mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 15:26:58 +00:00
2992 lines
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2992 lines
86 KiB
import type { EnsureIssueConfig, Platform, RepoParams } from '..';
import * as httpMock from '../../../../test/http-mock';
import { mocked, partial } from '../../../../test/util';
import {
} from '../../../constants/error-messages';
import type { logger as _logger } from '../../../logger';
import type * as _git from '../../../util/git';
import type { LongCommitSha } from '../../../util/git/types';
import { setBaseUrl } from '../../../util/http/gitea';
import type {
} from './types';
* latest tested gitea version.
const GITEA_VERSION = '1.14.0+dev-754-g5d2b7ba63';
describe('modules/platform/gitea/index', () => {
let gitea: Platform;
let logger: jest.Mocked<typeof _logger>;
let git: jest.Mocked<typeof _git>;
let hostRules: typeof import('../../../util/host-rules');
let memCache: typeof import('../../../util/cache/memory');
function mockedRepo(opts: Partial<Repo>): Repo {
return partial<Repo>({
permissions: partial<RepoPermission>({ push: true, pull: true }),
has_pull_requests: true,
const mockCommitHash =
'0d9c7726c3d628b7e28af234595cfd20febdbf8e' as LongCommitSha;
const mockUser: User = {
id: 1,
username: 'renovate',
full_name: 'Renovate Bot',
email: 'renovate@example.com',
const mockRepo = mockedRepo({
allow_rebase: true,
clone_url: 'https://gitea.renovatebot.com/some/repo.git',
ssh_url: 'git@gitea.renovatebot.com/some/repo.git',
default_branch: 'master',
full_name: 'some/repo',
type MockPr = PR & Required<Pick<PR, 'head' | 'base'>>;
const mockRepos: Repo[] = [
mockedRepo({ full_name: 'a/b' }),
mockedRepo({ full_name: 'c/d' }),
mockedRepo({ full_name: 'e/f', mirror: true }),
const mockTopicRepos: Repo[] = [mockedRepo({ full_name: 'a/b' })];
const mockNamespaceRepos: Repo[] = [
mockedRepo({ full_name: 'org1/repo' }),
mockedRepo({ full_name: 'org2/repo' }),
mockedRepo({ full_name: 'org2/repo2', archived: true }),
const mockPRs: MockPr[] = [
number: 1,
title: 'Some PR',
body: 'some random pull request',
state: 'open',
diff_url: 'https://gitea.renovatebot.com/some/repo/pulls/1.diff',
created_at: '2015-03-22T20:36:16Z',
closed_at: '2015-03-22T21:36:16Z',
updated_at: '2015-03-22T21:36:16Z',
mergeable: true,
base: { ref: 'some-base-branch' },
head: {
label: 'some-head-branch',
sha: 'some-head-sha' as LongCommitSha,
repo: partial<Repo>({ full_name: mockRepo.full_name }),
number: 2,
title: 'Other PR',
body: 'other random pull request',
state: 'closed',
diff_url: 'https://gitea.renovatebot.com/some/repo/pulls/2.diff',
created_at: '2011-08-18T22:30:38Z',
closed_at: '2016-01-09T10:03:21Z',
updated_at: '2016-01-09T10:03:21Z',
mergeable: true,
base: { ref: 'other-base-branch' },
head: {
label: 'other-head-branch',
sha: 'other-head-sha' as LongCommitSha,
repo: partial<Repo>({ full_name: mockRepo.full_name }),
labels: [
id: 1,
name: 'bug',
number: 3,
title: 'WIP: Draft PR',
body: 'other random pull request',
state: 'open',
diff_url: 'https://gitea.renovatebot.com/some/repo/pulls/3.diff',
created_at: '2011-08-18T22:30:39Z',
closed_at: '2016-01-09T10:03:22Z',
updated_at: '2017-01-09T10:03:22Z',
mergeable: false,
base: { ref: 'draft-base-branch' },
head: {
label: 'draft-head-branch',
sha: 'draft-head-sha' as LongCommitSha,
repo: partial<Repo>({ full_name: mockRepo.full_name }),
number: 4,
title: 'Merged PR',
body: 'other random merged pull request',
state: 'closed',
diff_url: 'https://gitea.renovatebot.com/some/repo/pulls/4.diff',
created_at: '2011-08-18T22:30:38Z',
closed_at: '2016-01-09T10:03:21Z',
updated_at: '2016-01-09T10:03:21Z',
mergeable: true,
merged: true,
base: { ref: 'other-base-branch' },
head: {
label: 'merged-head-branch',
sha: 'merged-head-sha' as LongCommitSha,
repo: partial<Repo>({ full_name: mockRepo.full_name }),
labels: [
id: 1,
name: 'bug',
const mockIssues: Issue[] = [
number: 1,
title: 'open-issue',
state: 'open',
body: 'some-content',
assignees: [],
labels: [],
number: 2,
title: 'closed-issue',
state: 'closed',
body: 'other-content',
assignees: [],
labels: undefined as never, // coverage
number: 3,
title: 'duplicate-issue',
state: 'open',
body: 'duplicate-content',
assignees: [],
labels: [],
number: 4,
title: 'duplicate-issue',
state: 'open',
body: 'duplicate-content',
assignees: [],
labels: [],
number: 5,
title: 'duplicate-issue',
state: 'open',
body: 'duplicate-content',
assignees: [],
labels: [],
const mockComments: Comment[] = [
{ id: 11, body: 'some-body' },
{ id: 12, body: 'other-body' },
{ id: 13, body: '### some-topic\n\nsome-content' },
const mockRepoLabels: Label[] = [
{ id: 1, name: 'some-label', description: 'its a me', color: '#000000' },
{ id: 2, name: 'other-label', description: 'labelario', color: '#ffffff' },
const mockOrgLabels: Label[] = [
id: 3,
name: 'some-org-label',
description: 'its a org me',
color: '#0000aa',
id: 4,
name: 'other-org-label',
description: 'org labelario',
color: '#ffffaa',
beforeEach(async () => {
memCache = await import('../../../util/cache/memory');
gitea = await import('.');
logger = mocked(await import('../../../logger')).logger;
git = jest.requireMock('../../../util/git');
hostRules = await import('../../../util/host-rules');
async function initFakePlatform(
scope: httpMock.Scope,
version = GITEA_VERSION,
): Promise<void> {
.reply(200, mockUser)
.reply(200, { version });
await gitea.initPlatform({ token: 'abc' });
async function initFakeRepo(
scope: httpMock.Scope,
repo?: Partial<Repo>,
config?: Partial<RepoParams>,
): Promise<void> {
const repoResult = { ...mockRepo, ...repo };
const repository = repoResult.full_name;
scope.get(`/repos/${repository}`).reply(200, repoResult);
await gitea.initRepo({ repository, ...config });
describe('initPlatform()', () => {
it('should throw if no token', async () => {
await expect(gitea.initPlatform({})).rejects.toThrow();
it('should throw if auth fails', async () => {
const scope = httpMock.scope('https://gitea.com/api/v1');
await expect(
gitea.initPlatform({ token: 'some-token' }),
it('should support default endpoint', async () => {
const scope = httpMock.scope('https://gitea.com/api/v1');
.reply(200, mockUser)
.reply(200, { version: GITEA_VERSION });
expect(await gitea.initPlatform({ token: 'some-token' })).toEqual({
endpoint: 'https://gitea.com/',
gitAuthor: 'Renovate Bot <renovate@example.com>',
it('should support custom endpoint', async () => {
