mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 23:36:57 +00:00
309 lines
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309 lines
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import url from 'node:url';
import is from '@sindresorhus/is';
import changelogFilenameRegex from 'changelog-filename-regex';
import { logger } from '../../../logger';
import { coerceArray } from '../../../util/array';
import { parse } from '../../../util/html';
import type { OutgoingHttpHeaders } from '../../../util/http/types';
import { regEx } from '../../../util/regex';
import { ensureTrailingSlash, parseUrl } from '../../../util/url';
import * as pep440 from '../../versioning/pep440';
import { Datasource } from '../datasource';
import type { GetReleasesConfig, Release, ReleaseResult } from '../types';
import { getGoogleAuthToken } from '../util';
import { isGitHubRepo, normalizePythonDepName } from './common';
import type { PypiJSON, PypiJSONRelease, Releases } from './types';
export class PypiDatasource extends Datasource {
static readonly id = 'pypi';
constructor() {
override readonly caching = true;
override readonly customRegistrySupport = true;
static readonly defaultURL =
process.env.PIP_INDEX_URL ?? 'https://pypi.org/pypi/';
override readonly defaultRegistryUrls = [PypiDatasource.defaultURL];
override readonly defaultVersioning = pep440.id;
override readonly registryStrategy = 'merge';
override readonly releaseTimestampNote =
'The relase timestamp is determined from the `upload_time` field in the results.';
override readonly sourceUrlSupport = 'release';
override readonly sourceUrlNote =
'The source URL is determined from the `homepage` field if it is a github repository, else we use the `project_urls` field.';
async getReleases({
}: GetReleasesConfig): Promise<ReleaseResult | null> {
let dependency: ReleaseResult | null = null;
// TODO: null check (#22198)
const hostUrl = ensureTrailingSlash(
registryUrl!.replace('https://pypi.org/simple', 'https://pypi.org/pypi'),
const normalizedLookupName = normalizePythonDepName(packageName);
// not all simple indexes use this identifier, but most do
if (hostUrl.endsWith('/simple/') || hostUrl.endsWith('/+simple/')) {
{ packageName, hostUrl },
'Looking up pypi simple dependency',
dependency = await this.getSimpleDependency(
} else {
logger.trace({ packageName, hostUrl }, 'Looking up pypi api dependency');
try {
// we need to resolve early here so we can catch any 404s and fallback to a simple lookup
dependency = await this.getDependency(normalizedLookupName, hostUrl);
} catch (err) {
// error contacting json-style api -- attempt to fallback to a simple-style api
{ packageName, hostUrl, err },
'Looking up pypi simple dependency via fallback',
dependency = await this.getSimpleDependency(
return dependency;
private async getAuthHeaders(
lookupUrl: string,
): Promise<OutgoingHttpHeaders> {
const parsedUrl = parseUrl(lookupUrl);
if (!parsedUrl) {
logger.once.debug({ lookupUrl }, 'Failed to parse URL');
return {};
if (parsedUrl.hostname.endsWith('.pkg.dev')) {
const auth = await getGoogleAuthToken();
if (auth) {
return { authorization: `Basic ${auth}` };
logger.once.debug({ lookupUrl }, 'Could not get Google access token');
return {};
return {};
private async getDependency(
packageName: string,
hostUrl: string,
): Promise<ReleaseResult | null> {
const lookupUrl = url.resolve(
const dependency: ReleaseResult = { releases: [] };
logger.trace({ lookupUrl }, 'Pypi api got lookup');
const headers = await this.getAuthHeaders(lookupUrl);
const rep = await this.http.getJson<PypiJSON>(lookupUrl, { headers });
const dep = rep?.body;
if (!dep) {
logger.trace({ dependency: packageName }, 'pip package not found');
return null;
if (rep.authorization) {
dependency.isPrivate = true;
logger.trace({ lookupUrl }, 'Got pypi api result');
if (dep.info?.home_page) {
dependency.homepage = dep.info.home_page;
if (isGitHubRepo(dep.info.home_page)) {
dependency.sourceUrl = dep.info.home_page.replace(
if (dep.info?.project_urls) {
for (const [name, projectUrl] of Object.entries(dep.info.project_urls)) {
const lower = name.toLowerCase();
if (
!dependency.sourceUrl &&
(lower.startsWith('repo') ||
lower === 'code' ||
lower === 'source' ||
) {
dependency.sourceUrl = projectUrl;
if (
!dependency.changelogUrl &&
'change log',
'release notes',
"what's new",
].includes(lower) ||
) {
// from https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/blob/418c7511dc367fb410c71be139545d0134ccb0df/warehouse/templates/packaging/detail.html#L24
