import { query as q } from 'good-enough-parser'; import { z } from 'zod'; import { regEx } from '../../../../util/regex'; import { MavenDatasource } from '../../../datasource/maven'; import { id as versioning } from '../../../versioning/gradle'; import type { PackageDependency } from '../../types'; import type { Ctx } from '../context'; import { RecordFragmentSchema, StringArrayFragmentSchema, StringFragmentSchema, } from '../fragments'; import { kvParams } from './common'; const artifactMethod = 'artifact'; const installMethod = 'install'; const commonDepType = 'maven_install'; const mavenVariableRegex = regEx(/^maven.*/); const bzlmodMavenMethods = [installMethod, artifactMethod]; const methodRegex = regEx(`^${bzlmodMavenMethods.join('|')}$`); function getParsedRuleByMethod(method: string): string { return `maven_${method}`; } const ArtifactSpec = z.object({ group: z.string(), artifact: z.string(), version: z.string(), }); type ArtifactSpec = z.infer<typeof ArtifactSpec>; const MavenArtifactTarget = RecordFragmentSchema.extend({ children: z.object({ rule: StringFragmentSchema.extend({ value: z.literal(getParsedRuleByMethod(artifactMethod)), }), artifact: StringFragmentSchema, group: StringFragmentSchema, version: StringFragmentSchema, }), }).transform( ({ children: { rule, artifact, group, version } }): PackageDependency[] => [ { datasource:, versioning, depName: `${group.value}:${artifact.value}`, currentValue: version.value, depType: rule.value, }, ], ); const MavenInstallTarget = RecordFragmentSchema.extend({ children: z.object({ rule: StringFragmentSchema.extend({ value: z.literal(getParsedRuleByMethod(installMethod)), }), artifacts: StringArrayFragmentSchema.transform((artifacts) => { const result: ArtifactSpec[] = []; for (const { value } of artifacts.items) { const [group, artifact, version] = value.split(':'); if (group && artifact && version) { result.push({ group, artifact, version }); } } return result; }), repositories: StringArrayFragmentSchema, }), }).transform( ({ children: { rule, artifacts, repositories } }): PackageDependency[] =>{ group, artifact, version: currentValue }) => ({ datasource:, versioning, depName: `${group}:${artifact}`, currentValue, depType: rule.value, registryUrls: => i.value), })), ); export const RuleToMavenPackageDep = z.union([ MavenArtifactTarget, MavenInstallTarget, ]); export function fillRegistryUrls( packageDeps: PackageDependency[][], ): PackageDependency[] { const artifactRules: PackageDependency[] = []; const registryUrls: string[] = []; const result: PackageDependency[] = []; // registry urls are specified only in maven.install, not in maven.artifact packageDeps.flat().forEach((dep) => { if (dep.depType === getParsedRuleByMethod(installMethod)) { if (Array.isArray(dep.registryUrls)) { registryUrls.push(...dep.registryUrls); result.push(dep); } } else if (dep.depType === getParsedRuleByMethod(artifactMethod)) { artifactRules.push(dep); } }); const uniqUrls = [ Set(registryUrls)]; for (const artifactRule of artifactRules) { artifactRule.registryUrls = uniqUrls; artifactRule.depType = commonDepType; result.push(artifactRule); } return result; } export const mavenRules = q .sym<Ctx>(mavenVariableRegex, (ctx, token) => { return ctx.startRule(token.value); }) .op('.') .sym(methodRegex, (ctx, token) => { const rule = ctx.currentRecord.children.rule; if (rule.type === 'string') { rule.value = getParsedRuleByMethod(token.value); } return ctx; }) .join( q.tree({ type: 'wrapped-tree', maxDepth: 1, search: kvParams, postHandler: (ctx) => ctx.endRule(), }), );