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Executable file
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2019 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../../modules/ACLActions/actiondefs.override.php')) {
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../modules/ACLActions/actiondefs.override.php';
} else {
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../modules/ACLActions/actiondefs.php';
class ACLAction extends SugarBean
public $module_dir = 'ACLActions';
public $object_name = 'ACLAction';
public $table_name = 'acl_actions';
public $new_schema = true;
public $disable_custom_fields = true;
public function __construct()
* static addActions($category, $type='module')
* Adds all default actions for a category/type
* @param STRING $category - the category (e.g module name - Accounts, Contacts)
* @param STRING $type - the type (e.g. 'module', 'field')
* @throws Exception
public static function addActions($category, $type = 'module')
global $ACLActions;
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
if (isset($ACLActions[$type])) {
foreach ($ACLActions[$type]['actions'] as $action_name => $action_def) {
$action = BeanFactory::newBean('ACLActions');
$tableName = $action->table_name;
$actionNameQuoted = $db->quoted($action_name);
$categoryQuoted = $db->quoted($category);
$typeQuoted = $db->quoted($type);
$query = "SELECT * FROM " . $tableName .
" WHERE name = " . $actionNameQuoted .
" AND category = " . $categoryQuoted .
" AND acltype = " . $typeQuoted .
" AND deleted = 0";
$result = $db->query($query);
// Only add if an action with that name and category don't exist
$row = $db->fetchByAssoc($result);
if ($row === false) {
$action->name = $action_name;
$action->category = $category;
$action->aclaccess = $action_def['default'];
$action->acltype = $type;
$action->modified_user_id = 1;
$action->created_by = 1;
} else {
sugar_die("FAILED TO ADD: $category - TYPE $type NOT DEFINED IN modules/ACLActions/actiondefs.php");
* static removeActions($category, $type='module')
* Removes all default actions for a category/type
* @param STRING $category - the category (e.g module name - Accounts, Contacts)
* @param STRING $type - the type (e.g. 'module', 'field')
* @throws Exception
public static function removeActions($category, $type = 'module')
global $ACLActions;
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
if (isset($ACLActions[$type])) {
foreach ($ACLActions[$type]['actions'] as $action_name => $action_def) {
$action = BeanFactory::newBean('ACLActions');
$tableName = $action->table_name;
$actionNameQuoted = $db->quoted($action_name);
$categoryQuoted = $db->quoted($category);
$typeQuoted = $db->quoted($type);
$query = "SELECT * FROM " . $tableName .
" WHERE name = " . $actionNameQuoted .
" AND category = " . $categoryQuoted .
" AND acltype = " . $typeQuoted .
" AND deleted = 0";
$result = $db->query($query);
// Only add if an action with that name and category don't exist
$row = $db->fetchByAssoc($result);
if ($row !== false) {
} else {
sugar_die("FAILED TO REMOVE: $category - TYPE $type NOT DEFINED IN modules/ACLActions/actiondefs.php");
* static AccessColor($access)
* returns the color associated with an access level
* these colors exist in the definitions in modules/ACLActions/actiondefs.php
* @param INT $access - the access level you want the color for
* @return the color either name or hex representation or false if the level does not exist
protected static function AccessColor($access)
global $ACLActionAccessLevels;
if (isset($ACLActionAccessLevels[$access])) {
return $ACLActionAccessLevels[$access]['color'];
return false;
* static AccessName($access)
* returns the translated name associated with an access level
* these label definitions exist in the definitions in modules/ACLActions/actiondefs.php
* @param INT $access - the access level you want the color for
* @return the translated access level name or false if the level does not exist
public static function AccessName($access)
global $ACLActionAccessLevels;
if (isset($ACLActionAccessLevels[$access])) {
return translate($ACLActionAccessLevels[$access]['label'], 'ACLActions');
return false;
* static AccessLabel($access)
* returns the label associated with an access level
* these label definitions exist in the definitions in modules/ACLActions/actiondefs.php
* @param INT $access - the access level you want the color for
* @return the access level label or false if the level does not exist
protected static function AccessLabel($access)
global $ACLActionAccessLevels;
if (isset($ACLActionAccessLevels[$access])) {
$label = preg_replace('/(LBL_ACCESS_)(.*)/', '$2', (string) $ACLActionAccessLevels[$access]['label']);
return strtolower($label);
