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mirror of https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate.git synced 2025-03-15 08:34:54 +00:00

692 lines
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comment: >
Hi there,
Please help this Discussion progress by creating a minimal reproduction.
This means a repository dedicated to reproducing this issue with the minimal dependencies and config possible.
Before we start working on your issue we need to know exactly what's causing the current behavior.
A minimal reproduction helps us with this.
Discussions without reproductions are less likely to be converted to Issues.
Please follow these steps:
1. Read our guide on creating a [minimal reproduction](https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate/blob/main/docs/development/minimal-reproductions.md).
2. Go to our [minimal reproduction template repository](https://github.com/renovatebot/minimal-reproduction-template).
3. Select the _Use this template_ button to create a new repository based on the template.
4. Work on the minimal reproduction in your own repository.
5. Fill out the information in your repository's `README.md`.
6. Add the link to your reproduction to the first post of your Discussion. If you are not the original author, you can post a new comment with the link.
If you need help with running renovate on your minimal reproduction repository, please refer to our [Running Renovate guide](https://docs.renovatebot.com/getting-started/running/).
Good luck,
The Renovate team
comment: >
Hi there,
We appreciate the effort you put into creating a reproduction. But your reproduction is not minimal yet, or is missing fields we ask for in our template.
Please re-read the steps and documentation given in the previous message, and try again to create a minimal reproduction.
Thanks, the Renovate team
comment: >
Hi there,
This Discussion has been flagged previously as needing a minimal reproduction, but one does not yet exist. This is a reminder that the reproduction is still needed in order to progress to next steps.
If you have provided a minimal reproduction which satisfies our definitions above, but it went unnoticed, please reply to this message to help us find it.
Thanks, the Renovate team
comment: >
Hi there,
We need more information about your environment.
Please explain in detail how you are running Renovate. For example:
- Are you running via an official Renovate image, or using the Renovate npm package?
- Which exact image tag are you running?
- Which config/parameters are you using when running the image?
- Which config are you using in your CI/CD pipeline, if relevant?
Thanks, the Renovate team
comment: >
Hi there,
This issue or discussion is missing some logs, making it difficult or impossible to help you.
Depending on which situation applies follow one, some or all of these instructions.
### No logs at all
If you haven't posted any log yet, we need you to find and copy/paste the log into the issue template.
#### Finding logs on hosted app
<details><summary>Select me to read instructions</summary>
If you use the Mend Renovate app (GitHub):
1. Log in to [the Mend Developer Portal](https://developer.mend.io/)
1. Navigate to the correct organization and repository
1. Locate the appropriate log (it may not always be the latest one)
1. Copy/paste the log contents
1. Follow the steps in the **formatting your logs** section
#### Finding logs when self-hosting
<details><summary>Select me to read instructions</summary>
Read the [Renovate docs, troubleshooting, self-hosted](https://docs.renovatebot.com/troubleshooting/#self-hosted) to learn how to find the logs.
### Formatting your logs
<details><summary>Select me to read instructions</summary>
Please put your logs in a `<details>` and `<summary>` element like this:
<details><summary>Select me to see logs</summary>
Copy/paste your logs here, between the starting and ending backticks
If you feel the logs are too large to paste here, please use a service like [GitHub Gist](https://gist.github.com/) and paste the link here.
Good luck,
The Renovate team
comment: >
Hi there,
The logs you provided are insufficient to help you.
Please provide more logs, or more detailed logs, so we can help you. Be sure to include _DEBUG_ logs, and don't excessively redact or truncate them.
If you feel the logs are too large to paste here, please use a service like [GitHub Gist](https://gist.github.com/) and paste the link here.
Read the [Renovate docs, Troubleshooting](https://docs.renovatebot.com/troubleshooting/) to learn more about getting the correct logs.
Thanks, the Renovate team
comment: >
Hi there,
Please locate the debug message `packageFiles with updates` in your logs and paste the contents here. Depending on your question, we may need the full list of packages or only one.
If you self-host Renovate: make sure you run Renovate with `LOG_LEVEL=debug` to get the debug log messages! Next, open the debug-level logs and search for `packageFiles with updates`. This text marks the start of a structured log message that shows every package file, dependency, and update that Renovate found.
Find the relevant dependency/dependencies in the log message, and copy/paste those parts into this discussion. If you do not know which bits we need, you can copy/paste the full log message.
Read the [Renovate docs, Troubleshooting](https://docs.renovatebot.com/troubleshooting/) to learn more about getting the docs, and getting the correct type of logs.
Thanks, the Renovate team
comment: >
Hi there,
Please limit the amount of logs you're pasting into this discussion. The maintainers have a limited amount of time to help you, and often do so from mobile devices. It's easier for us if you only paste the relevant parts of the logs, and point us to the lines you think are relevant.
