import is from '@sindresorhus/is'; import { mockDeep } from 'jest-mock-extended'; import * as httpMock from '../../../../test/http-mock'; import { mocked } from '../../../../test/util'; import { REPOSITORY_CHANGED, REPOSITORY_EMPTY, REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND, } from '../../../constants/error-messages'; import type { logger as _logger } from '../../../logger'; import type * as _git from '../../../util/git'; import type { LongCommitSha } from '../../../util/git/types'; import { ensureTrailingSlash } from '../../../util/url'; import type { Platform } from '../types'; jest.mock('timers/promises'); jest.mock('../../../util/git'); jest.mock('../../../util/host-rules', () => mockDeep()); function sshLink(projectKey: string, repositorySlug: string): string { return `ssh://${projectKey.toLowerCase()}/${repositorySlug}.git`; } function httpLink( endpointStr: string, projectKey: string, repositorySlug: string, ): string { return `${endpointStr}scm/${projectKey.toLowerCase()}/${repositorySlug}.git`; } function repoMock( endpoint: URL | string, projectKey: string, repositorySlug: string, options: { cloneUrl: { https: boolean; ssh: boolean } } = { cloneUrl: { https: true, ssh: true }, }, ) { const endpointStr = endpoint.toString(); const links: { self: { href: string }[]; clone?: { href: string; name: string }[]; } = { self: [ { href: `${endpointStr}projects/${projectKey}/repos/${repositorySlug}/browse`, }, ], }; if (options.cloneUrl.https || options.cloneUrl.ssh) { // This mimics the behavior of bb-server which does not include the clone property at all // if ssh and https are both turned off links.clone = [ options.cloneUrl.https ? { href: httpLink(endpointStr, projectKey, repositorySlug), name: 'http', } : null, options.cloneUrl.ssh ? { href: sshLink(projectKey, repositorySlug), name: 'ssh', } : null, ].filter(is.truthy); } return { slug: repositorySlug, id: 13076, name: repositorySlug, scmId: 'git', state: 'AVAILABLE', statusMessage: 'Available', forkable: true, project: { key: projectKey, id: 2900, name: `${repositorySlug}'s name`, public: false, type: 'NORMAL', links: { self: [ { href: `${projectKey}` }, ], }, }, public: false, links, }; } function prMock( endpoint: URL | string, projectKey: string, repositorySlug: string, ) { const endpointStr = endpoint.toString(); return { id: 5, version: 1, title: 'title', description: '* Line 1\r\n* Line 2', state: 'OPEN', open: true, closed: false, createdDate: 1547853840016, updatedDate: 1547853840016, fromRef: { id: 'refs/heads/userName1/pullRequest5', displayId: 'userName1/pullRequest5', latestCommit: '55efc02b2ab13a43a66cf705f5faacfcc6a762b4', // Removed this with the idea it's not needed // repository: {}, }, toRef: { id: 'refs/heads/master', displayId: 'master', latestCommit: '0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e', // Removed this with the idea it's not needed // repository: {}, }, locked: false, author: { user: { name: 'userName1', emailAddress: '', id: 144846, displayName: 'Renovate Bot', active: true, slug: 'userName1', type: 'NORMAL', links: { self: [{ href: `${endpointStr}/users/userName1` }], }, }, role: 'AUTHOR', approved: false, status: 'UNAPPROVED', }, reviewers: [ { user: { name: 'userName2', emailAddress: '', id: 71155, displayName: 'Renovate bot 2', active: true, slug: 'userName2', type: 'NORMAL', links: { self: [{ href: `${endpointStr}/users/userName2` }], }, }, role: 'REVIEWER', approved: false, status: 'UNAPPROVED', }, ], participants: [], links: { self: [ { href: `${endpointStr}/projects/${projectKey}/repos/${repositorySlug}/pull-requests/5`, }, ], }, }; } const scenarios = { 'endpoint with no path': new URL(''), 'endpoint with path': new URL(''), }; type HostRules = typeof import('../../../util/host-rules'); describe('modules/platform/bitbucket-server/index', () => { Object.entries(scenarios).forEach(([scenarioName, url]) => { const urlHost = url.origin; const urlPath = url.pathname === '/' ? '' : url.pathname; describe(scenarioName, () => { let bitbucket: Platform; let hostRules: jest.Mocked<HostRules>; let git: jest.Mocked<typeof _git>; let logger: jest.Mocked<typeof _logger>; const username = 'abc'; const password = '123'; const userInfo = { name: username, emailAddress: '', displayName: 'Abc Def', }; async function initRepo(config = {}): Promise<httpMock.Scope> { const scope = httpMock .scope(urlHost) .get(`${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo`) .reply(200, repoMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/branches/default`, ) .reply(200, { displayId: 'master', }); await bitbucket.initRepo({ endpoint: '', repository: 'SOME/repo', ...config, }); return scope; } beforeEach(async () => { // reset module jest.resetModules(); bitbucket = await import('.'); logger = mocked(await import('../../../logger')).logger; hostRules = jest.requireMock('../../../util/host-rules'); git = jest.requireMock('../../../util/git'); git.branchExists.mockReturnValue(true); git.isBranchBehindBase.mockResolvedValue(false); git.getBranchCommit.mockReturnValue( '0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e' as LongCommitSha, ); const endpoint = scenarioName === 'endpoint with path' ? '' : ''; hostRules.find.mockReturnValue({ username, password, }); httpMock .scope(urlHost) .get(`${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/application-properties`) .reply(200, { version: '8.0.0' }); httpMock .scope(urlHost) .get(`${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/users/${username}`) .reply(200, userInfo); await bitbucket.initPlatform({ endpoint, username, password, }); }); describe('initPlatform()', () => { it('should throw if no endpoint', async () => { expect.assertions(1); await expect(bitbucket.initPlatform({})).rejects.toThrow(); }); it('should throw if no username/password/token', async () => { expect.assertions(1); await expect( bitbucket.initPlatform({ endpoint: 'endpoint' }), ).rejects.toThrow(); }); it('should throw if password and token is set', async () => { expect.assertions(1); await expect( bitbucket.initPlatform({ endpoint: 'endpoint', username: 'abc', password: '123', token: 'abc', }), ).rejects.toThrow(); }); it('should not throw if username/password', async () => { expect.assertions(1); await expect( bitbucket.initPlatform({ endpoint: 'endpoint', username: 'abc', password: '123', }), ).resolves.not.toThrow(); }); it('should not throw if token', async () => { expect.assertions(1); await expect( bitbucket.initPlatform({ endpoint: 'endpoint', token: 'abc', }), ).resolves.not.toThrow(); }); it('should throw if version could not be fetched', async () => { httpMock .scope('') .get('/rest/api/1.0/application-properties') .reply(403); httpMock .scope('') .get(`/rest/api/1.0/users/${username}`) .reply(200, userInfo); await bitbucket.initPlatform({ endpoint: '', username: 'abc', password: '123', }); expect(logger.debug).