return false;
* static getAccessOptions()
* this is used for building select boxes
* @return array containing access levels (ints) as keys and access names as values
protected static function getAccessOptions($action, $type = 'module')
global $ACLActions;
$options = [];
if (empty($ACLActions[$type]['actions'][$action]['aclaccess'])) {
return $options;
foreach ($ACLActions[$type]['actions'][$action]['aclaccess'] as $action) {
$options[$action] = self::AccessName($action);
return $options;
* function static getDefaultActions()
* This function will return a list of acl actions with their default access levels
* @param string $type
* @param string $action
* @return array
public static function getDefaultActions($type = 'module', $action = '')
$query = "SELECT * FROM acl_actions WHERE deleted=0 ";
if (!empty($type)) {
$query .= " AND acltype='$type'";
if (!empty($action)) {
$query .= "AND name='$action'";
$query .= " ORDER BY category";
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$result = $db->query($query);
$default_actions = array();
while ($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($result)) {
$acl = BeanFactory::newBean('ACLActions');
$default_actions[] = $acl;
return $default_actions;
* static getUserActions($user_id,$refresh=false, $category='', $action='')
* returns a list of user actions
* @param GUID $user_id
* @param bool $refresh
* @param string $category
* @param string $type
* @param string $action
* @return array of ACLActionsArray
public static function getUserActions($user_id, $refresh = false, $category = '', $type = '', $action = '')
//check in the session if we already have it loaded
if (!$refresh && !empty($_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id])) {
if (empty($category) && empty($action)) {
return $_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id];
} else {
if (!empty($category) && isset($_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category])) {
if (empty($action)) {
if (empty($type)) {
return $_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category];
return isset($_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category][$type]) ? $_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category][$type] : null;
} else {
if (!empty($type) && isset($_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category][$type][$action])) {
return $_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category][$type][$action];
$aclCatType = null;
if (isset($_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category][$type])) {
$aclCatType = $_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category][$type];
} else {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('ACL Category Type is not set for user action');
return $aclCatType;
} elseif (!empty($type) && isset($_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category][$type][$action])) {
return $_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category][$type][$action];
//if we don't have it loaded then lets check against the db
$additional_where = '';
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
if (!empty($category)) {
$additional_where .= " AND acl_actions.category = '$category' ";
if (!empty($action)) {
$additional_where .= " AND acl_actions.name = '$action' ";
if (!empty($type)) {
$additional_where .= " AND acl_actions.acltype = '$type' ";
* $query = "SELECT acl_actions .*, acl_roles_actions.access_override
* FROM acl_actions
* LEFT JOIN acl_roles_users ON acl_roles_users.user_id = '$user_id' AND acl_roles_users.deleted = 0
* LEFT JOIN acl_roles_actions ON acl_roles_actions.role_id = acl_roles_users.role_id AND acl_roles_actions.action_id = acl_actions.id AND acl_roles_actions.deleted=0
* WHERE acl_actions.deleted=0 $additional_where ORDER BY category,name";
$query = "(SELECT acl_actions .*, acl_roles_actions.access_override, 1 as user_role
FROM acl_actions
INNER JOIN acl_roles_users ON acl_roles_users.user_id = '$user_id' AND acl_roles_users.deleted = 0
LEFT JOIN acl_roles_actions ON acl_roles_actions.role_id = acl_roles_users.role_id AND acl_roles_actions.action_id = acl_actions.id AND acl_roles_actions.deleted=0
WHERE acl_actions.deleted=0 $additional_where )
(SELECT acl_actions .*, acl_roles_actions.access_override, 0 as user_role
FROM acl_actions
INNER JOIN securitygroups_users ON securitygroups_users.user_id = '$user_id' AND securitygroups_users.deleted = 0
INNER JOIN securitygroups_acl_roles ON securitygroups_users.securitygroup_id = securitygroups_acl_roles.securitygroup_id and securitygroups_acl_roles.deleted = 0
LEFT JOIN acl_roles_actions ON acl_roles_actions.role_id = securitygroups_acl_roles.role_id AND acl_roles_actions.action_id = acl_actions.id AND acl_roles_actions.deleted=0
