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synced 2025-01-27 13:20:13 +00:00
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import is from '@sindresorhus/is';
import { logger } from '../../../logger';
import type { SkipReason } from '../../../types';
import { detectPlatform } from '../../../util/common';
import { find } from '../../../util/host-rules';
import { regEx } from '../../../util/regex';
import { parseSingleYaml } from '../../../util/yaml';
import { GithubTagsDatasource } from '../../datasource/github-tags';
import { GitlabTagsDatasource } from '../../datasource/gitlab-tags';
import { pep508ToPackageDependency } from '../pep621/utils';
import type { PackageDependency, PackageFileContent } from '../types';
import {
} from './parsing';
import type { PreCommitConfig } from './types';
* Determines the datasource(id) to be used for this dependency
* @param repository the full git url, ie git@github.com/user/project.
* Used in debug statements to clearly indicate the related dependency.
* @param hostname the hostname (ie github.com)
* Used to determine which renovate datasource should be used.
* Is matched literally against `github.com` and `gitlab.com`.
* If that doesn't match, `hostRules.find()` is used to find related sources.
* In that case, the hostname is passed on as registryUrl to the corresponding datasource.
function determineDatasource(
repository: string,
hostname: string,
): { datasource?: string; registryUrls?: string[]; skipReason?: SkipReason } {
if (hostname === 'github.com' || detectPlatform(repository) === 'github') {
logger.debug({ repository, hostname }, 'Found github dependency');
return { datasource: GithubTagsDatasource.id };
if (hostname === 'gitlab.com') {
logger.debug({ repository, hostname }, 'Found gitlab dependency');
return { datasource: GitlabTagsDatasource.id };
if (detectPlatform(repository) === 'gitlab') {
{ repository, hostname },
'Found gitlab dependency with custom registryUrl',
return {
datasource: GitlabTagsDatasource.id,
registryUrls: ['https://' + hostname],
const hostUrl = 'https://' + hostname;
const res = find({ url: hostUrl });
if (is.emptyObject(res)) {
// 1 check, to possibly prevent 3 failures in combined query of hostType & url.
{ repository, hostUrl },
'Provided hostname does not match any hostRules. Ignoring',
return { skipReason: 'unknown-registry', registryUrls: [hostname] };
for (const [hostType, sourceId] of [
['github', GithubTagsDatasource.id],
['gitlab', GitlabTagsDatasource.id],
]) {
if (is.nonEmptyObject(find({ hostType, url: hostUrl }))) {
{ repository, hostUrl, hostType },
`Provided hostname matches a ${hostType} hostrule.`,
return { datasource: sourceId, registryUrls: [hostname] };
{ repository, registry: hostUrl },
'Provided hostname did not match any of the hostRules of hostType github nor gitlab',
return { skipReason: 'unknown-registry', registryUrls: [hostname] };
function extractDependency(
tag: string,
repository: string,
): {
depName?: string;
depType?: string;
datasource?: string;
packageName?: string;
skipReason?: SkipReason;
currentValue?: string;
} {
logger.debug(`Found version ${tag}`);
const urlMatchers = [
// This splits "http://my.github.com/user/repo" -> "my.github.com" "user/repo
// This splits "git@private.registry.com:user/repo" -> "private.registry.com" "user/repo
// This split "git://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks" -> "github.com" "pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks"
for (const urlMatcher of urlMatchers) {
const match = urlMatcher.exec(repository);
if (match?.groups) {
const hostname = match.groups.hostname;
const depName = match.groups.depName.replace(regEx(/\.git$/i), ''); // TODO 12071
const sourceDef = determineDatasource(repository, hostname);
return {
depType: 'repository',
packageName: depName,
currentValue: tag,
{ repository },
'Could not separate hostname from full dependency url.',
return {
depName: undefined,
depType: 'repository',
datasource: undefined,
packageName: undefined,
skipReason: 'invalid-url',
currentValue: tag,
* Find all supported dependencies in the pre-commit yaml object.
* @param precommitFile the parsed yaml config file
function findDependencies(precommitFile: PreCommitConfig): PackageDependency[] {
if (!precommitFile.repos) {
logger.debug(`No repos section found, skipping file`);
return [];
const packageDependencies: PackageDependency[] = [];
precommitFile.repos.forEach((item) => {
// meta hooks is defined from pre-commit and doesn't support `additional_dependencies`
if (item.repo !== 'meta') {
item.hooks?.forEach((hook) => {
// normally language are not defined in yaml
// only support it when it's explicitly defined.
// this avoid to parse hooks from pre-commit-hooks.yaml from git repo
if (hook.language === 'python') {
hook.additional_dependencies?.map((req) => {
const dep = pep508ToPackageDependency('pre-commit-python', req);
if (dep) {
if (matchesPrecommitDependencyHeuristic(item)) {
logger.trace(item, 'Matched pre-commit dependency spec');
const repository = String(item.repo);
const tag = String(item.rev);
const dep = extractDependency(tag, repository);
} else {
logger.trace(item, 'Did not find pre-commit repo spec');
return packageDependencies;
export function extractPackageFile(
content: string,
packageFile: string,
): PackageFileContent | null {
type ParsedContent = Record<string, unknown> | PreCommitConfig;
let parsedContent: ParsedContent;
try {
// TODO: use schema (#9610)
parsedContent = parseSingleYaml(content);
} catch (err) {
{ filename: packageFile, err },
'Failed to parse pre-commit config YAML',
return null;
if (!is.plainObject<Record<string, unknown>>(parsedContent)) {
{ packageFile },
`Parsing of pre-commit config YAML returned invalid result`,
return null;
if (!matchesPrecommitConfigHeuristic(parsedContent)) {
{ packageFile },
`File does not look like a pre-commit config file`,
return null;
try {
const deps = findDependencies(parsedContent);
if (deps.length) {
logger.trace({ deps }, 'Found dependencies in pre-commit config');
return { deps };
} catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ {
{ packageFile, err },
'Error scanning parsed pre-commit config',
return null;