mirror of https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate.git synced 2024-10-26 04:27:05 +00:00

459 lines
12 KiB

import crypto from 'node:crypto';
import os from 'node:os';
import { env } from 'node:process';
import v8 from 'node:v8';
import { minimatch } from 'minimatch';
import type { JestConfigWithTsJest } from 'ts-jest';
const ci = !!process.env.CI;
type JestConfig = JestConfigWithTsJest & {
// https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate/issues/17034
workerIdleMemoryLimit?: string;
const cpus = os.cpus();
const mem = os.totalmem();
const stats = v8.getHeapStatistics();
* https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-github-hosted-runners/about-github-hosted-runners#supported-runners-and-hardware-resources
* Currently it seems the runner only have 4GB
function jestGithubRunnerSpecs(): JestConfig {
// if (os.platform() === 'darwin') {
// return {
// maxWorkers: 2,
// workerIdleMemoryLimit: '4GB',
// };
// }
return {
maxWorkers: cpus.length,
workerIdleMemoryLimit: '1500MB', // '2GB',
* Configuration for single test shard.
interface ShardConfig {
* Path patterns to match against the test file paths, of two types:
* 1. Particular file, e.g. `lib/util/git/index.spec.ts`
* - File pattern MUST end with `.spec.ts`
* - This will only search for the particular test file
* - It enables coverage for the `*.ts` file with the same name,
* e.g. `lib/util/git/index.ts`
* - You probably want to use directory pattern instead
* 2. Whole directory, e.g. `lib/modules/datasource`
* - This will search for all `*.spec.ts` files under the directory
* - It enables coverage all `*.ts` files under the directory,
* e.g. `lib/modules/datasource/foo/bar/baz.ts`
matchPaths: string[];
* Configuration for test shards that can be run with `TEST_SHARD` environment variable.
* For each shard, we specify a subset of tests to run.
* The tests from previous shards are excluded from the next shard.
* Storing shards config in the separate file helps to form CI matrix
* using pre-installed `jq` utility.
const testShards: Record<string, ShardConfig> = {
'datasources-1': {
matchPaths: ['lib/modules/datasource/[a-g]*'],
'datasources-2': {
matchPaths: ['lib/modules/datasource'],
'managers-1': {
matchPaths: ['lib/modules/manager/[a-c]*'],
'managers-2': {
matchPaths: ['lib/modules/manager/[d-h]*'],
'managers-3': {
matchPaths: ['lib/modules/manager/[i-n]*'],
'managers-4': {
matchPaths: ['lib/modules/manager'],
platform: {
matchPaths: ['lib/modules/platform'],
versioning: {
matchPaths: ['lib/modules/versioning'],
'workers-1': {
matchPaths: [
'workers-2': {
matchPaths: [
'workers-3': {
matchPaths: [
'workers-4': {
matchPaths: ['lib/workers'],
'git-1': {
matchPaths: ['lib/util/git/index.spec.ts'],
'git-2': {
matchPaths: ['lib/util/git'],
util: {
matchPaths: ['lib/util'],
other: {
matchPaths: ['lib'],
* Subset of Jest config that is relevant for sharded test run.
type JestShardedSubconfig = Pick<JestConfig, 'testMatch' | 'coverageDirectory'>;
* Convert match pattern to a form that matches on file with `.ts` or `.spec.ts` extension.
function normalizePattern(pattern: string, suffix: '.ts' | '.spec.ts'): string {
return pattern.endsWith('.spec.ts')
? pattern.replace(/\.spec\.ts$/, suffix)
: `${pattern}/**/*${suffix}`;
* Generates Jest config for sharded test run.
* If `TEST_SHARD` environment variable is not set,
* it falls back to the provided config.
* Otherwise, `fallback` value is used to determine some defaults.
function configureShardingOrFallbackTo(
fallback: JestShardedSubconfig,
): JestShardedSubconfig {
const shardKey = process.env.TEST_SHARD;
if (!shardKey) {
return fallback;
if (!testShards[shardKey]) {
const keys = Object.keys(testShards).join(', ');
throw new Error(
`Unknown value for TEST_SHARD: ${shardKey} (possible values: ${keys})`,
const testMatch: string[] = [];
for (const [key, { matchPaths: patterns }] of Object.entries(testShards)) {
if (key === shardKey) {
const testMatchPatterns = patterns.map((pattern) => {
const filePattern = normalizePattern(pattern, '.spec.ts');
return `<rootDir>/${filePattern}`;
const testMatchPatterns = patterns.map((pattern) => {
const filePattern = normalizePattern(pattern, '.spec.ts');
return `!**/${filePattern}`;
const coverageDirectory = `./coverage/shard/${shardKey}`;
return {
const config: JestConfig = {
coverageDirectory: './coverage',
collectCoverageFrom: [
coveragePathIgnorePatterns: getCoverageIgnorePatterns(),
cacheDirectory: '.cache/jest',
collectCoverage: true,
coverageReporters: ci
? ['lcovonly', 'json']
: ['html', 'text-summary', 'json'],
transform: {
'\\.ts$': [
tsconfig: '<rootDir>/tsconfig.spec.json',
diagnostics: false,
isolatedModules: true,
modulePathIgnorePatterns: [
reporters: ci ? ['default', 'github-actions'] : ['default'],
resetMocks: true,
setupFilesAfterEnv: [
snapshotSerializers: ['<rootDir>/test/newline-snapshot-serializer.ts'],
testEnvironment: 'node',
testRunner: 'jest-circus/runner',
watchPathIgnorePatterns: ['<rootDir>/.cache/', '<rootDir>/coverage/'],
// We can play with that value later for best dev experience
workerIdleMemoryLimit: '500MB',
// add github runner specific limits
...(ci && jestGithubRunnerSpecs()),
export default config;
type RunsOn = 'ubuntu-latest' | 'windows-latest' | 'macos-latest';
interface ShardGroup {
* Input for `runs-on` field.