For example, if your problem is about a certain dependency, find the log sections which apply to that dependency and paste only those sections. Similarly, if your problem is about a particular branch/PR, find the log sections which apply to that branch/PR and paste only those sections.
If you're not sure, it's acceptable to paste the full logs, including into a gist. Please try to explain the problem in enough detail to give us starting points to debug. If you only paste the full log, and do nothing else, it is likely that we will take longer to help you, or we may not start to help you at all.
Thanks, the Renovate team
comment: >
Hi there,
You redacted too much information from your config or logs. This makes it hard for us to pinpoint the problem.
Please only redact truly sensitive information. Or consider an enterprise support contract, if Open Source support does not suit you.
Thanks, the Renovate team
'new package manager':
comment: >
Hi there,
You're asking us to support a new package manager.
We need to know some basic information about this package manager first.
Please copy/paste [the new package manager questionnaire](https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate/blob/main/docs/development/new-package-manager-template.md), and fill it out in full.
Once the questionnaire is filled out we'll decide if we want to support this new manager.
Good luck,
The Renovate team
comment: >
Hi there,
You're reporting a problem with an old version of Renovate.
Please try the latest version and tell us if that fixes your problem.
Be sure to provide updated logs once you have run with a newer version.
Good luck,
The Renovate team
comment: >
Hi there,
You're skipping code tests with `v8 ignore`.
Please only skip tests if:
- you cannot test the code, or
- the code is very difficult to test, or
- the edge case won't usually happen at runtime
If you skip a test, always comment why:
/* v8 ignore next -- typescript strict null check */
if (!url) {
return null;
Good luck,
The Renovate team
comment: >
Hi there,
You are using `done` comments which cause a lot of noise/notifications.
Instead, please use GitHub's web interface to request another review.
Please read our [contributing guidelines](https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate/blob/main/.github/contributing.md#resolve-review-comments-instead-of-commenting) to reduce noise.
Good luck,
The Renovate team
comment: >
Hi there,
Please don't merge from `main` into your PR's branch unless you have a merge conflict or have a specific reason to do so.
Doing so consumes CI systems unnecessarily, and also resets CI approvals if this is your first PR to the repo.
This repo uses GitHub's Merge Queue, which will automatically test your PR against `main` before merging, so it's no longer necessary to always keep branches up-to-date.
The Renovate team
comment: >
**Please create a GitHub Discussion before continuing with this PR.**
Thank you for your PR, but we need to discuss the requirements and implementation first.
The maintainers believe that there is a lack of - or misalignment of - requirements about this PR.
We need to discuss the requirements and implementation first so that you don't write code that won't be merged.
This PR will be closed for now to avoid confusion, but you can reopen it after the discussion has been resolved.
Thanks, the Renovate team
close: true
comment: >
Hi there,
This discussion is missing some details, making it difficult or impossible to help you.
Please try again to provide more details.
For example, you may have left out information about your platform (e.g. GitHub Enterprise Server, etc), your version of Renovate (npm, Docker, GitHub Action, etc), or how you're running Renovate.
If you can't think of what possible information might be required, please reply to this message and ask for help.
comment: >
**Please create a GitHub Discussion instead of this issue.**
Issues in this repository are for creation by Maintainers only - please create a GitHub Discussion instead.
If needed, a Renovate maintainer will create an Issue after your Discussion been triaged and confirmed.
This Issue will now be closed and locked. We may later batch-delete this issue. This way we keep Issues actionable, and free of duplicates or wrong bug reports.
Thanks, the Renovate team
close: true
close-reason: 'not planned'
comment: >
**We're closing this PR due to inactivity, but we are happy for you, or others, to finish the PR.**
We limit the number of open PRs, so we close stale PRs, or PRs that are not getting ready to merge.
If you, or someone else, want to continue working on this PR, then please reopen this PR and let us know.
Thanks, the Renovate team
close: true
close-reason: 'not planned'
comment: >
Hi, please format any copy/pasted code or logs so they're readable.
You can find a Markdown code formatting guide [here](https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/#code) as well as some GitHub-specific information formatting code blocks [here](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/writing-on-github/working-with-advanced-formatting/creating-and-highlighting-code-blocks).
Thanks, the Renovate team
comment: >
Hi there,
We're closing this discussion because it's missing some details, or because something else about it made it hard or impossible for us to help resolve the issue.
We want high quality discussions, so users can search them for answers.
This means we'll close (and later delete) low quality discussions.
You are welcome to create a new discussion with more details in future.
Thanks, the Renovate team.
close: true
close-reason: 'outdated'
comment: >
Hi there,
A maintainer has flagged this discussion as giving off some bad vibes. **Maintainers will no longer participate in this discussion unless/until such "vibes" are resolved.**
This is typically when someone is overly critical of the product or the assistance they're receiving.
Or being unreasonably demanding or lazy, such as refusing to provide logs, or other information, when asked.