const scope = httpMock.scope('https://gitea.renovatebot.com/api/v1');
.reply(200, mockUser)
.reply(200, { version: GITEA_VERSION });
await gitea.initPlatform({
token: 'some-token',
endpoint: 'https://gitea.renovatebot.com',
endpoint: 'https://gitea.renovatebot.com/',
gitAuthor: 'Renovate Bot <renovate@example.com>',
it('should support custom endpoint including api path', async () => {
const scope = httpMock.scope('https://gitea.renovatebot.com/api/v1');
.reply(200, mockUser)
.reply(200, { version: GITEA_VERSION });
await gitea.initPlatform({
token: 'some-token',
endpoint: 'https://gitea.renovatebot.com',
endpoint: 'https://gitea.renovatebot.com/',
gitAuthor: 'Renovate Bot <renovate@example.com>',
it('should use username as author name if full name is missing', async () => {
const scope = httpMock.scope('https://gitea.com/api/v1');
.reply(200, {
full_name: undefined,
.reply(200, { version: GITEA_VERSION });
expect(await gitea.initPlatform({ token: 'some-token' })).toEqual({
endpoint: 'https://gitea.com/',
gitAuthor: 'renovate <renovate@example.com>',
describe('getRepos', () => {
it('should propagate any other errors', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
uid: 1,
archived: false,
.replyWithError(new Error('searchRepos()'));
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await expect(gitea.getRepos()).rejects.toThrow('searchRepos()');
it('should return an array of repos', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
uid: 1,
archived: false,
.reply(200, {
ok: true,
data: mockRepos,
await initFakePlatform(scope);
const repos = await gitea.getRepos();
expect(repos).toEqual(['a/b', 'c/d']);
it('should return an filtered array of repos', async () => {
const scope = httpMock.scope('https://gitea.com/api/v1');
uid: 1,
archived: false,
q: 'renovate',
topic: true,
.reply(200, {
ok: true,
data: mockTopicRepos,
uid: 1,
archived: false,
q: 'renovatebot',
topic: true,
.reply(200, {
ok: true,
data: mockTopicRepos,
await initFakePlatform(scope);
const repos = await gitea.getRepos({
topics: ['renovate', 'renovatebot'],
it('should query the organization endpoint for each namespace', async () => {
const scope = httpMock.scope('https://gitea.com/api/v1');
scope.get('/orgs/org1/repos').reply(200, mockNamespaceRepos);
scope.get('/orgs/org2/repos').reply(200, mockNamespaceRepos);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
const repos = await gitea.getRepos({
namespaces: ['org1', 'org2'],
expect(repos).toEqual(['org1/repo', 'org2/repo']);
it('Sorts repos', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
uid: 1,
archived: false,
sort: 'updated',
order: 'desc',
.reply(200, {
ok: true,
data: mockRepos,
await initFakePlatform(scope);
const repos = await gitea.getRepos({
sort: 'updated',
order: 'desc',
expect(repos).toEqual(['a/b', 'c/d']);
describe('initRepo', () => {
const initRepoCfg: RepoParams = {
repository: mockRepo.full_name,
it('should propagate API errors', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.replyWithError(new Error('getRepo()'));
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await expect(gitea.initRepo(initRepoCfg)).rejects.toThrow('getRepo()');
it('should abort when repo is archived', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, {
archived: true,
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await expect(gitea.initRepo(initRepoCfg)).rejects.toThrow(
it('should abort when repo is mirrored', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, {
mirror: true,
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await expect(gitea.initRepo(initRepoCfg)).rejects.toThrow(
it('should abort when repo is empty', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, {
empty: true,
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await expect(gitea.initRepo(initRepoCfg)).rejects.toThrow(
it('should abort when repo has insufficient permissions', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, {
permissions: {
pull: false,
push: false,
admin: false,
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await expect(gitea.initRepo(initRepoCfg)).rejects.toThrow(
it('should abort when repo has pulls disabled', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, {
has_pull_requests: false,
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await expect(gitea.initRepo(initRepoCfg)).rejects.toThrow(
it('should abort when repo has no available merge methods', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, {
allow_rebase: false,
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await expect(gitea.initRepo(initRepoCfg)).rejects.toThrow(
it('should fall back to merge method "rebase-merge"', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, {
allow_rebase: false,
allow_rebase_explicit: true,
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await gitea.initRepo(initRepoCfg);
mergeMethod: 'rebase-merge',
it('should fall back to merge method "squash"', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, {
allow_rebase: false,
allow_squash_merge: true,
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await gitea.initRepo(initRepoCfg);
mergeMethod: 'squash',
it('should fall back to merge method "merge"', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, {
allow_rebase: false,
allow_merge_commits: true,
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await gitea.initRepo(initRepoCfg);
mergeMethod: 'merge',
it('should use clone_url of repo if gitUrl is not specified', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, mockRepo);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
const repoCfg: RepoParams = {
repository: mockRepo.full_name,
await gitea.initRepo(repoCfg);
expect.objectContaining({ url: mockRepo.clone_url }),
it('should use clone_url of repo if gitUrl has value default', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, mockRepo);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
const repoCfg: RepoParams = {
repository: mockRepo.full_name,
gitUrl: 'default',
await gitea.initRepo(repoCfg);
expect.objectContaining({ url: mockRepo.clone_url }),
it('should use ssh_url of repo if gitUrl has value ssh', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, mockRepo);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
const repoCfg: RepoParams = {
repository: mockRepo.full_name,
gitUrl: 'ssh',
await gitea.initRepo(repoCfg);
expect.objectContaining({ url: mockRepo.ssh_url }),