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.any(Object), 'Error authenticating with Bitbucket. Check that your token includes "api" permissions', ); }); it('should not throw if user info fetch fails', async () => { httpMock .scope(urlHost) .get(`${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/application-properties`) .reply(200, { version: '8.0.0' }); httpMock .scope(urlHost) .get(`${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/users/${username}`) .reply(404); expect( await bitbucket.initPlatform({ endpoint: url.href, username, password, }), ).toEqual({ endpoint: ensureTrailingSlash(url.href), }); expect(logger.debug).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.any(Object), 'Failed to get user info, fallback gitAuthor will be used', ); }); it('should skip api call to fetch version when platform version is set in environment', async () => { process.env.RENOVATE_X_PLATFORM_VERSION = '8.0.0'; httpMock .scope('') .get(`/rest/api/1.0/users/${username}`) .reply(200, userInfo); await expect( bitbucket.initPlatform({ endpoint: '', username: 'abc', password: '123', }), ).toResolve(); delete process.env.RENOVATE_X_PLATFORM_VERSION; }); it('should skip users api call when gitAuthor is configured', async () => { httpMock .scope(urlHost) .get(`${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/application-properties`) .reply(200, { version: '8.0.0' }); expect( await bitbucket.initPlatform({ endpoint: url.href, username: 'def', password: '123', gitAuthor: `Def Abc <>`, }), ).toEqual({ endpoint: ensureTrailingSlash(url.href), }); }); it('should skip users api call when no username', async () => { httpMock .scope(urlHost) .get(`${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/application-properties`) .reply(200, { version: '8.0.0' }); expect( await bitbucket.initPlatform({ endpoint: url.href, token: '123', }), ).toEqual({ endpoint: ensureTrailingSlash(url.href), }); }); it('should fetch user info if token with username', async () => { httpMock .scope(urlHost) .get(`${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/application-properties`) .reply(200, { version: '8.0.0' }); httpMock .scope(urlHost) .get(`${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/users/${username}`) .reply(200, userInfo); expect( await bitbucket.initPlatform({ endpoint: url.href, token: '123', username, }), ).toEqual({ endpoint: ensureTrailingSlash(url.href), gitAuthor: `${userInfo.displayName} <${userInfo.emailAddress}>`, }); }); it('should init', async () => { httpMock .scope('') .get('/rest/api/1.0/application-properties') .reply(200, { version: '8.0.0' }); httpMock .scope('') .get(`/rest/api/1.0/users/${username}`) .reply(200, userInfo); expect( await bitbucket.initPlatform({ endpoint: '', username: 'abc', password: '123', }), ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('getRepos()', () => { it('returns repos', async () => { expect.assertions(1); httpMock .scope(urlHost) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/repos?permission=REPO_WRITE&state=AVAILABLE&limit=100`, ) .reply(200, { size: 1, limit: 100, isLastPage: true, values: [repoMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')], start: 0, }); expect(await bitbucket.getRepos()).toEqual(['SOME/repo']); }); }); describe('initRepo()', () => { it('works', async () => { expect.assertions(1); httpMock .scope(urlHost) .get(`${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo`) .reply(200, repoMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/branches/default`, ) .reply(200, { displayId: 'master', }); expect( await bitbucket.initRepo({ endpoint: '', repository: 'SOME/repo', }), ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('no git url', async () => { expect.assertions(1); httpMock .scope(urlHost) .get(`${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo`) .reply(200, repoMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/branches/default`, ) .reply(200, { displayId: 'master', }); expect( await bitbucket.initRepo({ endpoint: '', repository: 'SOME/repo', }), ).toEqual({ defaultBranch: 'master', isFork: false, repoFingerprint: expect.any(String), }); }); it('gitUrl ssh returns ssh url', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const responseMock = repoMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo', { cloneUrl: { https: false, ssh: true }, }); httpMock .scope(urlHost) .get(`${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo`) .reply(200, responseMock) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/branches/default`, ) .reply(200, { displayId: 'master', }); const res = await bitbucket.initRepo({ endpoint: '', repository: 'SOME/repo', gitUrl: 'ssh', }); expect(git.initRepo).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ url: sshLink('SOME', 'repo') }), ); expect(res).toEqual({ defaultBranch: 'master', isFork: false, repoFingerprint: expect.any(String), }); }); it('gitURL endpoint returns generates endpoint URL', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const link = httpLink(url.toString(), 'SOME', 'repo'); const responseMock = repoMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo', { cloneUrl: { https: false, ssh: false }, }); httpMock .scope(urlHost) .get(`${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo`) .reply(200, responseMock) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/branches/default`, ) .reply(200, { displayId: 'master', }); git.getUrl.mockReturnValueOnce(link); const res = await bitbucket.initRepo({ endpoint: '', repository: 'SOME/repo', gitUrl: 'endpoint', }); expect(git.initRepo).