os: RunsOn;
* Controls whether coverage is collected for this shard group.
coverage: boolean;
* Input for `name` field.
name: string;
* Space-separated list of shard keys, it's
* meant to be inserted into bash for-loop.
shards: string;
* It's meant to be used for Jest caching.
'cache-key': string;
* It's used to set test runner timeout.
'runner-timeout-minutes': number;
* It's used to set `--test-timeout` Jest CLI flag.
'test-timeout-milliseconds': number;
* It's used as the name for coverage artifact.
'upload-artifact-name': string;
* Given the file list affected by commit, return the list
* of shards that test these changes.
function getMatchingShards(files: string[]): string[] {
const matchingShards = new Set<string>();
for (const file of files) {
for (const [key, { matchPaths }] of Object.entries(testShards)) {
const patterns = matchPaths.map((path) =>
? path.replace(/\.spec\.ts$/, '{.ts,.spec.ts}')
: `${path}/**/*`,
if (patterns.some((pattern) => minimatch(file, pattern))) {
return Object.keys(testShards).filter((shard) => matchingShards.has(shard));
* Distribute items evenly across runner instances.
function scheduleItems<T>(items: T[], availableInstances: number): T[][] {
const numInstances = Math.min(items.length, availableInstances);
const maxPerInstance = Math.ceil(items.length / numInstances);
const lighterInstancesIdx =
items.length % numInstances === 0
? numInstances
: items.length % numInstances;
const partitionSizes = Array.from({ length: numInstances }, (_, idx) =>
idx < lighterInstancesIdx ? maxPerInstance : maxPerInstance - 1,
const result: T[][] = Array.from({ length: numInstances }, () => []);
let rest = items.slice();
for (let idx = 0; idx < numInstances; idx += 1) {
const partitionSize = partitionSizes[idx];
const partition = rest.slice(0, partitionSize);
result[idx] = partition;
rest = rest.slice(partitionSize);
return result;
* If `SCHEDULE_TEST_SHARDS` env variable is set, it means we're in `setup` CI job.
* We don't want to see anything except key-value pairs in the output.
* Otherwise, we're printing useful stats.
if (process.env.SCHEDULE_TEST_SHARDS) {
let shardKeys = Object.keys(testShards);
if (process.env.FILTER_SHARDS === 'true' && process.env.CHANGED_FILES) {
try {
const changedFiles: string[] = JSON.parse(process.env.CHANGED_FILES);
const matchingShards = getMatchingShards(changedFiles);
if (matchingShards.length === 0) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
shardKeys = shardKeys.filter((key) => matchingShards.includes(key));
} catch (err) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
* Not all runners are created equal.
* Minutes cost proportion is 1:2:10 for Ubuntu:Windows:MacOS.
* Although it's free in our case,
* we can't run as many Windows and MacOS runners as we want.
* Because of this, we partition shards into groups, given that:
* - There are 16 shards in total
* - We can't run more than 10 Windows runners
* - We can't run more than 5 MacOS runners
const shardGrouping: Record<string, string[][]> = {
'ubuntu-latest': scheduleItems(shardKeys, 16),
if (process.env.ALL_PLATFORMS === 'true') {
shardGrouping['windows-latest'] = scheduleItems(shardKeys, 8);
shardGrouping['macos-latest'] = scheduleItems(shardKeys, 4);
const shardGroups: ShardGroup[] = [];
for (const [os, groups] of Object.entries(shardGrouping)) {
const coverage = os === 'ubuntu-latest';
const total = groups.length;
for (let idx = 0; idx < groups.length; idx += 1) {
const number = idx + 1;
const platform = os.replace(/-latest$/, '');
const name =
platform === 'ubuntu'
? `test (${number}/${total})`
: `test-${platform} (${number}/${total})`;
const shards = groups[idx];
const cacheKey = crypto
const runnerTimeoutMinutes =
ubuntu: 10,
windows: 20,
macos: 20,
}[platform] ?? 20;
const testTimeoutMilliseconds =
windows: 240000,
}[platform] ?? 120000;
os: os as RunsOn,
shards: shards.join(' '),
'cache-key': cacheKey,
'runner-timeout-minutes': runnerTimeoutMinutes,
'test-timeout-milliseconds': testTimeoutMilliseconds,
'upload-artifact-name': `coverage-${shards.sort().join('_')}`,
* Output will be consumed by `setup` CI job.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
process.stderr.write(`Host stats:
Cpus: ${cpus.length}
Memory: ${(mem / 1024 / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2)} GB
HeapLimit: ${(stats.heap_size_limit / 1024 / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2)} GB
function getCoverageIgnorePatterns(): string[] | undefined {
const patterns = ['/node_modules/', '<rootDir>/test/', '<rootDir>/tools/'];
if (env.TEST_LEGACY_DECRYPTION !== 'true') {
return patterns;