "reverse-video"
showCursor: ->
# unless @cursorState
# @cursorState = 1
# @refresh @y, @y
startBlink: ->
return unless @cursorBlink
@_blinker = => @_cursorBlink()
@_blink = setInterval(@_blinker, 500)
refreshBlink: ->
return unless @cursorBlink
clearInterval @_blink
@_blink = setInterval(@_blinker, 500)
scrollDisp: (disp) ->
@ydisp += disp
if @ydisp > @ybase
@ydisp = @ybase
@ydisp = 0 if @ydisp < 0
# @refresh 0, @rows - 1
keyDown: (ev) ->
# Key Resources:
# Don't handle modifiers alone
return true if ev.keyCode > 15 and ev.keyCode < 19
# Handle shift insert and ctrl insert copy/paste usefull for typematrix keyboard
return true if (ev.shiftKey or ev.ctrlKey) and ev.keyCode is 45
# Alt-z works as an escape to relay the following keys to the browser.
# usefull to trigger browser shortcuts, i.e.: Alt+Z F5 to reload
# May be redundant with keyPrefix
if ev.altKey and ev.keyCode is 90 and not @skipNextKey
@skipNextKey = true
return cancel(ev)
if @skipNextKey
@skipNextKey = false
return true
switch ev.keyCode
# backspace
when 8
key = if ev.altKey then "\x1b" else ""
if ev.shiftKey
key += "\x08" # ^H
key += "\x7f" # ^?
# tab
when 9
if ev.shiftKey
key = "\x1b[Z"
key = "\t"
# return/enter
when 13
key = "\r"
# escape
when 27
key = "\x1b"
# left-arrow
when 37
if @applicationCursor
key = "\x1bOD" # SS3 as ^[O for 7-bit
#key = '\x8fD'; // SS3 as 0x8f for 8-bit
return true if ev.shiftKey
key = "\x1b[D"
# right-arrow
when 39
if @applicationCursor
key = "\x1bOC"
return true if ev.shiftKey
key = "\x1b[C"
# up-arrow
when 38
if @applicationCursor
key = "\x1bOA"
if ev.ctrlKey
@scrollDisp -1
return cancel(ev)
else if ev.shiftKey
return true
key = "\x1b[A"
# down-arrow
when 40
if @applicationCursor
key = "\x1bOB"
if ev.ctrlKey
@scrollDisp 1
return cancel(ev)
else if ev.shiftKey
return true
key = "\x1b[B"
# delete
when 46
key = "\x1b[3~"
# insert
when 45
key = "\x1b[2~"
# home
when 36
if @applicationKeypad
key = "\x1bOH"
key = "\x1bOH"
# end
when 35
if @applicationKeypad
key = "\x1bOF"
key = "\x1bOF"
# page up
when 33
if ev.shiftKey
@scrollDisp -(@rows - 1)
return cancel(ev)
key = "\x1b[5~"
# page down
when 34
if ev.shiftKey
@scrollDisp @rows - 1
return cancel(ev)
key = "\x1b[6~"
# F1
when 112
key = "\x1bOP"
# F2
when 113
key = "\x1bOQ"
# F3
when 114
key = "\x1bOR"
# F4
when 115
key = "\x1bOS"
# F5
when 116
key = "\x1b[15~"
# F6
when 117
key = "\x1b[17~"
# F7
when 118
key = "\x1b[18~"
# F8
when 119
key = "\x1b[19~"
# F9
when 120
key = "\x1b[20~"
# F10
when 121
key = "\x1b[21~"
# F11
when 122
key = "\x1b[23~"
# F12
when 123
key = "\x1b[24~"
# a-z and space
if ev.ctrlKey
if ev.keyCode >= 65 and ev.keyCode <= 90
# Ctrl-A
if @screenKeys
if not @prefixMode and not @selectMode and ev.keyCode is 65
return cancel(ev)
# Ctrl-V
if @prefixMode and ev.keyCode is 86
# Ctrl-C
if (@prefixMode or @selectMode) and ev.keyCode is 67
if @visualMode
setTimeout (=>
), 1
key = String.fromCharCode(ev.keyCode - 64)
else if ev.keyCode is 32
key = String.fromCharCode(0)
else if ev.keyCode >= 51 and ev.keyCode <= 55
# escape, file sep, group sep, record sep, unit sep
key = String.fromCharCode(ev.keyCode - 51 + 27)
else if ev.keyCode is 56
# delete
key = String.fromCharCode(127)
else if ev.keyCode is 219
# ^[ - escape
key = String.fromCharCode(27)
# ^] - group sep
key = String.fromCharCode(29) if ev.keyCode is 221
else if ev.altKey
if ev.keyCode >= 65 and ev.keyCode <= 90
key = "\x1b" + String.fromCharCode(ev.keyCode + 32)
else if ev.keyCode is 192
key = "\x1b`"
key = "\x1b" + (ev.keyCode - 48) if ev.keyCode >= 48 and ev.keyCode <= 57
if ev.keyCode >= 37 and ev.keyCode <= 40
if ev.ctrlKey
key = key.slice(0, -1) + "1;5" + key.slice(-1)
else if ev.altKey
key = key.slice(0, -1) + "1;3" + key.slice(-1)
else key = key.slice(0, -1) + "1;4" + key.slice(-1) if ev.shiftKey
return true unless key
if @prefixMode
return cancel(ev)
if @selectMode
@keySelect ev, key
return cancel(ev)
cancel ev
keyPress: (ev) ->
if @skipNextKey is false
@skipNextKey = null
return true
cancel ev
if ev.charCode
key = ev.charCode
else unless ev.which?
key = ev.keyCode
else if ev.which isnt 0 and ev.charCode isnt 0
key = ev.which
return false
return false if not key or ev.ctrlKey or ev.altKey or ev.metaKey
key = String.fromCharCode(key)
@handler key
handler: (data) ->
cmd: 'data',
data: data
send: (data) ->
unless @queue
setTimeout (=>
@handler @queue
@queue = ""
), 1
@queue += data
bell: ->
return unless @visualBell
@element.classList.add "bell"
setTimeout (=>
@element.classList.remove "bell"
), @visualBell
resize: ->
old_cols = @cols
old_rows = @rows
term_size = @parent.getBoundingClientRect()
@cols = Math.floor(term_size.width / @char_size.width) - 1 # ?
@rows = Math.floor(term_size.height / @char_size.height)
if old_cols == @cols and old_rows == @rows
@ctl 'Resize', @cols, @rows
# resize rows
j = old_rows
if j < @rows
el = @element
while j++ < @rows
if @children.length < @rows
line = @document.createElement("div")
line.className = 'line' = @char_size.height + 'px'
el.appendChild line
@children.push line
else if j > @rows
while j-- > @rows
if @children.length > @rows
el = @children.pop()
continue unless el
el.parentNode.removeChild el
get_html_height_in_lines: (html) ->
temp_node = document.createElement("div")
temp_node.innerHTML = html
@element.appendChild temp_node
html_height = temp_node.getBoundingClientRect().height
@element.removeChild temp_node
Math.ceil(html_height / @char_size.height)
frontterm = new FrontTerminal $('#wrapper')[0], send, ctl
cmd: 'init'
cols: frontterm.cols
rows: frontterm.rows
wsurl: 'ws://' + + '/ws' + location.pathname