it('should abort when gitUrl has value ssh but ssh_url is empty', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, { ...mockRepo, ssh_url: undefined });
await initFakePlatform(scope);
const repoCfg: RepoParams = {
repository: mockRepo.full_name,
gitUrl: 'ssh',
await expect(gitea.initRepo(repoCfg)).rejects.toThrow(
it('should use generated url of repo if gitUrl has value endpoint', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, mockRepo);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
const repoCfg: RepoParams = {
repository: mockRepo.full_name,
gitUrl: 'endpoint',
await gitea.initRepo(repoCfg);
url: `https://gitea.com/${mockRepo.full_name}.git`,
it('should abort when clone_url is empty', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, {
clone_url: undefined,
await initFakePlatform(scope);
const repoCfg: RepoParams = {
repository: mockRepo.full_name,
await expect(gitea.initRepo(repoCfg)).rejects.toThrow(
it('should use given access token if gitUrl has value endpoint', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, mockRepo);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
const token = 'abc';
hostType: 'gitea',
matchHost: 'https://gitea.com/',
const repoCfg: RepoParams = {
repository: mockRepo.full_name,
gitUrl: 'endpoint',
await gitea.initRepo(repoCfg);
const url = new URL(`${mockRepo.clone_url}`);
url.username = token;
url: `https://${token}@gitea.com/${mockRepo.full_name}.git`,
it('should use given access token if gitUrl is not specified', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, mockRepo);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
const token = 'abc';
hostType: 'gitea',
matchHost: 'https://gitea.com/',
const repoCfg: RepoParams = {
repository: mockRepo.full_name,
await gitea.initRepo(repoCfg);
const url = new URL(`${mockRepo.clone_url}`);
url.username = token;
expect.objectContaining({ url: url.toString() }),
it('should abort when clone_url is not valid', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, {
clone_url: 'abc',
await initFakePlatform(scope);
const repoCfg: RepoParams = {
repository: mockRepo.full_name,
await expect(gitea.initRepo(repoCfg)).rejects.toThrow(
describe('setBranchStatus', () => {
it('should create a new commit status', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
state: 'success',
context: 'some-context',
description: 'some-description',
.reply(200, []);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(
branchName: 'some-branch',
state: 'green',
context: 'some-context',
description: 'some-description',
it('should default to pending state', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
state: 'pending',
context: 'some-context',
description: 'some-description',
.reply(200, []);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(
branchName: 'some-branch',
context: 'some-context',
description: 'some-description',
state: undefined as never,
it('should include url if specified', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
state: 'success',
context: 'some-context',
description: 'some-description',
target_url: 'some-url',
.reply(200, []);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(
branchName: 'some-branch',
state: 'green',
context: 'some-context',
description: 'some-description',
url: 'some-url',
it('should gracefully fail with warning', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.replyWithError('unknown error');
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(
branchName: 'some-branch',
state: 'green',
context: 'some-context',
description: 'some-description',
err: expect.any(Error),
'Failed to set branch status',
describe('getBranchStatus', () => {
const commitStatus = (status: CommitStatusType): CommitStatus => ({
id: 1,
context: '',
description: '',
target_url: '',
created_at: '',
it('should return yellow for unknown result', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, [commitStatus('unknown')]);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.getBranchStatus('some-branch', true);
it('should return pending state for pending result', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, [commitStatus('pending')]);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.getBranchStatus('some-branch', true);
it('should return green state for success result', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, [commitStatus('success')]);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.getBranchStatus('some-branch', true);
it('should return yellow for all other results', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, [commitStatus('invalid' as never)]);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.getBranchStatus('some-branch', true);
it('should abort when branch status returns 404', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(gitea.getBranchStatus('some-branch', true)).rejects.toThrow(
it('should propagate any other errors', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.replyWithError('unknown error');
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(gitea.getBranchStatus('some-branch', true)).rejects.toThrow(
'unknown error',
it('should treat internal checks as success', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, [
id: 1,
status: 'success',
context: 'renovate/stability-days',
description: 'internal check',
target_url: '',
created_at: '',
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.getBranchStatus('some-branch', true);
it('should not treat internal checks as success', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, [
id: 1,
status: 'success',
context: 'renovate/stability-days',
description: 'internal check',
target_url: '',
created_at: '',
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.getBranchStatus('some-branch', false);
describe('getBranchStatusCheck', () => {
it('should return null with no results', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, []);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await gitea.getBranchStatusCheck('some-branch', 'some-context'),
it('should return null with no matching results', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, [
id: 1,
status: 'success',
context: 'other-context',
description: 'internal check',
target_url: '',
created_at: '',
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.getBranchStatusCheck(
it('should return yellow with unknown status', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, [