WHERE acl_actions.deleted=0 $additional_where )
(SELECT acl_actions.*, 0 as access_override, -1 as user_role
FROM acl_actions
WHERE acl_actions.deleted = 0 )
ORDER BY user_role desc, category,name,access_override desc"; //want non-null to show first
$result = $db->query($query);
$selected_actions = array();
global $sugar_config;
$has_user_role = false; //used for user_role_precedence
$has_role = false; //used to determine if default actions can be ignored. If a user has a defined role don't use the defaults
while ($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($result, false)) {
if ($has_user_role == false && $row['user_role'] == 1) {
$has_user_role = true;
if ($has_role == false && ($row['user_role'] == 1 || $row['user_role'] ==0)) {
$has_role = true;
//if user roles should take precedence over group roles and we have a user role
//break when we get to processing the group roles
if ($has_user_role == true && $row['user_role'] == 0
&& isset($sugar_config['securitysuite_user_role_precedence'])
&& $sugar_config['securitysuite_user_role_precedence'] == true) {
if ($row['user_role'] == -1 && $has_role == true) {
break; //no need for default actions when a role is assigned to the user or user's group already
$acl = BeanFactory::newBean('ACLActions');
$isOverride = false;
if (!empty($row['access_override'])) {
$acl->aclaccess = $row['access_override'];
$isOverride = true;
if (!isset($selected_actions[$acl->category])) {
$selected_actions[$acl->category] = array();
if (!isset($selected_actions[$acl->category][$acl->acltype][$acl->name])
|| (
/* BEGIN - SECURITY GROUPS - additive security*/
(isset($sugar_config['securitysuite_additive']) && $sugar_config['securitysuite_additive'] == true
&& $selected_actions[$acl->category][$acl->acltype][$acl->name]['aclaccess'] < $acl->aclaccess)
((!isset($sugar_config['securitysuite_additive']) || $sugar_config['securitysuite_additive'] == false)
&& $selected_actions[$acl->category][$acl->acltype][$acl->name]['aclaccess'] > $acl->aclaccess)
&& $isOverride
&& $isOverride
) {
$selected_actions[$acl->category][$acl->acltype][$acl->name] = $acl->toArray();
$selected_actions[$acl->category][$acl->acltype][$acl->name]['isDefault'] = !$isOverride;
//only set the session variable if it was a full list;
if (empty($category) && empty($action)) {
if (!isset($_SESSION['ACL'])) {
$_SESSION['ACL'] = array();
$_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id] = $selected_actions;
} elseif (empty($action) && !empty($category)) {
if (!empty($type)) {
$selectedActionCategoryType = isset($selected_actions[$category][$type]) ? $selected_actions[$category][$type] : null;
$_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category][$type] = $selectedActionCategoryType;
$selectedActionCategory = isset($selected_actions[$category]) ? $selected_actions[$category] : null;
$_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category] = $selectedActionCategory;
} elseif (!empty($action) && !empty($category) && !empty($type)) {
$_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category][$type][$action] = $selected_actions[$category][$action];
// Sort by translated categories
uksort($selected_actions, 'ACLAction::langCompare');
return $selected_actions;
private static function langCompare($a, $b)
global $app_list_strings;
// Fallback to array key if translation is empty
$a = empty($app_list_strings['moduleList'][$a]) ? $a : $app_list_strings['moduleList'][$a];
$b = empty($app_list_strings['moduleList'][$b]) ? $b : $app_list_strings['moduleList'][$b];
if ($a == $b) {
return 0;
return ($a < $b) ? -1 : 1;
* (static/ non-static)function hasAccess($is_owner= false , $access = 0)
* checks if a user has access to this acl if the user is an owner it will check if owners have access
* This function may either be used statically or not. If used staticlly a user must pass in an access level not equal to zero
* @param boolean $is_owner
* @param int $access
* @return true or false
* static function hasAccess($is_owner=false, $access = 0){
public static function hasAccess($is_owner = false, $in_group = false, $access = 0, ACLAction $action = null)
* if($access != 0 && $access == ACL_ALLOW_ALL || ($is_owner && $access == ACL_ALLOW_OWNER))return true;
* //if this exists, then this function is not static, so check the aclaccess parameter
* if(isset($this) && isset($this->aclaccess)){
* if($this->aclaccess == ACL_ALLOW_ALL || ($is_owner && $this->aclaccess == ACL_ALLOW_OWNER))
* return true;
* }
if ($access != 0 && (
$access == ACL_ALLOW_ALL
|| ($is_owner && ($access == ACL_ALLOW_OWNER || $access == ACL_ALLOW_GROUP)) //if owner that's better than in group so count it...better way to clean this up?
