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import is from '@sindresorhus/is';
import semver from 'semver';
import { parseRange } from 'semver-utils';
import { logger } from '../../../logger';
import type { RangeStrategy } from '../../../types/versioning';
import { regEx } from '../../../util/regex';
import { api as npm } from '../npm';
import type { NewValueConfig, VersioningApi } from '../types';
export const id = 'composer';
export const displayName = 'Composer';
export const urls = [
export const supportsRanges = true;
export const supportedRangeStrategies: RangeStrategy[] = [
function getVersionParts(input: string): [string, string] {
const versionParts = input.split('-');
if (versionParts.length === 1) {
return [input, ''];
return [versionParts[0], '-' + versionParts[1]];
function padZeroes(input: string): string {
const [output, stability] = getVersionParts(input);
const sections = output.split('.');
while (sections.length < 3) {
return sections.join('.') + stability;
function convertStabilityModifier(input: string): string {
// Handle stability modifiers.
const versionParts = input.split('@');
if (versionParts.length === 1) {
return input;
// 1.0@beta2 to 1.0-beta.2
const stability = versionParts[1].replace(
regEx(/(?:^|\s)(beta|alpha|rc)([1-9][0-9]*)(?: |$)/gi),
// If there is a stability part, npm semver expects the version
// to be full
return padZeroes(versionParts[0]) + '-' + stability;
function normalizeVersion(input: string): string {
let output = input;
output = output.replace(regEx(/(^|>|>=|\^|~)v/i), '$1');
return convertStabilityModifier(output);
* @param versions Version list in any format, it recognizes the specific patch format x.x.x-pXX
* @param range Range in composer format
* @param minMode If true, it will calculate minSatisfyingVersion, if false, it calculates the maxSatisfyingVersion
* @returns min or max satisfyingVersion from the input
function calculateSatisfyingVersionIntenal(
versions: string[],
range: string,
minMode: boolean,
): string | null {
// Because composer -p versions are considered stable, we have to remove the suffix for the npm.XXX functions.
const versionsMapped = versions.map((x) => {
return {
origianl: x,
cleaned: removeComposerSpecificPatchPart(x),
npmVariant: composer2npm(removeComposerSpecificPatchPart(x)[0]),
const npmVersions = versionsMapped.map((x) => x.npmVariant);
const npmVersion = minMode
? npm.minSatisfyingVersion(npmVersions, composer2npm(range))
: npm.getSatisfyingVersion(npmVersions, composer2npm(range));
if (!npmVersion) {
return null;
// After we find the npm versions, we select from them back in the mapping the possible patches.
const candidates = versionsMapped
.filter((x) => x.npmVariant === npmVersion)
.sort((a, b) => (minMode ? 1 : -1) * sortVersions(a.origianl, b.origianl));
return candidates[0].origianl;
* @param intput Version in any format, it recognizes the specific patch format x.x.x-pXX
* @returns If input contains the specific patch, it returns the input with removed the patch and true, otherwise it retunrs the same string and false.
function removeComposerSpecificPatchPart(input: string): [string, boolean] {
// the regex is based on the original from composer implementation https://github.com/composer/semver/blob/fa1ec24f0ab1efe642671ec15c51a3ab879f59bf/src/VersionParser.php#L137
const pattern = /^v?\d+(\.\d+(\.\d+(\.\d+)?)?)?(?<suffix>-p[1-9]\d*)$/gi;
const match = pattern.exec(input);
return match
? [input.replace(match.groups!.suffix, ''), true]
: [input, false];
function composer2npm(input: string): string {
return input
.map((part): string => {
const cleanInput = normalizeVersion(part);
if (npm.isVersion(cleanInput)) {
return cleanInput;
if (npm.isVersion(padZeroes(cleanInput))) {
return padZeroes(cleanInput);
const [versionId, stability] = getVersionParts(cleanInput);
let output = versionId;
// ~4 to ^4 and ~4.1 to ^4.1
output = output.replace(
regEx(/(?:^|\s)~([1-9][0-9]*(?:\.[0-9]*)?)(?: |$)/g),
// ~0.4 to >=0.4 <1
output = output.replace(
regEx(/(?:^|\s)~(0\.[1-9][0-9]*)(?: |$)/g),
'>=$1 <1',
// add extra digits to <8-DEV and <8.0-DEV
output = output
.replace(regEx(/^(<\d+(\.\d+)?)$/g), '$1.0')
.replace(regEx(/^(<\d+(\.\d+)?)$/g), '$1.0');
return output + stability;
.map((part) => part.replace(/([a-z])([0-9])/gi, '$1.$2'))
.join(' || ');
function equals(a: string, b: string): boolean {
return npm.equals(composer2npm(a), composer2npm(b));
function getMajor(version: string): number | null {
const semverVersion = semver.coerce(composer2npm(version));
return semverVersion ? npm.getMajor(semverVersion) : null;
function getMinor(version: string): number | null {
const semverVersion = semver.coerce(composer2npm(version));
return semverVersion ? npm.getMinor(semverVersion) : null;
function getPatch(version: string): number | null {
const semverVersion = semver.coerce(composer2npm(version));
// This returns only the numbers without the optional `-pXX` patch version supported by composer. Fixing that would require a bigger
// refactoring, because the API supports only numbers.
return semverVersion ? npm.getPatch(semverVersion) : null;
function isGreaterThan(a: string, b: string): boolean {
return sortVersions(a, b) === 1;
function isLessThanRange(version: string, range: string): boolean {
return !!npm.isLessThanRange?.(composer2npm(version), composer2npm(range));
function isSingleVersion(input: string): boolean {
return !!input && npm.isSingleVersion(composer2npm(input));
function isStable(version: string): boolean {
if (version) {
// Composer considers patches `-pXX` as stable: https://github.com/composer/semver/blob/fa1ec24f0ab1efe642671ec15c51a3ab879f59bf/src/VersionParser.php#L568 but npm not.