Open Source means you're welcome to use the software with few limits applied.
But you should _not_ give maintainers a bad day or contribute to Open Source burnout.
If you feel this message is wrong or due to a misunderstanding, please let us know. If you see this message but don't take it as a sign to cool off or back off, we may close the discussion and block you from the repository.
If you want to get the discussion back on track, we would like you to:
- Remove, or edit, the bad vibes parts of your comments
- Give a thumbs-up to this message, to show you understand and agree to the above
Thanks, the Renovate team
comment: >
Hi there,
Please stick to one topic/question per Discussion. Start a new discussion per topic.
This prevents future users from finding this discussion and getting confused by multiple questions and answers. One question and answer per Discussion works best.
For example:
- Don't create a discussion with multiple questions requiring multiple answers
- If you got an answer to your first question, don't change topic like "Can I also ask you how I might..." which would then require a different answer. Mark the current discussion as answered and open a new one.
Thanks, the Renovate team
comment: >
Hi there,
This is intended as a polite, automated _request_ that users avoid `@` mentioning repository maintainers like `@rarkins` or `@viceice`. Doing so causes annoying mobile notifications and makes it harder to maintain this repository.
We know it might be common elsewhere but we participate in hundreds of discussions a week and would need to turn off GitHub mobile notifications if we were mentioned in every one.
As a general rule, we will read and respond to all discussions in this repository, so there is no need to mention us.
Thanks, the Renovate team
comment: >
Hi there,
Please give your discussion a meaningful title. This helps others understand what your discussion is about, and increases the chances of getting help.
Do not use titles like "Need config help", "Renovate is not working", etc. Try to summarize the specifics of your problem or question in the title.
Thanks, the Renovate team
comment: >
Hi there,
The maintainers want to convert this idea into a Feature Request issue. Before we can convert, we need you update the Discussion title and/or the description(s).
We want the top post, and title, to match the current state of your idea/feature request. This is because a discussion often has lots of info, thoughts and comments. There may also be ideas that turn out to be dead ends. In simple terms, we only want the good stuff to go in the top post.
So please put the current information in the top post and update the title. Feel free to copy/paste examples, links or comments into the description. Let us know when you are finished updating, and we will convert your discussion to an Issue.
Thanks, the Renovate team
comment: >
Hi there,
Please do not post comments like: "Any update on this?" or "When will this be fixed?".
If you're asking because **you want to know if there's been some progress**, then please know that we work in the open in this repo. If there was an update to this Discussion or Issue, you would see it already. So please don't ask "just in case".
If you're asking because **you want to get our attention**, then please don't do that either. It wastes maintainer time and pollutes the repo. You're welcome to fix issues yourself, hire someone to help you, or _wait_ for someone else to do the work. You're _not_ welcome to post the equivalent of "Hey, someone else should really do something about this".
If you are a paying Mend.io customer, contact your support or customer success representative, and tell them this issue is important to you.
We expect everyone to follow these rules, no matter if you use the free tiers, or are a paying Mend customer. Please read our [Code of Conduct, how we prioritize work](https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md#how-we-prioritize-work) to learn more about how we prioritize what to work on.
Thanks, the Renovate team
comment: >
Hi there,
This discussion is too complex, and we want you to simplify. This way you are more likely to get help or a solution.
For example, if you've pasted your _whole_ complex config, while your problem is about just one part, consider removing the parts that are not relevant to your problem. The best way to do this is to create a [minimal reproduction](https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate/blob/main/docs/development/minimal-reproductions.md).
You may have tried many ways to do something, and described all the methods you tried. If none of the methods worked, please focus on the most promising method, or the ideal solution. Avoid complicating the description (or logs) with the failed attempts.
To summarize: please reduce the complexity of your discussion, to increase the chances of getting help.
Thanks, the Renovate team
comment: >
Hi there,
The maintainers have labeled this discussion as a use case specific to "enterprise" users. Enterprise users typically self-host Renovate and have advanced requirements like custom certificates, HTTP proxies, private registries, air gapping, etc.
Such cases usually need a lot of back-and-forth to resolve, because the problem is related to the user's environment.
Usually the user's environment can not be reproduced publicly, which means that maintainer debugging is not possible.
The maintainers decided their time is best spent on issues that help large numbers of users. This means enterprise-specific issues affecting one user (or a small number of users), are not a priority. If we can help you quickly, we will. But if you see this message, then a maintainer believes this is not a quick fix. The maintainers will not actively work on this issue, unless new information is found.
If you are an enterprise user, please consider the following options:
- Troubleshoot and contribute a fix yourself, or
- [Hire a consultant](https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md#getting-more-help) to help you, or
- Consider an [Enterprise support contract from Mend.io](https://mend.io/mend-renovate/), or
- Wait for a community member to help you, if they have the same problem
If you choose to wait, then this discussion can remain open indefinitely.