|| ($in_group && $access == ACL_ALLOW_GROUP) //need to pass if in group with access somehow
)) {
return true;
if (!is_null($action) && isset($action->aclaccess)) {
if ($action->aclaccess == ACL_ALLOW_ALL
|| ($is_owner && $action->aclaccess == ($access == ACL_ALLOW_OWNER || $access == ACL_ALLOW_GROUP))
|| ($in_group && $access == ACL_ALLOW_GROUP) //need to pass if in group with access somehow
) {
return true;
return false;
* STATIC function userNeedsSecurityGroup($user_id, $category, $action,$type='module')
* checks if a user should have ownership to do an action
* @param string $user_id GUID
* @param string $category
* @param string $action
* @param string $type
* @return bool
public static function userNeedsSecurityGroup($user_id, $category, $action, $type = 'module')
// Check if we don't have it set in the cache if not lets reload the cache.
if (empty($_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category][$type][$action])) {
self::getUserActions($user_id, false);
if (!empty($_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category][$type][$action])) {
// Requires loose comparison.
return $_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category][$type][$action]['aclaccess'] == ACL_ALLOW_GROUP;
return false;
/* BEGIN - SECURITY GROUPS - added $in_group */
* static function userHasAccess($user_id, $category, $action, $is_owner = false)
* @param GUID $user_id the user id who you want to check access for
* @param string $category the category you would like to check access for
* @param string $action the action of that category you would like to check access for
* @param string $type
* @param bool $is_owner
* @param bool $in_group
* @return bool
public static function userHasAccess(
$type = 'module',
$is_owner = false,
$in_group = false
) {
global $current_user;
if ($current_user->isAdminForModule($category) && !isset($_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category][$type][$action]['aclaccess'])) {
return true;
//check if we don't have it set in the cache if not lets reload the cache
if (self::getUserAccessLevel($user_id, $category, 'access', $type) < ACL_ALLOW_ENABLED) {
return false;
if (empty($_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category][$type][$action])) {
self::getUserActions($user_id, false);
if (!empty($_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category][$type][$action])) {
* return ACLAction::hasAccess($is_owner, $_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category][$type][$action]['aclaccess']);
return self::hasAccess($is_owner, $in_group,
return false;
* function getUserAccessLevel($user_id, $category, $action,$type='module')
* returns the access level for a given category and action
* @param GUID $user_id
* @param string $category
* @param string $action
* @param string $type
* @return int (ACCESS LEVEL)
public static function getUserAccessLevel($user_id, $category, $action, $type = 'module')
if (empty($_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category][$type][$action])) {
self::getUserActions($user_id, false);
if (!empty($_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category][$type][$action])) {
if (!empty($_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category][$type]['admin']) && $_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category][$type]['admin']['aclaccess'] >= ACL_ALLOW_ADMIN) {
// If you have admin access for a module, all ACL's are allowed
return $_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category][$type]['admin']['aclaccess'];
return $_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category][$type][$action]['aclaccess'];
* STATIC function userNeedsOwnership($user_id, $category, $action,$type='module')
* checks if a user should have ownership to do an action
* @param string $user_id GUID
* @param string $category
* @param string $action
* @param string $type