// In order to be able to use the standard npm.isStable function, we remove the potential patch version for the check.
const [withoutPatch] = removeComposerSpecificPatchPart(version);
return npm.isStable(composer2npm(withoutPatch));
return false;
export function isValid(input: string): boolean {
return !!input && npm.isValid(composer2npm(input));
export function isVersion(input: string): boolean {
return !!input && npm.isVersion(composer2npm(input));
function matches(version: string, range: string): boolean {
return npm.matches(composer2npm(version), composer2npm(range));
function getSatisfyingVersion(
versions: string[],
range: string,
): string | null {
return calculateSatisfyingVersionIntenal(versions, range, false);
function minSatisfyingVersion(
versions: string[],
range: string,
): string | null {
return calculateSatisfyingVersionIntenal(versions, range, true);
function subset(subRange: string, superRange: string): boolean | undefined {
try {
return npm.subset!(composer2npm(subRange), composer2npm(superRange));
} catch (err) {
logger.trace({ err }, 'composer.subset error');
return false;
function getNewValue({
}: NewValueConfig): string | null {
if (rangeStrategy === 'pin') {
return newVersion;
if (rangeStrategy === 'update-lockfile') {
if (matches(newVersion, currentValue)) {
return currentValue;
return getNewValue({
rangeStrategy: 'replace',
const currentMajor = currentVersion ? getMajor(currentVersion) : null;
const toMajor = getMajor(newVersion);
const toMinor = getMinor(newVersion);
let newValue: string | null = null;
if (isVersion(currentValue)) {
newValue = newVersion;
} else if (regEx(/^[~^](0\.[1-9][0-9]*)$/).test(currentValue)) {
const operator = currentValue.substring(0, 1);
// handle ~0.4 case first
if (toMajor === 0) {
// TODO: types (#22198)
newValue = `${operator}0.${toMinor!}`;
} else {
// TODO: types (#22198)
newValue = `${operator}${toMajor!}.0`;
} else if (regEx(/^[~^]([0-9]*)$/).test(currentValue)) {
// handle ~4 case
const operator = currentValue.substring(0, 1);
// TODO: types (#22198)
newValue = `${operator}${toMajor!}`;
} else if (
toMajor &&
) {
const operator = currentValue.substring(0, 1);
if (rangeStrategy === 'bump') {
newValue = `${operator}${newVersion}`;
} else if (
(is.number(currentMajor) && toMajor > currentMajor) ||
) {
// handle ~4.1 case
newValue = `${operator}${toMajor}.0`;
} else {
newValue = `${operator}${toMajor}.${toMinor}`;
} else if (
currentVersion &&
npm.isVersion(padZeroes(normalizeVersion(newVersion))) &&
npm.isValid(normalizeVersion(currentValue)) &&
composer2npm(currentValue) === normalizeVersion(currentValue)
) {
newValue = npm.getNewValue({
currentValue: normalizeVersion(currentValue),
currentVersion: padZeroes(normalizeVersion(currentVersion)),
newVersion: padZeroes(normalizeVersion(newVersion)),
if (rangeStrategy === 'widen' && matches(newVersion, currentValue)) {
newValue = currentValue;
} else {
const hasOr = currentValue.includes(' || ');
if (hasOr || rangeStrategy === 'widen') {
const splitValues = currentValue.split('||');
const lastValue = splitValues[splitValues.length - 1];
const replacementValue = getNewValue({
currentValue: lastValue.trim(),
rangeStrategy: 'replace',
if (rangeStrategy === 'replace') {
newValue = replacementValue;
} else if (replacementValue) {
const parsedRange = parseRange(replacementValue);
const element = parsedRange[parsedRange.length - 1];
if (element.operator?.startsWith('<')) {
const splitCurrent = currentValue.split(element.operator);
newValue = splitCurrent.join(element.operator) + replacementValue;
} else {
newValue = currentValue + ' || ' + replacementValue;
if (!newValue) {
{ currentValue, rangeStrategy, currentVersion, newVersion },
'Unsupported composer value',
newValue = newVersion;
if (currentValue.split('.')[0].includes('v')) {
newValue = newValue.replace(regEx(/([0-9])/), 'v$1');
// Preserve original min-stability specifier
if (currentValue.includes('@')) {
newValue += '@' + currentValue.split('@')[1];
return newValue;
function sortVersions(a: string, b: string): number {
const [aWithoutPatch, aContainsPatch] = removeComposerSpecificPatchPart(a);
const [bWithoutPatch, bContainsPatch] = removeComposerSpecificPatchPart(b);
if (aContainsPatch === bContainsPatch) {
// If both [a and b] contain patch version or both [a and b] do not contain patch version, then npm comparison deliveres correct results
return npm.sortVersions(composer2npm(a), composer2npm(b));
} else if (
npm.equals(composer2npm(aWithoutPatch), composer2npm(bWithoutPatch))
) {
// If only one [a or b] contains patch version and the parts without patch versions are equal, then the version with patch is greater (this is the case where npm comparison fails)
return aContainsPatch ? 1 : -1;
} else {
// All other cases can be compared correctly by npm
return npm.sortVersions(composer2npm(a), composer2npm(b));
function isCompatible(version: string): boolean {
return isVersion(version);
export const api: VersioningApi = {
export default api;