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ url: link, }), ); expect(res).toEqual({ defaultBranch: 'master', isFork: false, repoFingerprint: expect.any(String), }); }); it('gitUrl default returns http from API with injected auth', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const responseMock = repoMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo', { cloneUrl: { https: true, ssh: true }, }); httpMock .scope(urlHost) .get(`${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo`) .reply(200, responseMock) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/branches/default`, ) .reply(200, { displayId: 'master', }); const res = await bitbucket.initRepo({ endpoint: '', repository: 'SOME/repo', gitUrl: 'default', }); expect(git.initRepo).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ url: httpLink(url.toString(), 'SOME', 'repo').replace( 'https://', `https://${username}:${password}@`, ), }), ); expect(res).toEqual({ defaultBranch: 'master', isFork: false, repoFingerprint: expect.any(String), }); }); it('uses ssh url from API if http not in API response', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const responseMock = repoMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo', { cloneUrl: { https: false, ssh: true }, }); httpMock .scope(urlHost) .get(`${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo`) .reply(200, responseMock) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/branches/default`, ) .reply(200, { displayId: 'master', }); const res = await bitbucket.initRepo({ endpoint: '', repository: 'SOME/repo', }); expect(git.initRepo).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ url: sshLink('SOME', 'repo') }), ); expect(res).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('uses http url from API with injected auth if http url in API response', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const responseMock = repoMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo', { cloneUrl: { https: true, ssh: true }, }); httpMock .scope(urlHost) .get(`${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo`) .reply(200, responseMock) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/branches/default`, ) .reply(200, { displayId: 'master', }); const res = await bitbucket.initRepo({ endpoint: '', repository: 'SOME/repo', }); expect(git.initRepo).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ url: httpLink(url.toString(), 'SOME', 'repo').replace( 'https://', `https://${username}:${password}@`, ), }), ); expect(res).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('generates URL if API does not contain clone links', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const link = httpLink(url.toString(), 'SOME', 'repo'); const responseMock = repoMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo', { cloneUrl: { https: false, ssh: false }, }); httpMock .scope(urlHost) .get(`${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo`) .reply(200, responseMock) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/branches/default`, ) .reply(200, { displayId: 'master', }); git.getUrl.mockReturnValueOnce(link); const res = await bitbucket.initRepo({ endpoint: '', repository: 'SOME/repo', }); expect(git.initRepo).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ url: link, }), ); expect(res).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('throws REPOSITORY_EMPTY if there is no default branch', async () => { expect.assertions(1); httpMock .scope(urlHost) .get(`${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo`) .reply(200, repoMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/branches/default`, ) .reply(204); await expect( bitbucket.initRepo({ endpoint: '', repository: 'SOME/repo', }), ).rejects.toThrow(REPOSITORY_EMPTY); }); }); describe('repoForceRebase()', () => { it('returns false on missing mergeConfig', async () => { expect.assertions(1); httpMock .scope(urlHost) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/undefined/repos/undefined/settings/pull-requests`, ) .reply(200, { mergeConfig: null, }); const actual = await bitbucket.getBranchForceRebase!('main'); expect(actual).toBeFalse(); }); it('returns false on missing defaultStrategy', async () => { expect.assertions(1); httpMock .scope(urlHost) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/undefined/repos/undefined/settings/pull-requests`, ) .reply(200, { mergeConfig: { defaultStrategy: null, }, }); const actual = await bitbucket.getBranchForceRebase!('main'); expect(actual).toBeFalse(); }); it.each(['ff-only', 'rebase-ff-only', 'squash-ff-only'])( 'return true if %s strategy is enabled', async (id) => { expect.assertions(1); httpMock .scope(urlHost) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/undefined/repos/undefined/settings/pull-requests`, ) .reply(200, { mergeConfig: { defaultStrategy: { id, }, }, }); const actual = await bitbucket.getBranchForceRebase!('main'); expect(actual).toBeTrue(); }, ); it.each(['no-ff', 'ff', 'rebase-no-ff', 'squash'])( 'return false if %s strategy is enabled', async (id) => { expect.assertions(1); httpMock .scope(urlHost) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/undefined/repos/undefined/settings/pull-requests`, ) .reply(200, { mergeConfig: { defaultStrategy: { id, }, }, }); const actual = await bitbucket.getBranchForceRebase!('main'); expect(actual).toBeFalse(); }, ); }); describe('addAssignees()', () => { it('does not throw', async () => { expect(await bitbucket.addAssignees(3, ['some'])).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('addReviewers', () => { it('does not throw', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .twice() .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .put( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')); expect(await bitbucket.addReviewers(5, ['name'])).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('sends the reviewer name as a reviewer', async () => { expect.assertions(1); const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .twice() .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .put( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')); await expect(bitbucket.addReviewers(5, ['name'])).toResolve(); }); it('throws not-found 1', async () => { await initRepo(); await expect( bitbucket.addReviewers(null as any, ['name']), ).rejects.toThrow(REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND); }); it('throws not-found 2', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/4`, ) .reply(404); await expect(bitbucket.addReviewers(4, ['name'])).rejects.toThrow( REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND, ); }); it('throws not-found 3', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .put( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(404); await expect(bitbucket.addReviewers(5, ['name'])).rejects.toThrow( REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND, ); }); it('does not throws repository-changed after 1 try', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .thrice() .