id: 1,
status: 'xyz',
context: 'some-context',
description: '',
target_url: '',
created_at: '',
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.getBranchStatusCheck(
it('should return green of matching result', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, [
id: 1,
status: 'success',
context: 'some-context',
description: '',
target_url: '',
created_at: '',
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.getBranchStatusCheck(
describe('getPrList', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it('should return list of pull requests', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, mockPRs);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.getPrList();
{ number: 1, title: 'Some PR' },
{ number: 2, title: 'Other PR' },
{ number: 3, title: 'Draft PR' },
{ number: 4, title: 'Merged PR' },
it('should filter list by creator', async () => {
const thirdPartyPr = partial<PR>({
number: 42,
title: 'Third-party PR',
body: 'other random pull request',
state: 'open',
diff_url: 'https://gitea.renovatebot.com/some/repo/pulls/3.diff',
created_at: '2011-08-18T22:30:38Z',
closed_at: '2016-01-09T10:03:21Z',
mergeable: true,
base: { ref: 'third-party-base-branch' },
head: {
label: 'other-head-branch',
sha: 'other-head-sha' as LongCommitSha,
repo: partial<Repo>({ full_name: mockRepo.full_name }),
user: { username: 'not-renovate' },
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, [
...mockPRs.map((pr) => ({
user: { username: 'renovate' },
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.getPrList();
{ number: 1, title: 'Some PR' },
{ number: 2, title: 'Other PR' },
{ number: 3, title: 'Draft PR' },
{ number: 4, title: 'Merged PR' },
it('should cache results after first query', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, mockPRs);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res1 = await gitea.getPrList();
const res2 = await gitea.getPrList();
it('should update cache results', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, mockPRs.slice(0, 2))
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, mockPRs.slice(1));
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res1 = await gitea.getPrList();
expect(res1).toMatchObject([{ number: 1 }, { number: 2 }]);
memCache.set('gitea-pr-cache-synced', false);
const res2 = await gitea.getPrList();
{ number: 1 },
{ number: 2 },
{ number: 3 },
{ number: 4 },
describe('getPr', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it('should return enriched pull request which exists if open', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, mockPRs);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.getPr(1);
expect(res).toMatchObject({ number: 1, title: 'Some PR' });
it('should fallback to direct fetching if cache fails', async () => {
const pr = mockPRs.find((pr) => pr.number === 1);
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, [])
.reply(200, pr);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.getPr(1);
expect(res).toMatchObject({ number: 1, title: 'Some PR' });
it('should return null for missing pull request', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, [])
.reply(200); // TODO: 404 should be handled
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.getPr(42);
describe('findPr', () => {
it('should find pull request without title or state', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, mockPRs);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.findPr({ branchName: 'some-head-branch' });
number: 1,
sourceBranch: 'some-head-branch',
it('should find pull request with title', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, mockPRs);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.findPr({
branchName: 'some-head-branch',
prTitle: 'Some PR',
number: 1,
title: 'Some PR',
it('should find pull request with state', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, mockPRs);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.findPr({
branchName: 'some-head-branch',
state: 'open',
number: 1,
state: 'open',
it('should not find pull request with inverted state', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, mockPRs);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.findPr({
branchName: 'other-head-branch',
state: `!open`,
number: 2,
state: 'closed',
title: 'Other PR',
it('should find pull request with title and state', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, mockPRs);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.findPr({
branchName: 'other-head-branch',
prTitle: 'Other PR',
state: 'closed',
number: 2,
state: 'closed',
title: 'Other PR',
it('should find pull request with draft', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, mockPRs);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.findPr({
branchName: 'draft-head-branch',
prTitle: 'Draft PR',
state: 'open',
number: 3,
title: 'Draft PR',
isDraft: true,
it('should find merged pull request', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, mockPRs);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.findPr({ branchName: 'merged-head-branch' });
number: 4,
sourceBranch: 'merged-head-branch',
state: 'merged',
it('should return null for missing pull request', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, mockPRs);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.findPr({ branchName: 'missing' });
describe('createPr', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
memCache.set('gitea-pr-cache-synced', true);
const mockNewPR: MockPr = {
number: 42,
state: 'open',
head: {
label: 'pr-branch',
sha: mockCommitHash,
repo: partial<Repo>({ full_name: mockRepo.full_name }),
base: {
ref: mockRepo.default_branch,
diff_url: 'https://gitea.renovatebot.com/some/repo/pulls/42.diff',
title: 'pr-title',
body: 'pr-body',
mergeable: true,
created_at: '2014-04-01T05:14:20Z',
closed_at: '2017-12-28T12:17:48Z',
updated_at: '2017-12-28T12:17:48Z',
it('should use base branch by default', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, {
base: { ref: 'devel' },
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.createPr({
sourceBranch: mockNewPR.head.label,
targetBranch: 'devel',
prTitle: mockNewPR.title,
prBody: mockNewPR.body,
number: 42,
title: 'pr-title',
it('should use default branch if requested', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, mockNewPR);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.createPr({