dependency.changelogUrl = projectUrl;
if (dep.releases) {
const versions = Object.keys(dep.releases);
dependency.releases = versions.map((version) => {
const releases = coerceArray(dep.releases?.[version]);
const { upload_time: releaseTimestamp } = releases[0] || {};
const isDeprecated = releases.some(({ yanked }) => yanked);
const result: Release = {
if (isDeprecated) {
result.isDeprecated = isDeprecated;
// There may be multiple releases with different requires_python, so we return all in an array
const pythonConstraints = releases
.map(({ requires_python }) => requires_python)
result.constraints = {
python: Array.from(new Set(pythonConstraints)),
return result;
return dependency;
private static extractVersionFromLinkText(
text: string,
packageName: string,
): string | null {
// source packages
const lcText = text.toLowerCase();
const normalizedSrcText = normalizePythonDepName(text);
const srcPrefix = `${packageName}-`;
// source distribution format: `{name}-{version}.tar.gz` (https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/specifications/source-distribution-format/#source-distribution-file-name)
// binary distribution: `{distribution}-{version}(-{build tag})?-{python tag}-{abi tag}-{platform tag}.whl` (https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/specifications/binary-distribution-format/#file-name-convention)
// officially both `name` and `distribution` should be normalized and then the - replaced with _, but in reality this is not the case
// We therefore normalize the name we have (replacing `_-.` with -) and then check if the text starts with the normalized name
if (!normalizedSrcText.startsWith(srcPrefix)) {
return null;
// strip off the prefix using the prefix length as we may have normalized the srcPrefix/packageName
// We assume that neither the version nor the suffix contains multiple `-` like `0.1.2---rc1.tar.gz`
// and use the difference in length to strip off the prefix in case the name contains double `--` characters
const normalizedLengthDiff = lcText.length - normalizedSrcText.length;
const res = lcText.slice(srcPrefix.length + normalizedLengthDiff);
// source distribution
const srcSuffixes = ['.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', '.tar.xz', '.zip', '.tgz'];
const srcSuffix = srcSuffixes.find((suffix) => lcText.endsWith(suffix));
if (srcSuffix) {
// strip off the suffix using character length
return res.slice(0, -srcSuffix.length);
// binary distribution
// for binary distributions the version is the first part after the removed distribution name
const wheelSuffix = '.whl';
if (lcText.endsWith(wheelSuffix) && lcText.split('-').length > 2) {
return res.split('-')[0];
return null;
private static cleanSimpleHtml(html: string): string {
return (
.replace(regEx(/<\/?pre>/), '')
// Certain simple repositories like artifactory don't escape > and <
private async getSimpleDependency(
packageName: string,
hostUrl: string,
): Promise<ReleaseResult | null> {
const lookupUrl = url.resolve(
const dependency: ReleaseResult = { releases: [] };
const headers = await this.getAuthHeaders(lookupUrl);
const response = await this.http.get(lookupUrl, { headers });
const dep = response?.body;
if (!dep) {
logger.trace({ dependency: packageName }, 'pip package not found');
return null;
if (response.authorization) {
dependency.isPrivate = true;
const root = parse(PypiDatasource.cleanSimpleHtml(dep));
const links = root.querySelectorAll('a');
const releases: Releases = {};
for (const link of Array.from(links)) {
const version = PypiDatasource.extractVersionFromLinkText(
if (version) {
const release: PypiJSONRelease = {
yanked: link.hasAttribute('data-yanked'),
const requiresPython = link.getAttribute('data-requires-python');
if (requiresPython) {
release.requires_python = requiresPython;
if (!releases[version]) {
releases[version] = [];
const versions = Object.keys(releases);
dependency.releases = versions.map((version) => {
const versionReleases = coerceArray(releases[version]);
const isDeprecated = versionReleases.some(({ yanked }) => yanked);
const result: Release = { version };
if (isDeprecated) {
result.isDeprecated = isDeprecated;
// There may be multiple releases with different requires_python, so we return all in an array
result.constraints = {
// TODO: string[] isn't allowed here
python: versionReleases.map(
({ requires_python }) => requires_python,
) as any,
return result;
return dependency;