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .put( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(409) .put( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')); await expect(bitbucket.addReviewers(5, ['name'])).toResolve(); }); it('does not throws repository-changed after 2 tries', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .times(4) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .put( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .twice() .reply(409) .put( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')); await expect(bitbucket.addReviewers(5, ['name'])).toResolve(); }); it('throws repository-changed after 3 tries', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .thrice() .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .put( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .thrice() .reply(409); await expect(bitbucket.addReviewers(5, ['name'])).rejects.toThrow( REPOSITORY_CHANGED, ); }); it('throws on invalid reviewers', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .put( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(409, { errors: [ { context: 'reviewers', message: 'Errors encountered while adding some reviewers to this pull request.', exceptionName: 'com.atlassian.bitbucket.pull.InvalidPullRequestReviewersException', reviewerErrors: [ { context: 'name', message: 'name is not a user.', exceptionName: null, }, ], validReviewers: [], }, ], }); await expect( bitbucket.addReviewers(5, ['name']), ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot(); }); it('throws', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .put( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(405); await expect( bitbucket.addReviewers(5, ['name']), ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot(); }); }); describe('deleteLAbel()', () => { it('does not throw', async () => { expect(await bitbucket.deleteLabel(5, 'renovate')).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('ensureComment()', () => { it('does not throw', async () => { httpMock .scope(urlHost) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/undefined/repos/undefined/pull-requests/3/activities?limit=100`, ) .reply(200); const res = await bitbucket.ensureComment({ number: 3, topic: 'topic', content: 'content', }); expect(res).toBeFalse(); }); it('add comment if not found 1', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/activities?limit=100`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: false, nextPageStart: 1, values: [ { action: 'COMMENTED', commentAction: 'ADDED', comment: { id: 21, text: '### some-subject\n\nblablabla' }, }, { action: 'COMMENTED', commentAction: 'ADDED', comment: { id: 22, text: '!merge' }, }, ], }) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/activities?limit=100&start=1`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [{ action: 'OTHER' }], }) .post( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/comments`, ) .reply(200); expect( await bitbucket.ensureComment({ number: 5, topic: 'topic', content: 'content', }), ).toBeTrue(); }); it('add comment if not found 2', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/activities?limit=100`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: false, nextPageStart: 1, values: [ { action: 'COMMENTED', commentAction: 'ADDED', comment: { id: 21, text: '### some-subject\n\nblablabla' }, }, { action: 'COMMENTED', commentAction: 'ADDED', comment: { id: 22, text: '!merge' }, }, ], }) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/activities?limit=100&start=1`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [{ action: 'OTHER' }], }) .post( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/comments`, ) .reply(200); expect( await bitbucket.ensureComment({ number: 5, topic: null, content: 'content', }), ).toBeTrue(); }); it('add updates comment if necessary 1', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/activities?limit=100`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: false, nextPageStart: 1, values: [ { action: 'COMMENTED', commentAction: 'ADDED', comment: { id: 21, text: '### some-subject\n\nblablabla' }, }, { action: 'COMMENTED', commentAction: 'ADDED', comment: { id: 22, text: '!merge' }, }, ], }) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/activities?limit=100&start=1`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [{ action: 'OTHER' }], }) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/comments/21`, ) .reply(200, { version: 1, }) .put( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/comments/21`, ) .reply(200); expect( await bitbucket.ensureComment({ number: 5, topic: 'some-subject', content: 'some\ncontent', }), ).toBeTrue(); }); it('add updates comment if necessary 2', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/activities?limit=100`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: false, nextPageStart: 1, values: [ { action: 'COMMENTED', commentAction: 'ADDED', comment: { id: 21, text: '### some-subject\n\nblablabla' }, }, { action: 'COMMENTED', commentAction: 'ADDED', comment: { id: 22, text: '!merge' }, }, ], }) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/activities?limit=100&start=1`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [{ action: 'OTHER' }], }) .post( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/comments`, ) .reply(200); expect( await bitbucket.ensureComment({ number: 5, topic: null, content: 'some\ncontent', }), ).toBeTrue(); }); it('skips comment 1', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/activities?limit=100`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: false, nextPageStart: 1, values: [ { action: 'COMMENTED', commentAction: 'ADDED', comment: { id: 21, text: '### some-subject\n\nblablabla' }, }, { action: 'COMMENTED', commentAction: 'ADDED', comment: { id: 22, text: '!merge' }, }, ], }) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/activities?limit=100&start=1`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [{ action: 'OTHER' }], }); expect( await bitbucket.ensureComment({ number: 5, topic: 'some-subject', content: 'blablabla', }), ).toBeTrue(); }); it('skips comment 2', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/activities?limit=100`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: false, nextPageStart: 1, values: [ { action: 'COMMENTED', commentAction: 'ADDED', comment: { id: 21, text: '### some-subject\n\nblablabla' }, }, { action: 'COMMENTED', commentAction: 'ADDED', comment: { id: 22, text: '!merge' }, }, ], }) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/activities?limit=100&start=1`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [{ action: 'OTHER' }], }); const res = await bitbucket.ensureComment({ number: 5, topic: null, content: '!merge', }); expect(res).toBeTrue(); }); }); describe('ensureCommentRemoval()', () => { it('does not throw', async () => { httpMock .scope(urlHost) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/undefined/repos/undefined/pull-requests/5/activities?limit=100`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: false, nextPageStart: 1, values: [ { action: 'COMMENTED', commentAction: 'ADDED', comment: { id: 21, text: '### some-subject\n\nblablabla' }, }, { action: 'COMMENTED', commentAction: 'ADDED', comment: { id: 22, text: '!merge' }, }, ], }) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/undefined/repos/undefined/pull-requests/5/activities?limit=100&start=1`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [{ action: 'OTHER' }], }); await expect( bitbucket.ensureCommentRemoval({ type: 'by-topic', number: 5, topic: 'topic', }), ).toResolve(); }); it('deletes comment by topic if found', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/activities?limit=100`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: false, nextPageStart: 1, values: [ { action: 'COMMENTED', commentAction: 'ADDED', comment: { id: 21, text: '### some-subject\n\nblablabla' }, }, { action: 'COMMENTED', commentAction: 'ADDED', comment: { id: 22, text: '!merge' }, }, ], }) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/activities?limit=100&start=1`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [{ action: 'OTHER' }], }) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/comments/21`, ) .reply(200, { version: 1, }) .delete( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/comments/21?version=1`, ) .reply(200); await expect( bitbucket.ensureCommentRemoval({ type: 'by-topic', number: 5, topic: 'some-subject', }), ).toResolve(); }); it('deletes comment by content if found', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/activities?limit=100`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: false, nextPageStart: 1, values: [ { action: 'COMMENTED', commentAction: 'ADDED', comment: { id: 21, text: '### some-subject\n\nblablabla' }, }, { action: 'COMMENTED', commentAction: 'ADDED', comment: { id: 22, text: '!merge' }, }, ], }) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/activities?limit=100&start=1`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [{ action: 'OTHER' }], }) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/comments/22`, ) .reply(200, { version: 1, }) .delete( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/comments/22?version=1`, ) .reply(200); await expect( bitbucket.ensureCommentRemoval({ type: 'by-content', number: 5, content: '!merge', }), ).toResolve(); }); it('deletes nothing', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/activities?limit=100`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: false, nextPageStart: 1, values: [ { action: 'COMMENTED', commentAction: 'ADDED', comment: { id: 21, text: '### some-subject\n\nblablabla' }, }, { action: 'COMMENTED', commentAction: 'ADDED', comment: { id: 22, text: '!merge' }, }, ], }) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/activities?limit=100&start=1`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [{ action: 'OTHER' }], }); await expect( bitbucket.ensureCommentRemoval({ type: 'by-topic', number: 5, topic: 'topic', }), ).toResolve(); }); }); describe('getPrList()', () => { it('has pr', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests?state=ALL&role.1=AUTHOR&username.1=abc&limit=100`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')], }); expect(await bitbucket.getPrList()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('getBranchPr()', () => { it('has pr', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests?state=ALL&role.1=AUTHOR&username.1=abc&limit=100`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')], }) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')); expect( await bitbucket.getBranchPr('userName1/pullRequest5'), ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('has no pr', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests?state=ALL&role.1=AUTHOR&username.1=abc&limit=100`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')], }); expect( await bitbucket.getBranchPr('userName1/pullRequest1'), ).toBeNull(); }); it('has no existing pr', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests?state=ALL&role.1=AUTHOR&username.1=abc&limit=100`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [], }); expect( await bitbucket.getBranchPr('userName1/pullRequest1'), ).toBeNull(); }); }); describe('findPr()', () => { it('has pr', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests?state=ALL&role.1=AUTHOR&username.1=abc&limit=100`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')], }); expect( await bitbucket.findPr({ branchName: 'userName1/pullRequest5', prTitle: 'title', state: 'open', }), ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('has no pr', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests?state=ALL&role.1=AUTHOR&username.1=abc&limit=100`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')], }); expect( await bitbucket.findPr({ branchName: 'userName1/pullRequest5', prTitle: 'title', state: 'closed', }), ).toBeNull(); }); it('finds pr from other authors', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests?state=OPEN&direction=outgoing&at=refs/heads/branch&limit=1`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')], }); expect( await bitbucket.findPr({ branchName: 'branch', state: 'open', includeOtherAuthors: true, }), ).toMatchObject({ number: 5, sourceBranch: 'userName1/pullRequest5', targetBranch: 