Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate.git synced 2025-02-04 16:49:39 +00:00
2017-01-14 07:35:05 +01:00

220 lines
7.6 KiB

const changelog = require('changelog');
const github = require('./helpers/github');
const npm = require('./helpers/npm');
const packageJson = require('./helpers/package-json');
let config = null;
let logger = null;
module.exports = renovate;
// This function manages the queue per-package file
function renovate(repoName, packageFile, setConfig) {
// Initialize globals
logger = setConfig.logger;
config = Object.assign({}, setConfig);
// Initialize helpers
github.init(config.token, logger);
logger.info(`Processing ${repoName} ${packageFile}`);
// Start the chain
return github.initRepo(repoName)
.then(() => github.getPackageFileContents(packageFile))
.then(contents => npm.extractDependencies(contents, config.depTypes))
.then(() => { // eslint-disable-line promise/always-return
logger.info(`${repoName} ${packageFile} done`);
.catch((error) => {
logger.error(`renovate caught error: ${error}`);
function checkforRenovateConfig(packageContent) {
if (packageContent.renovate) {
logger.debug('Found renovate configuration in package file');
Object.assign(config, packageContent.renovate);
logger.debug(`Updated config: ${JSON.stringify(config)}`);
return packageContent;
// Remove any dependencies that are on the ignore list
function filterIgnoredDependencies(dependencies) {
return dependencies.filter(dependency => config.ignoreDeps.indexOf(dependency.depName) === -1);
function processUpgradesSequentially(upgrades) {
if (Object.keys(upgrades).length) {
logger.verbose('Processing upgrades');
} else {
logger.verbose('No upgrades to process');
logger.verbose(`All upgrades: ${JSON.stringify(upgrades)}`);
// We are processing each upgrade sequentially for two major reasons:
// 1. Reduce chances of GitHub API rate limiting
// 2. Edge case collision of branch name, e.g. dependency also listed as dev dependency
return upgrades.reduce(
(promise, upgrade) => promise
.then(() => getChangelog(upgrade))
.then(updateDependency), Promise.resolve());
function getChangelog(upgrade) {
if (!upgrade.workingVersion || upgrade.workingVersion === upgrade.newVersion) {
return Object.assign(upgrade, { changelog: '' });
const semverString = `>${upgrade.workingVersion} <=${upgrade.newVersion}`;
let log = '';
logger.debug(`semverString: ${semverString}`);
return changelog.generate(upgrade.depName, semverString)
.then((res) => {
log = res;
return logger.silly(`${upgrade.depName} ${upgrade.newVersion} changelog: ${res}`);
.catch((error) => {
logger.verbose(`getChangelog error: ${error}`);
.then(() => Object.assign(upgrade, { changelog: log }));
function updateDependency(upgrade) {
// Expand upgrade params
const depType = upgrade.depType;
const depName = upgrade.depName;
const newVersion = upgrade.newVersion;
// Use templates to generate strings
const branchName = config.templates.branchName(upgrade);
let commitFunction = null;
let prFunction = null;
if (upgrade.upgradeType === 'pin') {
commitFunction = config.templates.commitMessagePin;
prFunction = config.templates.prTitlePin;
} else if (upgrade.upgradeType === 'minor') {
// Use same title for range or minor
commitFunction = config.templates.commitMessage;
prFunction = config.templates.prTitleMinor;
} else {
commitFunction = config.templates.commitMessage;
prFunction = config.templates.prTitleMajor;
const commitMessage = commitFunction(upgrade);
const prTitle = prFunction(upgrade);
const prBody = config.templates.prBody(upgrade);
// Check if same PR already existed and skip if so
// This allows users to close an unwanted upgrade PR and not worry about seeing it raised again
return github.checkForClosedPr(branchName, prTitle).then((prExisted) => {
if (prExisted && !config.force) {
logger.verbose(`${depName}: Skipping due to existing PR found.`);
return Promise.resolve();
return ensureAll();
function ensureAll() {
return ensureBranch()
.catch((error) => {
logger.error(`Error updating dependency ${depName}: ${error}`);
// Don't throw here - we don't want to stop the other renovations
function ensureBranch() {
// Save an API call by attempting to create branch without checking for existence first
return github.createBranch(branchName).catch((error) => {
// Check in case it's because the branch already existed
if (error.response.body.message !== 'Reference already exists') {
// In this case it means we really do have a problem and can't continue
logger.error(`Error creating branch: ${branchName}`);
logger.error(`Response: ${JSON.stringify(error.response.body)}`);
throw error;
// Otherwise we swallow this error and continue
function ensureCommit() {
// Retrieve the package.json from this renovate branch
return github.getPackageFile(branchName).then((res) => {
const currentSHA = res.body.sha;
const currentFileContent = new Buffer(res.body.content, 'base64').toString();
const currentJson = JSON.parse(currentFileContent);
if (currentJson[depType][depName] === newVersion) {
logger.verbose(`${depName}: branch ${branchName} is already up-to-date`);
return Promise.resolve();
// Branch must need updating
logger.verbose(`${depName}: Updating to ${newVersion} in branch ${branchName}`);
const newPackageContents = packageJson.setNewValue(
return github.writePackageFile(
.catch((error) => {
logger.error(`${depName} ensureCommit error: ${error}`);
throw error;
// Ensures that PR exists with matching title/body
function ensurePr() {
// Create PR based on current state
function createPr() {
return github.createPr(branchName, prTitle, prBody).then((newPr) => {
logger.info(`${depName}: Created PR #${newPr.number}`);
return newPr.number;
// Update PR based on current state
function updatePr(existingPr) {
return github.updatePr(existingPr.number, prTitle, prBody).then(() => {
logger.info(`${depName}: Updated PR #${existingPr.number}`);
return Promise.resolve();
// Process a returned PR
function processExistingPr(existingPr) {
if (!existingPr) {
// We need to create a new PR
return createPr().then(prNo => addLabels(prNo));
// Check if existing PR needs updating
if (existingPr.title === prTitle && existingPr.body === prBody) {
logger.verbose(`${depName}: PR #${existingPr.number} already up-to-date`);
return Promise.resolve();
// PR must need updating
return updatePr(existingPr);
// Add labels to a PR
function addLabels(prNo) {
if (config.labels.length === 0) {
logger.silly(`No labels to add to ${prNo}`);
return Promise.resolve();
return github.addLabels(prNo, config.labels);
return github.getPr(branchName)
.catch((error) => {
logger.error(`${depName} failed to ensure PR: ${error}`);