But please be patient, do not nudge or bump this discussion just to get attention.
Thanks, the Renovate team
comment: >
Hi there,
This PR appears to have been inactive for a while. Please let us know if you are still working on it, or if we can close it for now.
Thanks, the Renovate team
comment: >
Hi there,
We're closing this PR due to inactivity, but we are happy for you, or others, to finish the PR if time allows.
Thanks, the Renovate team
close: true
comment: >
Hi there,
This is a semi-automated message to let you know that maintainers do not believe that they can help further with this Discussion.
This may be because the discussion is missing information, or because the discussion is too complex, or because the discussion is not actionable. It might also be because you've indicated that you don't have the time or willingness to provide information or perform steps requested of you.
Please do not chase maintainers for updates or ask for more information. If you have new information, or are willing to provide more information, please reply to this message with that information. Actively or passively aggressive responses to this message will result in blocking.
Thanks, the Renovate team
comment: >
Hi there,
A maintainer has flagged this Discussion as needing a detailed investigation. That may mean them forking and running locally, debugging, or other time-consuming tasks. Such things are done by maintainers for free, on a best-effort basis - but with no guarantees.
The purpose of this automated message is therefore to let you know that a maintainer _intends_ to investigate, but it may take some time (potentially even weeks). Please do not chase them, hassle them, ask for updates - just wait. They will update you when they have something to share.
Thanks, the Renovate team
comment: >
Hi there,
If you are seeing this, it's because you have bypassed this project's guidelines and converted a Discussion into this Issue.
In this project, we use Discussions as a triaging for Issues. This policy is displayed when attempting to create Issues or Discussions, and we also have a [pinned Issue](https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate/issues/32830) explaining the policy.
If despite that you have created this Issue, it is either out of stubbornness (rejecting the policy) or carelessness (not paying attention). Either way, it's almost always an attempt to get more attention, or to get a faster response, which are unwelcome behaviors in Open Source.
This issue will be closed, locked, and later deleted. Violators of policy will be given a 7 day block from the repo to alert them. See our policy on [Blocking and unblocking](https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md#blocking-and-unblocking) for more information.
Thanks, the Renovate team
close: true
close-reason: 'not planned'
lock: true
comment: >
Hi there,
You are seeing this message because someone - maybe you - has suggested that the documentation should be improved.
The good news is that essentially all Renovate documentation is Open Source in this repository and can be improved by you too! If you have a suggestion for improvement, please consider opening a PR to improve the documentation, instead of just complaining about it (however subtlely or politely you intended it). Even if English isn't your first language or you're not _sure_ what to write, take a shot at it and we will guide you during the PR review. Documentation updates can be done easily in your browser on GitHub.com and do not require you to clone any code.
Thanks, the Renovate
comment: >
Hi there,
This semi-automated message is from the maintainers to ask you to try a little harder to help yourself, and not just do the "minimum effort". We've helped thousands of users and become pretty good at recognizing when users aren't really putting in their best effort to help themselves. Sorry if you find this message a bit harsh, but this happens often and we need to address it.
If you're here in this repo getting help then you should be mindful you're getting help for free and that we have many people like you to help every day with limited time available. Your time here is not as valuable as a maintainer's time, so you should be doing the heavy lifting whenever possible.
If you're the type of person who's busy and not got time to figure things out yourself or spend much time trying, or you consider your time too valuable, then you should be investigating an Enterprise support contract or hiring a consultant - such options are easily available.
Thanks, the Renovate team
comment: >
Hi there,
Custom manager and/or datasource questions are often complex to resolve, and unfortunately the maintainers do not have the time to debug each one raised. As always, if we can spot the problem quickly and help you, we will. Additionally, if your use case seems like one which could benefit a lot of users, we might still choose to work on it, even if it takes a long time.
However, we generally don't have time to assist in-depth with each custom manager or datasource config question. Doing so would be like the maintainers of PostgreSQL debugging every SQL statement anyone has.
Your discussion can remain open indefinitely, but please be patient and do not nudge or bump this discussion just to get attention. Please also read [Getting more help](https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md#getting-more-help) in our Code of Conduct.
Thanks, the Renovate team
comment: >
Hi there,
In this repo, the purpose of Issues is to track clearly actionable (ready to be worked on) items. Discussions are a triaging ground for general questions, ideas, and other non-actionable items.
If an Issue like this one attracts many comments, it's an indication that its scope is disputed, and therefore it's not actionable. If this is the case, it should be converted back to a Discussion.
If you are commenting in this Issue because you disagree with its requirements or think they're unclear, then please let us know and we will convert this Issue back to a Discussion.
Otherwise, please be aware that excessive comments or debates inside Issue comments result in them being less likely to be worked on, not more likely.
Thanks, the Renovate team