'master', title: 'title', state: 'open', }); }); it('returns null if no pr found - (includeOtherAuthors)', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests?state=OPEN&direction=outgoing&at=refs/heads/branch&limit=1`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [], }); const pr = await bitbucket.findPr({ branchName: 'branch', state: 'open', includeOtherAuthors: true, }); expect(pr).toBeNull(); }); }); describe('createPr()', () => { it('posts PR', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get(`${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo`) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/default-reviewers/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/reviewers?sourceRefId=refs/heads/branch&targetRefId=refs/heads/master&sourceRepoId=5&targetRepoId=5`, ) .reply(200, [{ name: 'jcitizen' }]) .post( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests`, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')); const pr = await bitbucket.createPr({ sourceBranch: 'branch', targetBranch: 'master', prTitle: 'title', prBody: 'body', platformPrOptions: { bbUseDefaultReviewers: true, }, }); expect(pr?.number).toBe(5); }); it('posts PR default branch', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get(`${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo`) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/default-reviewers/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/reviewers?sourceRefId=refs/heads/branch&targetRefId=refs/heads/master&sourceRepoId=5&targetRepoId=5`, ) .reply(200, [{ name: 'jcitizen' }]) .post( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests`, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')); const pr = await bitbucket.createPr({ sourceBranch: 'branch', targetBranch: 'master', prTitle: 'title', prBody: 'body', labels: null, platformPrOptions: { bbUseDefaultReviewers: true, }, }); expect(pr?.number).toBe(5); }); }); describe('getPr()', () => { it('returns null for no prNo', async () => { httpMock.scope(urlHost); expect(await bitbucket.getPr(undefined as any)).toBeNull(); }); it('gets a PR', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')); expect(await bitbucket.getPr(5)).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('canRebase', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/3`, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .twice() .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')); expect(await bitbucket.getPr(3)).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(await bitbucket.getPr(5)).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(await bitbucket.getPr(5)).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('gets a closed PR', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, { version: 0, number: 5, state: 'MERGED', reviewers: [], fromRef: {}, toRef: {}, }); expect(await bitbucket.getPr(5)).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('updatePr()', () => { it('puts PR', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .put( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, { ...prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo'), toRef: { id: 'refs/heads/new_base', displayId: 'new_base', latestCommit: '0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e', }, }); await expect( bitbucket.updatePr({ number: 5, prTitle: 'title', prBody: 'body', targetBranch: 'new_base', }), ).toResolve(); }); it('closes PR', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .put( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, { ...prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo'), state: 'OPEN', version: 42, }) .post( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/decline?version=42`, ) .reply(200, { status: 'DECLINED' }); await expect( bitbucket.updatePr({ number: 5, prTitle: 'title', prBody: 'body', state: 'closed', }), ).toResolve(); }); it('re-opens PR', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .put( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, { ...prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo'), state: 'DECLINED', version: 42, }) .post( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/reopen?version=42`, ) .reply(200, { status: 'OPEN' }); await expect( bitbucket.updatePr({ number: 5, prTitle: 'title', prBody: 'body', state: 'open', }), ).toResolve(); }); it('throws not-found 1', async () => { await initRepo(); await expect( bitbucket.updatePr({ number: null as any, prTitle: 'title', prBody: 'body', }), ).rejects.toThrow(REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND); }); it('throws not-found 2', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/4`, ) .reply(404); await expect( bitbucket.updatePr({ number: 4, prTitle: 'title', prBody: 'body' }), ).rejects.toThrow(REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND); }); it('throws not-found 3', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .put( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(404); await expect( bitbucket.updatePr({ number: 5, prTitle: 'title', prBody: 'body' }), ).rejects.toThrow(REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND); }); it('handles invalid users gracefully by retrying without invalid reviewers', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .put( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(409, { errors: [ { context: 'reviewers', message: 'Errors encountered while adding some reviewers to this pull request.', exceptionName: 'com.atlassian.bitbucket.pull.InvalidPullRequestReviewersException', reviewerErrors: [ { context: 'userName2', message: 'userName2 is not a user.', exceptionName: null, }, ], validReviewers: [], }, ], }) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .put( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, (body) => body.reviewers.length === 0, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')); await expect( bitbucket.updatePr({ number: 5, prTitle: 'title', prBody: 'body', state: 'open', }), ).toResolve(); }); it('throws repository-changed', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .put( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(409); await expect( bitbucket.updatePr({ number: 5, prTitle: 'title', prBody: 'body' }), ).rejects.toThrow(REPOSITORY_CHANGED); }); it('throws', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .put( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(405); await