sourceBranch: mockNewPR.head.label,
targetBranch: 'master',
prTitle: mockNewPR.title,
prBody: mockNewPR.body,
draftPR: true,
number: 42,
title: 'pr-title',
it('should resolve and apply optional labels to pull request', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, mockNewPR)
.reply(200, mockRepoLabels)
.reply(200, mockOrgLabels);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.createPr({
sourceBranch: mockNewPR.head.label,
targetBranch: 'master',
prTitle: mockNewPR.title,
prBody: mockNewPR.body,
labels: [...mockRepoLabels, ...mockOrgLabels].map(({ name }) => name),
number: 42,
title: 'pr-title',
it('should ensure new pull request gets added to cached pull requests', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, mockNewPR);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await gitea.getPrList();
await gitea.createPr({
sourceBranch: mockNewPR.head.label,
targetBranch: 'master',
prTitle: mockNewPR.title,
prBody: mockNewPR.body,
const res = await gitea.getPr(mockNewPR.number);
number: 42,
title: 'pr-title',
it('should attempt to resolve 409 conflict error (w/o update)', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, [mockNewPR]);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.createPr({
sourceBranch: mockNewPR.head.label,
targetBranch: 'master',
prTitle: mockNewPR.title,
prBody: mockNewPR.body,
number: 42,
title: 'pr-title',
it('should attempt to resolve 409 conflict error (w/ update)', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, [mockNewPR])
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.createPr({
sourceBranch: mockNewPR.head.label,
targetBranch: 'master',
prTitle: 'new-title',
prBody: 'new-body',
number: 42,
title: 'new-title',
it('should abort when response for created pull request is invalid', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, {});
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(
sourceBranch: mockNewPR.head.label,
targetBranch: 'master',
prTitle: mockNewPR.title,
prBody: mockNewPR.body,
it('should use platform automerge', async () => {
memCache.set('gitea-pr-cache-synced', true);
const helper = await import('./gitea-helper');
const mergePR = jest.spyOn(helper, 'mergePR');
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, mockNewPR)
await initFakePlatform(scope, '1.17.0');
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.createPr({
sourceBranch: mockNewPR.head.label,
targetBranch: 'master',
prTitle: mockNewPR.title,
prBody: mockNewPR.body,
platformPrOptions: { usePlatformAutomerge: true },
number: 42,
title: 'pr-title',
it('should use platform automerge on forgejo v7', async () => {
memCache.set('gitea-pr-cache-synced', true);
const helper = await import('./gitea-helper');
const mergePR = jest.spyOn(helper, 'mergePR');
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, mockNewPR)
await initFakePlatform(scope, '7.0.0-dev-2136-f075579c95+gitea-1.22.0');
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.createPr({
sourceBranch: mockNewPR.head.label,
targetBranch: 'master',
prTitle: mockNewPR.title,
prBody: mockNewPR.body,
platformPrOptions: { usePlatformAutomerge: true },
number: 42,
title: 'pr-title',
it('should use platform automerge on forgejo v7 LTS', async () => {
memCache.set('gitea-pr-cache-synced', true);
const helper = await import('./gitea-helper');
const mergePR = jest.spyOn(helper, 'mergePR');
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, mockNewPR)
await initFakePlatform(scope, '7.0.0+LTS-gitea-1.22.0');
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.createPr({
sourceBranch: mockNewPR.head.label,
targetBranch: 'master',
prTitle: mockNewPR.title,
prBody: mockNewPR.body,
platformPrOptions: { usePlatformAutomerge: true },
number: 42,
title: 'pr-title',
it('continues on platform automerge error', async () => {
memCache.set('gitea-pr-cache-synced', true);
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, mockNewPR)
.replyWithError('unknown error');
await initFakePlatform(scope, '1.17.0');
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.createPr({
sourceBranch: mockNewPR.head.label,
targetBranch: 'master',
prTitle: mockNewPR.title,
prBody: mockNewPR.body,
platformPrOptions: { usePlatformAutomerge: true },
number: 42,
title: 'pr-title',
expect.objectContaining({ prNumber: 42 }),
'Gitea-native automerge: fail',
it('continues if platform automerge is not supported', async () => {
memCache.set('gitea-pr-cache-synced', true);
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, mockNewPR);
await initFakePlatform(scope, '1.10.0');
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.createPr({
sourceBranch: mockNewPR.head.label,
targetBranch: 'master',
prTitle: mockNewPR.title,
prBody: mockNewPR.body,
platformPrOptions: { usePlatformAutomerge: true },
number: 42,
title: 'pr-title',
expect.objectContaining({ prNumber: 42 }),
'Gitea-native automerge: not supported on this version of Gitea. Use 1.17.0 or newer.',
it('should create PR with repository merge method when automergeStrategy is auto', async () => {
memCache.set('gitea-pr-cache-synced', true);
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, mockNewPR)
await initFakePlatform(scope, '1.17.0');
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.createPr({
sourceBranch: mockNewPR.head.label,
targetBranch: 'master',
prTitle: mockNewPR.title,
prBody: mockNewPR.body,
platformPrOptions: {
automergeStrategy: 'auto',
usePlatformAutomerge: true,
number: 42,
title: 'pr-title',
automergeStrategy | prMergeStrategy
${'fast-forward'} | ${'rebase'}
${'merge-commit'} | ${'merge'}
${'rebase'} | ${'rebase-merge'}
${'squash'} | ${'squash'}
'should create PR with mergeStrategy $prMergeStrategy',
async ({ automergeStrategy, prMergeStrategy }) => {
memCache.set('gitea-pr-cache-synced', true);
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, mockNewPR)
.reply(200, {
Do: prMergeStrategy,
merge_when_checks_succeed: true,
await initFakePlatform(scope, '1.17.0');
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.createPr({
sourceBranch: mockNewPR.head.label,
targetBranch: 'master',
prTitle: mockNewPR.title,
prBody: mockNewPR.body,
platformPrOptions: {
usePlatformAutomerge: true,
number: 42,
title: 'pr-title',
describe('updatePr', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it('should update pull request with title', async () => {