* @return bool
public static function userNeedsOwnership($user_id, $category, $action, $type = 'module')
//check if we don't have it set in the cache if not lets reload the cache
if (empty($_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category][$type][$action])) {
self::getUserActions($user_id, false);
if (!empty($_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category][$type][$action])) {
// Requires loose type casting
return $_SESSION['ACL'][$user_id][$category][$type][$action]['aclaccess'] == ACL_ALLOW_OWNER;
return false;
* static pass by ref setupCategoriesMatrix(&$categories)
* takes in an array of categories and modifes them adding display information
* @param unknown_type $categories
* @return array
public static function setupCategoriesMatrix(&$categories)
global $ACLActions, $current_user;
$names = [];
$disabled = [];
foreach ($categories as $cat_name => $category) {
foreach ($category as $type_name => $type) {
foreach ($type as $act_name => $action) {
$names[$act_name] = translate($ACLActions[$type_name]['actions'][$act_name]['label'], 'ACLActions');
$actionAclAccess = null;
if (isset($action['aclaccess'])) {
$actionAclAccess = $action['aclaccess'];
} else {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('Action ACL access is not set for setup Categories Matrix');
$categories[$cat_name][$type_name][$act_name]['accessColor'] = self::AccessColor($actionAclAccess);
if ($type_name == 'module') {
$catModAccACL = null;
if (isset($categories[$cat_name]['module']['access']['aclaccess'])) {
$catModAccACL = $categories[$cat_name]['module']['access']['aclaccess'];
} else {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('Categories / category name: [' . $cat_name . '] / module / access / aclaccess is not set for ACLAction::setupCategoriesMatrix()');
// Requires loose comparison
if ($act_name != 'aclaccess' && $catModAccACL == ACL_ALLOW_DISABLED) {
$categories[$cat_name][$type_name][$act_name]['accessColor'] = 'darkgray';
$disabled[] = $cat_name;
$actionAclAccess = null;
if (isset($action['aclaccess'])) {
$actionAclAccess = $action['aclaccess'];
} else {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('ACL Action access is not set for ACLAction::setupCategoriesMatrix()');
$categories[$cat_name][$type_name][$act_name]['accessName'] = ACLAction::AccessName($actionAclAccess);
$categories[$cat_name][$type_name][$act_name]['accessLabel'] = ACLAction::AccessLabel($actionAclAccess);
if ($cat_name == 'Users' && $act_name == 'admin') {
$categories[$cat_name][$type_name][$act_name]['accessOptions'][ACL_ALLOW_DEFAULT] = ACLAction::AccessName(ACL_ALLOW_DEFAULT);;
$categories[$cat_name][$type_name][$act_name]['accessOptions'][ACL_ALLOW_DEV] = ACLAction::AccessName(ACL_ALLOW_DEV);;
} else {
$categories[$cat_name][$type_name][$act_name]['accessOptions'] = ACLAction::getAccessOptions($act_name,
if (!is_admin($current_user)) {
foreach ($disabled as $cat_name) {
return $names;
* function toArray()
* returns this acl as an array
* @param bool $dbOnly
* @param bool $stringOnly
* @param bool $upperKeys
* @return array of fields with id, name, access and category
public function toArray($dbOnly = false, $stringOnly = false, $upperKeys = false)
$array_fields = ['id', 'aclaccess'];
$arr = [];
foreach ($array_fields as $field) {
$thisField = null;
if (isset($this->$field)) {
$thisField = $this->$field;
} else {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('Field is not set for ACLAction: ' . $field);
$arr[$field] = $thisField;
return $arr;
* function fromArray($arr)
* converts an array into an acl mapping name value pairs into files
* @param array $arr
public function fromArray($arr)
foreach ($arr as $name => $value) {
$this->$name = $value;
* function clearSessionCache()
* clears the session variable storing the cache information for acls
public function clearSessionCache()
if (isset($_SESSION['ACL'])) {