expect( bitbucket.updatePr({ number: 5, prTitle: 'title', prBody: 'body' }), ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot(); }); }); it('ensure runtime getPrList() integrity', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get(`${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo`) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/default-reviewers/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/reviewers?sourceRefId=refs/heads/branch&targetRefId=refs/heads/master&sourceRepoId=5&targetRepoId=5`, ) .reply(200, [{ name: 'jcitizen' }]) .post( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests`, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests?state=ALL&role.1=AUTHOR&username.1=abc&limit=100`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [], }) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .put( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, { ...prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo'), title: 'new_title' }); // initialize runtime pr list await bitbucket.getPrList(); const pr = await bitbucket.createPr({ sourceBranch: 'branch', targetBranch: 'master', prTitle: 'title', prBody: 'body', platformPrOptions: { bbUseDefaultReviewers: true, }, }); // check that created pr is added to runtime pr list const createdPr = (await bitbucket.getPrList()).find( (pri) => pri.number === pr?.number, ); expect(createdPr).toBeDefined(); await bitbucket.updatePr({ number: 5, prTitle: 'new_title', prBody: 'body', targetBranch: 'master', }); // check that runtime pr list is updated after updatePr() call const updatedPr = (await bitbucket.getPrList()).find( (pri) => pri.number === pr?.number, ); expect(updatedPr?.title).toBe('new_title'); }); describe('mergePr()', () => { it('posts Merge', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .post( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/merge?version=1`, ) .reply(200); expect( await bitbucket.mergePr({ branchName: 'branch', id: 5, }), ).toBeTrue(); }); it('throws not-found 1', async () => { await initRepo(); const res = bitbucket.mergePr({ branchName: 'branch', id: null as any, }); await expect(res).rejects.toThrow(REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND); }); it('throws not-found 2', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/4`, ) .reply(404); await expect( bitbucket.mergePr({ branchName: 'branch', id: 4, }), ).rejects.toThrow(REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND); }); it('throws not-found 3', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .post( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/merge?version=1`, ) .reply(404); await expect( bitbucket.mergePr({ branchName: 'branch', id: 5, }), ).rejects.toThrow(REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND); }); it('throws conflicted', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .post( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/merge?version=1`, ) .reply(409); expect( await bitbucket.mergePr({ branchName: 'branch', id: 5, }), ).toBeFalsy(); }); it('unknown error', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5`, ) .reply(200, prMock(url, 'SOME', 'repo')) .post( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/pull-requests/5/merge?version=1`, ) .reply(405); await expect( bitbucket.mergePr({ branchName: 'branch', id: 5, }), ).resolves.toBeFalse(); }); }); describe('massageMarkdown()', () => { it('returns diff files', () => { expect( bitbucket.massageMarkdown( '<details><summary>foo</summary>bar</details>text<details>', ), ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('sanitizes HTML comments in the body', () => { const prBody = bitbucket.massageMarkdown(`--- - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox - [ ] <!-- recreate-branch=renovate/docker-renovate-renovate-16.x --><a href="/some/link">Update renovate/renovate to 16.1.2</a> --- <!----> Empty comment. <!-- This is another comment --> Followed by some information. <!-- followed by some more comments -->`); expect(prBody).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('getBranchStatus()', () => { it('should be success', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/stats/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e`, ) .reply(200, { successful: 3, inProgress: 0, failed: 0, }); expect(await bitbucket.getBranchStatus('somebranch', true)).toBe( 'green', ); }); it('should be pending', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/stats/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e`, ) .reply(200, { successful: 3, inProgress: 1, failed: 0, }); expect(await bitbucket.getBranchStatus('somebranch', true)).toBe( 'yellow', ); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/stats/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e`, ) .reply(200, { successful: 0, inProgress: 0, failed: 0, }); expect(await bitbucket.getBranchStatus('somebranch', true)).toBe( 'yellow', ); }); it('should be failed', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/stats/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e`, ) .reply(200, { successful: 1, inProgress: 1, failed: 1, }); expect(await bitbucket.getBranchStatus('somebranch', true)).toBe( 'red', ); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/stats/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e`, ) .replyWithError('requst-failed'); expect(await bitbucket.getBranchStatus('somebranch', true)).toBe( 'red', ); }); it('throws repository-changed', async () => { git.branchExists.mockReturnValue(false); await initRepo(); await expect( bitbucket.getBranchStatus('somebranch', true), ).rejects.toThrow(REPOSITORY_CHANGED); }); }); describe('getBranchStatusCheck()', () => { it('should be success', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e?limit=100`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [ { state: 'SUCCESSFUL', key: 'context-2', url: '', }, ], }); expect( await bitbucket.getBranchStatusCheck('somebranch', 'context-2'), ).toBe('green'); }); it('should be pending', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e?limit=100`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [ { state: 'INPROGRESS', key: 'context-2', url: '', }, ], }); expect( await bitbucket.getBranchStatusCheck('somebranch', 'context-2'), ).toBe('yellow'); }); it('should be failure', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e?limit=100`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [ { state: 'FAILED', key: 'context-2', url: '', }, ], }); expect( await bitbucket.getBranchStatusCheck('somebranch', 'context-2'), ).toBe('red'); }); it('should be null', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e?limit=100`, ) .replyWithError('requst-failed'); expect( await bitbucket.getBranchStatusCheck('somebranch', 'context-2'), ).toBeNull(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e?limit=100`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [], }); expect( await bitbucket.getBranchStatusCheck('somebranch', 'context-2'), ).toBeNull(); }); }); describe('setBranchStatus()', () => { it('should be success 1', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e?limit=100`, ) .twice() .