const pr = mockPRs.find((pr) => pr.number === 1);
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, mockPRs)
.patch('/repos/some/repo/pulls/1', { title: 'New Title' })
.reply(200, pr);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(
gitea.updatePr({ number: 1, prTitle: 'New Title' }),
it('should update pull target branch', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, mockPRs)
.patch('/repos/some/repo/pulls/1', {
title: 'New Title',
base: 'New Base',
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(
number: 1,
prTitle: 'New Title',
targetBranch: 'New Base',
it('should update pull request with title and body', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, mockPRs)
.patch('/repos/some/repo/pulls/1', {
title: 'New Title',
body: 'New Body',
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(
number: 1,
prTitle: 'New Title',
prBody: 'New Body',
it('should update pull request with draft', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, mockPRs)
.patch('/repos/some/repo/pulls/3', {
title: 'WIP: New Title',
body: 'New Body',
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(
number: 3,
prTitle: 'New Title',
prBody: 'New Body',
it('should close pull request', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, mockPRs)
.patch('/repos/some/repo/pulls/1', {
title: 'New Title',
body: 'New Body',
state: 'closed',
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(
number: 1,
prTitle: 'New Title',
prBody: 'New Body',
state: 'closed',
it('should update labels', async () => {
const updatedMockPR = partial<PR>({
number: 1,
title: 'New Title',
body: 'New Body',
state: 'open',
labels: [
id: 1,
name: 'some-label',
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, mockPRs)
.reply(200, mockRepoLabels)
.reply(200, mockOrgLabels)
.reply(200, updatedMockPR);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(
number: 1,
prTitle: 'New Title',
prBody: 'New Body',
state: 'open',
labels: ['some-label'],
it('should log a warning if labels could not be looked up', async () => {
const updatedMockPR = partial<PR>({
number: 1,
title: 'New Title',
body: 'New Body',
state: 'open',
labels: [
id: 1,
name: 'some-label',
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, mockPRs)
.reply(200, mockRepoLabels)
.reply(200, mockOrgLabels)
.reply(200, updatedMockPR);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(
number: 1,
prTitle: 'New Title',
prBody: 'New Body',
state: 'open',
labels: ['some-label', 'unavailable-label'],
'Some labels could not be looked up. Renovate may halt label updates assuming changes by others.',
describe('mergePr', () => {
it('should return true when merging succeeds', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.post('/repos/some/repo/pulls/1/merge', {
Do: 'rebase',
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.mergePr({
branchName: 'some-branch',
id: 1,
it('should return false when merging fails', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.post('/repos/some/repo/pulls/1/merge', {
Do: 'squash',
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.mergePr({
branchName: 'some-branch',
id: 1,
strategy: 'squash',
describe('getIssueList', () => {
it('should return empty for disabled issues', async () => {
const scope = httpMock.scope('https://gitea.com/api/v1');
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope, { has_issues: false });
const res = await gitea.getIssueList();
describe('getIssue', () => {
it('should return the issue', async () => {
const mockIssue = mockIssues.find((i) => i.number === 1)!;
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, mockIssue);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.getIssue?.(mockIssue.number);
body: 'some-content',
number: 1,
it('should return null for disabled issues', async () => {
const scope = httpMock.scope('https://gitea.com/api/v1');
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope, { has_issues: false });
const res = await gitea.getIssue!(1);
describe('findIssue', () => {
it('should return existing open issue', async () => {
const mockIssue = mockIssues.find(({ title }) => title === 'open-issue')!;
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', type: 'issues' })
.reply(200, mockIssues)
.reply(200, mockIssue);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.findIssue(mockIssue.title);
body: 'some-content',
number: 1,
it('should not return existing closed issue', async () => {
const mockIssue = mockIssues.find(
({ title }) => title === 'closed-issue',
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', type: 'issues' })
.reply(200, mockIssues);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.findIssue(mockIssue.title);
it('should return null for missing issue', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', type: 'issues' })
.reply(200, mockIssues);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.findIssue('missing');
describe('ensureIssue', () => {
it('should create issue if not found', async () => {
const mockIssue = {
title: 'new-title',
body: 'new-body',
shouldReOpen: false,
once: false,
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', type: 'issues' })
.reply(200, mockIssues)
.post('/repos/some/repo/issues', {
body: mockIssue.body,
title: mockIssue.title,
.reply(200, { number: 42 });
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.ensureIssue(mockIssue);
it('should create issue with the correct labels', async () => {
const mockIssue: EnsureIssueConfig = {
title: 'new-title',
body: 'new-body',
shouldReOpen: false,
once: false,
labels: ['Renovate', 'Maintenance'],
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', type: 'issues' })
.reply(200, mockIssues)
.reply(200, [
partial<Label>({ id: 1, name: 'Renovate' }),
partial<Label>({ id: 3, name: 'Maintenance' }),
] satisfies Label[])
.reply(200, mockOrgLabels)
.post('/repos/some/repo/issues', {
body: 'new-body',
title: 'new-title',
labels: [1, 3],
.reply(200, { number: 42 });
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.ensureIssue(mockIssue);
it('should not reopen closed issue by default', async () => {
const closedIssue = mockIssues.find((i) => i.title === 'closed-issue')!;
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', type: 'issues' })
.reply(200, mockIssues)
.patch('/repos/some/repo/issues/2', {
body: closedIssue.body,
state: closedIssue.state,
title: 'closed-issue',
.reply(200, closedIssue);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.ensureIssue({
title: closedIssue.title,
body: closedIssue.body,
shouldReOpen: false,
once: false,
it('should not update labels when not necessary', async () => {
const mockLabels: Label[] = [
partial<Label>({ id: 1, name: 'Renovate' }),
partial<Label>({ id: 3, name: 'Maintenance' }),
const mockIssue: Issue = {
number: 10,
title: 'label-issue',
body: 'label-body',
assignees: [],
labels: mockLabels,
state: 'open',
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', type: 'issues' })
.reply(200, [mockIssue])
.reply(200, mockIssue)
.reply(200, mockLabels)
.reply(200, []);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.ensureIssue({
title: mockIssue.title,
body: 'new-body',
labels: ['Renovate', 'Maintenance'],
it('should update labels when missing', async () => {
const mockLabels: Label[] = [
partial<Label>({ id: 1, name: 'Renovate' }),
partial<Label>({ id: 3, name: 'Maintenance' }),
const mockIssue: Issue = {
number: 10,
title: 'label-issue',
body: 'label-body',
assignees: [],
labels: [mockLabels[0]],
state: 'open',
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', type: 'issues' })
.reply(200, [mockIssue])
.reply(200, mockIssue)
.reply(200, mockLabels)
.reply(200, [])
.put('/repos/some/repo/issues/10/labels', { labels: [1, 3] })
.reply(200, mockLabels);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.ensureIssue({
title: mockIssue.title,
body: 'new-body',
labels: ['Renovate', 'Maintenance'],
it('should reset labels when others have been set', async () => {
const mockLabels: Label[] = [
partial<Label>({ id: 1, name: 'Renovate' }),
partial<Label>({ id: 2, name: 'Other label' }),
partial<Label>({ id: 3, name: 'Maintenance' }),
const mockIssue: Issue = {
number: 10,
title: 'label-issue',
body: 'label-body',
assignees: [],
labels: mockLabels,
state: 'open',
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', type: 'issues' })
.reply(200, [mockIssue])
.reply(200, mockIssue)
.reply(200, mockLabels)
.reply(200, [])
.put('/repos/some/repo/issues/10/labels', { labels: [1, 3] })
.reply(200, mockLabels);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.ensureIssue({
title: mockIssue.title,
body: 'new-body',
labels: ['Renovate', 'Maintenance'],
it('should reopen closed issue if desired', async () => {
const closedIssue = mockIssues.find((i) => i.title === 'closed-issue')!;
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', type: 'issues' })
.reply(200, mockIssues)
.patch('/repos/some/repo/issues/2', {
body: closedIssue.body,
state: 'open',
title: 'closed-issue',
.reply(200, { ...closedIssue, state: 'open' });
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.ensureIssue({
title: closedIssue.title,
body: closedIssue.body,
shouldReOpen: true,
once: false,
it('should not update existing closed issue if desired', async () => {
const closedIssue = mockIssues.find((i) => i.title === 'closed-issue')!;
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', type: 'issues' })
.reply(200, mockIssues);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.ensureIssue({
title: closedIssue.title,
body: closedIssue.body,
shouldReOpen: false,
once: true,
it('should close all open duplicate issues except first one when updating', async () => {
const duplicates = mockIssues.filter(
(i) => i.title === 'duplicate-issue',
const [first, second, third] = duplicates;
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', type: 'issues' })
.reply(200, duplicates)
.patch(`/repos/some/repo/issues/${second.number}`, {
state: 'closed',
.reply(200, { ...second, state: 'closed' })
.patch(`/repos/some/repo/issues/${third.number}`, {
state: 'closed',
.reply(200, { ...third, state: 'closed' });
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.ensureIssue({
title: first.title,
body: first.body,
shouldReOpen: false,
once: false,
it('should reset issue cache when creating an issue', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', type: 'issues' })
.reply(200, mockIssues)
.reply(200, { number: 42 });
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(
title: 'new-title',
body: 'new-body',
shouldReOpen: false,
once: false,
await expect(gitea.getIssueList()).toResolve();
it('should gracefully fail with warning', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', type: 'issues' })
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await gitea.ensureIssue({
title: 'new-title',
body: 'new-body',
shouldReOpen: false,
once: false,
{ err: expect.any(Error) },
'Could not ensure issue',
it('should return null for disabled issues', async () => {
const scope = httpMock.scope('https://gitea.com/api/v1');
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope, { has_issues: false });
await expect(
title: 'new-title',
body: 'new-body',
shouldReOpen: false,
once: false,
describe('ensureIssueClosing', () => {
it('should close issues with matching title', async () => {
const mockIssue = mockIssues[0];
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', type: 'issues' })
.reply(200, mockIssues)
.patch('/repos/some/repo/issues/1', { state: 'closed' })
.reply(200, { ...mockIssue, state: 'closed' });
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(gitea.ensureIssueClosing(mockIssue.title)).toResolve();
it('should return for disabled issues', async () => {
const scope = httpMock.scope('https://gitea.com/api/v1');
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope, { has_issues: false });
await expect(gitea.ensureIssueClosing('new-title')).toResolve();
describe('deleteLabel', () => {
it('should delete a label which exists', async () => {
const mockLabel = mockRepoLabels[0];
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, mockRepoLabels)
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(gitea.deleteLabel(42, mockLabel.name)).toResolve();
it('should gracefully fail with warning if label is missing', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, [])
.reply(200, mockRepoLabels);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(gitea.deleteLabel(42, 'missing')).toResolve();
{ issue: 42, labelName: 'missing' },
'Failed to lookup label for deletion',
describe('ensureComment', () => {
it('should add comment with topic if not found', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, mockComments)
.post('/repos/some/repo/issues/1/comments', {
body: '### other-topic\n\nother-content',
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.ensureComment({