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [{ key: 'context-1', state: 'SUCCESSFUL' }], }) .post( `${urlPath}/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e`, ) .reply(200) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/stats/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e`, ) .reply(200, {}); await expect( bitbucket.setBranchStatus({ branchName: 'somebranch', context: 'context-2', description: null as any, state: 'green', }), ).toResolve(); }); it('should be success 2', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e?limit=100`, ) .twice() .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [{ key: 'context-1', state: 'SUCCESSFUL' }], }) .post( `${urlPath}/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e`, ) .reply(200) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/stats/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e`, ) .reply(200, {}); await expect( bitbucket.setBranchStatus({ branchName: 'somebranch', context: 'context-2', description: null as any, state: 'red', }), ).toResolve(); }); it('should be success 3', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e?limit=100`, ) .twice() .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [{ key: 'context-1', state: 'SUCCESSFUL' }], }) .post( `${urlPath}/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e`, ) .reply(200) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/stats/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e`, ) .reply(200, {}); await expect( bitbucket.setBranchStatus({ branchName: 'somebranch', context: 'context-2', description: null as any, state: 'red', }), ).toResolve(); }); it('should be success 4', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e?limit=100`, ) .twice() .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [{ key: 'context-1', state: 'SUCCESSFUL' }], }) .post( `${urlPath}/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e`, ) .reply(200) .get( `${urlPath}/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/stats/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e`, ) .reply(200, {}); await expect( bitbucket.setBranchStatus({ branchName: 'somebranch', context: 'context-2', description: null as any, state: 'yellow', }), ).toResolve(); }); it('should be success 5', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e?limit=100`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [{ key: 'context-1', state: 'SUCCESSFUL' }], }) .post( `${urlPath}/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e`, ) .replyWithError('requst-failed'); await expect( bitbucket.setBranchStatus({ branchName: 'somebranch', context: 'context-2', description: null as any, state: 'green', }), ).toResolve(); }); it('should be success 6', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/build-status/1.0/commits/0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e?limit=100`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, values: [{ key: 'context-1', state: 'SUCCESSFUL' }], }); await expect( bitbucket.setBranchStatus({ branchName: 'somebranch', context: 'context-1', description: null as any, state: 'green', }), ).toResolve(); }); }); describe('getJsonFile()', () => { it('returns file content', async () => { const data = { foo: 'bar' }; const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/browse/file.json?limit=20000`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, lines: [{ text: JSON.stringify(data) }], }); const res = await bitbucket.getJsonFile('file.json'); expect(res).toEqual(data); }); it('returns file content in json5 format', async () => { const lines = [ { text: '{' }, { text: ' // json5 comment' }, { text: ' foo: "bar"' }, { text: '}' }, ]; const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/browse/file.json5?limit=20000`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, lines, }); const res = await bitbucket.getJsonFile('file.json5'); expect(res).toEqual({ foo: 'bar' }); }); it('returns file content from given repo', async () => { const data = { foo: 'bar' }; const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/DIFFERENT/repos/repo/browse/file.json?limit=20000`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, lines: [{ text: JSON.stringify(data) }], }); const res = await bitbucket.getJsonFile( 'file.json', 'DIFFERENT/repo', ); expect(res).toEqual(data); }); it('returns file content from branch or tag', async () => { const data = { foo: 'bar' }; const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/browse/file.json?limit=20000&at=dev`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, lines: [{ text: JSON.stringify(data) }], }); const res = await bitbucket.getJsonFile( 'file.json', 'SOME/repo', 'dev', ); expect(res).toEqual(data); }); it('throws on malformed JSON', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/browse/file.json?limit=20000`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: true, lines: [{ text: '!@#' }], }); await expect(bitbucket.getJsonFile('file.json')).rejects.toThrow(); }); it('throws on long content', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/browse/file.json?limit=20000`, ) .reply(200, { isLastPage: false, lines: [{ text: '{' }], }); await expect(bitbucket.getJsonFile('file.json')).rejects.toThrow(); }); it('throws on errors', async () => { const scope = await initRepo(); scope .get( `${urlPath}/rest/api/1.0/projects/SOME/repos/repo/browse/file.json?limit=20000`, ) .replyWithError('some error'); await expect(bitbucket.getJsonFile('file.json')).rejects.toThrow(); }); }); }); }); });