number: 1,
topic: 'other-topic',
content: 'other-content',
it('should add comment without topic if not found', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, mockComments)
.post('/repos/some/repo/issues/1/comments', { body: 'other-content' })
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.ensureComment({
number: 1,
content: 'other-content',
topic: null,
it('should update comment with topic if found', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, mockComments)
.patch('/repos/some/repo/issues/comments/13', {
body: '### some-topic\n\nsome-new-content',
.reply(200, partial<Comment>({ id: 13 }));
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.ensureComment({
number: 1,
topic: 'some-topic',
content: 'some-new-content',
it('should skip if comment is up-to-date', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, mockComments);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.ensureComment({
number: 1,
topic: 'some-topic',
content: 'some-content',
it('should gracefully fail with warning', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.ensureComment({
number: 1,
topic: 'some-topic',
content: 'some-content',
{ err: expect.any(Error), issue: 1, subject: 'some-topic' },
'Error ensuring comment',
describe('ensureCommentRemoval', () => {
it('should remove existing comment by topic', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, mockComments)
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(
type: 'by-topic',
number: 1,
topic: 'some-topic',
it('should remove existing comment by content', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, mockComments)
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(
type: 'by-content',
number: 1,
content: 'some-body',
it('should gracefully fail with warning', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, mockComments)
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await gitea.ensureCommentRemoval({
type: 'by-topic',
number: 1,
topic: 'some-topic',
config: { number: 1, topic: 'some-topic', type: 'by-topic' },
err: expect.any(Error),
issue: 1,
'Error deleting comment',
it('should abort silently if comment is missing', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, mockComments);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(
type: 'by-topic',
number: 1,
topic: 'missing',
describe('getBranchPr', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it('should return existing pull request for branch', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, mockPRs);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.getBranchPr('some-head-branch');
expect(res).toMatchObject({ number: 1 });
it('should return null if no pull request exists', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.query({ state: 'all', sort: 'recentupdate' })
.reply(200, mockPRs);
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
expect(await gitea.getBranchPr('missing')).toBeNull();
describe('addAssignees', () => {
it('should add assignees to the issue', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.patch('/repos/some/repo/issues/1', {
assignees: ['me', 'you'],
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(gitea.addAssignees(1, ['me', 'you'])).toResolve();
describe('addReviewers', () => {
it('should assign reviewers', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.post('/repos/some/repo/pulls/1/requested_reviewers', {
reviewers: ['me', 'you'],
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(gitea.addReviewers(1, ['me', 'you'])).toResolve();
it('should do nothing for older Gitea versions', async () => {
const scope = httpMock.scope('https://gitea.com/api/v1');
await initFakePlatform(scope, '1.10.0');
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(gitea.addReviewers(1, ['me', 'you'])).toResolve();
it('catches errors', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.post('/repos/some/repo/pulls/1/requested_reviewers', {
reviewers: ['me', 'you'],
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(gitea.addReviewers(1, ['me', 'you'])).toResolve();
{ err: expect.any(Error), number: 1, reviewers: ['me', 'you'] },
'Failed to assign reviewer',
describe('massageMarkdown', () => {
it('replaces pr links', () => {
const body =
'[#123](../pull/123) [#124](../pull/124) [#125](../pull/125)';
'[#123](pulls/123) [#124](pulls/124) [#125](pulls/125)',
it('maxBodyLength', () => {
describe('getJsonFile()', () => {
it('returns file content', async () => {
const data = { foo: 'bar' };
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, {
content: Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(data), 'utf-8'),
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.getJsonFile('file.json');
it('returns file content from given repo', async () => {
const data = { foo: 'bar' };
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, {
content: Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(data), 'utf-8'),
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope, { full_name: 'different/repo' });
const res = await gitea.getJsonFile('file.json', 'different/repo');
it('returns file content from branch or tag', async () => {
const data = { foo: 'bar' };
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, {
content: Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(data), 'utf-8'),
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.getJsonFile('file.json', 'some/repo', 'dev');
it('returns file content in json5 format', async () => {
const json5Data = `
// json5 comment
foo: 'bar'
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, {
content: Buffer.from(json5Data, 'utf-8'),
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
const res = await gitea.getJsonFile('file.json5');
expect(res).toEqual({ foo: 'bar' });
it('throws on malformed JSON', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, {
content: Buffer.from('!@#', 'utf-8'),
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(gitea.getJsonFile('file.json')).rejects.toThrow();
it('returns null on missing content', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
.reply(200, {});
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
expect(await gitea.getJsonFile('file.json')).toBeNull();
it('throws on errors', async () => {
const scope = httpMock
await initFakePlatform(scope);
await initFakeRepo(scope);
await expect(gitea.getJsonFile('file.json')).rejects.toThrow();